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Orientation entrepreneuriale

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L'orientation entrepreneuriale (OE) se réfère aux processus de création de la stratégie des entreprises par un esprit d'entreprise. Elle est devenue un concept central dans le domaine de l'entrepreneuriat qui a reçu une quantité considérable d'attention théorique et empirique. Le concept est d'abord apparu dans une approche empirique. L'objectif des chercheurs était d'utiliser des échelles de mesure afin de générer des typologies[1] des organisations qui sont dérivées de ces recherches empiriques selon les styles de management[2]. Plus précisément, ces chercheurs ont entrepris d'examiner la structure et le fonctionnement de la firme entrepreneuriale et de relier ces variables à d'autres variables des organisations, telles que le comportement, la performance et le contexte (la taille, la technologie, l'histoire et la propriété des organisations).

L'orientation entrepreneuriale à partir d'une base méthodologique comparative

Les principales contributions de l'orientation entrepreneuriale peuvent être résumées grossièrement dans l'affirmation que les écrits, qui existaient auparavant sur l'entrepreneuriat, avaient une forte tendance à identifier l'esprit d'entreprise avec une personnalité organisationnelle dominante, généralement représentée par un propriétaire-manager indépendant qui prenait les décisions stratégiques pour son entreprise. En résumé, l'individu était l'acteur de l'entrepreneuriat. Par différence, l'accent de l'orientation entrepreneuriale porte plus sur l'activité, quelque peu, entrepreneuriale de la société commerciale dans son ensemble en tant que processeur de l'esprit d'entreprise.

Danny Miller (1983)[3] fournit une échelle de mesure pour exploiter l'esprit d'entreprise au sein de l'entreprise. Il fut le premier à définir clairement cette vision de l'esprit d'entreprise qui utilise une méthodologie d'analyse comparative afin de caractériser l'orientation entrepreneuriale comme "une entreprise entrepreneuriale qui s'engage dans l'innovation des produits sur le marché, qui assume, quelque peu, une création entrepreneuriale risquée et qui est la première à découvrir une innovation 'pro-active', en coiffant au poteau ses concurrents". Il y a donc trois critères principaux qui distinguent la firme entrepreneuriale :

  • L'innovation
  • La prise de risque
  • La pro-activité[4]

L'innovation se réfère à "la propension d'une entreprise à s'engager et à soutenir de nouvelles idées, de nouvelles expérimentations et des processus créatifs qui peuvent engendrer de nouveaux produits, services ou processus.

La prise de risque concerne le degré pour lequel les gestionnaires sont prêts à prendre des engagements importants en matière de ressources risquées

La pro-activité se définit comme une prise d'initiative des acteurs de l'entreprise en anticipant et en poursuivant de nouvelles opportunités et en participant à l'émergence de nouveaux marchés.

Cette échelle d'analyse fut développée, validée et raffinée par d'autres chercheurs[5] qui ont reconnu l'expansion de la pensée entrepreneuriale dans les rangs des entreprises. Ces modèles conceptuels sophistiqués furent développés pour identifier les antécédents et les conséquences d'une orientation entrepreneuriale ainsi que les relations entre les variables modératrices d'une orientation entrepreneuriale avec la performance de l'entreprise.

Le terme actuel d'orientation entrepreneuriale (OE) fut inventé par Lumpkin et Dess (1996)[6], qui ont fait une distinction entre l'esprit d'entreprise (entrepreneurship) d'une part et l'orientation entrepreneuriale, d'autre part, en s'appuyant sur deux adverbes interrogatifs différents : "quoi" et "comment". Le terme d'esprit d'entreprise (entrepreneurship) dans la littérature du management stratégique signifie "commencer à faire des affaires commerciales". Au fur et à mesure que le domaine du management stratégique a connu sa maturité, l'accent s'est porté sur les méthodes, sur les pratiques et sur les styles de prise de décision des managers. Ces processus entrepreneuriaux majeurs furent reconnus et qualifiés d'orientation entrepreneuriale. En d'autres termes, Lumpkin et Dess ont relié l'entreprise au "QUOI" de l'entrepreneuriat, qu'ils ont défini comme la création d'entreprise[7]. Mais, leur point de vue est plus large que celle d'une simple création d'entreprise. La notion englobe aussi le "comment", c'est-à-dire les activités des individus et des entreprises impliqués dans le processus entrepreneurial, lequel n'est pas nécessairement inclus dans l'analyse de la création d'une nouvelle organisation. L'orientation entrepreneuriale est donc associée au "comment" de ces comportements, et ils suggèrent que la recherche sur l'esprit d'entreprise soit réalisée par l'analyse des actions autonomes, innovantes, risquées, pro-actives et compétitives[8]. Ils ont défini l'autonomie comme la capacité et la volonté de s'auto-dirigé dans la poursuite des opportunités. Ils citent les esprits indépendants de ceux qui historiquement ont sacrifié la sécurité dans la poursuite de la liberté et de la créativité et ils s'appuient sur le rôle du comportement autonome de l'entrepreneur dans la littérature entrepreneuriale.

