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Opportunité (bibliographie)
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Bibliographie sur le thème de l'opportunité entrepreneuriale.
De 1954 à 1989
- 1954, William N. Parker, "Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Response in the German Economy", Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, 7, pp26-36
- 1973, Israel Kirzner, Competition and Entrepreneurship, Chicago, University of Chicago Press
- 1978, E. DeBono, "When opportunity knocks", Management Today, (Sep), pp102-105
- 1979, Israel Kirzner, Perception, opportunity and profit, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- 1980, Edward de Bono, "Opportunities", Middlesex: Penguin
- 1981, Franklin Fisher, "Stability, Disequilibrium Awareness, and the Perception of New Opportunities", Econometrica, 49, pp270-317
- 1984, W. Long et W. E. McMullan, Mapping the New Venture Opportunity Identification Process, In: J. A. Hornaday, dir., Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley MA: Babson College, pp567-590
- 1986, Howard Aldrich, C. Zimmer, "Entrepreneurship and opportunity recognition", Small Business Economics, Vol 24, pp249-265
- 1987,
- A. Belley, Opportunités d'affaires : un objet négligé de la recherche sur la création d'entreprises, Revue PMO, 4(11), pp24-33
- William D. Bygrave, J. A. Timmons, D. F. Muzyka, H. H. Stevenson, "Opportunity recognition: the core of entrepreneurship", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, pp109-137
- 1988, J. Dutton et S. Jackson, Discerning threats & opportunities, Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, pp370–387
- 1989,
- P. J. Christensen, O. Madsen et R. Peterson, Opportunity identification : The contribution of entrepreneurship to strategic management. – Denmark : Aarhus University Institute of Management
- F. A. Tarpley, R. D. Teach, R. G. Schwartz, "Recognition and Exploitation of Opportunity in the Software Industry: A Study of Surviving Firms", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, MA : Babson College, Vol 3, n°1, pp383-397
De 1990 à 1994
- Howard Aldrich, Roger D. Waldinger, Robin Ward, "Opportunities, Group Characteristics and Strategies", In: Roger D. Waldinger, Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward, dir., "Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant Business in Industrial Societies", Newbury Park, California: Sage, pp13-48
- Howard Aldrich, Roger D. Waldinger, David McEvoy, "Spatial Dimensions of Opportunity Structures", In: Roger D. Waldinger, Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward, dir., "Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant Business in Industrial Societies", Newbury Park, California: Sage, pp106-130
- J. E. Dutton, "The making of organizational opportunities: An interpretive pathway to organizational change", Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 15, pp195-226
- D. F. Jennings et S. L. Seaman, Aggressiveness of response to new business opportunities following deregulation: An empirical study of established financial firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 5, pp177-189
- P. J. Christensen et R. Peterson, Opportunity identification: mapping the sources of new venture ideas, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, pp567-581
- Paul S. Goodman, Lee S. Sproull, "Technology and Organizations: Integration and Opportunities", In: Paul S. Goodman, Lee S. Sproull, dir., "Technology And Organizations", San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
- J. A. Timmons, "New Business Opportunities: Getting to the Right Place at the Right Time", Acton, MA: Brick House Publishing Co.
