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Joseph Schumpeter (Littérature secondaire)

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Cette page tente de lister les ouvrages et articles qui traitent des travaux en référence à Joseph Schumpeter, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1900 à 1949

  • 1907, John B. Clark, Über das Wesen dea Kapitales: Eine Entgegnung, Übersetzt von Dr. Josef Schumpeter, Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung, Vol 16, pp426-440
  • 1911, Friedrich von Wieser, "Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie. Kritische Glossen" ("La valeur et le contenu principal de la théorie économique. Commentaires critiques"), commentaire du livre de Joseph Schumpeter, "Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie", Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich, Vol 35, n°2, pp395–417
    • Repris en 1929, In: Friedrich Hayek, dir., "Friedrich Wieser: Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Mit einer biographischen Einleitung herausgegeben", Tubingen, J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), pp10-34
  • 1914, «Epochen der Dogmen-und Methoden Geschichte», In: Grundriss der Sozialökonomik, Section I, Tübingen, pp81 sqq
    • Traduit en français par Georges Henri Bousquet, en 1962, «Esquisse d'une histoire de la science économique, des origines au début du XXe siècle», Paris : Dalloz
  • 1924,
    • Gottfried Haberler, "Kritische Bemerkungen zu Schumpeters Geldtheorie. Zur Lehre vom ‘objektiven’ Tauschwert des Geldes" (Critique de la théorie monétaire de Schumpeter. Sur la doctrine de la valeur d'échange « objective » de la monnaie), Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Sozialpolitik, N.F., Vol 4, pp647-668
    • Leo Schönfeld, "On Joseph Schumpeter's Solution of the Problem of Economic Imputation",
      • Repris en 1995, In: Israel Kirzner, Classics in Austrian Economics, Vol.II, London: William Pickering
  • 1929, Georges Henri Bousquet, "Joseph Schumpeter: l’œuvre scientifique de quelques économistes étrangers", Revue d'économie politique
  • 1935, François Perroux, "La pensée économique de Joseph Schumpeter: Les dynamiques du capitalisme", Genève: Droz
    • Nouvelle édition en 1965
  • 1940,
    • S. Kuznets, Schumpeter’s Business Cycles, American Economic Review 30(2): 257-271
    • H. Rosenberg, Comentaire du livre de Joseph Schumpeter, Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical, and Stastitical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, American Historical Review, 46: 96–99
  • 1941, O. Lange, Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, by Joseph A. Schumpeter, Review of Economic Statistics, 21, 190-193
  • 1943,
    • E. G. Bennion, Unemployment in the Theories of Schumpeter and Keynes, American Economic Review, 33, no. 2, pp336-347
    • P. M. Sweezy, Professor Schumpeter' s theory of innovation, Review of Economic Statistics, 25: 93-96
  • 1945, Charles O. Hardy, Schumpeter on Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, The Journal of Political Economy, 12

De 1950 à 1954


  • Herbert Von. Beckerath, Joseph A. Schumpeter as a Sociologist, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 65, pp200-214
    • Repris en 1951, In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., Schumpeter: Social Scientist, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp110-118
  • A. Chabert, Schumpeter et la méthode économique, Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • Richard V. Clemence et Francis S. Doody, The Schumpeterian System, Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Press Inc.
  • Donald Dewey, Professor Schumpeter on Socialism: the Case of Britain, Journal of Political Economy, 58, No. 3, pp187-210
  • P. Dieterlen, "Schumpeter, analyste du profit", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • J. Dumontier, La notion de l'équilibre chez Joseph Schumpeter, Revue d'économie politique, Vol 60, pp499-528
  • M. Fanno, "Schumpeter et la vitesse de circulation de la monnaie", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • R. Frisch, Quelques souvenirs personnels sur un grand homme, Economie appliquée, n°3-4
  • Gottfried Haberler, "Joseph Alois Schumpeter 1883–1950", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 64, pp333–372
    • Repris en 1951, In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., "Schumpeter: Social Scientist", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp24-47
  • Gottfried Haberler, Schumpeter, Ministre des Finances (15 mars-17 octobre 1919), Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • E. Heimann, "Joseph Schumpeter", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • Gaston Leduc, "Schumpeter, disciple de Walras", Economoie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • E. Schneider, "Schumpeter tel que je l'ai connu", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • Elizabeth B. Schumpeter, Bibliography of the Writings of Joseph A. Schumpeter,
    • Repris en 1951, In: Essays on Economic Topics, Richard V. Clemence, dir., Port Washington, N. Y.: Kennikat Press, pp316-327
  • Arthur Smithies, "Memorial: Joseph Alois Schumpeter, 1883-1950", The American Economic Review, Vol 40, n°4, pp628-648
    • Repris en 1951, In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., "Schumpeter: Social Scientist", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp11-23
  • A. J. Taymans, Tarde and Schumpeter: A Similar Vision, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 64,, pp611-622
  • R. Triffin, "Schumpeter - Souvenirs d'un étudiant", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • E. Varga, "Schumpeter et le problème du risque", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4
  • J. Vuillemin, "Les classes sociales chez Schumpeter et dans la réalité", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4


    • Hans Bayer, "J. Schumpeter et l'école économique autrichienne", Economie Appliquée, n°2
    • E. H. Chamberlin, "The Impact of Recent Monopoly Theory on the Schumpeterian System", Review of Econmics and Statistics, Vol 33, pp133-138
      • Repris en 1951, In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., Schumpeter: Social Scientist, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp83-88
    • Richard V. Clemence, Dir., Essays on Economic Topics of J. A. Schumpeter, Cambridge, U-K and Port Washington, NY: Cambridge University Press and Kennikat
    • G. Demaria, Les formes de la connaissance chez Schumpeter, Economie Appliquée, n°2
    • G. Fain, "Une " expérience intellectuelle " de Schumpeter : capitalisme, socialisme et démocratie", Economie Appliquée, n°2
    • Ragnar Frisch, Some Personal Reminiscences on a Great Man, Econetrica, Vol 19, pp87-91
      • Repris en 1951, In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., Schumpeter: Social Scientist, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
    • G. T. Guilbaud, "En marge de Schumpeter : quelques espérances mathématiques", Economie Appliquée, n°2
    • Gottfried Haberler, Schumpeter's Theory of Interest, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol.33, May, pp122-128
    • A. H. Hansen, Schumpeter’s Contribution to Business Cycle Theory, Review of Economic Statistics 33: 129-132
      • Repris en 1951, In: Schumpeter, Social Scientist, S.E. Harris (ed), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp. 79-82
      • Repris en 1991, In: J. Cunningham Wood (ed.), J. A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, vol.I (pp. 208-213), London: Routledge
    • Seymour E. Harris, dir., Schumpeter: Social Scientist, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
    • Wassily Leontief, Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950), Econometrica, 18(2) (April): 103-110
    • Fritz Machlup, Schumpeter’s Economic Methodology, Review of Economics and Statistics, 33(2), May, pp145-51
      • Repris en 1951, In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., Schumpeter: Social Scientist, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp95-101
    • Y. Mainguy, "Capitalisme, socialisme et... néo-libéralisme", Economie Appliquée, n°2
    • François Perroux, "Les trois analyses de l'évolution et la recherche d'une dynamique totale chez Joseph Schumpeter", Economie Appliquée, n°2, Avril-Juin
    • Paul A. Samuelson, "Schumpeter as a Teacher and Economic Theorist", In: Seymour E. Harris, dir., "Schumpeter: Social Scientist", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, pp48-53
    • E. Schneider, Schumpeter’s early German work, 1906–1917, Review of Economics and Statistics, 33: 104–108
    • Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter, introduction et dir., Ten Great Economists, from Marx to Keynes, Oxford University Press, New York
      • Nouvelle édition en 1952, Allen and Unwin, London
    • Wolfgang F. Stolper, The Schumpeterian System, The Journal of Economic History,
    • Paul M. Sweezy, dir et introduction, J. A Schumpeter: Imperialism and Social Classes, New York: Augustus M. Kelley
      • Repris en 1991, In: R. Swedberg, dir., J. A. Schumpeter: The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
  • 1953,
    • Terence W. Hutchison, commentaire du livre de Joseph Schumpeter, Aufsätze zur Ökonomischen Theorie, The Economic Journal, Vol 63, n°249, Mar., pp124-126
    • E. Schneider et A. Spiethoff, dir., J. A. Schumpeter: Aufsätze zur Soziologie, Tübingen: Mohr
    • W. Tritsch, "Schumpeter avant 1925, livré au hasard de ma mémoire", Economie Appliquée, n°4
  • 1954,
    • M. Cluseau, Schumpeter et le problème des déséquilibres généraux, Fluctuations économiques, A. Marchal (dir.), Paris: Éditions Domat Montchrestien, pp223-43
    • E. B. Schumpeter, dir., J. A. Schumpeter: History of Economic Analysis, London: George Allen & Unwin
    • Erich Schneider et Arthur Spiethoff, dir., J. A. Schumpeter: Dogmenhistorische und Bibliographische Aufsätze zur ökonomischen Theorie, Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)
    • Jacob Viner, “Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis”, American Economic Review, Vol 44, n°5, pp894–910

