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Bibliographie sur l'innovation
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Voici une liste non exhaustive de parutions portant sur le thème de l'innovation.
De 1953 à 1989
- 1953, H. G. Barnett, "Innovation: the basis of cultural change", New York: McGraw Hill
- 1961, T. Burns et G. Stalker, "The management of innovation", London: Tavistok
- 1969, D. R. Schoen, "Managing Technological Innovation", Harvard Business Review, 47(3), pp156-167
- 1974, N. Rosenberg, “Science, Invention and Economic Growth”, The Economic Journal, 84 (333), pp90-108
- 1978,
- a. W. J. Abernathy, J. M. Utterback, "Patterns of industrial innovation", Technology Review, June, July, Vol 80, n°7, pp40-47
- b. W. J. Abernathy, "The productivity dilemma: Roadblock to innovation in the automobile industry", Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
- 1982,
- D. Miller, P. H. Friesen, "Innovation in conservative and entrepreneurial firms: Two models of strategic momentum”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol 3, n°1, pp1-25
- R. Rothwell, W. Zegveld, "Innovation and the small and medium-sized firm", Pinter Publishers, London
- 1983,
- U. L. Businaro, "Applying the Biological Evolution Metaphor to Technological Innovation", Futures, Vol 15, n°1, pp463-477
- J. E. Ettlie, "Organization policy and innovation among processors to the food processing sector", Academy of Management Journal, 26, pp27-44
- E. M. Rogers, "Diffusion of Innovations", 3rd ed. Free Press
- 1985,
- W. J. Abernathy et K. B. Clark, "Innovation: Mapping the winds of creative destruction", Research Policy, 14, pp3–22
- Peter Drucker, "Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles", Harper & Row, New York, NY
- R. M. Kanter, "Supporting Innovation and Venture Development in Established Companies", Journal of Business Venturing, 1(1), pp47-60
- 1986,
- P. Aydalot, "Les Milieux innovateurs en Europe", Paris, GREMI
- R. A. Burgelman, L. R. Sayles, "Inside corporate innovation", New York: The Free Press
- A. H. Van De Ven, "Central Problems in the Management of Innovation", Management Science, 32(5), pp590-607
- 1987,
- P. N. Khandwalla, "Generators of Pioneering-Innovative Management: Some Indian Evidence", Organization Studies, 8(1), pp39-59
- P. Strebel, "Organizing for innovation over an industry life cycle", Strategic Management Journal, 8, pp117-124
- 1988,
- M. Akrich, M. Callon, B. Latour, "À quoi tient le succès des innovations ? 1 : L’art de l’intéressement", Annales des Mines. Gérer et comprendre, Vol 11, pp4-17
- Peter M. Allen, "Evolution, Innovation and Economics", In: G. Dosi, C. Freeman, Richard R. Nelson, G. Silverberg et L. Soetke, dir., Technical Change and Economic Theory, Pinter Publishers Ltd: London, pp95-119
- Giovanni Dosi, “The nature of the innovative process”, In: G. Dosi, C. Freeman, Richard R. Nelson, G. Silverberg et L. Soetke, dir., Technical Change and Economic Theory, Pinter Publishers Ltd: London
- Giovanni Dosi, "Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation", Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 26, September, pp1120-1171
- Giovanni Dosi, Luigi Orsenigo, Gerald Silverberg, "Innovation, Diversity and Diffusion: A Self-Organization Model", Economic Journal, 98(4), December, pp1032-1054
- R. M. Kanter, "Three tiers for innovation research", Communication Research, 15(5), pp509-523
- 1989,
- H. Angle, A. Van de Ven, "Suggestions for managing the innovation journey", In: A. Van de Ven, H. Angle, & M. Scott Poole, dir., Research on the management of innovations: The Minnesota Studies. New York: Harper & Row.
