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Edmund Opitz (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres d'Edmund Opitz, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1953 à 1959
- 1953, "Charles C. Tansill's Back Door to War", Faith and Freedom, Octobre
- Repris en 1995, "Charles C. Tansill's Back Door to War", In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp44-47
- 1955,
- a. "A Strange Alliance", The Freeman, May, Vol 5, n°5, pp471-472
- b. "Admiral Moreell: Recommissioned", The Freeman, August, Vol 5, n°14, pp604-606
- 1956,
- a. Religion and the social problem, Philadelphia, Pa. : The Intercollegiate Society of Individualists
- b. The powers that be: Case studies of the church in politics, Los Angeles: Foundation for Social Research
- c. avec Gerald Heard, The Kingdom without God : road's end for the social gospel, Los Angeles : Foundation for social research
- d. Peace and World Government, The Freeman, Juin, Vol 6, n°6
- Repris en 1995, Peace and World Government, In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp168-175
- e. "Black magic", The Freeman, February, Vol 6, n°2, pp14-16
- f. commentaire du livre de Russell Kirk, "Beyond the Dreams of Avarice", The Freeman, octobre, Vol 6, n°10
- 1957,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Malcolm Moos, dir., "H. L. Mencken: A Carnival of Buncombe", The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, janvier, Vol 7, n°1
- b. Commentaire du livre de John C. H. Wu, "Fountain of justice: A study in the natural Law", The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, janvier, Vol 7, n°1
- c. The Use Of Books, The Freeman, février, Vol 7, n°2
- d. commentaire du livre de Felix Wittmer, "Conquest of the American mind", The Freeman, mars, Vol 7, n°3
- 1958,
- b. "Capitalism and Our Culture", The Freeman, March
- Repris en 1992, In: Mark W. Hendrickson, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism", Irvington-on-Hudson: The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., pp14-20
- a. Commentaire du livre de Russell Kirk, "The American cause", The Freeman, avril, Vol 8, n°4
- b. "Capitalism and Our Culture", The Freeman, March
- 1959,
- a. "The declaration of independance against itself", The Freeman, March, Vol 9, n°3, pp3-12
- Repris en 1959, "The declaration of independance against itself", In: "Essays on Liberty", Vol VI, Irvington on Hudson, The Foundation for Economic Education Inc., pp320-335
- b. commentaire du livre de Frank Chodorov, "The rise and fall of society", The Freeman, April, Vol 9, n°4, pp59-63
- c. "Why Liberty?", The Freeman, May, Vol 9, n°5, pp62-63 [lire en ligne]
- d. commentaire du livre de Cornel Lengyel, "Four Days in July", The Freeman, July, Vol 9, n°7, pp63-64
- e. "The Religious Foundation of a Free Society", The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 9, n°9
- Repris en 1960, "The Religious Foundation of a Free Society", In: "Essays on Liberty", Vol. VII, Foundation for Economic Education, pp10-16
- a. "The declaration of independance against itself", The Freeman, March, Vol 9, n°3, pp3-12
De 1960 à 1969
- 1960,
- a. "Socialism - Substance and Label", The Freeman, Février, Vol 10, n°2
- Repris en 1960, "Socialism - Substance and Label", In: "Essays on Liberty", Vol. VII, Foundation for Economic Education, pp367-381
- b. "Answering some questions about The Remnant", The Freeman, Vol 10, n°4, April, pp38-41
- c. "On Talking to Ourselves", The Freeman, Mai, Vol 10, n°5
- Repris en 1960, "On Talking to Ourselves", In: "Essays on Liberty", Vol. VII, Foundation for Economic Education, pp140-148
