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Murray Rothbard (Bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Murray Rothbard, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1947 à 1949
- 1947, Spotlight on Keynesian Economics, manuscrit non publié
- édité en 2008, sur le blog Mises, le 10 mai
- Traduit en italien en 2008, Riflettore sull'economia keynesiana, vendredi 16 mai sur le blog de La Voce del Gongoro
- 1949
- a. Commentaire du livre de Henry Louis Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy, Analysis, August, p4
- b. Commentaire du livre de John T. Flynn, The Road Ahead, Analysis, December, p4
- c. Our Future, commentaire du livre de George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Analysis, September, p4
De 1950 à 1954
- 1950
- a. Commentaire du livre de R. Rocker, Pioneers of American Freedom, Analysis, January, p4
- b. Not Worth A Continental, Faith and Freedom, February, pp9-10
- c. The Edict of Diocletian, Faith and Freedom, March, p11
- d. Commentaire du livre de Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, Analysis, May, p4
- e. Commentaire du livre de Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, Faith and Freedom, September, pp14-15
- 1951
- a. Mises's Human Action: Comment, American Economic Review, March
- b. Praxeology: Reply to Mr. Schuller, American Economic Review, December
- c. Well Labeled, Analysis, January, p4
- d. Jefferson's Philosophy, Faith and Freedom, March, pp10-12
- e. The Root of Old Hickory, Faith and Freedom, May, pp11-12
- 1952
- a. Commentaire du livre de Raymond T. Bye, Social Economy and the Price System, Christian Economics, March
- b. Buckley Revealed?, commentaire du livre de William F. Buckley, Jr., A Young Republican View, The Commonweal, January 25
- 1954
- a. The Real Aggressor, Faith and Freedom, April, pp22-27. (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- Repris en 1972, In: Murray Rothbard et Jerome Tuccille, Dir., Left and Right: Selected Essays. New York: Arno Press
- b. There's No Middle Ground, Faith and Freedom, June, pp24-27 (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- c. Along Pennsylvania Avenue?, Faith and Freedom, September, pp8-9; October pp12-13; November pp10-11; December pp8-9 (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- a. The Real Aggressor, Faith and Freedom, April, pp22-27. (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
De 1955 à 1959
- 1955
- a. Commentaire du livre de Margaret Patricia McCarran, Fabianism in the Political Life of Great Britain, The Freeman, April, p447 (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- b. Fight For Formosa Or Not? (Part I.), Faith and Freedom, May, pp.7, 9. (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- c. Fight For Formosa Or Not? (Part II.), Faith and Freedom, June, pp. 19, 21. (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- d. The Ownership and Control of Water, Ideas on Liberty, No. 3. New York: Foundation for Economic Education, November, pp82-87. (écrit anonymement)
- e. The Railroads of France, The Freeman: Ideas On Liberty, New York: Foundation for Economic Education, September, Vol 5, n°9, pp42-43
- f. Along Pennsylvania Avenue?, Faith and Freedom, February pp14-15, March pp18-19, April pp8-9, June pp6-7; October pp8-9; November pp18-19; December pp22-23 (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- 1956,
- a. "Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics", In: Mary Sennholz, dir., On Freedom and Free Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises, van Nostand, Princeton NJ6, pp224-262
- Repris en 1977, In: Occasional Paper Series #3. NY: Center for Libertarian Studies
- Traduit en français en 1991 par François Guillaumat, “L’économie du bien-être : une reconstruction” In: Economistes et Charlatans, Collection laissez faire, Les Belles Lettres, pp97-161
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp211-254
- b. Concerning Water, The Freeman, March, Vol 6, n°3, pp61-64
- c. Along Pennsylvania Avenue?, Faith and Freedom, January, pp22-23; February pp22-23; March pp8-9; April pp30-31; May pp8-9; June pp8-9; September pp28-29. (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- d. Commentaire du llvre de A. Forster and B. Epstein, Cross-Currents, Faith and Freedom, May, p27. (sous le pseudonyme d'Aubrey Herbert)
- e. The Coming Economic Crisis, National Review, August 11, pp9-11
- f. Government in Business, The Freeman, September, Vol 6, n°9, pp39-41
- Repris en 1958, In: Essays on Liberty IV, New York: Foundation for Economic Education, pp183-187
- g. Commentaire du livre de Henry Hazlitt, The Free Man's Library, Faith and Freedom, September pp30-31. (sous le pseudonyme de Jonathan Randolph)
- h. In Defense of Nasser, National Review, September 8, p22
- i. 'Yes' and 'No' Plan, National Review, October 20, p16
- j. Why Anti-Capitalism?, commentaire du livre de Ludwig von Mises, The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, National Review, November 10, p21
- k. The Single Tax: Its Economic and Moral Principles, New York: Foundation for Economic Education, November 10, pp1-22
- Repris en 1997 avec quelques changments mineurs, The Single Tax: Economic and Moral Implications, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp294-305
- l. Liberal 'Mea Culpa', commentaire du livre de W. Gelihorn, Individual Freedom and Governmental Restraints, National Review, December 15, pp20-21
- a. "Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics", In: Mary Sennholz, dir., On Freedom and Free Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises, van Nostand, Princeton NJ6, pp224-262
- a. "In Defense of 'Extreme Apriorism’", Southern Economic Journal, vol 23, n°3, pp314-320
- repris en 1990, "In Defense of 'Extreme Apriorism’"] In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp445-451
- Traduit en français en 1991, par François Guillaumat, L'apriorisme extreme, In: Economistes et charlatans, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, pp83-96
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp100-110
- b. Huntington on Conservatism: A Comment, American Political Science Review, 51, September, pp784-787
- c. Commentaire du livre de Floyd A. Harper, Why Wages Rise, National Review, March 16, p266
- d. Withering From Within, National Review, April 20, p386
- e. Commentaire du livre de J. M. Clark, Economic Institutions and Human Welfare, National Review, May 11, p456
- f. Commentaire du livre de W. Hamilton, The Politics of Industry, National Review, June 1, p529
- g. A Reply to Georgist Criticisms, New York: Foundation for Economic Education, July, pp1-3
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp306-310
- h. Commentaire du livre de S. Hearth, Citadel, Market and Altar, National Review, September 7, p214
- i. Commentaire du livre de Sylvester Petro, The Labor Policy of a Free Society, National Review, September 7, p214
- j. Commentaire du livre de W. B. Wolf, Wage Incentives As a Managerial Tool, National Review, August 3, p141
- k. Commentaire du livre de T. Lea, The King Ranch, National Review, October 26, p382
- l. Commentaire du livre de A. S. Miller, Racial Discrimination and Private Education, National Review, December 14, p548
- m. Atlas Shrugged, The Commonweal, December 20, pp312-313
- n. Good Guys and Bad Guys, National Review, December 2l, p569
- Repris en 1970, Invictus, February 15, pp6-8
- o. Commentaire du livre d'Anthony Downs, An Economic Theory of Democracy, National Review, December 28, p598
- a. "A Note on Burke's Vindication of Natural Society", Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol 19, n°1, January, pp114-118
- b. Commentaire du livre de R. Hendershot, The Grim Truth About Life Insurance, National Review, January 18, p69
- c. Sense on Backward Countries, commentaire du livre de Peter Bauer, Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped Countries, et de Basil S. Yamey, The Economics of Underdeveloped Countries, National Review, March 1, pp210-211
- d. Commentaire du livre de D. H. Robertson, Lectures On Economic Principles, National Review, April 5, p332
- e. In a Glorious--And Radical--Tradition, National Review, June 21, pp14-15
- f. Commentaire du livre de Spencer Heath, "Citadel, Market and Altar", The Freeman, July, Vol 8, n°7, pp63-64
- g. Present Day Court Historians, National Review, September 13, pp186-187
- h. Commentaire du livre de P. D. Bradley, E. H. Chamberlain, G. D. Reilly et de R. Pound, Labor Unions and Public Policy, National Review, October 25
- i. A Hard Look At Foreign Aid, commentaire du livre de H. Schoeck et de J. Wiggins, Dir., Foreign Aid Reexamined, National Review, November 8, pp313-314
- j. Commentaire du livre d'Anthony Downs, An Economic Theory of Democracy, National Review, December 28, p598
- a. Challenge to Keynes, commentaire du livre de Henry Hazlitt, The Failure of the New Economics, National Review, August 15, pp279-280
- b. "Human Rights Are Property Rights", The Freeman, April, Vol 9, n°4, pp23-26
- Repris en 1959, "Human Rights Are Property Rights", In: "Essays on Liberty", Vol VI, Irvington on Hudson, The Foundation for Economic Education Inc., pp315-319
- Repris en 1967, In: V. Orval Watts, dir., "Free Markets Or Famine", Midland: Pendell Co., pp159-162
- c. Lewis Strauss and the Constitution, National Review, July 18, pp221-222
- d. The Bogey of Administered Prices, The Freeman, September, Vol 9, n°9, pp39-41
- e. Commentaire du livre de Mitchell, Business Cycles and Their Causes; Fels, American Business Cycles, 1865-1897, The Freeman, December, pp52-54
- f. Commentaire du livre de W. C. Thorp et de R. E. Quandt, The New Inflation, National Review, December 19, p561
De 1960 à 1964
- a. "The Mantle of Science", In: Helmut Schoeck, James W. Wiggins, dir., "Scientism and Values", Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Co., pp159-180
