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Steven Horwitz (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Steven Horwitz, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1986 à 1989
- 1986,
- a. avec Peter J. Boettke et David Prychitko, "Beyond Equilibrium Economics: Reflections on the Uniqueness of the Austrian Tradition," Market Process, vol 4, n°2, Fall, pp6-9; pp20-25
- Repris en 1994, In: Peter Boettke et David Prychitko, dir., "The Market Process: Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics", Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp62-79
- Repris en 2002, In: Peter J. Boettke et Stephan Boehm, dir., "Modern Austrian Economics. Archaeology of a Revival", Vol. II: The Age of Dispersal. Edited by London: Pickering & Chatto, pp121-132
- b. avec David Prychitko et Peter J. Boettke, The Roots of Apartheid: A Book Review Essay, commentaire de trois livres, celui de Geoffrey Wheatcroft, "The randlords", celui de Merle Lipton, "Capitalism and apartheid, South Africa, 1910-84", et celui de William H. Hutt, "The economics of the colour bar", Critical Review, Vol 1, n°1, winter, pp115-122
- a. avec Peter J. Boettke et David Prychitko, "Beyond Equilibrium Economics: Reflections on the Uniqueness of the Austrian Tradition," Market Process, vol 4, n°2, Fall, pp6-9; pp20-25
- 1987, avec Michael Becker et Robert O’Quinn, “Interstate Banking: Toward a Competitive Financial System”, Issue Alert, n°18, Washington, D.C.: Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, p9
- 1989,
- a. The Private Basis of Monetary order: An Evolutionary Approach to Money and The Market Process, Thèse de Doctorat, Université George Mason
- b. Keynes's Special Theory, Critical Review, Vol 3, n°3-4
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. A Subjectivist Approach to the Demand for Money, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, vol 1, n°4, décembre, pp459-471
- b. Competitive Currencies, Legal Restrictions, and the Origins of the Fed: Some Evidence from the Panic of 1907, Southern Economic Journal, 56 (3), January, pp639-649
- Repris en 1993, In: The International Library of Macroeconomic and Financial History: Free Banking (3 vols.), Lawrence White, editor, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, Vol 2, pp330-340
- 1991, "The Political Economy of Inflation: Public and Private Choices", Durell Journal of Money and Banking, 3 (4), November
- 1992,
- a. Monetary Evolution, Free Banking, and Economic Order, Westview Press
- b. Monetary Exchange as an Extra-Linguistic Social Communication Process, Review of Social Economy, Vol 50, n°2, summer, pp193–214
- Repris en 1995, In: David L. Prychitko, dir., Individuals, Institutions, Interpretations: Hermeneutics Applied to Economics, Aldershot, UK: Avebury Publishing, chapter 9, pp154-175
- 1993,
- a. “Spontaneity and Design in the Evolution of Institutions : the Similarities of Money and Law”, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, vol 4, n°4, décembre, pp571-588
- b. Misreading the «myth» : Rothbard on the theory and history of free banking, In: Peter Boettke et David Prychitko, dir., The Market Process. Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics, Edward Elgar, pp166-176
- a. « Subjectivism », In: Peter J. Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Edward Elgar
- b. commentaire du livre de Richard Timberlake, Monetary Policy in the United States: An Intellectual and Institutional History, The Freeman, Mai, Vol 44, n°5
- c. Commercial Banking in a Free Society, The Freeman, Juillet, Vol 44, n°7
- Repris en 1999, "Commercial Banking in a Free Society", Formulations (publication de la Free Nation Foundation), Vol 6, n°22, winter
- d. “Complementary Non-Quantity-Theory Approaches to Money: Hilferding's Finance Capital and Free Banking Theory”, History of Political Economy, Vol 26 (2), Summer, pp221-238
- e. “Inflation”, In: Peter J. Boettke, dir., The Edward Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar
- f. avec Ronald M. Horwitz, "Health-Care Reform: Deja Vu All Over Again", The Freeman, Vol 44, Décembre
