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John Stuart Mill (Littérature secondaire)
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Cette page tente de lister les ouvrages et articles qui traitent des travaux en référence à John Stuart Mill, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1848 à 1959
- 1848, Nassau Senior, "J. S. Mill on Political Economy", The Edinburgh Review, Octobre, pp293-339
- 1882, A. Bain, "John Stuart Mill: A Criticism, with Personal Recollectionsé", London: Longmans, Green
- 1898, Lucien Levy-Bruhl, "Auguste Comte et Stuart Mill d’après leur correspondance", Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger", Vol XLVI, pp627-644
- 1913, Charles Sprading, "John Stuart Mill. Bio-bibliography. Liberty of Thought, Speech and Press. Majority Rule. Religious Intolerance. Social Freedom. Originality", In: Charles Sprading, "Liberty and the great libertarians: an anthology on liberty, a hand-book of freedom", Los Angeles: The Golden Press, pp118-141
- Nouvelle édition en 1978, The Libertarian Publishing Company
- Nouvelle édition en 1995, Fox & Wilkes avec une préface de Carl Watner
- Nouvelle édition en 2007, "Liberty and the great libertarians", Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp118-141
- 1943, George O'Brien, "J. S. Mill and J. E. Cairnes", Economica New Series, Vol 10, pp273-285
- 1945,
- Ney McMinn, dir., "A Bibliography of the Published Writings of John Stuart Mill", Evanston, I11.
- Friedrich Hayek, commentaire du livre édité par Ney McMinn, dir., "A Bibliography of the Published Writings of John Stuart Mill", Economica, Aôut, Vol 12, n°47, pp183-184
- 1949, Jacob Viner, "Bentham and J. S. Mill: The Utilitarian Background", The American Economic Review, Mar., Vol 39, n°2, pp360-382
- Repris en 1952, "Viner on Bentham and Mill", In: Henry W. Spiegel, dir., "The Development of Economic Thought: Great Economists in Perspective", New York: Wiley, pp202-225
- 1951, Friedrich Hayek, "John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor: Their Friendship and Subsequent Marriage", New York: Augustus M. Kelley
- 1953,
- R. P. Anschutz, "The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill", Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Karl Britton, "John Stuart Mill", London: Penguin Books
- François Trévoux, "Stuart Mill. textes choisis", Paris: Librairie Dalloz, préface par François Trévoux
- 1954, Michael St. John Packe, "The Life of John Stuart Mill", New York: Macmillan
- 1956, J. C. Rees, "Mill and his early critics", Leicester: University College of Leicester
De 1960 à 1969
- 1960, T. H. Qualter, "John Stuart Mill, Disciple of Tocqueville", Western Political Quarterly, Vol XIII, December
- 1961, J. Stillinger, "The Early Draft of John Stuart Mill’s Autobiography", Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press
- 1964,
- T. A. Boylan, T. P. Foley, "John Elliott Cairnes, John Stuart Mill, and Ireland: some problems for political economy", In! A. E. Murphy, dir., "Economists and the Irish economy", pp96–119
- Pedro Schwartz, “John Stuart Mill y el Laissez Faire”, Moneda y Crédito, nº91, pp59-130
- 1965,
- Joseph Hamburger, "Intellectuals in Politics: John Stuart Mill and the Philosophical Radicals", New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
- Pedro Schwartz, “Distribución e instituciones en J. S. Mill”, Moneda y Crédito, 2ª época, nº8, pp709-740.