- Repris en 1979, In: Individualism and the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, San Francisco: Cato Institute, Cato Paper No. 4, pp1-27
- Traduit en français en 1991, par François Guillaumat, "Les oripeaux de la Science", In: "Economistes et charlatans", Paris: Les Belles Lettres, pp2-38
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp3-23
- Traduit en italien en 2001, "Il manto della scienza", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "Murray Rothbad - Individualismo e filosofia delle scienze sociali", Luiss Edizioni, Roma
- b. The Politics of Political Economists: Comment, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, Vol 74, n°4, pp659-665
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp217-225
- c. Commentaire du livre de J. W. Bell et de W. E. Spahr, Dir., A Proper Monetary and Banking System for the United States, National Review, July 2, p436
- d. Mr. Rothbard Replies, National Review, August 13, p94
- e. The Panic of 1819: Contemporary Opinion and Policy?, The Journal of Finance, Volume XV, Number 3, September, p420 (résumé de sa thèse)
- f. Confused Comrades, National Review, October 8, p219
- g. "One-Two Punch", commentaire du livre de Henry Hazlitt, dir., "The Critics of Keynesian Economics", National Review, December 3, pp350-351
- a. Conservatism and Freedom: A Libertarian Comment, Modern Age, printemps, Vol 5, n°2, pp217-220
- b. "Economics As a Moral Science", commentaire du livre d'Israel Kirzner, "The Economic Point of View", Modern Age, Spring, pp203-204
- c. "The Fallacy of the `Public Sector", New Individualist Review, Vol 1, n°2, Summer, pp3-7
- Traduit en espagnol en 1962, La Fallacia Del Sector Publico, Orientacion Economical, Caracas: April
- Repris en 1962, Temas Contemporaneous, Mexico City: September 15
- Repris en anglais en 1978, In: Cato Essay, n°1, San Francisco: Cato Institute
- Traduit en norvégien en 1980 par Runar Eraker, Mytem Om Den Offentlige Sektor, Ideer Om Frihet, Vol. 1 No. 4, December, pp11-13
- Repris en anglais en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp171-179
- Traduit en italien en 2000, "La fallacia del settore pubblico", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "La libertà dei libertari" ("La liberté des libertariens"), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- Traduit en espagnol en 1962, La Fallacia Del Sector Publico, Orientacion Economical, Caracas: April
- d. Commentaire du livre de L. Benson, Turner and Beard, National Review, January 14, p26
- e. Commentaire du livre de Robert Lefevre, This Bread Is Mine, National Review, March 25, p195
- f. Statistics: Achilles' Heel of Government, The Freeman, June, pp40-44
- Repris en 1961, In: Essays On Liberty VIII. New York: Foundation for Economic Education, pp255-261
- Repris en 1962, Cliche #57, Fact-Finding Is a Proper Function of Government, In: Cliches of Socialism. New York: Foundation for Economic Education
- Repris en 1994, Fact-finding is a proper function of government, In: Mark Spangler, dir., Clichés of Politics, Irvington, New York: Foundation for Economic Education
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp180-184
- g. Commentaire du livre de Melchior Palyi, "An Inflation Primer", National Review, June 17, p394
- h. What Is the Proper Way To Study Man?, commentaire du livre de Ludwig von Mises, Epistemological Problems of Economics, In: Essays in European Economic Thought, L. Sommer, Dir. et du livre de R. von Mises, Probability, Statistics and Truth, New York: The National Book Foundation, September 15
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp24-27
- i. "Ludwig von Mises, Epistemological Relativism in The Science of Human Action", In: H. Schoeck, J. W. Wiggins, dir., "Relativism and the Study of Man", Princeton, Van Nostrand
- a. Man, Economy and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles, 2 vols., van Nostand, Princeton NJ
- Ch. 10 traduit en espagnol en 1965, Monopolio y Competencia, Buenos Aires: Centro de Estudios Sobre la Libertad
- Nouvelle édition en 1970, Man, Economy, and State. Los Angeles: Nash
- Nouvelle édition en 1979, New York: New York University Press
- Traduction en français en 1991 par François Guillaumat, L'Annexe B de la Conclusion "Collective Goods" and "External Benefits": Two Arguments for Government Activity In: Economistes and charlatans, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, pp164-177
- Nouvelle édition en 1993, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Ch. 1, app. B repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp241-244
- Nouvelle édition en 2004, avec Power and Market (Scholar´s Edition), Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Extraction du chapître V, en 2018, "Producer’s activity", In: Matt McCaffrey, dir., "The Economic Theory of Costs: Foundations and New Directions", London: Routledge, pp73-130
- Traduction en espagnol en 2004 par Norberto Sedaca, El hombre, la economía y el estado, un tratado sobre principios de economía, Buenos Aires, ESEADE, Vol 1
- b. The Case For a 100 Percent Gold Dollar, In: Leland Yeager, Dir., In Search of a Monetary Constitution. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp94-136
- Repris en 1974, The Case For a 100 Percent Gold Dollar, Washington, DC: Libertarian Review Press
- c. "On Freedom and the Law" (commentaire du livre de Bruno Leoni, "Freedom and the Law"), New Individualist Review, Vol 1, n°4, Winter, pp37-40
- Repris en 1981, In: Ralph Raico, dir., New Individualist Review, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund
- d. H. L. Mencken: The Joyous Libertarian, New Individualist Review, vol. 2, no. 2, Summer, pp15–27
- Repris en 1980, Reason, December
- e. Moneda, Libre, y Controlada, Buenos Aires: Centro de Estu Dios Sobre la Libertad
- Traduit en anglais en 1963, What Has Government Done to Our Money?, Colorado Springs, CO: Pine Tree Press
- Traduction en allemand en 1998 par Ingo Resch, Verlag GmbH, Gräfelfing
- Traduction en finnois en 2009, par Petri Kajander, "Teos: Mitä valtio on tehnyt rahallemme?", Lumo Kustannus, ISBN 978-952-5491-60-9
- f. The Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies, New York: Columbia University Press, Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences: N°605
- g. Epistemological Problems of Economics: Comment, The Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 28 No. 4 (April, pp385-387
- h. Why, You'd Take Us Back To the Horse and Buggy. Cliche No. 7, In: Cliches of Socialism. NY: Foundation for Economic Education, pp20-22
- i. Moneda, Libre, y Controlada. Buenos Aires: Centro de Estu Dios Sobre la Libertad (es)
- Traduit en anglais en 1963, What Has Government Done to Our Money?, Colorado Springs, CO: Pine Tree Press
- a. America's Great Depression, Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand
- b. Money, The State and Modern Mercantilism, Modern Age, Vol 7, n°3, Summer, pp279-289
- c. [http://oll.libertyfund.org/?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=2136&chapter=195367&layout=html&Itemid=27 "The Negro Revolution", New Individualist Review, Summer, Vol 3, n°1, pp29-37
- Repris en 1981, In: Ralph Raico, dir., New Individualist Review, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund
- d. The Frankfort Resolutions and the Panic of 1819, The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, July
- e. The Logic and Semantics of Government, Pacific Philosophy Forum, December
- f. War, Peace, and the State, The Standard, April, pp2-5; pp15-16
- Repris en 1974, In: Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays
- Repris en 2003, War, Peace, and the State, In: Hans-Hermann Hoppe, dir., The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production, Auburn, AL: Mises Institute, pp65-80
- g. Restrictionist Pricing of Labor, The Freeman, May, Vol 13, n°5, pp11-16
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp36-42
- h. Mercantilism: A Lesson For Our Times?, The Freeman, November, Vol 13, n°11, pp16-27
- Repris In: Essays On Liberty XI, New York: Foundation for Economic Education, pp182-200
- Traduit en espagnol en 1970, El Mercantilismo: Una Leccion De Nuestros Tiempos?, Ideas Sobre La Libertad, November
- Repris en 1996, In: Burton W. Folsom, dir., The Industrial Revolution and Free Trade, Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y. : Foundation for Economic Education, Ch 1, pp7-18
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp43-55
- 1964,
- a. Transformation of the American Right, Continuum, Vol 2, Summer, pp220-231
- b. Repartee--To Miss Leach, Liberal Innovator, August, p27
- c. Money, the State, and Modem Mercantilism, In: Helmut Schoeck et James Wiggins, dir., Central Planning and Neomercantilism, New York: Van Nostrand, pp138-154
De 1965 à 1969
- a. The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine: An Economist’s View, A Way Out, May-July
- Repris en 2000, In: Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays, pp205-218. Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Repris en 2006, The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine: An Economist’s View, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 20, n°1, winter, pp5-15
- b. The General Line, Left and Right, Vol. 1 No. 1, Spring
- c. Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty, Left and Right, Vol. 1 N°1, Spring
- Repris en 1972, In: Left and Right, Selected Essays 1954-1965. New York: Arno Press
- Repris en 1974, In: Tibor Machan, dir., The Libertarian Alternative. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Co., pp525-549
- d. "The Anatomy of the State", Rampart Journal, Vol 1, n°2, Summer, pp1-24
- Repris en 1974, "The Anatomy of the State", In: Tibor R. Machan, dir., ["The Libertarian Alternative: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy", Chicago, IL: Nelson Hall Co., pp69-93
- Repris en 2000, In: "Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays", Auburn: Mises Institute
