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Gordon Tullock (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Gordon Tullock, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1954 à 1959
- 1954, avec Colin Campbell, Hyper-Inflation in China, 1937-40. Journal of Political Economy 62 (juin), pp237-45
- 1957,
- a. "Paper Money — A Cycle in Cathay", Economic History Review, Vol 9, n°3, Aug., pp393-407
- b. avec C. Campbell, Some Little Understood Aspects of Korea's Monetary and Fiscal System, American Economic Review 47 (juin), pp336-40
- Traduit en coréen, Seoul National University's Economic Journal
- c. Japanese Modernization and the West, Prod 1 (novembre), pp28-29.
- 1958, "Reply", American Economic Review 48 (septembre), pp661-62
- a. Publication Decisions and Tests of Significance: Comment, Journal of the American Statistical Association 54 (septembre), p593
- b. Korea, In: Collier's Encyclopedia Yearbook for the Year 1959, pp371-73
- c. "Problems of Majority Voting", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 67, décembre, pp57l-79
- Repris en 1969, In: Kenneth J. Arrow et Tibor Scitovsky, Dir., Readings in Welfare Economics, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.), pp169-78
- Traduit en italien en 1973, Problemi del voto a maggioranza, In: Francesco Forte et Gianfranco Mossetto, Dir., Economia del Benessere e Democrazia (Milano:Franco Angeli Editore), pp459-7l
- Repris In: Thomas Schwartz, Dir., Freedom and Authority: An Introduction to Political Philosophy (Encino, CA: Dickenson Publishing Co.)
- d. An Introduction to Logical Models, Prod 3, novembre, pp9 - 11
- e. The Sources of Union Gains, Research monograph, Thomas Jefferson Center for Political Economy, University of Virginia
- f. "Some problems of majority voting", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 67, n°6, pp571–579
- Repris en 1969, In: Kenneth J. Arrow, T. Scitovsky, dir., "Readings in welfare economics", London: George Allen and Unwin, pp169-178
De 1960 à 1969
- 1960,
- a. "Aphorisms for the Ambitious", American Behavioral Scientist, Vol 4, décembre, pp36-38
- b. commentaire du livre d'Albert Hirschman, "Exit, Voice, and Loyalty", Journal of Finance, Vol 25, December, pp1194–1195
- c. "Letters: Competitive Exclusion", Science, Vol 132, n°3419, p95
- 1961,
- a. The Historic Figure: Why Study Ignorance, American Behavioral Scientist, 5 (novembre), pp25-26
- b. Korea, In: Collier's Encyclopedia Yearbook for the Year 1960, pp351-54
- c. Reply to a Traditionalist, Journal of Political Economy, 69, avril, pp200-03
- d. An Economic Analysis of Political Choice, II Politico, 16, pp234-240
- e. Utility, Strategy, and Social Decision Rules: Comment, Quarterly Journal of Economics 75 (August), pp493-97
- f. Our `Other-Directed' Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy Bulletin 1 (novembre), pp 1 - 2
- g. A Practical Guide for the Ambitious Politician, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press
- 1962,
- a. avec James M. Buchanan, The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
- b. Entrepreneurial Politics. Research monograph #5 (Thomas Jefferson Center for Political Economy, University of Virginia, février)
- 1963, "Hobson's Imperialism", Modern Age, Vol 7, n°2, Spring, pp157-161
- 1965, "The Politics of Bureaucracy", Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press
- Repris en 2005, In: Charles K. Rowley, dir., "The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock: Vol 6: Bureaucracy", Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Fund, pp13–235
- 1966, The Organization of Inquiry. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
- 1967,
- a. The Welfare Costs of Tariffs, Monopolies, and Theft, Western Economic Journal, 5 (juin 1967): 224—32
- b. Toward a Mathematics of Politics, Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press
- c. The Economics of Slavery, Left and Right, Vol. 3, n°2, Spring-Summer, pp5-16
- 1968, “A Note on Censorship,” The American Political Science Review, 62 (4): 1265-1267
- 1969,
- a. The New Theory of Corporations, In: Erich Streissler, Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich Lutz et Fritz Machlup, eds, Roads to Freedom: Essays in honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek, New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp287-307
- b. “Federalism: Problems of Scale”, Public Choice, 6, Spring, pp19—30
- c. "An Economic Approach to Crime", Social Science Quarterly, Vol 50, pp551-579
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970, "Public Means, Private Wants", New York: Basic Books
- a. Logic of the Law. New York: Basic Books
- b. Public Decisions as Public Goods, Journal of Political Economy 79 (4): 913-18
- c. The Paradox of Revolution, Public Choice II (Fall 1971): 89-100
- d. The Coal Tit as a Careful Shopper, The American Naturalist 105 (janvier/février): 77–80
