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Richard H. Timberlake
Richard H. Timberlake | |||||
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Richard H. Timberlake est un économiste américain. Il a lutté contre le mythe selon lequel la Grande Dépression des années 1930 aurait été causée par l'économie libérale. Il a lutté également contre cet autre mythe qui prétend que le président Franklin Roosevelt, avec sa politique du New Deal, aurait sauvé la nation américaine du désastre. Richard Timberlake accuse le gouvernement fédéral d'avoir aidé à créer et significativement prolongé la dépression en restreignant l'offre de monnaie et en provoquant un désastre déflationniste.
Richard Timberlake enseigne l'économie monétaire à l'université de Georgie de 1964 à 1990. Il a écrit 5 livres sur la monnaie.
- 1960,
- a. "The Specie Circular and Distribution of the Surplus”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 68, April, pp109-117
- b. "The Independent Treasury and Monetary Policy Before the avil War", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 27, October, pp92-I03
- 1961, "The Specie Standard and Central Banking in the United States Before 1860”, Journal of Economic History, Vol 21, September, pp318-341
- 1965, "The Specie Circular and the Sale of Public Lands: A Comment”, Journal of Economic History, Vol 25, September, pp414-416
- 1968, "Politics, Economists, and the Central Bank", In: Nicholas A. Beadles, L. Aubrey Drewry, Jr., dir., "Money, The Market and the State: Essays in Honor of James Muir Waller", Athens, Ga.:University of Georgia Press, pp45-64
- 1974, "Denominational Factors in Nineteenth Century Currency Experience." Journal of Economic History 34 (Dec): 835-884
- 1978, "The Origins of Central Banking in the United States", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
- 1981,
- a. Monetization Practices and the Political Structure of the Federal Reserve System, Policy Analysis no. 2, August 12
- b. Solving the Monetary Crisis, Policy Report, 3, October, p9
- c. The Significance of Unaccounted Currencies, Journal of Economic History, Vol 41, December, pp853-866
- 1984,
- a. "Federal Reserve Policy Since 1945: The Results of Authority in the Absence of Rules", In: Barry N. Siegel, dir., "Money in crisis: The Federal Reserve, the economy, and monetary reform" (Pacific studies in public policy), Ballinger Pub. Co, San Francisco: Pacifie Institute for Public Policy Research, ISBN 0884109623, pp177-193
- b. "The Central Banking Role of Clearinghouse Associations," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol 16, n°1, February, pp1-15
- 1987,
- a. A Critique of Monetarist and Austrian Doctrines on the Utility and Value of Money, Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 1, pp81-96
- b. "Free Market Money in Coal-Mining Communities", Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol 19, n°4, November
- Repris en 1989, Free Market Money in Coal-Mining Communities, The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 39, n°10
- Repris en 1996, Free Market Money in Coal-Mining Communities, In: Wilson J. Mixon Jr, dir, Private means, Public Ends: Voluntarism vs Coercicion, Foundation For Economic Education, Irvington on Hudson: NY, pp106-118
- c. "Reply to Comment by Murray N. Rothbard", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, pp189-198
- d. "Private Production of Scrip-Money in the Isolated Community", Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol 19, n°4, November, pp437–447
- 1988, "New Deal Monetary Legislation for the Welfare of the Government", In: Catherine England, Thomas F. Huertas, dir., "The Financial Services Revolution. Policy Directions for the Future", Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp107-111
- 1990, "The government’s license to create money", Cato Journal, Vol 9, pp301–321
- 1991, "Gold, Greenbacks, and the Constitution", Berryville, Va.: The George Edward Durell Foundation
- 1992, "Central Banking Institutions in the United Kingdom and the United States", In: Peter Newman, M. Milgate et J. Eatwell, dir., "New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance", London: Macmillan, pp328–333
- 1993, "Monetary Policy in the United States: An Intellectual and Institutional History", Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
- 1995, "How Gold Was Money–How Gold Could Be Money Again. Putting gold in the hands of individuals", The Freeman, April, Vol 45, n°4, pp204-209
- 1996, "Red-Lining the Federal Government Budget. A different strategy for fiscal control", The Freeman, November, Vol 46, n°11, pp734-738
- 1999, "Ludwig von Mises and Price Indexes", Cato Journal, 19(2), pp. 273-277
- 2000, Who Controls the Money?, The Freeman, April, Vol 50, n°4
- 2003, "Meltzer’s History of the Federal Reserve and the Evolution of Central Banking", Cato Journal, Vol 23, n°2, fall, pp319-334
- 2008, The Federal Reserve’s Role in the Great Contraction and the Subprime Crisis, Cato Journal, vol 28, n°2, Spring/Summer
- 2019, avec T. Humphrey, "Gold, the Real Bills Doctrine and the Fed: Sources of Monetary Disorder, 1922-1938", Washington D.C: Cato Institute
Littérature secondaire
- 1987, Murray Rothbard, "Timberlake on the Austrian Theory of Money: A Comment", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, pp179-188
- 1994, Steven Horwitz, commentaire du livre de Richard Timberlake, Monetary Policy in the United States: An Intellectual and Institutional History, The Freeman, Mai, Vol 44, n°5
- 2015, Alex Salter, Commentaire du livre de Richard H. Timberlake, "Constitutional Money: A Review of the Supreme Court's Monetary Decisions", Independent Review, Vol 20, n°1, pp144-147
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