- g. "Does Eastern Europe need a new (Marshall) plan?", In: Peter Boettke, dir., "The Collapse of Development Planning", New York, New York University Press, pp210-228
- h. avec Peter Boettke, David L. Prychitko, "Beyound equilibrium economics: Reflections on the uniqueness of the Austrian tradition", In: Peter Boettke, David L. Prychitko, "The Market Process: Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, pp62-82
- i. "Prices, the level and macroeconomics coordination: Hutt on keynesian economics", In: Peter Boettke, David L. Prychitko, "The Market Process: Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, pp156-165
- j. "Misreading the "myth" Rothbard on the theory and history of free banking", In: Peter Boettke, David L. Prychitko, "The Market Process: Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics", Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, pp166-178
- a. Monetary Exchange as an Extra-Linguistic Social Communication Process, In: Individuals Institutions and Interpretations. Hermeneutic Applied to Economics, David Prychitko, Dir., Edward Elgar Publishing Company, Aldershot Horwitz, pp154–175
- b. commentaire du livre dirigé par Hans Sennholz, dir., "Inflation is Theft", The Freeman, June, Vol 45, n°6, pp401-402
- c. Feminist Economics: An Austrian Perspective, Journal of Economic Methodology, December, Vol 2, n°2, pp259-279
- d. "Thinking Carefully About Macroeconomics", The Freeman, December, Vol 45, n°12, pp781-784
- a. Money, Money Prices, and the Socialist Calculation Debate, Advances in Austrian Economics 3, pp59–77
- Repris en 2000, In: Socialism and the Market: The Socialist Calculation Debate Revisited, Vol. IX, Peter J. Boettke, Dir., New York: Routledge
- b. Commentaire du livre de Jack Birner et de Rudy Van Zijp, Hayek, Co-Ordination, and Evolution: His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 62, N°4, Apr., pp1115-1116
- c. "Capital Theory, Inflation, and Deflation: The Austrians and Monetary Disequilibrium Theory Compared", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 18, n°2, Fall, pp287-308
- Repris en 1999, In: Peter J. Boettke, Andrew Farrant, Greg Ransom, Gilberto O. Salgado, dir., "The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek", Vol 3, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp340-361
- d. Reply to Cottrell, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Fall
- e. Keynes on Capitalism: Reply to Hill, Critical Review, Summer
- f. "Banking and Freedom in the Fifty Years of FEE", The Freeman, Mai, Vol 46, n°5, pp310-314
- g. "Liberty and the Domain of Self-Interest. Does society work better or worse when self-interest is given freer reign?", The Freeman, November, Vol 46, n°11, pp726-730
- a. Money, Money Prices, and the Socialist Calculation Debate, Advances in Austrian Economics 3, pp59–77
- a. Labor market coordination and monetary equilibrium: W H. Hutt’s place in “Pre-Keynesian” macro, Journal of Labor Research, Volume 18, N°2, juin, pp205-226
- b. avec Peter J. Boettke, Dir., Advances in Austrian Economics, volume 4, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press
- c. avec Roger Koppl, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4", Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- d. "The economics of time and money: An introduction to a symposium on Austrian macroeconomics", In, Roger Koppl et Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4", Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp3-5
- e. "Understanding Say's Law of Markets. What Say said-and meant", The Freeman, January, Vol 47, n°1, pp4-7
- a. Hierarchical Metaphors in Austrian Institutionalism: A Friendly Subjectivist Caveat, In: Roger Koppl et Gary Mongiovi, (eds), Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann, New York, US and London, UK: Routledge, pp143-162
- b. Monetary Calculation and Mises’s Critique of Planning, History of Political Economy, Vol 30, n°3 (fall), pp427–450
- c. Keynes and Capitalism One More Time: A Further Reply to Hill, Critical Review, Winter-Spring
