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Leadership charismatique (Bibliographie)
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Bibliographie sur le leadership charismatique.
De 1956 à 1969
- 1956, W. Seward Salisbury, "Faith, Ritualism, Charismatic Leadership and Religious Behavior', Social Forces, Vol 34, n°3, Mar., pp241-245
- 1961, Carl J. Friedrich, "Political Leadership and the Problem of the Charismatic Power", The Journal of Politics, Vol 23, n°1, Feb., pp3-24
- 1964, K. J. Ratman, "Charisma and Political Leadership", Political Studies, Vol 12, n°3, October, pp341-354
- 1965,
- Richard R. Fagen, "Charismatic Authority and the Leadership of Fidel Castro", The Western Political Quarterly, Vol 18, n°2, Part 1, Jun., pp275-284
- Ann Ruth Willner, Dorothy Willner, « The Rise and Role of Charismatic Leaders », Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol 358, New Nations: The Problem of Political Development, Mar., pp77-88
- 1967,
- Reinhard Bendix, « Reflections on Charismatic Leadership », Asian Survey, Vol 7, n°6, Jun., pp341-352
- Stuart R. Schram, « Mao Tse-Tung as a Charismatic Leader », Asian Survey, Vol 7, n°6, Jun., pp383-388
- 1968,
- Robert C. Tucker, « The Theory of Charismatic Leadership », Daedalus, Vol 97, n°3, Philosophers and Kings: Studies in Leadership, Summer, pp731-756
- Efraim Shmueli, « The « Pariah-People » and Its « Charismatic Leadership »: A Revaluation of Max Weber’s « Ancient Judaism » », Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol 36, pp167-247
De 1970 à 1979
- 1972,
- D. L. Cohen, « The concept of charisma and the analysis of leadership », Political Studies, Vol 20, n°3, pp299–305
- Richard H. Dekmejian, Margaret J. Wyszomirski, « Charismatic Leadership in Islam: The Mahdi of the Sudan », Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol 14, n°2, Mar., pp193-214
- 1973,
- James V. Downton, « Rebel leadership: Commitment and charisma in the revolutionary process », New York: Free Press
- William John Hanna, « Ethnic Bias, Charisma, and the Analysis of Leadership: Comment on William John Hanna’s Review: Reply », American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol 75, n°6, Dec., pp2048-2050
- Maxwell Owusu, « Ethnic Bias, Charisma, and the Analysis of Leadership: Comment on William John Hanna’s Review », American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol 75, n°6, Dec., pp2045-2048
- 1975, R. J. Bord, « Toward a social-psychological theory of charismatic socialinfluence processes », Social Forces, 53, pp485-497
- 1977, Robert J. House, “A 1976 theory of charismatic leadership”, In: J. G. Hunt et L. Larson, dir., « Leadership: The cutting edge », Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, pp189-207
- 1978, Douglas F. Barnes, « Charisma and Religious Leadership: An Historical Analysis », Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol 17, n°1, Mar., pp1-18
- 1979, Paul Johnson Doyle, « Dilemmas of Charismatic Leadership: The Case of the People’s Temple », Sociological Analysis, Vol 40, n°4, Sects, Cults and Religious Movements, Winter, pp315-323
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980,
- Jonathan G. Andelson, « Routinization of Behavior in a Charismatic Leader », American Ethnologist, Vol 7, n°4, Nov., pp716-733
- Dirk Vandewalle, « Bourguiba, Charismatic Leadership and the Tunisian One Party System », Middle East Journal, Vol 34, n°2, Spring, pp149-159
- 1981, Joseph W. Trigg, « The Charismatic Intellectual: Origen’s Understanding of Religious Leadership », Church History, Vol 50, n°1, Mar., pp5-19
- 1983, Ann Ruth Willner, « The spellbinders: Charismatic political leadership », New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
- 1985, Jean C. Robinson, « Institutionalizing Charisma: Leadership, Faith & Rationality in Three Societies », Polity, Vol 18, n°2, Winter, pp181-203
- 1986,
- David Busby Edwards, « Charismatic leadership and political process in Afghanistan », Central Asian Survey, Vol 5, n°3-4, January, pp273-299
- J. M. Post, « Narcissism and the Charismatic Leader-Follower Relationship », Political Psychology, 7, pp675-688
- 1987,
- Clayborne Carson, "Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle", The Journal of American History, Vol 74, n°2, Sep., pp448-454
- Jay A Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo, "Toward a behavioral theory of charismatic leadership in organizational settings", Academy of Management Review, Vol 12, n°4, Oct., pp637-647
- Nathan Irvin Huggins, "Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charisma and Leadership", The Journal of American History, Vol 74, n°2, Sep., pp477-481
- S. J. Musser, « The determination of positive and negative charismatic leadership », Grantham: PA: Messiah College
- E. B. Portis, « Charismatic Leadership and Cultural Democracy », The Review of Politics, Vol 49, n°2, Spring, pp231-250
- 1988,