- Per Davidsson, "Continued entrepreneurship: Ability, need, and opportunity as determinants of small firm growth", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 6, n°6, pp405-429
- B. Gilad, S. Kaish, "Characteristics of opportunities search of entrepreneurs versus executives: sources, interests, general alertness", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 6, n°1, pp45-61
- D. M. Ray, International opportunity identification in small Canadian exporting firms, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
- Don Lavoie, "The Discovery and Interpretation of Profit Opportunities: Culture and the Kirznerian Entrepreneur", In: Brigitte Berger, Dir., "The Culture of Entrepreneurship", San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, pp33-51
- Traduction en espagnol en 1993, El descubrimiento e interpretación de oportunidades deganancias: la cultura y el empresario kirsneziano, In: Brigitte Berger, dir., La cultura empresarial, México, Gernika
- Traduction en français en 1994, La découverte et l'interprétation des possibilités de profit : la culture et l'entrepreneur selon Kirzner, In: Brigitte Berger, dir., Esprit d'entreprise, cultures et societes, Paris: Maxima, ch 10
- Don Lavoie, "The Discovery and Interpretation of Profit Opportunities: Culture and the Kirznerian Entrepreneur", In: Brigitte Berger, Dir., "The Culture of Entrepreneurship", San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, pp33-51
- James G. March, "Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning", Organization science, 2(1), pp71–87
- 1992, Connie M. Gaglio, R. P. Taub, "Entrepreneurs and Opportunity Recognition", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA, Babson College
- 1993,
- P. R. Dickson, Norris Krueger, "Self-efficacy and perceptions of opportunities and threats", Psychological Reports, Vol 72, pp1235–1240
- W. Patterson, First-mover advantage: The opportunity curve, Journal of Management Studies, 30, pp759-777
- Alan L. Carsrud, R. L. Brockhaus et K. Shaver, The Entrepreneur, The Market Context, and The Venture, In: J. Hill, dir., "Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Research Ideas and Opportunities", Quorum: Westport, CT, pp 285-294
- P. S. Christensen, O. O. Madsen, R. Peterson, "Conceptualising Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition", In: G. E. Hills, dir., "Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Research Ideas and Opportunities", Westport, CT: Quorum Books, pp61-75
- P. S. Christensen, O. O. Madsen, R. Peterson, "Opportunity Identification: The Contribution of Entrepreneurship to Strategic Management", Aarhus University Institute of Management, Denmark
- P. Dickson, Norris Krueger, "How believing in ourselves increases risk taking: Self–efficacy and perceptions of opportunity and threat", Decision Sciences, 25(3), pp385–400
- Henry Mintzberg, "That’s not “turbulence,” Chicken Little, it’s really opportunity", Planning Review, 22(6), pp7–9
- W. J. Orlikowski et M. J. Tyre, "Windows of opportunity: Temporal patterns of technological adaptation in organizations", Organization Science, Vol 5, pp98-119
- J. A. Timmons et D. F. Muzyka, Opportunity recognition: Lessons from Venture Capital, In: G.E. Hills, dir., "Marketing and Entrepreneurship : Research Ideas and Opportunities", Wesport, Connecticut, Quorum Books, pp95-114
- J. M. Utterback, Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation. How Companies Can Seize Opportunities in the Face of Technological Change. Boston, Ma.: Harvard Business School Press
De 1995 à 1999
- 1995,
- R. Amit, E. Muller, I. Cockburn, "Opportunity costs and entrepreneurial activity", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 10, pp95-106
- N. Davidson, D. E. Meyer, A. L. Patalano, C. M. Seifert, I. Yaniv, "Demystification of cognitive insight: Opportunistic assimilation and the prepared-mind perspective", In: R. J. Sternberg & J. Davidson, dir., "The Nature of Insight", Cambridge: MIT Press, pp65–124
- Gerald E. Hills, Opportunity Recognition by Successful Entrepreneurs : A Pilot Study, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA, Babson College
- J. G. Hunt, A. Ropo, "Entrepreneurial Processes as Virtuous and Vicious Spirals in a Changing Opportunity Structure: A Paradoxical Perspective", Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 19 (3), pp91-111
- A. Klevorick, R. Levin, Richard Nelson et Sidney G. Winter, On the sources of significance of interindustry differences in technological opportunities, Research Policy, 24, pp185-205
- C. M. Praag et H. van Ophem, ‘Determinants of Willingness and Opportunity to Start as an Entrepreneur’, Kyklos, 48, pp513–540
- 1996,
- R. N. Cardozo et S. Ray, Sensitivity and creativity in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: A framework for empirical investigation, London: Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference
- A. de Koning et D. Muzyka, The convergence of good ideas, when and how do entrepreneurial managers recognize innovative business ideas?, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
- 1997,
- Connie M. Gaglio, "Opportunity identification: review, critique and suggested research directions", In: J. Katz, dir., "Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth", Greenwich: JAI Press, vol 3, pp139-202
- Gerald E. Hills, T. G. Lumpkin et R. P. Singh, Opportunity Recognition : Perceptions and Behaviors of Entrepreneurs, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA : Babson College
- Israel Kirzner, "Entrepreneurial discovery and the competitive market process: an Austrian approach", Journal of Economic Literature, March, 35, 1, pp60-85
- repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- P. G. West et G. D. Meyer, Temporal Dimensions of Opportunistic Change in Technology-Based Ventures, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 22(2): 31–52
- R. L. Decker, T. J. Hostager, T. C. Neil, R. D. Lorentz, "Seeing environmental opportunities: effects of intrapreneurial ability, efficacy, motivation, and desirability”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol 11, n°1, pp11-25
- Gerald E. Hills, R. C. Shrader, "Successful Entrepreneurs’ Insights into Opportunity Recognition", P.D. Reynolds et al., dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research", Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp30–43
- Norris Krueger, "Encouraging the identification of environmental opportunities”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol 11, n°2, pp174-183
- Gerald E. Hills, Ralph C. Hybels, Robert P. Singh, G. T. Lumpkin, "Opportunity Recognition through Social Network Characteristics of Entrepreneurs", In: P. Reynolds, William D. Bygrave, S. Manigart, C. Mason, G. Meyer, H. Sapienza & K. Shaver, dir., Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson Park, US.: Babson College, pp228-241
- Gerald R. Hills, G. T. Lumpkin, R. Shrader, "Opportunity Recognition as a Creative Process", In: P. D. Reynolds, W. D. Bygrave, S. Manigart, C. Mason, G. D. Meyer, H. Sapienza, K. G. Shaver, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research", Babson Park, MA: Babson College, pp216-227
- Gerald R. Hills, G. T. Lumpkin, Robert P. Singh, "New Venture Ideas and Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Understanding the Process of Opportunity Recognition", United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), 13ème conférence nationale annuelle (1999), pp657-671
- A. De Koning, Conceptualizing Opportunity Recognition as a Socio-Cognitive Process, Stockholm, Sweden: Centre for Advanced Studies in Leadership
- S. P. Thakur, Size of investment, opportunity choice and human resources in new venture growth: Some typologies, Journal of Business Venturing, 14, pp283-309
- C. Zietsma, "Opportunity knocks - or does it hide? An examination of the role of opportunity recognition in entrepreneurship", In: Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, Babson Park, US: Babson College, pp242–256
De 2000 à 2004
- Alexander Ardichvili, R. N. Cardozo, "A model of the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition process", Journal of Entreprising culture, 8 (2), pp103-119
- S. Bhat, P. Baj, R. L. McCline, "Opportunity recognition: An exploratory investigation of a component of the entrepreneurial process in the context of the healthcare industry", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Winter, pp81–94
- L. Gundry, J. Kickul, "Pursuing Technological Innovation: The Role of Entrepreneurial Posture and Opportunity Recognition Among Internet Firms", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
- W. C. Kim et R. Manborgne, "Knowing a Winning Business Idea When You See One", Harvard Business Review, September – October, pp129-137
- Alice J. De Koning, Meeting People to Shape Opportunities – the Entrepreneurs’ Way, In: S. Birley et D.F. Muzyka, dir., Mastering Enterprise, London: Financial Times/Pitman Publishing
- Norris Krueger, "The Cognitive Infrastructure of Opportunity Emergence", Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 24(3), pp5-23
- Ian C. Macmillan et Rita G. McGrath, "The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of Uncertainty, Boston: Harvard Business School Press
- Scott Shane, "Prior knowledge and the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities", Organization Science, vol 11, n°4, pp448-469
- Repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- B. Sigrist, "Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition”, In: G. E. Hills, R. P. Singh, dir., "Research at the Market/Entrepreneurship Interface", Institute for entrepreneurial Studies
- R. P. Singh, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Through Social Networks, New York: Garland Publishing Inc.