- e. The Cost of Transfers, Kyklos 24, pp629-643
- f. The Charity of the Uncharitable, Economic Inquiry, 9, décembre, pp379-392
- g. "Application of Economics in Biology", In: Floyd A. Harper, Henry Hazlitt, Leonard Read, Gustavo R. Velasco, Friedrich August von Hayek, dir., "Toward Liberty: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises", vol 2, Menlo Park: Institute for Humane Studies
- h. "Biological externalities", Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol 33, n°4, pp565–576
- a. dir, "Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy", Blacksburg, Va.: Center for Study of Public Choice
- b. Can You Fool All of the People All of the Time?: A Comment, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 4 (mai): 426-430
- c. The Edge of the Jungle, In: Explorations in the Theory of Anarchy, Gordon Tullock, Dir., Blacksburg, Va.: Center for the Study of Public Choice, pp65–75
- "The Charity of the Uncharitable", In: Armen Alchian, Dir., The Economics of Charity: Essays on the Comparative Economics and Ethics of Giving, with Application to Blood (London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- a. "The Social Dilemma: The Economics of War and Revolution", Blacksburg, VA: University Publications
- b. dir., "Further explorations in the Theory of Anarchy", Blacksburg, VA: University Publications
- c. "Corruption and Anarchy", In: Gordon Tullock, dir., "Further explorations in the Theory of Anarchy", Blacksburg, VA: University Publications, pp65-70
- a. Competing Monies, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 7 (Nov.): 491-497
- b. "The Transitional Gains Trap", Bell Journal of Economics, Vol 6, n°2, Autumn, pp671-678
- a. Competing Monies: A Reply, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 8, (Nov.), pp521-525
- b. The Vote Motive, Lansing, England: Institute for Economic Affairs
- c. "Science's feet of clay", In: William Breit, William O. Culbertson Jr., dir., "Science and Ceremony: The Institutional Economics of C. E. Ayres", Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, pp135-146
- a. "The Social Costs of reducing Social Costs", In: Garrett Hardin, John Baden, dir., "Managing the Commons", San Francisco: W. H. Freeman
- b. "What is to be done", In: Thomas E. Borcherding, dir., "Budgets and Bureaucrats: The Sources of Government Growth", Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, pp275-288
- 1978, avec Richard McKenzie, Modern Political Economy: An Introduction to Economics, New York: McGraw-Hill
- 1979,
- a. "Public Choice in Practice", In: Clifford S. Russel, dir., "Collective Decision Making", Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press
- b. "Courts as legislatures", In: Robert L. Cunningham, dir., "Liberty and the Rule of Law", College Station: Texas A&M University Press, pp132-145
De 1980 à 1989
- a. avec James Buchanan, Robert Tollison, dir., "Towards a Theory of the Rent Seeking Society", College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press
- b. "Efficient Rent Seeking", In: James M. Buchanan, Robert D. Tollison, Gordon Tullock, dir., "Toward a Theory of the Rent-Seeking Society", College Station: Texas A&M University Press, pp97-112
- c. Commentaire du livre dirigé par Vernon L. Smith, "Research in experimental economics", Public Choice, Vol 35, pp253–256
- a. "The Rhetoric and Reality of Redistribution", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 47, pp895–907
- b. avec Geoffrey Brennan, "Why so much stability", Public Choice, Vol 37, n°2, pp189–204
- "La fundamentación de la redistribución", ("La justification de la redistribution"), Estudios Públicos, Vol 6, pp153-163
- "Economics of Income Redistribution", Hingham, Mass.: Kluwer-Nijhoff
- a. "How to Do Well While Doing Good!", In: David C. Colander, dir., "Neoclassical Political Economy: The Analysis of Rent-Seeking and DUP Activities", Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Company, pp229-240
- Repris en 1999, In: Daniel B. Klein, dir., "What Do Economists Contribute?", New York: New York University Press, pp87-103
- b. "Comment: Taking by regulation: resolving the constitutional muddle", In: Richard B. McKenzie, dir., "Constitutional economics : containing the economic powers of government", Lexington, MA : Lexington books, pp183-186
- c. "Votación y Sistemas Electorales", ("Vote et systèmes électoraux"), Estudios Públicos, Vol 13, pp83-97 (Version abrégée de la conférence donnée au Centre d'études publiques le 18 décembre 1980)
- . “Adam Smith and the Prisoners’ Dilemma.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 100 (Suppl.): 1073–81
- Repris en 1997, In: Daniel B. Klein, Reputation: Studies in the Voluntary Elicitation of Good Conduct. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp21–28
