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Daniel Klein (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Daniel Klein, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1981 à 1989
- 1981, "Roots of Austrianism", commentaire du livre de Carl Menger, "Principles of Economics", Libertarian Review, September, pp37-39
- 1983, "F. A. Hayek, lectures in retrospect on J. M. Keynes", Market process, Vol 1, n°2
- 1984, "What the Government Takes", The Freeman, Décembre, Vol 34, n°12, pp725-726
- 1985, “Deductive economic methodology in the French Enlightenment: Condillac and Destutt de Tracy”, History of Political Economy, 17:1, pp51-71
- 1987, "Tie-ins and the Market Provision of Collective Goods", Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Spring, pp451-474
- 1988,
- a. avec John Majewski, "Private Profit, Public Good, and Engineering Failure: The Plank Roads of New York", Working Paper 88/3, Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University
- b. avec John Majewski, "Privatization, Regulation, and Public Repossession: The Turnpike Companies of Early America", Photocopy, University of California, Irvine
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990, The Voluntary provision of public goods? The Turnpike Companies of early America, Economic Inquiry, 28(4), pp788-812, octobre
- Repris en 2002, In: David Beito, Peter Gordon et Alexander Tabarrok, dir., The Voluntary City, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
- 1992,
- a. Go Ahead and Let Him Try: A Plea for Egonomic Laissez-Faire, Vol 35, Journal of Philosophy, pp3-20
- b. avec Gordon J. Fielding, "Private Toll Roads: Learning from the Nineteenth Century", Transportation Quarterly, juillet, Vol 46, n°3, pp321-341
- c. avec John Majewski, "Economy, Community and Law: The Turnpike Movement in New York, 1797-1845", Law & Society Review, Vol 26, n°3, pp469-512
- d. "Promise Keeping in the Great Society: A Model of Credit Information Sharing", Economics and Politics, 4, pp117–136
- e. avec Jason Richner, In Defense of the Credit Bureau, Cato Journal, 12, pp393–412
- 1993,
- a. avec Christopher Baer et John Majewski, "Economy, Community and the Law: The Turnpike Movement in New York, 1797–1845", Journal of Economic History, mars, pp106-122
- b. avec Christopher Baer et John Majewski, "Responding to Relative Decline: The Plank Road Boom of Antebellum New York", Journal of Economic History, Vol 53, n°1, pp106-122
- c. avec Christopher Baer et John Majewski, "From Trunk to Branch: Toll Roads in New York, 1800–1860", In: Essays in Economic and Business History Conference Proceedings for the Economic and Business Historical Society, pp191-209
- d. avec Gordon J. Fielding, "How to Franchise Highways", Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy, Vol XXVII, n°2, mai, pp113-130
- e. avec Gordon J. Fielding, "High Occupancy/Toll Lanes: Phasing in Congestion Pricing a Lane at a Time", Policy Study, n°170, novembre
- 1994,
- a. If Government Is So Villainous, How Come Government Officials Don’t Seem Like Villains?, Economics and Philosophy 10: 91–106
- Version révisée en 1998, In: Libertarian Essays, Irvington, NY: Foundation for Economic Éducation
- Version révisée avec un nouveau postcript en 2005, "If Government is so Villainous, How Come Government Officials Don’t Seem Like Villains?", In: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard , dir., "The Dynamics of Intervention: Regulation and Redistribution in the Mixed Economy" (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp223-244
- b. The Moral Consequences of Paternalism], The Freeman, Mai, Vol 44, n°5
- c. Private Highways in America, 1792-1916, The Freeman, Février, Vol 44, n°2
- Repris en 1996, Private Highways in America, 1792-1916, In: Wilson J. Mixon Jr, dir, Private means, Public Ends: Voluntarism vs Coercicion, Foundation For Economic Education, Irvington on Hudson: NY, pp128-133
- d. avec John Majewski, "Plank Road Fever in Antebellum America: New York State Origins", New York History, pp39-65
- e. "Libertarianism as Communitarianism", The Freeman, Vol 44, Décembre
- a. If Government Is So Villainous, How Come Government Officials Don’t Seem Like Villains?, Economics and Philosophy 10: 91–106
- 1995,
- a. commentaire du livre dirigé par Donald N. McCloskey, "Second Thoughts: Myths and Morals of U.S. Economic History", The Freeman, January, Vol 45, n°1, pp56-57
- b. "A Sales Pitch for Laissez-Faire Health Care. What Would Free-Market Health Care Look Like?", The Freeman, July, Vol 45, n°7, pp422-425 [lire en ligne] (L'auteur évoque les avantages de l'établissement de la liberté de propriété, de consentement et de contrat dans les soins médicaux.)
