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Douglass North (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Douglass North, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1955 à 1969
- 1955, "Location Theory and Regional Economic Growth." Journal of Political Economy 63 (juin): 243-258.
- 1961, The Economic Growth of the United States, 1790–1860, Prentice Hall
- 1966,
- a. "International capital flows and the development of the American West",In: Ross M. Robertson et James L. Pate, dir., "Readings in United States Economic and Business History", Houghton Mifflin, Boston
- b. "A note on Professor Rostow's "take-off" into self-sustained economic growth ",In: Ross M. Robertson et James L. Pate, dir., "Readings in United States Economic and Business History", Houghton Mifflin, Boston
- 1968, 'Sources of productivity change in ocean shipping, 1600–1850'. Journal of Political Economy, 76(5), pp953–970
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970, avec R. P. Thomas, "An economic theory of the growth of the Western world", Economic History Review, Vol 23, pp1-17
- 1971,
- a. avec Lance Davis, Institutional Change and American Economic Growth, Cambridge University Press
- b. "Institutional Change and Economic Growth", Journal of Economic History, March, 31 (1), pp118-125
- c. avec Roger LeRoy Miller, Daniel Benjamin, "The Economics of Public Issues" (Harper Collins Series in Economics), Addison Wesley Publishing Company
- 5ème édition en 2005
- d. avec Robert Paul Thomas, "The rise and fall of the manorial system: a theoretical model", Journal of Economic History, Vol 31, n°4, pp777–803
- 1973, avec Robert Paul Thomas, "The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Traduction en français en 1980, L'Essor du monde occidental, Flammarion
- 1974,
- a. "Growth and Welfare in the American Past", Prentice-Hall
- b. "Beyond the New Economic History", Journal of Economic History, March, 34 (1), pp1-7
- 1977,
- a. "Markets and Other Allocation Systems in History: The Challenge of Karl Polanyi", Journal of European Economic History, Vol 6, pp703-716
- b. avec Robert Paul Thomas, "The First Economic Revolution", The Economic History Review. New Series, Vol 30, n°2, pp229–241
- 1978, Structure and Performance: The Task of Economic History, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 16, n°3, Sep. pp963-978
- 1979, “A Framework for Analyzing the State in Economic History, Explorations in Economic History 16, 249-259
De 1980 à 1989
- 1981, Structure and Change in Economic History, New York: Norton and Co.
- 1983, avec Roger LeRoy Miller, "The Economics of Public Issues", New York: Harper and Row, 6th ed.
- 1984, Government and the Cost of Exchange in History, Journal of Economic History, 44, pp255–264
- 1986, Is it worth making sense of Marx ?", Inquiry, vol.29
- 1987, "Rent-Seeking and the new institutional economics", In: Charles Rowley, dir., "Democracy and Public Choice, Essays in Honor of Gordon Tullock", Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp163-170
- 1988,
- a. avec John J. Wallis, Should transaction costs be substracted from GNP?, Journal of Economic History, vol 48
- b. "Institutions, Economic Growth and Freedom: An Historical Introduction", In: Michael Walker, dir., "Freedom, Democracy and Economic Welfare", Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, pp3-25
- c. "Ideology and Political/Economic Institutions", Cato journal, Spring/Summer, Vol 8, n°1
- 1989,
- a. avec Barry Weingast, "Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England", Journal of Economic History, Vol 49, n°4, pp803-832
- b. “A Transaction Cost Approach to the Historical Development of Polities andEconomies”, Journal of Institutionaland Theoretical Economics, 145, December, pp661—668
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. "Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Traduction en espagnol en 2001, Instituciones, Cambios Institucional y Desempeño Económico, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica
- b. "A Transaction Cost Theory of Politics", Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol 2, n°4, pp355-367
- c. avec Paul R. Milgrom et Barry Weingast, The Role of Institutions in the Revival of Trade: The Law Merchant, Private Judges, and the Champagne Fairs, Economics and Politics, Vol 2, mars, pp1-23
- Repris en 1997, In: Daniel B. Klein, dir., Reputation, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp243-266
- Repris en 2006, In: Edward P. Stringham, dir., Anarchy and the Law. The Political Economy of Choice, Ch 37, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar
- d. “La nueva economía institucional”, Libertas, Nº 12, mayo, Año VII
- a. "Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- 1991, “Institutions”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol 5, n°1, Winter, pp97–112
- 1992,
