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Leadership : Bibliographie
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Leadership : Bibliographie
de 1906 à 1949
- 1906, E. Mumford, "Origins of leadership", American Journal of Sociology, Vol 12, pp216–240, pp367–397, pp500–531
- 1909, E. Mumford, "The origins of leadership", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- 1911,
- F. W. Blackmar, "Leadership in reform", American Journal of Sociology, Vol 16, pp626–644
- George R. Dodson, "The Synoptic Mind: An Ideal of Leadership", The Harvard Theological Review, Vol 4, n°1, Jan., pp80-103
- 1918, C. A. Bach, "Leadership", Infantry Journal, 14, pp606-612
- 1923, W. G. Boyden, "Leadership", Infantry Journal, 22, pp280-281
- 1924, F. S. Chapin, "Leadership and group activity", Journal of Applied Sociology, Vol 8, pp141–145
- 1926, A. O. Bowden, "A study on the personality of student leadership in the united states", Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 21, pp149-160
- 1927,
- L. L. Bernard, "Leadership and propaganda", In: J. Davis & H. E. Barnes, "An introduction to sociology", New York: Heath
- W. V. Bingham, "Leadership", In: H. C. Metcalf, dir., The psychological foundations of management, New York: Shaw
- E. S. Bogardus, "Leadership and social distance", Sociology and Social Research, 12, pp173-178
- B. V. Moore, "The May conference on leadership", Personnel Journal, Vol 6, pp124–128
- 1928,
- W. H. Cowley, "Three distinctions in the study of leaders", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol 23, pp144-157
- Repris en 1985, In: B. M. Bass, dir., "Bass & Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: Theory, research & Managerial applications", New York: The Free Press, 3ème édition
- C. Schenk, "Leadership", Infantry Journal, 33, pp111-122
- W. H. Cowley, "Three distinctions in the study of leaders", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol 23, pp144-157
- 1929,
- E. S. Bogardus, “Leadership and attitudes”, Sociology and Social Research, Vol 13, pp377-387
- J. B. Nash, "Leadership", Phi Delta Kappan, Vol 12, pp24–25
- O. Tead, "The technique of creative leadership", In: O. Tead, dir., "Human nature and management", New York: McGraw-Hill
- 1930, C. M. Bundel, "Is leadership losing its importance?", Infantry Journal, Vol 36, pp339–349
- 1933,
- Clarence E. Case, "Leadership and conjoncture: a sociological hypothesis", Sociology and social research, 17, pp510-513
- L. M. Krueger, H. L. Smith, "A brief summary of literature on leadership", Bloomington: Indiana University, School of Education Bulletin
- 1934,
- J. H. Burns, "Psychology and Leadership", Fort Leavenworth, Kansas:Command and General Staff School Press
- M. Smith, "Personality dominance and leadership", Sociology and Social Research, Vol 19, pp18–25
- 1935,
- C. E. Kilbourne, "The elements of leadership", Journal of Coast Artillery, Vol 78, pp437-439
- O. Tead, "The Art of Leadership", New York: McGraw-Hill
- 1938, P. S. Bond, "The nature of leadership", Military Engineer, pp89-96
- 1939,
- A. Burne, "Lee, Grant and Sherman: A Study in Leadership in the 1864-1965 Campaign", New York: Scribners
- T. R. Phillips, "Leader and led", Journal of the Coast Artillery, Vol 82, pp45–58
- 1941, A. J. Murphy, "A study of the leadership process", American Sociological Review, Vol 6, pp674-687
- 1942,
- A. Bevelas et Kurt Lewin, "Training in democratic leadership", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 37, pp115-119
- F. Redl, "Group emotion and leadership", Psychiatric, Vol 5, pp573–596
- 1944, Douglas McGregor, "Conditions of Effective Leadership in the Industrial Organization", Journal of Consulting Psychology, 8, pp55-63
- 1948,
- I. Knickerbocker, "Leadership: A conception and some implications", Journal of Social Issues, Vol 4, pp23–40
- Benjamin N. Schoenfeld, "The Psychological Characteristics of Leadership", Social Forces, Vol 26, n°4, May, pp391-396
- Ralph M. Stogdill, "Personal Factors Associated with Leadership: A Survey of the Literature", Journal of Psychology, 25, pp335-371
- Repris en 1995, In: J. T. Wren, dir., "The leader’s companion: Insights on leadership throughout the ages", New York, NY: The Free Press, pp127-132
- 1949,
