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Bibliographie sur l'école autrichienne
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Cette Bibliographie sur l'école autrichienne liste les principaux ouvrages consacrés à l'école autrichienne d'économie.
De 1890 à 1949
- 1890, Achille Loria, "La scuola austriaca nell’economia politica", Nuova Antologia, avril
- 1907, Camille Guilhot, Théorie de la valeur d’après l’école autrichienne, thèse, Université de Lyon, éditeur Valence : Ducros, Brise & lombard, 378 p.
- 1924, Georges Henri Bousquet, Les tendances nouvelles de l'école autrichienne, Revue d'économie politique, septembre-octobre
- 1929, Hans Bayer, "Lausanner und Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" (L'école de Lausanne et l'école autrichienne d'économie), Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Vol 86, pp491-512
- 1949, Hans Bayer, "Die Bedeutung der österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie für die modernen Wirtschaftswissenschaften" ("L'importance de l'école autrichienne d'économie dans l'économie moderne"), In: Alexander Mahr, dir., "Neue Beiträge zur Wirtschaftshistorie. Festschrift anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Hans Mayer" ("De nouvelles contributions à l'histoire économique. Mélanges à l'occasion du 70e Anniversaire de Hans Mayer"), Vienna: Springer, pp3-30
De 1950 à 1979
- 1958, Emil Kauder, Intellectual and Political Roots of the older Austrian School, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, 17, pp411-425
- 1962, Hans Brems, The Austrian Theory of Value and the Classical One, Zeitschrift für Nationalökenomie, Vol 22, n°3, October, pp260-270
- 1965, N. Anagnos, “The Economic Theory of the Austrian School”, Archives of. Economic and Social Sciences, n°1, pp1–87
- 1972, K. Borch, Die Rolle der Unsicherheit in den Theorien der Österreichischen Schule, Journal of Economics, 32: 29–39
- 1974, H. Matis, Sozioökonomische Aspekte des Liberalismus in Osterreich 1848-1918, In: Sozialgeschichte Heute. Festschrift für Hans Rosenberg zum 70. Geburtstag, H. Wehler, dir., Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht
- 1978, Louis M. Spadaro, dir., New Directions in Austrian Economics. Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McMeel Inc.
De 1980 à 1989
- 1983, Nicolò De Vecchi, dir. et Introduction, La teoria austriaca del capitale e dell'interesse, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana, Roma
- 1984,
- Juan Carlos Cachanosky, "La escuela Austriaca de Economia", Revista Libertas, Vol 1, Octubre, Instituto Universitario ESEADE, (es)
- Harry Ritter, "Austro-German Liberalism and the Modern Liberal Tradition", German Studies Review, Vol. 7, n°2, mai, pp227-248
- 1986,
- Günther K. Chaloupek, Marxistische Kritik an der Osterreichischen Schule [La critique marxiste de l'école autrichienne], In: Die Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie, N. Leser, dir., Böhlau-Verlag, Wien-Köln-Graz, pp195-221
- Günther K. Chaloupek, Die „Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie“ politisch betrachtet [L'école de Vienne d'économie observe la politique], Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 12, pp269-272
- Earlene Craver, The Emigration of the Austrian Economists, History of Political Economy, Vol 18, n°1, pp1–32
- N. Leser, dir., Die Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie [L'école d'économie de Vienne], Vienna: Hermann Böhlau
- 1987,
- Günther K. Chaloupek, Die Österreichische Schule und der Austromarxismus [L'École autrichienne et l'Austromarxisme], Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 13, pp469-
- Karl H. Müller, Die Idealwelten der österreichischen Nationalökonomen [Le monde idéal des économistes autrichiens], In: Friedrich Stadler, dir., Vertriebene Vernunft I. Emigration und Exil österreichischer Wissenschaft 1930-1940, Jugend & Volk, Wien, pp238-275
- 1988,
- Arthur M. Diamond Jr, The Austrian economists and the late Hapsburg Viennese Milieu, The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 2, n°1, décembre, pp157-172
- Kiichiro Yagi, Studies in the History of Austrian Economic Thought: Economists of the Habsburg Monarchy; Nagoya: University of Nagoya Press; vii+289p
- H. Visser, "Austrian Thinking on International Economics", journal of Economic Studies, Vol 15, n°3-4
- 1989, Peter Rosner et Georg Winckler, Georg, "Aspects of Austrian Economics in the 1920s and 1930s", In: “Reseach in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol 6
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- Alexander H. Shand, Free market morality: the political economy of the Austrian school, Londres, Routledge
- Barry Smith, "On the Austrianness of Austrian Economics", Critical Review, Vol 4, n°1-2, pp212-238
- Nicolò De Vecchi, "La scuola viennese di economia", In: G. Becattini, dir., "Il pensiero economico: Temi, problemi e scuole", Utet, Torino, pp311-347
