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Walter Block (Bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Walter Block, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1969 à 1974
- 1969,
- a. "Voluntary Slavery", The Libertarian Connection, Vol I, n°3, April 13, pp9-11
- b. "Against the Volunteer Military", The Libertarian Forum, August 15, p4
- c. "The Pledge of Allegiance", The Libertarian Connection
- 1971, "Heroin: Right on, pigs", Abolitionist, Winter, pp27-28
- 1972,
- a. "The Liar as Hero", The Libertarian Forum, May, Vol 4, n°5, pp5-6
- b. "The Polish Ham Question", The Libertarian Forum, June-July, Vol 4, n°6-7, p5
- c. "Academic Freedom", The Libertarian Forum, June-July, Vol 4, n°6-7, pp7-8 (sous le pseudonyme de Peter Sherman)
- d. "Assembly Candidate Blasts Rent Control", Real Estate Weekly, Thursday, August 3
- e. "An Examination of Economic Freedom", The New Banner, Summer, Vol 1, n°6, pp6, 9
- f. "The Wastemakers", "The New Banner", Summer, Vol 1, n°7, pp6, 9
- g. "The Slumlord as Hero", The Libertarian Forum, October, Vol 4, n°10, pp5-6
- h. "The Strip Miner as Hero", The Libertarian Forum, November, Vol 4, n°9, pp3-4
- i. "The Blackmailer as Hero", The Libertarian Forum, December, Vol 4, n°10, pp3-4
- j. "A Libertarian Perspective on Advertising", Reason, October, p16
- 1973,
- a. "A Comment on ‘The Extraordinary Claim of Praxeology’ by Professor Gutierrez", Theory and Decision, Vol 3, n°4, Juin, pp377-387
- b. "Value Implications of Economic Theory", American Economist, Spring, pp35-39
- c. "The Pimp as Hero", The Libertarian Forum, January, Vol 4, n°11, p2
- d. "The Old Curmudgeon as Hero", The Libertarian Forum, February, Vol 5, n°2, pp6-8
- e. "The Blackmailer as Hero: A Reply", The Libertarian Forum, March, Vol 5, n°2, pp3-4
- f. "Heroes and Scapegoats", The Libertarian Forum, March, Vol 5, n°2, pp4-5
- g. "Blockian Ethics: A Reply", The Libertarian Forum, June, Vol 5, n°6, pp3-4
- h. "State Banking and the Economy", Win, July 19, pp8-10
- i. "The Litterer as Hero", Reason, Vol 5, n°5, September, pp21-23
- 1974, "The Austrian School's advice: 'Hands off!", Business Week Magazine, 3 August, pp40-41
De 1975 à 1979
- 1975, "On Value Freedom in Economics", American Economist, Vol 19, Spring, pp38-41
- 1976, Defending the Undefendable. New York: Fox and Wilkes
- 1977,
- a. "Austrian Monopoly Theory: A Critique", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Fall, 1(4), pp271–279
- b. "Coase and Demsetz on Private Property Rights", Journal of Libertarian Studies, 1(2), spring, pp111–115
- 1978, The Negative Interest Rate: Toward a Taxonomic Critique, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 2, n°2, pp121-124
- 1979, "Free Market Transportation: Denationalizing the Roads", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 3, n°2, Summer, pp209–238
- Repris en 1982, "A Free Market in Roads", In: Tibor Machan, dir. "The Libertarian Reader", Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Littlefield, pp164-183
De 1980 à 1984
- 1980,
- a. "On Robert Nozick’s ‘On Austrian Methodology", Inquiry 23(4), fall, pp397–444
- b. "Congestion and Road Pricing", The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 4, n°3, Summer, pp299-330
- Repris en 2006, In: Walter Block, The Privatization of Roads and Highways: Human and Economic Factors, Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, Ch 2
- c. Commentaire du livre de Peter Marcuse, "An analysis and evaluation of rental housing in the city of New York: Supply and conditions 1975–1978", International Journal for Housing Science, 4(4), pp343–359
- d. "Zoning: Its Costs and Relevance for the 1980s", Vancouver, B.C.: Fraser Institute
- 1981,
- a. avec Edgar Olsen, dir., "Rent Control: Myths and Realities", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute
- b. "Postscript: A Reply to the Critics", In: Walter Block et Edgar Olsen, dir., "Rent Control: Myths and Realities", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, pp286-319
- c. "Zoning: A Tragic Public Policy", The Freeman, août, Vol 31, n°8
- d. avec Walter Williams, "Male-Female Earnings Differentials: A Critical Reappraisal", J. LAB. RES., Vol 2, pp383-388
- 1982,
- a. "Amending the Combines Investigation Act", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute
- b. Comment, In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan et Kenneth Elzinga, dir., Morality of the Market, Vancouver, B.C.: The Frazer Institute
- c. avec Michael Walker, dir., "Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and Equal Opportunity", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute
- d. avec Michael Walker, "Introduction: The plight of the minority", In: Walter Block, Michael Walker, dir., "Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and Equal Opportunity", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, pp5-31
- e. "Economic Intervention, Discrimination, and Unforseen Consequences", In: Walter Block, Michael Walker, dir., "Discrimination, Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, pp103-128
- e. dir., "The Combines Investigation Act", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute
- 1983,
- a. "Theories of Highway Safety", Transportation Research Record, n° 912, pp7–10
- b. "Public Goods and Externalities: The Case of Roads", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 7, n°1, pp1–34
- Repris en 2006, In: Peter J. Boettke, Peter Leeson, dir., "The Legacy of Ludwig von Mises", Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar
- c. "On Economics and the Canadian Bishops", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute
- d. "Stabbing the Hutterites in the Back", Grainews, October
- e. "Focus: On Economics and the Canadian Bishops", Vancouver, BC: Fraser Institute
De 1985 à 1989
- a. avec David Gordon, "Blackmail, Extortion, and Free Speech: A Reply to Professors Posner, Epstein, Nozick and Lindgren", Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, Vol 19, n°1, November, pp37-54
- b. avec Geoffrey Brennan, Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute
- c. avec Geoffrey Brennan, Kenneth Elzinga, "Preface", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan, Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, ppi-xxv
- d. "Comment" on J. Philip Wogaman, "Theological Perspective on Economics", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, pp67-96