- D. T. Campbell, C. L. Shartle, R. M. Stogdill, "Studies in Naval Leadership", Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University
- J. K. Hemphill, "The leader and his group", Journal of Educational Research, Vol 28, pp225–229, pp245–246
- J. K. Hemphill, "Situational Factors in Leadership", Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University
De 1950 à 1959
- 1950,
- C. A. Gibb, "The sociometry of leadership in temporary groups", Sociometry, Vol 13, pp226-243
- Alvin W. Gouldner, dir., "Studies in Leadership: Leadership and Democratic Action", New York: Harper & Brothers
- Max Horkheimer, "Democratic Leadership and Mass Manipulation", In: Alvin W. Gouldner, dir., "Studies in Leadership: Leadership and Democratic Action", New York: Harper & Brothers, pp418-438
- R. T. Morris, M. Seeman, "The problem of leadership: An interdisciplinary approach", American Journal of Sociology, Vol 56, pp149–155
- R. Stogdill, "Leadership, membership and organization", Psychological Bulletin, Vol 47, pp1–14
- 1951,
- H. Guetzkow, dir., "Groups, leadership, and men", Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Press
- F. S. Haiman, "Group leadership and democratic action", Boston: Houghton Mifflin
- J. K. Hemphill, A. Seigel, C. W. Westie, "An Exploratory Study of Relations between Perceptions of Leader Behavior, Group Characteristics, and Expectations concerning the Behavior of Ideal Leaders", Personnel Research Board, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- D. C. Pelz, "Leadership within a hierarchical organization", Journal of Social Issues, Vol 7, pp49-55
- C. L. Shartel, "Leader behavior in jobs", Occupations, Vol 30, pp164–166
- C. L. Shartel, "Studies in naval leadership", In: H. Guetzkow, dir., "Groups, leadership, and men", Pittsburgh, Pa.: Carnegie Press
- 1952,
- O. N. Bradley, "Leadership training and national security", Army Information Digest, 8, pp35-38
- Douglas McGregor, "Leadership and the Conditions of Organizational Effectiveness", Public Health Reports (1896-1970), Vol 67, n°1, Jan., pp42-46
- D. C. Pelz, "Influence: A key to effective leadership in the first-line supervisor", Personnel, Vol 9, pp3-11
- 1953,
- Chris Argyris, "Executive Leadership: An Appraisal of a manager in Action", New York: Harper & Row
- L. Berkowitz, "Sharing leadership in small, decision-making groups", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48, pp231-238
- L. F. Carter, "Leadership and small group behavior", In: M. Sherif & M. O. Wilson, dir., "Group relations at the crossroads", New York: Harper
- R. B. Cattell, "New concepts for measuring leadership in terms of group syntality", In: D. Cartwright & A. Zander, dir., "Group Dynamics: Research and Theory" (2e edition), London: Tavistock, pp487-510
- Edwin A. Fleishman, "The measurement of leadership attitudes in industry", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 37, pp153–158
- Andrew W. Halpin, "Studies in Aircrew Composition. III. The Combat Leader Behavior of B-29 Aircraft Commanders. Boiling Air Force Base, Washington, D. C.: Human Factors Operations Research Laboratories, Sept., (HFORL Memorandum n°TN-54-7)
- E. N. Hay, M. L. Rock, "Investigation of the Use of Tests as a Predictor of Leadership and Group Effectiveness in a Job Evaluation Situation", The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol 38, n°1, August, pp109-119
- W. E. Jaynes, Ralph M. Stogdill, R. J. Wherry, "Patterns of leader behavior: A factorial study of naval officer performance", Columbus, OH: Ohio State University
- 1954,
- G. B. Bell, H. E. Hall Jr., "The relationship between leadership and empathy", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49, pp156-157
- R. B. Cattell, G. F. Stice, "Four Formulae for Selecting Leaders on the Basis of Personality", Human Relations, 7, pp493-507
- Cecil A. Gibb, "Leadership", In: G. Lindzey, dir., "Handbook of Social Psychology", Vol II, Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., pp877-920
- 1955,
- H. E. Burtt, Edwin A. Fleishman, E. F. Harris, "Leadership and supervision in industry: An Evaluation of a Supervisory Training Program", Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Educational Research, The Ohio State University
- Andew W. Halpin, "The Leadership Ideology of Aircraft Commanders", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 39, n°2, pp82-84