- K. Groenveld, J. A. H. Maks, J. Muysken, dir., "Economic policy and the market process: Austrian and mainstream economics", Publisher Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Distributors for the United States and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
- K. Groenveld, J. A. H. Maks, J. Muysken, "Diverging views", In: K. Groenveld, J. A. H. Maks, J. Muysken, dir., "Economic policy and the market process: Austrian and mainstream economics", Publisher Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Distributors for the United States and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., pp1-22
- 1991,
- Norman Barry, "Austrian Economics", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- David Laidler, The Austrians and the Stockholm School: Two failures in the development of modern economics, In: L. Jonung, Dir., The Stockholm School of Economics Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- 1993,
- Raimondo Cubeddu, The Philosophy of the Austrian School (London/New York: Routledge)
- Raimondo Cubeddu et A. Vannucci, Economic Planning and The Austrian School, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 31, 96, pp85-131
- 1994,
- Nicolai J. Foss, The Austrian School and Modern Economics: Essays in Reassessment (Copenhagen: Handelshojskolens Forlag)
- Karen Vaughn, Austrian Economics in America, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,(en),
- Y. Laclau, “The Austrian School of Economics: Robinson Crusoe describes it best”, The Christian Science Monitor, août 4, pp8-10
- 1995.
- James Hite, We are not Rats: Seeking a Regional Version of Austrian Economics, International Regional Science Review, 18 (2), pp177-183
- Gerrit Meijer, dir., New Perspectives on Austrian Economics, London and New York: Routhledge
- Michael Prowse, "Austrian assault on economic orthodoxy: America", Financial Times, Vol. 247, n°17, juillet 24, pp12-15
- William Waller, "Austrian Economics", In: Margaret Lewis et Janice Peterson, dir., The Elgar Companion to Feminist Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK)
- 1996,
- Günther K. Chaloupek, Die Aktualität der österreichischen Schule, In: Kurt R. Leube, dir., Die österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie, Vol 1: Von Menger bis Mises
- Raimondo Cubeddu, The Philosophy of the Austrian School, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol 22, pp593-600
- Michael Prowse, "Austrian Economics and the Public Mind", Austrian Economics Newsletter, Spring, Vol 16, n°1
- 1997,
- Paloma de la Nuez, La escuela austriaca, Veintiuno: revista de pensamiento y cultura, ISSN 1131-7736, n°36, pp27-38
- Mathew Forstater, Adolph Lowe and the Austrians, Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 4
- Ubiratan Iorio, Economia e Liberdade: a Escola Austríaca e a Economia Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, Forense Universitária
- John Moser, 1997, The Origins of the Austrian School of Economics, Humane Studies Review, Spring, Vol 11, n°1
- Allen Oakley, The Foundations of Austrian Economics from Menger to Mises, Cheltenham et al: Edward Elgar
- 1998,
- J. P. Bonardi, "Le marché et l’entrepreneur : l’apport de l’école autrichienne", In: H. Laroche, J. P. Nioche, dir., "Repenser la stratégie", Paris, Vuibert, pp277-298
- Stéphane Longuet, Hayek et l'école autrichienne
- Michael J. Wohlgenant, "Why Christian Economists Should Pay Attention to Austrian Economics", Association of Christian Economists Bulletin, n°32, pp7-9
- 1999,
- Sandye Gloria-Palermo, The Evolution of Austrian Economics: From Menger to Lachmann, Routledge, London and New York, (en)
- Sandye Gloria, On the Limits of the Modern Austrian Revival, History of Economic Ideas, VII: 1-2, pp167-194
- Sandye Gloria, An Austrian Dilemma: Necessity and Impossibility of a Theory of Institutions. Review of Austrian Economics, 11: 1-2, pp31-45
- Andrew Hindmoor, Austrian Economics, Thatcherism and Barriers to Entry, New Political Economy, 4(2), pp251-265
- Jörg Guido Hülsmann, Economic Science and Neoclassicism, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- Roger E. Backhouse, Austrian economics and the mainstream: view from the boundary, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 3(2), pp31–43
- Alain Béraud, “Les Autrichiens”, In: Alain Béraud et G. Faccarello, dir., Nouvelle Histoire de la Pensée Économique, vol. 2, Paris La Découverte, chap. XXII, pp294-356
- Agustín Cue Mancera, "La escuela austriaca de economía", Comercio Exterior, Vol 50, nº12 (600), décembre, pp1099-1106
- Gene Epstein, "Austrian Economics abd the Popular Press", In: Richard M. Ebeling, dir., "Human Action: A 50-Year Tribute", Hillsdale, Mich.: Hillsdale College Press, pp111-119
- Jesús Huerta de Soto, "Les différences essentielles entre les théories économiques autrichienne et néoclassique", Québécois libre, n°68, sep.