- d. "The Two-Fold Crisis: Personal and Social", The Freeman, juillet, Vol 10, n°7
- a. "Socialism - Substance and Label", The Freeman, Février, Vol 10, n°2
- 1961, "Armaments and Our Prosperity", The Freeman, March, Vol 11, n°3, pp3-8
- Repris en 1995, Armaments and Our Prosperity, In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., "Leviathan at War", Irvington on Hudson, NY: Foundation for Economic Education, pp116-121
- a. avec Robert LeFevre, Must we depend upon political protection?, Colorado Springs, Freedom School, Series Studies in human action, Vol 2, n°1
- b. "Planned chaos and the new idolatry", The Freeman, March, Vol 12, n°3, pp16-25
- c. "Defining Freedom", The Freeman, September, Vol 12, n°9, pp3-6
- d. commentaire du livre de Robert Ardrey, "African Genesis", The Freeman, September, Vol 12, n°9, pp60-63 [[https://fee.org/articles/a-reviewers-notebook-19629 lire en ligne]
- e. "The American System and Majority Rule", The Freeman, November, Vol 12, n°11, pp28-39
- f. "They Aren't Like Us", The Freeman, December, Vol 12, n°12, pp16-24
- a. Commentaire du livre d' A. T. W. Simeons Man’s Presumptuous Brain", The Freeman, Mai, Vol 13, n°5
- a. Commentaire du livre d'Elton Trueblood, "General Philosophy", The Freeman, Janvier, Vol 14, n°1, pp63-64
- b. "Concerning war and peace", The Freeman, avril, Vol 14, n°4
- Repris en 1995, Concerning war and Peace, In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp38-43
- c. "Equality Which Kind?", The Freeman, juin, Vol 14, n°6
- d. "The American Way in Economics", The Freeman, octobre, Vol 14, n°10
- Repris en 1988, The American Way in Economics, In: Paul L. Poirot, dir, The Philosophy of Freedom, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp45-55
- a. "Let's Not Save the World", The Freeman, January, Vol 15, n°1, pp3-11
- b. Commentaire du livre de Michael Harrington, "The other America: Poverty in the United States", The Freeman, January, Vol 15, n°1, pp62-63
- c. "Winner Take All", The Freeman, March, Vol 15, n°3, pp22-29
- a. "Author of Liberty", The Freeman, janvier, Vol 16, n°1, pp3-5
- b. "The Rats Are Chasing the Cats", The Freeman, février, Vol 16, n°2, pp21-23
- c. commentaire du livre de, Oscar H. Ibele, "Introduction to Political science", et du livre de Leo Strauss, Joseph Cropsey, "History of political philosophy", The Freeman, février, Vol 16, n°2, pp63-64
- d. "Lord Gifford's Legacy", The Freeman, mars, Vol 16, n°3, pp36-41
- e. commentaire du livre de James E. Curry, "Public regulations of the religious use of land" et du livre de Martin A. Larson, "Church wealth and business income", The Freeman, avril, Vol 16, n°4, pp57-60
- f. commentaire du livre de Carl B. Cone, "Burke and the nature of politics", The Freeman, avril, Vol 16, n°4, pp62-64
- g. "Some Thoughts on Censorship", The Freeman, juin, Vol 16, n°6, pp56-60
- h. "The Freedom Nobody Wants", The Freeman, novembre, Vol 16, n°11, pp3-16
- i. "Churches in politics", In: Kenneth W. Ingwalson, "Your church, their target; what's going on in the Protestant churches, a symposium", Arlington, Va.: Better Books, pp81-108
- 1968,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Donald Hatch Andrews, "The symphony of life" et du livre de Floyd W. Matson, 'The broken image", The Freeman, April, Vol 18, n°4, pp252-256
- b. commentaire du livre de Gottfried Dietze, "America's political dilemma", The Freeman, June, Vol 18, n°6, pp381-384
- c. "The War on Poverty: ACritical View", The Freeman, August, Vol 18, n°8, pp451-461 (L'auteur présente une analyse du problème de la pauvreté au cours des siècles passés et la guérison apportée grâce à la liberté.)