- M. Cohen, D. Levinthal, "Innovation and Learning: The Two Faces of R-D", The Economic Journal, Vol 99, n°397, pp569-596
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- W. M. Cohen, D. A. Levinthal, "Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 35, pp128–152
- J. Howell, C. Higgins, "Champions of Technological Innovation", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 35, pp317-341
- M. Jelinek, C. Schoonhoven, "The innovation marathon: lessons from high technology firms", Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK
- 1991,
- B. R. Golden, S. M. Shortell et E. J. Zajac, "New Organizational Forms for Enhancing Innovation: The Case of Internal Corporate Joint Ventures", Management Science, 37(2), pp170-184
- Patrick Fridenson, "Selling the Innovation: French and German Color TV Devices in the 1960s", Business and Economic History, Vol 20
- Paul Segerstrom, "Innovation, Imitation and Economic Growth", Journal of Political Economy, 99(4), pp807–827
- 1992, B. A. Lundvall, dir., "National Systems of Innovation", Londres, Pinter
- 1994,
- Philippe Aghion, Jean Tirole, "The management of innovation", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 109, n°4; pp1185-1209
- A. Ali, "Pioneering versus incremental innovation: review and research propositions", Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 11, n°1, pp46–61
- M. Amendola et Jean Louis Gaffard, “Markets and Organizations as coherent systems of innovation”, Research Policy, 23(6), pp627-635
- M. Callon, "L’innovation technologique et ses mythes", Gérer & Comprendre, Vol 34, Mars, pp5-17
- J. M. Utterback, Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation. How Companies Can Seize Opportunities in the Face of Technological Change. Boston, Ma.: Harvard Business School Press
- 1995, C. Freeman, "The National System of Innovation in Historical Perspective", Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol 19, n°1, pp4-24
- 1996,
- S. A. Buckler, K. A. Zien, "The spirituality of innovation: learning from stories", Journal of Product Innovation Management, 13(5), pp391-405
- A. de Koning et D. Muzyka, The convergence of good ideas, when and how do entrepreneurial managers recognize innovative business ideas?, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
- Maureen McKelvey, "Evolutionary Innovations: The Business of Biotechnology", New York: Oxford University Press
- 1997,
- C. Freeman, L. Soete, "The Economics of Industrial Innovation", Massachusetts: MIT Press Books
- Michael Mintrom, "Policy Entrepreneurs and the Diffusion of Innovation", American Journal of Political Science, Vol 41, n°3, pp738–770
- Stanley I. Mason Jr., "The Amazing Creative Power of One. Everything Around Us Was Invented, Designed, or Developed by Some Individual", The Freeman, Juillet
- Arno Mong Daastol, Erik S. Reinert, "Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations: The Religious Gestalt-Switch and the Duty to Invent as Precondition for Economic Growth", European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 4, pp233-283
- 1998,
- Ali E. Akgun, Gary S. Lynn, "Innovation Strategies under Uncertainty: A Contingency approach for New Product Development", Engineering Management Journal, 10(3), pp11-17
- A. Arundel, Z. Kabla, "What Percentage of Innovation Are Patented ? Empirical Estimate for European Firms", Research Policy, Vol 27, n°2, pp127-141
- Davide Consoli, Ronnie Ramlogan, "Knowledge, Understanding and the Dynamics of Medical Innovation", European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, Vol 20, n°2, pp231-249
- D. C. Galunic, S. Rodan, "Resource recombinations in the firm: knowledge structures and the potential for Schumpeterian innovation”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol 19, n°12, pp1193-1201
- T. Kuczmarski, "The Ten Traits of an Innovation Mindset", Journal for Quality & Participation, 21(6), pp44-46
- J. Sundbo, "The Theory of Innovation: Entrepreneurs, Technology and Strategy", Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA.
