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Leadership partagé
Le leadership partagé suppose un ensemble de pratiques qui sont adoptées par des individus à tous les niveaux d'une organisation plutôt que d'un ensemble de caractéristiques personnelles et d'attributs dont disposeraient certaines personnes situées au sommet d'une hiérarchie. La théorie du leadership partagé prend aussi en compte qu'il est de plus en plus difficile pour un seul individu de posséder toutes les compétences et toutes les aptitudes requises pour diriger une organisation de façon efficace.
Origine et définition du leadership partagé
L'origine du leadership partagé remonte au VIe siècle avant Jésus-Christ, grâce au philosophe chinois, Lao Tzu qui a écrit sur le "leader sage" dans son ouvrage, "Tao Te Ching". Sa philosophie apporte une contribution majeure au thème du partage du leadership avec les subordonnés. Le leader sage se contente d'un bon travail et il permet aux autres de prendre la parole. Le leader ne prend pas tout le crédit pour ce qui arrive et il n'a pas besoin de la gloire du leadership narcissique.
Le concept fut relativement négligé notamment tout au long du 19ème et du 20ème siècle sous la domination du paradigme du leadership vertical. Durant cette époque, les organisations opéraient avec un leadership managérial caractérisé par un leader dominant avec du pouvoir sur les autres et exerçant une influence sur de multiples subordonnés, lesquels avaient relativement peu d'influence sur la décision de management de leurs supérieurs.
Une abondance d'études sur le leadership partagé provient des domaines de la santé et de l'éducation, deux secteurs qui sont particulièrement ouvert à cette idée. Les études à l'extérieur de ces deux secteurs d'activité sont rares, mais elles incluent une collection de types d'organisations et de groupes variés.
Peter Gronn (2002) distingue deux formes basiques du leadership partagé, l'un additif et l'autre holistique. La forme additive du leadership partagé suppose la dispersion des tâches parmi les membres au travers d'une organisation sans prise en compte explicite des interactions effectuées par les membres. Tel est le sens le plus commun du terme de ceux qui préconisent que "tout le monde est leader". La forme holistique du leadership partagé porte sur l'interdépendance de ceux qui fournissent le leadership. Cela suppose que la totalité de la fonction du leadership est supérieure à la somme des parties car il existe des niveaux élevés d'interdépendance entre ceux qui fournissent le leadership. La forme holistique du leadership partagé produit des activités de leadership qui émergent dans un processus dynamique, multi-directionnel et social qui mène à un apprentissage pour les personnes concernées, ainsi que pour leurs organisations.
Le partage du pouvoir et de l'autorité
Le leadership partagé repose sur une invitation à se joindre au but de l'entreprise ou à rejoindre l'entreprise commune. Cela signifie que le partage du pouvoir et de l'autorité, invitent les autres à développer l'organisation. Le leadership partagé est un leadership dynamique puisque'il s'appuie sur un échange dynamique d'influence latérale entre pairs. Le traditionnel chef de file "vertical", qu'il soit nommé ou émergent, n'est pas la seule source d'influence. Les membres de l'équipe sont l'autre source puissante d'influence. En ce sens, le leadership partagé est un processus de collaboration, émergent de l'interaction des membres du groupe qui négocient fluidement une compréhension partagée sur la façon de piloter les décisions et d'exercer l'autorité. Par conséquent, l'influence du leadership provient d'un leader ou des leaders, de l'interaction des membres de l'équipe et de la négociation sur la compréhension commune de l'autorité. Le leadership partagé n'est donc pas une alternance d'influence entre leaders où le rôle de leader passerait d'un individu à un autre, mais comme un processus qualitativement différent et socialement interactif. Il s'agit d'un processus social qui exige des compétences propres (comme un engagement dans l'influence latérale, une acceptation des responsabilités, une réponse aux attentes de performances des pairs), qui sont distinctes des compétences verticales traditionnelles du chef de file. Ces compétences brouillent nettement la distinction entre le leader et le suiveur sans toutefois l'éliminer complètement. Cependant, cette distinction leader-suiveur devient moins utile dans la compréhension et dans la description du leadership partagé.