Contestation méthodologique

La genèse de cette recherche empirique contemporaine sur les organisations peut être considérée comme pernicieuse, puisqu'elle a changé l'orientation de la recherche, d'une méthodologie descriptive des sciences sociales vers une méthodologie des sciences naturelles qui nécessite une opérationnalisation et des tests empiriques des variables. La pensée s'est alors répandue que cette nouvelle orientation faciliterait les études comparatives et des généralisations théoriques.

Méthodologiquement, l'approche de Miller est sujette à questions puisque l'esprit d'entreprise, définie de cette façon, conserve un œil du positivisme méthodologique puisqu'elle est choisie en fonction des échelles de mesure comparatives auxquelles le chercheur a accès, ce qui est différent d'une vision claire d'une méthodologique réaliste qui cherche les fondements de vérité d'un problème étudié.



  1. Henry Mintzberg, 1973 a généré une typologie composée de trois modes de création de stratégie, dont l'une d'entre elles est l'orientation entrepreneuriale.
    Henry Mintzberg, 1973, "Strategy-making in three modes", California Management Review, Vol 16, pp44-53
  2. P. N. Khandwalla a identifié sept styles de management, capturant les croyances et les normes de gestion tenues par les principaux décideurs. L'un de ces styles correspond au style de management entrepreneurial, caractérisé notamment par un haut niveau de prise de risque. Il a développé une échelle de mesure pour évaluer la relation entre la performance, la structure et le contexte environnemental d'une entreprise.
    P. N. Khandwalla, 1977, "Some top management styles, their context and performance", Organization and Administrative Sciences, 7(4), pp21-51
  3. Danny Miller, 1983, "The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms", Management Science, 29(7), pp770-791 Peter Friesen et Danny Miller, en se basant sur le travail de Khandwalla, avaient déjà examiné séparément la prise de risque et l'innovation au niveau de l'entreprise
    • Danny Miller, Peter H. Friesen, 1978, "Archetypes of strategy formulation", Management Science, 24(9), pp921-933
    • Danny Miller, Peter H. Friesen, 1982, "Innovation in conservative and entrepreneurial firms: Two models of strategic momentum", Strategic Management Journal, 3(1), pp1-25
  4. 2002, L. K. Gundry, J. Kickul, "Prospecting for Strategic Advantage: The Proactive Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Firm Innovation", Journal of Small Business Management, 40(2), pp85-97
  5. J. G. Covin, D. P. Slevin, 1986, "The development and testing of an organizational-level entrepreneurship scale", In: R. Ronstadt, J. A. Hornaday, R. Peterson, K. H. Vesper, dir., "Frontiers of entrepreneurship research", Wellesley, MA: Babson College, pp628-639
    • J. G. Covin, D. P. Slevin, 1989, "Strategic management of small firms in hostile and benign environments", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 10, pp78-87
    • J. G. Covin, D. P. Slevin, 1991, "A conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 16, n°1, pp7–25
    • S. A. Zahra, 1993, "A conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior: A critique and extension", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 16, pp5-21
    • S. A. Zahra, J. G. Covin, 1995, "Contextual influences on the corporate entrepreneurship performance relationship: A longitudinal analysis", Journal of Business Venturing, 10(3), pp43-58
    • S. A. Zahra, 1996, "Governance, ownership, and corporate entrepreneurship: The moderating impact of industry technological opportunities", Academy of Management Journal, 39(6), pp1713-1735
    • D. M. Garvis, S. A. Zahra, 2000, "International corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance: The moderating effect of international environmental hostility", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 15, pp469-492
  6. G. T. Lumpkin, G. G. Dess, 1996, "Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance", Academy of Management Review, 21(1), pp135-172
  7. En cohérence avec la conceptualisation de l'entrepreneuriat de William B. Gartner (1988a) en tant que création d'une nouvelle organisation
  8. Les deux dimensions supplémentaires proposées par Lumpkin et Dess, par rapport à la tri-dimension de Danny Miller, sont donc l'autonomie et l'agressivité concurrentielle