De 1955 à 1959

  • 1955,
    • Frank Knight, “Schumpeter’s History of Economics”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol 21, pp261–272
    • A. G. Marty, Analyse critique de l’œuvre de Joseph Schumpeter, These pour le Doctorat, Faculté de Droit de l’Université de Bordeau
  • 1956,
    • V. W. Bladen, "Schumpeter's History of Economic Analysis and Some Related Books", Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, February, 22 (1), pp103-115
    • Edward A. Carlin, Schumpeter’s Constructed Type: the Entrepreneur, Kyklos, Vol 9, pp27-43
    • Karl W. Deutsch, Joseph Schumpeter as an Analyst of Sociology and Economic History, Journal of Economic History, Vol 16, pp41-56
    • E. James, "Joseph A. Schumpeter : History of Economic Analysis", Juillet-Septembre, n°3
    • R. Schaeder, 'Schumpeter, Joseph A(lois)', In: Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Stuttgart: Fischer, pp151-158
  • 1957,
    • Raymond De Roover, Jospeh A. Schumpeter and Scholastic Economics, Kyklos, Vol 10, n°2, pp115-143
    • Mohd S. Kahn, Schumpeter's Theory of Capitalist Development, Aligarh, India: Muslim University
  • 1958,
    • Alfred F. Chalk, Schumpeter’s Views on the Relationship of Philosophy and Economics, Southern Economic Journal, 24, pp271-282
    • R. J. Wolfson, ‘The Economic Dynamics of Joseph Schumpeter’, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 7: pp31-54
      • Repris en 1991, In: J. Cunningham Wood (ed.), J. A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, vol.II (pp. 191-215), London: Routledge
  • 1959, Vernon Ruttan, Usher and Schumpeter on Invention, Innovation and Technological Change
    • Repris en 1971, In: Nathan Rosenberg, dir., The Economics of Technological Change: Selected Readings, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, pp73-85

De 1960 à 1969

  • 1960,
    • Daniel Bell, The Prospects of American Capitalism: On Keynes, Schumpeter, and Galbraith, In: Daniel Bell, The End of Ideology, Glencoe, IL: The Free Press
    • Perry Bliss, Schumpeter, the Big Disturbance and Retailing, Social Forces, 39, No. 1, pp72-76
    • H. B. Davis, Schumpeter as Sociologist, Science and Society, 24, pp13-35
  • 1961,
    • William Burke, Mitchell-a Schumpeterian Criticism, Social Science, 36, No. 3, pp177-182
    • Kuniharu Date, The Relation of Cycles and Trends in Schumpeter’s Model, Waseda Economic Papers, Vol 5, pp22-34
      • Repris en 1991, In: J. Cunningham Wood (ed.), J.A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, vol.II (pp. 349-359), London: Routledge
    • Barry J. Gordon, Aristotle, Schumpeter, and the Metallist Tradition, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 75, pp608-614
    • M. Kessler, The synthetic vision of Joseph Schumpeter, Review of Politics, 23, pp334-355
    • Erich Schneider, Schumpeter, In: Staatslexikon: Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft: O-S, Freiburg: Herder, pp1171-1175
    • W. Waters, “Schumpeter's Contributions and Catholic Social Thought", Review of Social Economy, Vol. XIX, n°2, pp133-141
  • 1962, Sunder Dass, Professor J.A. Schumpeter on Economic Development, Indian Journal of Economics, Vol 42, pp237-249
  • 1965,
    • Gottfried Eisermann, Joseph Schumpeter als Soziologe, Kyklos 18, No. 2, pp288-315
    • Ross MacDonald, Schumpeter and Max Weber – Central Visions and Social Theories, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 79(3), pp373-396
    • François Perroux, La pensée économique de Joseph Schumpeter, Geneva: Editions Droz
    • Vincenzo Vitello, "Teoria dello sviluppo capitalistico. L’analisi di J. Schumpeter: analogie e differenze rilevanti con quella di K. Marx”, In: "Il pensiero economico moderno", Rome, IT: Editori Riuniti, pp38-54
  • 1966, N. M. Hansen, Schumpeter and Max Weber: Comment, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80(3), pp488-491
  • 1968, Wolfgang F. Stolper, Schumpeter, Joseph A.,” in Sills (1968), Vol. 14, pp. 67-72

De 1970 à 1979

  • 1970,
    • a. F. K. Mann, dir., J. A. Schumpeter: Das Wesen des Geldes, Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung versehen von Fritz Karl Mann, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
    • b. Erich Schneider, Joseph A. Schumpeter: Leben und Werk eines grossen Sozialökonom, Tübingen
  • 1971, Paul A. Samuelson, Paradoxes of Schumpeter’s Zero Interest Rate, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol.53: 391-392
  • 1972, M. R. Davies, J.A. Schumpeter and the Methodology of the Social Sciences, Political Science Review, 11, No. 2/3, pp105-223
  • 1973,
    • George Henri Bousquet, commentaire du livre d'Erich Schneider, "Joseph A. Schumpeter, Leben und Werk eines grossen Sozialökonomen", Revue économique, Vol 24, n°4, pp714-715
    • L. A. O'Donnel, « Rationalism and thé entrepreneur : thé views of Veblen and. Schumpeter », History of political economy, n°1
  • 1974, F. W. Fetter, An Early Memory of Joseph Schumpeter, History of Political Economy, Vol 6, n°1, pp92-94
  • 1976, R. Hickel, dir., Rudolf Goldscheid, Joseph Schumpeter: Die Finanzkrise des Steuerstaats: Beiträge zur politischen Ökonomie der Staatsfinanzen, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp
  • 1977,
    • Gottfried Haberler, commentaire du livre de Joseph A. Schumpeter, Leben und werk eines Grossen Sozialökonomen (Life and work of a Great Social Scientist), Journal of Political Economy, Vol 85, n°3, Jun
    • Paolo Sylos Labini, "Il problema dello sviluppo economico in Marx e Schumpeter”, In: Paolo Sylos Labini, dir., "Problemi dello sviluppo economico", Bari, IT: Laterza, pp19-73
  • 1979,
    • Franklin M. Fisher et Peter Temin, The Schumpeterian Hypothesis: Reply, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 87, n°2, pp386-389
    • Herbert Giersch, Aspects of Growth, Structural Change, and Employment: A Schumpeterian Perspective, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 115, pp629–652
    • W. Stolpern "Joseph Alois Schumpeter—a personal memoir", Challenge, 21(6), pp64–69