- Andew W. Halpin, "The Leader Behavior and Leadership Ideology of Educational Administrators and Aircraft Commanders", Harvard Educational Review, Vol 25, n°1, Winter, pp18-32
- Nahum Z. Medalia, Delbert C. Miller, "Human Relations Leadership and the Association of Morale and Efficiency in Work Groups: A Controlled Study with Small Military Units", Social Forces, Vol 33, n°4, May, pp348-352
- C. K. Warriner, "Leadership in the small group", American Journal of Sociology, Vol 60, pp361–369
- 1956,
- Howard Baumgartel, "Leadership, motivations, and attitudes in research laboratories", Journal of Social Issues, 12, pp24-31
- L. Berkowitz, "Social desirability and frequency of influence attempts as factors of leadership choice", Journal of Personality, 24,
- D. T. Campbell, "Leadership and its effect upon the group", Columbus: Ohio State University
- Andrew W. Halpin, "The Leadership Behavior of School Superintendents", Columbus, Ohio: University University
- C. L. Shartel, "Executive performance and leadership", Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: PrenticeHall
- 1957,
- Howard Baumgartel, "Leadership style as a variable in research administration", Administrative Science Quarterly, 2, pp344–360
- A. Coons et J E. Hemphill, "Development of the leader behavior description questionnaire", In: A. Coons et Ralph Stogdill, dir., "Leader Behavior: Its Description and Measurement", Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Research
- A. Coons et Ralph M. Stogdill, dir., "Leader Behavior: Its Description and Measurement", Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Research
- E. A. Fleishman, "A leader behavior description for industry", In: A. Coons et Ralph Stogdill, dir., "Leader Behavior: Its Description and Measurement", Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Research
- A. W. Halpin et B. J. Winer, "A factorial study of the leader behavior descriptions", In: A. Coons et Ralph Stogdill, dir., "Leader Behavior: Its Description and Measurement", Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Research
- R. Sakai, "Feudal Society and Modern Leadership in Satsuma-han", The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol 16, n°3, pp365-376
- M. Seeman, "A comparison of general and specific leader behavior descriptions", In: A. Coons et Ralph Stogdill, dir., "Leader Behavior: Its Description and Measurement", Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Business Research
- 1958,
- H. Cantril, "Effective Democratic Leadership: A Psychological lnterpretation", Journal of Individual Psychology, 14, pp128-138
- R. Lippitt, R. K. White, "An experimental study of leadership and group life", In: E. E. Maccoby, T. M. Newcomb & E. L. Hartley, dir., "Readings in Social Psychology", (3e ed), London: Methuen
- Robert Tannenbaum et Warren H. Schmitt, "How to choose a leadership pattern", Harvard Business Review, 36, March-April, pp95-101
- repris en 1973, How to Choose a leadership Pattern, Harvard Business Review, May-June, n°73311, pp162-180
- 1959, Ralph M. Stogdill, "Individual behaviour and group achievement", New York: Oxford University Press
De 1960 à 1969
- 1960,
- A. Bavelas, "Leadership: Man and function", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 4, pp491–498
- O. N. Bradley, "Leadership", Military Review, Vol 46, pp48-53
- Fred I. Greenstein, "The Benevolent Leader: Children's Images of Political Authority", American Political Science Review, Vol 54, pp934-943
- K. F. Janda, "Towards the explication of the concept of leadership in terms of the concept of power", Human Relations, Vol 13, pp345–363
- Eugene E. Jennings, "An anatomy of leadership : princes, heroes, and supermen", New York, N.Y. : Harper
- H. P. Shelley, "Focussed leadership and cohesiveness in small groups", Sociometry, Vol 23, pp209-216
- 1961,
- D. W. Abse et L. Jessner, “The Psychodynamic Aspects of Leadership”, Daedalus, Vol 90, n°4, pp693-710
- Repris en 1962, “The Psychodynamic Aspects of Leadership”, In: S. Graubard et G. Holton, dir., Excellence and Leadership in a Democracy, New York: Columbia University Press, pp76-93
- H. H. Albers, "Organized Executive Action: Decision Making, Communication, and Leadership", New York: Wiley