- Repris en 2012, "The Anatomy of the State", In: Skyler J. Collins, dir., "Everything Voluntary. From Politics to Parenting", Salt Lake City, Utah: www.everything-voluntary.com, pp44-66
- Traduit en itallien en 2015, In: "Stato vs proprietà", Istituto Bruno Leoni Libri, Torino
- e. A Good Question?, commentaire du livre de Frank S. Meyer, dir., What is Conservatism, Continuum, Winter, pp714-717
- f. Justice and Property Rights, Innovator, January, pp10-11
- g. Liberty and the New Left, Left and Right, Vol I, n°2, Autumn, pp35-67
- h. Get Out of Vietnam!, Innovator, July
- i. Fortune and American 'Idealism', Left and Right, Vol. 1, n°2, Autumn
- j. Discovering the Ninth Amendment, Left and Right, Vol. 1, n°2, Autumn
- k. Mozart was a Red: A Play in One Act, Manuscrit d'une pièce de théâtre joué dans un appartement New-Yorkais
- a. Bertrand de Jouvenel e I diritti di proprieta, Biblioteca Della Liberta (Torino, Italy), May-June
- b. "Herbert Clark Hoover: A Reconsideration", New Individualist Review, Vol 4, n°2, Winter, pp3-12
- Repris en 1981, In: Ralph Raico, dir., New Individualist Review, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund
- c. The Hoover Myth, commentaire du livre de A. U. Romasco, The Poverty of Abundance: Hoover, the Nation, the Depression, Studies on the Left, July-August pp70-84
- Repris en 1970, In: J. Weinstein et D. Eakin, dir., For a New America: Essays in History and Politics. New York: Random House, pp162-179
- d. Old Right/New Left, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter
- e. New Right: National Review's Anniversary, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter, éditorial non signé
- f. From Georgia With Love: The Case of Julian Bond, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter, éditorial non signé
- g. New Right: Future?, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter, éditorial non signé
- h. The Mitchell Case, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter, éditorial non signé
- i. On the Importance of Revisionism For Our Time, Rampart Journal, Spring, pp3-7
- j. The Irish Revolution, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 2, Spring, éditorial non signé
- k. The Power of the President, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 2, Spring, éditorial non signé
- l. Labor Unionism, Two Views, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 2, Spring, éditorial non signé
- m. Cold War Revisionism, The Major Historical Task, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 2, Spring, éditorial non signé
- n. Our Fifth Anniversary, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 2, Spring, éditorial non signé
- o. Robert Schuchman--As His Friends Remember Him, New Guard, April
- p. Albert Jay Nock, Radical, Fragments, April-June, p8
- q. Why Be Libertarian?, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 3, Autumn, pp5-10, éditorial non signé
- Repris en 1971, "Why be libertarian", Abolitionist, Winter, pp1-5
- r. The Cry for Power: Black, White, and `Polish, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 3, Autumn, pp11-14, éditorial non signé
- s. The Martyrdom of Earl Francis, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 3, Autumn, pp15-16, éditorial non signé
- t. Pearl Harbor: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Left and Right, Vol. 2 No. 3, Autumn, pp17-18, éditorial non signé
- u. "The First Liberty Library. Thomas Hollis of Lincoln's Inn (1720-1774)", The Freeman, octobre, Vol 16, n°10, pp56-59 [lire en ligne]
- a. "The Great Society: A Libertarian Critique", In: M. Gettlemen, D. Mermelstein", dir., "The Great Society Reader: The Failure of American Liberalism", New York: Random House, pp502-511
- Repris dans la 2nde edition en 1971
- Repris en 1970, In: Richard Romano, Melvin Leiman, dir., "Views on Capitalism", Beverly Hills: Glencoe Press, pp86-94
- Repris en 1973, In: Robert Carson, Jerry Ingles, Douglas McLaud, dir., "Government in the American Economy", Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, pp88-94
- b. Economic Thought: Comment, In: D. T. Gilchrist, dir., The Growth of the Seaport Cities, 1790-1825. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, pp178-184
- c. Commentaire du livre de Frank S. Meyer, The Moulding of Communists: The Training of the Communist Cadre, Supra
- d. Frank Chodorov: RIP, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°1, Winter, pp3-8
- e. SDS: The New Turn, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°1, Winter, pp9-17
- f. Ronald Reagan as Educator, Vol. 3, n°1, Winter, pp18-20, éditorial non signé
- g. Is There a Nazi Threat?, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°1, Winter, pp21-25, éditorial non signé
- h. Liberalism and the CIA, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°1, Winter, pp26-27, éditorial non signé
- i. Frank Chodorov: Individualist, Fragments, January-March p13
- Repris en 1980, Fragments, October-December, p11
- i. Frank Meyer on the Communist Bogey Man, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°2, Spring-Summer, pp22-42
- j. "Education in California", Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), 9 mai 1967
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, 13 mai 1967
- Repris en 2016, "Education in California", In: Justin Raimondo, dir., "Never a dull moment. A libertarian look at the sixties. Murray Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp15-16
- k. Reaching for the Zoning Club, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), May 14
- l. Abolish Slavery? Part I, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), May 23
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, June 17
- m. Abolish Slavery? Part II, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), May 24
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, June 19
- n. Abolish Slavery? Part III, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), June 8
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, June 22
- o. The Middle East Crisis, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), June 16
- Repris en 1967, The Crisis In The Middle East, Orange County Register, June 18
- p. The Stirnerite Stand on Aggression and Invasion, Minus One, July, pp3-4
- q. Abolish Slavery? Part IV, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), July 2
- r. We're in a Recession, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), July 6
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, July 12
- s. Abolish Slavery!, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), July 13
- Repris en 1967, Abolish Slavery: Compulsory Jury Duty Also Is Draft, Orange County Register, August 3
- t. Abolish Slavery? Part V, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), July 18
- u. Little' Israel, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), July 22
- Repris en 1967, Little' Israel's Blitzkrieg, Orange County Register, July 24
- v. Rebellion' at Newark, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), July 29
- w. Ernesto Che Guevara, RIP, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°3, Autumn, pp3-6, éditorial non signé
- x. The Black Revolution, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°3, Autumn, pp7-17, éditorial non signé
- y. On Desecrating the Flag, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°3, Autumn, pp18-19, éditorial non signé
- z. War Guilt in the Middle East, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°3, Autumn, pp20-30
- aa. Should There Be Another Tax Hike? Part I, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), September 19
- ab. Should There Be Another Tax Hike? Part II, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), September 27
- ac. A Way Out, Letter to S. E. Parker, October, pp12-13
- ad. The Principle of Secession Defended, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), October 3
- ae. Which Statement Was More Irrational?, Orange County Register, October 5
- af. Abolish Slavery!, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), October 10
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, October 15
- ag. Businessmen for Peace, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), October 20
- ah. Gun Laws, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), October 25
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, November 14
- ai. Incitement' to Riot, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), October 29
- aj. LBJ? After Four Years, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), November 8
- Repris en 1967, All That Glitters, Orange County Register, November 11
- ak. A New Constitution?, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), November 18
- Repris en 1967, Who Wants A New Constitution?, Orange County Register, November 18
- al. Optimism After 1967 Elections, Orange County Register, November 25
- Repris en 1967, The Elections, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), December 2
- am. Why Do They all Hate France's De Gaulle?, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), December 3
- Repris en 1967, Orange County Register, December 4
- an. The Cyprus Question, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), December 14
- ao. How to Get Out of Vietnam, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), December 15
- ap. Partition Seen As Solution, Orange County Register, December 17
- aq. The Case of John Milton Ratliff, Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph (Pine Tree Column), December 24
- ar. Frank Chodorov, R.I.P., Left & Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought
- a. Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal, Ramparts, June, pp48–52
- Repris en 1970, In: Henry J. Silverman, dir., American Radical Thought: The Libertarian Tradition, Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co.