- 1999,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Nicolai J. Foss, The Austrian School and Modern Economics: Essays in Reassessment, Copenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag, The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 11, Numbers 1-2 / janvier
- b. Of Human Action But Not Human Design: Liberalism in the Tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment, Canton, NY: Saint Lawrence University
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- a. From The Sensory Order to the Liberal Order: Hayek’s Non-rationalist Liberalism, Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 13, n°1, pp23–40
- b. Microfoundations and Macroeconomics. New York: Routledge
- c. Hayek, Friedrich August von, In: Arne Hessenbruch, dir., Reader's Guide to the History of Science, Chicago and. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, pp324-326
- 2001,
- a. From Smith to Menger to Hayek Liberalism in the Spontaneous-Order Tradition, The Independent Review, vol VI, n°1, Summer, pp81–97
- Repris en 2004, In: John Cunningham Wood et Robert D. Wood, "Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments of Leading Economists", vol 4, London: Routledge, pp227-244
- b. "Hayek: Good Money, Journal of the History of Economic Thought", Vol 23, n°1, pp99-104
- Repris en 2004, In: John Cunningham Wood et Robert D. Wood, "Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments of Leading Economists", vol 4, London: Routledge, pp220-226
- a. From Smith to Menger to Hayek Liberalism in the Spontaneous-Order Tradition, The Independent Review, vol VI, n°1, Summer, pp81–97
- 2002,
- a. Comment on Boettke & Subrick and Faulkner, Journal of Economic Methodology, March
- b. Entrepreneurship, Exogenous Change, and the Flexibility of Capital, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 12, n°1, Mars, pp67–77
- 2003,
- a. The Costs of Inflation Revisited, Review of Austrian Economics, 16, (March): 77–95
- b. Rand, Rush, and De-totalizing the Utopianism of Progressive Rock, Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Fall
- c. “Say's Law of Markets: An Austrian Appreciation”, In: Steven Kates, dir., Two Hundred Years of Say's Law: Essays on Economic Theory's Most Controversial Principle, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp82-98
- d. "The Austrian Marginalists: Menger, Böhm-Bawerk, and Wieser", In: Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp262-277
- 2004,
- a. "Money and the Interpretive Turn: Some Considerations", Symposium: Working through Post-modernity, Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, vol 8, n°2, pp249-266
- b. "From Revival to Flourishing: Thirty Years of the Austrian School", The Journal of Economic Methodology 11 (2)
- c. "Monetary Calculation and the Unintended Extended Order: The Misesian Microfoundations of the Hayekian Great Society", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 17, n°4, [lire en ligne]
- d. Commentaire du livre de Chris Matthew Sciabarra, "Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 17, n°4, pp457–461
De 2005 à 2009
- 2005,
- a. "The Functions of the Family in the Great Society", Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol 29, n°5, September, pp669-684
- b. "Friedrich Hayek, Austrian Economist", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 27, n°1, pp71-85
- c. avec Peter J. Boettke, The Limits of Economic Expertise: Prophets, Engineers, and the State in the History of Development Economics, History of Political Economy, 37 (1), annual conference volume supplement, pp10-39
- d. Two Worlds at Once: Rand, Hayek, and the Ethics of the Micro and Macro-cosmos, Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol 6, n°2, Spring, pp375-403
- e. "Free Trade and the Climb Out of Poverty. Lifting Trade Restrictions Improves Economic Development", The Freeman, Mars, Vol 55, n°2
- 2006, "Hayek and Freedom", The Freeman, Vol 56, n°4, May, pp26-28 [lire en ligne]
- a. "Language, monetary exchange, and the structure of the economic universe: an austrian-searlean synthesis", In: B. Montero, M. White, dir., "Economics and the mind", London: Routledge, pp75–88
- b. "Are Our Graduates College-Writing Ready? What High Schools Could Do to Help", Education Week, 27 (2), September 5, p. 27.