- 1969, avec Robert Thornton, Commentaire du livre de Jacques Barzun, "The American university. How it runs, where it is going", The Freeman, March, Vol 19, n°3, pp191-192
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970,
- a. "Religion and capitalism: allies, not enemies", New Rochelle, N.Y., Arlington House
- Seconde édition en 1992, Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY
- b. "Some Thoughts on Violence", The Lutheran Scholar, Octobre
- Repris en 1971, "Some Thoughts on Violence", The Freeman, April, Vol 21, n°4, pp195-199 [lire en ligne] (L'auteur fait un diagnostic du culte de la violence contemporaine et lance un appel au retour à la raison, ce qu'il appelle l'étincelle divine dans l'homme)
- Repris en 1995, Some Thoughts on Violence, In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp79-82
- a. "Religion and capitalism: allies, not enemies", New Rochelle, N.Y., Arlington House
- 1972, "Six Ideas to Keep Us Human (Part II)", The Freeman, December, Vol 22, n°12
- 1973, "Our Disordered Lives", The Freeman, novembre, Vol 23, n°11", The Freeman, juillet, Vol 23, n°7
- 1974,
- a. "Socialism", The Freeman, Vol 24, n°3, March, pp152-154 (L'auteur précise que le socialisme promet de distribuer l'abondance mais ne sait pas comment la produire.)
- b. commentaire de la nouvelle édition du livre d'Albert Jay Nock, "Our enemy, the state", The Freeman, June, Vol 24, n°6, pp383-384
- c. Commentaire du livre de Gary North, "An introduction to christian economics", The Freeman, November, Vol 24, n°11, pp698-699
- 1975, commentaire du livre de Mark Evans, "Will the real young America please stand up", The Freeman, janvier, Vol 25, n°1
- 1976,
- a. "Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand", The Freeman, June, Vol 26, n°6, pp356-364 [lire en ligne] (L'auteur rappelle qu'en 1776, Adam Smith a justifié la liberté d’action économique.)
- b. Commentaire du livre de H. L. Mencken, "A Gang of Pecksniffs", The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, août, Vol 26, n°8
- 1977,
- a. "Freedom and Majority Rule", The Freeman, January, Vol 27, n°1, pp29-40
- Repris en 1997, "Freedom and Majority Rule", In: Mary Sennholz, dir., "Faith of Our Fathers", Irving-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp321-337
- b. "Zero Population Growth Versus The Free Society", The Freeman, October, Vol 27, n°10, pp600-607 (L'auteur prévient qu'un État Un gouvernement habilité à contrôler pleinement nos vies finira par écrasera l’individu.)
- a. "Freedom and Majority Rule", The Freeman, January, Vol 27, n°1, pp29-40
- 1978,
- a. "No Continuing City: The Paradox of a Christian Society", The Freeman, Février, Vol 28, n°2, pp73-84
- b. "Constitutional Restraints on Power", The Freeman, Vol 28, n°4, April, pp239-243
- Repris en 1996, Constitutional Restraints on Power, In: Robert D. Gorglione, dir., The Foundations of American Constitutional Government, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp145-152
- c. Humane Values and the Free Economy, The Freeman, June, Vol 28, n°6
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980, "The Philosophy of Ludwig von Mises", The Freeman, Juillet
- 1982,
- a. "Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945)", Fragments, avril-juin
- b. commentaire du livre de William R. Allen, "The midnight economist: choices, prices and public policy", The Freeman, July, Vol 32, n°7, p447
- c. commentaire du livre de, Gary North, "The dominion covenant", The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 32, n°10, pp635-636
- d. "The Genial Mr. Nock. A guided tour of the highlights of the wisdom of Albert Jay Nock", The Freeman, novembre, Vol 32, n°11, pp685-693
- e. commentaire du livre de Herbert Spencer, "The man versus the state", The Freeman, novembre, Vol 32, n°11, pp703-704
- 1983,
- a. Commentaire du livre coordonné par Russell Kirk, "The portable conservative reader", The Freeman, March, Vol 33, n°3, p192
- b. "Business and Ethics", The Freeman, Décembre
- Repris en 2004, "Business and Ethics. Businessmen Are Judged by the Same Moral Law That Applies to the Rest of Us", The Freeman, Janvier/Février, Vol 54, n°1
- 1984,
- a. "To Save the World", The Freeman, Avril, Vol 34, n°4, pp239-248
