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Antony Flew

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Antony G. N. Flew est Professeur de philosophie à l'Université de Reading. Il a publié deux livres sur l'éducation : "Le pouvoir aux parents : Inverser le déclin de l'éducation déclin" en 1987 et "L'Avertissement de Shephard" en 1994. Il a également écrit des brochures et il a collaboré à des ouvrages publiés par l'Adam Smith Institute, le Center for Policy Studies, l'Institut des affaires économiques et l'Unité des affaires sociales.


  • 1962, "Are Ninian Smart's Temptations Irresistible?", Philosophy, Vol 37, n°139, jan., pp57-60
  • 1975, "John Stuart Mill", In: Michael Ivens, dir., "Prophets of Freedom and Enterprise", London: Kogan Page, Ltd., for Aims of Industry, pp
  • 1976, "Sociology, Equality and Education: Philosophical Essays in Defence of a Variety of Differences", London: Macmillan
  • 1981, "The Politics of Procrustes: Contradictions of Enforced Equality", London, and Buffalo, NY: Temple Smith, and Prometheus
  • 1984,
    • a. ‘God’s Creation, Wealth Creation and the Idle Redistributors’, In: D. Anderson, dir., The Kindness that Kills: The Churches’ Simplistic Response to Complex Social Issues, SPCK
    • b. "Selfishness and the Unintended Consequences of Intended Action", In: Douglas J. Den Uyl et Douglas Rasmussen, dir., The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, ISBN 0-252-01033-7 (hardcover), ISBN 0-252-01407-3, pp183–205.
  • 1986, "David Hume: Philosopher of Moral Science", Oxford, Blackwell
  • 1987,
    • a. "Power to the Parents: Reversing Educational Decline", London: Sherwood
    • b. "Natural Laws in Social Science", In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, Vol I, New York: Paragon House, ISBN: 0892260475
  • 1989, "Equality in Liberty and Justice", London and New York, Routledge
  • 1991,
    • a. "Aristocracy", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • b. "Catholicism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • c. "City", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • d. "Collectivism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • e. "Custom", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • f. "Elites", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • g. "Entrepreneurship", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • h. "Intelligentsia", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
    • i. "Justice", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
  • 1992,
    • a. "Self-Improvement and its neglect by the Contemporary Mainstream Churches", In: D. Anderson, dir., "Z5e Loss of Virtue: Moral Confusion and Social Disorder in Britain and America", London, and New York, Social Affairs Unit, and National Review
    • b. "Dissent from ‘The New Consensus’: Reply to Friedman", Critical Review, 6(i), pp83—96
  • 1993,
    • a. "Thinking about Social Thinking, London, and Buffalo", NY, Harper-Collins, and Prometheus
    • b. "Is ‘Social Justice’ a Kind of Justice?", Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol IV, n°2/3, June/September, pp281-294
    • c. "Atheistic Humanism", Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books
  • 1994,
    • a. "Shephard’s Warning: Setting Schools Back on Course", London: Adam Smith Institute
    • b. "Anti-social Determinism, Philosophy, Vol 69 , n°267
  • 1997, Social Justice Isn't Any Kind of Justice [Toute forme de justice sociale n'est pas la justice], Liberal Düşünce [La pensée libérale], Vol 2, n°6, printemps
  • 2000, "Education for Citizenship", Londres, Institute of Economic Affairs
  • 2002, Islam's War Against the West, Free Inquiry, Vol 22, n°2, Spring

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