- c. avec Hillory Oakes, A Writing Program that Works: St. Lawrence's Faculty-Driven First-Year Program, Pope Center for Higher Education Policy Clarion Call, August 29
- d. avec Peter Lewin, “Heterogeneous Human Capital, Uncertainty, and the Structure of Plans: A Market Process Approach to Marriage and Divorce”, Review of Austrian Economics
- e. “Capitalism and the Family,” The Freeman, July-August 2007, 57 (6). (PDF)
- f. “Leftists for Hayek: What Happens When a Socialist Applies the Insights of Austrian Economics?” (commentaire du livre de Ted Burczak, Socialism After Hayek), Reason Magazine, July, 39 (3), pp65-69
- g. commentaire du livre de Bruce Caldwell, dir., "F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents, The Definitive Edition (part of the Collected Works of F. A. Hayek), Economic History Services website (EH.net), http://eh.net/bookreviews/library/1226, Juin
- h. "Catallaxy, Competition, and Twenty-First-Century Capitalism: An Agenda for Economics", In: R. Garnett et J. Harvey, dir., Future Directions in Heterodox Economics, University of Michigan Press, pp225-239
- i. commentaire du livre de Jurgen Backhaus, dir., "Entrepreneurship, Money, and Coordination: Hayek's Theory of Cultural Evolution", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 29, n°3, pp379-381
- a. avec Cathy Crosby-Currie, "The Evolution of the American Family, The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach", revised edition, Barbara Millis and Margaret Cohen, Dir., Jossey-Bass
- b. "Analogous Models of Complexity: The Austrian Theory of Capital and Hayek's Theory of Cognition as Adaptive Classifying Systems", In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Explorations in Austrian Economics", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 11, JAI Press, ISBN 1-84855-330-9, pp143-166
- c. The Sensory Order and Organizational Learning, Advances in Austrian Economics, Special Issue on Hayek’s The Sensory Order, William Butos, dir.
- d. “Giving the Fed New Powers Ignores History,” op-ed, Cato Institute, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=9462, 13 juin
- e. “Making Hurricane Response More Effective: Lessons from the Private Sector and the Coast Guard During Katrina” Policy Comment #17, Mercatus Center, Washington, DC, March 19, 2008.
- f. avec Peter Lewin, “Heterogeneous Human Capital, Uncertainty, and the Structure of Plans: A Market Process Approach to Marriage and Divorce”, Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 21, n°1, March, pp1-21
- g. Hurricane Recovery Comes Out of a Box, Local Knowledge, Summer, n°1, pp48-
- h. "Is the Family a Spontaneous Order?", Studies In Emergent Order, Vol 1, pp163-185
- i. Commentaire du livre de Christopher J. Coyne, After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 67, n°3-4, September, pp969-972
- j. “Free-Market Money: A Key to Peace”, The Freeman, 58 (1), January-February, pp13-15
- k. “Profit: Not Just a Motive,” The Freeman, 58 (2), March 2008, pp. 21-23.
- l. “Government Intervention is Needed to Solve the Housing Crisis? It Just Ain’t So,” The Freeman, 58 (4), May 2008, pp. 6-7.
- m. Economists and Scarcity. The Concepts of "Scarcity" and "Resources" Are Often Misunderstood, The Freeman, June, Vol 58, n°5
- n. "Monetary Calculation and the Extension of Social Cooperation into Anonymity", Journal of Private Enterprise Education, Vol 23, n°2, pp81–93
- o. "Family", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp165-166
- a. "Ought Implies Can", The Freeman, April, Vol 59, n°3 (L'auteur affirme que des déclarations éthiques sans les sciences économiques conduisent à des politiques publiques désastreuses.)