- 1986, "Wanted: New public-choice theories", In: Martin J. Anderson, dir., "The unfinished agenda : essays on the political economy of government policy in honour of Arthur Seldon", London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp13-28
- a. Why the Austrians Are Wrong About Depressions, Review of Austrian Economics 2: 73-78
- b. The Calculus: Postscript after 25 Years, Cato Journal, 7, pp313-329
- c. "Autocracy", In: Gerard Radnitzky, Peter Bernholz, "Economic imperialism : the economic approach applied outside the field of economics", New York : Paragon House Publishers, pp365-382
- d. "Autocracy", Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
- e. "Biological applications of economics", In: J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, P. Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics", Vol 1, London: Macmillan, pp246–248
- avec Charles K. Rowley et Robert D. Tollison, The Political Economy of Rent Seeking, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- a. Reply to Comment by Joseph T. Salerno, Review of Austrian Economics 3: 147-49
- b. avec Kevin B. Grier, An Empirical Analysis of Cross-National Economic Growth, 1951-80, Journal of Monetary Economics 24, 2, septembre: 259-76
- c. The Economics of Special Privilege and Rent Seeking, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- d. "What is higher education?", In: Roger Meiners, Ryan C. Amacher, dir., "Federal Support of Higher Education: The Growing Challenge to Intellectual Freedom", New York: Professors World Peace Academy, pp337-346
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990, "Sociobiology and Economics", Atlantic Economic Journal, September
- Repris en 1995, In: G. M. Hodgson, dir., Economics and Biology, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England, Brookfield, USA
- 1991, "Duncan Black: The Founding Father", Public Choice, Vol 71, pp125-128
- 1993,
- a. "Thoughts on Private Roads", Ms. University of Arizona
- b. "Government spending", In David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp262-265
- 1994,
- a. La scelta federale, Milano, Franco Angeli
- b. Court errors, European Journal of Law and Economics, Volume 1, Number 1 / mars, pp9-21
- c. The New Federalist, Vancouver, B.C.: Fraser Institute
- d. "The economics of non-human societies", Tucson: Pallas Press
- e. "Introduction to Alan Peacock's “Welfare economics and public subsidies to the Arts”", Journal of Cultural Economics, June, Vol 18, pp149–150
- 1995,
- a. Thinking about thought, European Journal of Law and Economics, Volume 2, n°2, juin, pp119-125
- b. Government Growth, Taiwan Journal of Political Economy, 1:21–36
- c. avec Gordon Brady, dir., "Duncan Black: Selected Works of the Unpublished Legacy", Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press
- 1996,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Walter Block et Matthew Block, "Roads, Bridges, Sunlight and Private Property", Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, (7)4, pp589–592
- b. "Information without Profit", Papers on Non-Market Decision Making", Vol 1, n°1, pp141–159
- 1997, Civilized Ants, In: Libertarians and Liberalism. Essays in Honour of Gerard Radnitzky, Hardy Bouillon, dir., Suffolk, Gran Bretaña: Ipswich Book Company, pp319-329
- a. "On Voting: a Public Choice Approach", Chiltenham, Elgar
- a. "Mises and the dialog of science", Cato journal, Vol 19, n°2, pp215-228
- b. "Non-Prisoner’s Dilemma", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 39, n°3, pp455-458
- c. avec Michael D. Intriligator, Serguey Braguinsky, Jewell Ray Bowen, Hilton Root, "Role of Market Institutions in Pacific Rim Development and Transition", Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol 17, n°1, January, pp109-137
De 2000 à 2006
- 2002,
- a. avec Arthur Seldon, Gordon L. Brady, "Government failure: A primer on public choice", Washington, DC: The Cato Institute
- Traduction en italien en 2014, "I fallimenti dello Stato. Introduzione alla Public choice", Istituto Bruno Leoni Libri, Torino
- b. "The theory of Public Choice", In: Arthur Seldon, Gordon Tullock, Gordon L. Brady, "Government failure: A primer on public choice", Washington, DC: The Cato Institute, pp1-82
- a. avec Arthur Seldon, Gordon L. Brady, "Government failure: A primer on public choice", Washington, DC: The Cato Institute
- 2005,
- a. "Public Goods, Redistribution and Rent Seeking", Edward Elgar
- b. "The Austrian view of depressions", In: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "The Dynamics of Intervention: Regulation and Redistribution in the Mixed Economy" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp445-450
- 2006, avec Jeff R. Clark, L. S. Levy, "The Poverty of Politics: How Income Distribution Hurts the Poor", Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol 34, pp47-62
- 2012, Charles K. Rowley, Daniel Houser, "The life and times of Gordon Tullock", Public Choice, Vol 152, n°1-2, pp3-27
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