- c. commentaire du livre de Charles Sprading, "Liberty and the great libertarians : an anthology on liberty, a hand-book of freedom", The Freeman, December, Vol 45, n°12, pp796-797 [lire en ligne]
- 1996, avec Chi Yin, "Use, Esteem, and Profit in Voluntary Provision: Toll Roads in California, 1850-1902", Economic Inquiry, pp678-692
- 1997,
- a. Convention, Social Order, and the Two Coordinations, Constitutional Political Economy, 8:319-335
- b. Liberty, Dignity, and Responsibility: The Moral Triad of a Good Society, The Independent Review, Vol 1, n°3, Winter, pp325-352
- Repris en 1998, In: 3 Libertarian Essays. FEE Occasional Paper, n°1, Irvington, NY: Foundation for Economic Éducation: pp25-59
- c. Reputation: Studies in the Voluntary Elicitation of Good Conduct, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
- d. "Knowledge, Reputation, and Trust, by Voluntary Means", In: Daniel B. Klein, dir., Reputation: Studies in the Voluntary Elicitation of Good Conduct, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press
- e. avec Jeremy Shearmur, Good Conduct in the Great Society: Adam Smith and the Role of Reputation, In: Daniel B. Klein,, dir., Reputation: Studies in the Voluntary Elicitation of Good Conduct, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp29-45
- f. Trust for Hire: Voluntary Remedies for Quality and Safety, In: Daniel B. Klein, dir., Reputation: Studies in the Voluntary Elicitation of Good Conduct, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp97-133
- g. avec Adrian T. Moore et Binyam Reja, Curb Rights: Eliciting Competition and Entrepreneurship in Urban Transit, The Independent Review, Vol 2, n°1, Summer
- Repris en 2002, "Improving Bankruptcy Procedure", In: Alexander Tabarrok, dir., "Entrepreneurial economics: bright ideas from the dismal science", Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, pp275-298
- h. Planning, Urban Transit, and the Two Coordinations, Department of Economics, Santa Clara University, Calif. Manuscript
- i. avec Adrian T. Moore et Binyam Reja, "Curb Rights: A Foundation for Free Enterprise in Urban Transit", Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution
- j. commentaire du livre d'Andrew Gamble, "Hayek : The Iron Cage of Liberty", Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 8, pp255-264
- k. "A Sentinel for Auto Emissions", The Freeman, January, Vol 47, n°1, pp36-37
- l. avec Adrian T. Moore, Bunyam Reja, "Transit's Transition from Socialism", The Freeman, octobre, Vol 47, n°10
- 1998,
- a. Planning and the Two Coordinations, avec Illustrations in Urban Transit, Planning and Markets, Volume 1, Number 1
- b. Quality-and-Safety Assurance: How Voluntary Social Processes Remedy Their Own Shortcomings, The Independent Review, Spring, Vol 2, n°4, pp549-50
- c. "3 Libertarian Essays", Irvington on Hudson, Foundation for Economic Education
- 1999,
- a. What Do Economists Contribute ?, New York: New York University Press
- b. Discovery and the Deepself, The Review of Austrian Economics, 11
- c. "The Ways of John Gray: A Libertarian Commentary", The Independent Review, Vol 4, n°1, Summer, pp63–89
- d. "Assurance and Trust in a Great Society", FEE Occasional Paper n°2, Irvington, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education
- e. avec Jeremy Shearmur, "Good Conduct in a Great Society: Adam Smith and the Role of Reputation", In: Daniel B. Klein, dir., "Assurance and Trust in a Great Society", FEE Occasional Paper n°2, Irvington, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- a. "What Do Academic Economists Contribute?", Policy, Winter, Vol 16, n°2
- b. "Assurance and Trust in a Great Society", Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Foundation for Economic Education
- 2001,