- e. avec Donald Shaw, Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice, Vancouver, Canada: The Fraser Institute
- f. "The US Bishops and Their Critics", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute
- g. avec Michael Walker, "Focus: On Employment Equity", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute
- h. avec Michael Walker, "Entropy in the Canadian economics profession: Sampling consensus on the major issues", Canadian Public Policy, 14(2), pp137–150
- i. avec Donald Shaw, dir., "Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice", Vancouver: Fraser Institute
- j. "Opening remarks", In: Walter Block, Donald Shaw, dir., "Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute, ppxi-xvii
- k. "ETHICAL REFLECTIONS ON THE ECONOMIC CRISIS", In: Walter Block, Donald Shaw, dir., "Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute, pp67-72
- a. "The U. S. Bishops and Their Critics: an Economic and Ethical Perspective", Vancouver: Fraser Institute, ISBN 0889750858
- b. avec Irving Hexham, dir., "Religion, Economics & Social Thought", Vancouver, B.C. : The Fraser Institute
- c. “Trading Money for Silence”, University of Hawaii Law Review, Vol 8, n°1, Spring, pp57–73
- Repris en 1987, In: Gerard Radnitzky, Peter Bernholz, "Economic imperialism : the economic approach applied outside the field of economics", New York : Paragon House Publishers, pp157-218
- d. "A comment on ‘Towards an economic theory of methodology’ by Professor Gerard Radnitzky, Methodology and Science, 19(2), pp148–152
- e. dir., "Reaction: the new Combines Investigation Act", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute
- f. "Introduction", In: Walter Block, dir., "Reaction: the new Combines Investigation Act", Vancouver, The Fraser Institute, ppxiii-xxix
- a. "On Yeager's 'Why subjectivism?'", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, pp199–208
- b. "Samaritanism: Good and Bad", Liberty magazine, décembre, pp27-28
- a. "Caveat Emptor. Has the notion of personal responsibility been banished from the legal scene?", The Freeman, May, Vol. 38, n°5, pp180-181 [lire en ligne]
- b. avec Llewellyn H. Rockwell, dir., Man, Economy and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard, Auburn, AL: Auburn University, Ludwig von Mises Institute
- c. Introduction, In: Walter Block et Llewellyn H. Rockwell, dir., Man, Economy and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard, Auburn, AL: Auburn University (Ludwig von Mises Institute, ppix-xviii
- d. Fractional Reserve Banking: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, In: Walter Block et Llewellyn H. Rockwell, dir., Man, Economy, and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, Ch 3, pp24-32
- e. How the Market Creates Jobs and How the Government Destroys Them, The Free Market, Mai, pp1,2,3
- Repris en 1988, How the Market Creates Jobs and How the Government Destroys Them, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp65-70
- f. Privatize the Roads!, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp266-270
- g. The Case for a Free Market in Body Parts, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp270-272
- h. avec Michael Walker, "Entropy in the Canadian Economics Profession: Sampling Consensus on the Major Issues", Canadian Public Policy, Vol XIV, n°2, June, pp137-150
- a. “The Justification of Taxation in the Public Finance Literature: A Critique of Atkinson and Stiglitz, Due, Musgrave, and Shoup.” Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 3:41–158
- b. "Racism: Public and Private", The Freeman, January, Vol 39, n°1, pp28-29 (L'auteur prévient qu'il faut réfléchir à deux fois avant de confier les droits de l'homme à l'État.)
- c. avec Michael Walker, "Lexicon of Economic Thought", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute
- d. "Comment on William Stanbury’s ‘Privatization in Canada: Ideology, Symbolism or Substance?’", In: Paul MacAvoy, William Stanbury, George Yarrow, Richard Zeckhauser, dir., "Privatization and State-Owned Enterprises: Lessons for the U.K., Canada and the U.S., Boston: Kluwer
- e. "The Justification of Taxation in the Public Finance Literature: An Unorthodox View", Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol 3, Fall, pp
De 1990 à 1994
- 1990,
- a. dir., "Economics and the Environment: A Reconciliation", Vancouver: Fraser Institute
- b. "Earning Happiness Through Homesteading Unowned Land: A Comment on ‘Buying Misery with Federal Land’ by Richard Stroup", Journal of Social Political and Economic Studies, 15(2), summer, pp237–53
- c. "Resource Misallocation, Externalities and Environmentalism in the U.S. and Canada", Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference, pp91-94
- d. "La Costituzione in una Prospettiva Liberale Classica", Biblioteca Della Liberta, Vol. XXV, No. 109, pp93-10
- e. "Jewish Economics in the Light of Maimonides", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp60-68
- f. "The Discounted Marginal Value Product - Marginal Value Product Controversy: A Note", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol IV, pp199-207
- g. "Comment on Alan Walters’ ‘Deregulation and Privatization: Lessons from the U.K", In: Frank Mathewson, Michael Trebilcock, Michael Walker, dir., "The Law and Economics of Competition Policy", Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute
- h. "The Process of Privatization", In: O. Yul Kwon, dir., "International Privatization: Global Trends, Policies, Processes, Experiences", Saskatchewan: Institute for Saskatchewan Enterprise
- i. "Preface", In: "Religion, Wealth and Poverty", Vancouver: Fraser Institute, ppix-xiii
- 1991,
- a. "Labor Relations, Unions and Collective Bargaining: A Political Economic Analysis", Journal of Social Political and Economic Studies, Vol 16, n°4, Winter, pp477-507
- b. Dumping on the Economy: Why Artificial Prices Encourage Waste, Journal of Pricing Management 14.2, Spring, pp21-26
- c. avec Robert W. McGee, Academic Tenure: A Law and Economics Analysis, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol 14, n°2, Spring, pp545-563
- d. "Old Letters and Old Buildings", The Freeman Ideas on Liberty, March, pp96,
- a. "Socialist Psychology: Values and Motivations", Cultural Dynamics 5(3):260–86
- b. "Introduction" (to the symposium dedicated to Ludwig von Mises), Cultural Dynamics, Vol 5, n°3, November, pp215-224
- c. avec Robert W. McGee, "Insider Trading", In: Business Ethics and Common Sense, Robert W. McGee, dir., Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, pp219–29