De 1985 à 1999

  • 1985, A. Ginsberg, "Measuring Changes in Entrepreneurial Orientation Following Industry Deregulation - The Development of a Diagnostic Instrument", In: G. B. Roberts, dir., "Proceedings: Discovering Entrepreneurship", U.S. Affiliate of the International Council for Small Business, Marietta, GA.
  • 1991, D. Arnold, M. Miles, "The Relationship Between Marketing Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 15, pp49-65
  • 1994, J. S. Conant, D. T. Smart, "Entrepreneurial Orientation, Distinctive Marketing Competencies and Organizational Performance", Journal of Applied Business Research, 10(3), pp28-38
  • 1996,
    • T. Brown, "Resources orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and growth: how the perception of resources availability affects small firm growth”, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.
    • G. G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, "Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance", Academy of Management Review, 21(1), pp135-172
  • 1997,
    • R. Becherer, J. Maurer, "The Moderating Effect of Environmental Variables on the Entrepreneurial and Marketing Orientation of Entrepreneur-led Firms", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 22, pp47-58
    • G. T. Lumpkin, G. G. Dess, "Proactiveness vs competitive aggressiveness: teasing apart key dimensions of an entrepreneurial orientation", In: P. D. Reynolds, W. D. Bygrave, N. M. Carter, P. Davidsson, W. B. Gartner, C. M. Mason, P. P. McDougall, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research", Wellesley, MA, Babson College, pp47-58
    • G. A. Knight, "Cross-cultural reliability and validity of a scale to measure firm entrepreneurial orientation", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 12, pp213-225
  • 1999,
    • W. E. Baker, J. M. Sinkula, "The complementary effects of market orientation and entrepreneurial orientation on profitability in small businesses", Journal of small Business Management, Vol 47, n°4, pp443-464
    • Johan Wiklund, "The sustainability of the entrepreneurial orientation – performance”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 24, n°1, pp37-48