De 1980 à 1984

  • 1980,
    • K. J. Doyle, Managing Higher Education in a Climate of Contradiction: A Conceptual Model, Journal of Tertiary Educational Administration, 2, No. 2, pp139-149
    • J. E. Elliott, Marx and Schumpeter on capitalism’s creative destruction: A comparative restatement, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 95: 45–68
    • Carl A. Futia, Schumpeterian Competition, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 94, No. 4, pp675-695
    • S. M. Kanbur, A Note on Risk Taking, Entrepreneurship, and Schumpeter, History of Political Economy, Vol 12, n°4, Winter, pp489-98
    • Patrick de Laubier, 1981, Trois pronostics pour notre temps (I. J.A. Schumpeter et la marche au socialisme (1942), II. F. Hayek et la route de la servitude (1944), III. W. Röpke et la troisième voie 1943)", Travail et société, VOL 6, n°3, Juillet-septembre, pp307-320
    • Albert N. Link, "Firm Size and Efficient Entrepreneurial Activity: A Reformation of the Schumpeter Hypothesis", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 88, n°4, pp771-782
    • Anne Mayhew, Schumpeterian Capitalism Versus the 'Schumpeterian Thesis', Journal of Economic Issues, 14, n°2, June, pp583-592
    • D. J. St. Clair, Schumpeter's theory of capitalist development: Revisited and revised, Economic Forum, 11, pp62-78
  • 1981,
    • Dale L. Cramer et Charles G. Leathers, Schumpeter's Corporatist Views; Links Among His Social-Theory, Quadragesimo Anno, and Moral Reform, History of Political Economy, 13, No. 4, pp745-771
    • Bruno S. Frey, Schumpeter, Political Economist, In: Helmut Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, New York u.a.: Praeger, pp126-142
    • Helmut Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, Eastbourne and New York: Praeger
    • Arnold Heertje, dir., Schumpeter’s Vision: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy after 40 Years. Eastbourne and New York: Praeger
    • Paul A. Samuelson, Schumpeter as an Economic Theorist, In: H. Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, Eastbourne and New York: Praeger, pp1–27
    • Erich Streissler, Schumpeter’s Vienna and the role of credit in innovation, In: H. Frisch, Dir., Schumpeterian Economics. New York: Praeger, pp60–83
  • 1982,
    • Martin Bronfenbrenner, Schumpeter's Contributions to the Study of Comparative Economic Systems, In: Fisch (1982), pp95-112
    • P. Buckholtz et al, Capitalism from a Schumpeterian Perspective as a Bais Stochastic Process, [working Paper.] Kinsgston, ON: Queen's University Institute for Economic Research, pp805-809
    • H. Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, New York: Praeger
    • Bruno S. Frey, Schumpeter, Political Economist, In: H. Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, New York: Praeger, pp126-142
    • Herbert Giersch, Schumpeter and the Current and Future Development if te World Economy, In: H. Frisch, dir., Schumpeterian Economics, New York: Praeger, pp49-59
  • 1983,
    • James F. Becker, Joseph A. Schumpeter, Historian of Professional Economics: a Nonprofessoinal Perspective, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: a Research Annual. Vol I, Warren J. Samuels, dir., Greenwich, CT: JAI Press
    • Nicolò De Vecchi, Introduction et dir., J.A.Schumpeter, Stato e inflazione, Saggi di politica economica, Boringhieri, Torino
    • Elias Dinapoulos, Import Competition, International Factor Mobility and Lobbying Responses: the Schumpeterian Industry Case, Journal of International Economics, 14, No. 3/4, pp395-410
    • F. Donzelli, Schumpeter e the teoria economica neoclassica, Ricercche Economiche, 37(4), pp634–690
    • Peter Drucker, Schumpeter and Keynes, Forbes, May 23, pp124-128
      • Repris en 1986, Modern Prophets: Schumpeter or Keynes?, In: The Frontiers of Management, CH 12, New York: Penguin Putnam, Inc., pp104-115
    • M. Egidi, "Schumpeter: la genesi della teoria e le transizioni", Ricerche Economiche, Vol XXXVII, n°4, October-December
    • J. E. Elliott, Schumpeter and Marx on Capitalist Transformation, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 98, No. 2, pp333-336
    • John Bellamy Foster, Theories of Capitalist Transformation: Critical Notes on the Comparison of Marx and Schumpeter, The Quarterly Journal of Economics. V.98, n°2, May, pp327-31
    • H. Gintis, Commentaire du livre d'Arnold Heertje, Dir., Schumpeter’s Vision: ‘Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy’ After 40 Years, Journal of Economic Literature, 21: 84–86
    • K. Kumar, Pre—capitalist and non—capitalist factors in the development of capitalism: Fred Hirsch and Joseph Schumpeter, In: A. Ellis et K. Kumar, dir., Dilemmas of Liberal Democracies: Studies in Fred Hirsch's "Social Limits to Growth", London: Tavistock, pp148-173
    • Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, “Los economistas españoles y la Historia del análisis económico de Schumpeter”, Papeles de Economía Española, 17, p173
    • Eduard März, Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Forscher, Lehrer und Politiker, Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag
      • Traduction et révision en anglais en 1991, Joseph Schumpeter: Scholar, Teacher and Politician, New Haven, Conn. and London: Yale University Press
    • Paul A. Samuelson, Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter, Eastern Economic Journal, 9, pp166-79
    • David Simpson, Joseph Schumpeter and the Austrian school of economics, Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), pp15-28
    • Erich Streissler, Schumpeter and Hayek: on some similarities in their thought, In: Fritz Machlup, G. Fels et H. Müller-Groeling, Dir., Reflections on a Troubled World Economy, London: Macmillan, pp356–364
    • Gerhard Winterberger, Über Schumpeters Geschichtsdeterminismus, Walter Eucken Institut: Vorträge und Aufsätze, Vol. 95, Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr
  • 1984,
    • Yves Breton, La théorie schumpétérienne de l'entrepreneur ou le problème de la connaissance économique, Revue économique, Vol. 35, n°2, mars, pp247-266
    • E. Dahmén, "Schumpeterian dynamics", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 5, pp25-34
    • Richard H. Day, Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics: A Post Schumpeterian Contribution, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 5, pp57-76
    • J. B. Foster, "The Political Economy of Joseph Schumpeter", Studies in Political Economy, No. 15 (Fall, 1984), pp5-42
    • Herbert Giersch, The age of Schumpeter, American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings, Vol 74, pp103-109
    • R. L. Heilbroner, Economics and political economy: Marx, Keynes, and Schumpeter, Journal of Economic Issues, 18: 681-95
    • K. Iwai, Schumpetarian Dynamics I: An Evolutionary Model of Innovation and Imitation, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 5:2, pp159-190
    • K. Iwai, Schumpetarian Dynamics II: Technological Progress, Firm Growth and "Economic Selection, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 5:6-4, pp321-351
    • William C. Mitchell, "Schumpeter and Public Choice, Part I: Precursor to public choice?", Public Choice, Vol 42, pp73-88
    • William C. Mitchell, "Schumpeter and Public Choice, Part II: Democracy and the Demise of Capitalism: The Missing Chapter in Schumpeter", Public Choice, Vol 42, n°2, pp161-174
    • F. M. Scherer, Innovation and Growth: Schumpeterian Perspectives. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
    • Christian Seidl, dir., Lectures on Schumpeterian Economics: Schumpeter Centenary Memorial Lectures Graz 1983, Berlin: Springer-Verlag
    • Christian Seidl, dir., Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Character, Life, and Particulars of his Graz Period, In: Christian Seidl, dir., Lectures on Schumpeterian Economics: Schumpeter Centenary Memorial Lectures Graz 1983, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp187-205
    • Willi Semmler, "Marx and Schumpeter on Competition, Transient Surplus Profit and Technical Change", Economie Appliquée, n°3-4