- d. "Institutions, Property Rights and Externalities: The Case of Water Quality", In: Murray H. Miller, J. E. FitzGibbon, Glenn Fox, R. W. Gillham, H. R. Whiteley, dir., "Agriculture and Water Quality: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium", Guelph: University of Guelph Press, pp191–208
- e. "The Economics of Discrimination", The Journal of Business Ethics, Vol XI, pp241-254
- f. avec James Gwartney, Robert Lawson, "Measuring Economic Freedom", In: Stephen T. Easton, Michael Walker, dir., "Rating Global Economic Freedom", Vancouver: Fraser Institute, pp153-229
- a. "Rent control", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp421-426
- b. “Canadian Public Finance Texts Cannot Justify Government Taxation: A Critique of Auld and Miller; Musgrave, Musgrave, and Bird; McCready; and Wolf.” Canadian Public Administration, 36(2): 225–62
- a. avec Robert W. McGee, "Pollution Trading Permits as a Form of Market Socialism, and the Search for a Real Market Solution to Environmental Pollution", Fordham University Law and Environmental Journal, Vol. VI, No. 1, Fall, pp51-77
- b. "Rent Control: A Case Study of British Columbia", Mid Atlantic Journal of Business, Vol 30, n°3, December, pp299-304
- c. "Total Repeal of Anti-trust Legislation: A Critique of Bork, Brozen and Posner", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 8, n°1, pp31-64
- d. "Libertarianism vs. Libertinism", The Journal of Libertarian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Review, Vol 11, n°1, fall, pp117-128
De 1995 à 1999
- a. "Ethics, Efficiency, Coasian Property Rights, and Psychic Income: A Reply to Harold Demsetz", Review of Austrian Economics, 8(2), pp61–126
- b. “Professor Modigliani on Price Controls: The Baleful Influence of the Perfectly Competitive Model,” International Journal of Social Economics 22(5): 27–30
- c. “Comment on Gordon Tullock” Values and the Social Order. Vol. 2. Society and Order. Gerard Radnitzky et Hardy Bouillon, dir., London: Avebury. pp15–26, pp151–155
- d. avec Gary M. Anderson, Procrastination and Obedience: A Reply to Akerloff, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 54(2), april, pp201–215
- Repris en 1995, extrait, In: Sage Public Administration Abstracts, Vol. 22, No. 3, October, p411
- e. Introduction, Cultural Dynamics, 7: 277-280
- f. "Murray Rothbard (1926-1995)", In: Lew Rockwell, dir., Murray N. Rothbard: In Memoriam Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- g. "L'économie politique selon les Libertariens", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, March, Vol 6, n°1, pp121-151
- Traduit en anglais en 1998, A Libertarian Perspective on Political Economy, In: Hardy Bouillon, dir., Libertarians and Liberalism, Essays in Honour of Gerard Radnitzky, Suffolk, Gran Bretaña: Ipswich Book Company, pp16-47
- h. Reply to Hill and Rushton on Public Finance, Canadian Public Administration, Vol. 38, No. 3, Fall, pp485-486
- i. Commentaire du livre de Richard M. Ebeling, "Disaster in Red: The Failure and Collapse of Socialism", The Freeman, November, Vol 45, n°11, pp738-739
- a. "Road Socialism”, International Journal of Value-Based Management, Vol 9, pp195-207
- b. “O.J.’s Defense: A Reductio Ad Absurdum of the Economics of Ronald Coase and Richard Posner.” European Journal of Law and Economics 3:265–86
- c. “Labor Market Disputes: A Comment on Albert Rees’s ‘Fairness in Wage Distribution.’”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 7(3): 217–30
- d. “Comment on Richard B. Freeman’s ‘Labor Markets and Institutions in Economic Development.’” International Journal of Social Economics 23(1): 6–16
- e. Series on Mises, Market Process and Socio-Cultural Changes, Part 1: Introduction, Cultural Dynamics, 8: 263-270
- f. Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 12, n°2, Fall, pp327–350
- repris en 1996, Ama-gi: Journal of the Hayek Society at the London School of Economics, Vol 1, n°1, pp22–25
- g. Commentaire du livre de Hans-Hermann Hoppe, The Economics and Ethics of Private Property: Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 7, n°1, mars
- h. avec Matthew Block, "Roads, Bridges, Sunlight and Private Property Rights", Journal Des économistes et des études humaines, Vol VII, n°2/3, June-September, pp351-362
- i. avec Kenneth M. Garschina, Hayek, Business Cycles, and Fractional Reserve Banking: Continuing the DeHomogenization Process, Review of Austrian Economics, 9(1), pp77–94
- j. avec James D. Gwartney et Robert A. Lawson, "Economic Freedom of the World, 1975-1995", Vancouver, B.C., Canada: the Fraser Institute
- k. avec Matthew Ragan, "The Bright Side of Failure. The detrimental effects of governmental attempts to promote success", The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 46, n°10, pp687-690
- l. Commentaire du livre de Julian L. Simon, dir., "The State of Humanity", The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 46, n°10, p712
- m. avec Andrea Santoriello, "Externalities and the Environment. Trash, trees, and trade", The Freeman, November, Vol 46, n°11, pp755-756
- a. “Tobacco Advertising", International Journal of Value Based Management, May, 10(3), pp221–235
- b. “Comment on Harberger’s Richard T. Ely Lecture ‘The Search for Relevance in Economics’ and ‘Secrets of Success: A Handful of Heroes.’” Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change, Vol. 6, No. 1, March, pp57-66
- c. Compromising the Uncompromisable: The Austrian Golden Mean, Cultural Dynamics, vol. 9, No. 2, July, pp211-238
- d. avec Yeoman Yoon et Robert W. McGee, Do we need protectionism, Asian Economic Review, Vol. 39, pp. 237-
- e. avec Robert W. McGee, Ethical Aspects of Initiating Anti Dumping Actions, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp599-608
- f. avec Robert W. McGee, Must Protectionism Violate Rights?, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp393-407
- g. "The Case for De-Criminalizing Blackmail: A Reply to Lindgren and Campbell", Western State University Law Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, Spring, pp225-246
- h. avec Brian Boland, "The Benefits of Outsourcing. Allocating resources more efficiently", The Freeman, January, Vol 47, n°1, pp38-40
- i. avec Michelle Cadin, "Privatize the Public Highway System", The Freeman, February, Vol 47, n°2, pp96-97 (Les auteurs affirment que privatiser les routes publiques est un moyen d'améliorer la sécurité et de réduire les embouteillages.)