De 2000 à 2009

  • 2000, S. Lee, S. Peterson, "Culture, entrepreneurial orientation, and global competitiveness", Journal of World Business, 35(4), pp401–416
  • 2001,
    • K. Atuahene-Gima, A. Ko, "An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurship Orientation Alignment on Product Innovation", Organization Science, Vol 12, pp54-74
    • S. Carter, P. Kyriazopoulos, N. Tzokas, "Marketing and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Small Firms", Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, Vol 2, pp19-33
    • A. Caruana, M. T. Ewing, B. Ramaseshan, "Effects of some environmental challenges and centralization on the entrepreneurial orientation and performance of public sector entities", The Service Industries Journal, Vol 22, n°2, pp43-58
    • G. G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, "Linking two dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: the moderating role of environment and industry life cycle", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 16, pp429-451
    • S. M. Lee, S. J. Peterson, "Culture, entrepreneurial orientation, and global competitiveness", Journal of World Business, 35(4), pp401-416
  • 2002,
    • A. Brantjes, M. Frese, R. Hoorn, "Psychological success factors of small scale businesses in Namibia: the roles of strategy process, entrepreneurial orientation and the environment", Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 7(3), pp259-282
    • B. Kemelgor, "A Comparative Analysis of Corporate Entrepreneurial Orientation Between Selected Firms in the Netherlands and the USA", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 14(1), pp67-87
    • P. M. Kreiser, L. D. Marino, K. M. Weaver, "Assessing the psychometric properties of the entrepreneurial orientation scale: A multi-country analysis", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Summer, pp71-94
    • P. M. Kreiser, L. D. Marino, K. M. Weaver, "Assessing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, the external environment and firm performance", In: W. D. Bygrave, N. M. Carter, P. Davidsson, W. B. Gartner, C. M. Mason, P. P. Mcdougall, P. D. Reynolds, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research", Babson College, Wellesley, MA, pp268-282
    • L. Marino, K. Strandholm, H. K. Steensma, K. M. Weaver, "The moderating effect of national culture on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and strategic alliance portfolio extensiveness", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 26(4), pp145-160
    • K. Matsuno, J. T. Mentzer, A. Ozsomer, "The effects of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and market orientation on business performance”, Journal of Marketing, Vol 66, n°3, pp18-32
  • 2003,
    • J. Giglierano, M. Miles, R. Vitale, "An exploratory study of selfadministrated quick-audits as a management diagnostic to assess marketing and entrepreneurial orientations in established and startup firms", Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Vol 6, pp64-77
    • Dean A. Shepherd, Johan Wiklund, "Knowledge‐based resources, entrepreneurial orientation, and the performance of small and medium‐sized businesses", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 24, n°13, pp1307-1314
  • 2004,
    • T. Barnett, S. Dwyer, K. Chadwick, O. C. Richard, "Cultural diversity in management, firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation dimensions", Academy of Management Journal, 47(2), pp255-268
    • A. Basu, "Entrepreneurial aspirations among family business owners: An analysis of ethnic business owners in the UK", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol 10, n°1/2, pp12–33
    • Zelimir W. Todorovic, "The Framework of Static and Dynamic Components: An Examination of Entrepreneurial Orientation and University Ability to Teach Entrepreneurship", Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol 17, n°4, pp301-316
  • 2005,
    • W. Aloulou, A. Fayolle, "A Conceptual Approach Of Entrepreneurial Orientation Within Small Business Context”, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 13, n°1, pp24-45
    • J. B. Arbaugh, L. W. Cox , S. M. Camp, "Nature or nurture? Testing the direct and interaction effects of entrepreneurial orientation, national culture, and growth strategy on value creation", In: S. A. Zahra, C. G. Brush, R. T. Harrison, J. E. Sohl, P. Davidsson, M. Lerner, Johan Wiklund, James O. Fiet, C. M. Mason, M. Wright, P. C. Greene, Dean Shepherd, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Wellesley", MA: Babson College
    • M. Dean, G. G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, "The role of entrepreneurial orientation in stimulating effective corporate entrepreneurship", Academy of Management Executive, 19(1), pp147–156
    • H. Frank, C. Korunka, M. Lueger, J. Mugler, "Entrepreneurial orientation and education in Austrian secondary schools", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol 12, n°2, pp259–273
    • M. Frese, C. Friedrich, S. Kraus, J. Unger, "Entrepreneurial orientation: A psychological model of success among southern African small business owners", European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 14(3), pp315–344
    • A. Jantunen, K. Kyläheiko, K. Puumalainen, S. Saarenketo, "Entrepreneurial orientation, dynamic capabilities and international performance", Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol 3, pp223-243