De 1985 à 1989


  • R. D. Coe et C. K. Wilber, dir., Capitalism and Democracy: Schumpeter Revisited, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press
  • J. E. Elliot, Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development and Social Change : Exposition and Assessment, International Journal of Social Economics 12: 6-33
    • Repris en 1991, In: J. Cunningham Wood, dir., J. A. Schumpeter:Critical Assessments, vol.IV (pp. 324-357), London: Routledge
  • J. Grahl, Creative Destruction: The Significance of Schumpeter's Economic Doctrines, L'hétérodoxie dans la pensée économique, G. Deleplace et P. Maurisson (dir.), Paris: Éditions Anthropos, pp213-27
  • L. Marco, "Entrepreneur et innovation : les sources françaises de Joseph Schumpeter", Économies et Sociétés, cahiers de l’ISMEA, Vol XIX, n°10, série PE 4, octobre, pp89-106
  • Alberto Martinelli, "The Economic and Sociological Analysis in Schumpeter’s Theoretical System", Journal für Sozialforschung, Vol 25, pp3-25
  • W. J. Samuels, A critique of Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, In: R. D. Coe et C. K. Wilber, dir., Capitalism and Democracy: Schumpeter Revisited, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, pp60-119
  • Christian Seidl et Wolfgang F. Stolper, dir., Joseph Schumpeter: Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik, Tübingen: Mohr
  • Christian Seidl et Wolfgang F. Stolper, Schumpeters politische und wirtschaftspolitische Schriften, In: Joseph Schumpeter, Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik, Tübingen: Mohr, pp1-51
  • Michael I. Stevenson, Joseph Alois Schumpeter : A Bibliography, 1905-1984, Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN 0313244715


  • A. A. Awan, Marshallian and Schumpeterian theories of economic evolution: gradualism versus punctualism, Atlantic Economic, Journal, 14: 37-49
  • Mark Blaug, "The entrepreneur in Marx and Schumpeter", In: Suzanne W. Helburn, David F. Bramhall, dir., "Marx, Schumpeter, and Keynes: A Centenary Celebration of Dissent", Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, ISBN 0873323815, pp167-178
  • Mark Blaug, "Entrepreneurship before and after Schumpeter", In: Mark Blaug, dir., "Economic History and the History of Economics", Brighton, England: Wheatsheaf Books
  • J. W. Drukker, H. J. Wagener, dir., "The Economic Law of Motion of Modern Society: A Marx-Keynes-Scbumpeter Centennial", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • Robert B. Ekelund et Mark Thornton, Schumpeterian Analysis, Supply-Side Economics and Macroeconomic Policy in the 1920s, Review of Social Economy, vol. 44(3), Décembre, pp221-237
    • Suzanne W. Helburn et David F. Bramhall, Dir., Marx, Schumpeter, and Keynes: A Centenary Celebration of Dissent, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, ISBN 0873323815
    • Suzanne W. Helburn, Schumpeter's research program, In: Suzanne W. Helburn et David F. Bramhall, dir., Marx, Schumpeter, and Keynes: A Centenary Celebration of Dissent, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, ISBN 0873323815, pp49-66
    • Eduard März, "Joseph A. Schumpeter und die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" ("Joseph A. Schumpeter et l'école autrichienne d'économie"), In: Norbert Leser, dir., "Die Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie", Vienna: Böhlau, pp157-176
    • Eduard März, "Joseph A. Schumpeter als österreichischer Finanzminister", In: Isabella Ackerl,, dir., "Geistiges Leben im Österreich der Ersten Republik", Vienna: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik, pp176-198
    • H. Riese, Keynes, Schumpeter and die Krise, Koniunkturpolitik, 32: 1-26
    • Nathan Rosenberg, Schumpeter and Marx: How Common a Vision?, In: Roy M. MacLeod, dir., Technology and the Human Prospect: Essays in Honour of Christopher Freeman, London and Wolfeboro, N. H.: Frances Pinter, pp197-213
    • B. Schefold, Schumpeter as a Walrasian Austrian and Keynes as a Classical Marshallian, In: J. W. Drukker et H. J. Wagener, dir., The Economic Law of Motion of Modern Society: A Marx-Keynes-Scbumpeter Centennial. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • Y. Shionoya, The science and ideology of Schumpeter, International Review of Economics and Business, 33, pp729-762
    • C. E. Staley, Schumpeter’s Business Cycles, New York Economic Review XVI, pp300-313


  • Stephan Böhm, dir., J. A. Schumpeter: Beiträge zur Sozialökonomik, Vienna: Böhlau
  • Herbert Giersch, Economic Policies in the age of Schumpeter, European Economic Review, V. 31 (p.35-52) February/ March
  • Arnold Heertje, "Schumpeter, Joseph Alois", In: Eatwell et al., dir., The New Palgrave, London: Macmillan, Vol 4, pp245-ss
  • Randall Collins, Weber and Schumpeter: Toward a General Sociology of Capitalism, In: Randall Collins, Weberian Sociological Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp117-142
  • G. Haag, W. Weidlich et G. Mensch, The Schumpeter clock, In: D. Batten, J. Casti et B. Johansson, Dir., Economic Evolution and Structural Adjustment. Berlin: Springer.
  • H. E. Jensen, New Light on J. A. Schumpeter’s Theory of the History of Economics?, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 5, 117-148
  • A. Kleinknecht, Innovation Patterns in Crisis and Prosperity: Schumpeters Long Cycle Reconsidered, London: Macmillan
  • Jurgen Osterhammel, "Joseph A. Schumpeter and the Noneconomic in Economics", Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Vol 39, pp40-58


  • Alan W. Dyer, Schumpeter as an Economic Radical: An Economic Sociology Addressed, History of Political Economy V. 20 (p27-41) Spring
  • Horst Hanusch, dir., Evolutionary Economics: Applications of Schumpeter's Ideas, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, ASIN 0521362202
  • P. E. Jensen, Joseph A. Schumpeter (1983-1950), In: H. Sørensen et E. Fivelsdal, dir., Fra Marx til Habermas, Copenhagen: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne
  • Richard Langlois, "Schumpeter and Personal Capitalism". In: G. Eliasson et C. Green, dir., Microfoundations of Economic Growth. A Schumpeterian Perspective, An Arbor: University of Michigan, pp57-83
  • Eduard Marz, "The Economic System of Joseph A. Schumpeter: Historical Roots, Theoretical Structure and Sociopolitical Relevance", History of European Ideas, Vol 9, pp205-214
  • H. C. Rechtenwald, F. M. Scherer et W. F. Stolper, Schumpeters monumentales Werk: Wegweiser für eine dynamische Analyse, Düsseldorf: Wirtschaft und Finanzen
  • 1989,
    • Augusto Graziani, Schumpeter and Italian economic thought, Studi economici, n°1
    • Stephan Boehm, The Austrian Tradition: Schumpeter and Mises, In: Klaus H. Hennings et Warren J. Samuels, dir., Neoclassical Economic Theory 1870-1930, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
    • Eduard März, "Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883–1950)", In: Joachim Starbatty, dir., "Klassiker des ökonomischen Denkens", Vol 2, Munich: Beck, pp251.272
    • Yuichi Shionoya, The Schumpeter Family in Trest, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, Vol. 30, pp157-171
    • Richard Swedberg, Joseph A. Schumpeter and the Tradition of Economic Sociology, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 145, pp508-524

De 1990 à 1994


  • Massimo M. Augello, Joseph Alois Schumpeter: A Reference Guide. Berlin: Springer Verlag, ISBN 0387530401
  • T. C. A. Anant, E. Dinopoulos, P. S. Segerstrom, "A Schumpeterian model of the product life cycle", American Economic Review, Vol 80, pp1077–1091
  • Stephan Boehm, The Austrian tradition: Schumpeter and Mises, In: Klaus H. Hennings et Warren Samuels, dir., Neoclassical Economic Theory 1870 to 1930. Boston, MA: Kluwer, pp201-241
  • H. Cheah, Schumpeterian and Austrian Entrepreneurship: Unity within Duality, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 5, pp341-347
  • G. Dosi, Economic Change and its Interpretation, or Is There a “Schumpeterian Approach?”, In: A. Heertje & M. Perlman, dir., Evolving Technology and Market Structure, Ann Arbor: university of Michigan press, pp335-370
  • Arnold Heertje et M. Perlman, dir., Evolving Technology and Market Structure: Studies in Schumpeterian Economics, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press
  • K. O. W. Müller, Joseph A. Schumpeter: Ökonom der neunziger Jahre, Berlin: Schmidt
  • Hyman P. Minsky, Schumpeter: Finance and Evolution, In: sborník Evolving Technology and Market Structure, University of Michigan Press
  • Allen Oakley, Schumpeter’s Theory of Capitalist Motion: A Critical Exposition and Reassessment, Aldershot: Elgar
  • E. Santarelli et E. Pescarelli, The emergence of a vision: the development of Schumpeter’s theory of entrepreneurship, History of Political Economy, 22(4):677–96
  • Yuichi Shionoya, The Origin of the Schumpeterian Research Program: A Chapter Omitted from Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 146(2), June, pp314-27