- 2001,
- Fábio Barbieri, A teoria do processo de mercado na escola austríaca moderna [La théorie du processus du marché dans l'école autrichienne moderne], São Paulo: Instituto Liberal, Série Idéias Liberais, Ano V, N° 101
- Gilles Dostaler, "L'école autrichienne dans le panorama de la pensée économique", working paper n°20-06, UQAM : Université du Québec à Montréal
- Auke R. Leen, Lazaros Th. Houmanidis, "A great Revolution in Economics- Vienna 1871 and after", Wageningen: Cereales Foundation, 192p (ISBN 9080572438)
- M. Rikovsky, The Austrian School and its Critique of a Standard Mathematical Approach to Economics, POLITICKA EKONOMIE, 49(5):717-734
- 2003,
- Günther K. Chaloupek, The Second Cleavage of the Austrian School: Schumpeter's German Writings on Economic Systems and Economic Policy in Comparison with Mises/Hayek, In: J. G. Backhaus, dir., Joseph Alois Schumpeter. Entrepreneurship, Style, Vision, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston-Dordrecht-London, pp245-260
- Sandye Gloria-Palermo et G. Palermo, Austrian Economics and Value Judgements: A critical comparison with neoclassical economics. In: International Center of Economic Research, Working Paper N°8
- Hansjörg Klausinger, How Far Was Vienna From Chicago in the 1930s? The Economists and the Depression. Contemporary Austrian Studies, 11, pp56-72
- Enrique M. Ureña, Orígenes de la escuela austriaca y consumismo, Icade: Revista de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, n°60, pp37-58
- 2004,
- Richard Ebeling, "Austrian Economics and the Political Economy of Freedom. The Austrian School Has Advanced the Cause of Freedom", The Freeman, Juin, Vol 54, n°6
- Jörg Guido Hülsmann,
[pdf]"L’école autrichienne à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècles"
- Gilles Jacoud, "Have the Swedish and the Austrian Schools influenced the French School?", In: Sandye Gloria-Palermo, Michel Bellet et Abdallah Zouache, dir., The Evolution of the Market Process: Austrian and Swedish Economists, London: Routledge, Ch 14, pp253-268
- Ursula A. Vavrik, "Austrian School", In: Syed B. Hussain, "Encyclopedia of Capitalism", (Facts on File Library of World History), Facts on File, Vol 1, pp56-58
- 2005,
- Thierry Aimar, Les apports de l'école autrichienne d'économie : Subjectivisme, ignorance et coordination (fr)
- Günther K. Chaloupek, Werner Sombart's views on profit, capital, credit, and the Austrian school of economics, In: J. G. Backhaus, dir., Modern Applications of Austrian Thought, Routledge, London und New York, pp243-250
- Greg Kaza, The Austrian School in the American Economic Review:(1911-2004): The Initial and Final Decades New, Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol 1, n°2, pp32–49
- Emre Özçelik, An unconventional critique of economic liberalism: Reconsidering the Austrian school in the light of Fernand Braudel, METU Studies in Development, 32 (juin), pp125-154
- 2006, Hansjörg Klausinger, "In the Wilderness": Emigration and the Decline of the Austrian School, History of Political Economy 38(4): 617-664
- 2007,
- Karsten von Blumenthal, Die Steuertheorien der Austrian Economics: von Menger zu Mises [Les théories fiscales de l'école autrichienne d'économie: de Menger à Mises], Marburg: Metropolis (de)
- John Humphreys, “Everything you always wanted to know about Austrian economics but be afraid to ask”, Review, March, pp16-19
- 2008,
- Peter Boettke, "Economics, Austrian school of", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism"], Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp133-135
- Andy Denis, "Dialectics and the Austrian School: A Surprising Commonality in the Methodology of Heterodox Economics?", The Journal of Philosophical Economics, Vol 1, n°2, pp151-173
- Marek Hudik, Ekonomie a matematika: přehodnocení rakouského postoje [L'Economie et les Mathématiques: une réévaluation de la position autrichienne]. Národohospodářská fakulta VŠE, (cs)
- Paloma de la Nuez Sánchez-Casado, La escuela austríaca: Carl Menger y sus discípulos, Historia del pensamiento económico, Luis Perdices de Blas, dir., pp335-366