- T. E. Brown, Per Davidsson, Johan Wiklund, "An operationalization of Stevenson's conceptualization of entrepreneurship as opportunity-based firm behavior", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 22, n°10, pp953-968
- G. COLARELLI-O’CONNOR, M. P. Rice, "Opportunity regognition and breaktrough innovation in large established firms", California Management Review, vol 43, n°2, pp95-116
- J. Craig et M. Lindsay, Quantifying 'Gut Feeling' in the Opportunity Recognition Process, In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College, pp124-137
- D. R. De Tienne et Dean A. Shepherd, "Discovery of opportunities : anomalies, accumulation and alertness", In: William D. Bygrave, E. Autio, C. G. Brush, P. Davidsson, P. G. Green, P. D. Reynolds, H. J. Sapienza, dir., "Frontiers of entrepreneurship Research", Babson college, Wellesley, MA., pp138-148
- E. Engelen, "‘Breaking in’ and ‘breaking out’: a Weberian approach to entrepreneurial opportunities", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27(2), pp203–223
- Connie M. Gaglio, Jerome A. Katz, "The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness", Small Business Economics, Vol 16, n°2, mars, pp95-111
- Repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- Alice J. De Koning et Terrence E. Brown, The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Perceptions and Industry Munificence on Opportunity Alertness: A Longitudinal Study, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson College, Babson Park, Mass
- R. Singh, "A comment on developing the field of entrepreneurship through the study of opportunity recognition and exploitation", Academy of Management Review, 26(1), pp10–12
- Fu-Lai Tony Yu, "Entrepreneurial alertness and discovery”, The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 14, n°1, pp47-63
- S. Mohammed, R. S. Billings, "The Effect of Self‐Efficacy and Issue Characteristics on Threat and Opportunity Categorization", Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(6), p1253-1275
- Connie M. Gaglio, N. T. Saks, "Can opportunity identification be taught", Journal of Enterprizing Culture, vol 10, n°4, pp313-347
- G. N. Chandler, J. Dahlquist et P. Davidsson, Opportunity Recognition Processes: A Taxonomy and Outcome Implications, In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College, pp38-48
- Young B. Choi, "On Neglected Opportunities And Entrepreneurial Discovery", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 12, n°1, mars
- A. C. Corbett, Recognizing High-Tech Opportunities: A Learning and Cognitive Approach, In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College, pp49-60
- Thomas Dean, Jeffery S. McMullen, Market Failure and Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings
- M. D. Foo, H. T. Keh et B. C. Lim, Opportunity evaluation under risky conditions: the cognitive processes of entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 27(3), pp125-148
- R. L. Heneman, J. W. Tansky, "Human resource management models for entrepreneurial opportunity: existing knowledge and new directions", Advances in Entrepreneurship Firm Emergence & Growth, Vol 5, n°2, pp55–81
- J. Kickul, J. Walters, "Recognizing new opportunities and innovations: the role of strategic orientation and proactivity in internet firms”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol 8, n°6, pp292-308
- Ramakrishna Velamuri, “Opportunity Recognition and Exploitation in Highly Uncertain Environments”, In: C. Scholz et J. Zentes, dir., Strategic Management: A European Approach, Wiesbaden: Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler GmbH
- Alexander Ardichvili, Richard Cardozo, Sourav Ray, "A Theory of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Development", Journal of Business Venturing, 18(1), pp105-123
- Repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- Robert Baron, M. D. Ensley, "Cognitive foundations of opportunity recognition: Identifying the opportunity prototypes of repeat entrepreneurs", In: William D. Bygrave et al., dir., "Frontiers of entrepreneurship research", Babson: Babson College
- Martin Binks, Deniz Ucbasaran, Paul Westhead, Mike Wright, "Does Entrepreneurial Experience Influence Opportunity Identification?", The Journal of Private Equity, Winter, Vol 7, n°1, pp7-14
- Lowell Busenitz, Deniz Ucbasaran, Mike Wright, Paul Westhead, "The impact of entrepreneurial experience on opportunity identification and exploitation: habitual and novice enrepreneurs", In: Jerome A. Katz & Dean A. Shepherd, dir., "Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth" (vol 6: Cognitive Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research), pp231-263
- J. E. Butler et S. Ko, Alertness, bisociative thinking ability, and discover of entrepreneurial opportunities in asian hi-tech firms, Frontiers of entrepreneurship research Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp421-429
- Nancy Carter, William B. Gartner, Gerald Hills, "The language of opportunity", In: C. Steyaert et D. Hjorth, dir., "New movements in entrepreneurship", Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp103-124