- b. Harry Elmer Barnes as Revisionist of the Cold War, In: Harry Elmer Barnes: Learned Crusader, A. E. Goddard, dir., Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles, Publisher
- c. "Von Mises, Ludwig", In: David Sills, dir., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol 16, Macmillan and Free Press
- a. Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal, Ramparts, June, pp48–52
- 1969,
- a. Economic Depressions: Causes and Cures, Constitutional Alliance of Lansing (Mi),
- Repris en 1996, In: Richard M. Ebeling, dir., The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp65-91
- Traduction en italien en 2000, "Le depressioni economiche: causa e rimedio", In: Sergio Ricossa, dir., "La Scuola Austriaca contro Keynes e Cambridge", Soveria Mannelli, IT: Rubbettino, pp177-199
- b. Confiscation and the Homestead Principle, The Libertarian Forum, June 15
- c. The Student Revolution, The Libertarian, May 1
- a. Economic Depressions: Causes and Cures, Constitutional Alliance of Lansing (Mi),
De 1970 à 1974
1970 =
- a. Power and Market: Government and the Economy. Menlo Park, Calif.: Institute for Humane Studies
- b. Individualist Anarchism in the United States: The Origins, Libertarian Analysis 1(1): 14-28
- c. Conservation in the Free Market,
- Repris en 2000, In: Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays, Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institutepp, pp175-189
- d. Education, Free and Compulsory, Wichita : Center for Independent Education
- e. "When Revolution?", Liberrarian Forum, Vol 11, n°19, Oct, pp1,4
- f. "The Great Women's Liberation Issue", The individualist, Vol 2, n°5, pp1-7
- g. "The Tuccille Book", commentaire du livre de, Jerome Tuccille, "Radical Libertarianism: A Right-Wing Alternative", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 2, n°8, 15 avril
- h. commentaire du livre de Jane Jacobs, "The Economy of Cities", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 2, n°4, p4
- a. "Ludwig von Mises and the paradigm for our age", Modern Age, Vol 15, n°4, Fall, pp370–79
- Repris en 2005, "Ludwig von Mises and the paradigm for our age", In: Edward W. Younkins, dir., "Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp143-154
- b. "Freedom, Inequality and the Division of Labor", Modern Age, Vol XV, Summer, pp226-245
- Repris en 1978, In: Kenneth S. Templeton, dir., The Politicalization of Society, Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Press, pp83-126
- Repris en 2000, "Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism and the Division of Labor", In: George A. Panichas, dir., "Modern age, the first twenty-five years: a selection", Indianapolis: LibertyPress, pp103-123
- c. "Lange, Mises and Praxeology: The Retreat from Marxism", In: Floyd A. Harper, Henry Hazlitt, Leonard Read, Gustavo R. Velasco, Friedrich August von Hayek, dir., "Toward Liberty: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises", vol 2, Menlo Park: Institute for Humane Studies
- d. "Milton Friedman Unraveled", The Individualist
- Repris en 2002, "Milton Friedman Unraveled", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 16, n°4, fall, pp37–54
- e. (sous son pseudonyme The old Cudgeon), "Libertarian wit", commentaire du livre de, Jerome Tuccille, "It Usually begins With Ayn Rand", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 3, n°11, novembre
- a. "Education, Free and Compulsory: The Individual's Education", Wichita, KS: Center for Independent Education
- Nouvelle édition en 1999, Auburn AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. "Left and Right, Selected Essays 1954-1965". New York: Arno Press
- c. avec Karl Hess, dir., The Libertarian Forum (1969-1971), New York: Arno Press
- Nouvelle édition en 1972, Ayer Co.
- d. "Capitalism versus Statism", In: Dorothy Buckton James, dir., "Outside, looking in critiques of American policies and institutions, left and right", New York: Harper & Row, pp60-74
- Repris en 1997, In: "The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School", Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp185-199
- Traduit en italien en 2000, "Capitalismo contro Statalismo", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "La libertà dei libertari" ("La liberté des libertariens"), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- e. Herbert Hoover and the Myth of Laissez Faire, In: Ronald Radosh et Murray Rothbard, dir., A New History of Leviathan, New York: E. P. Dutton, pp111-145
- f. War Collectivism in World War I, In: Ronald Radosh et Murray Rothbard, dir., A New History of Leviathan, New York: E. P. Dutton, pp66-110
- g. Commentaire du livre de Erich Streissler, Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich Lutz et de Fritz Machlup, dir., Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honor of Friedrich A. von Hayek, Political Science Quarterly, March, pp162-163
- h. Commentaire du livre de R. Heilbroner, Economic Means and Social Ends, The Antitrust Bulletin, Summer, pp691-700
- Repris en 1997, Heilbroner's Economic Means and Social Ends, In: The Logic of Action Two: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp260-268
- i. Introduction du livre de S. Rogerson, Propaganda for the Next War, New York: Garland Publishing Co.