- Bruce J. Avolio et Bernard M. Bass, « Transformational leadership, charisma, and beyond », In: J. G. Hunt, B. R. Baliga, H. P. Dachler & C. A. Schriesheim, dir., « Emerging leadership vistas », Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, DC Heath, pp29-49
- Bernard M. Bass, « Evolving perspectives on charismatic leadership, In: J. A. Conger & R. N. Kanungo, dir., « Charismatic leadership: The elusive factor in organizational effectiveness », San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp40-77
- K. B. Boal, J. M. Bryson, « Charismatic leadership: a phenomenological and structural approach« , In: J. G. Hunt, H. P. Drachler & C. A. Schriesheim, dir., « Emerging leadership vistas », New York, Lexington
- Jay A. Conger et R. N. Kanungo, dir., « Charismatic leadership: The elusive factor in organizational effectiveness », San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- Jay A. Conger et R. N. Kanungo, « Behavioral dimensions of charismatic leadership », In: Jay A. Conger et R. N. Kanungo, dir., « Charismatic leadership: The elusive factor in organizational effectiveness », San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp78-97
- E. M. Fodor, Robert J. House, J. Woycke, « Charismatic and noncharismatic leaders: Differences in behavior and effectiveness », In: Jay A. Conger & R. ** N. Kanungo, dir., « Charismatic leadership: The elusive factor in organizational effectiveness », San Francisco: Jossey Bass, pp98−121
- J. M. Howell, « Two faces of charisma: Socialized and personalized leadership in organizations », In: J. A. Conger & R. N. Kanungo, dir., « Charismatic leadership: The elusive factor in organizational effectiveness », San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp213-236
- M. F. R. Kets de Vries, « Origins of charisma: Ties that bind the leader and the led », In: Jay A. Conger, R.N. Kanungo, dir., « Charismatic Leadership: The Elusive Factor in Organizational Effectiveness », San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, pp237-252
- C. Lindholm, « Lovers and leaders: comparative models of romance and charisma », Social Science Information, 27(1), pp3-45
- Susan J. Palmer, « Charisma and Abdication: A Study of the Leadership of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh », Sociological Analysis, Vol 49, n°2, Summer, pp119-135
- 1989,
- Jay A. Conger, « The charismatic leader: Behind the mystique of exceptional leadership », San Francisco: JosseyBass
- P. J. Frost et J. M. Howell, « A laboratory study of charismatic leadership », Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 43, pp243-269
- Akmal Hussain, « Charismatic Leadership and Pakistan’s Politics », Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 24, n°3, Jan. 21, pp136-137
De 1990 à 1994
- 1990,
- Bruce J. Avolio, Francis J. Yammarino, « Operationalizing charismatic leadership using a levels of analysis framework », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 1, pp193-208
- Bernard M. Bass, D. A. Waldman, Francis J. Yammarino, « Adding to contingent-reward behavior: The augmenting effect of charismatic leadership », Group and Organization Studies, 15(4), pp381-394
- S. B. Ehrlich, J. R. Meindl, B. Viellieu, « The charismatic appeal of a transformational leader: An empirical case study of a small, high-technology contractor », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 1, pp229-248
- D. Fazzini, R. Hogan, R. Raskin, « The dark side of charisma », In: K. E. Clark & M. B. Clark, dir., « Measures of leadership », West Orange,N J: Leadership Library of America, Inc., pp343-354
- David A Nadler et Michael L Tushman, « Beyond the charismatic leader: Leadership and organization change », California Management Review, 32 (2), Winter, pp77–97
- Sheila M. Puffer, « Attributions of charismatic leadership: The impact of decision style, outcome, and observer characteristics », Leadership Quarterly, 1/3, pp177-192
- 1991,
- Leanne Atwater, Robert Penn, Linda Rucker, « Personal Qualities of Charismatic Leaders », Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol 12, n°2, pp7-10
- Robert J. House, William D. Spangler et James Woycke, « Personality and charisma in the U.S. Presidency: A psychological theory of leader effectiveness », Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 36, n°3, pp364-396
- Boas Shamir, « The charismatic relationship: Alternative explanations and predictions », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 2, pp81-104
- 1992,
- Bruce J. Avolio, Jane M. Howell, « The ethics of charismatic leadership: Submission or liberation », Academy of Management Executive, Vol 6, n°2, May, pp43-54
- Alan Bryman, « Charisma and leadership in organizations », London: Sage
- Robert J. House et Jane M. Howell, « Personality and charismatic leadership », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 2, n°2, pp81-108
- Boas Shamir, « Attribution of charisma and influence to the leader: The romance of leadership revisited », Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22(5), pp386-407