- a. Plea to Economists Who Favor Liberty: Assist the Everyman, Eastern Economic Journal, vol. 27, n°2, pp185-202
- b. "Credit-Information Reporting. Why Free Speech Is Vital to Social Accountability and Consumer Opportunity", The Independent Review, Vol 3, n°1, winter, p325
- c. Commentaire du livre de Henry I. Miller, "To America's Health: A Proposal to Reform the Food and Drug Administration", The Freeman, Juillet, Vol 51, n°7
- 2002,
- a. avec Fred E. Foldvary, The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues, Knowledge, Technology, & Policy, Vol 15, n°3, Fall, pp82-92
- b. "Asymmetric Interpretations", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 12, n°1, mars
- c. "The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods? The Turnpike Companies of Early America", In: Peter Gordon, David Beito, Alexander Tabarrok, dir., "The Voluntary City: Choice, Community, and Civil Society", University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp76-101
- 2003,
- a. avec Henry Demmert, "Experiment on Entrepreneurial Discovery: An Attempt to Demonstrate the Conjecture of Hayek and Kirzner", Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, Vol 50, n°3, pp295–310
- b. Fencing the Airshed: Using Remote Sensing to Police Auto Emissions, In: Fred E. Foldvary et Daniel B. Klein, Dir., The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues, New York: New York University Press, pp86-106
- c. avec Fred E. Foldvary, The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues, New York: New York University Press
- 2004,
- a. avec Therese DiCola, Institutional Ties of Journal of Development Economics Authors and Editors, Econ Journal Watch 1(2): 319-330
- b. Mere Libertarianism: Blending Hayek and Rothbard, Reason Papers 27: 7-42
- c. The People’s Romance: Why People Love Government (As Much As They Do), The Independent Review
- d. avec Alexander Tabarrok, Quotations: Economists’ Judgments about the FDA
- e. avec Eric Chiang, "The Social Science Citation Index: A Black Box – with an Ideological Bias?", Econ Journal Watch, 1(1), pp134-165
- f. avec Eric Chiang, "Citation Counts and SSCI in Personnel Decisions: A Survey of Economics Departments", Econ Journal Watch, 1(1), pp166–174
De 2005 à 2009
- 2005,
- a. "Information-Knowledge Symposium: Introduction", Econ Journal Watch, Volume 2, Number 1, avril, Symposium on Information and Knowledge in Economics, pp47-55
- b. "The Ph.D. Circle in Academic Economics", Econ Journal Watch 2(1), avril: 133-48
- c. avec Charlotta Stern, "Professors and Their Politics: The Policy Views of Social Scientists", Critical Review 17(3-4): 257-303
- d. avec Charlotta Stern, "Political Diversity in Six Disciplines", Academic Questions 18(1), Winter: 40-52
- e. avec Chris Cardiff, "Faculty Partisan Affiliations in All Disciplines: A Voter-Registration Study", Critical Review, Vol 17, n°3-4, pp237-255
- Repris en 2013, In: Jeffrey Friedman, Shterna Friedman, dir., "Political Knowledge", 4 vols, Routledge
- f. avec Andrew Western, "Voter Registration of Berkeley and Stanford Faculty", Academic Questions 18(1): 53–65
- g. "The People’s Romance: Why People Love Government (as Much as They Do)", The Independent Review, Vol 10, n°1, Summer, pp5–37
- 2006,
- a. avec Charlotta Stern, Sociology and Classical Liberalism, The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 11(1), Summer, pp37-52
- b. Sense and Sensibilities: Myrdal’s Plea for Self-Disclosure and Some Disclosures about AEA Members, Econ Journal Watch 3(1): 180–205
- c. avec Charlotta Stern, "Economists’ Policy Views and Voting", Public Choice, 126 (mars, pp331-342
- d. Free Parking versus Free Markets, The Independent Review, Vol 11, n°2, Fall, pp289-297