- j. Préface du livre de Ronald Radosh et de Murray Rothbard, dir., A New History of Leviathan, New York: E. P. Dutton, ppv-ix
- k. Politics `72, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 1, January
- l. Libertarianism Versus Controls, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 1, January
- m. Commentaire du livre de R. Kedward, The Anarchists, Choice, January, p1510
- n. Commentaire du livre de Robert Heilbroner, dir., Economic Means and Social Ends, Antitrust Bulletin, pp691-700
- Repris en 1997, In: Logic of Action, Vol 2, pp260-69
- o. Phase II is Cracking, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- p. The Political Circus, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- q. Of Interest to Libertarians, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- r. For Croatia, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- s. Will the Real (Howard Hughes,...) Please Stand Up!, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- t. The Movement Marches On, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- u. Recommended Reading, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- v. From the `Old Curmudgeon, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 2, February
- w. "Exclusive Interview with Rothbard", The New Banner, February 25, Entretien de Murray Rothbard, dans son appartement à New York City, le 13 janvier 1972 par J. Michael Oliver et Donald C. Stone du New Banner
- Repris en 1972, Schism, Summer, pp21-27
- Traduit en italien en 2008, Intervista a Murray N. Rothbard, le 8 septembre dans le blog la Voce del Gongoro
- x. The Party, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 3, March
- y. The Political Circus, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 3, March
- z. From the `Old Curmudgeon, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 3, March
- aa. The Value-Added Tax Is Not the Answer, Human Events, March 11, p197
- Repris en 1972, In: Congressional Record, March 14
- Repris en 1972, In: The Stanford Daily, en deux parties, "VAT--Dangerous Swindle", a mai et 9 mai
- ab. A Bunch of Losers, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 4, April
- ac. Short People, Arise!, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 4, April
- ad. Commentaire du livre de Jerome Tuccille, It Usually Begins With Ayn Rand, Choice, April, p283. (article non signé)
- ae. Should Libertarians Vote?, Outlook, April, p6
- af. Nixon's World, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 5, May
- ag. The Party Once More, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 5, May
- ah. From the `Old Curmudgeon, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 5, May
- ai. The Shadow Cabinet, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 5, May
- aj. Recommended Reading, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 5, May
- ak. Frank S. Meyer, RIP, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 5, May
- al. McGovern?, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 Nos. 6-7, June-July
- am. The Party Emerges, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 Nos. 6-7, June-July
- an. Another Lone Nut?, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 Nos. 6-7, June-July
- ao. Arts and Movies, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 Nos. 6-7, June-July
- ap. Mao As Free Enterprise, Or, Halbrook in Wonderland, Outlook, July-August, pp6-7
- aq. Commentaire du livre de D. Apter et de J. Joll, dir., Anarchism Today, Choice, July-August, p714. (article non signé)
- ar. Commentaire du livre de Bruno Leoni, Freedom and the Law, National Review, July 21, pp803-804
- as. Bombing the Dikes, (Témoignage devant le tribunal des crimes de guerre internaional en 1967), The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 Nos. 8-9 (August-September
- at. Commentaire du livre de R. Lora, Conservative Mind in America, Choice, September, p882 (article non signé)
- au. Nix On McGovernment, Outlook, October, pp8-10, 22
- av. November?, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 8, October
- aw. No, No McGovern, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 8 (October
- ax. Archy's Last Gasp?, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 8, October
- ay. The Schmitz Ticket, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 8, October
- az. Unit or Cadre, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 8, October
- ba. Recommended Reading, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 8, October
- bb. Beyond the Sixties, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- bc. From the `Old Curmudgeon, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- bd. The Senate Rated, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- be. The Elections, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- bf. Whither Democracy?, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- bg. Recommended Reading, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- bh. Arts and Movies, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 9, November
- bi. Gold & Silver Newsletter. Long Beach, CA: Pacific Coast Coin Exchange, November 30
- Repris en 1974, In: L. Carabini, dir., Everything You Need To Know About Gold and Silver. New Rochelle: Arlington House
- bj. Controls Won't Work, Intellectual Digest, December, pp56-57
- bk. Kid Lib, Outlook, December, pp8-10
- bl. Commentaire du livre de J. Doenecke, The Literature of Isolationism A Guide To Non-Interventionist Scholarship 1930-1972, Books for Libertarians, December
- bm. The Movement, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bn. Hospers on Crime and the FBI, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bo. From the `Old Curmudgeon, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bp. We Make the Electoral College!, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bq. Freedom, Pot, and National Review, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- br. Recommended Reading, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bs. The Editor Replies, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bt. Bormann Once More, The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 4 No. 10, December
- bu. Interview avec Murray Rothbard, partie 2, Gold and Silver Newsletter, December 31, pp1-4
- bv. "NIX ON MCGOVERNMENT", Outlook, October
- a. "For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto", New York: Macmillan
- b. Value Implications of Economic Theory, American Economist, 17, spring, pp35-39
- c. "Praxeology as the Method of Economics", In: M. Natanson, dir., "Phenomenology and the Social Sciences", Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, pp311-339
- Repris en 1990, Praxeology as the Method of Economics", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp452-480
- Traduit en italien en 2001, "La prasseologia come metodo delle scienze sociali", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "Murray Rothbard - Individualismo e filosofia delle scienze sociali", Luiss Edizioni, Roma
- d. The Quota System, in Short, Must Be Repudiated Immediately, Intellectual Digest, January, conférence au Forum d'histoire contemporaine tenu le 17 novembre 1972
- Repris en 1973, The Stanford Daily, April 27
- e. "Floyd Arthur ‘Baldy’ Harper, RIP", The Libertarian Forum, may
- a. Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature,
- 2nde édition en 2000, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama
- b. Commentaire du livre d'Israel Kirzner, Competition and Entrepreneurship, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 12, N°3, Sep., pp902-904
- c. Justice and Property Rights, In: Samuel Bluemenfeld, dir., "Property in a Humane Economy", LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, pp101–122
De 1975 à 1979
- a. 'Simon Rottenberg, "Comment", Journal of Law and Economics, 18, (Décembre) pp611-615
- b. "Government and the Economy", The Libertarian Forum, Vol. 7 No. 1, January
- c. "Society Without a State", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 7, n°1, January
- Traduit en italien en 2000, "Società senza Stato", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "La libertà dei libertari" ("La liberté des libertariens"), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- Repris sur le blog de La Voce del Gongoro, "Società senza Stato", le 13 juillet 2007
- Traduit en italien en 2000, "Società senza Stato", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "La libertà dei libertari" ("La liberté des libertariens"), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- d. New Rothbard Books!, The Libertarian Forum, Vol 7, n°1, January
- e. "Review of an Objective Theory of Probability", Libertarian Review, Feb., p9
- f. Late Medieval Origins of Free Market Economic Thought, The Journal of Christian reconstruction, Summer, Vol 2, n°1, pp81-96
- g. "Conceived in Liberty, Vol 1, A New Land, A New People: The American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century", New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House
- Nouvelle impression en 1987, San Francisco: Cobden Press
- h. commentaire du livre de Joseph S. Davis, "The world between the wars, 1919-39: An economic view", Libertarian Review, Vol IV, n°12, décembre, p6
- a. Ludwig von Mises and Economic Calculation Under Socialism, In : The Economics of Ludwig von MISES, ed. Laurence S. Moss (Kansas City : Sheed and Ward)
- b. Praxeology: The methodology of Austrian economics, In: Edwin G. Dolan, dir., The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, pp19-39
- c. New light on the prehistory of the Austrian school, In: Edwin G. Dolan, dir. The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, pp52-74
- d. Praxeology, value judgements, and public policy, In: Edwin G. Dolan, dir., The foundations of modern Austrian economics, Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, Inc., pp89–111
- Repris en 2011, "Praxeology, value judgements, and public policy", Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine (numéro spécial : Liberalismo e Anarcocapitalismo. La Scuola Austriaca di Economia), juin-janvier, Anno XXIX, n°1-2, pp10-31
- e. The Austrian Theory of Money, In: Edwin G. Dolan, Dir., The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, pp160-184
- f. Total Reform: Nothing Less, In: Edwin G. West, dir., Nonpublic School Aid, Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Co.
- g. "The New Deal and the International Monetary System", In: Leonard Liggio, James J. Martin, dir., "Watershed of Empire: Essays on New Deal Foreign Diplomacy", Colorado Springs, Colo. Ralph Myles Publisher Inc.
