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Robert Nozick (Littérature secondaire)
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Cette page tente de lister les ouvrages et articles qui traitent des travaux en référence à Robert Nozick, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1975 à 1979
- 1975,
- Brian Barry, commentaire du livre de Robert Nozick, "Anarchy, State, and Utopia", Political Theory, Vol 3, pp331–332
- Roger Donway, commentaire du livre de Robert Nozick, "Anarchy, State, and Utopia", The Freeman, April, Vol 25, n°4
- 1976,
- George W. Carey, "The Just and Good State: Rawls and Nozick Read Anew", Modern Age, vol 20, n°4, Fall, pp372-382
- Murray Rothbard, "On Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia—I", The Libertarian Forum, Vol 9, n°5, mai
- T. Scanlon, "Nozick on Rights, Liberty, and Property”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 6 (1), pp3-25
- 1977,
- B. Barber, "Deconstituting Politics: Robert Nozick and Philosophical Reductionism", Journal of Politics, vol 39, n°10, feb. pp2-23
- Randy E. Barnett, "Whither Anarchy? Has Robert Nozick Justified the State?", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Winter, Vol 1, n°1
- J. Dale Davidson, "Note on Anarchy, State and Utopia", Journal of Libertarian Studies, I (4), pp341-348
- J. Exdell, "Distributive Justice: Nozick on Property Rights”, Ethics, 87 (2), pp142-149
- John D. Hodson, Nozick, Libertarianism, and Rights, Arizona Law Review, Vol 19, n°1, pp212—227
- Robert E. Litan, "On Rectification in Nozick's State", Political Theory, Vol 5, n°2, pp233-246
- Tibor Machan, "Nozick and Rand on Property Rights", The Personalist, vol 58, pp192–195
- Jeffrey Paul, [pdf]"Nozick, Anarchism, and Procedural Rights", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 1, n°4, pp337-340
- Murray Rothbard, Robert Nozick and the Immaculate Conception of the State, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 1, n°1, Winter
- John T. Sanders, The Free-Market Model versus Government: A Reply to Nozick, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 1, n°1, Winter
- Lawrence A. Scaff, How Not to Do Political Theory: Nozick’s Apology for the Minimal State, Arizona Law Review, Vol 19, n°1, pp193—211
- 1978,
- Kenneth Arrow, "Nozick's Entitlement Theory of Justice", Philosophia (Israel), vol 7, n°2, juin, pp265-279
- N. K. Bell, "Nozick and the Principle of Fairness", Social Theory and Practice, vol 5, n°1, fall, pp65-73
- G. A. Cohen, "Robert Nozick and Wilt Chamberlain: how patterns preserve liberty", In: J. Arthur et W.A. Shaw, dir., "Justice and Economic Distribution Englewood Cliffs", NJ: Prentice Hall
- Douglas Den Uyl et Douglas Rasmussen, "Nozick on the Randian Argument", The Personalist, avril, vol 59, pp184–205
- Repris en 1983, In: J. Paul, dir., "Reading Nozick, Essays on Anarchy, State, and Utopia", Totowa: Rowman and Allanheld, pp232–269
- Eric Mack, "Nozick’s Anarchism", In: J. R. Pennock et J. W. Chapman, dir., "Nomos XIX: Anarchism", New York: New York University Press
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980, Walter Block, "On Robert Nozick's 'On Austrian Methodology'", Inquiry, December, pp397-444
- 1981, Jeffrey Paul, dir., "Reading Nozick: : Essays on Anarchy, State and Utopia", Totowa, Rowman & Littlefield
- 1982, F. R. Berger, "Mill's Substantive Principle of Justice: A Comparison with Nozick", American Philosophical Quarterly, vol 19, n°4, Oct. pp373-380
- 1983, B. Chapman, "Rights as Constraints: Nozick vs. Sen", Theory and Decision, vol 15, n°1, pp1-10
- 1984,
- A. Altman, "Nozick's Theory of Value and its Implications", Southern journal of Philosophy, vol 22, n°2, Summer, pp139-153
- Nicholas Capaldi, "Exploring the Limits of Analytic Philosophy: A Critique of Nozick’s Philosophical Explanations", Interpretation, vol 12, pp107–125
- David Lewis Schaefer, "Libertarianism and Political Philosophy: A Critique of Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia", Interpretation, vol 12, n°2-3, May-September, pp301-334
- Rouban Luc, La philosophie formelle de l'État selon Robert Nozick. À propos de Anarchy, state and utopia, Revue française de science politique, 34ᵉ année, n°1, 1984. pp. 103-126.
