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Richard Langlois (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Richard Langlois, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1982 à 1989
- 1982,
- a. Austrian Economics as Affirmative Science: Comment on Rizzo, In: Israel Kirzner, dir., Method, Process, and Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises, Ch 7, Lexington: D. C. Heath, pp75-84
- b. "Cost-Benefit Analysis, Environmentalism, and Rights", Cato Journal, 2(1), Spring, pp279-300
- c. "Systems Theory and the Meaning of Information", Journal of the American Society for Information Science, November, 33(6), pp395-399
- 1983, Systems Theory, Knowledge, and the Social Sciences, In: Fritz Machlup et Úna Mansfield, dir., The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages, John Wiley: New York, pp581-600
- 1984, Internal Organization in a Dynamic Context: Some Theoretical Considerations, In: M. Jussawalla et H. Efjenpield, Dir., Communication and Information Economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp23-49
- 1985, Knowledge and Rationality in the Austrian School: an Analytical Survey, Eastern Economic Journal, vol IX, n°4, pp309-330
- a. dir., "Economics as a Process: Essays in the New Institutional Economics", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- b. "Preface", In: Richard Langlois, dir., "Economics as a Process: Essays in the New Institutionalist Economics", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ppix-x
- c. "The New Institutionalist Economics: an introductory essay", In: Richard Langlois, dir., "Economics as a Process: Essays in the New Institutionalist Economics", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp1-26
- d. “Rationality, Institutions, and Explanation”, In: Richard Langlois, dir., "Economics as a Process: Essays in the New Institutional Economics", Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp225-155
- e. "Coherence and Flexibility: Social Institutions in a World of Radical Uncertainty", In: Israel M. Kirzner, dir., "Subjectivism, intelligibility and economic understanding. Essays in Honor of Ludwig M. Lachmann on his Eightieth Birthday", New York: New York University press, pp171-191
- a. Economic Change and the Boundaries of the Firm, The Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Septembre, Vol 144, n°4, pp635-657
- b. Commenaire du livre de Richard D. Fuerle, The Pure Logic of Choice, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Jun.), pp684-685
- c. avec Thomas A. Pugel, Carmela S. Haklisch, Richard R. Nelson et William G. Egelhoff, Microelectronics: An Industry in Transition, London: Unwin Hyman
- d. Commentaire du livre de Ludwig M. Lachmann, "The Market as an Economic Process", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 9, n°1, janvier, pp112-113
- a. "What Was Wrong with the ‘Old’ Institutional Economics? (And What Is Still Wrong with the ‘New’?)", Review of Political Economy, November, Vol 1, n°3, pp272-300
- Repris en 1992, In: Wojciech W. Gasparski, J. Lee Auspitz, Marek K. Mlicki, Klemens Szaniawski, dir., "Praxiologies and the Philosophy of Economics", New Brunswick: Transaction Books, pp389-420
- Repris en 2002, In: Sandye Gloria-Palermo, Peter Boettke, Stephan Boehm, dir., "Modern Austrian Economics", Vol 3, London: Pickering and Chatto
- Traduit en danois en 1989, "Hvad er der i vejen med den "gamle" institutionelle økonomiske teori? : (og hvad er der stadig i vejen med den "nye"?", (Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec la « vieille » théorie économique institutionnelle ? : (et qu'est-ce qui se passe encore avec le "nouveau" ?), In: Christian Knudsen, dir., "Institutionalismen i Samfundsvidenskaberne", (« L'institutionnalisme en sciences sociales »), Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur, pp9-43
- b. avec Paul L. Robertson, "Explaining Vertical Integration: Lessons from the American Automobile Industry", The Journal of Economic History, Vol 49, n°2, pp361-375
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. Creating External Capabilities: Innovation and Vertical Disintegration in the Microcomputer Industry, Business and Economic History, Vol 19, pp93-102
- b. "Bounded Rationality and Behavioralism: A Clarification and Critique", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 146(4), pp691-695