- i. "U.S. Out of Angola!", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- j. "MacBride vs. Reagan", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- k. "The ABM Slips Away", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- l. "Libertarian Bicentennial", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- m. sous son pseudonyme, Mr. First Nighter, "Arts and Movies", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- n. "Free Doug Kennell", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- o. "Libertarian Environmentalists", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 8, n°1, janvier
- p. "We Make the Media!", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°2, février
- q. "Revisionism and Libertarianism", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°2, février
- r. "Center for Libertarian Studies Formed!", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°2, février
- s. "Von Hoffman vs. Schlesinger", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°2, février
- t. "The Early Primaries", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°3, mars
- u. "Libertarian Feminists Organize", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°3, mars
- v. "African Roundup", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°3, mars
- w. "The Lebanon Tragedy", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°3, mars
- x. "FLP Split!", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°4, avril
- y. "Combatting Conservatism ", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°4, avril
- z. "A Political Party, Once More", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°4, avril
- aa. "The “Defense Gap” Mythology", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°4, avril
- ab. "The Zen Candidate: Or, Browning Out In the Movement", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°5, mai
- ac. "On Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia—I", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°5, mai
- ad. sous son pseudonyme Mr. First Nighter, "Arts and Movies", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°5, mai
- ae. "Ford Vs. Carter?", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°6, juin
- af. "Who’s Behind ... ?", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°6, juin
- ag. "The Psycho-Presidency", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°6, juin
- ah. "Viewpoint: The Angola Caper", Reason Magazine, Avril
- a. "Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics", San Francisco: Center for Libertarian Studies, Occasional Paper #3
- b. "Robert Nozick and the Immaculate Conception of the State", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 1, n°1, Winter
- c. "Do You Hate the State?", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 10, n°7
- d. "Introduction", In: "Frank A. Fetter. "Capital, Interest, and Rent, Murray Rothbard, Dir., Kansas City: Sheed, Andrews and McMeel
- e. The Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited, Reason Magazine, April, pp39-40
- Traduit en italien en 2008, La teoria cospirazionista della storia rivisitata, 15 vendredi février, blog de La Voce del Gongoro
- f. "Carter's Energy fascism: presciption for power", Libertarian Review, Vol VI, n°3, July, pp10-13
- g. "The Tuccille Defection", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 10, n°4, avril
- h. "Punishment and Proportionality", In: Randy Barnett, John Hagel, dir., "Assessing the Criminal: Restitution, Retribution and the Legal Process", Ballinger, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp259-270
- a. What Has Government Done to Our Money?, Novato, California: Libertarian Publishers
- Repris en 1990, Auburn, Al.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Traduction en allemand par Jörg Guido Hülsmann, Carsten Hülsmann et Reinhard Stiebler en 2000, Das Schein-Geld-System. Wie der Staat unser Geld zerstört [Le pseudo-système monétaire. Comment le gouvernement a-t-il détruit notre monnaie ?], avec une postface de [[Jörg Guido Hülsmann], Schöne neue Zeichengeldwelt
- Traduction en français en 2006 par Guido Hülsmann, Alexandre Padilla et Emmanuel Scano, La monnaie et le Gouvernement, avec un épilogue de Guido Hülsmann : L'Histoire monétaire récente, Edition : Institut Charles Coquelin
- b. The Foreign Policy of the Old Right, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Winter, 2(1): 85-96
- c. Inflation and the Business Cycle: The Collapse of the Keynesian Paradigm, In: For a New Liberty. New York: Collier Macmillan, pp171-193
- d. Society Without a State, In: Anarchism: Nomos XIX. J.R. Pennock et J.W. Chapman, eds. New York: New York University Press
- e. Austrian Definitions of the Supply of Money, In: Louis M. Spadaro, dir., New Directions in Austrian Economics, Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and McMeel
- f. "The capital punishment question", Libertarian Review, June, Vol 7, n°5, pp13-14
- g. "Unbelievable!", Reason Magazine, mai (Courrier adressé à la rédaction suite à l'article précédent d'Edith Efron "Warning to Constitutional Republicans")
- a. The Myth of Efficiency, In: Mario Rizzo, dir., Time, Uncertainty and Disequilibrium. Exploration of Austrian Themes, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Co, Lexington, Massachusetts
- b. Individualism and the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Cato Paper No. 4, San Francisco: Cato Institute
- c. avec Williamson Evers, "Current LP Planks", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 12, n°4, juillet-août
De 1980 à 1989
- a. “F.A. Hayek and the Concept of Coercion”, Ordo: Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 31, pp43–50
- Repris en 1982, "F.A. Hayek and the Concept of Coercion", In: Murray Rothbard, dir., "The Ethics of Liberty", Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, ch 28
- b. "Evers for Congress", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 13, n°3, mai-juin
- c. "King on Punishment: A Comment", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 4, Spring, pp167-172
- “PT. Barnum Was Right", Inquiry, 25 mai, pp19-21
- a. dir., "The Ethics of Liberty", Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press
- Nouvelle édition anglaise en 1998, New York: New York University Press
- Traduction française par Pierre Lemieux et François Guillaumat, en 1991, "L’éthique de la liberté", Collection laissez faire, Les Belles Lettres L'Ethique de la liberté
- Traduction en italien en 1996, par Luigi Marco Bassani, "L’etica della libertà", Liberilibri, Macerata
- Traduction en allemand en 1999, Die Ethik der Freiheit, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin
- Nouvelle édition en allemand en 2000
- Traduction en tchèque en 2009, "Etika svobody", Prague: Liberální institut, ISBN 978-80-8638-955-4
- b. Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution, Cato Journal 2 (Spring)
- Repris en 1990, In: Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation, Walter Block, ed. Vancouver: Fraser Institute. Pp. 233–79
- Repris en 1997, In: The Logic of Action 2, Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School, Edward Elgar
- c. "Interventionism: Comment on Lavoie", In: Israel Kirzner, dir., "Method, Process, and Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises", Ch 15, Lexington (Mass): Lexington Books, pp185-188
- The Mystery of Banking, New York: Richardson and Snyder
- a. "Creative Economic Semantics", The Free market, September
- Repris en 1988, "Creative Economic Semantics", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp32-34
- b. Walk on the Supply Side, The Free Market, October
- Repris en 1988, A Walk on the Supply Side, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp339-341
- c. "Ten Great Economic Myths", The Free Market, April
- Repris en 1988, "Ten Great Economic Myths", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "Tje free market reader", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp19-31
- d. "The Federal Reserve as a Cartelization Device", In: Barry N. Siegel, dir., "Money in crisis: The Federal Reserve, the economy, and monetary reform" (Pacific studies in public policy), Ballinger Pub. Co, San Francisco: Pacifie Institute for Public Policy Research, ISBN 0884109623, pp89-136
- a. "Creative Economic Semantics", The Free market, September
- 1985,
- a. Professor Hebert on Entrepreneurship, Journal of Libertarian Studies, vol VII, n°2, Fall, pp281-286
- b. The case for a genuine Gold Standard, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Gold Standard, Lexington: Mass, Ch1, pp1-18
- Nouvelle édition en 1992, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp1-18
- c. Deductibility and Subsidy, The Free Market, November, p4
- d. Airport Congestion: A Case of Market Failure?, The Free Market, January
- Repris en 1988, Airport Congestion: A Case of Market Failure?, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp257-259
- e. Anatomy of the Bank Run, The Free market, September
- f. "Competition at Work: Xerox at 25", The Free Market, February
- Repris en 1988, Competition at Work: Xerox at 25, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp35-36
- g. "The Crusade Against South Africa", The Free Market, July
- Repris en 1988, "The Crusade Against South Africa", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp131-133
- h. Deductibility and Subsidy, The Free Market, November
- i. "The Politics of Famine", The Free Market, April
- Repris en 1988, "The Politics of Famine", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp223-225
- j. The Revolution Comes Home, The Free Market, January
- k. The Water is Not Running, The Free Market, September
- a. George Orwell and the Cold War: A reconsideration, In: Reflections on America, 1984: An Orwell Symposium, Robert Mulvihill, dir., Athens and London, University of Georgia Press
- Traduit en italien en 2008, George Orwell e la Guerra Fredda: un riesame, mercredi 6 février, sur le site la Voce del Gongoro
- b. A Trip to Poland, The Free Market, June
- Repris en 1988, A Trip to Poland, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp231-232
- c. "The World Currency Crisis", The Free Market, February
- Repris en 1988, "The World Currency Crisis", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp83-87
- d. "Money Inflation and Price Inflation", The Free Market, September
- Repris en 1988, "Money Inflation and Price Inflation", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp93-96
- e. Government vs. Natural Resources, The Free Market, December