    • Robert Loring Allen, Opening Doors: The Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter, Volume One-Europe; Volume Two-America. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishing
    • Esben Sloth Andersen, The Core of Schumpeter’s Work, IKE Working Paper no. 68, Institute of Production, Aalborg
    • Esben Sloth Andersen, Reconstructing Theory-evolution - with special respect to Schumpeter, IKE Working Paper no. 69, Institute of Production, Aalborg University
    • Esben Sloth Andersen, Schumpeter's Vienna and the Schools of Thought, IKE Working Paper no. 70, Institute of Production, Aalborg University
    • Esben Sloth Andersen, Statics and Development: A First Approximation to Schumpeter's Evolutionary Vision, IKE Working Paper no. 71, Institute of Production, Aalborg University
    • Massimo Augello, "Works by Schumpeter", In: Richard Swedberg, dir., "Joseph A. Schumpeter: The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp445-482
    • Richard Bellamy, Schumpeter and the Transformation of Capitalism, Liberalism and Democracy, Government and Opposition, Vol 26, Autumn, pp500-519
    • R. Bellofiore, Money and development in Schumpeter, In: J. Cunningham, Dir., Joseph A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments. Vol IV (pp. 371-394). London: Routledge
    • Herbert Gintis, Where did Schumpeter go Wrong?, Challenge, Vol 34, January/ February, pp27-33
    • A. Madaràsz, Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development
      • Repris en 1991, In: J. Cunningham Wood (ed.), J. A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, vol.III (pp. 218-240), London: Routledge
    • Eduard März, Joseph Schumpeter: Scholar, Teacher and Politician, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, revised edition, ISBN 0300038763
    • Thomas K. McCraw, Schumpeter ascending, The American Scholar, 60(3): 371-392
    • David L. McKee, Schumpeter and the Political Economy of Change. New York: Praeger Publishers, ISBN 0275936791
    • G. Parayil, Schumpeter on Invention, Innovation and Technological Change, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 13, no. 1 (Spring, 1991), pp78-89
    • Y. Shionoya, Schumpeter on Schmoller and Weber: a methodology of economic sociology, History of Political Economy, 23(2)
    • Richard Swedberg, dir., Schumpeter J. A.: The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press
    • Richard Swedberg, Schumpeter: A Biography. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, ASIN 0691042969
    • Richard Swedberg, Schumpeter's early work, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2: 65-82
    • John Cunningham Wood, Dir. Joseph A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments, volumes I-IV. London: Routledge, ISBN 0415056683


  • Richard Arena, Schumpeter after Walras: ‘économie pure’ or ‘stylized facts’? In T. Lowry, dir., Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, vol. 7, Aldershot: Edward Elgar
  • R. Bellofiore, Monetary Macroeconomics before the General Theory: The Circuit Theory of Money in Wicksell, Schumpeter and Keynes, Social Concept, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp47-89
  • M. H. Best, “The Firm and Market: The Dynamic Perspectives of Schumpeter and Penrose”, Social Concept, Vol 6 (2), pp3-23
  • Tom Bottomore, Between Marginalism and Marxism: The Economic Sociology of J.A. Schumpeter, New York: St. Martin’s Press, ISBN 0312091052
  • C. R. Jung Jr. et J. P Raines, Schumpeter and Knight on Economic and Political Rationality: A Comparative Restatement, Journal of Socio-Economics, 21(2), pp109-124
  • Daniel A. Levinthal, "Surviving Schumpeterian Environments: An Evolutionary Perspective", Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 1, pp427-443
  • F. M. Scherer, "Schumpeter and Plausible Capitalism", The Journal of Economic Literature,


    • E. S. Andersen, commentaire du livre de R. Swedberg, Schumpeter: A Biography, Journal of Economic Literature, 31, 1969-1970
    • Nicolò De Vecchi, Significato e ruolo delle istituzioni sociali nel pensiero di Schumpeter, Dynamis-Quaderni IDSE Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
    • Nicolò De Vecchi, Schumpeter viennese, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino
    • M. Elam, Innovation as the craft of combination: Perspectives on technology and economy in the Spirit of Schumpeter, Ph.D, Linkoping University
    • C. Freeman, Schumpeter’s Business Cycles Revisited, In: Ulrich Witt, Dir., Evolutionary Economics, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp17-38
    • C. Seidl and W. F. Stolper, dir., J. A. Schulpeter: Aufsätze zur Tagespolitik, Tübingen: Mohr


  • Robert L. Allen, Opening Doors. The Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers
  • Kurt Dopfer, The Phenomenon of Economic Change – Neoclassical vs. Schumpeterian Approaches, In: Lars Magnusson, dir., Evolutionary and Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches to Economics, Boston, pp125–171
  • Faiz Gallouj, Cycles économiques et innovations de service : quelques interrogations à la lumière de la pensée schumpeterienne, Revue Française d'Economie, Vol IX, n°4, automne, pp169-213
  • Petur O. Jonsson, Social Influence and Individual Preferences: On Schumpeter's Theory of Consumer Choice, Review of Social Economy, Vol 52, n°4, pp301-314
  • Nathan Rosenberg, Joseph Schumpeter: Radical Economist, In: Yuichi Shionoya et Mark Perlman, Dir., Schumpeter in the History of Ideas, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp41-57
  • Yuichi Shionoya et Mark Perlman, Dir., Schumpeter in the History of Ideas, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press
  • Wolfgang F. Stolper, Joseph Alois Schumpeter The Public Life of a Private Man, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, ASIN: 0691043051
  • Erich Streissler, The Influence of German and Austrian Economics on Joseph A. Schumpeter, In: Yuichi Shionoya et Mark Perlman, Dir., Schumpeter in the History of Ideas, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, pp13–38
  • R. Tarnas, The Social Economics of Joseph A. Schumpeter, Review of Social Economy, Vol. LII, n°4
  • K. Thanawala, Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development and Development Economics, Review of Social Economy, Vol. 52, n°4, Winter, pp353-62

