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John N. Gray

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John N. Gray

Dates né en 1948
Nationalité Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
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John N. Gray est né le 7 avril 1948 à County Durham, dans le South Shields en Angleterre. C'est un philosophe politique et professseur de la pensée européenne à la London School of Economics. Ancien supporter de la nouvelle droite dans les années 80 puis de la Nouvelle gauche dans les années 90, John Gray refuse désormais le spectre politique conventionnel, droite / gauche, et le choix entre le conservatisme et la social-démocratie.


De 1976 à 1979

  • 1976, "John Stuart Mill and the Future of Liberalism", Contemporary Review, 220, September
  • 1978, Social Contract, Community and Ideology, In: Pierre Birnbaum, Jack Lively et Geraint Parry, dir., Democracy, Consensus & Social Contract, London and Beverly Hills: Sage Publications

De 1980 à 1989

  • 1981, "Hayek on Liberty, Rights and Justice", Ethics, 92, n°1
  • 1983, Mill on Liberty: A Defence, ISBN 0710092709
    • 2ème édition en 1996
  • 1984,
    • a. avec Zbigniew Pelczynski, "Conceptions of Liberty in Political Philosophy"
    • b. "Hayek on Liberty", Blackwell, Oxford-New York
      • 3ème édition en 1998, "Hayek on Liberty", Routledge
    • c. "The road to serfdom: Forty years on", In: Arthur Seldon, dir., "Hayek's `Serfdom' Revisited", The Institute of Economic Affairs, London, pp25-42
    • d. "Indirect Utility and Fundamental Rights", Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol 1, n°2, pp73–91
  • 1987,
    • a. "The Idea of a Spontaneous Order and the Unity of the Sciences", In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, Vol I, New York: Paragon House, ISBN: 0892260475
    • b. "The Economic Approach to Human Behavior: Its Prospects and Limitations", In: Gerard Radnitzky, Peter Bernholz, "Economic imperialism : the economic approach applied outside the field of economics", New York : Paragon House Publishers, pp33-50
  • 1988, "Hayek, the Scottish School, and Contemporary Economics", In: G. C. Winston & R. F. Teichraeber III (Dir.), The Boundaries of Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp53-70

De 1990 à 1999

  • 1991, avec G. W. Smith, Dir., Mill "On Liberty", In Focus, ISBN 0415010012
  • 1992,
    • a. "Oakeshott as a Liberal", Salisbury Review, January
    • b. "The Moral Foundations of Market Institutions", Choice in Welfare, n°10, London: Institute of Economic Affairs, Health and Welfare Unit
  • 1993,
    • a. "Beyond the New Right: Markets, Government and the Common Environment", ISBN 0415092973
    • b. "Post-liberalism: Studies in Political Thought", London: Routledge, ISBN 0415135532
    • c. "From Post-Communism to Civil Society: The Reemergence of History and the Decline of the Western Model", Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol 10, n°2, Summer, pp26-50 (coordination du numéro par Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul "Liberalism and the Economic Order")
  • 1994,
    • a. Are You Saved, National Review, mars 21, pp61-64
    • b. Hayek, Spontaneous Order and the Post-Communist Societies in Transition, In: Christoph Frei et Robert Nef, dir., Contending with Hayek. On Liberalism, Spontaneous Order and the Post-Communist Societies in Transition, Bern: Peter Lang
  • 1995,
    • a. "Enlightenment's Wake: Politics and Culture at the Close of the Modern Age", ISBN 0415163358
    • b. "Isaiah Berlin", London: Fontana Press
  • 1996, After Social Democracy: Politics, Capitalism and the Common Life
  • 1997, Endgames: Questions in Late Modern Political Thought, ISBN 0745618820
  • 1998, "False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism", New York: New Press
  • Voltaire (1998). ISBN 0415923948
  • Two Faces of Liberalism (2000). ISBN 1565845897
  • 2002, Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals, ISBN 1862075123
  • Al Qaeda and What it Means to be Modern (2003). ISBN 1565848055.
  • Heresies: Against Progress and Other Illusions (2004). ISBN 1862077185
  • 2010,
    • a. critique du livre de Raymond Plant, The Neo-Liberal State, The New Statesman, Janvier
    • b. "Liberalisms: Essays in Political Philosophy", New York: Routledge
  • 2011, "Destination Unknown", Literary Review (Edinburgh), May, p4

Littérature secondaire

  • 1985,
    • Nick Bosanquet, commentaire du livre de John Gray, "Hayek on Liberty", Journal of Social Policy, vol 14, n°2, avril, pp249-250
    • Thomas Flanagan, commentaire du livre de John Gray, "Hayek on Liberty", Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, vol 18, n°2, juin, pp426-427
    • Arthur Shenfield, "The Consistency of Hayek’s Thought", commentaire du livre de John Gray, "Hayek on Liberty", The Intercollegiate Review, spring/summer, vol 20, n°2, pp67-71
  • 1987, Henri Lepage, "Comment on Gray's Text" (John N. Gray: "The Idea of a Spontaneous Order and the Unity of the Sciences"), In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, Vol I, New York: Paragon House, ISBN: 0892260475
  • 2007, John Horton et Glen Newey, dir., The Political Theory of John Gray. London: Routledge, ISBN 041536647X

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