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Ayn Rand (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres d'Ayn Rand, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1934 à 1939
- 1934, "Ideal" (roman perdu)
- Première publication par Penguin Random House en juillet 2015, Acheter en ligne
- 1936, "We the Living" [Nous les vivants], New York, Macmillan
- 1938, "Anthem", London, Cassel
- Edition révisée en 1945, Los Angeles, Pamphleteers
- Nouvelle édition en 1946, New American Library
- Nouvelle édition en 1953, Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers
- Traduction en italien en 1938, La vita è nostra, Milano, Baldini & Castoldi
- Traduction en italien de la seconde édition en 1997, Messina, Alfa
- Nouvelle édition en 2003, Antifona, Macerata, Liberilibri
- Traduction en français en 2006, par Jacqueline Balestier et Philippe Charmy, "Anthem", Paris: Rive Droite
De 1940 à 1949
- 1943, The Fountainhead[1], New York: New American Library and Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merril
- Nouvelle édition en 1971, "The Fountainhead", New York: New American Library
- Traduction en italien en 1947, La fonte meravigliosa, Milano, Baldini & Castoldi
- Nouvelle édition en 1996, Milano, Corbaccio
- Traduction en français en 1997, La Source vive, Plon
- 1946,
- a. "What Is the Basic Issue in the World Today?", The Vigil, May
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, p2
- b. "What Is a Social System?", The Vigil, May
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp2-4
- c. "What Is the Basic Principle of America?", The Vigil, May
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, p4
- d. "What Is a Right?", The Vigil, June
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp4-5
- e. "What Are the Inalienable Rights of Man?", The Vigil, June
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp4-5
- f. "How do we recognize one another's rights?", The Vigil, June
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp5-6
- g. "How do we determine that a right has been violated?", The Vigil, June
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, p6
- h. "What is the proper function of government?", The Vigil, June
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp7-8
- i. "Can there be a "mixed" social system?", The Vigil, July
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp8-9
- j. "Can a society exist without a moral principle?", The Vigil, July
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp9-11
- k. "Is "the greatest good for the greatest number" a moral principle?", The Vigil, October
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp11-13
- l. "Does the motive change the nature of a dictatorship?", The Vigil, October
- Repris en 2018, In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp13-16
- a. "What Is the Basic Issue in the World Today?", The Vigil, May
- 1947, "Screen Guide for Americans", Plain talk, novembre
- Repris en 1976, "Screen Guide for Americans", In: Isaac Don Levine, dir., "Plain talk: an anthology from the leading anti-Communist magazine of the 40s", New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, pp386-393
De 1950 à 1961
- 1957, Atlas Shrugged, New York: Random House
- Nouvelle édition en 1985, New American Library
- Nouvelle édition en 1992, Atlas Shrugged, A Signet Book
- Traduction en italien en 1958, La rivolta di Atlante, Milano, Garzanti
- Traduction en français par Henry Daucy, « La Révolte d'Atlas », Genève: éditions Jeheber, Tome 1 : « Les requins » (1958) et Tome 2 : "Les exploités" (1959)
- Traduction en française en 2009, par Monique di Piero, La Révolte d'Atlas, Les éditions du Travailleur
- 1959, "Notes on the history of american free enterprise", Nathaniel Branden Institute, New York
- 1961, For the New Intellectual: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, New York: New American Library
- Nouvelle édition en 1962, For the New Intellectual, Signet, New York, NY
De 1962 à 1965
- 1962,
- a. "Choose Your Issues", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°1, January
- b. "Antitrust: The Rule of Unreason", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°2, February
- c. "Have Gun, Will Nudge", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°3, March
- d. commentaire du livre de Harold Fleming, "Ten thousand commandments", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°4, April
- f. "Intellectual Ammunition Department: Leading a rational life in an irrational society", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°4, April
- g. "Who Will Protect Us from Our Protectors?", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°5, May
- h. "The National Interest, c'est moi", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°6, June
- i. "I.A.D.: Doesn't life require compromise?", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°7, July
- j. "Account Overdrawn", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°7, July
- k. The ‘Conflicts’ of Men's Interests, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°8, August, pp31–32 et p35
- l. "Introducing Objectivism", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°8, August
- m. "The New Enemies of "The Untouchables", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°8, August
- n. "The Pull Peddlers", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°9, September
- o. "To Young Scientists", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°10, October
- p. commentaire du livre de Victor Hugo, "Ninety-Three", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°10, October
- q. commentaire du livre de Mickey Spillane, "The girl hunters", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°10, October
- r. "War and Peace", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°10, October
- s. "Through Your Most Grievous Fault", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°10, October