- e. avec John Majewski, "America’s Toll Road Heritage: The Achievements of Private Initiative in the Nineteenth Century", In: Gabriel Roth, dir., "Street Smart: Competition, Entrepreneurship and the Future of Roads", New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, pp277-303
- f. avec Charlotta Stern, "Political Scientists’ Policy Views and Voting", The Political Science Reviewer, Vol 35, pp416-425
- 2007,
- a. avec Charlotta Stern, "Is There a Free-Market Economist in the House? The Policy Views of American Economics Association Members", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 66(2), avril: 309-334
- b. The Smith-Hayek Economist: From Character to Identity, The Library of Economics and Liberty, Liberty Fund, mars 5
- c. avec Dan J. D’Amico, The Internet and the Structure of Discourse: The Websites of Economists at Harvard and George Mason, Econ Journal Watch, Vol 4, n°2, Mai, pp272-283
- d. avec Stewart Dompe, "Reasons for Supporting the Minimum Wage: Asking Signatories of the ‘Raise the Minimum Wage’ Statement", Econ Journal Watch, 4 (1), pp125-167
- 2008,
- a. Toward a Public and Professional Identity for Our Economics, Econ Journal Watch, 5(3), pp358–372
- b. avec John Majewski, "Turnpikes and Toll Roads in Nineteenth-Century America", In: Robert Whaples, dir., EH.Net Encyclopedia, 10 février 2008
- c. "Assurance and trust", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp21-22
- d. avec Harika Anna Barlett, “Left Out: A Critique of Paul Krugman Based on a Comprehensive Account of His New York Times Columns, 1997 through 2006”, Econ Journal Watch, Vol 5, n°1
- e. avec Alexander Tabarrok, "Do Off-Label Drug Practices Argue Against FDA Efficacy Requirements? A Critical Analysis of Physicians' Argumentation for Initial Efficacy Requirements", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 67, n°5, pp743-775
- 2009,
- a. avec Jason Briggerman, "Israel Kirzner on Coordination and Discovery", The Journal of Private Enterprise, 25 (1), pp1-53
- b. avec Aaron Orsborn, “Concatenate coordination and mutual coordination”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 72, pp176–187
- c. avec Charlotta Stern, Groupthink in Academia: Majoritarian Departmental Politics and the Professional Pyramid, The Independent Review, Vol 13, n°4, Spring, pp585–600
- d. avec Jason Briggeman, "Conservative Magazines and the Presumption of Liberty: A Content Analysis on Sex, Gambling, and Drugs", The Independent Review, Vol 14, n°2, Fall, pp289–299
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010, "Knowledge Flat-talk: A Conceit of Supposed Experts and a Seduction to All", The Independent Review, 15(1), pp109-121
- 2011,
- a. avec Michael J. Clark, The Music of Social Intercourse: Synchrony in Adam Smith, The Independent Rewiew, winter
- b. "Competition as a Discovery Procedure: A Rejoinder to Professor Kirzner on Coordination and Discovery", The Journal of Private Enterprise, 27(1), pp121–144
- 2012, "Knowledge and Coordination: A Liberal Interpretation", New York: Oxford University Press
- 2013, avec W. L. Davis, D. Hedengren, "Economics professors’ voting, policy views, favorite economists, and frequent lack of consensus", Econ J Watch, Vol 10, n°1, pp116–125
- 2014, "Ought as an Is: On the Positive-Normative Distinction", Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 7, pp56-73
- 2015, avec Xiaofei (Sophia) Pan, Daniel Houser, Gonzalo Schwarz, "A demand for encompassment: A Hayekian experimental parable about political psychology", Rationality and Society, Vol 27, n°1, février, pp70–95
De 2020 à 2029
- 2020, "Adam Smith’s Rebuke of the Slave Trade, 1759", Independent Review, Vol 25, n°1, pp91–98
- 2021, avec Jonathon Diesel, "A call to embrace jural dualism", Economic Affairs, Vol 41, n°3, pp442-457
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