Le leadership partagé s'associe au leadership fondé sur les valeurs car des valeurs claires au sein d'une organisation ont tendance à être largement partagées. Ces valeurs prescrivent les comportements qui sont attendus au sein de l'organisation. Dès lors, l'entrepreneur est généralement responsable de la vision de ce que l'entreprise va ressembler. Cette image est fortement influencée par ses valeurs personnelles. En outre, pour les personnes qui s'engagent dans l'expérience entrepreneuriale au fil du temps, la vision de l'entreprise articule la substance de ces objectifs. Les valeurs sur lesquelles est fondée la vision, représentent les principes directeurs de la façon d'atteindre ces objectifs.
Les membres d'une équipe avec un leadership partagé affichent fréquemment des comportements de concert les uns avec les autres. En d'autres termes, les membres de l'équipe expriment un comportement groupé de façon à influencer volontairement les autres membres. A défaut de répondre à cette expression, l'influence cohésive conduit les membres leaders (initiateurs) à prendre des mesures correctives contre les personnes qui ne choisissent pas les bons comportements. Le but est soit d'influencer ces membres à s'adapter aux comportements souhaités, soit de les amener à quitter l'équipe.
Du fait qu'une personne puisse influencer asymétriquement les autres, même brièvement, certains groupes ou équipe se prémunissent d'un leadership sauvage en établissant des règles de conduite à savoir la capacité de promulguer un leadership partagé, règle spécifiant la capacité de d'échanger aisément et souplement les rôles de leader et de suiveur entre les membres de l'équipe en réponse à des conditions changeantes.
Informations complémentaires
- 1953, L. Berkowitz, "Sharing leadership in small, decision-making groups", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48, pp231–238
- 1984, D. S. Peters et G. S. Scoville, "Shared leadership in the graduate classroom", Innovative Higher Education 8(2)
- 1992, J. M. Bryson, B. C. Crosby, "Leadership for the Common Good: Tackling Public Problems in a Shared-Power World", San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers
- 1996,
- Bruce J. Avolio, Dong I. Jung, W. Murry, N. Sivasubramaniam, "Building highly developed teams: Focusing on shared leadership process, efficacy, trust, and performance", In: M. M. Beyerlein, D. Johnson, S. T. Beyerlein, dir., "Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams: vol. 3: Team Leadership, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp173–209
- Kathleen Sweeney, "A shared leadership model for human services program management", International Journal of Public Administration, Vol 19, n°7, January, pp1105-1120
- Olivia Yang, "Shared leadership in self-managed teams: A competing values approach", Total Quality Management, Vol 7, n°5, October, pp521-534
- 1997, M. Card, S. H. Spooner, R. Keenan, "Determining if shared leadership is being practiced: Evaluation methodology", Nursing Administration Quarterly, 22(1), pp47-56
- 1998,
- D. L. Bradford, A. R. Cohen, "Power Up: Transforming Organizations Through Shared Leadership", New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- B. J. Merkens, J. B. Spencer, "A successful and necessary evolution to shared leadership: A hospital’s story", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 11(1), ppI-IV
- Janet K. Poley, "Creating shared leadership environments in institutional and international settings", American Journal of Distance Education, Vol 12, n°2, January, pp16-25
- 1999,
- Isa Aron et Laura Samuels, "Shared leadership in a congregational change effort", Journal of Jewish Education, vol 65, n°1-2, mars, pp25-41
- Craig L. Pearce, Monica L. Perry, Henry P. Sims, "Empowered selling teams: How shared leadership can contribute to selling team outcomes", Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19(3), pp35-51
- 2000,
- S. Jackson, "A qualitative evaluation of shared leadership barriers, drivers and recommendations", Journal of Management in Medicine, 14(3/4), pp166-178
- C. L. Pearce, H. P. Sims, "Shared leadership: Toward a multi-level theory of leadership", In: M. M. Beyerlein, D. A. Johnson, S. T. Beyerlein, dir., "Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams", Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp115–139
- 2001,
- M. Boardman, "The value of shared leadership: Tasmanian Teachers’ and Leaders’ Differing Views", International Studies in Educational Administration, 29(3), p2
- Lynn Gelzheiser, Barbara Meyers, Joel Meyers"Observing Leadership Roles in Shared Decision Making: A Preliminary Analysis of Three Teams", Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, Vol 12, n°4, December, pp277-312
