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Norman Barry (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Norman Barry, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1976 à 1979
- 1976,
- a. "Hayek's social philosophy", Bankers' Magazine
- b. A political economy of housing. CBI Review
- 1977, Milton Friedman's free market politics I. Cambridge Review
- 1978,
- a. Milton Friedman's free market politics II. Cambridge Review
- b. Labour and the constitution. Contemporary Review
- c. The paradox of liberty. Crossbow
- 1979,
- a. "Hayek’s social and economic philosophy", Londres, MacMillan
- b. "Milton Friedman and liberty", New Humanist
De 1980 à 1984
- 1980, A defence of Liberalism against politics, Indian Journal of Political Science
- 1981,
- a. Austrian Economists on Money and Society, National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review (May), pp20-31
- b. "An introduction to modern political theory", Macmillan
- c. "Restating the liberal order", In: G. Locksley, J. Shackleton, dir., "Twelve contemporary economists", Macmillan
- 1982,
- a. The Tradition of Spontaneous Order, n°5, Literature of Liberty, summer, pp1-58
- repris en 2005, "The tradition of spontaneous order: Bibliographical essay", Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund
- Traduction en espagnol en 1997, "La Tradición del Orden Espontáneo", Laissez-Faire, n°6, mars, pp1-43
- b. "The changing face of Socialism", Contemporary Review
- a. The Tradition of Spontaneous Order, n°5, Literature of Liberty, summer, pp1-58
- 1983,
- a. "The Political Economy of Higher Education: An 'Austrian' Analysis", Economic Affairs, vol 3, n°4, pp235-241
- b. "Essays on H.L.A. Hart, R. Dworkin, I. Berlin and L.C. Robbins", In: J. Devine, dir., "Thinkers of the Twentieth Century"
- c. "The new Liberalism", British Journal of Political Science, January, vol 13, n°1, pp93-123
- d. "The welfare state and welfarism", New Humanist
- 1984,
- a. "The ‘Austrian’ Perspective", In: David K. Whynes, dir., "What Is Political Economy? Eight Perspectives", New York: Blackwell, 33-58
- b. avec J. Burton et al., dir., "Hayek’s ‘Serfdom’ Revisited: Essays by Economists, Philosophers and Political Scientists on ‘The Road to Serfdom After 40 Years", Institute for Economic Affairs. Hobart paperback
- c. "Austrian Challenge to Orthodoxy", Economic Affairs, Vol 4, n°3, pp57-61
- d. "Hayek on Liberty", In: Z. Pelczinski et John Gray, dir., "Conceptions of liberty in political philosophy", Ch 12, London: Athlone, pp263-288
- e. "Ideas versus interests: the classical liberal dilemma", In: Arthur Seldon, dir., "Hayek's `Serfdom' Revisited", The Institute of Economic Affairs, London, pp43-64
- f. "Is there a road to serfdom?", Government and Opposition, 19(1), pp52–67
- g. "Unanimity, Agreement, and Liberalism. A Critique of James Buchanan’s Social Philosophy", Political Theory, Vol 12, n°4, pp579-596
- h. "The economics and philosophy of Socialism", Il Politico
De 1985 à 1989
- 1985,
- a. No just distribution of property rights. Economic Affairs
- b. Pensions explosion after 1999. Economic Affairs
- c. In defence of the invisible hand, Cato Journal, Vol 5, n°1, spring/summer
- d. "The State, pensions and the philosophy of welfare", Journal of Social Policy, October, vol 14, n°4, pp467-490
- 1986,
- a. avec Alan T. Peacock, The political economy of pension provision, David Hume Institute
- b. James Buchanan: Nobel prize for economic science. Times Higher Education Supplement
- c. The concept of nature in Liberal political thought, Journal of Libertarian Studies
- d. Commentaire du livre de John Gray, Hayek on Liberty, History of Political Thought
- e. Commentaire du livre de Gordon Tullock, Economics of Wealth and Poverty, Economic Journal
- f. Market Morality, Times Higher Education Supplement
- g. Commentaire du livre de R. Scruton, Sexual Desire: A Philosophical Investigation, Journal of Applied Philosophy
- h. Collective Action and Individual Choice, Times Higher Education Supplement
- i. "On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism", New York: St. Martin's Press
- j. "Robert Nozick and the Minimal State", In: Norman Barry, "On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism", New York: St. Martin's Press, pp132-160
- 1987,
- a. "The new Right", London: Croom Helm & New York: Methuen
- Traduction en turc en 1989