- I. C. Baker, "Leadership: requisites of the leader", Vital Speeches, 27, pp503-506
- Bernard M. Bass, "Some aspects of attempted, successful, and effective leadership", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 45, n°2, pp120-122
- Cliff S. Emeny, "Leadership and the rule of law", The Freeman, December, Vol 12, n°12, pp41-50
- F. Massarik, R. Tannenbaum, I. R. Weschler, "Leadership and organization", New York: McGraw-Hill
- S. Verba, "Small groups and political behavior: A study of leadership", Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press
- D. W. Abse et L. Jessner, “The Psychodynamic Aspects of Leadership”, Daedalus, Vol 90, n°4, pp693-710
- 1962,
- G. M. Beal, J. M. Bohlen, J. N. Raudabaugh, "Leadership and DynamicGroup Action", Ames, Iowa: the Iowa State University Press
- Roy E. Carter, Jr., Peter Clarke, "Public Affairs Opinion Leadership Among Educational Television Viewers", American Sociological Review, Vol 27, n°6, Dec., pp792-799
- D. R. Day, O. S. Goode, Ralph M. Stogdill, "New leader behavior description subscales", Journal of Psychology, Vol 54, pp259–269
- Edwin A. Fleishman, Edwin F. Harris, "Patterns of leadership behavior related to employee grievances and turnover", Personnel Psychology, Vol 15, pp43-56
- S. Graubard et G. Holton, dir., Excellence and Leadership in a Democracy, New York: Columbia University Press
- D. Kipnis et W. P. Lane, "Self confidence and leadership", Journal of Applied Psychology, 46, pp291-295
- 1963, Ralph M. Stogdill, "Manual for the leader behaviour description questionnaire, Form XII", Colombus, OH: Bureau of Business Research, Ohio State University
- 1964,
- Robert R. Blake et Jane S. Mouton, "The managerial grid", Houston, Gulf Publishing Company
- Fred Fiedler, "A contingency model of leader effectiveness", In: L. Berkowitz, dir., "Advances in experimental social psychology", Vol 1, New York: Academic Press, pp149–190
- Edwin Hollander, "Leaders, groups, and influence", New York: Oxford University Press
- O. E. Klapp, "Symbolic leaders", Chicago, IL: Aldine
- 1965,
- T. W. Adorno, "Democratic leadership and mass manipulation", In: A. W. Gouldner, dir., "Studies in leadership: Leadership and democratic action", New York: Russell & Russell, pp417-421
- W. W. Burke, "Leadership behavior as a function of the leader, the followers,and the situation", Journal of Personality, 33, pp60-81
- D. Cartwright, "Influence, leadership, control", In: James G. March, dire., "Handbook of organizations", Chicago: Rand McNally
- Amitai Etzioni, « Dual Leadership in Complex Organizations », American Sociological Review, vol 30, n°5, octobre, pp688-698
- A. W. Gouldner, dir., "Studies in leadership: Leadership and democratic action", New York: Russell & Russell
- L. W. Wager, "Leadership style, hierarchical influence, and supervisory role obligations", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 9, pp391-420
- 1966,
- L. R. Anderson, "Leader behavior, member attitudes, and task performance of intercultural discussion groups", Journal of Social Psychology, Vol 69, pp305-319
- D. G. Bowers, S. E. Seashore, "Predicting organizational effectiveness with a four-factor theory of leadership", Administrative Science Quarterly, 11, pp238-263
- 1967,
- Ken H. Blanchard et Paul Hersey, “Life-cycle theory of leadership”, Training and Development Journal, 23, pp26-34
- Fred Fiedler, "A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness", McGraw-Hill, New York
- 1968,
- John Adair, "Training for Leadership", Macdonald
- D. Cartwright, A. Zander,"Leadership: An introduction", IN: D. Cartwright & A. Zander, dir., "Group Dynamics: Research and Theory", 3e. London: Tavistock
- Amitai Etzioni, E. Lehman, "Dual leadership in a therapeutic organization", Revue Internationale De Psychologie Appliquee, 17(1), pp51-67
- B. Sarachek, "Greek concepts of leadership", Academy of Management Journal, Vol 11, pp39–48
- 1969,
- Nathan Axelrod, "Executive Leadership", Bobbs
- R. Blanchard, "The Leader Looks at the Consultative Process", Washington: Leadership Resources
- J. Cosentino et D. Kipnis, "Use of leadership powers in industry", Journal of Applied Psychology, 53, pp460-466