- 1999, J. R. Baldwin, J. Johnson, "Entry, innovation and firm growth", In: Zoltan Acs, "Are small firms important? Their role and impact", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp51–77
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- J. Hollingsworth, "Doing institutional analysis: implications for the study of innovations", Review of International Political Economy, 7(4), pp595–644
- R. M. Kanter, "When a thousand flowers bloom: Structural, collective, and social conditions for innovation in organizations", In: R. Swedberg, dir., "Entrepreneurship: The Social Science View", Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Bart Nooteboom, "Learning and Innovation in Organizations and Economies", Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press
- J. M. Ziman, dir., "Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- 2001,
- E. Abrahamson, G. Fairchild, "Knowledge industries and idea entrepreneurs: New dimensions of innovative products, services and organizations", In: C. B. Schoonhoven, E. Romanelli, dir., "The Entrepreneurship Dynamic: Origins of Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of Industries", Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp147–177
- Andrew Bernstein, "The Inventive Period. The Capitalist System Has Enabled These Inventor-Entrepreneurs to Flourish", The Freeman, Avril, Vol 51, n°4
- Gary Hamel, P. Skarzynski, "Innovation: The new route to wealth", Journal of Accountancy, 192(5), pp65-68
- V. Hope-Hailey, "Breaking the mould? Innovation as a strategy for corporate renewal", International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(3), pp1126-1140
- J. Johannessen, G. T. Lumpkin, B. Olsen, "Innovation as newness: What is new, how new and to whom?", European Journal of Innovation Management, 4(1), pp20-31
- D. Johnson, "What is innovation and entrepreneurship? Lessons for larger organizations", Industrial and Commercial Training, 33(4), pp135-140
- Lyazid Kichou et Yorgos Rizopoulos, "L'innovation institutionnelle en tant que procecssus d'interactions organisationnelles", Revue d'économie industrielle, Vol 97, n°97, pp139-152
- Michael Kipp, "Mapping the Business Innovation Process", Strategy & Leadership, 29(4), pp37-39
- Peter W. Roberts, Innovation and Firm-level Persistent Profitability: A Schumpeterian Framework, Managerial and Decision Economics 22: 239–50
- 2002,
- N. Alter, "La diffusion de l’innovation", Les logiques de l’innovation, La Découverte
- G. R. Calantone, "A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review", The Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 19, pp110–132
- Niles Hansen, "Dynamic Externalities and Spatial Innovation Diffusion: Implications for Peripheral Regions", International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, Vol 2, n°3, pp260–271
- Franco Malerba, Luigi Orsenigo, "Innovation and Market Structure in the Dynamics of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Biotechnology: Towards a History-Friendly Model", Industrial and Corporate Change, 11(4), pp667-703
- R. McAdam, J. McClelland, "Individual and team-based idea generation within innovation management : organisational and research agenda”, European Journal of Innovation management, vol 5, n°2, pp86-97
- J. Selman, "Leadership and innovation: Relating to circumstances and change", Innovation Journal, 7(3)
- 2003,
- N. Alter, "L’innovation ordinaire", Paris, Presses universitaires de France
- H. W. Chesbrough, "Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology", Boston: Harvard Business Press
- Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Raynor, "The Innovators Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth", Boston: Harvard Business School Press
- J. F. S. Gomes, "Order and disorder in product innovation models", Creativity and Innovation Management, 12 (3), pp174-187
- R. Jensen, "Innovative Leadership: First-mover Advantages in New Product Adoption", Economic Theory, 21(1), pp97–116
- J. P. Lundblad, "A review and critique of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory as it applies to organizations", Organization Development Journal, 21(4), pp50-64
- 2004,
- F. Etro, "Innovation by leaders", Economic Journal, Vol 114, pp281–303
- J.-M. Fontan, J. L. Klein, D. G. Tremblay, "Innovation et société", Géographie, économie et société, vol 6, n°2, pp115-128
- Stanley J. Metcalfe, Ronald Ramlogan et E. Uyarra, "Competition, Innovation and development; The instituted connection", Institutions and Economic Development, 1, pp21-62
De 2005 à 2009