- j. avec William V. Bandoch, "The End of the World as We Know It?", The Freeman, March, Vol 47, n°3, pp158-159 (Les auteurs se posent la question de savoir si les nouvelles technologies rendent le travail humain obsolète.)
- k. avec Timothy Mulcahy, "Affirmative Action: Institutionalized Inequality", The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 47, n°10
- k. avec Kevin Sohr, "The Minimum Wage", The Freeman, Vol 47, n°11, pp681-682 [lire en ligne]
- l. avec Gene McDonough, "The Evils of Rent Control". Consent, n°27, pp10-11
- a. "A Libertarian Case for Free Immigration", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Burlingame: The Center of Libertarian Studies, Vol 13, n°2, pp167-186
- b. Environmentalism and Freedom: The Case for Private Property Rights, Journal of Business Ethics 17.6 (December 1998): 1,887-99
- c. "Roads, Bridges, Sunlight, and Private Property: Reply to Gordon Tullock", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, June September, Vol 8, n°2/3, pp315–326
- d. "A Libertarian Theory of Blackmail: Reply to Leo Katz’s ‘Blackmail and Other Forms of Arm Twisting", Irish Jurist, 33:1887–99
- e. avec J. Horton et Deborah Walker, "The Necessity of Free Trade", Journal of Markets and Morality, Vol. 1, n°2, October, pp192-200
- f. avec M. Gries, "Predator: Anti-Dumping Regulations", Consent, Vol 29, pp9-10
- g. "Taxes and the Structure of Production", Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol 17, n°2-3, pp145—159
- h. avec J. Horton et E. Shorter, "Rent control: An economic abomination", International Journal of Value Based Management, 11(3), pp253–263
- i. "Private Roads, Competition, Automobile Insurance and Price Controls", Competitiveness Review, Vol 8, n°1, pp57-64
- Repris en 2000, "Private Roads, Competition, Automobile Insurance and Price Controls", Formulations (publication de la Free Nation Foundation), Vol 8, n°28, Summer/Autumn
- j. "Discrimination", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 57, n°2, April, pp233-237
- k. "Compromising the Uncompromisable: Speed, Parades, Cigarettes", Asian Economic Review, Vol 40, n°1, April, pp15-29
- a. "Austrian Theorizing: Recalling the Foundations: Reply to Caplan", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, n°4, Winter, pp21-39
- b. avec R. Whitehead, ‘The Unintended Consequences of Environmental Justice’, Forensic Science International 100.1–2 (March 1999): 57-67
- c. Commentaire sur le livre de Tom Bethell, The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity Through the Ages, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 2(3), pp65–84
- d. "Market Inalienability Once Again: Reply to Radin", Thomas Jefferson Law Journal, Fall, Vol 22, n°1, pp37–88
- e. avec Y. Yoon, Robert W. McGee, "Antidumping and the People's Republic of China: Five Case Studies", Asian Economic Review, Vol 41, n°2, pp208-217
- f. “The Gold Standard: A Critique of Friedman, Mundell, Hayek, Greenspan”, Managerial Finance, Vol 25, n°5, pp15-33
- g. avec Nicole LaBletta, "The Restoration of the American Dream: A Case for Abolishing Welfare", Humanomics, Vol 15, n°4, pp55–65
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- a. Austrian Journals: A Critique of Rosen, Yeager, Laband, and Tollison, and Vedder and Gallaway, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, summer, pp45-61
- b. Private-property rights, erroneous interpretations, morality, and economics: reply to demsetz, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 3(1):63-78, Spring
- c. Commentaire du livre de Joseph S. Fulda, Eight Steps toward Libertarianism, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 14, n°2, Summer, pp247–256
- d. Paternalism in Agricultural Labor Contracts in the U.S. South: Implications for the Growth of the Welfare State, Unisinos: Perspectiva Economica Vol. 35, No. 112, December, pp81-93
- e. Is Inequality Harmful for Growth, Humanomics, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp52-58
- f. Blackmail is Private Justice, University of British Columbia Law Review, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp11-37
- g. Reply to Wexler: Libertarianism, Blackmail and Decency, University of British Columbia Law Review, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp49-53
- h. avec Paul McCormick, The Minimum Wage: Does it Really Help Workers, Southern Connecticut State University Business Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, Fall-Spring, pp77-80
- i. avec Thomas DiLorenzo, "Is Voluntary Government Possible? A Critique of Constitutional Economics", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol 156, n°4, December, pp567-582
- j. avec Matthew Block, Toward a Universal Libertarian Theory of Gun (Weapon) Control, Ethics, Place and Environment, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp289-298
- k. Threats, Blackmail, Extortion and Robbery and Other Bad Things, University of Tulsa Law Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, Winter, pp333-351
- l. avec Stephan Kinsella et Hans-Hermann Hoppe, The Second Paradox of Blackmail, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 10, No.3, July, pp593-622
- m. avec Meaghan Cussen, Drug Legalization: A Public Policy Analysis, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 59, No 3
- n. Efficiency, Individualism, Praxeology and Law: Reply to Lawson, The Asian Economic Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, April, pp172-182
- o. The Legalization of Blackmail: A Reply to Professor Gordon, Seton Hall Law Review, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp1182-1223
- p. avec Guillermo Yeatts, "The Economics and Ethics of Land Reform: A Critique of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace's 'Toward a Better Distribution of Land: The Challenge of Agrarian Reform", Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Law, Vol 15, n° 1, pp37-69