- 2002,
- Niki Davis, "Leadership of information technology for teacher education: a discussion of complex systems with dynamic models to inform shared leadership", Journal of Information Techology for Teacher Education, Vol 11, n°3, October, pp253-272
- G. Eagleson, R. Waldersee, "Shared leadership in the implementation of re-orientations", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 23(7), pp400-407
- J. Galbraith, E. E. Lawler III et J. O'Toole, "Leadership-When Two (or More) Heads are Better than One: The Promise and Pitfalls of Shared Leadership", California Management Review, 44(4), pp65-84
- P. Gronn, "Distributed leadership", In: K. Leithwood & P. Hallinger, dir., "Second international handbook of educational leadership and administration", The Netherlands: Kluwer, pp653-696
- C. L. Pearce, H. P. Sims Jr., "Vertical versus shared leadership as predictors of the effectiveness of change management teams: An examination of aversive, directive, transactional, transformational and empowering leader behaviors", Group Dynamics, 6, pp172–197
- 2003,
- Jay A. Conger, Craig L. Pearce, dir., "Shared leadership. Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership", Sage, Thousand Oaks CA
- Jay A. Conger, Craig L. Pearce, "All those years ago: The historical underpinnings of shared leadership", In: Jay A. Conger, Craig L. Pearce, dir., "Shared leadership. Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
- Jay A. Conger, Craig L. Pearce, "A landscape of opportunities—future research in shared leadership", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared leadership—reframing the hows and whys of leadership", Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, pp285-303
- J. F. Cox, C. L. Pearce, M. L. Perry, "Toward a model of shared leadership and distributed influence in the innovation process: How shared leadership can enhance new product development team dynamics and effectiveness", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared leadership: Reframing the hows and whys", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- M. Csikszentmihalyi, C. Hooker, "Flow, creativity, and shared leadership: Rethinking the motivation and structuring of knowledge work", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared leadership: Reframing the hows and whys of leadership", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp217-234
- M. D. Ensley, A. Pearson, C. L. Pearce, "Top management team process, shared leadership, and new venture performance: A theoretical model and research agenda", Human Resource Management Review, 13(2), pp329-346
- J. K. Fletcher, K. Kåufer, "Shared leadership: Paradox and possibility", In: Jay A. Conger, Craig L. Pearce, dir., "Shared leadership: Reframing the hows and whys", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- J. Galbraith, E. E. Lawler III, J. O’Toole, "The promise and Pitfalls of Shared Leadership: When two (or More) Heads are better than One", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership", Sage Publications, London
- C. Hooker et M. Csikszentmihalyi, "Flow, Creativity, and Shared Leadership: Rethinking the Motivation and Structuring of Knowledge Work", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership", Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
- J. D. Houghton, C. P. Neck, Charles C. Manz, "Self-Leadership and SuperLeadership: The Heart and Art of Creating Shared Leadership in Teams", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of Leadership", Sage Publications, London
- T. Keller, A. Seers, J. M. Wilkerson, "Can team members share leadership? Foundations in research and theory", In: Jay A. Conger, Craig L. Pearce, dir., "Shared leadership: Reframing the hows and whys", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Y. Lapidot, B. Shamir, "Shared leadership in the management of group boundaries: A study of expulsions from officers’ training courses", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared leadership: Reframing the hows and whys of leadership", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp235-249
- M. Mayo, J. R. Meindl, J. C. Pastor, "Shared leadership in work teams: A social network approach", In: Craig L. Pearce, Jay A. Conger, dir., "Shared leadership—reframing the hows and whys of leadership", Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- A. Ropo et E. Sauer, "Partnerships of Orchestras: Toward shared leadership", International Journal of Arts and Management, 5(2), pp44-55
- 2004,