- Philippe Aghion, N. Bloom, R. Blundell, R. Griffith, P. Howitt, "Competition and innovation: an inverted-U relationship", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 120, n°2, pp701-728
- K. Atuahene-Gima, "Resolving the capability-rigidity paradox in new product innovation", Journal of Marketing, 69(1), pp61–83
- M. K. Blake, S. Hanson, "Rethinking Innovation : Context and Gender", Environment and Planning, Vol 37, n°4, pp681-701
- Jean-Louis Caccomo, L'épopée de l'innovation : Innovation technologique et évolution économique, L’Harmattan, Paris
- D. Cardon, "L’innovation par l’usage", In: A. Ambrosi, V. Peugeot, D. Pimienta, dir., "Enjeux de mots : regards multiculturels sur les sociétés de l’information", C & F Editions
- E. N. Hansen, E. R. Wagner, "Innovation in large versus small companies: insights from the US wood products industry", Management Decision, 43(6), pp837-850
- F. Kropp, R. Zolin, "Technological entrepreneurship and small business innovation research programs", Academy of Marketing Science Review, n°7
- R. E. Miles, G. Miles, C. C. Snow, "Collaborative Entrepreneurship: How Communities of Networked Firms Use Continuous Innovation to Create Economic Wealth", Stanford University Press, Stanford, California
- Sheldon Richman, "Government Should Fund Science? Bureaucracy Does Not Foster Innovation", The Freeman, March, Vol 55, n°2
- M. Chesbrough, "Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation Landscape", Harvard Business School Press
- Justin B. L. Craig, Debra Johnson, Establishing individual differences related to opportunity alertness and innovation dependent on academic-career training, The Journal of Management Development, Vol 25, n°1, pp28-39
- Julian Birkinshaw, Michael Mol, "How Management Innovation Happens", MIT Sloan Management review, Summer, pp81-88
- F. Damanpour, M. Schneider, "Phases of the adoption of innovation in organizations: Effects of environment, organization and top managers", British Journal of Management, Vol 17, pp215-236
- J. Fagerberg, "Innovation: a guide to the literature", In: J. Fagerberg, D. Howery, R. Nelson, dir., "The Oxford handbook of innovation", Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Gary Hamel, "The why, what, and how of management innovation", Harvard Business Review, 84(2), p72
- D. Harrisson, J.-L. Klein, "Introduction : Placer la société au centre de l’analyse des innovations", In: D. Harrisson, J.-L. Klein, dir., "L’innovation sociale : Émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés", Québec, PUQ, pp1-14
- John Yencken et Murray Gillin, Technological Innovation and the Early-Stage Development of New Technology Small Firms: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Capacity, and the Opportunity Discovery Process, In: John E. Butler, dir., Opportunity Identification and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- J. P. De Jong, D. N. Den Hartog, "How leaders influence employees' innovative behaviour", European Journal of Innovation Management, 10(1), pp41-64
- D. Grosse, "Leadership in R&D projects", Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol 16, pp447-456
- M. Holmén, M. Magnusson et M. McKelvey, What are Innovative Opportunities? Industry & Innovation, February
- B. Lévesque, "L’innovation dans le développement économique et social", In: Juan-Luis Klein, Denis Harrisson, dir., "L’innovation sociale. Émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés", Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pp43-67
- J. Metcalfe, "Policy for innovation", In: H. Hanusch, A. Pyka, dir., "Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics", Cheltenham: Elgar, pp943‒966
- O. J. Andersen, "A bottom-up perspective on innovations", Administration and Society, 40(1), pp54-78
- C. Christensen, J. H. Dyer et H. B. Gregersen, Entrepreneur behaviors, opportunity recognition, and the origins of innovative ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2, pp317-338
- Stan Metcalfe et Ronald Ramlogan, "Innovation systems and the competitive process in developing economies", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 48, n°2, pp433-446
- 2009,
- Andrea D. Ellinger et Yu-Lin Wang, Examining the relationships between information acquisition, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition, and innovation performance through the development and validation of a new measure to assess infor, Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol 9, n°3, pp313-342
- Petri Kajander, "Government's Role in Early Stage Growth Companies: An Austrian Perspective to the Finnish Innovation System", VDM Verlag, ISBN 3639007174