- Repris en 1988, Government vs. Natural Resources, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp263-265
- f. Privatization, The Free Market, March
- Repris en 1988, Privatization, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp260-262
- g. "First Step Back to Gold", The Free market, November
- Repris en 1988, "First Step Back to Gold", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp97-99
- h. "THE PROGRESSIVE ERA AND THE FAMILY", In: Fred R. Glahe, Joseph R. Peden, dir., "The American Family and the State", San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, pp109-134
- i. "Protectionism and the Destruction of Prosperity", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Repris en 1988, "Protectionism and the Destruction of Prosperity", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp148-162In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp148-162
- Traduit en italien en 2000, "Protezionismo e distruzione della prosperità", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "La libertà dei libertari" ("La liberté des libertariens"), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- a. "Time Preference", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", New York: Stockton Press, pp644-646
- Repris en 1991, In: Richard M. Ebeling, dir., "Austrian Economics: A Reader", Hillsdale: Hillsdale College Press, pp414-422
- Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- b. "Mises, Ludwig Elder von (1881–1973)", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", Vol 3, New York: Stockton Press, pp479–480
- Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- c. "Alan Greenspan: A Minority Report", The Free Market, August
- Repris en 1988, "Alan Greenspan: A Minority Report", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp103-104
- d. Consequences of Human Action, The Free Market, May
- e. Panic on Wall Street, The Free Market, June
- f. The Specter of Airline Re-Regulation, The Free Market, November
- g. The Homeless and the Hungry, The Free market, February
- h. "Keynesian Myths", The Free Market, September
- Repris en 1988, "Keynesian Myths", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp50-55
- i. "Back to Fixed Exchange Rates", The Free Market, December
- Repris en 1988, "Back to Fixed Exchange Rates", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp109-113
- j. The Balanced-Budget Amendment Hoax, The Free Market, October
- Repris en 1988, The Balanced Budget Amendment Hoax, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp296-298
- k. Life or Death in Seattle, Liberty, Vol 1, n°1, August, pp39-42
- l. The Rise of Statism, commentaire du livre de Robert Higgs, "Crisis and Leviathan", Liberty, Vol 1, n°2, Septembre-Octobre, pp31-32
- m. "Timberlake on the Austrian Theory of Money: A Comment", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, pp179-188
- n. "The Myth of Free Banking in Scotland", commentaire du livre de Lawrence H. White, "Free banking in Vritain: Theory, Experience and Debate, 1800-1845", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, pp229-45
- Repris en 1997, In: "The Logic of Action II", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp311-330
- o. "Libertarians •In a State-Run World", Liberty magazine, décembre, pp15-25
- p. "Adam Smith Reconsidered", Austrian Economics Newsletter, Auburn, AL: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, Fall, pp5-7
- Repris en 1990, "Adam Smith Reconsidered", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol. I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp41-44
- q. "Imputation", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- r. "Catallactics", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- s. "Fetter, Frank Albert (1863–1949)", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate and Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave
- t. Commentaire du livre de Wolfgang Grassl, Barry Smith, dir., "Austrian Economics: Historical and Philosophical Background", Journal of Applied Philosophy Vol 4, n°2, pp248-250
- a. Ludwig von Mises: Scholar, Creator, Hero, Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. "Interest Rate Question", The Free Market, February
- Repris en 1988, "The Interest Rate Question", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp62-64
- c. "The National Bureau and Business Cycles", The Free Market, june
- Repris en 1988, "The National Bureau and Business Cycles", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp70-74
- d. "Bank Runs and Water Shortages", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp77-82
- e. "Taking Libertarianislll Seriously", Liberty Magazine, Vol 2, n°1, September, pp34-36
- g. The Collapse of Socialism, The Free Market, October
- Repris en 1988, The Collapse of Socialism, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp254-256
- h. Nine Myths about the Crash, The Free Market, January
- Repris en 1988, Nine Myths About the Crash, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp308-313
- i. The Case Against the Flat Tax, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp342-361
- j. Is There Life After Reaganomics?, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp362-380
- k. The Return of the Tax Credit, The Free Market, July
- l. W H. Hutt, The Free Market, September
- m. The Inseparable Bush and Dukakis, The Free Market, November
- n. The Story of the Mises Institute, The Free Market, May
- o. Babittry and Taxes, The Free Market, April
- p. Chaos Theory: Destroying Mathematical Economics?, The Free Market, March
- q. "Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage, Once More", The Free Market, Vol 6, n°12, décembre
- Repris en 1990, "Outlawing Jobs: The Minimum Wage, Once More", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp17-21
- r. Freedolll is for Everyone (Including the despised "Rightists"), Liberty, Vol 1, n°4, Mars, pp43-44
- s. "Me and the Eiger", Liberty, Vol 1, n°4, Mars, p60
- t. "Henry Hazlitt: Giant of Liberty", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp205-206 (Le 17 octobre 1987, à New York, plus de 150 personnes se sont rassemblées pour rendre hommage à Henry Hazlitt lors du dîner du cinquième anniversaire de l'Institut organisé en son honneur.)
- a. The Hermeneutical Invasion of Philosophy and Economics, The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 3, pp45-59
- b. World War I as Fulfillment: Power and the Intellectuals, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 9, (Winter): 81–125
- c. "The Other Side of the Coin: Free Banking in Chile", Austrian Economics Newsletter, Vol 10, n°2, Winter, pp1–4
- d. "Statistics: Destroyed from Within?", The Free Market, February
- Repris en 1990, "Statistics: Destroyed from Within?", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp63-66
- e. "The Keynesian Dream", The Free Market, July
- Repris en 1990, "The Keynesian Dream", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp32-34
- f. The Freedom Revolution, The Free Market, August
- g. Q & A on the S & L Mess, The Free Market, April
- h. Michael R. Milken vs the Power Elite, The Free Market, June
- i. Inflation Redux, The Free Market, May
- j. "Are Savings Too Low?", The Free Market, November
- Repris en 1990, "Are Savings Too Low?", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp51-54
- k. How to Desocialize, The Free Market, September
- l. Hurricane Hugo, The Free Market, December
- m. "Keynesianism Redux", The Free Market, January
- Repris en 1990, "Keynesianism Redux", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp27-31
- n. "Ronald Reagan: A Political Obituary", Liberty Magazine, mars
- Repris en 2004, "Ronald Reagan: A Political Obituary", Liberty Magazine, août, Vol 18, n°8, pp15-24
- o. "Public Choice: A Misshapen Tool", Liberty Magazine, May, vol 2, n°5, pp19-21
- p. "Eyeing the Top of the PyraInid. Mr Friedman at the Apex", Liberty Magazine, May, vol 2, n°5, pp33-34
De 1990 à 1994
- 1990,
- a. Karl Marx: Communist as Religious Eschatologist, Review of Austrian Economics 4: 123–79
- b. The Science of Liberty: An Interview with Murray N. Rothbard, Austrian Economics Newsletter 11(2): 1-5, 15
- c. Concepts of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Change Toward Laissez Faire, Journal of Libertarian Studies, 9(2), pp43-67
- d. Peru and the Free Market, The Free Market, july
- e. Welcoming the Vietnamese, The Free Market, February
- f. Why the Intervention in Arabia?, The Free Market, November
- g. The Budget "Crisis", The Free Market, December
- h. A Gold Standard for Russia, The Free Market, January
- i. Government-Business "Partnerships", The Free Market, September
- j. Government Medical "Insurance", The Free market, August
- k. Inflation and the Spin Doctors, The Free Market, May
- l. Oil Prices Again, The Free Market, October
- m. The Social Security Swindle, The Free Market, April
- n. A Radical Prescription for the Socialist Bloc, The Free Market, March
- o. Mrs. Thatcher's Poll Tax, The Free Market, June
- 1991,
- a. Economistes et charlatans, Paris, Les Belles Lettres
- b. The End of Socialism and the Calculation Debate Revisited, Review of Austrian Economics, 5(2), pp51-76
- c. The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar, Auburn, Al.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- d. Bank Crisis!, The Free Market, March
- e. The Glorious Postwar World, The Free Market, May
- f. The Infant Mortality "Crisis", The Free Market, June
- g. Inflationary Recession, Once More, The Free Market, January
- h. Exit the Iron Lady, The Free Market, February
- i. Lessons of the Recession, The Free Market, July
- j. The Union Problem, The Free Market, December
- k. What To Do Until Privatization Comes, The Free Market, September
- l. The Mysterious Fed, The Free Market, October
- m. The Salomon Brothers Scandal, The Free Market, November
- n. Should We Bail Out Gorby?, The Free Market, August
- o. Deflation, Free or Compulsory, The Free Market, April
- a. The Present State of Austrian Economics, Working Paper, The Ludwig von Mises Institute, November
- Repris en 1995, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, vol.VI, n° 1, mars, pp43-90
- b. Aurophobia: or, Free Banking on What Standard? Commentaire sur le livre de Richard M. Timberlake, Gold, Greenbacks and the Constitution, Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 6, n°1
- c. "How and How Not to Desocialize", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 6, n°1, pp65–77