- q. Austrian theorizing: Recalling the foundations, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 2:4, pp21-39
- r. avec Roy Whitehead, “Direct Payment of State Scholarship Funds to Church-Related Colleges Offends the Constitution and Title VI”, Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law, Vol 14, n°2, pp191-207
- s. avec Roy Whitehead, Clint Johnson, Mana Davidson, Alan White et Stacy Chandler, Human Organ Transplantation: Economic and Legal Issues, Quinnipiac College School of Law Health Journal, Vol. 3, 1999-2000, pp87-110
- t. avec Roy Whitehead, Environmental Justice Risks in the Petroleum Industry, William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, Vol. 24, No. 1, Winter, pp67-88
- a. avec Thomas J. DiLorenzo, "Constitutional Economics and the Calculus of Consent", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 15, pp37-56
- b. Yes, We Have No Chaff: A Reply to Wagner’s ‘Austrian Business Cycle Theory: Saving the Wheat While Discarding the Chaff, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. 4 (1): 63-73
- c. avec William Anderson, Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Ilana Mercer, Leon Snyman et Christopher Westley, “The Microsoft Corporation in Collision with Antitrust Law.”, Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, Vol 26, n°1, Winter
- d. Alienability, Inalienability, Paternalism, and the Law: Reply to Kronman, American Journal of Criminal Law , Vol 28, n°3, Summer, pp351–371
- e. avec Thomas J. DiLorenzo, "The calculus of consent revisited", Public Finance and Management, 1 (3)
- f. "Theories of Highway Safety", Formulations (publication de la Free Nation Foundation), n°29, Summer
- g. "The Moral Dimensions of Poverty, Entitlements and Theft", The Journal of Markets and Morality, Vol 4, n°1, pp83-93
- h. "The Minimum Wage: A Reply to Card and Krueger", Journal of The Tennessee Economics Association, Spring ()
- i. "Socialized Medicine Is the Problem", The Freeman, December, Vol 51, n°12, pp15-16
- a. Henry Simons is not a Supporter of Free Enterprise, Journal of Libertarian Studies, 16.4, (Fall): 3-36
- b. Commentaire sur le livre de Richard Pipes, Property and Freedom: The Story of How Through the Centuries Private Ownership has Promoted Liberty and the Rule of Law (New York: Knopf, 2000), Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 5.1 (Spring), pp97-101
- c. avec Jason Evans, Labour union policies: gains or pains?, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol 9, n°1, pp72-80
- d. "On Reparations to Blacks for Slavery", Human Rights Review, 3(4), July–September, pp53–73
- e. avec Roy Whitehead, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Property Rights Perspective, J.L. & Fam. Stud., Vol 4, n°229
- f. avec William Barnett, Stuart Wood, Austrian Economics, Neoclassical, Economics, Marketing, and Finance, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 5 (2), pp51-66
- Traduit en espagnol en 2003, Economía austríaca, economía neoclásica, marketing y Finanzas, Libertas, Vol 39, octobre
- g. “The Libertarian Minimal State? A critique of the views of Nozick, Levin and Rand", Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol 4, n°1, pp141-160
- Repris en 2005, "The Libertarian Minimal State? A critique of the views of Nozick, Levin and Rand", In: Edward W. Younkins, dir., "Philosophers of Capitalism: Menger, Mises, Rand, and Beyond", Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp223-238
- h. "All Government is Excessive: A Rejoinder to ‘In Defense of Excessive Government’ by Dwight Lee”, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 16 (Summer), pp35-82
- i. "A critique of the legal and philosophical case for rent control", Journal of Business Ethics, 40, pp75–90
- j. "Radical Privatization and other Libertarian Conundrums", International Journal of Politics and Ethics, Vol 2, n°2
- k. "Homesteading City Streets; An Exercise in Managerial Theory", Planning and Markets, Vol 5, n°1, September
- l. avec William Barnett, "The Living Wage: What’s Wrong", The Freeman, Vol 52, n°12, pp23-24
- m. avec Jennifer Dirmeyer, Fred Tulley, "Should airlines be subsidized in an emergency? The libertarian view", The journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, Vol 27, n°1, Spring, pp65-81
- a. avec Roy Whitehead, Taking the assets of the criminal to compensate victims of violence: a legal and philosophical approach, Wayne State University Law School Journal of Law in Society Vol. 5, N°1, Fall, pp229-254
- b. avec Gene Callahan, Is There A Right to Immigration? A Libertarian Perspective, Human Rights Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, October-December, pp46-71
- c. "Overcoming Difficulties in Road Privatization", Etica e Politica / Ethics & Politics
- d. avec Katherine Wingfield et Roy Whitehead, Re-Evaluating America's Failing Drug Control Laws: A Legal, Philosophical, and Economic Proposal, Oklahoma City Law Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, Spring, pp119-159
- e. Private property rights, economic freedom, and Professor Coase: A Critique of Friedman, McCloskey, Medema and Zorn, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 26, n°3, Summer, pp923-951
- f. Prices and Location: A Geographical and Economic Analysis, Planning and Markets, Volume 6, Issue 1, September
- g. Toward a Libertarian Theory of Inalienability: A Critique of Rothbard, Barnett, Gordon, Smith, Kinsella and Epstein, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol.17, No. 2, Spring, pp. 39-85
- h. "Decentralization, Subsidiarity, Rodney King and State Deification", European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 16, n°2, November, pp139-147