- M. Alavi, C. L. Pearce, Y. Yoo, "Leadership, social work and virtual teams: The relative influence of vertical vs. shared leadership in the nonprofit sector", In: R. Riggio & S. Smith-Orr, dir., "Nonprofit leadership", San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, pp180-203
- C. L. Pearce, "The future of leadership: Combining vertical and shared leadership to transform knowledge work", Academy of Management Executive, Vol 18, pp47-57
- 2005,
- A. Caress, L. Scott, "Shared governance and shared leadership: Meeting the challenges of implementation", Journal of Nursing Management, 13(1), pp4-12
- Charles C. Manz et Craig L. Pearce, "The New Silver Bullets of Leadership: The Importance of Self- and Shared Leadership in Knowledge Work", Organizational Dynamics, 34(2), pp130-140
- Michael T. Miller, Myron L. Pope, "Leading from the Inside Out: Learned Respect for Academic Culture through Shared Governance", Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Vol 29, n°9-10, October, pp745-757
- Michael S. Wood, "Determinants of shared leadership in management teams", International Journal of Leadership Studies, 1(1), pp64-85
- 2006,
- A. Becker, T. A. Carte, L. Chidambaram, "Emergent leadership in self-managed virtual teams: A longitudinal study of concentrated and shared leadership behaviors", Group Decision and Negotiation, 15(4), pp323-343
- M. C. Bligh, J. C. Kohles, C. L. Pearce, "The importance of self and shared leadership in team based knowledge work: A meso-level model of leadership dynamics", Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), pp296-318
- M. D. Ensley, K. M. Hmieleski, C. L. Pearce, "The importance of vertical and shared leadership within new venture top management teams: Implications for the performance of startups", Leadership Quarterly, 17:3, pp217-231
- George B. Graen, "To Share or Not to Share Leadership: New LMX-MMX Network Leadership or Charismatic Leadership on Creative Projects", In: George B. Graen, Joni A. Graen, dir., "Sharing network leadership", LMX leadership: The series, Vol 4, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- K. J. Klein, J. C. Ziegert, A. P. Knight, Y. Xiao, "Dynamic delegation: Shared, hierarchical, and deindividualized leadership in extreme action teams", Administrative Science Quarterly, 51, pp590-621
- Michael W. Kramer, "Shared Leadership in a Community Theater Group: Filling the Leadership Role", Journal of Applied Communication Research, Vol 34, n°2, May, pp141-162
- Michael W. Kramer, "Communication Strategies for Sharing Leadership Within a Creative Team: LMX in Theater Groups", In: George B. Graen, Joni A. Graen, dir., "Sharing network leadership", LMX leadership: The series, Vol 4, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- Helen M. Marks et Susan M. Printy, "Shared Leadership for Teacher and Student Learning", Theory Into Practice, Vol 45, n°2, mai, pp125-132
- Lynn R. Offermann et Noelle F. Scuderi, "Followers Sharing Leadership: Who, What, When, Why and How", In: M. C. Bligh, Boas Shamir, R. Pillai, M. Uhl-Bien, dir., "Follower-centered perspectives on leadership: A tribute to the memory of James R. Meindl", Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- N. Rice, "Opportunities lost, possibilities found: Shared leadership and inclusion in an urban high school", Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 17(2), pp88-100
- 2007,
- J. C. Alves, K. J. Lovelace, Charles C. Manz, "Work stress and leadership development: The role of self-leadership, shared leadership, physical fitness and flow in managing demands and increasing job control", Human Resource Management Review, 17(4), pp374-387
- J. B. Carson, P. E. Tesluk, J. A. Marrone, "Shared leadership in teams: An investigation of antecedent conditions and performance", Academy of Management Journal, 50(5), pp1217-1234
- Jay A. Conger, Edwin A. Locke, Craig L. Pearce, “Shared leadership theory”, Leadership Quarterly, Vol 18, n°3, pp281-288
- D. Fields, M. S. Wood, "Exploring the impact of shared leadership on management team member job outcomes", Baltic Journal of Management, 2(3), pp251-
- A. Kakabadse, N. K. Kakabadse, L. Lee-Davies, "Shared leadership: Leading through polylogue", Business Strategy Series, 8(4), pp246-253
- C. L. Pearce, "The future of leadership development: The importance of identity, multilevel approaches, self-leadership, physical fitness, shared leadership, networking, creativity, emotions, spirituality and on-boarding processes", Human Resource Management Review, 17(4), pp355-359
- 2008,
- A. Konu, E. Viitanen, "Shared leadership in Finnish social and health care", Leadership in Health Services, 21(1), pp28-40
