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Gerald O'Driscoll (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Gerald O'Driscoll, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1969 à 1979
- 1969, The Military-Industrial-University Complex, The Libertarian Forum, December 15, p3, [lire en ligne]
- 1972, avec Lyla O'Driscoll, "McGovern For President", The Libertarian Forum, October, Vol 4, n°10, p1,3
- 1975,
- a. The specialization gap and the Ricardo effect : comment on Ferguson, HOPE, 7, summer, pp261-269
- Repris en 1990, In Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments, John C. Wood and Ronald N. Woods, vol 2, London and New York, Routledge 1990, ch 47, pp239-247
- b. Hayek and Keynes : a retrospective assessment, Iowa State University working paper n20, Ames, Iowa
- a. The specialization gap and the Ricardo effect : comment on Ferguson, HOPE, 7, summer, pp261-269
- 1976,
- a. The American Express Case: Public Good or Monopoly?, 19, Journal of Law and Economics, pp163-175
- b. avec Sudha Shenoy, Inflation, Reflation and Recession, In: Edwin G. Dolan, ed., the Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, pp. 185-211, [lire en ligne]
- 1977,
- a. Spontaneous Order and the Coordination of Economic Activities, Journal of Libertarian Studies, 1, Spring, [lire en ligne]
- Repris en 1978, In Louis M. Spadaro, Dir., New Directions in Austrian Economics. Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McMeel Inc., pp111-142
- b. The Ricardian Nonequivalence Theorem, Journal of Political Economy, 85 (1), pp207-211
- c. Economics as a coordination problem : the contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek, Kansas City : Sheed Andrews and McNeal, [lire en ligne]
- d. Spontaneous order and the coordination of economic activities, Journal of libertarian studies, vol 1, n°2, pp137-151
- Repris en 1978, In: New Directions in Austrian Economics, Louis M. Spadaro, Dir., Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and McMeel, [lire en ligne]
- Repris en 1991, In: John C. Wood et Ronald N. Woods, dir., Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical assessments, vol 3, London and New York, Routledge, ch 51, pp18-41
- e. "Professor Banfield on Time Horizon: What Has he Taught us Ahout Crime?", In: Randy Barnett, John Hagel, dir., "Assessing the Criminal: Restitution, Retribution and the Legal Process", Ballinger, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp143-162
- a. Spontaneous Order and the Coordination of Economic Activities, Journal of Libertarian Studies, 1, Spring, [lire en ligne]
- 1979,
- a. dir., Adam Smith and Modern Political Economy: Bicentennial Essays on The Wealth of Nations, Ames: Iowa State University Press
- b. Rational expectations, Politics, and stagflation, In: Mario J. Rizzo, dir., Time, Uncertainty and disequilibrium,ed by Lexington Mass D.C Heath, pp153-176
- c. "Inflation, Stagflation and Politics", Policy reports, Vol 1, n°7, p1, pp3-5, p7
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980,
- a. "Frank A. Fetter and ‘Austrian’ Business Cycle Theory", History of Political Economy, 12(4), pp542–557
- b. Justice, Efficiency, and the Economic Analysis of Law: A Comment on Fried, The Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, Change in the Common Law: Legal and Economic Perspectives (Mar), pp355-366
- 1981,
- a. Knowing, expecting and theorizing, C.V Starr center for applied economics working paper n81-82, New York : New York university
- b. Commentaire du livre de Benjamin M. Friedman, New Challenges to the Role of Profit, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 89, n°2, avril, pp421-423
- 1982,
- a. avec Roman Frydman, Andrew Schotter, "Rational Expectations of Government Policy: An Application of Newcomb's Problem", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 49, n°2, Oct., pp311-319
- b. Monopoly in theory and practice, In: Israel Kirzner, dir., Method, Process, and Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises, Ch 16, Lexington (Mass): Lexington Books, pp189-214