- Traduction en espagnol en 2009 par Leandro Kanemann, "Deber implica Poder", Revista Digital Orden Espontáneo, n°9, décembre, pp8-11
- b. Ought Implies Can. Ethical Pronouncements without Economics Lead to Diastrous Public Policies, The Freeman, May, Vol 59, n°4
- c. Saving is Killing the Economy?, The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 59, n°9
- d. Commentaire du livre de Thomas Woods, Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse, The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 59, n°10
- e. avec Gene Callahan, The Role of Ideal Types in Austri an Business Cycle Theory, working paper, Mercatus center, juin, n°9-25
- f. The Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomic Disorder: An Austrian Perspective on the Great Recession of 2008, Working paper Mercatus Center, 22 juin
- g. "Wal-Mart to the Rescue: Private Enterprise’s Response to Hurricane Katrina", The Independent Review, Vol 13, n°4, spring, pp511-528
De 2010 à 2014
- a. "Deflation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", The Freeman, January/February, Vol 60, n°1, pp30-34
- b. "Unintended Consequences", The Freeman, March, Vol 60, n°2, pp16-18
- c. "On Saving and Hoarding. Steven Horwitz replies to James Ahiakpor", The Freeman, March, Vol 60, n°2, p40
- d. "Greece: The Canary in the U.S. Coal Mine?", The Freeman, July-August, Vol 60, n°6, pp8-10
- e. "Why Do Futurists Get So Much Wrong?", The Freeman, September, Vol 60, n°7, pp30-32 [lire en ligne]
- f. The sensory order and organizational learning, In: Roger Koppl et Steven Horwitz, dir., The Social Science of Hayek's ‘The Sensory Order’ (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 13), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp263-284
- c. "Kirznerian Entrepreneurship as a Misesian Solution to a Hayekian Problem", The Journal of Private Enterprise, 25(2), pp97-103
- d. avec Gene Callahan, "The role of ideal types in Austrian business cycle theory", In: Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, Pierre Desrochers, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics" - Volume 14 - "What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?", ISBN: 978-0-85724-261-7, pp205-224
- e. "Doing the Right Things: The Private Sector Response to Hurricane Katrina as a Case Study in the Bourgeois Virtues", In: M. D. White, dir., "Accepting the Invisible Hand: Market-Based Approaches to Social Economic Problems", New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp169-190
- g. "Making hurricane response more effective: lessons from the private sector and the Coast Guard during Katrina", In: Emily Chamlee-Wright et Virgil Henry Storr, dir., "The Political Economy of Hurricane Katrina and Community Rebound", Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publisher, pp46-71
- h. "Liberalism, Conservatism, and Hayek’s Idea of Spontaneous Order Spontaneous order and the limits of reason and traditionhunt and Mcnamara's", In: J. E. Biddle, R. B. Emmett, dir., "A Research Annual (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology", Vol 28 Part 1, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp339-347
- a. "War Would End the Recession?", The Freeman, January/February, Vol 61, n°1
- b. avec Art Carden, The TSA Makes Us Safer?, The Freeman, March, Vol 61, n°2
- c. "Is a Nation Something That Can Be Built?", The Freeman, June, Vol 61, n°5
- d. avec Jack Knych, "The Importance of Failure", The Freeman, November
- e. "Austrian Economists and Liberal Arts Colleges as a Complementary Capital Combination", Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Vol 10, n°2, pp31-40
- f. "A Jambalaya of Thoughts on Non-price Signals, Commercial Spaces, and Lessons Learned from Katrina: A Review Essay on Emily Chamlee-Wright’s The Cultural and Political Economy of Recovery: Social Learning in a Post-Disaster Environment", Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 4, pp78-86
- g. "Theory, history, and the great recession", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 24, n°2, juin, pp171-184
- h. "Do We Need a Distinct Monetary Constitution?", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 80(2), pp331–338
- a. avec Roger Koppl et Laurent Dobuzinskis, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 17, - Experts and Epistemic Monopolies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- b. "Expertise and the Conduct of Monetary Policy", In: Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, Laurent Dobuzinskis, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 17, - Experts and Epistemic Monopolies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Ch 5, pp61-80