- t. "The Esthetic Vacuum of Our Age", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°11, November
- u. The Monument Builders, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 1, n°12, December, p53, pp55–56
- Repris en 1964, In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library, pp100-107
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Objectivist Newsletter (original pub. 1962–1966)", Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- v. "Conservatism: an obituary", Nathaniel Branden Institute, New York (article basé sur une conférence donnée à l'université Princeton, le 7 décembre 1960)
- 1963,
- a. "Collectivized Ethics", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°1, Januay
- b. "The Ethics of Emergencies", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°2, February
- c. "How not to fight against Socialized Medicine", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°3, March
- d. Man's Rights, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°4, April, pp13–14, p16
- Repris en 1964, In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library, pp108–117
- Repris en 1967, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", New York: New American Library, pp320–328
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Objectivist Newsletter (original pub. 1962–1966)", Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- e. Collectivized Rights’, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°6, June, p21, p23
- f. "Vast Quicksands", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°7, July
- g. commentaire du livre de Lowell B. Mason, "The language of dissent", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°8, August
- h. "Racism", "The language of dissent", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°9, September
- i. "The goal of my writing" (Part. 1), The Objectivist Newsletter, vol 2, n°10, October
- j. "The goal of my writing" (Part. 2), The Objectivist Newsletter, vol 2, n°11, November
- k. The Nature of Government, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°12, December, pp45–46, pp49–50
- Repris en 1964, In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library, pp125–134
- Repris en 1967, In: Ayn Rand, dir., Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. New York: New American Library, pp329–337
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Objectivist Newsletter (original pub. 1962–1966)", Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- l. "The Fascist New Frontier", New York: National Branden Institute
- 1964,
- a. The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Objectivist Newsletter (original pub. 1962–1966), Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- Traduit en français en 1993 par M. Meunier et Alain Laurent, La Vertu d'égoïsme, The virtue of selfishness', Les Belles Lettres, collection "Iconoclastes"
- Traduction en italien en 1999, La virtù dell’egoismo. Un concetto nuovo di egoismo, Macerata, Liberilibri
- Traduction en français de la 2e édition en 2008, Les Belles Lettres, ISBN 2251390464
- b. The Objectivist Ethics[2], In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library, pp13–39
- c. Playboy Interview: Ayn Rand par Alvin Toffler, Playboy, March, pp35–43
- d. The ethics of emergency, In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library, pp30-34
- e. "The Anatomy of Compromise", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 2, n°1, January
- f. "I.A.D.: Government financing in a free society", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°2, February
- Repris en 1971, "Government financing in a free society", In: Ayn Rand, dir., The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library, pp116–120
- g. "How to Judge a Political Candidate", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°3, March
- h. “Check Your Premises: The Property Status of Airwaves”, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°4, April
- i. "I.A.D.: Patents and copyrights", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°5, May
- j. "The Cult of Moral Grayness", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°6, June
- k. "The Argument from Intimidation", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°7, July
- l. "Is Atlas Shrugging?", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°8, August (conférence donnée au Ford Hall Forum, à Boston, le 19 avril 1964
- m. "'Extremism' or The Art of Smearing", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°9, September
- n. Commentaire du livre d'Isabel Paterson, "The god of the machine", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°9, October
- o. Commentaire du livre de Mickey Spillane, "Day of the guns", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°9, October
- p. "Introduction to "The virtue of selfishness", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°10, November
- q. "It Is Earlier Than You Think", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 3, n°12, December
- a. The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism, New York: New American Library
- 1965,
- a. "Bootleg Romanticism", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°1, January
- b. "I.A.D.: Who is the final authority in ethics?", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°2, February
- c. "Art and moral treason", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°3, March
- Repris en 1969, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Romantic Manifesto", New York: New American Library, pp142–152
- d. "The psycho-epistemology of art", The Objectivist Newsletter, vol 4, n°4, April
- Repris en 1969, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Romantic Manifesto", New York: New American Library, pp15–24
- e. "The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus" (Part I), The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°5, May (article basé sur une conférence donné au Ford Hall Forum, à Boston, le 18 avril 1965)