- b. Understanding the Market, In: M. Loney, dir., The Market or the state, Sage
- c. Whither classical liberalism? Economic Affairs
- d. A celebration of Hayek. Economic Affairs
- e. Conservatism and liberalism: an uneasy alliance. Dialogue
- f. Commentaire du livre de D. Harris, Justifying State Welfare, Times Higher Education Supplement
- g. Commentaire du livre de Charles K. Rowley et al., Debt, Times Higher Education Supplement
- h. Commentaire du livre de D. Harris, Defending State Welfare, Times Higher Education Supplement
- a. "The new Right", London: Croom Helm & New York: Methuen
- 1988,
- a. The invisible hand in economics and politics, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- b. Classical Theory of Law, Cornell Law Review
- c. Classical Liberalism and public policy, Il Politico
- d. Righting Britain's constitution. CIS Policy Report
- e. An individualist's perspective on marriage and the family, CIS Policy Report
- f. Mrs Thatcher's third term, CIS Policy Report
- g. Business ethics, Business Studies
- h. Commentaire du livre de D. Lloyd Thomas, In Defence of Liberalism, Times Higher Education Supplement
- i. "End-States and Processes: Two Conflicting Explanations of Society", Institute of Economic Affairs, London
- 1989,
- a. The Liberal Constitution: Rational Design or Evolution?, Critical Review, Vol 3, pp267–82
- b. Political and Economic Thought of German Neo-Liberals, In: Alan Peacock et Hans Willgerodt, dir., German Neo-Liberals and the Social Market Economy, Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp105-124
- c. The crisis in law centre for independent studies, Sydney
- d. Ideas and interests: the problem reconsidered, In: Andrew Gamble, dir., Ideas, interests and consequences, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- e. Hayek, In: Waterstone's Social Sciences Catalogue
- f. The philosophy of welfare. Biblioteca della Libertà
- g. "Varieties of Liberalism", Government and Opposition, Vol 24, n°3, pp357-362
- h. The State and legitimacy, Philosophy Supplementary Volume
- i. Are there any welfare rights?, Policy
- j. Commentaire du livre de A. Phelps-Brown, The Generation of Inequality, Times Higher Education Supplement
De 1990 à 1994
- 1990,
- a. "Welfare", Open University Press
- b. avec R. Plant, Citizenship and rights in Thatcher's Britain, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- c. Ideology, In: A. Gamble, dir., Developments in British politics 3, Macmillan
- d. "Adam Smith and the Ethics of Capitalism", In: Nicholas Elliott, dir., "Adam Smith's Legacy. His thought in our time", Londres: Adam Smith Institute, ISBN 1870109848, pp121-134
- e. The philosophy of the welfare state. Critical Review
- f. “The liberal constitution: rational design or evolution?”, Critical Review, Vol 3, pp267-282
- a. "Introduction", In: Sudha Shenoy, dir., "Economic Freedom, the Institute of masters of modern economics series", London, Basil Blackwell. ppvii-xii
- b. "The morality of business enterprise", Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press
- Traduction en suédois en 1994
- c. "Ideas versus interests: the problem revisited", In: A. Gamble, "Ideas versus interests", London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- d. "Austrian economics: a dissent from orthodoxy", In: D. Greenaway, M. Bleaney, I. Stuart, dir., "A companion to contemporary economic thought", London: Routledge
- e. "Commentary. The Significance of Austrian Economists in Twentieth-Century Economic Thought by Richard Ebeling", In: Richard Ebeling, dir., "Austrian economics: Perspectives on the past and prospects for the future", Vol 17 (Champions of Freedom series), Hillsdale, MI: Hillsdale College Press, pp45-58
- f. "Anarchism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- g. "Austrian Economics", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- h. "Authority", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- i. "British conservatism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- j. "Capitalism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- k. "Conservatism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- l. "Constitution", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- m. "Democracy", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- n. "Individualism", In: Nigel Ashford, Steve Davies, dir., "A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought", New York: Routledge