- 1983, avec Eugenie D. Short, "Deregulation and Deposit Insurance", Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Economic review, Septembre
- 1984, Expectations and monetary regimes, Federal reserve bank of Dallas, Economic review, sept, pp1-12
- 1985,
- a. avec Mario J. Rizzo, "The economics of time and ignorance", Oxford : Basil Blackwell
- Seconde édition en 1996 avec une nouvelle introduction, "The economics of time and ignorance", New York: Routledge
- Nouvelle édition en 2015, "Austrian economics re-examined: the economics of time and ignorance", Routledge
- Traduction en japonais en 1999, par Tsutomu Hashimoto, Chizuko Hashimoto et Masako Inoue, 時間と無知の経済学―ネオ・オーストリア学派宣言 [単行本], Editeur: Keiso Shobo, ISBN 4326501588
- Traduction en italien en 2002, "L'economia del tempo e dell'ignoranza", Rubbettino (collana Biblioteca austriaca), ISBN 8849801712
- Traduction en espagnol en 2009, "La economía del tiempo y la ignorancia", Unión Editorial, ISBN 8472094812 e
- b. "Money in a deregulated financial system", Federal reserve bank of Dallas, Economic review, mai
- a. avec Mario J. Rizzo, "The economics of time and ignorance", Oxford : Basil Blackwell
- 1986,
- a. "Deregulation and monetary reform", Federal reserve bank of Dallas, Economic Review, juillet, pp19-23
- b. “Money, Deregulation, and the Business Cycle”, Cato Journal, 6, Fall, pp587—605
- Repris en 1987, "Money, Deregulation, and the Business Cycle", In: James A. Dorn et Anna J. Schwartz, dir., "The Search for Stable Money: Essays on Monetary Reform", Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp319-338
- c. "Money : Menger's evolutionary theory", HOPE, 18, pp601-616
- d. avec Mario Rizzo, "Subjectivism, uncertainty and rules", In: Israel M. Kirzner, dir., "Subjectivism, intelligibility and economic understanding. Essays in Honor of Ludwig M. Lachmann on his Eightieth Birthday", New York: New York University press, pp252-267
- Extrait (pp252-259) repris en 1990, "Subjectivism, Uncertainty and Rules", In: Stephen Littlechild, dir., "Austrian economics. History and methodology", Vol I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp334-341
- e. "Competition as a process: a law and economic perspective", In: Richard Langlois, dir., "Economics as a Process: Essays in the New Institutionalist Economics", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp153-169
- 1987,
- a. L'école ‘autrichienne’, In: Henri Lepage et Serge Schweitzer, dir., De l'Ancienne à la Nouvelle Economie–Essais à l'occasion de la 10ème Université de la Nouvelle Economie Aix-en-Provence 1978-1987. Aix-en-Provence : Librairie de l'Université, pp103-111, traduction en français par Henri Lepage
- b. commentaire sur le livre de Friedrich Hayek, "Money, capital and fluctuations : early essays", Journal of Money, Credit and banking, 19, august, pp402-404
- c. avec Roger Garrison et Eugenie D. Short, "Financial Stability and FDIC Insurance", In: Catherine England et Thomas Huertas, dir., The Financial Services Revolution: Policy Directions for the Future, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp187–207
- 1988,
- a. "Bank Failures: The deposit insurance connection", Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol 6, n°2, avril, pp1-12
- b. "Deposit insurance in theory and practice", Cato Journal, Vol 7, winter, pp661-75
- Repris en 1988, In: Catherine England, Thomas F. Huertas, dir., "The Financial Services Revolution. Policy Directions for the Future", Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp165-179
- c. avec Eugenie D. Short, Roger W. Garrison, "Financial Stability and FDIC Insurance", In: Catherine England, Thomas F. Huertas, dir., "The Financial Services Revolution. Policy Directions for the Future", Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp187-207
- 1989, "A tribute to F.A Hayek", Cato Journal, vol 9, n°2, fall, pp345-351
De 1990 à 1999
- 1991, avec Stephen P.A. Brown (eds), An Economic Perspective on the Southwest: Defining the Decade, Proceedings of the 1990 Conference on the Southwest Economy Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA.