- C. A. Gibb, "Leadership", In: G. Lindzey & E. Aronson, dir., "The handbook of social psychology", 2d ed., vol 4. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, pp205-282
- C. A. Gibb, dir., "Leadership", Harmondsworth: Penguin
- Paul Hersey, K. H. Blanchard, "Life cycle theory of leadership", Training and Development Journal, 23(5), pp26–34
- Edwin Hollander, J. W. Julian, "Contemporary trends in the analysis of leadership processes", Psychological Bulletin, 71, pp387-397
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970,
- K. H. Blanchard, Paul Hersey, "A leadership theory for educational administrators", Education, 90, pp303-309
- Robert Greenleaf, "Servant as Leader", Center for Applied Studies
- T. Jacobs, "Leadership and Exchange in Formal Organisations", Chichester & New York: Wiley
- C. W. King et J. O. Summers, "Overlap of opinion leadership across consumer product categories", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 7, n°1, pp43-50
- Kevin Marjoribanks, "Bureaucratic Structure in Schools and Its Relationship to Dogmatic Leadership", The Journal of Educational Research, Vol 63, n°8, Apr., pp355-357
- 1971,
- R. A. Beaumont, "The young leader", Military Review, 51, pp33-39
- L. M. Berman, "Supervision, Staff Development, and Leadership", Columbus, Ohio: Merrill
- Alan C. Filley, D. N. Gujarat, Robert J. House, "Leadership style, hierarchical influence and the satisfaction of subordinate role expectations: A test of Likert’s influence proposition", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 55, pp422-432
- Alan C. Filley, Robert J. House, Steven Kerr, "Relation of leader consideration and initiation of structure to R and D subordinates' satisfaction", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 16, pp19-30
- Robert J. House, “A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 16(3), pp321-339
- T. O. Jacobs, "Leadership and exchange in formal organizations", Londres, Alexandria/Human Resources Research Organization
- Gary Yukl, "Towards a behavioral theory of leadership", Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, vol 6, pp414-440
- 1972,
- L. J. Baughman, "Leadership: Academic Research of theory", Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: Army War College
- O. N. Bradley, "Leadership", Parameters, 1, pp2-8
- R. J. Burby, "Fundamentals of Leadership: a guide for the supervisor", Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley
- S. Lieberson, J. F. O’Connor, "Leadership and organizational performance: A study of large corporations", American Sociological Review, Vol 37, pp117–130
- J. L. Pierce et J.W. Newstrom, dir., Leaders & the Leadership Process - Readings, Self-assessments & Applications, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
- 1973,
- John Adair, "Action-Centred Leadership", New York: McGraw-Hill
- A. S. Ashour, "The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: An Evaluation", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 9(3), pp339–355
- J. T. Bonner, "Leadership for Lawmen", FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Vol 42, n°12, pp7-9
- R. P. Butler, E. E. Cureton, "Factor analysis of small group leadershipbehavior", Journal of Social Psychology, 89, pp85-89
- D. A. Butterfield et G. F. Farris, "Are current theories of leadership culture bound’? An empirical test in Brazil", In: E. A. Fleishman et J. G. Hunt, dir., "Current developments in the study of leadership", Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, pp105-138
- J. V. Downton "Rebel leadership: Commitment and charisma in a revolutionary process", New York: Free Press
- J. A. Miller, "Structuring/destructuring: Leadership in open systems", (Tech. Rep. No. 64), Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, Management Research Center
- James Owen, "The User of Leadership Theory", Michigan Business Review, January
- D. J. Stang, "Effects of interaction rate on ratings of leadership and liking", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 27, pp405-408
- A. J. Templer, "Self-perceived and other perceived leadership style using the leader behavior description questionnaire", Personnel Psychology, 26, pp359-367
- Victor H. Vroom et P. W. Yetton, "Leadership and Decision Making", University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh
- 1974,