- G. Chandler, D. Lyon, D. R. DeTienne, "Outcome implications of opportunity creation/discovery processes", In: William D. Bygrave, C.G. Brush, P. Davidsson, James O. Fiet, P.G. Green, R.T. Harrison, M. Lerner, G.D. Meyer, J. Sohl, A. Zacharakis, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research", Babson College, Babson Park, MA, pp398-409
- R. J. David, W. D. Sine, "Environmental jolts, institutional change, and the creation of entrepreneurial opportunity in the US electric power industry", Research Policy, vol 32, n°2, pp185–207
- Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang, Sidney G. Winter, "The economics of strategic opportunity", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 24, pp977-990
- Nicholas Dew, Saras Sarasvathy, R. Velamuri et Sankaran Venkataraman, "Three Views of Entrepreneurial Opportunity", In: Zoltan Acs et D. B. Audretsch, dir., Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research. Boston: Kluwer, pp141-160
- Dimo Dimov, "The nexus of individual and opportunity: opportunity recognition as a learning process", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp410-420
- Jonathan T. Eckhardt et Scott Shane, "Opportunities and Entrepreneurship", Journal of Management, 29(3), pp333-349
- repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- Jonathan T. Eckhardt et Scott Shane, "The Individual-Opportunity Nexus", In: Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction, Zoltan Acs et David Audretsch, dir., Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Gerald E. Hills, G. T. Lumpkin et Rodney C. Shrader, Opportunity recognition, In: Harold P. Welsch, dir., Entrepreneurship: The Way Ahead, New York: Routledge, pp73-90
- Jukka Hohenth, Jan Johanson et Martin Johanson, Learning in International Business Networks, International Business Review, Vol 12, n°6, décembre, pp659-672
- Randall Holcombe, The origins of entrepreneurial opportunities, Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 16, pp25-43
- Alice J. De Koning, "Opportunity Development: A Socio-cognitive Perspective", In: J. Katz & Dean A. Shepherd, dir., "Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth" (vol 6: Cognitive Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research), pp265-314
- K. Ramachandran, "Customer Dissatisfaction as a Source of Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Nanyang Business Review, 2 (2), pp21-38
- Paul J. Schoemaker et F. Schuurmans, “Opportunity in Uncertainty: Techniques for Turning an Unpredictable Future to Your Advantage”, Association Management, Vol. 55, pp49-52
- Scott Shane, A general theory of entrepreneurship, the individual opportunity nexus, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Glensanda House
- Jesper B. Sørensen, Olav Sorenson, "From Conception to Birth: Opportunity Perception and Resource Mobilization in Entrepreneurship", In: Joel Baum, Olav Sorenson, dir., "Geography and Strategy. Advances in Strategic Management", Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp89–117
- Deniz Ucbasaran, P. Westhead, M. Wright, "Human capital based determination of opportunity identification", Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp430-444
- D. Ucbasaran, P. Westhead, M. Wright et M. Binks, Does entrepreneurial experience influence opportunity identification?, The Journal of Private Equity, Winter, pp7-14
- G. A. Alsos, V. Kaikkonen, "Opportunities and prior knowledge: a study of experienced entrepreneurs", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Vol 24, n°1, pp301-314
- Robert Baron, "Opportunity recognition: Insights from a Cognitive Perspective", In: J. Butler, dir., "Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurship Behavior" Information Age Publishers, Vol 4, pp47-73
- Robert Baron, "Cognitive bases of opportunity recognition: The potential role of pattern recognition", In: William D. Bygrave et al., dir., "Frontiers of entrepreneurship research", Babson: Babson College
- J. E. Butler, dir., "Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior", Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
- J. Butler, S. Ko, "Bisociation: The Missing Link Between Prior Knowledge and Recognition of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Asian Technology-Based Firms", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
- D. Chabaud et J. Ngijol, La reconnaissance des opportunités de marché par l’entrepreneur : vers une perspective constructiviste, Cahier de recherche de DMSP, Université de Paris-Dauphine
- Young R. Choi et Dean A. Shepherd, "Entrepreneurs' Decisions to Exploit Opportunities", Journal of Management, June, 30(3), pp377-395
- Repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- D. R. DeTienne et G. Chandler, Opportunity identification and its role in the entrepreneurial classroom: a pedagocical approach and empirical test. Academy of management learning and education, 3(3), pp242-257
- Dimo P. Dimov, "The individuality of opportunity identification: A critical review and extension", In: J. Butler, dir., "Research in entrepreneurship and management, Vol. 4: Opportunity identification and entrepreneurial behavior, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, pp135–161
- Connie M. Gaglio, "The Role of mental simulations and counterfactual thinking in the opportunity identification process", Entrepreneursship theory and practice, 28(6), pp533-552