De 1995 à 1999


  • Günther K. Chaloupek, Long-Term Economic Perspectives Compared: Joseph Schumpeter and Werner Sombart, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2(1), pp127-49
  • Young B. Choi, "The Entrepreneur: Schumpeter vs. Kirzner", In: Peter J. Boettke et Mario J. Rizzo, dir., Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 2, Part A., Greenwich, CT and London UK: JAI Press
  • Nicolo De Vecchi, Entrepreneurs, Institutions, and Economic Change: The Economic Thought of Joseph Schumpeter (1905-1925), Brookfield, MA: Elgar
  • O. Grandstrand et S. Alange, The evolution of of corporate entrepreneurship in swedish industry - Was Schumpeter wrong?, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, June, vol. 5, no. 2, pp133-156
  • F. Malerba et L. Orsenigo, Schumpeterian patterns of innovation, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19 (1): 47-66
  • Mark Perlman, "Schumpeter, David Wells and creative destruction", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9: 189–197
  • Mark Perlman et Yuichi Shionoya, Dir., "Schumpeter in the History of Ideas", UMP, ISBN 0472105485
  • M. Prisching, The limited rationality of democracy: Schumpeter as the founder of irrational choice theory, Critical Review, Vol 9, pp301-324
  • Richard Swedberg, "Schumpeter’s Vision of Socioeconomics", Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol 24, pp525-544
  • Ulrich Witt, "Schumpeter vs. Hayek: two approaches to evolutionary economics", In: Gerrit Meijer, dir., New Perspectives on Austrian Economics London: Routledge, pp81-101
  • 1996,
    • Esben Sloth Andersen, Evolutionary Economics: Post-Schumpeterian Contributions, paperback edn. London and New York: Pinter
    • Serguey Braguinsky, Corruption and Schumpeterian Growth in Different Economic Environments, Contemporary Economic Policy, V 14 (p 14-25) July
    • Nicolò De Vecchi, Schumpeter's Review of 'The Economics of Imperfect Competition'. Another Look at Joan Robinson, In: M. C. Marcuzzo, L. L. Pasinetti et A. Roncaglia, dir., The Economics of Joan Robinson, London, Routledge, pp36-50
    • Massimo Egidi, 'Creative Destruction' in Economic and Political Institutions, In: Bruno Dallago et Luigi Mittone, dir., Economic institutions, markets and competition: Centralization and decentralization in the transformation of economic systems. Cheltenham: Elgar, pp33-62
    • Agnès Festré et Richard Arena, "Banks, credit and the financial system in Schumpeter: an interpretation", In: Laurence S. Moss, ed, Joseph Schumpeter, Historian of economics, Londres : Routledge, pp167-177
      • Repris en 1999, In: H. Hanusch (Ed.), The Legacy of Joseph Schumpeter (Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economic Series, So2), Londres : Edward Elgar
    • E. Helmstädter et M. Perlman, dir., Behavioral Norms, Technological Progress, and Economic Dynamics: Studies in Schumpeterian Economics, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, pp1–6
    • Gilberto T. Lima, "Development, technological change and innovation: Schumpeter and the neo-Schumpeterians", Revista Brasileira de Economia, 50(2), abr./jun
    • W. W. Powell, Weber and Schumpeter: turbulent lives, ideas never at rest, Industrial and Corporate Change, 5(3), pp917–924
    • Erik S. Reinert, The role of technology in the creation of rich and poor nations: Underdevelopment in a Schumpeterian system, In: Aldcroft, Derek H. et Ross Catterall, dir., Rich Nations - Poor Nations. The long run perspective, Aldershot, Edward Elgar


  • Faïz Gallouj, "Towards a neo-Schumpeterian theory of innovation in services ?", Science and Public Policy, Vol 24, n°6, décembre, pp405-420
  • Willem Keizer, Schumpeter's Walrasian Stand in the Socialist Calculation Debate, In: Bert Tieben, Willem Keizer et Rudy van Zijp, dir., Austrian Economics in Debate, New York, NY: Routledge, pp75-94
  • M. Kelm, Schumpeter’s theory of economic evolution: A Darwinian interpretation, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 7, pp97-130
  • J.-J. Quilès, "Schumpeter et l’évolution économique : circuit, entrepreneur, capitalisme", Paris, Nathan
  • Yuichi Shionoya, "Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science: A Metatheoretical Idea", Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521430348


  • M. W. Frank, Schumpeter on Entrepreneurs and Innovation: A Reappraisal, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 20, n°4 (décembre), pp505-16
  • C. D. Galunic et S. Rodan, Resource recombinations in the firm: Knowledge structures and the potential for Schumpeterian innovation. Strategic Management Journal 19: 1193-1201
  • K. Pavitt, “Technologies, Products and Organization in the Innovating Firm: What Adam Smith Tells Us and Joseph Schumpeter Doesn’t”, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 7, pp433-451


  • Sandye Gloria, L'héritage autrichien de Schumpeter. Conférence de l’ERSI sur les économistes autrichiens, Equipe de Recherche sur les Systèmes Industriels. Amiens. Mai
  • Horst Hanusch, Dir., The Legacy of Joseph A. Schumpeter, volumes 1 & 2 (Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economics Series). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, ISBN 1858985056
  • Jerry Z. Muller, "Capitalism, Socialism, and Irony: Understanding Schumpeter in Context", Critical Review, Vol 13, pp239-267
  • Joseph Salerno, “The Place of Mises’s Human Action In The Development Of Modern Economic Thought.” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (Spring): 35-65
  • Frank Schohl, A Schumpeterian Heterogenous Agent Model of the Business Cycle, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, vol 2, Spring, pp1–20

De 2000 à 2004


    • M. Blaug, "Entrepreneurship Before and After Schumpeter", In: R. Swedberg, dir., Entrepreneurship: The Social Science View, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp76-88
    • S. Breschi, F. Malerba et L. Orsenigo, Technological regimes and Schumpeterian patterns of innovation, The Economic Journal, 110 (463, April): 388-410
    • Donald F. Dixon, "Schumpeter—Fifty Years Later", Journal of Macromarketing, Vol 20, n°1, pp82-88
    • Richard Ebeling, "Two Variations on the Austrian Monetary Theme: Ludwig von Mises and Joseph A. Schumpeter on the Business Cycle", In: Richard M. Ebeling, dir., "Human Action: A 50-Year Tribute", Hillsdale, Mich.: Hillsdale College Press, pp149-187
  • Alexander Ebner, "Schumpeter and the “Schmollerprogramm”: Integrating Theory and History in the Analysis of Economic Development", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 10(3), pp355-372
  • John Foster, Competitive selection, self-organisation and Joseph A.Schumpeter, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 10 (3), pp311-328
    • Faiz Gallouj et C. Gallouj, "Neo-Schumpeterian perspectives for Innovation in Services", In: M. Boden et I. Miles, dir., Services and the knowledge based economy, Continuum, pp21-37
    • Alicia Girón G., "Schumpeter: aportaciones al pensamiento económico", Comercio Exterior, Vol. 50, nº 12 (600), Diciembre, pp1077-1084
    • U. Hedtke et Richard Swedberg, dir., Joseph Schumpeter : Briefe/Letters, Tübingen Mohr
    • Charles W. L. Hill, Mike W. Peng et Denis Y. L. Wang, Schumpeterian Dynamics Versus Williamsonian Considerations: A Test of Export Intermediary Performance, Journal of Management Studies, March, Vol 37, n°2, pp167-184
    • Thomas K. McCraw, The Creative Destroyer: Joseph A. Schumpeter's Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, A Review, Project 2000: Significant Works in Twentieth-Century Economic History
    • Alejandro Mungaray et Juan Ignacio Palacio, "Schumpeter, la innovación y la política industrial", Comercio Exterior, Vol. 50, nº 12 (600), Diciembre, pp1085-1089
    • Nathan Rosenberg, Schumpeter and the Endogeneity of Technology: Some American Perspectives, London: Routledge


  • Nicolò de Vecchi, Schumpeter economista: il posto della storia e il posto della logica, Rivista di Storia Economica, Vol 27, n°3, pp361-372
    • Repris en 2002, In: P. Ciocca, dir., Le vie della storia nell’economia, Bologna, il Mulino
  • Nicolò de Vecchi, Joseph Schumpeter: il rapporto con Vienna di un economista innovatore. Convegno italo-germanico 'Vienna intorno al 1900'. giugno 2000, Annali dell'Istituto Storico italo-germanico di Trento, vol. 26, pp299-311
  • Stephan Kuhnert, "An Evolutionary Theory of Collective Action: Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship for the Common Good", Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 12, n°1, pp13–29
  • Thomas K. McCraw, The 20th Century's Theorist of 21st Century Entrepreneurship [Joseph Schumpeter], STERNBusiness, fall/winter
  • John Medearis, Joseph Schumpeter's Two Theories of Democracy, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, ISBN 0674004809
  • M. Perlman, The two phases of Kuznets’ interest in Schumpeter, In: J. Biddle, J.B. Davis et Steven G. Medema, Dir., Economics Broadly Considered: Essays in Honour of Warren J. Samuels. London and New York: Routledge, pp128–143