    • C. Moorman, Z. G. Voss, G. B. Voss, "An empirical examination of the complex relationships between entrepreneurial orientation and stakeholder support", European Journal of Marketing, Vol 39, n°9/10, pp1132-1150
    • Dean A. Shepherd, Johan Wiklund, "Entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance: a configurational approach", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 20, n°1, pp71-91
  • 2006,
    • R. A. Ainuddin, S. H. Junit, J. M. L. Poon, "Effects of self-concept traits and entrepreneurial orientation of firm performance", International Small Business Journal, 24(1), pp61-82
    • M. Auer, T. Ritter, A. Walter, "The impact of network capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation on university spin-off performance", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 21, pp541-567
    • I. H. Chow, "The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in China", Advanced Management Journal, 71(3), pp11-20
    • J. G. Covin, K. Green, D. P. Slevin, "Strategic process effects on the entrepreneurial orientation-sales growth rate relationship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(1), pp57-81
  • 2007,
    • C.-N. Chen, L.-C. Tzeng, W.-M. Ou, K.-T. Chang, "The Relationship among Social Capital, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Resources and Entrepreneurial Performance for New Ventures", Contemporary Management Research, Vol 3, pp213-232
    • J. Christofor, T. Kollmann, A. Kuckertz, "Explaining individual entrepreneurial orientation: conceptualisation of a cross-cultural research framework", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol 4, n°3, pp325–340
    • M. Hughes, R. E. Morgan, "Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance at the embryonic stage of firm growth", Industrial Marketing Management, 36(5), pp651-661
    • H. T. Keh, H. P. Ng, T. T. M. Nguyen, "The effects of entrepreneurial orientation and marketing information on the performance of SMEs", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 22, pp592–611
    • B. Munir Sukoco, L. Tien-Shang Lee, "The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Knowledge Management Capability on Organizational Effectiveness in Taïwan : The Moderating Role of Social Capital”, International Journal of Management, vol 24, n°3, septembre, pp549-572
    • F. K. Schlosser, W. Todorovic, “An Entrepreneur and a Leader!: A Framework Conceptualizing the Influence of Leadership Style on a Firm's Entrepreneurial Orientation - Performance Relationship”, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol 20, n°3, pp289-308
  • 2008,
    • J. Covin, K. Green, D. Slevin, "Exploring the relationship between strategic reactiveness and entrepreneurial orientation: The role of structure-style fit", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 23, pp356-383
    • C. Droge, R. Runyan, J. Swinney, "Entrepreneurial Orientation versus Small Business Orientation: What are Their Relationships to Firm Performance?”, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 46, n°4, pp567-588
    • F. Kropp, N. J. Lindsay, A. Shoham, "Entrepreneurial orientation and international entrepreneurial business venture startup"; International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 14(2), pp102–117
    • Y. Li, Y. Liu, J. Tan, Y. Zhou, "Moderating Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Market Orientation-Performance Linkage: Evidence from Chinese Small Firms", Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 46, pp113-133
    • A. M. Moreno, J. C. Casillas, “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Growth of SMEs: A Causal Model”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 32, n°3, pp507-528
    • C. L. Wang, "Entrepreneurial orientation, learning orientation, and firm performance", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(4), pp635-657
    • C-W. Yang, “The Relationships Among Leadership Styles, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Business Performance”, Managing Global Transitions, Vol 6, n°3, pp257-275
  • 2009,
    • B. S. Anderson, J. G. Covin, D. P. Slevin, "Understanding the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and strategic learning capability: An empirical investigation", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 3, n°3, pp218–240
    • Sinem Aykol, Guulruh Guurbuuz, "Entrepreneurial management, entrepreneurial orientation and Turkish small firm growth", Management Research News, Vol 32, n°4, pp321-336
    • W. Baker, J. Sinkula, "The Complementary Effects of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Profitability in Small Businesses", Journal of Small Business Management, Vol 47, pp443-464
    • Olivier Basso, Véronique Bouchard, Alain Fayolle, "L’orientation entrepreneuriale : Histoire de la formation d’un concept", Revue Française de Gestion, Vol 5, n°195, juin/juillet, pp175-192
    • M. Frese, G. T. Lumpkin, A. Rauch, Johan Wiklund, “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance: An Assessment of Past Research and Suggestions for the Future”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 33, n°3, pp761-787
    • S. M. Lee, S. Lim, "Entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of service business", Journal of Service Business, Vol 3, pp1–13