- 1991,
- a. avec Roger Koppl, Fritz Machlup and Marginalism: A Reevaluation, Methodus, 3(2), pp86-102
- b. Institutions, In: Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions, Bruce Caldwell et Stephan Boehm, Dir., Dordrecht: Kluwer
- c. Transaction Cost Economics in Real Time, Industrial and Corporate Change 1(1): 99–127
- Repris en 1997, In Nicolai J. Foss, Resources, Firms, and Strategies: A Reader in the Resource Based Perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- d. The Capabilities of Industrial Capitalism, Critical Review, Fall, 5(4), pp513-530
- 1992,
- a. Orders and Organizations: Toward an Austrian Theory of Social Institutions, In: Bruce Caldwell et Stephan Boehm, dir., Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions. Boston, Dordrecht, et Londres: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Ch 6, pp165-183
- b. éTransaction Cost Economics in Real Timeé, Industrial and Corporate Change, l(1), pp99-127
- c. External Economies and Economic Progress: The Case of the Microcomputer Industry, Business History Review, 66(1), spring, pp1-50
- d. avec Paul L. Robertson, "Networks and Innovation in a Modular System: Lessons from the Microcomputer and Stereo Component Industries", Research Policy, 21(4), August, pp297-313
- e. avec Paul L. Robertson, "Modularity, Innovation, and the Firm: the Case of Audio Components", In: Frederick M. Scherer et Mark Perlman, dir., "Entrepreneurship, Technological Innovation, and Economic Growth: International Perspectives", Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
- f. avec Laszlo Csontos, "Optimization, Rule Following, and the Methodology of Situational Analysis", In: Uskali Maki, Bo Gustafsson et Christian Knudsen, dir., Rationality, Institutions, and Economic Methodology, London: Routledge
- 1993,
- a. avec Paul L. Robertson, Business Organization as a Coordination Problem: Toward a Dynamic Theory of the Boundaries of the Firm, Business and Economic History, Vol 22, n°1, pp31-41
- b. avec Metin Cosgel, Knight on Risk, Uncertainty, and the Firm: A New Interpretation, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 31
- c. avec Don Lavoie, Howard Baetjer et William Tulloh, Component Software: A Market Perspective on the Coming Revolution in Software Development. Special Research Report, Patricia Seybold Group, Boston, April
- d. avec Lazlo Csontos, "Optimization, Rule-Following, and the Methodology of Situational Analysis", In: Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson et Christian Knudsen, dir., Rationality, Institutions, and Economic Methodology, London: Routledge, pp112-132
- 1994,
- a. Capabilities and the Theory of the Firm, Paper for the colloquim in honor of George Richardson, January 4-6, 1995, St John’s College, Oxford
- b. The Boundaries of the Firm, In: Peter Boettke, Dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Aldershott, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp173-78
- c. The 'New' Institutional Economics, In: Peter Boettke, Dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics. Aldershott, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp535-40
- d. avec Michael J. Everett, What is Evolutionary Economics?, In: L. Magnussen, Dir., Evolutionary and Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches to Economics, Kluwer, Boston, pp11-47
- e. avec Paul L. Robertson, Institutions, Inertia, and Changing Industrial Leadership, Industrial and Corporate Change, 3: 359-378
- f. "The market process: An evolutionary view", In: Peter Boettke, David L. Prychitko, "The Market Process: Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics", Edward Elgar, pp29-37
- g. "Risk and Uncertainty", In: Peter Boettke, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
- h. commentaire de livres, Austrian Economics Newsletter, Vol 14, n°2, pp12-13
- 1995,
- a. "Do Firms Plan?" Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 6, n°3, pp247-261
- Traduit en français en 1997, « La firme plannifie-t-elle ? », in Pierre Garrouste, dir., Les frontières de la firme, Economica, Paris, pp61-80
- Traduction en espagnol en 1997, "¿Planifican las empresas?”, Libertas, n°26, mai, pp47-70
- b. avec Paul L. Robertson, Firms, Markets, and Economic Change: A Dynamic Theory of Business Institutions. London: Routledge
