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Maria Minniti

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Maria Minniti est professeur d'économie et d'entrepreneuriat au Babson College. Ses articles portent sur l'entrepreneuriat, l'apprentissage, la croissance économique et la théorie de la complexité. En compagnie de Roger Koppl, ses travaux ont permis de faire avancer les recherches sur l'entrepreneur dans le paradigme de l'école autrichienne d'économie. Maria Minniti s'est beaucoup intéressée à l'entrepreneur naissant et en particulier sa difficulté de développement. Elle précise d'ailleurs que les modèles d'échec entrepreneurial sont précieux pour les entrepreneurs naissants car cela renforce leur sensibilité et leur évite de se confronter aux risques d'échecs potentiels.


  • 1996, Membership Has Its Privileges: Old and New Mafia Organizations, Comparative Economic Studies, 37(4), pp31-47
  • 1999,
    • a. Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, Global Business and Economic Review. 11(1) 31-42
    • b. avec Roger Koppl, The Unintended Consequence of Entrepreneurship, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 9(4), pp567-586
      • Repris en 2002, In: Alta Gerentia, Catholic University Press, Bolivia
    • c. avec William D. Bygrave, "The Microfoundations of Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 23(4), pp41-52
    • d. avec L. Polutnik, Financial Development and Small Firms Financing in Slovenia, Comparative Economic Studies, 41(2/3), pp111-133
  • 2000,
    • a. avec William D. Bygrave, "The Social Dynamics of Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 24(3), pp25-36
    • b. Section on Italy, In: P. Reynolds, M. Camp et M. Hay, dir., "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor", The E. M. Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO
      • Nouvelle édition en 2001
      • Nouvelle édition en 2002
  • 2001, avec William D. Bygrave, "A Dynamic Model of Entrepreneurial Learning", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 25(3), pp5-16
  • 2002, The Importance of Being Unimportant: Bank Lending and Small Firm Financing in Italy, Global Business and Economic Review 4(2): 277-295
  • 2003,
    • a. Entrepreneurship Studies: A Stock Taking, Advances in Austrian Economics, 6: 9-37
    • b. avec Roger Koppl, "Market Processes and Entrepreneurial Studies", In: Zoltan Acs, David Audretsch, dir., "Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research", Kluwer Press International, UK, pp81-102
    • c. avec William D. Bygrave, "US Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report", The E.M. Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO et Babson College
    • d. "The Entrepreneurial Advantage of Nations: Women in Entrepreneurship", First United Nations Symposium: The Advantage of Nations. The E.M. Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO
    • e. avec P. Arenius, Women and Entrepreneurship, In: P. Reynolds, E. Autio et M. Hay, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, The E. M. Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO. Insert
    • f. "Entrepreneurship Studies: A Stocktaking", In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies", Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 6, Amsterdam: JAI, Elsevier Science, pp8-37
  • 2004,
    • a. Organization Alertness and Asymmetric Information in a Spin-Glass Model, Journal of Business Venturing. 19(5): 637-658
    • b. avec Zoltan Acs, P. Arenius et M. Hay, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, London Business School and Babson College, London, U.K. et Babson Park, MA
    • c. avec P. Arenius et N. Langowitz, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Special Topic Report: Women in Entrepreneurship, Center for Women Leadership, Babson College. Babson Park, MA
  • 2005,
    • a. "Entrepreneurship and network externalities", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 57, n°1, pp1-27
    • b. avec P. Arenius, M. Hay et Zoltan Acs, "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: 2004 Executive Report", Babson Park, MA. and London, UK, Babson College and London Business School
    • c. avec P. Arenius, "Perceptual Variables and Nascent Entrepreneurship", Small Business Economics, 24(3), pp233–247
  • 2006,
    • a. avec L. Polutnik, "No-Name Money", In: Roger Koppl, dir., Money and the Market Process: Essays in Honor of Leland Yeager, New York: Routledge
    • b. avec William D. Bygrave, E. Autio, "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor-Executive Report 2005", Wellesley, Mass., London, UK: Babson Collage-London Business School
    • c. avec M. Lévesque, "The effect of aging on entrepreneurial behavior", Journal of Business Venturing, 21(2), pp177–194
  • 2007,
    • a. "Entrepreneurship and Network Externalities", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations
    • b. Self-Employment and Organization Creation: The Case of Italy, Global Business and Economic Review
    • c. dir., "Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Growth", Volume 1 — Perspective Series, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publisher, Greenwood Publishing Group
    • d. avec C. Nardone, "Being in someone else’s shoes: the role of gender in nascent entrepreneurship", Small Bus. Econ., Vol 28, pp223–238
  • 2008,
    • a. avec Roger Koppl, “Entrepreneurship and Human Action”, In: P. Frank, G. Shockley et R. Stough, dir., "Non-Market Entrepreneurship", Edgar Elgarhttp://www.wikiberal.org/skins/common/images/button_link.png
    • b. avec Moren Lévesque, "Recent developments in the economics of entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 23, n°6, November, pp603-612
  • 2010, avec M. Levesque, "Entrepreneurial Types and Economic Growth", Journal of Business Venturing, 25, pp305-314
  • 2015, "On the Economy-Wide Implications of Kirznerian Alertness", In: Peter Boettke et Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp529-546
  • 2017, avec T. Kautonen, E. Kibler, "Late-career entrepreneurship, income and quality of life", Journal of Business Venturing, 32(3), pp318–333

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