- c. "Causes and Cures of the Great Recession", Economic Affairs, 32(3), pp65-69
- d. "That’s Not Kosher: How Four Jewish Butchers Brought Down the First New Deal", The Freeman, June, Vol 62, n°5, pp12-17
- e. "Free Markets Are a Women’s Best Friend", Atlanta: Foundation of Economic Education
- a. "Spontaneous Order, Free Trade and Globalization", In: Norman Barry, Roger Garrison, dir., "Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics", Edward Elgar, ISBN 9780857931108 ISBN 0857931105
- b. avec Stewart Dompe, "From Rabbit Ears to Flat Screen: It's Getting Better All the Time", In: Joshua C. Hall, dir., "Homer Economicus. The Simpsons and Economics", Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, pp177-189
De 2015 à 2023
- a. "The Financial Crisis in the United States”, In: Peter Boettke et Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp729-748
- b. "Freedom of dissociation: Indiana Edition", The Freeman, Vol 65, n°2, Summer, pp10-11
- c. "Why the candidates keep giving us reasons to use the “f” word", The Freeman, Vol 65, n°4, Winter, pp18-19
- d. "Hayek’s Modern Family: Classical Liberalism and the Evolution of Social Institutions", Palgrave Macmillan US
- e. "A Hayekian Theory of Parental Rights", Cato Policy Report, September-October, Vol XXXVII, n°5, p1, pp6-8
- f. "Inequality, Mobility, and Being Poor in America", Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol 31, n°2, pp70–91
- a. dir., "Studies in Austrian Macroeconomics" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 20) Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- b. "Introduction: Money, Cycles, and Crises in the United States and Canada", In: Steven Horwitz, dir., "Studies in Austrian Macroeconomics" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 20), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp1-12
- c. "Hayek on the Neutrality of Money", In: Steven Horwitz, dir., "Studies in Austrian Macroeconomics" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 20), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp61-78
- d. "The problems with Keynesianism: a view from Austrian capital theory", In: Steven Kates, dir., "What's wrong with Keynesian economic theory?", Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp106-122
- e. "Three Kinds of Economic Ignorance", The Freeman, Summer, Vol 66, n°2, pp13-15 [lire en ligne]
- a. "Family law, uncertainty, and the coordination of human capital", In: Peter J. Boettke, Todd Zywicki, dir., "Research Handbook on Austrian Law and Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp398-422 (en)
- b. avec Vincent Geloso, "Inequality: First, do no harm", Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, Vol 22, n°1, pp121–134
- a. "Ludwig Lachmann as a Theorist of Entrepreneurship", Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Vol 57, n°1, pp19-40
- b. dir., "Austrian Economics: The Next Generation", (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 23) Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- c. "Editor’s Introduction: Austrian Economics: The Next Generation", In: Steven Horwitz, dir., "Austrian Economics: The Next Generation", (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 23) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp1-6
- d. "The Dialectic of Culture and Markets in Expanding Family Freedom", In: Roger E. Bissell, Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Edward W. Younkins, dir., "The Dialectics of Liberty: Exploring the Context of Human Freedom", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp185–202.
- a. "Liberal Institutions and the Material and Moral Progress of Humanity", Washington, DC: Competitive Enterprise Institute
- b. "Privilege and the Liberal Tradition", Washington DC: Cato Institute
- . 2021, "Microfoundations and Macroeconomics at 20: Some Reflections", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 34, n°2, pp323–330
- . 2022, avec Sarah Skwire, Akiva Malamet, "Sex and Gender", In: Benjamin Ferguson, Matt Zwolinski, dir., "The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism", New York: Routledge, pp275–290
- 2023, avec Louis Rouanet, dir., "A Research Agenda for Austrian Economics", Chiltenham & Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
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