- i. avec Emile Dreuil, James Anderson et Michael Saliba, The Trade Gap: The Fallacy of Anti World-Trade Sentiment, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 45, No. 3, July, pp. 269-281
- j. Realism: Austrian vs. Neoclassical Economics, Reply to Caplan, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 6, n°3, Fall, pp63-76
- k. Libertarianism vs. Objectivism; A Response to Peter Schwartz, Reason Papers, Vol. 26, Summer, pp. 39-62
- l. avec Robert P. Murphy, The Economics of the Very Long Run, Homo Oeconomicus, Vol. XIX, No. 4, pp507-517
- m. Coordination Economies, Advertising and Search Behavior in Retail Markets by Bagwell and Ramey: A Comment, Cross Cultural Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp80-86
- n. Coordination Economies, Advertising and Search Behavior in Retail Markets by Kyle Bagwell and Garey Ramey: A Comment, International Journal of Value-Based Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp67-73
- o. Berman on Blackmail: Taking Motives Fervently, Florida State University Business Review, Vol 3, No. 1, pp57-114
- p. "National Defense and the Theory of Externalities, Public Goods and Clubs", In: Hans-Hermann Hoppe, dir., "The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production", Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, pp301-334
- q. Governmental inevitability: reply to Holcombe, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 19, n°3, summer, pp71–93
- a. avec William Barnett, On the Optimum Quantity of Money, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp39-52
- b. A Libertarian Case For Free Immigration, Ama-gi - LSE Hayek Society Journal, Vol 6, n°2, pp9-12
- c. Is the Austrian School of Economics a Victim of "Economic Correctness?, humanomics, Vol 20, n°3-4, pp3-13
- d. "Radical Libertarianism: Applying Libertarian Principles to Dealing with the Unjust Government", Part I, Reason Papers, Vol 27, Fall, pp113-130
- e. "Is the Austrian School of Economics a Victim of “Economic Correctness?”, Humanomics, Vol 20, n°3, pp14-25
- f. "Are Alienability and the Apriori of Argument Logically Incompatible?", Dialogue, Vol 1, n°1
- g. "Open Letter to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)", Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economia Politica (Market Processes: European Journal of Political Economy), Vol 1, n°1 (Primavera)
De 2005 à 2009
- a. Value Freedom, Laissez Faire, Mises, and Rothbard: A Comment on Professor Gunning, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 64 (3): 919-938
- b. Governmental Inevitability: Reply to Holcombe, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 19, n°3 (Summer), pp71-93
- c. "Ayn Rand and Austrian Economics: Two Peas in a Pod", The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol 6, n°2, Spring, pp259–269
- d. Rejoinder to Caplan on Bayesian Economics, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter, pp79-95
- e. "Government and Market: A Critique of Professor James Buchanan's 'What Should Economists Do?'", Corporate Ownership and Control, 3(1), pp81-87
- f. "The Jews and capitalism : a love-hate relationship", In: Nicholas Capaldi, dir., "Business and Religion: A Clash of Civilizations?", Salem, MA: M&M Scrivener, pp65-79
- g. avec William Barnett, "Austrian Economics, Praxeology and Intervention", In: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "The Dynamics of Intervention: Regulation and Redistribution in the Mixed Economy" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp87-104
- h. avec William Barnett, "Professor Tullock on Austrian Business Cycle Theory", In: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "The Dynamics of Intervention: Regulation and Redistribution in the Mixed Economy" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp431-443
- i. avec Meaghan Cussen, "Drugs Should be Legalized", In: Karen F. Balkin, dir., "Drug Legalization", Greenhaven Press
- j. "Road Privatization: A Rejoinder to Mohring, Privatize Roads and Highway", Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press
- k. "Government and Market: A Critique of Professor James Buchanan’s 'What Should Economists Do?'”, Corporate Ownership & Control, Vol 3, n°1, pp81-87
- a. avec William Barnett II, Some Thoughts on Price Deflation, New Perspectives on Political Economy, Volume 2, Number 1, pp1–12
- b. avec William Barnett II, Tyler Cowen on Austrian Business Cycle Theory: A Critique, New Perspectives on Political Economy, Volume 2, Number 2, pp26–85
- c. Epstein on alienation: a rejoinder, International Journal of Social Economics, Volume: 33, n°3, pp241-260
- d. Kevin Carson as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 20, n°1, winter, pp35-46
- e. avec William Barnett II et Joseph Salerno, The Relationship Between Wealth or Income and Time Preference Is Empirical, Not Apodictic: a Critique of Rothbard and Hoppe, Review of Austrian Economics, 19, pp69–80
- f. "The Privatization of Roads and Highways: Human and Economic Factors", Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press
- Réédité en 2009, Auburn, Alabama: The Ludwig von Mises Institute
- g. "Coase and Kelo: Ominous Parallels and Reply to Lott on Rothbard on Coase", Whittier Law Review, 27 (4), pp997-1022
- h. avec William Barnett II, On Hayekian Triangles, Procesos de mercado: revista europea de economía política, n°2, pp39-141
- i. avec William Barnett, "Spreading the Benefits of Productivity Increases: Price Increases, Decreases, or Both? A Critique of Baumol on Subsidies to the Arts", DialoguE, n°4, décembre, pp38-51
- j. avec Stephan Kinsella, Roy Whitehead, "The duty to defend advertising injuries caused by junk faxes: an analysis of privacy, spam, detection and blackmail", Whittier Law Review, Vol 27, n°4, pp925–949
- a. Plumb-Line Libertarianism: A Critique of Hoppe, Reason Papers, n°29, Fall
- b. avec Wilton D. Alston, "Reparations, Once Again", Human Rights Review, Vol 9, n°3, September, pp379-392