- 1985,
- E. Andrew, "Inalienable Right, Alienable Property and Freedom of Choice: Locke, Nozick and Marx on the Alienability of Labour", Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol 18, n°3, pp529-550
- S. B. Drury, "Robert Nozick and the Right to Property", In: John Hamilton Baker et Louis Knafla, dir., "Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada", Calgary Institute for the Humanities, Wilfrid Laurier University Press for the Calgary Institute for the Humanities, ISBN 0889201811, ISBN 9780889201811, pp361-380
- 1986, Frederic C. Young, "Nozick and the Individualist Anarchist", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 8, n°1, pp43-49
- 1987,
- Norman Barry, "Robert Nozick and the Minimal State", In: Norman Barry, dir., "On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism", New York: St. Martin's Pr., pp132-160
- Morris Lipson, "Nozick and the Sceptic", Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol 65, pp327–334
- Steven Luper-Foy, dir., "The Possibility of Knowledge: Nozick and His Critics", Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield
- Gene E. Mumy, "What Does Nozick’s Minimal State Do?”, Economics and Philosophy, Vol 3, pp275-305
- Ethan O. Waters, Reflections on the Apostasy of Robert Nozick, Liberty, Vol 1, n°2, Septembre-Octobre, pp14-17
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990, John Chamberlain, commentaire du livre de Robert Nozick, The Examined Life, The Freeman, Mai, Vol 40, n°5
- 1991,
- Anthony Brueckner, "Unfair to Nozick", Analysis, vol 51, pp61–64
- J. A. Corlett, dir., "Equality and Liberty: Analyzing Rawls and Nozick", New York: McMillan
- Jonathan Wolff, "Robert Nozick. Property, Justice and the Minimal State", Stanford, Stanford University Press
- 1995,
- a. Adriana Lukasova, Nozick's Libertarianism: a qualified defence, Alliance Philosophical Notes n°32
- b. Philippe Maître, Commentaire du livre de Robert Nozick, "The nature of Rationality", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, March, Vol 6, n°1, pp189-200
- 1996, Carlo Lottieri, Individui e comunità familiari. Liberalismo, coercizione e utopia nel pensiero politico di Robert Nozick, Studi Perugini, Vol I, n°2, pp55-84
- 1999, Christoper Megone, "Reasoning about Rationality: Robert Nozick, The Nature of Rationality", Utilias, vol 11, pp359–374
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001, A. R. Lacey, "Robert Nozick", Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
- 2002,
- Brian Doherty, Anarchist in the Academy. Robert Nozick, R.I.P., Reason, 25 janvier
- Roderick T. Long, "Robert Nozick, Philosopher of Liberty", [[[The Freeman]]] Ideas on Liberty, Vol 52, n°9, September, pp30-33
- David Schmidtz, dir., "Robert Nozick", Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press
- Andreas K. Winterberger, Robert Nozick - Der grosse Denker des minarchistischen Libertarismus. Ein Nachruf [Robert Nozick - Le grand penseur du minarchisme libéral. Un hommage], Schweizer Monatshefte, März
- 2004,
- Julia Barragán, "Nozick y el sujeto de la ética" ("Nozick et le sujet de l'éthique"), Laissez-Faire, n°21, septembre, pp41-56
- Roberto Dania, "La teoría lockeana de la apropiación: respondiendo a Nozick" ("La théorie Lockéenne de la propriété : réponse à Nozick"), Laissez-Faire, n°21, septembre, pp57-68
- Giancarlo Ibárgüen, "La filosofía no-coercitiva de Robert Nozick" ("La philosophie non-coercitive de Robert Nozick"), Laissez-Faire, n°21, septembre, pp14-20