- a. "Subjectivism, catallactics and the foundations of economic order", In: J. Lee Auspitz, dir., Praxiologies and the philosophy of economics, New Brunswick: Transaction Books
- b. Liberty and welfare, Politics
- c. Commentaire du livre de W. Rees Mogg et J. Dale Davidson, The Great Reckoning, Times Literary Supplement
- d. "The Social Market Economy", Social Philosophy, vol 10
- 1993,
- a. "The Corporation: An Individualist’s Perspective", Journal des économistes et des études humaines: A Bilingual Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol 4, (2/3), pp339-358
- b. "The new Right and provision for the elderly", In: N. Ashford et G. Jordan, dir., "Public policy and the new Right", London: Pinter
- c. "The Social Market Economy", Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol 10, n°2, Summer, pp1-25 (coordination du numéro par Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul "Liberalism and the Economic Order")
- 1994,
- a. The Road to Freedom—Hayek’s Social and Economic Philosophy, In: Jack Birner et Rudy Van Zijp, dir., Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution; His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas, London & New York, N.Y.: Routledge, pp141-163
- b. The case for independent universities, University of Buckingham Press
- c. Witchcraft and insider dealing, In: H. Macqueen, dir., Insider dealing, Edinburgh: David Hume Institute
- d. Sovereignty, the Rule of Recognition and Constitutional Stability in Britain, Hume Papers on Public Policy, vol 2, p19
- e. The riddle of the social market, Policy
- f. The Market, liberty and the regulatory state, Economic Affairs
- g. Market, state and welfare, Filozofia
De 1995 à 1999
- 1995,
- a. Theory of Social order, Il Politico, 60, pp557-581
- b. What moral constraints for business? In: Samuel Brittan et A. Hamlin, dir., Market capitalism and moral values, Aldershot: Elgar
- c. Hume, Smith and Rousseau and Liberty, In: R. Wokler, dir., Rousseau on liberty, Manchester: Manchester University Press
- d. Friedman, In: V. George et R. Page, dir., Modern thinkers on welfare, London: Prentice Hall
- e. "Rothbard: liberty, economy and state", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, March, Vol 6, n°1, pp105-119
- 1996,
- a. Classical liberalism in the age of Post-Communism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- b. Insider dealing, London: Foundation for Business Responsibilities
- c. Liberalism, In: A. et J. Kuper, dir., The social science encyclopedia, London: Routledge
- d. Herbert Hart: the concept of law, In: M. Forsyth et M. Keens-Soper, dir., The political classics, London: Oxford University Press
- e. Economic liberalism, ethics and the social market, In: John Meadowcroft, dir., The liberal tradition: contemporary reappraisals, Aldershot: Elgar
- f. Justice and liberty in marriage and divorce, In: R. Whelan, dir., Just a piece of paper, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- g. Rational barbarians: innovators of the corporate world, In: N. Kuenssberg et G. Lomas, dir., The David Hume Institute: the first decade, Edinburgh: the David Hume Institute
- h. "Murray Rothbard: the unended quest for liberty", Policy Magazine, Autumn, pp37-42
- i. "Hayek's theory of social order", Il Politico
- j. Commentaire du livre de Samuel Brittan, "Capitalism with a Human Face", Economic Affairs
- k. Commentaire du livre de F. Fukuyama, Trust, Economic Affairs
- 1997,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Steve Fleetwood, Hayek’s Political Economy: The Socio-Economics of Order, London Routledge, The Independent Review, Volume 2, Number 2, Fall
- b. Business, ethics and the market economy, Wellington: New Zealand Business Roundtable
- c. The market, religion morality and the State, In: Mustafa Erdogan, dir., Liberal dusunce toplulugu, Ankara
- d. Welfare policies, In: R. Chadwick, dir., Encyclopedia of applied ethics, San Diego: Academic Press
- e. The political economy of Edmund Burke, In: I. Crowe, dir., Edmund Burke: his life and legacy, Dublin: Four Courts
- f. Hayek's research programme, Economic Affairs
- g. "Conservative thought and the welfare state", Political Studies, Political Studies, vol 45, pp342-345
- h. Capitalism and Postcommunism, The Locke Luminary
- i. Commentaire du livre de M. Griffiths et J. Lucas, Ethical Economics ('Whose Money is It'?), Times Literary Supplement, June 20th
- 1998,