- 1966,
- Pedro Schwartz, “John Stuart Mill and Laissez Faire: London Water”, Economica, NS XXXIII, pp71-83
- George Stigler, Commentaire du livre de John Stuart Mill, "Principles of Political Economy", Journal of Political Economy, février
- 1968, Pedro Schwartz, "La nueva economía política de John Stuart Mill", Tecnos, Madrid
- 1969,
- Dalmacio Negro, "El liberalismo de Alexis de Tocqueville y de John Stuart Mill", Revista de Estudios Políticos, n°167, pp117-154
- J. W. N. Watkins, "John Stuart Mill and the liberty of the individual", In: David Thomson, dir., "Political ideas", Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, pp154-167
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970,
- A. S. Rossi, "Sentiment and Intellect: The Story of John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill", In: A. S. Rossi, dir., "Essays on Sex Equality", Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp3-63
- Alan Ryan, "The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill", London: Macmillan
- 1972, Allan D. Megill; "J. S. Mill's Religion of Humanity and the Second Justification for the Writing of On Liberty", The Journal of Politics, Vol 34, n°2, May, pp612-629
- 1973,
- Robert B. Ekelund, Emilie S. Olsen, "Comte, Mill, and Cairnes: The Positivist-Empiricist Interlude in Late Classical Economics", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 7, n°3, Sep., pp383-416
- N. B. de Marchi, "Mill and Cairnes and the emergence of marginalism in England", In: R. D. Collison Black, A. W. Coats, Craufurd D. W. Goodwin, dir., "The Marginal Revolution in Economics", Durham, N.C., Duke University Press,pp78-97
- 1974, Gertrude Himmelfarb, "On Liberty and Liberalism: The Case of John Stuart Mill", New York: Knopf
- 1975,
- Antony Flew, "John Stuart Mill", In: Michael Ivens, dir., "Prophets of Freedom and Enterprise", London: Kogan Page, Ltd., for Aims of Industry, pp
- David Spitz, dir., "On Liberty, by John Stuart Mill. Annotated text", New York: Norton
- 1976, John N. Gray, "John Stuart Mill and the Future of Liberalism", Contemporary Review, 220, September
- 1978, Ellen Frankel Paul, "J. S. Mill: The Utilitarian Influence in the Demise of Laissez-Faire", Journal of Libertarian Studies, vol 2, n°2, pp135–149
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980,
- F. W. Garforth, "Educative Democracy: John Stuart Mill on Education in Society", Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Henry Hazlitt, "The Sphere of Government Nineteenth Century Theories: 1. John Stuart Mill. A beneficent rule of laissez-faire with a host of dubious exceptions", The Freeman, Vol 30, n°1, January, pp26-30
- 1981, Daniel M. Hausman, "John Stuart Mill's Philosophy of Economics", Philosophy of Science, 48 (Sept), pp363-385
- 1983,
- T. A. Boylan, T. P. Foley, "John Elliot Cairnes, John Stuart Mill and Ireland: some problems for political economy", Hermathena, n°135, Economists and the Irish economy, Winter, pp96-119
- John N. Gray, Mill on Liberty: A Defence, ISBN 0710092709
- 2ème édition en 1996
- Michel Rainelli, "Entrepreneur et profits dans les Principes de John Stuart Mill et d'Alfred Marshall", Revue économique, Vol 34, n°4, pp794-810
- D. A. Llyod Thomas, "Rights, consequences and Mill on liberty", In: A. Philips Griffiths, dir., "Of Liberty", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp167-180
- 1986, Claudio Cressati, "Carl Menger e John Stuart Mill: Alcune considerazioni metodologiche", Quaderni di storia dell'economia politica, Vol 4, n°3, pp71-76
- 1987, John Cunningham Wood, dir., "John Stuart Mill: Critical Assessments", London: Croom Helm, 4 vols
De 1990 à 1999
- 1992,
- Richard Arena, "La pensée économique post-ricardienne avant John Stuart Mill", In: Alain Beraud, Gilbert Faccarello, dir., "Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, tome 1 : Des scolastiques aux classiques", Paris: Éditions La Découverte, pp510-529
- D. O. Brink, "Mill’s Deliberative Utilitarianism”, Philosophy & Public Affairs, 21 (1), pp67-103
- H. S. Jones, "John Stuart Mill as Moralist”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 53 (2), pp287-308
- Anna Maricic, "L'apogée et le déclin du courant ricardien : l'œuvre de John Stuart Mill", In: Alain Beraud, Gilbert Faccarello, dir., "Nouvelle histoire de la pensée économique, tome 1 : Des scolastiques aux classiques", Paris: Éditions La Découverte, pp530-553
- 1994,
- David Lyons, "Rights, Welfare, and Mill’s Moral Theory", Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Neil T. Skaggs, "The Place of J. S. Mill in the Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy”, History of Political Economy, vol 26, n°4, pp539-
- 1995, Jim Powell, "John Stuart Mill's Immortal Case for Toleration. The legacy of On Liberty", The Freeman, May, Vol 45, n°5, pp318-321 [lire en ligne]
- Repris en 2000 dans son livre avec des modifications mineures, "A search for truth", In: "The Triumph of Liberty: a 2,000-year history, told through the lives of freedom's greatest champions", New York: The Free Press, pp101-106
- 1999, Samuel Hollander, Sandra J. Peart, “John Stuart Mill’s Method in Principle and in Practice: A Review of the Evidence", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 21, December, pp369-397