- c. avec Paul Cwik, Teaching Business Ethics: A 'Classificationist' Approach, Business Ethics, 16 (2), pp98–106
- d. avec Dan J. D’Amico, A Legal and Economic Analysis of Graffiti, Humanomics, Vol 23, n°1, pp29–38
- e. avec Jerry Dauterive et John Levendis, Globalization and the Concept of Subsistence Wages, Journal of Income Distribution, Volume 16, n°1, March
- f. avec Michael Saliba et Nick Capaldi, “Justice: Plain Old, and Distributive; Rejoinder to Charles Taylor”, Human Rights Review, April, Vol 8, n°3, pp229-247
- g. avec Michael Saliba et John Levendis, Tariffs on steel: special interests vs. free enterprise, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Sept
- h. « Rent Control », In The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, ed. David R. Henderson (Indianapolis, IN : Liberty Fund, 2007), 442-445 [lire en ligne]
- Traduction en français le 28 décembre 2012, « Contrôle des Loyers »
- i. “Anarchism and Minarchism; No Raprochement Possible: Reply to Tibor Machan”, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Volume 21 (1), Spring, pp61-90
- j. "Free Enterprise and Poverty: Cause or Cure?", Dialog, Vol 1, pp67-81
- k. "My Case of and for Coauthoring", Dialog, Vol 3, pp93-116
- l. "Secession", Dialog, Vol 4, pp1-14
- m. avec Per Henrik Hansen et Peter G. Klein, "The Division of Labor under Homogeneity", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 66(2), pp457–464
- n. avec William Barnett, "Saving and Investment: A Praxeological Approach", New Perspectives on Political Economy, 3(2), pp129-138
- o. "Reply to Caplan on Austrian Economic Methodology", Corporate Ownership & Control, Vol 4, n°2, November, pp312-317
- p. avec Emily C. Schaeffer, “The Economics of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge”, Energy and Environment, 18(1), pp74-85
- q. avec William Barnett, "On Say’s Law, Keynes’s money, and post Keynesians", Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economia Politica, 4(2), pp139–165
- r. avec William Barnett, "Coase and Van Zandt on lighthouses", Public Finance Review, Vol 35, n°6, pp711–733
- a. "Labor Economics From A Free Market Perspective", World Scientific Publishing Company, ISBN 9812705686
- b. avec William Barnett, On Hummel on Austrian Business Cycle Theory, Reason Papers, n°30, Fall
- c. avec William Barnett, "Economic singularism" In: Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, Ross B. Emmett, dir., "A Research Annual", Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 26, Part 1, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp15-30
- d. avec William Barnett, "Economic Categorization", Laissez-Faire, n°28-29, mars-septembre, pp4-12
- e. avec Alexander Greenberg, Pricing Drivers' Behavior to relieve Traffic Congestion, Journal for the New Europe, Vol 5, n°1, pp5-28
- f. avec Patrick Tinsley, "Should the Law prohibit paying ransom to kidnappers", American Review of political Economy, december, Vol 6, n°2, pp40-45
- g. avec Christopher Westley et Alexandre Padilla, “Internal vs. External Explanations in Economics”, Procesos de Mercado: Revista Europea de Economia Politica, (2), pp35-132
- h. avec William Barnett, "Involuntary Unemployment", Dialog, Vol 1, pp10-22
- a. "Rejoinder to Hoppe on Indifference", The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 12, n°1, pp52–59
- b. Toward a Libertarian Theory of Guilt and Punishment for the Crime of Statism, In: Jörg Guido Hülsmann et Stephan Kinsella, dir., Property, Freedom and Society. Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, ISBN 978-1-933550-52-7, pp137-148
- c. "Libertarian Punishment Theory. Working for, and Donating to, the State", Libertarian Papers, Vol 1, n°17
- d. avec William Barnett, “Is There a Market for Money, or Are There Markets for Money? There ain't no such thing as the Supply of or Demand for Money”, Laissez-Faire, March-September, n°30-31, pp18-22
- e. "The Privatisation of Roads and Highways: Human and Economic actors", Auburn: The Ludwig von Mises Institute
- f. avec William Barnett, “Financial Intermediaries, the Intertemporal-Carry Trade, and Austrian Business Cycles; or, Cash and Carry: Can Fraudulent Time deposits lead to an Austrian Business Cycle? Yes.”, Journal Etica Politica / Ethics & Politics, Vol. XI, n°1, pp455-469
- g. avec William Barnett, “Investment and Consumption: a Critique of Rothbard’s Claim that there can be No Such Thing as Governmental ‘Investment’", Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol 27, n°2—3, pp183—188
- h. avec William Barnett, "Scale of Values Violates Singularism", Dialog, Vol 3, pp81-91
- i. "Rejoinder to Machaj on Indifference", New Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol 5, n°1, pp65–71
- j. avec Jennifer Dirmeyer, Paolo Revelo, "Poverty, dignity, economic development, and the catholic church", Journal of Markets & Morality, Vol 12, n°1, pp63-90
De 2010 à 2019
- a. dir., I chose Liberty. Autobiographies of contemporary Libertarians, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. "On Autobiography", In: Walter Block, dir., I chose Liberty. Autobiographies of contemporary Libertarians, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, Ch9, pp51-54
- c. "Rejoinder to Boettke on Coasean Economics and Communism", Romanian Economic and Business Review, Vol 5, n°3, Fall, pp9-30
- d. "Is Milton Friedman a Libertarian?", Laissez-Faire, n°32, mars, pp9-22
- e. avec William Barnett, "Reply to Curott on the Market for Money", Laissez-Faire, n°33, septembre, pp2-11
- f. avec William Barnett, "Mises Never Used Demand Curves; Was he Wrong? Ignorant? No: The Antimathematicality of Demand Curves", Dialogue, n°1, mars, pp23-31
- g. avec William Barnett, "Rejoinder to Curott", Laissez-Faire, n°33, septembre, pp17-26