- c. avec M. Sabooglu, Knowledge and meliorism in the evolutionary theory of F.A. Hayek. In K. Dopfer (Eds.), Contributions to evolutionary economics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
- d. Capabilities and Coherence in Firms and Markets, In: Cynthia A. Montgomery, dir., Resource-based and Evolutionary Theories of the Firm: Towards a Synthesis, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp71-100
- a. "Do Firms Plan?" Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 6, n°3, pp247-261
- 1997,
- a. Transaction Costs, Production Costs, and the Passage of Time. In: Steven G. Medema, Dir., Coasean Economics: Law and Economics and the New Institutional Economics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp1-21
- b. Technological standards, innovation, and the essential facility doctrine, In: Jerry Ellig et Robert W. Crandall, dir., Economic Deregulation and Customer Choice: Lessons for the Electric Industry (electricity), Center for Market Processes
- c. avec M. N. Cosgel, The Capabilities of the Consumer, In: Maria Bianchi, dir., The Active Consumer, London: Routledge
- d. Cognition and Capabilities: Opportunities Seized and Missed in the History of the Computer Industry, In: Raghu Garud, Praveen Nayyar et Zur Shapira, dir., Technological Innovation: Oversights and Foresights. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp71-94
- 1998,
- a. Rule-following, Expertise, and Rationality: a New Behavioral Economics?, In: Kenneth Dennis, dir., Rationality in Economics: Alternative Perspectives, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp57-80
- Repris en 2004, In: Massimo Egidi et Salvatore Rizzello, dir., Cognitive Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- b. "Personal Capitalism as Charismatic Authority: the Organizational Economics of a Weberian Concept", Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 7, n°1, pp195-214
- c. Capabilities and the Theory of the Firm, In: Nicolai J. Foss et Brian Loasby, Dir., Capabilities, Coordination, and Economic Organization: Essays in Honor of George B Richardson. London: Routledge, pp183-203
- d. Schumpeter and Personal Capitalism, In: Gunnar Eliasson, Christopher Green et Charles McCann, Dir., Microfoundations of Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp57-82
- e. avec Edward W. Steinmueller, "The Evolution of Competitive Advantage in the Worldwide Semiconductor Industry, 1947-1996", In: David C. Mowery et Richard R. Nelson, dir., "The Sources of Industrial Leadership"
- f. avec M. Cosgel, "The organization of consumption", In: M. Bianchi, dir., "The active consumer", Routledge, London, New York, pp107-121
- a. Rule-following, Expertise, and Rationality: a New Behavioral Economics?, In: Kenneth Dennis, dir., Rationality in Economics: Alternative Perspectives, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp57-80
- 1999,
- a. 'Scale, Scope, and the Reuse of Knowledge’, in Sheila C. Dow and Peter E. Earl, (eds), Economic Organization and Economic Knowledge: Essays in Honour of Brian J. Loasby, Northampton, US and Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp239-254
- b. avec Nicolai J. Foss, “Capabilities and Governance: the Rebirth of Production in the Theory of Economic Organization”, Kyklos 52(2), pp201-218
- c. avec W. Edward Steinmueller, “The Evolution of Competitive Advantage in the Worldwide Semiconductor Industry, 1947-1996”, In: David C. Mowery and Richard R. Nelson, dir., The Sources of Industrial Leadership, New York, pp19-78
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001,
- a. avec M. Sabooglu, Knowledge and Meliorism in the Evolutionary Theory of F. A. Hayek. In: K. Dopfer, Dir., The Evolutionary Principles of Economics, Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp231-251
- b. avec Roger Koppl, Organizations and Language Games, Journal of Management and Governance 5(3-4): 287-305
- c. Technological Standards, Innovation, and Essential Facilities: Toward a Schumpeterian Post-Chicago Approach, In: Jerry Ellig, Dir., Dynamic Competition and Public Policy: Technology, Innovation, and Antitrust Issues. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp193-228
- d. Knowledge, Consumption, and Endogenous Growth, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11(1), pp77-93, January