- 1993,
- Michael B. Arthur, Robert J. House, Boas Shamir, « The motivational effects of charismatic leadership: A self-concept based theory », Organization Science, Vol 4, n°4, Nov., pp577-594
- Alan Bryman, « Charismatic Leadership in Business Organizations: Some Neglected Issues », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 4, pp289-304
- Jay A. Conger, « Max Weber’s Conceptualization of Charismatic Authority: Its Influence on Organizational Research », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 4, pp277-288
- W. T. Coombs, S. J. Holladay, « Communicating visions: An exploration of the role of delivery in the creation of leader charisma », Management Communication Quarterly, 6, pp405-427
- Robert J. House et B. Shamir, « Toward the integration of transformational, charismatic, and visionary theories », In: M. Chemers & R. Ayman, dir., « Leadership theory and research: Perspectives and directions », New York: Academic Press, pp81-107
- John M. Jermier, « Introduction: Charismatic leadership: Neo-Weberian perspectives », Leadership Quarterly, 4, pp217-234
- Leong Wing Fatt, « Leadership that Transforms and Transacts: A Case of More Inspiration and Less Charisma », Singapore Journal of Education, Vol 13, n°2, January, pp50-65
- 1994,
- Michael B. Arthur, Robert J. House et Boas Shamir, « The rhetoric of charismatic leadership. A theoretical extension, a case study, and implications for research », The Leadership Quarterly, 5/1, pp25-42
- Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo, « Charismatic Leadership in Organizations: Perceived Behavioral Attributes and Their Measurement », Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 15, n°5, Sep., pp439-452
- W. T. Coombs, S. J. Holladay, « Speaking of visions and visions being spoken: An exploration of the effects of content and delivery on perceptions of leader charisma », Management Communication Quarterly, 8, pp165-189
- David A Nadler et Michael L Tushman, « Beyond the charismatic leader: Leadership and organizational change », The Training and Development Sourcebook, Vol 32, n°2, pp276-291
- M. Popper et E. Zakkai, « Transactional, charismatic and transformational leadership: Conditions conducive to their predominance », Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 15, pp3-7
- Butler Shaffer, « Free thinkers and Charismatic Paranoids », Skeptic Magazine, Spring
- Boas Shamir, « Ideological Position, Leaders’ Charisma, and Voting Preferences: Personal vs. Partisan Elections », Political Behavior, Vol 16, n°2, Jun., pp265-287
De 1995 à 1999
- 1995,
- C. Clifton, Theodore L. Gessner, D. Michael, Timothy Mumford et Jennifer O’Conner, « Charismatic leaders and destructiveness: An historiometric study », Leadership Quarterly, 6/4, pp529-555
- T. C. Clifton, M. S. Connelly, T. L. Gessner, M. D. Mumford, J. O’Connor, « Charismatic leaders and destructiveness: An historiometric study », The Leadership Quarterly, 6, pp529-555
- R. J. Deluga, « The relationship between attributional charismatic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior », Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, pp1652-1669
- Robert J. House, K. J. Klein, « On fire: Charismatic leadership and levels of analysis », Leadership Quarterly, 6, pp183-198
- Pedro A. Noguera, « Charismatic Leadership and Popular support: A comparison of the leadership Styles of Eric gairy and Maurice Bishop », Social and Economic Studies, Vol 44, n°1, march, pp1-29
- D. Sankowsky, “The charismatic leader as narcissist: understanding the abuse of power”, Organizational Dynamics, 23 (4), pp57-72
- Boas Shamir, « Social distance and charisma: Theoretical notes and an exploratory study », Leadership Quarterly, 6, pp19-47
- Johannes Steyrer, « Charisma in Organisationen », Sozial-kognitive und psychodynamisch-interakrive Aspekte von Fuhrung, Frankfurt: Campus
- 1996,
- Christiane Eisenberg, 1996, « Charismatic nationalist leader: Turnvater Jahn », The International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol 13, n°1, March, pp14-27
- J. B. Fuller, K. Hester, C. P. Patterson, D. Y. Stringer, 1996, « A quantitative review of research on charismatic leadership », Psychological Reports, 78, pp271-287
- R. N. Kanungo, M. Mendonca, 1996, « Ethical Dimensions of Leadership », Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Edwin A. Locke, Shelley A. Kirkpatrick, 1996, « Direct and indirect effects of three core charismatic leadership components on performance and attitudes », Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, pp36-51
- 1997,
- John E. Barbuto, « Taking the charisma out of transformational leadership », J Soc Behav Pers, 12(3), pp689–698
- G. Coates, « Leadership and Authority: Power, Charisma and Institutional Abuse », Early Child Development and Care, Vol 133, n°1, January, pp5-19
- Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo, S. T. Menon, P. Mathur, « Measuring Charisma: Dimensionality and Validity of the Conger–Kanungo Scale of Charismatic Leadership », Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14 (3), pp290–302
- Ronald J. Deluga, « Relationship among american presidential charismatic leadership, narcissism, and rated performance », Leadership Quarterly, 8/1, pp49-65
- Deanne N. Den Hartog et R. Verberg, « Charisma and rhetoric: The communicative techniques of international business leaders », The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 8, n°4, pp355−391
- 1998,
- Bruce J. Avolio, William L. Gardner, 1998, « The charismatic relationship: A dramaturgical perspective », Academy of Management Review, 23, pp32-58
- Richard Barraclough, 1998, « Umberto Bossi: Charisma, personality and leadership », Modern Italy, Vol 3, n°2, November, pp263-269
- Esther Breinin, Micha Popper, Boas Shamir, Eliav Zakay, 1998, « Correlates of charismatic leader behavior in military units: Subordinates attitudes, unit characteristics, and superiors’ appraisals of leader performance », Academy of Management Journal, Vol 41, n°4, Aug., pp387-409
- Luciano Cavalli, 1998, « Considerations on charisma and the cult of charismatic leadership », Modern Italy, Vol 3, n°2, November, pp159-171
- Jay A. Conger, 1998, « Charismatic Leadership: The Elusive Factor in Organizational Effectiveness », San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo, 1998, « Charismatic Leadership in Organizations », Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Robert J. House, K. J. Klein, 1998, « On fire: Charismatic leadership and levels of analysis », In: F. Dansereau & F. J. Yammarino, dir., « Leadership: The multiple level approaches », Stanford, Connecticut: JAI Press, pp3-22
- Richard Langlois, 1998, « Personal Capitalism as Charismatic Authority: the Organizational Economics of a Weberian Concept« , Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 7, n°1, pp195-214
- Johannes Steyrer, « Charisma and the Archetypes of Leadership« , Organization Studies, Winter, Vol 19, n°5, pp807-828
- D. Yagil, « Charismatic leadership and organizational hierarchy: Attribution of charisma to close and distant leaders », The Leadership Quarterly, 9(2)
- 1999,
- R. Awamleh et W. L. Gardner, “Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance”, Leadership Quarterly, Vol 10, n°3, pp345-373
- K. B. Boal, G. E. Dodge, J. G. Hunt, « The effects of visionary and crisis responsive charisma on followers: An experimental examination of two kinds of charismatic leadership », The Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp423-448
- J. M. Beyer, « Taming and promoting charisma to change organizations », The Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp307-330
- J. M. Beyer et L. D. Browning, « Transforming an industry in crisis: charisma, routinization, and supportive cultural leadership », Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp483-520
- Jay A. Conger, « Charismatic and transformational leadership in organizations: An insider’s perspective on these developing streams of research », Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp145-179
- Jay A. Conger et J. G. Hunt, « Charismatic and Transformational Leadership: Taking Stock of the Present and Future », Special Issue Parts 1 & 2. Leadership Quarterly, 10(2&3), pp121-127
- D. N. Den Hartog, P. W. Dorfman, Robert J. House, P. J. Hanges, S. A. Ruiz-Quintanilla, « Culture specific and cross-culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed?, Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp219-256
- Marlene Fiol, Drew Harris, Robert House, « Charismatic leadership: Strategies for effecting social change », The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 10, n°3, pp449-482
- J. M. Howell, Boas Shamir, « Organizational and contextual influences on the emergence and effectiveness of charismatic leadership », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 10, pp257-283
- J. M. Howell, C. Shea, « Charismatic leadership and task feedback: A laboratory study of their effects on self-efficacy and task performance », The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 10, pp375–396
- J. G. Hunt, « Transformational/charismatic leadership’s transformation of the field: An historical essay », The Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp129−144
- O. J. Strickland, H. M. Weiss, S. L. Yorges, « The effects of leader outcomes on influence, attributions, and perceptions of charisma », Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, pp428-436
- Reinout E. De Vries, « On Charisma and Need for Leadership », European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol 8, n°1, March, pp109-133
- David A. Waldman, Francis J. Yammarino, « CEO Charismatic Leadership: Levels-of-Management and Levels-of-Analysis Effects », The Academy of Management Review, Vol 24, n°2, Apr., pp266-285