- Nicolás Maloberti, "Nozick y el problema de la racionalidad de las restricciones deónticas" ("Nozick et le problème de la rationalité des contraintes déontiques"), Laissez-Faire, n°21, septembre, pp30-40
- Eliana M. Santanatoglia, "Nozick y dos visiones acerca de la empresa filosófica" ("Nozick et deux visions de l'entreprise philosophique"), Laissez-Faire, n°21, septembre, pp1-13
- Gabriel Zanotti, "Nozick como Camino hacia un Anarquismo Metódico” ("Nozick comme cheminement vers un anarchisme méthodique"), Laissez-Faire, n°21, septembre, pp21-24
- 2007, Anna-Karin Andersson, "An alleged contradiction in Nozick’s entitlement theory", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 21, n°3, Fall, pp43–63
- 2008, Ellen Frankel Paul, "NOZICK, ROBERT (1938–2002)", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp360-362
- 2009, Martín Hevia et Ezequiel Spector, “El estrafalario mundo de las teorías históricas de la justicia: retomando el argumento de Nozick” ("Le monde bizarre des théories historiques de la justice : reprise de l'argument de Nozick"), Laissez-Faire, March-September, n°30-31, pp53-68
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010, Markus Beckmann, "'Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?' - Mises, Nozick und die Interdependenz von Sozialstruktur und Semantik" ("Pourquoi les intellectuels s'opposent-ils au capitalisme ? - Mises, Nozick et l'interdépendance de la structure sociale et de la sémantique), In: Martin Leschke et Ingo Pies, dir., "Ludwig von Mises’ ökonomische Argumentationswissenschaft", Mohr, Tübingen, ISBN 316150514X, pp183-190
- 2011,
- R. Bader et John Meadowcroft, dir., "The Cambridge Companion to Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Eric Mack, "Nozickan Arguments for the More-Than-Minimal State", In: R. Bader et J. Meadowcroft, dir., "The Cambridge Companion to Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp89-115
- 2014, Nicola Iannello, dir., "Nessuna anarchia, poco Stato e molta utopia. Robert Nozick quarant’anni dopo", Istituto Bruno Leoni Libri, Torino
- 2019,
- Lester H. Hunt, "Ayn Rand and Robert Nozick on Rights ", In: Robert Mayhew, Gregory Salmieri, dir. "Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy", Series: Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies, University of Pittsburgh Press, pp193-205
- Onkar Ghate, "Rand (contra Nozick) on Individual Rights and the Emergence and Justification of Government", In: Robert Mayhew, Gregory Salmieri, dir. "Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy", Series: Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies, University of Pittsburgh Press, pp206-227
De 2020 à 2029
- 2020, Hannes Gissurarson, "Robert Nozick (1938–2002", "Twenty-Four Conservative-Liberal Thinkers", Part II, Bruxelles: New Direction, pp485-523
- 2021, Matúš Pošvanc, "The Problem of Indifference and Choice: Answer to Nozick’s Challenge to Austrians", New Perspectives on Political Economy, Vol 17, n°1, pp20-52
- 2022,
- Billy Christmas, "Nozick and the Natural Duty of Justice", In: Jakub Bodyzar Wisniewski, Douglas Rasmussen, dir., "Defending Liberty. Essays in honor of David Gordon", Auburn: Mises Institute, pp39-62
- Aeon Skoble, "Anarchy, Nozick, and Gordon", In: Jakub Bodyzar Wisniewski, Douglas Rasmussen, dir., "Defending Liberty. Essays in honor of David Gordon", Auburn: Mises Institute, pp187-198
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