- Repris en 2001, In: Ulrich Witt, Dir., Escaping Satiation: the Demand Side and Economic Growth. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp97-113
- Traduit en russe, In: Vladimir Maevsky, Dir., Selected Articles from Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Moscow: Editions “Delo” for the Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science
- e. avec D. A. Savage, “Standards, Modularity, and Innovation: the case of Medical Practice”, In: R. Garud et P. Karnøe, dir., Path Dependence and Path Creation. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
- f. "Strategy and the market process: introduction to the Special Issue", Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol 22, n°4-5, June – Aug., pp163–168 (numéro spécial dirigé par Richard Langlois sur le thème de la Stratégie et du Processus de marché)
- 2002,
- a. Kirznerian Entrepreneurship and the Nature of the Firm, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 12, n°1, mars
- b. "Modularity in Technology and Organization", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 49 (1), September, pp19-37
- Repris en 2002, In: Nicolai J. Foss et Peter G. Klein, dir., Entrepreneurship and the Theory of the Firm. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- c. Computers and Semiconductors, In: Benn Steil, David Victor et Richard R. Nelson, dir., Technological Innovation and Economic Performance, Princeton, N.J., pp265-284
- 2003,
- a. "The Vanishing Hand: The Changing Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism", Industrial and Corporate Change, 12(2), april, pp351–385
- b. avec Fu-Lai Tony Yu et Paul L. Robertson, Dir., Alternative Theories of the Firm. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 3 volumes
- c. avec Fu-Lai Tony Yu et Paul L. Robertson, Introduction to Alternative Theories of the Firm, In: Richard N. Langlois, Fu-Lai Tony Yu et Paul L. Robertson, Dir., Alternative Theories of the Firm. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 3 volumes
- d. Strategy as Economics versus Economics as Strategy, Managerial and Decision Economics, 24(4), pp283-290, June-July
- e. Cognitive Comparative Advantage and the Organization of Work: Lessons from Herbert Simon’s Vision of the Future, Journal of Economic Psychology 24: 187-207
- f. Schumpeter and the Obsolescence of the Entrepreneur, Advances in Austrian Economics, 6, pp287-302
- g. avec R. Garud et A. Kumaraswamy, dir., "Managing in the Modular Age: Architectures, Networks and Organisations", Oxford: Blackwell
- 2004, Chandler in a Larger Frame: Markets, Transaction Costs, and Organizational Form in History, Enterprise ans Society, 5, pp355-375 (working paper 2003, Business and Eonomic History on-Line, Vol 1
- 2006,
- a. The Secret Life of Mundane Transaction Costs, Organization Studies, 27, pp1389-1410
- b. Competition through Institutional Form: the Case of Cluster Tool Standards, In: Shane Greenstein et Victor Stango, dir., Standards and Public Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp60-86
- 2007,
- a. "The Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm and the Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm", Journal of Management Studies, Vol 44, n°7, November, pp1107-1124
- b. The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Schumpeter, Chandler, and the New Economy, The Graz Schumpeter Lectures 2004, London: Routledge
- Traduction japonaise, Keio University Press
- c. The dynamics of industrial capitalism: Schumpeter, Chandler and the New Economy, London: Sage Publications
- 2008, avec Giampaolo Garzarelli, "Of Hackers and Hairdressers: Modularity and the Organizational Economics of Opensource Collaboration", Industry & Innovation, April, 15(2), pp125-143
De 2010 à 2019
- 2011, “Marshall’s (Real) Influence on Present-day Industrial Economics”, In: Tiziano Raffaelli, Tamotsu Nishizawa et Simon Cook, dir., "Marshall, Marshallians and Industrial Economics", London: Routledge
- 2013,
- a. "The Institutional Revolution: A review essay", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 26, n°4, décembre, pp383-395
- b. "The Austrian Theory of the Firm: Retrospect and Prospect", Review of Austrian Economics, 26(3), pp247-258
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