- Donald Kuratko, Dean A. Shepherd, "The death of an innovative project: How grief recovery enhances learning", Business Horizons, Vol 52, n°5, September–October, pp451–458
De 2010 à 2019
- J. Banks, Jason Potts, "Consumer co-creation in online games", New Media and Society, 12(2), pp253-270
- C. Beeler, D. Eubanks, T. L. Friedrich, M. D. Mumford, B. Vessey, "Leading for innovation: Re-evaluating leader influences with regard to innovation type and complexity", International Studies of Organization and Management, Vol 40, pp6-29
- J. G. Covin, M. H. Morris, D. F. Kuratko, "Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation", Cengage Learning
- S. Johnson, "Where Good Ideas Come From: The natural History of Innovation", New York: Riverhead Books
- Justin B. Craig , Cory Taylor Cromer, Clay Dibrell, "A Study of Schumpterian (Radical) vs. Kirznerian (Incremental) Innovations in Knowledge Intensive Industries", Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, vol 7, n°1, pp28-42
- D. H. Hale, W. I. Norton, "Protocols for Teaching Students How to Search for, Discover, and Evaluate Innovations", Journal of Management Education, Vol 35, n°6, pp808–835
- K. Rost, "The Strength of Strong Ties in the Creation of Innovation", Research Policy, Vol 40, n°4, pp588-604
- 2012,
- Kendall Artz, Steven W. Bradley, Jeffery S McMullen, M. Edward, "Capital Is Not Enough: Innovation in Developing Economies", Journal of Management Studies, Vol 49, n°4, pp684-717
- J. Hall, S. Matos, L. Sheehan, B. Silvestre, "Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid: A Recipe for Inclusive Growth or Social Exclusion?", Journal of Management Studies, 49 (4), pp785–812
- Anne Brunet-Mbappe, "L’insolite, moteur d’innovation - Etre hors tendance pour être fort", Dunod, Coll. Stratégies et Management
- Gina Colarelli O'Connor, Mark P. Rice, "New Market Creation for Breakthrough Innovations: Enabling and Constraining Mechanisms", Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 30, n°2, pp209-227
- J. Donovan, P. A. Maritz, A. McLellan, "Innovation Training within the Australian Advanced Manufacturing Industry", Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 65(2), pp256-276
- S. Fernando, "How Human Resource Management Practices Contribute To Learning For Pharmaceutical Innovation in Mexico: Drawing From Internal And External Sources Of Knowledge", Latin American Business Review, 14(3/4), pp227-250
- E. Autio, M. Kenney, P. Mustar, D. Siegel, M. Wright, "Entrepreneurial innovation: The importance of context", Research Policy, 43(7), pp1097–1108
- Y. Choi, D. Kim, "Social Exchange Model between Human Resource Management Practices and Innovation in Software Engineering", Seoul Journal of Business, 20(2), pp29-69
- Jason Potts, "Innovation is a spontaneous order", Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization, vol 2, n°1, pp1-10
- Ashveen Peerbaye, "Innovation", In: Pierre-Marie Chauvin, Michel Grossetti, Pierre-Paul Zalio, dir., "Dictionnaire sociologique de l’entrepreneuriat", Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, pp345-361
- R. Brueggemann, C. H. Matthews, "Innovation and entrepreneurship: A competency framework", New York: Routledge
- J. Nählinder, M. Tillmar, C. Wigren, "Towards a gender-aware understanding of innovation: a three-dimensional route", International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 7(1), pp66–86
- 2016,
- K. Randhawa, R. Wilden, J. Hohberger, "A Bibliometric Review of Open Innovation: Setting a Research Agenda", Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 33, n°6, pp750–772
- Josée St-Pierre, "L’innovation et la gestion des risques", In: Pierre-André Julien, dir., "Entreprendre: Une introduction à l’entrepreneuriat", De Boeck Supérieur: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2ème édition, pp87-110
- Henry N. Butler, Larry E. Ribstein, "Legal process for fostering innovation", In: Peter J. Boettke, Todd Zywicki, dir., "Research Handbook on Austrian Law and Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp109-128 (en)
- Sujai Shivakumar, "Innovation as a collective action challenge", In: Paul Dragos Aligica, Paul Lewis, Virgil H. Storr, dir., "The Austrian and Bloomington schools of political economy", Advances in Austrian economics, Vol 22, Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp159-173
- D. P. Nery, "Explaining the Success of a Multinational Company's Innovation in the Base of the Pyramid: M-Pesa in Kenya", Independent Journal of Management & Production, 12(2)
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