- José Antonio Romero Herrera, Escuela Austriaca: punto de encuentro entre tradición subjetivista y novedad marginalista, Eleuteria, n°1, (es)
- Gertraude Mikl-Horke, Austrian economics and economic sociology: past relations and future possibilities for a socio-economic perspective, Socio-Economic Review, Vol 6, n°2
- Reinhard Neck, "Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie: Einleitung und Übersicht" (L'école autrichienne d'économie: Introduction et vue d'ensemble), In: Reinhard Neck, dir., "Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" ("L'école autrichienne d'économie"), Vienna: Peter Lang, pp11-24
- Rahim Taghizadegan, Die Essenz der Wiener Schule der Ökonomie und ihre Relevanz für heute [L'essence de l'école d'économie de Vienne et sa pertinence pour aujourd'hui], Institut für Wertewirtschaft, Wien
- 2009,
- Rodrigo Constantino, "Economia do individuo: o legado da escola austríaca", São Paulo: Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil (pt)
- Eugen-Maria Schulak et Herbert Unterköfler, Die Wiener Schule der Nationalökonomie, Bibliothek der Provinz
- Traduit en anglais par Robert Grözinger en 2010, The Viennese School of Economics, The Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Herbert Pribyl, dir., Wirtschaft und Ethik. Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie und die Wiener Schule der Naturrechtsethik [Economie et Ethique. L'école autrichienne d'économie et l'école viennoise d'éthique et du droit naturel], Be&Be-Verlag: Heiligenkreuz, ISBN 978-3-902694-00-3
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- David Colander, "The domain of Austrian economics", In: Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, Pierre Desrochers, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics" - Volume 14 - "What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?", Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISBN: 978-0-85724-261-7, pp29-41
- T. Eddlem, "Austrian Economics Rising", The New American, 26(9), pp10-15
- Kristoffel R. Grechenig, Michael Litschka, "Law by Human Intent or Evolution? Some Remarks on the Austrian School of Economics’ Role in the Development of Law and Economics", European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 29, n°1
- 2013, Daniel Fernandez Mendez, Ruben Mendez Reategui, "Economic Environment: A preliminary conceptual model of money, credit and currency from the basics of monetary theory in the Austrian School of Economics", In: Juan Carlos Cachanosky, Kurt R. Leube, Christopher Lingle, Mario Silar, dir., "Una vida santa dedicada a la libertad : ensayos en honor a Joe Keckeissen" ("Une vie sainte dédiée à la liberté : essais en l'honneur de Joe Keckeissen"), Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones Cooperativas ; Instituto Acton Argentina
- 2014,
- Marcin Chmielowski (Марчін Хмєльовскі), "Contemporary capitalism in the Austrian school of economics and the libertarian perspective" ("Le capitalisme contemporain dans l'école autrichienne d'économie et la perspective libertarienne"), In: Mykola Bunyk, Iryna Kiyanka, dir., "Economic Theory and Public Policy”, Series “Ludwig von Mises and Contemporary Societies”, Lviv, Lviv Regional Institute, ISBN: 9786176440208, pp46-53
- Randall Holcombe, "Advanced Introduction to The Austrian School of Economics", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- Guinevere L. Nell, "The Post-Austrian School and the New Market Socialism", In: Guinevere L. Nell, dir., "Austrian Theory and Economic Organization: Reaching Beyond Free Market Boundaries", New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp197-238
- 2015, Claudio A. Téllez-Zepeda, "A Escola Austríaca como Empreendimento Científico", MISES: Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofia, Direito e Economia, Vol III, n°1, Janeiro-Junho, pp5-12
- 2016,