- Connie M. Gaglio, "So what is an entrepreneurial opportunity?", In: J. E. Butler, dir., "Opportunity identification and entrepreneurial behavior", Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publishing, pp115-134
- William B. Gartner, Kelly G. Shaver, "Opportunities as attributions: The enterprise serving bias", In: E. B. John, dir., "Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior Greenwich", CT Information Age Publishing, pp29-46
- Nouvelle édition en 2006, In: John E. Butler, dir., Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- D. J. Hansen, G. T. Lumpkin, G. E. Hills, "Testing the creativity model of opportunity recognition", In: "Frontiers of Entrepreneurial Research", Wellesley, MA: Babson College
- G. E. Hills, G. T. Lumpkin et R. C. Schrader, Opportunity Recognition, In: H. P. Welsch, dir., Entrepreneurship: The Way Ahead, London: Routledge, pp73-90
- G. E. Hills et R. P. Singh, The opportunity recognition variables in the PSED Questionnaire, In: William B. Gartner, Nancy Carter, P. Reynolds, dir., "Handbook of entrepreneurial dynamics: The process of business creation", Chapter 24, Sage Publications
- K. Hindle, A practical strategy for discovering, evaluating, and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities: Research-based action guidelines, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 17(4), pp267-276
- Mats G. Magnusson, Stefan A. Sanz-Velasco, "Opportunity Development in a Knowledge-Intensive Venture: A Case Study", Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol 17, n°4, pp277-292
- A. McKelvie et J. Wicklund, “How knowledge affects opportunity discovery and exploitation among new ventures in dynamic markets”, In: J. E. Butler, dir., "Opportunity identification and entrepreneurial behavior", Greenwich, Ct: Information Age Publishing, pp219 –239
- K. Messeghem, L’opportunité au cœur du management entrepreneurial : apport de l’école autrichienne, 3ème congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat, Lyon, mars
- K. Messeghem, L’opportunité : chaînon manquant d’une théorie entrepreneuriale ?, 17èmes Journées nationales des IAE, Lyon, septembre
- Saras Sarasvathy, Constructing corridors to economic primitives - Entrepreneurial opportunities as demand-side artefacts, In: J. Butler, dir., Opportunity identification and entrepreneurial behaviour, Greenwich: Information Age Publishing, pp291-312
- Repris en 2006, In: John E. Butler, dir., Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Marco Van Gelderen, "A framework for conjecturing entrepreneurial opportunities: an application to individualization of demand in the undertaking business", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 12, n°4, décembre, pp351–371
De 2005 à 2009
- P. Arenius et D. De Clercq, A network-based approach on opportunity recognition, Small Business Economics, 24 (3), pp249-265
- D. Chabaud, J. Ngijol, "La contribution de la théorie des réseaux sociaux à la reconnaissance des opportunités de marché", Revue Internationale PME, vol 18, n°1, pp29-46
- G. Chandler, D. Lyon, D. R. DeTienne, "Antecedents and exploitation outcomes of opportunity identification processes, In: K. Mark Weaver, dir., "Best Paper Proceedings of the 2005 Academy of Management Meeting"
- M. Chiasson et C. Saunders, Reconciling diverse approaches to opportunity research using the structuration theory, Journal of Business Venturing, 20, pp747-767
- Andrew C. Corbett, "Experiential learning within the process of opportunity identification and exploitation", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29(4), pp473-491
- M. M. Crossan et D. K. Dutta, The nature of entrepreneurial opportunities: understanding the process using the 4I organizational learning framework, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, juillet, Vol 4, pp425-429
- Dawn R. DeTienne et Dean A. Shepherd, "Prior Knowledge, Potential Financial Reward, and Opportunity Identification", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, January, pp91-102
- Repris en 2012, In: Dean A. Shepherd et Denis A. Grégoire, dir., "Entrepreneurial Opportunity", Edward Elgar
- D. K. Dutta, M. M. Crossan, "The Nature of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Understanding the Process Using the 4I Organizational Learning Framework", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol 29, pp425—449
- James O. Fiet, A. Piskounov, P C. Patel, "Still searching (systematically) for entrepreneurial discoveries", Small business economics, 25 (5), pp489-504
- Johan Gaddefors, "Creating context - entrepreneurial opportunities in a consumer market setting", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 13, n°3, septembre, pp199-224
- Gerald E. Hills, David J. Hansen et Claes M. Hultman, "A value creation view of opportunity recognition processes", Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol 2, n°4, pp404-417
- J. Kitzmann, D. Schiereck, "Entrepreneurial discovery and the Demmert/Klein experiment: Another attempt at creating the proper context", The Review of Austrian Economics, 18(2), pp169–178
- E. Kleinschmidt, P. Koen, "Opportunity Recognition, Idea Selection Or Concept Definition: Which One Is Most Important To The Corporate Entrepreneur?", Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