  • Richard Arena et Cécile Dangel-Hagnauer, Dir., The Contribution of Joseph Schumpeter to Economics: Economic development and institutional change, London: Routledge, ISBN 0415228247
  • Richard Arena et P. Romani, Schumpeter on Entrepreneurship, In: Richard Arena et C. Dangel-Hagnauer, Dir., The Contribution of Joseph Schumpeter to Economics: Economic development and institutional change. (London: Routledge), pp167–183
  • M. C. Becker et T. Knudsen, "Schumpeter 1911: Farsighted Visions on Economic Development, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61(2), pp387-403
  • Maria T. Brouwer, Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Volume 12, n°1-2, mars, pp83-105
  • Agnès Festré, Money, Banking and Dynamics: Schumpeter vs. Hayek", in Richard Arena et C. Dangel-Hagnauer (Eds.), The Contribution of Joseph Schumpeter to Economics: Economic Development and Institutional Change, Londres : Routledge, pp221-240
  • Agnès Festré, Innovation and Business Cycles, In: Richard Arena et Cécile Dangel-Hagnauer, Dir., The Contribution of Joseph Schumpeter to Economics: Economic Development and Institutional Change, Londres : Routledge, pp127-145
  • Faiz Gallouj, "L’innovation interactionnelle : une approche néoschumpeterienne", In: F. Djellal et Faiz Gallouj, dir., "Technologies et innovations dans la nouvelle économie des services", L’Harmattan, Collection “ Entreprise et Innovation ”
  • Faiz Gallouj, "Interactional innovation : a neoschumpeterian model", In: J. Sundbo et L. Fuglsang, dir., Innovation as strategic reflexivity, Routledge, pp29-56
  • M. P. Gonçalves Da Silva, A Epistemologia da Economia Téorica em Schumpeter, Revista de Economia Politica, 22(1), pp109-130
  • O. Lakomski-Laguerre, Les institutions monétaires du capitalisme – La pensée économique de J.A.Schumpeter, Paris, L'Harmattan
  • John A. Mathews, A resource-based view of Schumpeterian economic dynamics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 12, n°1-2, mars, pp29-54
  • Herbert Matis, "Der “Entrepreneur” als dynamisches Element im Wirtschaftsprozess. Schumpeters Beitrag zur Theorie unternehmerischen Verhaltens" ("L'Entrepreneur comme élément dynamique dans le processus économique. La contribution de Schumpeter à la théorie du comportement entrepreneurial), Vienna: Picus Verlag
  • Mario da Graça Moura, "Metatheory as the Key to Understanding: Schumpeter after Shionoya", Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 26, pp805–21
  • Jorge Miglioli, "Schumpeter and the Decline of Capitalism and Bourgeoisie", Estudos de Sociologia, Vol 7, pp97-125


  • Jurgen Backhaus, dir., Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision (European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences, Volume 1). Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1402074638
  • Nicholas W. Balabkins, "Adaptation without attribution? The genesis of schumpeter's innovator", In: Jurgen Backhaus, dir., "Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision" (European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp203–220
  • M. C. Becker, Thorbjørn Knudsen, "The Entrepreneur at a Crucial Juncture in Schumpeter's Work: Schumpeter's 1928 Handbook Entry Entrepreneur", In: Roger Koppl, Jack Birner, P. Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 6, Oxford, Elsevier Science, pp199-233
  • M. C. Becker, Thorbjørn Knudsen, "Translation Joseph A. Schumpeter: Unternehmer », In: Roger Koppl, Jack Birner, P. Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 6, Oxford, Elsevier Science, pp235-266
  • Günther Chaloupek, "Empirical Realism and Analytical Theory in Long Term Economic Perspectives: A Comparison of Sombart, Schumpeter and Hayek", In: Jürgen Backhaus, Wim Heijman, Andries Nentjes, Johan van Ophem, dir., "Economic Policy in an Orderly Framework – Liber Amicorum for Gerrit Meijer", Münster: LIT Verlag, pp100-117
  • Young B. Choi, "Schumpeter on Entrepreneurship", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 6, pp279-282
  • A. Ebner, "The Institutional Analysis of Entrepreneurship : Historist Aspects of Schumpeter's Development Theory", In: J. Backhaus, dir., "Joseph Alois Schumpeter", Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp117-139
  • J. Fagerberg, Schumpeter and the revival of evolutionary economics: An appraisal of the literature. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13:125-159
  • Peter Groenewegen, Gianni Vaggi, "Joseph Alois Schumpeter, 1883–1950: Economic Development", In: Peter Groenewegen, Gianni Vaggi, dir., "A Concise History of Economic Thought. From Mercantilism to Monetarism", Palgrave, pp265-270
  • Mümtaz Keklik, Schumpeter, Innovation and Growth: Long-Cycle Dynamics in the Post-WWII American Manufacturing Industries, Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Company, ISBN 0754619982
  • Richard Langlois, "Schumpeter and the Obsolescence of the Entrepreneur", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 6, pp283-298
  • M. A. G. v. Meerhaeghe, "The lost chapter of Schumpeter’s ’Economic Development’", In: Jurgen G. Backhaus, dir., "Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision, The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences", Springer US., pp233–243
  • M. Graça Moura, "Schumpeter on the integration of theory and history", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 10, pp279–301
  • Tom Nicholas, "Why Schumpeter Was Right: Innovation, Market Power, and Creative Destruction in 1920s America", Journal of Economic History, Vol 63, n°4 (Dec.), pp1023-1058
  • Mark Perlman, “Schumpeter and Schools of Economic Thought”, In: Jurgen G. Backhaus, dir., "Joseph Alois Schumpeter", Boston, Dordrecht, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp163-178
  • Erik S. Reinert, "Steeped in Two Mind-Sets: Schumpeter in the Context of the Two Canons of Economics", In: Jürgen Backhaus, dir., "Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision", Kluwer, Boston, pp261-292
  • Paul A. Samuelson, "Reflections on the Schumpeter I Knew", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 13, n°5, (Dec.), pp463-467
  • Gerald Silverberg, Bart Verspagen, "Breaking the waves: a Poisson regression approach to Schumpeterian clustering of basic innovations", Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 27, n°5, pp671-693


  • F. Dannequin,"Braudel et Schumpeter : deux manières de voir le capitalisme?", Documents de travail n°85, LabRII, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale
  • William Nordhaus, Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy: Theory and Measurement, Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper, n°1457
  • David A. Reisman, "Schumpeter's Market: Enterprise and Evolution", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub., ISBN 1843761645

De 2005 à 2009


  • D. Goss, "Schumpeter's legacy? Interaction and emotions in the sociology of entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol 29, pp205-218
  • Erik S. Reinert et Sophus Reinert, Mercantilism and Economic Development: Schumpeterian Dynamics, Institution Building and International Benchmarking, In: K. S. Jomo et Erik S. Reinert, Dir., Origins of Economic Development, London, Zed Publications/New Delhi, Tulika Books, pp1-23
    • Traduction chinoise en 2006, In Erik S. Reinert et Genliang Jia, Dir., The Other Canon of Economics: A Selection of Essays on Evolutionary Economics, Beijing, High Education Press, 2 volumes
  • T. W. Ruefli et R. R. Wiggins, Schumpeter's ghost: is hypercompetition making the best of times shorter? Strategic Management Journal, 26, pp887-911
  • F. M. Scherer, An Accidental Schumpeterian, In: Michael Szenberg et Lall Ramrattan, Dir., Reflections of Eminent Economists, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., pp386-399