- P. J. Burke, "Participation and leadership in small groups", American Sociological Review, 39, pp832-842
- R. P. Butler, C. L. Jaffee, "Effects of incentive, feedback, and mannerof presenting the feedback on leader behavior", Journal of Applied Psychology, 59, pp332-336
- M. D. Cohen, J. C. March, "Leadership and Ambiguity: The American President", New York: McGraw-Hill
- Robert J. House et G. Dessler, "The path-goal theory of leadership: some post hoc and a priori tests", In: J. G. Hunt et L. L. Anderson, dir., Contingency Approaches to Leadership, Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois
- Robert J. House et T. R. Mitchell, “Path-Goal Theory Of Leadership", Journal of Contemporary Business, 3, pp81–97
- Repris en 1974, In: J. L. Pierce et J. W. Newstrom, dir., Leaders & the Leadership Process, Readings, Selfassessments & Applications, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, pp140-146
- H. S. Lewis, "Leaders and followers: Some anthropological perspectives", Addison-Wesley Module in Anthropology n° 50. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley
- P. L. Riedesel, "Bales reconsidered: A critical analysis of popularity and leadership differentiation", Sociometry, Vol 37, pp557-564
- Ralph M. Stogdill, "Historical trends in leadership theory and research", Journal of Contemporary Business, 3(4), pp1-17
- Ralph M. Stogdill, "Handbook of leadership", New York: Free Press
- 1975,
- K. M. Bartol, M. S. Wortman Jr., "Male versus female leaders: effects on perceived leader behavior and satisfaction in a hospital", Personnel Psychology, 28, pp533-547
- R. G. Boutillier, R. M. Sorrentino, "The effect of quantity and quality of verbal interaction on leadership ability", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 11, pp403-411
- C. N. Greene, "The reciprocal nature of influence between leader and subordinate”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60, pp187-193
- J. G. Hunt & L. L. Larson, dir., "Leadership Frontiers", Kent, OH: Kent State University Press
- J. G. Hunt et R. N. Osborn, "An adaptive-reactive theory of leadership: the role of macro variables in leadership research", In: J. G. Hunt & L. L. Larson, dir., "Leadership frontiers", Kent, OH: Comparative Administration Research Institute, Kent State University, pp27-44
- A. G. Jago et Victor H. Vroom, "Perceptions of leadership style: Superior and subordinate descriptions of decision making behavior", In: J. G. Hunt & L. L. Larson, dir., "Leadership Frontiers", Kent, OH: Kent State University Press
- T. W Johnson et J. E. Stinson, "The path-goal theory of leadership: A partial test and suggested refinement", Academy of Management Journal, 18, pp242–252
- E. J. Lawler, H. A. Michener, "Endorsement of formal leaders: An integrative model", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 31, pp216-223
- J. Miner, "The uncertain future of the leadership concept: An overview", în: G. Hunt, L. Larson, dir., "Leadership frontiers", Kent, OH: Kent State University Press
- R. M. Stogdill, "The evolution of leadership theory", Proceedings of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, pp4–6
- 1976,
- Chris Argyris, "Increasing Leadership Effectiveness", New York: John Wiley & Sons
- J. C. Barrow, "Worker performance and task complexity as causal determinants of leader behavior style and flexibility", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 61, pp433-440
- K. M. Bartol, D. A. Butterfield, "Sex effects in evaluating leaders", Journal of Applied Psychology, 61, pp446-454
- D. D. Braun, "Alienation and participation: a replication comparing leaders and the ' mass'", Journal of Political and Military Sociology, pp245-259
- C. Bunch, B. Fisher, "What future for leadership?", Quest, Vol 2, pp2-13
- J. A., Castellaneta, G. Constantinidis, C. R. Fortuno, D. J. Stang, "Actual versus perceived talkativeness as determinants of judged leadership, popularity, and likeableness", Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, Vol 8, pp44-46
- Robert J. House, S. Kerr, C. A. Schriesheim, "Leader initiating structure: a reconciliation of discrepant research results and some empirical tests", Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 15, pp297-321
