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Steven Kates

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Steven Kates

Dates 1948 -
Steven Kates
Tendance Libéral
Nationalité Canada Canada
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Steven Kates, né en 1948 au Canada, est un universitaire canadien. Il est professeur associé à l'école d'économie, des finances et du marketing, de l'Université RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) de Melbourne en Australie. Il a passé un quart de siècle en tant qu'économiste en chef pour la Chambre australienne du commerce et de l'industrie. Ses recherches ont porté sur la politique macro-économique, sur les relations industrielles et sur l'histoire de la pensée économique. Il a écrit de nombreux articles ainsi que deux livres sur Jean-Baptiste Say : La loi de Say et la révolution keynésienne, en 1998 et Deux cents ans de la loi de Say en 2003. Avec John Cunningham Wood, il a mis en place un ensemble de cinq volumes sur des essais critiques sur Jean-Baptiste Say.


  • 1997, "On the True Meaning of Say's Law", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol 23, Spring, pp191-202
  • 1998, "Say's Law and the Keynesian revolution: how macroeconomic theory lost its way", Edward Elgard Publishing Limited, ISBN 1858987482
  • 2004,
    • a. dir., "Two Hundred Years of Say's Law: Essays on Economic Theory's Most Controversial Principle", Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
    • b. "Economic management and the Keynesian revolution: The policy consequences of the disapperance of Say's Law", In: Steven Kates, dir., "Two Hundred Years of Say's Law: Essays on Economic Theory's Most Controversial Priniciple", Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp67-81
  • 2008,
    • a. avec A. Millmow, "A canary in the coalmine: the near death experience of history in Australia", History of Economic Ideas, vol XVI, n°3, pp79-94 (Opening article in an international symposium on the role of the history of economics within economics)
    • b. avec A. Millmow, "A canary in the coalmine: a rejoinder", History of economic ideas, vol XVI, n°3, pp112-118 (The final rejoinder in a symposium on the role of history of economics within economics)
    • c. "A letter from Keynes to Harlan McCracken dated 31st August 1933: Why the standard story on the origins of the general theory needs to be rewritten", History of Economics Review, vol 47, pp20-38
  • 2010, dir., "Macroeconomic Theory and Its Failings: Alternative Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis", Edward Elgar Pub, ISBN 1848448198
  • 2011,
    • a. dir., "The Global Financial Crisis: What Have We Learnt?", Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar
    • b. "Free Market Economics: An Introduction for the General Reader", Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom
    • c. "Policy in the absence of theory: The coming world of political economy without Keynes", In: Steven Kates, dir., "The Global Financial Crisis : What Have we Learnt ?", Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom
    • d. "Introduction", In: Steven Kates, dir., "The Global Financial Crisis : What Have we Learnt ?", Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom
    • e. "Subverting Say's Law: Harlan McCracken and the Common-Keynes connection", In: "Financial Instability and Economic Security After The Great Recession", Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK
    • f. "How will economists ever get it right?: the need to rid economic theory of aggregate demand", International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Vol 19, pp132-143
  • 2012, "Alesina and the Keynesians: Austerity and Say's Law", Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol 40, pp401-415
  • 2013, "Defending the history of economic thought", Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK
  • 2015,
    • a. "Mill's fourth fundamental proposition on capital: a paradox explained", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 37, n°1, pp39-56
    • b. "Steven Kates replies: why the history of economics needs defending", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 37, pp145-150
    • c. "Liberty Matters: Reassessing the Political Economy of John Stuart Mill", Indianapolis: Liberty Fund
  • 2016,
    • a. "The Hundredth Anniversary of Clay’s Economics: The Best Introduction to Economics Ever Written", History of Economics Review, Vol 64, n°1, pp47-41
    • b. "Say’s Law, between Classical, Keynesian and Austrian Interpretations" (Conversation with Dr. Steve Kates Conducted by Grégoire Canlorbe), Man and the Economy, 3(2), pp267-298
    • c. dir., "What’s Wrong with Keynesian Economic Theory?", Edward Elgar Publishing
    • d. "The dangers of Keynesian economics", In: Steven Kates, dir., "What's wrong with Keynesian economic theory?", Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp123-149

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