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001,
- D. A. Habibi, "John Stuart Mill and the Ethic of Human Growth", Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands
- Alan Kahar, "Aristocratic liberalism. The social and political thoughts of Jacob Burckhardt, John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville", New Brunswick
- R. Frantz, "John Stuart Mill as an anti-intuitionist social reformer", Journal of Socio-Economics, 31, pp125–136
- 2002, Linda Raeder, "John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity", University of Missouri Press: Columbia, MO
- 2003,
- Gilles Dostaler, "John Stuart Mill, moraliste, féministe et écologiste", Alternatives économiques, n°211, février, pp74-76
- Peter Groenewegen, Gianni Vaggi, "John Stuart Mill, 1806–73: a Figure of Transition", In: Peter Groenewegen, Gianni Vaggi, dir., "A Concise History of Economic Thought. From Mercantilism to Monetarism", Palgrave, pp189-202
- Claudia C. Klaver, "Rewriting Ricardo/Renewing Smith: The New, Expanded Political Economy of J. S. Mill", In: Claudia C. Klaver, "A/Mpral Economics: Classical Political Economy and Cultural Authority in Nineteenth-Century England", Ohio State University Press, pp134-160
- C. Schmidt-Petri, "Mill on Quality and Quantity”, The Philosophical Quarterly, 53 (210), pp102-104
- 2004, Nicholas Capaldi, "John Stuart Mill: A Biography", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- 2005, M. C. Nussbaum, "Mill between Aristotle and Bentham”, In: L. Bruni et P. L. Porta, dir., "Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis", Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp170-182
- 2008,
- Philippe Légé, "Hayek's readings of Mill", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol 30, n°2, juin, pp199-215
- Aeon J. Skoble, "John Stuart Mill", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp329-331
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- Gilbert Boss, "Le libéralisme de Mill", In: G. Kevorkian, dir., "La pensée libérale. Histoire et controverses", Paris, Ellipses, pp149-160
- Carlos Rodríguez Braun, "On Liberty’s Liberty", The Independent Review, Spring
- Cristian Larroulet, "El Dilema de John Stuart Mill", Processos de Mercado, Vol 7, n°2, Automne, pp89-108
- 2011,
- Andrew Farrant, dir., "Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition", Routledge Studies in the History of Economics, London et New York: Routledge
- M. Hauskeller, "No Philosophy for Swine: John Stuart Mill on the Quality of Pleasures”, Utilitas, 23 (4), pp428-446
- 2013, Huei-chun Su, "Economic Justice and Liberty: The Social Philosophy in John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism", London and New York: Routledge
- 2014, Samuel Hollander, commentaire du livre d'Andrew Farrant, dir., "Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 36, n°1, mars, pp115-118
- 2015,
- David M. Levy, Sandra J. Peart, commentaire du livre de Huei-chun Su, "Economic Justice and Liberty: The Social Philosophy in John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, December, Vol 37, n°4, pp667-670
- Stefany Bolaños Madriz, "El Recorrido Liberal de John Stuart Mill", Laissez-Faire, Vol 42, mars, pp28-36
- Michael R. Montgomery, "John Stuart Mill's Utopian Constitutionalism", In: Helge Peukert, dir., "Taking up the challenge!”: Festschrift for Jürgen Backhaus", Metropolis
- 2016,
- Rafael Beltramino, "El Estado de Derecho y la Libertad en las visiones de Mill y de Hayek. Pasado, presente y futuro", ("L'État de droit et la liberté dans les visions de John Stuart Mill et de Friedrich Hayek. Passé présent et futur"), In: Bertha Pantoja, dir., "Décimo Concurso de Ensayo. Caminos de la Libertad", Mexico: Caminos de la Libertad, Ideas y Debate, A.C., pp149-166
- Paul Laurent, "John Stuart Mill, el ilustrado radical", Laissez-Faire, n°44-45, mars-septembre, pp12-30
- Moris A. Polanco, "John Stuart Mill, entre Bentham y Aristóteles", Laissez-Faire, n°44-45, mars-septembre, pp31-42
- Frederick Rosen, "Hayek on Mill, the Mill-Taylor Friendship and Related Writings", Journal of History of Economic Thought, Vol 38, n°4, pp550-553
- 2017,
- Rachel Ablow, "John Stuart Mill and the Poetics of Social Pain", In: Rachel Ablow, "Victorian Pain", Princeton University Press, pp24-47
- Nicholas Capaldi, "J. S. Mill and Business Ethics", In: Eugene Heath, Byron Kaldis, dir., "Wealth, commerce, and philosophy : foundational thinkers and business ethics", Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, pp301-320
- 2018, Nick Cowen, "Mill’s radical end of laissez-faire: A review essay of the political economy of progress: John Stuart Mill and modern radicalism", The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 31, n°3, pp373-386
Depuis 2020
- 2020, Joseph Persky, "John Stuart Mill, Virtues and the Laboring Classes, with Notes on McCloskey", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°3-4, pp341–353
- 2021, Sandra J. Peart, "The Essential John Stuart Mill", Fraser Institute
- 2022, John Peter DiIulio, "Completely Free: The Moral and Political Vision of John Stuart Mill", Princeton: Princeton University Press
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