Roger Koppl
Roger Koppl | |||||
Économiste | |||||
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Tendance | École autrichienne | ||||
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Articles internes | Autres articles sur Roger Koppl | ||||
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Roger Koppl est directeur à l'Institute for Forensic Science Administration, installé à Madison dans le New Jersey. Il est diplômé d'économie mathématique en 1980 (BA) à l'université d'Etat de Cleveland. En 1983, il reçoit son diplôme à l'université de New York (MA en économie). Et il décroche facilement son doctorat d'économie en 1988 à l'université d'Auburn. Il enseigne depuis 1998 à l'université de Fairleigh Dickinson.
En compagnie d'autres auteurs de l'école autrichienne comme Don Lavoie, Ludwig Lachmann ou Richard Ebeling, il a permis de positionner l'herméneutique comme méthodologie adaptée à la science économique.
De 1991 à 1999
- 1991,
- a. Animal Spirits, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5 (3), summer, pp203-210
- b. avec Richard Langlois, Fritz Machlup and Marginalism: A Reevaluation, Methodus, 3 (2), december, pp86–102
- c. “In Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann”, Austrian Economics Newsletter, Winter/Spring, pp8-9
- 1992,
- a. Price Theory as Physics: The Cartesian Influence on Walras, Methodus, December, 4(2)
- Repris en 2001, In: Donald Walker, Dir., The Legacy of Léon Walras (2 volumes), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- b. Invisible-Hand Explanations and Neoclassical Economics: Toward a Post Marginalist Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, June, 148(2): 292-313
- Repris en 2002, In: Sandye Gloria-Palermo, dir., Modern Austrian Economics (3 volumes), London: Pickering & Chatto
- c. avec Leland Yeager, Big Players and Herding in Asset Markets: The Case of the Russian Ruble, Explorations in Economic History, vol 38, pp367-383
- d. “What is the Public Interest?”, In: Robert W. McGee, dir., Business Ethics and Common Sense, Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books
- e. “Reply to Ozawa, Moggridge, and Visser”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer, 6(3), pp211-212
- a. Price Theory as Physics: The Cartesian Influence on Walras, Methodus, December, 4(2)
- 1993,
- a. avec William Butos, "Hayekian Expectations: Theory and Empirical Applications", Constitutional Political Economy, Fall, Vol 4, n°3, pp303-330
- b. Some Possibly Postmodern Thoughts on Authority or How to Make the Good Society without Really Trying, In: Wendy Oxman et Mark Weinstein, dir., Critical Thinking as an Educational Ideal, Montclair, New Jersey: Institute for Critical Thinking
- 1994,
- a. avec Richard Langlois, When Do Ideas Matter? A Study in the Natural Selection of Social Games, Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 1, pp81-104
- b. "Lachmann on Schutz and Shackle", Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 1, pp289-301
- c. "Ideal Types", In: Peter Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- d. “Invisible-Hand Explanations”, In: Peter Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- e. Commentaire du livre d'Israel Kirzner, "The Meaning of Market Process", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 24(2), pp245-248
- 1996,
- a. avec Leland Yeager, “Big Players and Herding in Asset Markets: The Case of the Russian Ruble.” Explorations in Economic History, 33(3): 367-383
- b. It is High Time we take our Ignorance more Seriously, International Review of Financial Analysis, 1996, 5(3): 259-72
- c. Man has Fallen and He Can't Get Up, In: Mary Cross, dir., Advertising and Culture: Theoretical Perspectives, Westport, CT and London: Praeger
- d. avec William Butos, "Does the sensory order have a useful economic future?", In: Roger Koppl, C. Krecke, E. Krecke, dir., "Cognition and economics: advances in Austrian economics", Vol 9, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp19‐50
- e. “Review of Lawrence A. Boland's Principles of Economics: Some Lies My Teachers Told Me,” Review of Political Economy, 8(3): 334-38.