- 1992,
- a. avec Stephen P.A. Brown, dir., "The Southwest Economy in the 1990s: A Different Decade", Proceedings of the 1989 Conference on the Southwest Economy Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA.
- b. avec Robert T. Clair, "Learning from One Another: The U.S. and European Banking Experience", Journal of Multinational Financial Management
- c. avec Fiona Sigalla, "Interstate Barriers to Trade", Regulation
- 1994, "An evolutionary approach to banking and money", In: Jack Birner, Rudy Van Zijp, dir., "Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution; His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas", London & New York, N.Y.: Routledge, pp126-137
- 1995, "The Meaning of Hayek", Cato Policy Report, novembre/décembre, [lire en ligne]
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001,
- a. avec Kim R. Holmes, Melanie Kirkpatrick, dir., "Index of Economic Freedom", Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal
- b. avec William W. Beach, "Factors of the Index of Economic Freedom", In: Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Kim R. Holmes, Melanie Kirkpatrick, dir., "Index of Economic Freedom", New York: The Wall Street Journal
- 2002, avec Kim R. Holmes et Mary Anastasia O'Grady, "Index of Economic Freedom", Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal
- 2003,
- a. avec W. Lee Hoskins, Property Rights: The Key to Economic Development, Policy Analysis no. 482, August 7, pp. 2–3, [lire en ligne]
- b. avec Sara J. Fitzgerald, Thatcherism Triumphant? The New Business Climate in Europe, In the National Interest, February 26, 2003, [lire en ligne]
- c. avec Edwin J. Feulner, et Mary Anastasia O’Grady, eds, 2003 Index of Economic Freedom (Washington, D.C. Heritage Foundation and Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
- d. avec Lee Hoskins, “Property Rights: The Key to Economic Development.” Cato Policy Analysis, No. 482. Washington: Cato Institute.
- 2005, "Economic Freedom: The Path to Development. Economic Freedom Indexes Impact Politics", The Freeman, April, Vol 55, n°3
- 2006, avec Lee Hoskins, The case for market-based regulation, Cato Journal, Vol 26, n°3, Fall, pp469-487
- 2007, Subprime Monetary Policy, The Freeman, Vol 57, n°9
- 2008,
- a. Asset Bubbles and Their Consequences, Cato Institute Briefing Paper, n°103, 20 mai
- b. Money and the Present Crisis, Cato Journal, Vol 29, n°1, Winter
- c. Washington Is Quietly Repudiating Its Debts, Wall Street Journal, 22 August, pA15
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- a. "Boom and Bust: Crisis and Response", The Freeman, March, Vol 60, n°2, pp21-23
- b. Commentaire des livres de John B.Taylor, "Getting Off Track: How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and Worsened the Financial Crisis" et de Thomas Sowell, "The Housing Boom and Bust", The Freeman, October, vol 60, n°8, pp41-42 [lire en ligne] ou [lire en ligne]
- c. Commentaire du livre de George Melloan, "The Great Money Binge: Spending Our Way to Socialism", The Freeman, December, Vol 60, n°10, pp44-45
- 2011,
- a. "Money and Inflation: What’s Going On in the World?", The Freeman, June, Vol 61, n°5
- b. "Hayek and Keynes : what have we learned?", The journal of private enterprise (Martin, Tenn.), fall, vol XXVII, n°1, pp29-38
- c. "Money, Prices and Bubbles", Cato Journal, vol 31, Fall, pp441–459
- 2012, "Casino Banking", The Freeman, July-August, Vol 62, n°6, pp26-28
- 2014, "James M. Buchanan: An appreciation", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 27, n°2, juin, pp129-134