- Ronald Lindahl, "Shared Leadership: Can It Work in Schools?", The Educational Forum, Vol 72, n°4, October, pp298-307
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, "The roles of vertical and shared leadership in the enactment of executive corruption: Implications for research and practice", The Leadership Quarterly, 19(3), pp353–359
- 2009,
- Jay A. Conger, Edward E. Lawler, "Sharing leadership on corporate boards: A critical requirement for teamwork at the top", Organizational Dynamics, 38 (3), pp183-191
- Charles C. Manz, R. Paulson, H. Wajdi, "Succeeding through collaborative conflict: The paradoxical lessons of shared leadership", Journal of Values Based Leadership, Vol 2, pp59-74
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, "Where Do We Go From Here?: Is Shared Leadership the Key to Team Success?", Organizational Dynamics, Vol 38, n°3, pp234–238
- Charles C. Manz, F. Shipper, G. L. Stewart, "Everyone a Team Leader: Do the Shared Leadership Practices of WL Gore Provide an Answer to the Question ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’", Organizational Dynamics, Vol 38, pp239-244
- Jorunn Møller, "Learning to share: a vision of leadership practice", International Journal of Leadership in Education, Vol 12, n°3, July, pp253-267
- 2010,
- Cecil Craig, Gordon Marnoch & Ivan Topping, "Shared leadership with minority ethnic communities: views from the police and the public in the UK Policing and Society", Vol 20, n°3, September, pp336-357
- Marybeth Gasman, "Five Lessons for Campus Leaders: Academic Freedom, Shared Governance, and Tenure at an Historically Black University", Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, Vol 42, n°6, October, pp54-57
- Michael D. Kocolowski, "Shared Leadership: Is it Time for a Change?", Emerging Leadership Journeys, Vol 3, n°1, pp22-32
- F. Pinar Acar, "Analyzing the effects of diversity perceptions and shared leadership on emotional conflict: a dynamic approach", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol 21, n°10, August, pp1733-1753
- 2011,
- Stephen B. Adams, Charles C. Manz, Karen P. Manz, Frank Shipper, "Sustainable Performance With Values-Based Shared Leadership: A Case Study of a Virtuous Organization", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Vol 28, pp284-296
- Stephen B. Adams, Charles C. Manz, Karen P. Manz, Frank Shipper, "A Model of Values-Based Shared Leadership and Sustainable Performance", Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol 21, pp687-702
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, "Leadership centrality and Corporate Social Ir-Responsibility (CSIR): The potential ameliorating effects of self or shared leadership on CSIR", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 102, pp563–579
- 2012,
- Robert A. Baron, Michael S. Cole, Keith M. Hmieleski, "Shared Authentic Leadership and New Venture Performance", Journal of Management, September, vol 38, n°5, pp1476-1499
- Jacqueline Z. Bergman, Shawn M. Bergman, Joan R. Rentsch, Erika E. Small, Shaun W. Davenport, "The Shared Leadership Process in Decision-Making Teams", The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol 152, n°1, January, pp17-42
- Gina S. Matkin et Alex J. Ramthun, "Multicultural Shared Leadership: A Conceptual Model of Shared Leadership in Culturally Diverse Teams", Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, August, Vol 19, n°3, pp303-314
- 2013,
- Samuel Akanno, Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, "Searching for the Holy Grail of Management Development and Sustainability: Is Shared Leadership Development the Answer?”, Journal of Management Development, Vol 32, pp247-257
- Roseanne J. Foti et Heather H. McIntyre, "The impact of shared leadership on teamwork mental models and performance in self-directed teams", Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, January, Vol 16, n°1, pp46-57
- Aniket Kittur, Haiyi Zhu, Robert E. Kraut, "Effectiveness of Shared Leadership in Wikipedia", Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, December, vol 55, n°6, pp1021-1043
- Z. Henson, Charles C. Manz, J. W. Mott, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, "Don’t Take … Share the Lead: Surprising Leadership Lessons from Big Time College Sports", Organizational Dynamics, Vol 42, pp54-60
- 2014,
- S. Adams, F. Shipper, Charles C. Manz, Karen P. Manz, "Herman Miller Uses Shared Leadership to Build Positive Values and Creativity", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp109-124
- R. M. Baglio, J. Gupta, Charles C. Manz, "From Palm Pilot to Smartphone with Shared Leadership as the Glue that Binds Serial Entrepreneurs",, In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp31-50