- a. "Business Ethics", London: Macmillan
- Nouvelle édition en 2000, |https://archive.org/details/businessethics0000barr/page/n5/mode/1up "Business Ethics"], West Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue University Press
- b. Limited government, individual liberty and the rule of law (selected works of Arthur Shenfield). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- c. Charles Taylor on Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition, In: G. Carey et B. Frohnen, dir., Community and tradition, New York: Rowman and Littlefield
- d. Economism, civil society and welfare, In: M. James, dir., Exploring civil society, Wellington: New Zealand Business Roundtable
- e. Government and business ethics, In: I. Jones et M. Pollit, dir., The role of business ethics in economic performance, London: Macmillan
- f. Epstein's profound simplicity, Constitutional Political Economy
- g. Capitalism after the fall of communism, Politics
- a. "Business Ethics", London: Macmillan
- 1999,
- a. Anglo-American Capitalism and the Ethics of Business, Wellington: New Zealand Business Roundtable
- b. Birey, Cemaat, Piyasa. Ankara: Liberte Yayinlari
- c. Respectable trade forthcoming. Adam Smith Institute
- d. Neoclassicism, the new Right and British social welfare, In: R. Page et R. Silburn, dir., British social welfare in the Twentieth Century, London: Macmillan
- e. Business ethics, communitarianism and the social market: new challenges to capitalism, In: R. Piekarski, dir., Cnoty Polityczne- dawnie i obcenie. Gdansk
- f. Hayek's theory of law, Journal des Economistes et des Études Humaine
- g. There's no Philadephia in Europe, The Freeman, February
- h. Shakespeare in love, Absolute Marbella, March
- i. Freedom and morality in the plays of Tom Stoppard, The Freeman, August
- j. Germany and the third way, The Freeman, November
- k. Commentaire du livre de Samuel Brittan, Essays: Moral, Political and Economic, Economic Affairs
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- a. Controversy: Do Corporations Have Any Responsibility Beyond Making a Profit?, Journal of Markets and Morality 3 (1): 100-107
- b. The Logic and Morality of Takeovers, Ideas on Liberty, Vol 50, July, pp33–37
- c. Constitutional Protection of Economic Liberty, The Freeman, November, Vol 50, n°11
- d. 'Reason and the Explanation of Social Order'. A Comment on Warren Samuels, 'An Essay on the Unmagic of Norms and Rules and of Markets', Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 10, n°2-3, juin
- 2001,
- a. Great Britain Finally Makes It to the Eighteenth Century. A Discussion of the Human Rights Act of 2000, The Freeman, February, Vol 51, n°2
- b. "The Never-Ending Welfare Debate. Is PRWORA Really Revolutionary?, The Freeman, Mars, Vol 51, n°3
- c. Harmony from Liberty, The Freeman, Juin, Vol 51, n°6
- c. A Classical Liberal’s Conception of Political Liberty: America and Europe Compared, The European Journal, vol 9, n°3, pp13–16
- d. "Phony Marketeers. The Record of Conservative Free Marketeers after the Fall of Communism Is a Sorry One", The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 51, n°9
- e. The Never-Ending Welfare Debate. Is PRWORA Really Revolutionary?, The Freeman, March, Vol 51, n°3
- f. Great Britain Finally Makes It to the Eighteenth Century. A Discussion of the Human Rights Act of 2000, The Freeman, February, Vol 51, n°2
- g. "Frédéric Bastiat: The Economics and Philosophy of Freedom", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 11, n°2-3, juin
- h. "Privatising university education", In: James Tooley, dir., "Buckingham at 25. Freeing the Universities from State Control", London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp211-227
- 2002,
- a. The Stakeholder Concept of Corporate Control is Illogical and Impractical, The Independent Review, Vol. 6, n°4, pp541–554
- b. The Right Morality for Capitalism, The Freeman, December, Vol 52, n°12
- c. After that, Ideas on Liberty, June, Vol 52, n°6
- d. A new old American concept of political liberty, Ideas on Liberty, March, Vol 52, n°3
- e. Dworkin’s Unbounded Legalism, Ideas on Liberty, November, Vol 52, n°11
- f. Profit: a dirty word?, The Parliamentary Monitor, July
- g. 'What capitalism needs is a new Gordon Gecko', The Business, September
- 2003,
- a. The Theory of the Corporation, Ideas on Liberty, March, pp22–26