- Erwin Dekker, "The Moral Scholar and the A-Moral Scientist: The Responsibility of the Social Scientist in Austrian Economics before and after the Migration", In: Research in the History of Economics and Methodology: Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era, vol 34A, pp45-71
- Erwin Dekker, "The Viennese Studies of Civilization: The Meaning and Context of Austrian Economics reconsidered", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Erwin Dekker, "Left luggage: Finding the relevant context of Austrian economics", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 29, n°2, pp103–119
- Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, "Introduction", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology), Vol 34A, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ppxiii-xiv
- Scott Scheall, "Introduction to a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Immediate Postwar Period", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology), Vol 34A, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp3-7
- 2017,
- Pietro Monsurrò, "La Scuola Austriaca. Capitolo 1. Storia della Scuola Austriaca, ("L'école autrichienne d'économie. Chapitre 1. Histoire de l'école autrichienne d'économie"), StoriaLibera, n°6, Vol III, pp53-62
- A. Pham, "Mainstream economics and the Austrian School: Toward reunification", Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 10(1), pp41–63
- Christel Vivel, "École autrichienne (et l’entrepreneur)", In: A. Tiran, D. Uzunidis, dir., "Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur", Paris, Éditions Classiques Garnier, pp147-150
- 2018,
- Eduardo Angeli, "Caminhos da Escola Austríaca: relação com ortodoxia, engajamento e produção de novo conhecimento", (« Les chemins de l'école autrichienne d'économie : rapport à l'orthodoxie, engagement et production de nouveaux savoirs »), Nova Economia, Vol 28, n°2, pp681-704 (pt)
- Giandomenica Becchio, "Austrian School women economists", In: Kirsten Madden, Robert W. Dimand, dir., "The Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought", London: Routledge
- Christel Vivel, "Innovation sociale : l’apport de la tradition économique autrichienne", Entreprise et société, n°4, pp101-120
- 2019, Michael Litschka, "Austrian School of Economics", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp99-102
Depuis 2020
- 2020,
- María Paula de Büren, "Contraofensiva neoliberal: la Escuela Austríaca de Economía en el centro estratégico de la disputa", '"Contre-offensive néolibérale : l'Ecole autrichienne d'économie au centre stratégique du conflit"), CLACSO, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani
- Christel Vivel, "L’école autrichienne contemporaine : un bref panorama", Austriaca, n°90, pp197-214
- 2021,
- Alex Freire, "Notas finales entorno a la cuestión del método de la filosofía austriaca y su historia", ("Notes finales autour de la question de la méthode de la philosophie de l'école autrichienne d'économie et de son histoire"), Eleutheria, Vol XVII, n°66, automne (21 septembre - 20 décembre) [lire en ligne]
- Pablo Yusta, "La escuela austriaca y el value investing: Una aproximación (i)", Procesos de mercado: revista europea de economía política, Vol 18, n°1, pp161-191
- Pablo Yusta, "La Escuela Austriaca y el Value Investing: Una Aproximación (II)", Procesos de mercado: revista europea de economía política, Vol 18, n°2, pp39-68
- 2022, Ludovic Ragni, "L’école autrichienne d’économie nationale. Une mise en perspective", Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique, n°14, pp263-283
Liens externes
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "L'école autrichienne et son importance pour la science économique moderne" traduction de François Guillaumat
- Hansjörg Klausinger, From Mises to Morgenstern : The Austrian School of Economics during the Ständestaat
- Ludwig von Mises, "L'école autrichienne" (1962); "Les débuts historiques de l'école économique autrichienne" (1969)
- The Philosophical Origins of Austrian Economics Par David Gordon, Mises University 1994.
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