- Traduction en italien en 2000, "Come smantellare il socialismo", In: Roberta Modugno, dir., "La libertà dei libertari" ("La liberté des libertariens"), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli
- d. Keynes, the Man, In: Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics, Mark Skousen, Dir., New York: Praeger, pp171–198
- e. Karl Marx: Communist as Religious Eschatologist, In: Yuri N. Maltsev, dir., Requiem for Marx, Auburn, Ala. : Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp221-294
- f. Bush and the Recession, The Free Market, February
- g. By Their Fruits, The Free Market, October
- h. F. A. Hayek, The Free Market, June
- i. "Free Trade" in Perspective, The Free Market, March
- j. Perot and Direct Democracy, The Free Market, August
- k. Are Diamonds Really Forever?, The Free Market, November
- l. The Recession Explained, The Free Market, January
- m. Rethinking the '80s, The Free market, May
- n. Rioting For Rage, Fun, and Profit, The Free Market, July
- o. Discussing the "Issues", he Free Market, February
- p. The Neocon Welfare State, The Free Market, September
- q. Are We Undertaxed?, The Free Market, April
- a. Environmentalists Clobber Texas, The Free market, April
- b. "Fairness" and the Steel Steal, The Free Market, February
- c. That Gasoline Tax, The Free Market, March
- d. The Nafta Myth, The Free Market, October
- e. The Health Plan's Devilish Details, The Free market, December
- f. "Attacking" the Franc, The Free market, November
- g. Price Controls Are Back!, The Free market, June
- h. The Legacy of Cesar Chavez, The Free Market, July
- i. "V. Orval Watts", The Free market, July
- j. "Margit von Mises", The Free market, September
- k. Clintonomics Revealed, The Free market, May
- l. Clintonomics: The Prospect, The Free Market, January
- m. "Great Book "Suppressed"!", commentaire du livre de Paul Gottfried, "The Conservative Movement", Rothbard-Rockwell Report, May, pp1-2
- n. "The Oscars. Unforgiven, by Clint Eastwood", Rothbard-Rockwell Report, May, pp6-8
- o. "Mises and the Role of the Economist in Public Policy", In: Jeffrey Herbener, dir., "The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises: contributions in economics, sociology, epistemology, and political philosophy", Studies in Austrian Economics Series, Auburn, AL: Praxeology Press of the Ludwig von Mises Institute & Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Press, pp193-208
- p. "Free market", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp636-640
- Extrait repris en 1997, "Property Rights and Human Rights", The Freeman, February, Vol 47, n°2, p59
- Repris en 2022, "What Is the Free Market?", In: Keith Knight, dir., ["The Voluntaryist Handbook. A collection of essays, exercepts, and quotes", Austin: The Libertarian Institute, pp1-5
- a. "The Case Against the Fed", Auburn, Al.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. Commentaire du livre de Bruce Caldwell, Stephan Boehm, "Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 61, n°2, Oct., pp559-560
- c. The War on the Car, The Free Market, December
- d. Fixed-Rate Fictions, The Free Market, July
- e. Is There Life after Nafta?, The Free Market, February
- f. The Trouble with Quick Fixes, The Free Market, May
- g. Vouchers: What Went Wrong?, The Free Market, January
- h. Welfare As We Don't Know It, The Free Market, April
- i. The Whiskey Rebellion, The Free Market, September
- j. Population "Control", The Free Market, November
- k. Stocks, Bonds, and Rule by Fools, The Free Market, June
- l. The Economics of Gun Control, The Free Market, March
- m. Economic Incentives and Welfare, The Free Market, October
- n. Eisnerizing Manassas, The Free Market, August
- o. "An unregulated economy was part of the horse- and-buggy era", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp45-46
- p. "Fact-finding is a proper function of government", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp90-96
- q. "Nations by Consent: Decomposing the Nation-State", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 11, Fall, pp1-10
De 1995 à 1999
- a. "Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy", Burlingame, Ca.: Center for Libertarian Studies
- b. "An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought: The Classical Economists", Vol 1, "Economic Thought Before Adam Smith", Brookfield, VT: Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
- Traduit en espagnol en 2000, "Historia del Pensamiento Económico, Madrid, Unión Editorial
- c. "The Present State of Austrian Economics", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, March, Vol 6, n°1, pp43-89
- repris en 1997, In: Murray N. Rothbard, The Logic of Action. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, vol. 1, pp111-72
- d. Classical Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- e. Is It "The Economy Stupid"?, The Free Market, February
- f. Flat Tax or Flat Taxpayer, The Free Market, June
- g. The Flag Flap, In: Making Economic Sense
- h. Roots of the Insurance Crisis, In: Making Economic Sense
- i. "Taking Money Back: Part I", The Freeman, September, Vol 45, n°9, pp540-543 [lire en ligne] (L'auteur pose la question de savoir qui doit contrôler la fonction vitale de masse monétaire)
- Repris en 2015, "Taking Money Back", StoriaLibera, n°2, Anno: 2015, pp87-93
- Traduction en italien en 2003, "Riprendiamoci la moneta, La banca a riserva frazionaria, La soluzione", Enclave, n°22, décembre
- Traduction en italien en 2015 par Piero Vernaglione et Guglielmo Piombini, "Moneta, Banca e Libero Mercato" ("La monnaie, la banque et le libre marché"), StoriaLibera, n°1, Anno: 2015, pp121-148
- j. "Fractional Reserve Banking: Part II", The Freeman, October, Vol 45, n°10, pp624-627 [lire en ligne]
- Repris en 2015, "Taking Money Back", StoriaLibera, n°2, Anno: 2015, pp93-100
- Traduction en italien en 2004, "Riprendiamoci la moneta, La banca a riserva frazionaria, La soluzione", Enclave, n°23, mars
- Traduction en italien en 2015 par Piero Vernaglione et Guglielmo Piombini, "Moneta, Banca e Libero Mercato" ("La monnaie, la banque et le libre marché"), StoriaLibera, n°1, Anno: 2015, pp121-148
- k. "The solution: Part III", The Freeman, November, Vol 45, n°11, pp697-702 [lire en ligne]
- Repris en 2015, "Taking Money Back", StoriaLibera, n°2, Anno: 2015, pp100-109
- Traduction en italien en 2004, "Riprendiamoci la moneta, La banca a riserva frazionaria, La soluzione", Enclave, n°24, juin
- Traduction en italien en 2015 par Piero Vernaglione et Guglielmo Piombini, "Moneta, Banca e Libero Mercato" ("La monnaie, la banque et le libre marché"), StoriaLibera, n°1, Anno: 2015, pp121-148
- l. "L'éclat de Turgot", (traduction en français par François Guillaumat), Journal des économistes et des études humaines, March, Vol 6, n°1, pp21-42
- m. "Will Rothbard's Free-Market Justice Suffice?", The Voluntaryists, n°80, juin
- repris en 1999, "I Must Speak Out. The Best of The Voluntaryist 1982-1999", Fox & Wilkes, San Francisco, pp47-48 (Extrait de Reason Magazine, Mai, 1973, pp19, 23-25
- n. "Bureaucracy and the Civil Service in the United States". Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol XI, n°2
- a. The Logic of Action (2 volumes), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- b. Buchanan and Tullock’s The Calculus of Consent, In: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Vol. 2 de "The Logic of Action", Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar
- c. The Myth of Neutral Taxation, In: Applications and Criticism from the Austrian School. Vol. 2 de "The Logic of Action", Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar
- a. A History of American Money and Banking: The Colonial Period Until World War II
- b. The Origins of the Federal Reserve, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 2(3): 3-51
- c. Education: Free and Compulsory, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute
À partir de 2000
- 2003, "A History of Money in the United States"", Auburn, Al.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- 2010,
- a. commentaire du livre de Douglass North, "The Economic Growth of the United States, 1790–1860", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp188-192 (note envoyée à Yvan R. Bierly du William Volker Fund le 1er mai 1961)
- b. commentaire du livre de T. S. Ashton, "An Economic History of England: The Eighteenth Century", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp218-222 (note envoyée à Kenneth Templeton du William Volker Fund le 31 mai 1959)
- c. "Report on Ronald Coase Lectures", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp253-256 (note envoyée à Kenneth S. Templeton du William Volker Fund le 16 juillet 1957)
- d. commentaire du livre de Lawrence Abbott, "Quality and Competition" et d'Anthony Scott, "Natural Resources: The Economics of Conservation", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp257-258 (note envoyée à Kenneth S. Templeton du William Volker Fund le 21 juillet 1958)
- e. commentaire du livre de John Chamberlain, "The Roots of Capitalism", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp265-276 (note envoyée à Ivan R. Bierly du William Volker Fund le 5 juillet 1959)
- f. "Letter on Henry Hazlitt and Keynes", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp277-278 (note envoyée à Ivan R. Bierly du William Volker Fund le 18 juillet 1959)
- g. commentaire du livre de Lionel Robbins, "The Great Depression", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp289-291 (note envoyée à Ivan R. Bierly du William Volker Fund le 14 novembre 1959)
- h. commentaire du livre de Lionel Robbins, "Robert Torrens and the Evolution of Classical Economics", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp292-295 (note envoyée à Ivan R. Bierly du William Volker Fund le 14 octobre 1960)
- i. commentaire du livre de Benjamin Anderson, "The Value of Money", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp301-302 (note envoyée à Ivan R. Bierly du William Volker Fund le 20 janvier 1960)
- j. commentaire du livre de Frank S. Meyer, "The Moulding of Communists", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp332-342 (note envoyée à H. George Resch du William Volker Fund le 28 octobre 1961)
- k. "Critique of Frank S. Meyer’s Memorandum", In: David Gordon, dir., "Strictly Confidential: The Private Volker Fund. Memos of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp343-374 (note écrite en mars 1962)
- 2014, "Science, Technology, and Government", Auburn, Al.: Ludwig von Mises Institute (manuscrit écrit en 1959)
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