- 1997,
- a. "Mises and Schutz on Ideal Types", Cultural Dynamics, 9(1): 67-76
- b. avec William Butos, "The Varieties of Subjectivism: Keynes and Hayek on Expectations", History of Political Economy, 29(2): 327-359
- c. avec Ahmed Ehsan, J. Barkley Rosser et Mark V. White, "Complex Bubble Persistence in Closed-End Country Funds", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 32(1): 19-37
- d. avec Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4", Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- e. Commentaire du livre d'Uskali Mäki, Bo Gustafsson, Christian Knudsen, dir., "Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology", In, Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp241-245
- 1998,
- a. avec Gary Mongiovi, dir., "Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann", London: Routledge
- b. avec Gary Mongiovi, "Introduction", In Roger Koppl et Gary Mongiovi, dir., "Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann", London: Routledge, pp1-11
- c. Lachmann on the Subjectivism of Active Minds, In: Roger Koppl et Gary Mongiovi, dir., "Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig Lachmann", London and New York: Routledge
- d. Apriorism and Dualism, Advances in Austrian Economics, volume 5, pp159-179
- 1999,
- a. avec Maria Minniti, The Unintended Consequences of Entrepreneurship, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 1999, 9(4):567-586
- Repris en 2002, In: Alta Gerencia Septiembre/Octubre, pp24-40
- b. avec John Broussard, Big Players and the Russian Ruble: Explaining Volatility Dynamics, Managerial Finance, 25(1): 49-63
- c. avec William Butos, Hayek and Kirzner at the Keynesian Beauty Contest, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 9(2/3): 257-275
- a. avec Maria Minniti, The Unintended Consequences of Entrepreneurship, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 1999, 9(4):567-586
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- a. Machlup and Behavioralism, Industrial and Corporate Change, 9(4): 595-622
- b. roundtable discussion [en hommage au professeur Ludwig M. Lachmann (1906-1990): Scholar, Teacher, and Austrian School Critic of Late Classical Formalism], pp390-394, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2000, 59(3): 367-417
- c. Teaching Complexity: An Austrian Approach, In: David Colander, dir., The Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics, Edward Elgar
- d. The Policy Implications of Complexity: An Austrian Perspective, In: David Colander, dir., The Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics, Edward Elgar
- 2001,
- a. avec Richard Langlois, Organization and Language Games, Journal of Management and Governance, 5(3-4): 287-305
- b. avec Carlo Nardone, The Angular Distribution of Asset Returns in Delay Space, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 6: 101-120
- c. Alfred Schütz and George Shackle: Two Views of Choice, The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 14, n°2-3, pp181–191
- d. avec Ivo A. Sarjanovic, Big Players en la ‘Nueva Economía, Libertas, 35(1)
- e. avec Peter Boettke, Introduction [au numéro spécial consacré au centenaire d'Alfred Schütz], Review of Austrian Economics, 14, (2/3): 111-117
- f. avec William Butos, "Confidence in Keynes and Hayek: reply to Burczak", Review of Political Economy, 13(1), pp81-86
- Repris en 2004, In: John Cunningham Wood et Robert D. Wood, "Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments of Leading Economists", vol 4, London: Routledge, pp213-219
- g. Commentaire du livre de Jon Elster, "Alchemies of the Mind", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 45(3), pp332-335
- 2002,
- a. avec J. Barkley Rosser, “All That I Have to Say Has Already Crossed Your Mind", Metroeconomica, 53(4), pp339-360
- b. Custom and Rules, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61(2): 531-537
- c. What is Alertness?, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 12(1): 3-13
- d. "Big Players and the Economic Theory of Expectations", Palgrave MacMillan: New York
- e. Commentaire du livre de John Sutton, "Marshall’s Tendencies: What Can Economists Know?”", Southern Economic Journal, 68(3), pp734-738
- 2003,
- a. Dir., "Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies", Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 6, Amsterdam: JAI, Elsevier Science
- b. Gains from trade between Austrian economics and entrepreneurial studies, In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies", Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 6, Amsterdam: JAI, Elsevier Science, pp1-7
- c. avec Dusan Mramor, Big Players in Slovenia, Review of Austrian Economics, 16(2/3): 253-269
- d. avec Ivo Sarjanovic, Big Players in the ‘New Economy’, Jack Birner, dir., Austrian Perspectives on the New Economy, Routledge
- e. avec Maria Minniti, "Market Processes and Entrepreneurial Studies", In: Zoltan Acs, David Audretsch, dir., "Handbook of Entrepreneurial Research", Kluwer
- Repris en 2010, In: "Market Processes and Entrepreneurial Studies", In: Zoltan Acs, David Audretsch, dir., "Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction", UK: Kluwer Press International, pp217-248
- f. avec William Butos, Science as a Spontaneous Order: An Essay in the Economics of Science, In: H. S. Jensen, M. Vendeloe et L. Richter, dir., The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge, Edward Elgar
- g. commentaire du livre de Gerd Gigerenzer et Reinhard Selten, dir., "Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizaiton, 53(3), pp431-434
- h. avec Jack Birner et Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, "Editors’ introduction", In: Roger Koppl, Jack Birner et Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "Austrian economics and entrepreneurial studies", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 6, Elsevier: Amsterdam, ppxiii–xiv
- 2004,
- a. avec Douglas Glen Whitman, Rational-Choice Hermeneutics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 55(3), november, pp295-317
- b. avec Sorin Tuluca, Random Walk Hypothesis Testing and the Compass Rose, Finance Letters, 2 (1): 14-17
- c. avec William Butos, Carabelli and De Vecchi on Keynes and Hayek, Review of Political Economy, 2004, 16(2): 239-247
- d. Dir., "Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory: Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol. 7, Oxford: Elsevier
- e. Economics Evolving: An Introduction to the Volume, In: Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 7
- 2005,