- b. Commentaire du livre de, Herbert Schlossberg, "Idols for Destruction: Christian faith and its confrontation with American Society", The Freeman, Avril, Vol 34, n°4, p255
- c. "The Market Economy and Its Life-Support System", The Freeman, Mai, Vol 34, n°5, pp266-275
- d. "Robber Barons and the Real Gilded Age", The Freeman, Août, Vol 34, n°8, pp468-474
- Repris en 1994, "Robber Barons and the Real Gilded Age", In: Burton Folsom, dir., "The Spirit of Freedom: Essays in American History", Irvington-on Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, pp69-76
- 1985,
- a. Liberalism and Religion, The Freeman, November, Vol 35, n°11
- b. "The Christian Century on Religion and Society", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, pp119-142
- c. "Reply to James M. Wall", In: Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan,Kenneth Elzinga, dir., "Morality of The Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives", Vancouver Fraser Institute, pp150-156
- 1986, "The War on Poverty Revisited", The Freeman, February, Vol 36, n°2, pp46-51 (L'auteur pose son regard sur la création de richesse et son impact sur le niveau de vie. Il assure que le capitalisme a mis en mouvement les moyens productifs par lesquels les gens peuvent sortir de la pauvreté.)
- Repris en 1986, "The War on Poverty Revisited", In: Paul L. Poirot, dir, The Farm Problem, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp95-103
- 1987, "Vocation", In: Beth Hoffman, dir., "Ideas on Liberty: Essays in Honor of Paul L. Poirot", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp55-60
- 1988,
- a. "Equal: But Not the Same. A look at economic and political equality", The Freeman, April, Vol 38, n°4, pp124-130
- b. "The Liberating Arts. How to make our lives count for the things that really matter", The Freeman, December, Vol 38, n°12, pp472-479 [lire en ligne]
- 1989, "Economics Has the Answer: What's the Question?", The Freeman, April, Vol 39, n°4, pp148-150 (L'auteur avertit qu'il faut renforcer les arguments économiques en faveur de la liberté par le raisonnement éthique.)
De 1990 à 1999
- 1992, commentaire du livre de Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, dir., "The Impossible H. L. Mencken: A Selection of His Best Newspaper Stories", The Freeman, July, vol 42, n°7
- 1993, "A true polymath", In: Hans Sennholz, dir., "The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt", Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, pp32-34
- 1995,
- a. dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY
- b. Introduction, In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp1-7
- c. "A Reviewer Remembered: John Chamberlain 1903-1995", The Freeman, June, Vol 45, n°6, p397
- 1996,
- a. avec Robert Batemarco, "The Literature of Liberty", The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, May, Vol 46, n°5, pp393-400
- b. "Religion: Foundation of the Free Society", The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY
- c. "A Moral Order", In: Robert Sirico, Moral Basis for Liberty, Foundation for Economic Education, ISBN 1572460598
- Repris en 1997, "A Moral Order", In: Mary Sennholz, dir., "Faith of Our Fathers", Irving-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp304-320
- 1997, commentaire du livre de Robert Thornton, dir., "The Disadvantages of Being Educated", The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, juillet, Vol 47, n°7
- 1998, Leonard E. Read: A Portrait, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, septembre, Vol 48, n°9
- 1999, "The Libertarian Theology of Freedom", Hallberg Publishing Corporation
De 2000 à 2009
- 2006,
- "Cram, Ralph Adams (1863–1942)", In: Bruce Frohen, Jeremy Beer, Jeffrey O. Nelson, dir., "American conservatism: an encyclopedia", Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, pp199-200
- "Foundation for Economic Education", In: Bruce Frohen, Jeremy Beer, Jeffrey O. Nelson, dir., "American conservatism: an encyclopedia", Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, pp317-318
- "Paterson, Isabel B. (1886–1961)", In: Bruce Frohen, Jeremy Beer, Jeffrey O. Nelson, dir., "American conservatism: an encyclopedia", Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, p656