De 2010 à 2019

  • 2010,
    • J. Andersén, "A critical examination of the EO performance relationship", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 16(4), pp309-328
    • O. Basso, V. Bouchard, A. Fayolle, "Three levels of culture and firms’ entrepreneurial orientation: A research agenda", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(7–8), pp707–730
    • F. M. Fairoz, T. Hirobumi, Y. Tanaka, “Entrepreneurial Orientataion and Business Perfromance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises of Hambantota District Sri Lanka”, Asian Social Science, Vol 6, n°3, pp34-46
    • J. J. Ferreira, F. A. Ferreira, M. F. Lages, C. S. Marques, "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Motivation to Start Up a Business: Evidence from the Health Service Industry", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 9 (1), pp77–94
    • L. Gundry, T. Iakovleva, J. Kickul, J. Liao, "Firm Resources, Opportunity Recognition, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: The Case of Russian Women-Led Family Businesses", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol 12, pp52–69
    • Henri Hakala, Marko Kohtamäki, "The interplay between orientations: entrepreneurial, technology and customer orientations in software companies", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 18, n°3, September, pp265–290
    • A. Kessler, M. Fink, H. Frank, "Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance – a replication study", Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol 62, pp175–198
  • 2011,
    • L. Altinay, C. L. Wang, "The influence of an entrepreneur’s socio-cultural characteristics on the entrepreneurial orientation of small firms", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18(4), pp673–694
    • F. sh. Ahmad, Gh. Hussain, M. H. Mohd Osman, M. A. Rashid, "Entrepreneurial orientation: an overview of theory and insinuations for women owned SMBs to model business performance in developing countries", Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(3), pp283– 298
    • J. G. Covin, G. T. Lumpkin, "Entrepreneurial orientation theory and research: reflections on a needed construct", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 35, n°5, pp855–872
    • A. E. Davis, F. Eggers, D. J. Hansen, "Examining the relationship between customer and entrepreneurial orientation on nascent firms’ marketing strategy", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 8(2), pp203–222
    • Soo Hoon Lee, Long Bo Chen, Yuan Li, Yongbin Zhao, "Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning, and Performance: Evidence From China", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 35, n°2, March, pp293–317
    • D. Miller, "Miller (1983) revisited: a reflection on EO research and some suggestions for the future", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 35, n°5, pp873–894
    • D. P. Slevin, S. A. Terjesen, "Entrepreneurial orientation: reviewing three papers and implications for further theoretical and methodological development", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 35, n°5, pp973–987
    • Ilhami Yucel, "Entrepreneurial orientation, Executives’ Individualism and Firm Performance: the Moderating Role of Executives’ Individualism ", Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, Vol 5, n°3, December, pp63-77
  • 2012,
    • S. Ali, R. Jain, "Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Orientation in Indian Enterprises: An Empirical Study", South Asian Journal of Management, 19(3), pp 86-122
    • L. Altinay, C. L. Wang, "Social embeddedness, entrepreneurial orientation and firm growth in ethnic minority small businesses in the UK", International Small Business Journal, Vol 30, n°1, pp3–23
    • John W. Cadogan, Olli Kuivalainen, Kalevi Kyläheiko, Sanna Sundqvist, "Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurial-oriented behavior in turbulent export markets", International Marketing Review, Vol 29, n°2, pp203-219
    • I. Chaston, E. Sadler‐Smith, "Entrepreneurial Cognition, Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Capability in the Creative Industries", British Journal of Management, 23(3), pp415–432
    • M. D. Lane, D. Langkamp-Bolton, "Individual entrepreneurial orientation: development of a measurement instrument", Education+Training, Vol 54, n°2/3, pp219–233
  • 2013,
    • B. S. Anderson, Y. Eshima, "The influence of firm age and intangible resources on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm growth among Japanese SMEs”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 28, n°3, pp413-429
    • M. Arief, A. Thoyb, A. Sudiro, "The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the firm performance through strategic flexibility: A study on the SMEs cluster in Malang", Journal of Management Research, 5(3).
    • N. Boso, J. W. Cadogan, V. M. Story, "Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, network ties, and performance: study of entrepreneurial firms in a developing economy”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 28, n°6, pp708-727
    • S. Gerschewski, V. J. Lindsay, E. Rose, "Advancing the entrepreneurial orientation construct: The role of passion and perseverance", Review of International Business and Strategy, 26(4), pp446–471