- J. Kori, J. Yu, S. Zahra, "Cognition and international entrepreneurship: implications for research on international opportunity recognition and exploitation", International Business Review, Vol 14, n°2, pp129-146
- G. T. Lumpkin et B. Lichtenstein, "The role of organization learning in the opportunity recognition process", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol 29, pp421-430
- G. T. Lumpkin, The Role of Organizational Learning in the Opportunity-Recognition Process, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 29(4), pp451-473
- J. S. Park, "Opportunity recognition and product innovation in entrepreneurial high-tech start-ups: a new perspective and supporting case study”, Technovation, Vol 25, pp739-752
- Robert Baron, "Opportunity recognition as pattern recognition: How entrepreneurs "connect the dots" to identify new business opportunities", Academy of Management Perspectives, 20(1), pp104-119
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Depuis 2015
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- Henrik Berglund, Per Blenker, Steffen Korsgaard, Claus Thrane, "A Tale of Two Kirzners: Time, Uncertainty, and the “Nature” of Opportunities", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 40, n°4, pp867-889
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- Per Davidsson, "Reflections on misgivings about “dismantling” the opportunity construct", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol 7, June, pp65-67
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- Per Davidsson, "Opportunities, propensities, and misgivings: Some closing comments", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol 8, November, pp123-124
- Yu-Yu Chang, Ming-Han Chen, Ming-Huei Chen, Hong-Yan Wang, "Understanding Creative Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Quit: The Role of Entrepreneurial Motivation, Creativity, and Opportunity", Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Vol 7, n°3
- Connie M. Gaglio, "Entrepreneurial Alertness and Opportunity Identification: Where Are We Now?", In: Malin Brännback, Alan L. Carsrud, dir., "Revisiting the Entrepreneurial Mind. Inside the Black Box: An Expanded Edition", Heidelberg: Springer, pp339-358
- Connie M. Gaglio, "Entrepreneurial Alertness and Opportunity Identification 3.0: Yes, We Can Talk Empirical!", In: Malin Brännback, Alan L. Carsrud, dir., "Revisiting the Entrepreneurial Mind. Inside the Black Box: An Expanded Edition", Heidelberg: Springer, pp359-377
- Veronika Gustafsson, Mohammad Saud Khan, "Monetising blogs: Enterprising behaviour, co-creation of opportunities and social media entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol 7, June, pp26-31
- Catherine Léger-Jarniou, S. Teigtmeier, dir., "Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Reopening the Debate", Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated
- Eric Pardede, Sarath Tomy, "Opportunity Evaluation Using Uncertainties in Software Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Vol 7, n°3
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- Matthew S. Wood, "Misgivings about dismantling the opportunity construct", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol 7, June, pp21-25
- Matthew S. Wood, "Continued misgivings: A response to Davidsson on dismantling the opportunity construct", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol 7, June, pp77-81
- Saddam Khalid, Tomoki Sekiguchi, "The role of empathy in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: An experimental study in Japan and Pakistan", Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Vol 9, June, pp1-9
- Christine Kreuzer, Susanne Weber, "Modelling Opportunity Recognition Competence as a Foundation for Teaching and Learning in Vocational Education", Vocations and Learning : Studies in Vocational and Professional Education, Vol 11, n°3, pp399-423
- S. Ramoglou, E. W. K. Tsang, "Opportunities lie in the demand-side: Implications for the discovery-creation debate", Academy of Management Review, Vol 43, pp815–818
- David R. Clough, Tommy Pan Fang, Balagopal Vissa, Andy Wu, "Turning Lead into Gold: How Do Entrepreneurs Mobilize Resources to Exploit Opportunities?”, Academy of Management Annals, Vol 13, n°1, pp240–271
De 2020 à 2022
- Sharon A. Alvarez, Jay Barney, "Has the Concept of Opportunities Been Fruitful in the Field of Entrepreneurship?", Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol.34, n°3S
- Henrik Berglund, Marouane Bousfiha, Yashar Mansoori, "Opportunities as Artifacts and Entrepreneurship as Design", Academy of Management Review, Vol 45, n°4, pp825-846
- Alexander McKelvie, Jeffery McMullen, Johan Wiklund, Almantas Palubinskas, "A Dynamic Model of Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Integrating Kirzner's and Mises's Approaches to Entrepreneurial Action", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 23, n°3-4, pp499-541
- W. McKinley, M. S. Wood, "The entrepreneurial opportunity construct: dislodge or leverage?", Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol 34, pp352–365
- B. B. Darden, "Political roots leading to opportunity recognition among Latin American social entrepreneurs", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Vol 11, n°2/3, pp93-111
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