- Gary Yukl, « An evaluation of conceptual weaknesses in transformational and charismatic leadership theories », The Leadership Quarterly, 10, pp285-305
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- I. Aaltio-Marjosola, Tuomo Takala, 2000, “Charismatic Leadership, Manipulation and the Complexity of Organizational Life », Journal of Workplace Learning, Vo 12, n°4, pp146-158
- Thomas S. Bateman, J. Michael Crant, 2000, « Charismatic Leadership Viewed from above: The Impact of Proactive Personality », Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 21, n°1, Feb., pp63-75
- Christoph Brumann, 2000, « The Dominance of One and Its Perils: Charismatic Leadership and Branch Structures in Utopian Communes », Journal of Anthropological Research, Vol 56, n°4, Winter, pp425-451
- Jay A. Conger, Rabindra N. Kanungo, Sanjay T. Menon, « Charismatic Leadership and Follower Effects », Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 21, n°7, Nov., pp747-767
- T. C. Cross, T. DeGroot, D. S. Kiker, « A meta-analysis to review organizational outcomes related to charismatic leadership », Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 17, pp356-371
- I. A. Marjosola, Tuomo Takala, « Charismatic leadership, manipulation and the complexity of organizational life », Journal of Workplace Learning: Employee Counselling Today, Vol 12, n°4, pp146-158
- Micha Popper, « The Development of Charismatic Leaders », Political Psychology, Vol 21, n°4, Dec., pp729-744
- Melvyn Rose, 2000, « The Potential of Fantasy and the Role of Charismatic Leadership in a Therapeutic Community », Residential Treatment For Children & Youth, Vol 17, n°1, January, pp49-60
- J. J. Sosik, « Meaning from within: Possible selves and personal meaning of charismatic and non-charismatic leaders », Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(2), pp3-17
- 2001,
- P. D. Cherulnik, K. A. Donley, T. S. R. Wiewel, S. R. Miller, « Charisma is contagious: The effect of leaders’ charisma on observers’ affect », Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol 31, pp2149–2159
- R. J. Deluga, « American presidential Machiavellianism: Implications for charismatic leadership and rated performance », The Leadership Quarterly, 12, pp334-363
- M. G. Ehrhart, K. Klein, « Predicting follower’s preference for charismatic leadership: The influence of follower value and personality », The Leadership Quarterly, 12, pp153-179
- A. Harvey, « A Dramaturgical Analysis of Charismatic Leader Discourse », Journal of Organizational Change Management, 14(3), pp253-265
- Robert J. House, C. Jacobsen, 2001, « Dynamics of charismatic leadership: A process theory, simulation model, and tests », The Leadership Quarterly, 12, pp75-112
- Ian Kershaw, 2001, »Hitler : Essai sur le charisme en politique », Folio Essais
- W. F. Lever, 2001, « Charismatic Urban Leaders and Economic Development: Good Mayors and Bad Mayors in Europe », Space and Polity, Vol 5, n°2, August, pp113-126
- M. D. Mumford, J. R. Van Doom, 2001, « The leadership of pragmatism: Reconsidering Franklin in the age of charisma », The Leadership Quarterly, 12, pp279-309
- 2002,
- Bruce J. Avolio, Dong I. Jung, J. J. Sosik, 2002, « Beneath the mask: Examining the relationship of self-presentation attributes and impression management to charismatic leadership », The Leadership Quarterly, 13(3), pp217-242
- Denis M. Benn, Michael Manley, 2002, « Charismatic Leadership and Ideological Pragmatism », Caribbean Quarterly, Vol 48, n°1, March, pp5-11
- D. L. Costley, P. W. Dorfman, J. Paul, J. P. Howell, 2002, « The Mutability of Charisma in Leadership Research », Management Decision, Vol 40, n°1/2, pp192–200
- F. Dansereau, K. Kim, I. Kim, 2002, « Extending the concept of charismatic leadership: An illustration using Bass’ (1990) categories », In: Bruce J. Avolio, F. Yammarino, dir., « Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead », Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science, pp143-172
- D. De Cremer, 2002, « Charismatic leadership and cooperation in social dilemmas: A matter of transforming motives? », Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, pp997−1016
- George C. Edwards III, 2002, « Does the Messenger Matter? The Role of Charisma in Public Leadership », Congress & the Presidency, Vol 29, n°1, March, pp25-46
- Ersin Kalaycioglu, 2002, « The Motherland Party: The Challenge of Institutionalization in a Charismatic Leader Party », Turkish Studies, Vol 3, n°1, March, pp41-61
- M. D. Mumford, J. M. Strange, 2002, « The origins of vision: Charismatic versus ideological leadership », The Leadership Quarterly, 13, pp343-377
- Hwee Hoon Tan, Gladys Wee, 2002, « The role of rhetoric content in charismatic leadership: A content analysis of a singaporean leader’s speeches », International Journal Organization Theory and Behavior, Vol 5, n°3-4, January, pp317-342
- 2003,
- Samatha Callan, « Charismatic Leadership in Contemporary Management Debates », Journal of General Management, 29, Autumn, pp1-14