    • V. K. Gupta, F. T. Mousa, W. J. Wales, "Empirical Research on Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Assessment and Suggestions for Future Research", International Small Business Journal, Vol 31, pp357–383
    • J. J. Jansen, F. A. Van den Bosch, S. Van Doorn, H. W. Volberda, "Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: drawing attention to the senior team", Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(5), pp821–836
    • O. M. Karatepe, "The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Innovation and Competitive Marketing Advantage of Female Entrepreneurs in Egypt", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol 25, pp614–634
    • J. G. Messersmith, W. J. Wales, "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance in Young Firms: The Role of Human Resource management", International Small Business Journal, 31(2), pp115-136
  • 2014,
    • David Y. Choi, Chang Soo Sung, Daeeop Kim, Woo Jin Lee, "Do entrepreneurial companies make good corporate citizens? Exploring the relationships between entrepreneur orientation, market orientation, and corporate citizenship", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 22, n°1, March, pp1–25
    • J. G. Covin, D. Miller, "International entrepreneurial orientation: conceptual considerations, research themes, measurement issues, and future research directions", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 38, n°1, pp11–44
    • T. S. Mthanti, B. Urban, "Effectuation and entrepreneurial orientation in high-technology firms", Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol 262, pp121-133
    • Angelo Riviezzo, "Detecting the Determinant Attributes of Entrepreneurial Orientation within the Italian University Departments", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 22, n°2, June, pp133–159
  • 2015,
    • B. S. Anderson, P. N. Kreiser, Donald Kuratko, J. S. Hornsby, Y. Eshima, "Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurial Orientation", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 36, n°10, pp1579-1596
    • A. M. Bojica, M. D. M. Fuentes-Fuentes, M. Ruiz-Arroyo, "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Knowledge Acquisition: Effects on Performance in the Specific Context of Women-Owned Firms", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol 11, pp695–717
    • S. Dixit, S. Moid, "The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Entrepreneurial Orientation of Enterprises Owned by Women Entrepreneur", FIIB Business Review, Vol 4, pp9–19
    • Dean Shepherd, M. T. Wolfe, "'Bouncing Back' from a loss: Entrepreneurial orientation, emotions, and failure narratives", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39(3), pp675–700
  • 2016, V. Añó Sanz, J. Crespo Hervás, F. Calabuig Moreno, J. Núñez-Pomar, V. Prado-Gascó, "Does size matter? Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Spanish sports firms", Journal of Business Research, 69(11), pp5336–5341
  • 2017,
    • H. M. Campos, "Impact of Entrepreneurial Passion on Entrepreneurial Orientation with the Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Alertness for Technology-Based Firms in Mexico", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24 (2), pp353–374
    • Valentin Dethou, Julien Husson, Christophe Schmidt, "Appréhender l’élu au prisme de l’orientation entrepreneuriale", Entreprendre & Innover, Vol 32, n°1, pp66-76
    • João Pedro Couto, Duarte Pimentel, Marc Scholten, "Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Firms: Looking at a European Outermost Region", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol 25, n°4, December, pp441–460
    • J. M. Kensbock, T. Kollmann, C. Stöckmann, Y. Meves, "When Members of Entrepreneurial Teams Differ: Linking Diversity in Individual-Level Entrepreneurial Orientation to Team Performance", Small Business Economics, Vol 48, pp843–859
    • Norris Krueger, Fiona Sussan, "Person-level entrepreneurial orientation: clues to the ‘entrepreneurial mindset’?", International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol 18, n°3, pp382-395
    • G. Lauto, D. Pittino, F. Visintin, "A Configurational Analysis of the Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Orientation", European Management Journal, Vol 35, pp224–237
  • 2019,
    • J. G. Covin, W. J. Wales, "Crafting High-Impact Entrepreneurial Orientation Research: Some Suggested Guidelines", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol 43, pp3–18
    • J. K. Sharma Leihaothabam, C. Ungwansupaphan, "Entrepreneurial Orientation, Performance and the Moderating Role of Institutional Capital: A Case Study of Female Entrepreneurs in Thailand", Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol 24, pp1–20

De 2020 à 2023

  • 2020, B. S. Anderson, P. M. Kreiser, Donald Kuratko, L. D. Marino, "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Environmental Hostility: A Threat Rigidity Perspective", Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol 44, n°6, pp1174–1198
  • 2022, Dirk De Clercq, Eugene Kaciak, Narongsak Thongpapanl, "Tacking into the Wind: How Women Entrepreneurs can Sail Through Family-to-Work Conflict to Ensure their Firms’ Entrepreneurial Orientation", Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Vol 12, n°3, pp263-298

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