- b. What’s So Good About Democracy?, It Is Almost Impossible to Design a System That Produces "The People's" Verdict, The Freeman, May, Vol 53, n°5, pp44–48
- c. Pensions: A Wordwide, But Avoidable Crisis, The Freeman, October, Vol 53, n°10
- d. The Loss of a Scholar: Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, The Freeman, September, Vol 53, n°9
- e. Law and Property: The Best Hope for Liberty?, The Freeman, July, Vol 53, n°7
- f. The Theory of Corporation, The Freeman, March
- g. Germany must rediscover the market, The Financial Times, Thursday 23rd January
- h. A European constitution?, Salisbury Review, Summer
- i. Conservative classics: Karl Popper's 'The Open Society and Its Enemies', Salisbury Review, Autumn
- j. "The origins of liberty and the market: the work of Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson (1909-2003)"; Economic Affairs 23(3), September, p42
- k. Rights of birth and choice, Salisbury Review, Winter
- 2004,
- a. Political Morality as Convention, Social Philosophy and Policy, vol 21, n°1, pp266–292
- b. "The European Constitution: A Requiem? The Constitution-Makers Are Unlikely to Succeed", The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 54, n°8
- c. The rationale of the minimal state, In: A. Gamble & T. Wright, dir., Restating the State? (Political Quarterly Special Issue) Oxford: Blackwell, pp11-23
- d. Property rights in common and civil law, In: Enrico Colombatto, dir., The Elgar companion to the economics of property rights, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, ch.8
- e. Constitutionalism, Federalism and the European Union, Economic Affairs, March, pp5–10
- f. Estonia Moves to Liberty, The Freeman, May, Vol 54, n°5
- g. The hidden menace of morality. Salisbury Review, Spring
- h. Constitutionalism, federalism and the European Union. Economic Affairs, 24(1), March, pp11-16
- i. Constitutional deliberations over Europe, Economic Affairs, 24(1), March, pp2-4
- j. 21C inc: the limited liability corporation in the twenty-first century, Business Strategy Review, 15(4), December, pp52-56
De 2005 à 2009
- 2005,
- a. "Capitalism: Still on Trial". Market Mechanisms Remain the Best Protection Against Corporate Fraud", The Freeman, March, Vol 55, n°2
- b. "New Labour’s Persistent Retreat from the Free Market", The Freeman, Décembre, Vol 55, n°10
- c. "Thatcher's Conservatism: a hypothesis", In: J. Clarke & S. Roy, dir., "Margaret Thatcher's revolution", London: Continuum
- d. "The new right, In: K. Hickson", dir., The political thought of the Conservative Party since 1945, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp28-50
- e. Capitalism - the threat from within. Risk of Freedom Briefing 22, January
- f. "What Kind of Conservatism?", In: Subroto Roy and John Clarke, dir., "Margaret Thatcher's Revolution", New York: Continuity Books
- 2006,
- a. "Arthur Seldon’s Contribution to Freedom", The Freeman, Vol 56, n°3, April, pp32-33 [lire en ligne]
- b. "Japan, Germany, and the End of the Third Way", The Freeman, Vol 56, n°4, May, pp20-23
- c. "The Passing of a Libertarian Activist: Chris Tame (1949-2006)", The Freeman, September, Vol 56, n°7
- d. "The de-Thatcherisation of Britain", Freedom Today, March / April
- a. "The Americanization of Japan", The Freeman, May, Vol 57, n°4, pp32-33 (L'auteur explique que des changements dans les pratiques commerciales japonaises renouvellent son économie.)
- b. "Europe: Still a Laggard Economy. Europe's Social-Democratic Outlook Hampers Its Recovery", The Freeman, Mars, Vol 57, n°2
- c. "Sir Samuel Brittan", In: D. Brack, E. Randall, dir., "Dictionary of liberal thought", London: Politico's Publishing
- d. "The concept of a free society", Il Dusunce [Turkey], Vol 13, June, pp115-126
- a. "Economic rights", In: Stephen F. Copp, dir., "The Legal Foundations of Free Markets", London:Institute for Economic Affairs, pp127-139
- b. "Rule of law", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp445-447
- c. "Spontaneous order", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp485-488
De 2010 à 2014
- 2010, "A Tourist’s Guide to Liberty", In: Walter Block, dir., I chose Liberty. Autobiographies of contemporary Libertarians, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, Ch4, pp17-23
- 2014, avec Roger Garrison, dir., "Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics", Edward Elgar, ISBN 9780857931108 ISBN 0857931105
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