- W. L. Gardner, « Perceptions of leader charisma, effectiveness, and integrity », Management Communication Quarterly, 16, pp502-528
- Mansour Javidan, David A. Waldman, « Exploring Charismatic Leadership in the Public Sector: Measurement and Consequences », Public Administration Review, Vol 63, n°2, Mar. – Apr., pp229-242
- 2004,
- Iiris Aaltio, Tuomo Takala, « Charismatic Leadership and Ethics from Gender Perspective« , EJBO – Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, Vol 9, n°1
- K. DeCelles, M. Pfarrer, 2004, « Heroes or Villains? Corruption and the Charismatic Leader », Journal of Leadership and rganizational Studies, 11(1), pp67-77
- Peter van den Berg, Deanne den Hartog, Annebel de Hoogh, Paul Koopman, Henk Thierry, Joost van der Weide & Celeste Wilderom, 2004, « Charismatic leadership, environmental dynamism, and performance », European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol 13, n°4, December, pp447-471
- Michelle C. Bligh, J. L. Robinson, 2004, « Different routes to charisma and taking the road less traveled: An analysis of Gandhi’s rhetorical leadership », Cross-Cultural Leadership and Management Studies, 1, pp109-125
- Florette Cohen, Jeff Greenberg, Molly Maxfield, Tom Pyszczynski, Sheldon Solomon, 2004, « Fatal Attraction: The Effects of Mortality Salience on Evaluations of Charismatic, Task-Oriented, and Relationship-Oriented Leaders », Psychological Science, Vol 15, n°12, Dec., pp846-851
- Francis J. Flynn, Barry M. Staw, 2004, « Lend Me Your Wallets: The Effect of Charismatic Leadership on External Support for an Organization », Strategic Management Journal, Vol 25, n°4, Apr., pp309-330
- Mansour Javidan, David A. Waldman, Paul Varella, 2004, “Charismatic Leadership at the Strategic Level: A New Application of Upper Echelons Theory”, The Leadership Quarterly, 15, June, pp355-380
- Richard R. Raubolt, 2004, « Charismatic Leadership as a Confusion of Tongues: Trauma and Retraumatization », Journal of Trauma Practice, Vol 3, n°1, April, pp35-49
De 2005 à 2009
- 2005,
- J. E. Barbuto, « Motivation and transactional, charismatic, and transformational leadership: A test of antecedents », Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 11(4), pp26–40
- M. C. Bligh, J. C. Kohles, R. Pillai, “Crisis and Charisma in the California Recall Elections”, Leadership, 1:3, pp323-352
- Y. Choi, J. Yoon, « Effects of leaders’ self-sacrificial behaviour and competency on followers’ attribution of charismatic leadership among Americans and Koreans », Current Research in Social Psychology, Vol 11, pp51–69
- H. W. Chou, J. Jiang, E. Wang, « The impacts of charismatic leadership style on team cohesiveness and overall performance during ERP implementation », International Journal of Project Management, 23(3), 173-180
- Annebel H. B. De Hoogh, Deanne N. Den Hartog, Paul L. Koopman, « Linking the Big Five-Factors of Personality to Charismatic and Transactional Leadership; Perceived Dynamic Work Environment as a Moderator », Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 26, n°7, Nov., pp839-865
- Jane M. Howell, Boas Shamir, « The Role of Followers in the Charismatic Leadership Process: Relationships and Their Consequences », The Academy of Management Review, Vol 30, n°1, Jan., pp96-112
- Shana Levin, Jeffery Scott Mio, Ronald E. Riggio, Renford Reese, « Presidential leadership and charisma: The effects of metaphor« , The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 16, pp287–294
- Karen L. Middleton, « The Service-Learning Project as a Supportive Context for Charismatic Leadership Emergence in Nascent Leaders », Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol 4, n°3, Sep., pp295-308
- D. Tourish, N. Vatcha, "Charismatic leadership and corporate cultism at Enron: The elimination of dissent, the promotion of conformity and organizational collapse", Leadership, 1(4), pp455-471
- 2006,
- Amanda Angie, Katrina Bedell, Samuel Hunter, Andrew Vert, "A historiometric examination of Machiavellianism and a new taxonomy of leadership", Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Summer
- Jaepil Choi, « A Motivational Theory of Charismatic Leadership: Envisioning, Empathy, and Empowerment », Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Fall, Vol 13, n°1, pp24-43
- Roger Eatwell, « The Concept and Theory of Charismatic Leadership », Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Vol 7, n°2, June, pp141-156
- George B. Graen, « To Share or Not to Share Leadership: New LMX-MMX Network Leadership or Charismatic Leadership on Creative Projects », In: George B. Graen, Joni A. Graen, dir., « Sharing network leadership », LMX leadership: The series, Vol 4, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- D. Ladkin, “The Enchantment of the Charismatic Leader: Charisma Reconsidered as Aesthetic Encounter”, Leadership, 2:2, pp165-179
- M. Rainer Lepsius, « The Model of Charismatic Leadership and its Applicability to the Rule of Adolf Hitler », Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Vol 7, n°2, June, pp175-190