- h. avec William Barnett, "Rejoinder to Hoppe on indifference, once again", Reason Papers, Vol 32, pp141-154
- i. avec Robert Wutscher et Robert P. Murphy, "Mathematics in Economics: An Austrian Methodological Critique", Philosophical Investigations, Vol 33, n°1, January, pp44-66
- j. avec William Barnett, "Rejoinder to Bagus and Howden on Borrowing Short and Lending Long", J Bus Ethics, Vol 100, pp229-238
- k. "A Libertarian Perspective on the Stem Cell Debate: Compromising the UncompromisibleGet access Arrow", The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine, Vol 35, n°4, August, pp429–448
- l. "Introdução da edição brasileira" [Introduction à l’édition brésilienne], "Defendo o indefensabel" [Défendre les indéfendables], Sao Paulo, Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil, (2e édition), pp19-33
- a. "Ayn Rand, Religion, and Libertarianism", The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol 11, n°1, July, pp63-79
- b. avec William Barnett II, "Mainstream Economics is not Scientific", Laissez-Faire (Guatemala: Université Francisco Marroquin), n°34, Mars
- c. avec William Barnett, "The Rate of Time Preference: A Praxeological Oxymoron", Dialogue, Vol 4, pp38-47
- d. avec Hans Hoppe, "On property and exploitation", Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine (numéro spécial : Liberalismo e Anarcocapitalismo. La Scuola Austriaca di Economia), janvier-Juin, Anno XXIX, n°1-2, pp487-500
- a. "Ron Paul exemplifies Catholic values", The Maroon, 26 juin
- b. "Micro-finance: a critique", Humanomics, Vol 28, n°2, pp92-117
- c. avec Peter DiIorio, "And … it's gone: the economics of South Park's Margarita (housing bubble) episode", Humanomics, Vol 28, n°1, pp76-84
- d. avec William Barnett II, "Transitivity and the Money Pump", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 15, n°2, pp237–251
- e. avec William Barnett, "The Optimum Quantity of Money, Once Again", Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 7(1), pp9-24
- f. "Response to Ben O’Neill on indifference", Dialogue, Vol 2, pp76-93
- g. "Yes to Ron Paul and Liberty", New York: Ishi Press
- h. avec Peter Cappelli, "Debate Over the Minimum Wage Law", Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 7 (4), pp11-33
- i. "Thymology, Praxeology, Demand Curves, Giffen Goods and Diminishing Marginal Utility", Studia Humana, Vol 1, n°2, pp3—11
- j. "Giffen Goods, Backward Bending Supply Curves, Price Controls and Praxeology; or, Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Boogie Man of Giffen Goods and Backward Bending Supply Curves? Not Us", Procesos de Mercado: revista europea de economía política, Vol 9, n°1, pp343-352
- k. "Rejoinder to David Prychitko on Austrian Dogmatism", Reason Papers, vol 34, n°2, pp151-166
- a. avec Pat Testa, "Applying the free market philosophy to healthcare", Humanomics, Vol 29, n°2, pp105-114
- b. "Was Hayek an Austrian Economist? Yes and No. Was Hayek a Praxeologist? No", In: Roger Frantz, Robert Leeson, dir., "Hayek and Behavioral Economics", Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics, vol 4, Palgrave Macmillan, pp70-89
- c. "Reviews of books about Ron Paul", The Journal of Prices & Markets, 1 (1), pp70-79
- d. "James Buchanan on inheritance: a critique", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Vol 1, n°2, pp159-165
- e. avec Claire Hovenga, Devaja Naik, "The Detrimental Side Effects of Minimum Wage Laws", Business and Society Review, 118 (4), pp463-887
- f. "Defending the Undefendable II: Freedom in all realms", Terra Libertas Publishing House
- a. "Private Urban Planning and Free Enterprise", In: David E. Andersson et Stefano Moroni, dir., "Cities And Private Planning. Property Rights, Entrepreneurship and Transaction Costs", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- b. "Yes to Ron Paul and Liberty", New York: Ishi Press
- c. avec Robert Wutscher, "Ordinal Or Cardinal Utility: A Note", Studia Humana, Vol 3, n°1, pp27-37
- d. "Evictionism and Libertarianism", The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine, Vol 39, n°3, June, pp248–257
- 2015,
- a. avec L. Davidson, "Bitcoin, the regression theorem, and the emergence of a new medium of exchange", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 18(3), pp311–338
- b. "The rent seeker", Romanian Economic and Business Review, Fall, Vol 10, n°3, pp7–14
- 2016, avec Thomas DiLorenzo, "An Austro-Libertarian Critique of Public Choice", New York: Addleton Academic Publishers
- 2017,
- a. avec Adam Murren, "What Impact will Automation have on the 21st Century Economy?", Laissez Faire, n°46, mars, pp54-64
- b. avec Alan G. Futerman, "A Praxeological Approach to Intentional Action", Studia Humana, 6 (4), pp10-33
- 2018,
- a. avec Igor Wysocki, "The Giffen good — a praxeological approach", Ekonomia — Wroclaw Economic Review, Vol 24, n°2, pp9-22
- b. avec William Barnett, "Money: Capital Good, Consumers’ Good, or (Media of) Exchange Good?", In: Annette Godart-van der Kroon, Patrik Vonlanthen, dir., "Banking and monetary policy from the perspective of Austrian economics", Cham: Springer, pp49-64
- c. "Voting: Rejoinder to Casey, McElroy, Ward, Pugsley, Konkin and Barnett", Political Dialogues, n°24, pp23-38
- 2019, "Government", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp1000-1004
Depuis 2020
- 2022, "Thick anf thin libeertarianism and the non-agressioon principle", Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, Vol XXIV, n°2, pp31-54
- 2023,
- a. avec Jo Ann Cavallo, dir., "Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World", Cham, Switzerland: Springer
- b. avec Jo Ann Cavallo, "Introduction", In: Jo Ann Cavallo, Walter E. Block, dir., "Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World", Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp1-5
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