- Lynn Beattie, Andrew V. Wister, B. Elaine, M. Gallagher, Gloria M. Gutman, Dawn Hemingway, R. Colin Reid, Danielle Sinden, Bobbi Symes, "Effectiveness of a Shared Leadership Model: The British Columbia Network for Aging Research", Administration & Society, October, Vol 46, n°8, pp863-884
- Nadine Bienefeld et Gudela Grote, "Shared Leadership in Multiteam Systems: How Cockpit and Cabin Crews Lead Each Other to Safety", Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, March, Vol 56, n°2, pp270-286
- T. R. Chen, J. M. Cortina, K. A. LaPort, V. C. Nicolaides, A. J. Tomassetti, E. J. Weis, S. J. Zaccaro, "The shared leadership of teams: A meta-analysis of proximal, distal, and moderating relationships", The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 25, pp923–942
- L. D’Innocenzo, J. E. Mathieu, M. R. Kukenberger, "A meta-analysis of different forms of shared leadership–team performance relations", Journal of Management, 20(10), pp1–28
- Z. Henson, Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, "Alcoholics Anonymous Paves the Road to Recovery with Shared Leadership", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp3-14
- Charles C. Manz, Karen P. Manz, Frank Shipper, Bill Nobles, "Shared Entrepreneurship: Toward an Empowering, Ethical, Dynamic, and Freedom-Based Process of Collaborative Innovation", Organization Management Journal, Vol 11, n°3, pp133-146
- Charles C. Manz, Karen P. Manz, S. Thumma, "Megachurches May Be Raised on Charisma but They Are Sustained on Shared Leadership", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp79-86
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, "Introduction to Shared Leadership", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, ppxi-xxi
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, "Concluding Thoughts on Shared Leadership", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp163-170
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing
- Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, C. L. Wassenaar, "Is Shared Leadership the Key to Responsible Leadership?", Academy of Management Executive, Vol 28, n°3, pp275-288
- Charles C. Manz, Frank Shipper, "Shared Leadership: The Do’s and Don’ts in Shared Entrepreneurship Enterprises", In: Frank Shipper, dir., "Shared Entrepreneurship", Palgrave Macmillan US, ISBN: 978-1-349-46164-6, pp27-42
- Charles C. Manz, Frank Shipper, G. L. Stewart, "W.L. Gore & Associates Has Created an Entire Shared Leadership Culture", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp125-146
- Charles C. Manz, H. Wajdi, "Creating Shared Leadership in Afghanistan with School Management Committees (SMCs)", In: Charles C. Manz, Craig L. Pearce, Henry P. Sims, dir., "Share, Don't Take the Lead", Information Age Publishing, pp71-78
- Gina S. Matkin et Alex J. Ramthun, "Leading Dangerously: A Case Study of Military Teams and Shared Leadership in Dangerous Environments", Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, August, Vol 21, n°3, pp244-256
- Sabine Müller et John Parm Ulhøi, http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/ijls/new/vol8iss2/4-Ulhoi.pdf "Mapping the landscape of shared leadership: A review and re-synthesis"], International Journal of Leadership Studies, vol 8, n°2, pp66-87
- Larry D. Shinn, "Top Down or Bottom Up? Leadership and Shared Governance on Campus", Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, Vol 46, n°4, July, pp52-55
- Snejana Slantcheva-Durst, "Shared Leadership as an Outcome of Team Processes: A Case Study", Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Vol 38, n°11, November, pp1017-1029
- D. Wang, D. A. Waldman, Z. Zhang, "A metaanalysis of shared leadership and team effectiveness", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 99, pp181–198
- 2015,
- Craig L Pearce, "Developmental health services leadership: Integrating hierarchical and shared leadership for health services organizational learning", Health Services Management Research, August-November, Vol 28, n°3-4, pp76-82
- Craig L Pearce, Christina L. Wassenaar, "Shared Leadership in Practice: When Does it Work Best?", Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol 29, n°3.
- 2016, Rachel Stark, "Cultivating Shared Leadership with Docents and Staff", Journal of Museum Education, Vol 41, n°1, January, pp22-28
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- (en)
[pdf]Shared Leadership: What is it, why is it important, and who wants it anyway?, article de Sharon Buckmaster et Linda Lewis, 3 janvier 2004
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