- T. Mannarelli, « Accounting for Leadership: Charismatic, Transformational Leadership through Reflection and Self–Awareness », Accountancy Ireland, Vol 38, n°6
- M. Rainer Lepsius, « The Model of Charismatic Leadership and its Applicability to the Rule of Adolf Hitler », Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Vol 7, n°2, June, pp175-190
- Michael D. Mumford, « Pathways to outstanding leadership: a comparative analysis of charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leaders », Routledge, ISBN 0805851119, ISBN 9780805851113
- Evert van de Vliert, « Climatic ecology of charismatic leadership ideals », European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol 15, n°4, December, pp385-403
- 2007,
- Iiris Aaltio, Tuomo Takala, « Charismatic Leadership and Ethics from Gender Perspective« , Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies, Vol 12, n°2
- Hartmut Blank, Jörg Felfe, Birgit Schyns, « Is Charisma Hyper-Romanticism? Empirical Evidence from New Data and a Meta-Analysis », Applied Psychology, Vol 56, n°4, pp505–527
- Lavinia Cicero, Antonio Pierro, « Charismatic leadership and organizational outcomes: The mediating role of employees’ work-group identification », International Journal of Psychology, Vol 42, n°5, October, pp297-306
- K. Heinitz, J. Rowold, « Transformational and charismatic leadership: Assessing the convergent, divergent, and criterion validity of the MLQ and CKS », Leadership Quarterly, Vol 18, pp121-133
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- 2008,
- Alison L. Antesa, Jay J. Caughrona, Tamara L. Friedricha, Michael D. Mumford, « Charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leadership: Multi-level influences on emergence and performance », The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 19, n°2, April, pp144-160
- K. E. Bedell-Avers, S. T. Hunter, M. D. Mumford, « Conditions of problem solving and the performance of charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leaders : A comparative experimental study ». Leadership Quarterly, 19(1), pp89-106
- Michelle C. Bligh, Viviane Seyranian, « Presidential charismatic leadership: Exploring the rhetoric of social change« , The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 19, pp54–76
- Sabine Boerner, Elisabeth Dütschke, Simon Wied, « Charismatic leadership and organizational citizenship behaviour: examining the role of stressors and strain », Human Resource Development International, Vol 11, n°5, November, pp507-521
- E. A. Ensher, S. E. Murphy, « A qualitative analysis of charismatic leadership in creative teams: The case of television directors », Leadership Quarterly, 19, pp335–352
- Paolo Pombeni, « Charismatic leadership between ideal type and ideology », Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol 13, n°1, February, pp37-54
- 2009,
- Oluremi Ayoko, Victor J Callan, Diana Maldonado, Neil Paulsen, « Charismatic leadership, change and innovation in an R&D organization », Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol 22, n°5, pp511-523
- H. Bruch, F. Walter, « An affective events model of charismatic leadership behavior: A review, theoretical integration, and research agenda », Journal of Management, 35(6), pp1428–1452
- M. Javidan, D. A. Waldman, « Alternative Forms of Charismatic Leadership in the Integration of Mergers and Acquisitions », The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 20, pp130-142
- L. Laukamp, J. Rowold, « Charismatic Leadership and Objective Performance Indicators », Applied Psychology, 58 (4), pp602-621
- Bjorn Michaelis, Ralf Stegmaier, Karlheinz Sonntag, « Affective Commitment to Change and Innovation Implementation Behavior: The Role of Charismatic Leadership and Employees’ Trust in Top Management », Journal of Change Management, Vol 9, n°4, December, pp399-417
De 2010 à 2014
- 2010,
- Abby M. Brooks, Kenneth J. Levine, Robert A. Muenchen, « Measuring Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: Why isn’t Charisma Measured? », Communication Monographs, Vol 77, n°4, December, pp576-591
- Anne E. Dyer, Claudia Waehrisch-Oblau, « The missionary self-perception of pentecostal/charismatic church leaders from the global south in Europe, bringing back the Gospel », Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Vol 13, n°1, January, pp105-107
- Meredith Elaine Babcock-Roberson, Oriel J. Strickland, « The Relationship Between Charismatic Leadership, Work Engagement, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors », The Journal of Psychology, Vol 144, n°3, April, pp313-326
- Donald E Gibson, « Inquiries into group acceptance, search firms, and charismatic leadership », Organization Management Journal, Vol 7, n°3, November, pp192-193
- Charlotta Levay, « Charismatic leadership in resistance to change », The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 21, n°1, pp127-143