- a. "Epistemic Systems", Episteme: Journal of Social Epistemology, 2(2), pp91-106
- b. "How to Improve Forensic Science", European Journal of Law and Economics, 20(3), pp255-286
- c. avec Catherine Gilanshah, Big Players and Money Demand, In: Jürgen Backhaus, dir., Modern Applications of Austrian Thought
- d. "Thinking impossible things", commentaire du livre de K. Vela Velupillai, dir., "Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol 66, pp837–847
- 2006,
- a. Austrian Economics at the Cutting Edge, Review of Austrian Economics, 19(4):231–241
- b. Entrepreneurial Behavior as a Human Universal, In: Maria Minniti, dir., Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Growth, vol 1, People, Westport, CT and London: Praeger
- c. dir., "Money and Markets. Essays in honor of Leland B. Yeager",New York: Routledge
- d. "A Zeal for Truth", In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Money and the Market Process: Essays in Honor of Leland Yeager", New York: Routledge, pp1-20
- e. Commentaire du livre de Bruce Caldwell, "Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 59(2), pp287-291
- 2007,
- a. Diversity and Forensics: Diversity in Hiring is Not Enough, Medicine, Science and the Law, 47(2), pp117-124
- b. avec William Butos, Does The Sensory Order Have a Useful Economic Future? (Est-ce que l'ordre sensoriel a un avenir économique utile ?), In: Elisabeth Krecké, Carine Krecké et Roger G. Koppl, dir., Cognition and Economics, Oxford: Elsevier, JAI Press, collection “Advances in Austrian Economics” (vol.9), pp19-50
- 2008,
- a. avec Dan Krane, “Sequential Unmasking: A means of Minimizing Observer Effects in Forensic DNA Interpretation”, The Journal of Forensic Sciences, July
- b. dir., "Explorations in Austrian Economics", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 11, JAI Press, ISBN 1-84855-330-9
- c. avec Maria Minniti, “Entrepreneurship and Human Action”, In: P. Frank, G. Shockley et R. Stough, dir., "Non-Market Entrepreneurship", Edgar Elgar
- d. "Introduction", In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Explorations in Austrian Economics", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 11, JAI Press, ISBN 1-84855-330-9, pp1-6
- e. "Scientific hermeneutics: A tale of two Hayeks", In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Explorations in Austrian Economics", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 11, JAI Press, ISBN 1-84855-330-9, pp99-122
- f. "Computable Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 32, n°5, pp919-926
- g. "Thinking Impossible Things: A Review Essay", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 66, pp837-847
- 2009,
- a. “Complexity and Austrian Economics”, In: J. Barkley Rosser Jr, dir., Handbook on Complexity Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- b. "Austrian Economics at the Cutting Edge", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 19, pp231-241
Depuis 2010
- 2010,
- a. The Preaching Must Never Stop: Remembering Larry Moss, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 69, n°1, January, pp58–63
- b. "Romancing Forensics: Legal Failure in Forensic Science Administration", In: Edward J. López, dir., The Pursuit of Justice: Law and Economics of Legal Institutions, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-0-230-10245-3
- c. "Introduction: Regrettably exciting times", In: Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, Pierre Desrochers, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics" - Volume 14 - "What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?", Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISBN: 978-0-85724-261-7, pp1-23
- d. "Romancing Forensics: Legal Failure in Forensic Science Administration", In: Edward J. Lopez, dir., "The Pursuit of Justice. Law and Economics of Legal Institutions", Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-0-230-10245-3
- e. "Some Epistemological Implications of Economic Complexity", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 76, pp859-872
- f. avec M. Minniti, "Market Process and Entrepreneurial Studies", In: F. H. Landström, dir., "Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research", Northhampton: Edward Elgar, Ch 9
- 2011,
- a. "Entrepreneurs are not Experts", In: Emily Chamlee-Wright, dir., "The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, 2010-2011", Vol 3, Beloit College Press, ISBN 978-0-578-02883-5, pp109-123
- b. "Pay Attention to the Physics Analogies in Richard Wagner’s Mind, Society, and Human Action", Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 4, pp156-169
- 2012,
- a. avec William J. Luther, "Hayek, Keynes, and modern macroeconomics", The Review of Austrian Economics, Septembre, Vol 25, n°3, pp223-241
- b. avec Steven Horwitz et Laurent Dobuzinskis, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 17, - Experts and Epistemic Monopolies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- c. "Speaking of Experts: An Introduction to the Volume", In: Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, Laurent Dobuzinskis, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 17, - Experts and Epistemic Monopolies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Ch 1, pp1-16
- d. "Experts and Information Choice", In: Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, Laurent Dobuzinskis, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 17, - Experts and Epistemic Monopolies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Ch 10, pp171-202
- 2014,
- a. "From Crisis to Confidence", London: The Institute for Economic Affairs
- b. commentaire du livre de Geoffrey M. Hodgson et Thorbjørn Knudsen, "Darwin’s Conjecture: The search for general principles of social and economic evolution", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 27, n°3, September, pp345-349
- c. avec Teppo Felin, Stuart Kauffman, Giuseppe Longo, "Economic Opportunity and Evolution: Beyond Bounded Rationality and Phase Space", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 8, n°4, pp269–282
- 2015,
- a. "The Rule of Experts", In: Peter Boettke, Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp343-363
- b. avec Teppo Felin, Stuart Kauffman, Giuseppe Longo, "Economics for a creative world", Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol 11, n°1, pp1-31
Littérature secondaire
- 2002, Theodore Burczak, "Response to Butos and Koppl: Expectations, Exogeneity, and Evolution", Review of Political Economy, 13:1, January, pp87-90
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