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Uskali Mäki
Uskali Mäki | |||||
Économiste et philosophe | |||||
Dates | |||||
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Tendance | École autrichienne, épistémologue | ||||
Nationalité | ![]() | ||||
Articles internes | Autres articles sur Uskali Mäki | ||||
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Interwikis sur Uskali Maki | |||||
Uskali Maki est un épistémologue finlandais qui relie l'épistémologie de l'école autrichienne à une épistémologie basée sur le réalisme et le realisticness. L'originalité d'Uskali Maki est de montrer que les approches scientifiques non fondées sur le réalisme ne peuvent pas être rejetées, inclus la théorie néoclassique en économie, sur le principe même que les hypothèses sont irréalistes voire complètement fausses. Selon lui, une analyse plus fine est nécessaire parce que toutes les théories contiennent plus ou moins des éléments irréalistes. Il défend que derrière l'idéalisme et l'instrumentalisme du positivisme de Milton Friedman, il existe des éléments réalistes.
Uskali Maki effectue une différence entre le réalisme et le realisticness. Un chercheur peut très bien être réaliste et utiliser des hypothèses irréalistes, sans perdre sa cohérence logique. Il va plus loin en indiquant qu'un chercheur doit employer des hypothèses irréalistes lorsqu'il est confronté à des aspects limités de la vérité mais en disposant tout de même de causalités significatives. De tels chercheurs ne doivent pas se précipiter vers des positions anti-réalistes parce qu'ils emploient de telles hypothèses.
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980, Vaihinger on fictions in science, Semi-Ramistic Studies, Department of Philosophy. University of Helsinki
- 1981, Positiivisen taloustieteen metodologia modernin tieteenfilosofian valossa, Taloustieteellisen seuran vuosikirja 1981/82, pp157-182
- 1985, Issues in redescribing business firms, In: K. Lija, K. Räsänen et R. Tainio, Dir., Problems in the Redescription of Business Enterprises, Helsinki School of Economics, pp121-129
- 1987,
- a. Afterword, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol 5, pp237-239
- b. commentaire du livre de Richard N. Langlois, dir., Economics as a Process. Economics and Philosophy, Vol 3, pp367-373
- 1988, How to Combine Rhetoric and Realism in the Methodology of economics, Economics and Philosophy 4: 89–109
- 1989, On the Problem of Realism in Economics, Ricerche Economiche 43, 176-198
- Repris en 1989, In: Bruce Caldwell, Dir., The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics (Aldershot: Edward Elgar)
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. Scientific realism and Austrian explanation, Review of Political Economy 2.3 pp.310-344
- b. Methodology of economics: Complaints and guidelines, Finnish Economic Papers, Vol. 3, pp77-84
- c. Mengerian economics in realist perspective, History of Political Economy, Annual Supplement to Vol. 22, pp289-310
- 1991,
- a. Practical Syllogism, entrepreneurship, and the invisible hand, In: Don Lavoie, Dir., Economics and Hermeneutics, London: Routledge
- b. Comment on Hands, In: Neil de Marchi et Mark Blaug, Dir., Appraising Economic Theories: Studies in the Methodology of Research Programmes, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp85-90
- 1992,
- a. The market as an isolated causal process: a metaphysical ground for realism, In Bruce Caldwell et Stephan Boehm, Dir., Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions, pp.35-59, Dordrecht: Kluwer
- b. On the Method of Isolation in Economics’, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 38: 147-168
- Repris en 1992, In: Craig Dilworth, dir., Idealization IV: Intelligibility in Science, n°26, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp317-351
- c. Social Conditioning of Economics, In: Neil de Marchi, Dir., Post-Popperian Methodology of Economics, Boston: Kluwer Publishers, pp65–104
- d. Friedman and Realism, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 10: 171–95
- e. "Two philosophies of the rhetoric of economies", In: W. Henderson, A. Dudley-Evans et R. Backhouse, dir., Economics and Language, London: Routledge, pp23–50
- 1993,
- a. avec Bo Gustafsson et Christian Knudsen, dir., Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology, London: Routledge
- b. Economics with Institutions: Agenda for methodological Enquiry, In: Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson et Christian Knudsen, dir., Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology, London: Routledge, pp2-43
- c. Social Theories of Science and the Fate of Institutionalism in Economics, In: Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson et Christian Knudsen, dir., Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology, London: Routledge, pp76–109
- d. The Market as an Isolated Causal Process: A metaphysical ground for realism, In: Bruce Caldwell et Stephan Boehm, Dir., Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Developments, Boston: Kluwer Publishers, pp35–59
- 1994,
- a. Isolation, Idealization and Truth in Economics, In: Bert Hamminga et Neil De Marchi, Dir., Idealization VI: Idealization in Economics, special issue of Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n°38, Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp147-168