- J. Pandey, "Effects of leadership style, personality characteristics and methods of leader selection on members’ leaders’ behavior", European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol 6, pp475–489
- 1977,
- T. D. Affourit, "LEAP (Leadership Evaluation and Analysis Program) at organizational efficiency", Marine Corps Gazette, 61, pp25-26
- R. L. Akers, "Type of leadership in prison: A structural approach to testing the functional and importation models", Sociological Quarterly, Vol 18, pp378-383
- G. A. Baker, "Motivating positively is another way of saying leadership", Marine Corps Gazette, 61, pp43-50
- J. C. Barrow, "The variables of leadership: A review and conceptual framework", Academy of Management Review, 2, pp231-251
- J. C. Barrow, "Some aspects of attempted, successful, and effective leadership", Academy of Management Review, 2, pp252-276
- A. M. Biondi, R. B. Noller, S. J. Parnes, dir., Guide to creative action. NYC: Scribners
- A. M. Bird, "Team structure and success as related to cohesiveness and leadership", Journal of Social Psychology, 103, pp217-223
- J. P. Campbell, "The cutting edge of leadership: An overview", In: J. G. Hunt et L. L. Larson, dir., "Leadership: The cutting edge", Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press
- Cal W. Downs & Terry Pickett, "An analysis of the effects of nine leadership — group compatibility contingencies upon productivity and member satisfaction", Communication Monographs, Vol 44, n°3, August, pp220-230
- T. Gordon, "Leadership Effectiveness Training", Wyden Books
- Robert K. Greenleaf, "Servant Leadership: A Journey Into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness", New York: Paulist Press
- Nouvelle édition en 1983, Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press
- J. G. Hunt et L. L. Larson, dir., "Leadership: The cutting edge", Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press
- S. Kerr et C. A. Schriesheim, "Theories and measures of leadership: a critical appraisal of current and future directions", In: J.G. Hunt & L.L. Larson, dir., "Leadership: the cutting edge, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, pp9-45
- C. Jeddy LeVar, "The Nixon court: a study of leadership”, The Western Political Quarterly, Vol 30, n°4, pp484-492
- M. M. Lombardo et M. W. McCall, dir., Leadership: Where Else Can We Go? Durham, NC: Duke University Press
- M. Maccoby, "The gamesman: the new corporate leaders", Simon & Schuster, New York
- A. J. Melcher, "Leadership models and research approaches", In: J. G. Hunt & L. Larson, dir., "Leadership: The cutting edge", Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, pp94-108
- R. H. Miles et M. M. Petty, "Leader effectiveness in small bureaucracies", Academy of Management Journal, 20, pp238–250
- Michael Miller Orr, Thomas O'Rourke, Shirley H. Wattenberg, "Comparison of opinions of social work administration and hospital adminisrators toward leadership tasks", MPH Social Work in Health Care, Vol 2, n°3, May, pp285-293
- S. J. Parnes, "Creative leadership", In N/S-LTI-G/T, A new generation of leadership. Los Angeles, CA: N/S-LTI-G/T, Brief No. 4
- J. Pfeffer, "The Ambiguity of Leadership", In: M. M. Lombardo et M. W. McCall, dir., Leadership: Where Else Can We Go? Durham, NC: Duke University Press
- Ralph M. Stogdill, "Leadership: abstracts and bibliography 1904 to 1974", Columbus: College of Administrative Science, Ohio State University
- 1978,
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Notes et références
- ↑ Les auteurs se préoccupent de la façon dont les styles de leadership sont influencés par les contingences environnementales. Cependant, dans le cadre d'un contrat incomplet qui un rôle clé dans leur article, l'offre d'incitations auprès des salariés n'est pas simple. Plus précisément, ils considèrent le problème de la rémunération ne peut pas être basée sur l'effort non observable du gestionnaire mais lorsqu'elle doit être basée sur la mise en œuvre du projet. C'est le cas particulier des cadres intermédiaires qui développent des idées de projet. Par conséquent, le contrat est incomplet et l'engagement est imparfait. Ainsi, le style de leadership affecte les croyances des employés sur la façon dont ils seront rémunérés dans diverses circonstances.
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