  • M. C. Becker, T. Knudsen et J. G. March, "Schumpeter, Winter, and the Sources of Novelty", Industrial and Corporate Change, 15(2), pp353-371
  • F. Dannequin, "L’entrepreneur schumpétérien", Interrogations? Revue pluridisciplinaire en sciences de l’homme et de la société, juin, n°2, pp119-128
  • Alexander Ebner, "Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship Revisited: Historical Specificity and the Phases of Capitalist Development", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(3), pp315-332
  • Alexander Ebner, "Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and the Rationale of Government: An outline of the Schumpeterian Theory of the State", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 59, n°4, pp497-515
  • M. Encinar et F. Muñoz, "On Novelty and Economics: Schumpeter's Paradox", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 16, pp253-277
  • Agnès Festré et E. Nasica, Banks, credit, and the financial system in Schumpeter: an institutionalist perspective, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 16(2)
  • H. Hanusch et A. Pyka, Principles of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 31, pp275-289
  • W. Kingston, Co-evolution and Schumpeter’s Business Cycles, Industry and Innovation, 13
  • Daniel Levinthal, The Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm and the Strategy Field, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 15, n°2, pp391-394
  • Thomas McCraw, Schumpeter’s Business Cycles as Business History, Business History Review, 80, summer, pp231-261
  • Adrián Ravier, Hacia un estudio compa-rativo de las Teorías Económicas defendidas por Joseph Schumpeter y Ludwig von Mises, Fundation Friedrich Hayek
  • Erik S. Reinert et Hugo Reinert, Creative Destruction in Economics: Nietzsche, Sombart, Schumpeter, In: Jürgen Backhaus et Wolfgang Drechsler, Dir., Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-2000: Economy and Society, series The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences, New York, Springer, pp55-85
    • Traduction chinoise en 2006, Erik S. Rinert et Genliang Jia, Dir., The Other Canon of Economics: A Selection of Essays on Evolutionary Economics, Beijing, High Education Press, 2 volumes
  • Richard Swedberg, "Social entrepreneurship: the view of the young Schumpeter", Edward Elgar Publishing, Vol. 3, pp21-34
  • Sidney Winter, Toward a neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm, Industrial and Corporate Change, 15, pp125-141


  • E. G. Carayannis, C. Ziemnowicz, dir., "Rediscovering Schumpeter", Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan
  • W. M. Cohen, H. Sauermann, "Schumpeter’s prophecy and individual incentives as a driver of innovation", In: F. Malerba, S. Brusoni, dir., "Perspectives on innovation", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp73–110
  • Truls Erikson, Discriminating “Schumpeterian” from “Austrian” informal investors—an empirical assessment, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Volume 5, n°1-2, june, pp1-10
  • C. Freeman, "A Schumpeterian Renaissance?", In: H. Hanusch & A. Pyka, dir., "Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp130-141
  • T. Grebel, "Neo-Schumpeterian perspectives in entrepreneurial research", In: H. Hanusch & A. Pyka, dir., "Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp147-158
  • Thomas K. McCraw, "Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
  • Robert Solow, "Heavy Thinker", commentaire du livre de Thomas K. McCraw, "Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction", The New Republic, 21 mai 2007, pp48-50


    • Mauro Boianovsky et Hans-Michael Trautwein, "'Frictions in Schumpeter's theory of unemployment'", In: Yuichi Shionoya et Tamotsu Nishizawa, dir., Marshall and Schumpeter on Evolution, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp243-263
    • Giovanni Dosi, Jean-Luc Gaffard et Lionel Nesta, "Schumpeterian themes on industrial evolution, structural change and their microfoundations: an introduction", Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(4), pp601-609
    • Agnès Festré et Pierre Garrouste, Rationality, behavior, institutional and economic change in Schumpeter, Journal of Economic Methodology, 15(4), pp1-26
    • Harald Hagemann, "Schumpeters Konjunktur- und Wachstumstheorie" (La théorie économique et de la croissance de Schumpeter), In: Reinhard Neck, dir., "Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" ("L'école autrichienne d'économie"), Vienna: Peter Lang, pp149-176
    • Thomas Humphrey, "SCHUMPETER, JOSEPH (1883–1950)", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp452-455


  • Arthur M. Diamond, "Schumpeter VS Keynes: "In the Long run not all of us are dead", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 31, n°4, pp531-541
  • Agnès Festré, E. Nasica, "Schumpeter on money, banking and finance: an institutionalist perspective", European Journal of the History of economic Thought, vol 16, n°2, pp325-356
  • Ouriana Michaelides, G. Panayotis, John G. Milios, "Joseph Schumpeter and the German Historical School", Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol 33, pp495-516

De 2010 à 2019


    • Duncan K Foley, "Lineages of Crisis Economics from the 1930s: Keynes, Hayek, and Schumpeter", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol 36, n°4, pp413-422
    • Michael Harvey, Timothy Kiessling et Miriam Moeller, "A view of entrepreneurship and innovation from the economist “for all seasons” Joseph S. Schumpeter", Journal of Management History , Volume 16 (4)
    • Bruce A. McDaniel, dir., "Joseph Schumpeter: The Nature and Essence of Economic Theory", New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1412811503
  • Ouriane Michaelides, G. Panayotis, John G. Milios, Angelos Vouldis, Spyros Lapatsioras, "Heterodox influences on Schumpeter", International Journal of Social Economics, 37(3), pp197-213
    • Tamotsu Nishizawa, "The German Historical School, Schumpeter and Ichiro Nakayama: Economic Theory and Economic Sociology", In: Harald Hagemann, Tamotsu Nishizawa et Yukihiro Ikeda, dir., "Austrian Economics in Transition. From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek", Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 9780230222267, pp89-108
    • Hans-Michael Trautwein et Mauro Boianovsky, 'Schumpeter on unemployment', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 20:2, pp233-263


  • Gerhard Hanappi, "Schumpeter", In: Michael Dietrich, Jackie Krafft, dir., "Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm", Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Richard Swedberg, "Schumpeter’s theories of organizational entrepreneurship", In: Daniel Hjorth, dir., "Handbook on Organizational Entrepreneurship", Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp31-48


  • R. Abdesselam, J. Bonnet, P. Renou-Maissant, "Typology of the French regional development: revealing the refugee versus Schumpeter effects in new-firm startups", Applied Economics, Vol 46, n°28, pp3437-3451
  • Ourania Kardasi, Michaelides G. Panayotis, "The Schumpeterian Theory of Entrepreneurial Management: From Individualism to Social Forces", In: Dieter Bögenhold, dir., "Soziologie des Wirtschaftlichen. Alte und neue Fragen" (Sociologie de l'économie. Questions anciennes et nouvelles), Springer VS, pp165-175
  • André Lapied, Sophie Swaton, "Le cycle de la conjoncture chez Schumpeter : éternel retour du même ?", Revue de philosophie économique, n°1, Vol 15, pp17-47


  • Richard Arena, "On the intellectual foundations of Hayek’s and Schumpeter’s economics: an appraisal", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 25, n°1, pp77-90
  • Stephan Boehm, "The best horse in the Viennese stables: Gottfried Haberler and Joseph Schumpeter", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, January, Vol 25, n°1, pp107–115
  • Sophie Boutillier, Dimitri Uzunidis, "Joseph Aloïs Schumpeter. L’entrepreneur force vive du capitalisme", In: Karim Messeghem, Olivier Torrès, dir., "Les grands auteurs en entrepreneuriat", Ems Management Et Societes, pp87-106
  • M. Graça Moura, "Schumpeter’s conceptions of process and order", Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 39, pp1129–1148


  • Arielle John, Virgil Storr, "Kirznerian and Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship in Trinidad and Tobago", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol 12, n°5, pp582–610


  • B. Ferrero, "Are Structural Fluctuations Natural or Policy-Induced? Analyzing Mises’s and Schumpeter’s Contributions to Business Cycle Theory", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 22, n°2
  • Martin Fransman, "Lachmann and Schumpeter: Some Reflections", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Ludwig Lachmann" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 37B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp43-53

De 2020 à 2022

  • 2020, Dieter Plehwe, "Schumpeter Revival? How Neoliberals Revised the Image of the Entrepreneur", In: Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian, Philip Mirowski, dir., "Nine Lives of Neoliberalism", London and New York: Verso

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