- J. A. Marrone, R. Nielsen, H. S. Slay, « A new look at humility: Exploring the humility concept and its role in socialized charismatic leadership », Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 17(1), pp33-43
- Eghosa E. Osaghae, « The limits of charismatic authority and the challenges of leadership in Nigeria », Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol 28, n°4, October, pp407-422
- 2011,
- John Breuilly, « Max Weber, charisma and nationalist leadership », Nations and nationalism, Vol 17, n°3, July, pp477–499
- Sue Cormack, Peter Kelly, Chris Hickey, Lyn Harrison, Jo Lindsay, « Charismatic cops, patriarchs and a few good women: leadership, club culture and young peoples’ drinking », Sport, Education and Society, Vol 16, n°4, August, pp467-484
- Anthony R. Paquin, Raghuvar D. Pathak, Reinout E. de Vries, « The paradox of power sharing: Participative charismatic leaders have subordinates with more instead of less need for leadership », European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- Bud Haney, Deiric Mc Cann Jim Sirbasku, « Leadership Charisma », S & H Publishing Company LLC, Waco, Texas, ISBN 0974222196
- Matt Killingsworth, Carol Strong, « Stalin the Charismatic Leader?: Explaining the ‘Cult of Personality’ as a Legitimation Technique », Politics, Religion & Ideology, Vol 12, n°4, December, pp391-411
- Anthony R. Paquin, Raghuvar D. Pathak, Reinout E. de Vries, « The paradox of power sharing: Participative charismatic leaders have subordinates with more instead of less need for leadership », European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol 20, n°6, December, pp779-804
- Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, « Destructive sides of charismatic leadership« , Human Resource Management, Vol 6, n°83, pp113-125
- 2012,
- Jay A. Conger, « Charismatic Leadership », In: Michael G. Rumsey, « The Oxford Handbook of Leadership », Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780195398793
- Geert Devos, Melissa Tuytens, « The effect of procedural justice in the relationship between charismatic leadership and feedback reactions in performance appraisal », The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol 23, n°15, September, pp3047-3062
- Aviva Halamish, « The historic leadership of Hakibbutz Ha’artzi: The power of charisma, organization and ideology », Journal of Israeli History, Vol 31, n°1, March, pp45-66
- Jia Wang, Min Wu, « Developing a charismatic leadership model for Chinese organizations: the mediating role of loyalty to supervisors », The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol 23, n°19, November, pp4069-4084
- 2013,
- Arnold B. Bakker, Despoina Xanthopoulou, « Creativity and charisma among female leaders: the role of resources and work engagement », The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol 24, n°14, July, pp2760-2779
- Jessica Blatt, « Charisma and the Fictions of Black Leadership », New Political Science, Vol 35, n°1, March, pp141-144
- Samuel T. Hunter, Jeffrey B. Lovelace, « Charismatic, Ideological, and Pragmatic Leaders’ Influence on Subordinate Creative Performance Across the Creative Process », Creativity Research Journal, Vol 25, n°1, January, pp59-74
- Daan van Knippenberg, Sim B. Sitkin, « A Critical Assessment of Charismatic—Transformational Leadership Research: Back to the Drawing Board? », The Academy of Management Annals, Vol 7, n°1, June, pp1-60
- 2014;
- Yan Zhu, « The Mediating Effects of Managerial Skills on the Relationship Between Managerial Values, Ethical Leadership, and Organizational Reputation », Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Vol 15, n°4, October, pp335-359
De 2015 à 2019
- 2015,
- Bruce A. Center, Chu-Ting Nicole Chung, Huh-Jung Hahn, Seog Joo Hwang, Louis N. Quast, Joseph Wohkittel, « The impact of leadership behaviours on leaders’ perceived job performance across cultures: comparing the role of charismatic, directive, participative, and supportive leadership behaviours in the U.S. and four Confucian Asian countries », Human Resource Development International, Vol 18, n°3, May, pp259-277
- Dewaynna Horn, Christopher J. Mathis, Sammie L. Robinson & Natasha Randle, « Is Charismatic Leadership Effective When Workers Are Pressured To Be Good Citizens? », The Journal of Psychology, Vol 149, n°8, November, pp751-774
- Susi Meret, « Charismatic female leadership and gender: Pia Kjærsgaard and the Danish People’s Party », Patterns of Prejudice, Vol 49, n°1-2, March, pp81-102
- 2016,
- Kajsa Hammargård, Eva-Karin Olsson, « The rhetoric of the President of the European Commission: charismatic leader or neutral mediator? », Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 23, n°4, April, pp550-570
- Melissa Nisbett, Ben Walmsley, « The Romanticization of Charismatic Leadership in the Arts », The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society », Vol 46, n°1, January, pp2-12
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