- b. Reorienting the Assumptions Issue, In: Roger Backhouse, Dir., New Directions in Economic Methodology, London: Routledge, pp236–56
- 1995,
- a. Scientific Realism and Some Peculiarities of Economics, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 169, pp425-445
- b. Diagnosing McCloskey, Journal of Economic Literature 33: 1300–1318
- 1996,
- a. Two Portraits of Economics, Journal of Economic Methodology, Vol 3, n°1, pp1–38
- b. Commentaires des livres de Steven G. Medema, The Legacy of Ronald Coase in Economic Analysis: Volume I et Volume II, The Economic Journal, Vol 106, n°436, May, pp735-737
- 1997, Universals and the Methodenstreit: A reexamination of Carl Menger's conception of economics as an exact science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol 28, n°3, pp475-495
- 1998,
- a. avec John B. Davis et W. Hands, Dir., The Handbook of Economic Methodology, Aldershot: Edward Elgar
- b. Against Posner against Coase against theory, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22, pp587-595
- c. As if, In: J. Davis, W. Hands et U. Mäki, Dir., The Handbook of Economic Methodology, Edward Elgar, pp25-27
- d. Aspects of realism about economics, Theoria, 13, pp301-319
- e. avec Piimies, J.-P., Ceteris paribus, In: J. Davis, W. Hands et U. Mäki (eds), The Handbook of Economic Methodology, Edward Elgar, pp55-59
- f. Is Coase a realist?, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 28, pp5-31
- g. The problem of social Coase: Between regulation and free market in economic methodology, In: Steven Medema, dir., Coasean Economics: Law and economics and the new institutional economics, Boston: Kluwer, pp249-269
- h. Instrumentalism, in J. Davis, W. Hands and U. Mäki (eds) The Handbook of Economic Methodology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp253–256
- i. "Realism” and “Realisticness", In: John B. Davis, D. Wade Hands et Uskali Mäki, dir., The Handbook of Economic Methodology, Cheltenham-Northampton: Elgar, pp404-413
- j. "Coase, R. H.", In: John B. Davis, W. Hands et Uskali Maki, dir., The Handbook of Economic Methodology, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp64-67
- 1999,
- a. Science as a Free Market: A Reflexivity Test in an Economics of Economics, Perspectives on Science - Volume 7, Number 4, Winter, pp. 486-509
- b. Representation Repressed: Two Kinds of Semantic Skepticism in Economics, in R. Scazzieri, R. Rossini Favretti and G. Sandri (eds), Commensurability and Translation. Kuhnian Perspectives on Scientific Communication and Theory Change, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp307–21
- 2000, Reclaiming relevant realism, Journal of Economic Methodology 7:1, 109–125
- 2001,
- a. The Way the World Works (WWW): Towards an Ontology of Theory Choice, In: Uskali Maki, dir., The Economic World View. Studies in the Ontology of Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- b. Economic ontology: What? Why? How?, In: Uskali Mäki, Dir., The Economic World View. Studies in the Ontology of Economics, Cambridge University Press, pp3-14
- 2002,
- a. Dir., "Fact and fiction in economics: models, realism and social construction", Cambridge: CUP
- b. "The dismal queen of the social sciences", In: Uskali Mäki, dir., "Fact and fiction in economics: models, realism and social construction", Cambridge: CUP, pp3-34
- c. "Some nonreasons for nonrealism about economics", In: Uskali Mäki, dir., "Fact and fiction in economics: models, realism and social construction", Cambridge: CUP, pp90-105
- d. On the issue of realism in the economics of institutional organization: Themes from Coase and Richardson, S. Dow et J. Hillard, Dir., Beyond Keynes, Volume One. Post-Keynesian Econometrics, Microeconomics and the Theory of the Firm, Edward Elgar, pp30-43
- e. "Scientific progress: complexities of a contestable concept", In: Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz Kurz, Richard Sturn, dir., "Is There Progress in Economics?: Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought", Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp123-130
- 2003, The archaelogical construction of the past: Some realist moderations, In: M. Sintonen, P. Ylikoski, K. Miller (eds), Realism in Action. Essays in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Dordrecht: Reidel, pp51-68
- 2004, "Realism and the nature of theory: A lesson from J.H. von Thünen for economists and geographers", Environment and Planning A, Vol 36, pp1719-1736
- 2005, Reglobalising realism by going local, or (how) should our formulations of scientific realism be informed about the sciences, Erkenntnis, 63, 231-251
Littérature secondaire
- 1992, Bruce Caldwell, “The Market as an Isolated Causal Process: A Comment on Mäki", In: Bruce Caldwell et Stephan Boehm, dir., Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions. Boston: Kluwer, pp60-65
- 1997, Roger Koppl, commentaire du livre d'Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson et Christian Knudsen, dir., "Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology", In, Roger Koppl et Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4", Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp241-245
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