- a. Transaction costs, Institutions, and economic performances,San Francisco, California: International Center for Economic Growth
- b. Institutions, Ideology, and Economic Performance, Cato Journal, 11 (3), Winter, pp477—488
- 1993, Institutions and Credible Commitment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 149, n°1, pp11-23
- 1994,
- a. avec Arthur Denzau, “Shared Mental Models: Ideologies and Institutions", Kyklos, Vol 47, n°1, pp3–31
- b. "Economic Performance through Time", American Economic Review, Vol 84, n°3, juin, pp359–367
- c. avec J. J. Wallis, Integrating Institutional Change and Technical Change in Economic History: A Transaction Cost Approach, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 150(4), décembre, pp609-624
- 1995, “Five Propositions about Institutional Change.” In Explaining Social Institutions, edited by Jack Knight and Itai Sened. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, pp15–26
- 1996,
- a. avec Lee Alston & Thrainn Eggertsson, dir., Empirical Studies in Institutional Change, Cambridge University Press
- b. avec Barry Weingast, Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England, In: Lee Alston, Thrainn Eggertsson et Douglass North, dir., Empirical Studies in Institutional Change, Cambridge University Press, p134-162
- c. "Epilogue: Economic performance through time", In: L. Alston, T. Eggertsson, Dougass North, dir., "Empirical studies in institutional change", Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp342-356
- 1997,
- a. Prologue, In: John N. Drobak and John V. C. Nye, dir., The Frontiers of the New Institutional Economics, San Diego and London: Academic Press, pp3–28
- b. Some fundamental puzzles in economic history/development, In: W. B. Arthur, S. N. Durlauf et D. Lane, dir., The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II, Massachusetts: Addison-Weekly, pp223-237
- c. « Understanding economic change », In: J. Nelson, C. Tilly et L. Walker, dir., Transforming post-communist political economies, National Academy Press, Washington DC, pp13-18
- d. avec J. Knight, "Explaining the complexity of institutional change", In: David L. Weimer, dir., "The political economy of property rights", Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
- 1999,
- a. "Hayek’s Contribution to Understanding the Process of Economic Change", In: Viktor Vanberg, dir., "Freiheit, Wettbewerb und Wirtschaftsordnung: Hommage zum 100. Geburtstag von Friedrich A. von Hayek", ("Liberté, concurrence et ordre économique : hommage au 100e anniversaire de Friedrich A. von Hayek"), Freiburg/Berlin/Munich, pp79-96
- b. "Understanding the Process of Economic Change", IEA, Occasional Paper 106
- Traduit en espagnol en 1999, "Comprender el cambio económico", La Ilustración Liberal, nº3, juin-septembre
- c. avec John N. Drobak, "Legal Change in Economic Analysis", In: Jürgen G. Backhaus, dir., "The Elgar Companion To Law and Economics", Edward Elgar Publishing
- d. avec Barry Weingast, John Joseph Wallis, "Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History", New York: Cambridge University Press
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000, avec W. Summerhill, Barry Weingast, "Order, Disorder and Economic Change", In: B. Bueno de Mesquita, H. Root, dir., "Governing for Prosperity", New Haven: Yale University Press, pp17-58
- 2003, avec C. Mantzavinos, S. Shariq, "Learning, Institutions and Economic Performance", Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, pp1-19
- 2004,
- a. Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton: Princeton University Press
- Nouvelle édition révisée et élargie en 2005, Princeton: Princeton University Press
- b. avec C. Mantzavinos et S. Shariq, "Learning, institutions, and economic performance", Perspectives on Politics 2(1)
- a. Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton: Princeton University Press
- 2005, "The Chinese Menu (for Development)", The Wall Street Journal, pA14, 7 avril
- 2006, "Introduction", In: Bruce Benson, Terry Anderson, Thomas E. Flanagann dir., "Self-Determination: The Other Path for Native Americans", Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp1-3
- 2008, "Institutions and the performance of economies over time", In: Claude Ménard, M. Shirley, dir., "Handbook of New Institutional Economics", Berlin: Springer, pp21‒33
- 2009,
- a. avec John Joseph Wallis, Barry Weingast, "Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded History", Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
- b. "Violence and Social Orders", In: Emily Chamlee-Wright, dir., "The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, 2008-2009", Vol 1, Beloit College Press, ISBN 978-0-578-02883-5, pp19-28
- c. "Violence and the Rise of Open-Access Orders", Journal of Democracy, Vol 20, January, pp55–68
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