- f. "The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus" (Part II), The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°6, June (article basé sur une conférence donné au Ford Hall Forum, à Boston, le 18 avril 1965)
- g. "The Cashing-In: The Student 'Rebellion'" (Part I), The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°7, July
- h. "The Cashing-In: The Student 'Rebellion'" (Part II), The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°8, August
- i. "The Cashing-In: The Student 'Rebellion'" (Part III), The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°9, September
- j. "The Obliteration of Capitalism", The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°10, October
- k. "What is Capitalism?" Part I, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°11, November, pp51–52, p54
- l. "What is Capitalism?" Part II, The Objectivist Newsletter, Vol 4, n°12, December, pp55–56, pp59–61
De 1966 à 1971
- 1966,
- a. "Altruism As Appeasement", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°1, January
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp1-6
- b. "Philosophy and Sense of Life", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°2, February
- c. "Art and Sense of Life", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°3, March
- d. "Our Cultural Value-Deprivation" (Pärt I), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°4, April
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp49-55
- e. "Our Cultural Value-Deprivation" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°5, May
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp74-80
- f. "The roots of war", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°6, June
- Repris en 1966, "The Roots of War", The Freeman, novembre, Vol 16, n°11, pp24-32
- Repris en 1967, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal". Ch 2, New York: New American Library, pp35–43
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp81-86
- Repris en 1995, The Roots of War, In: Edmund A. Opitz, dir., Leviathan at War, The Foundation for Economic Education: Irvington on Hudson NY, pp18-25
- g. "The Question of Scholarships", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°6, June
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp91-96
- h. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (I), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°7, July
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp97-106
- i. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (II), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°8, August
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp113-119
- j. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (III), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°9, September
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp129-135
- k. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (IV), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°10, October
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp145-150
- l. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (V), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°11, November
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp161-166
- m. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (VI), The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°12, December
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp177-181
- n. "Capuletti", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°12, December
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp188-192
- a. "Altruism As Appeasement", The Objectivist, Vol 5, n°1, January
- 1967,
- a. dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", New York: New American Library
- Nouvelle édition en 1970, New York: New American Library
- b. "America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business", In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", Ch 3, New York: Signet, pp44–62
- c. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (VII), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°1, January
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp193-202
- d. "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" (VIII – Conclusion), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°2, February
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp209-215
- e. "The Wreckage of the Consensus" (Part I), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°4, April (conférence donnée au Ford Hall Forum, à Boston, le 16 avril 1967)
- f. "The Wreckage of the Consensus" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°5, May (conférence donnée au Ford Hall Forum, à Boston, le 16 avril 1967)
- g. "Requiem For Man" (Part I), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°7, July
- h. "Requiem For Man" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°8, August
- i. "Requiem For Man" (Part III), The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°9, September
- j. "Introduction to CALUMET "K"", The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°10, October
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp342-345
- k. "The simplest thing in the world, a short story", The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°11, November
- ù Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp353-360
- l. "Introductory Notes to THE MAN WHO LAUGHS", The Objectivist, Vol 6, n°12, December
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp377-384
- m. "Theory and practice", In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", Ch 12, New York: New American Library, pp134-139
- n. "Let us alone!", In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", Ch 13, New York: New American Library, pp140-144
- a. dir., "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", New York: New American Library
- 1968,
- a. "Introduction to THE FOUNTAINHEAD", by , The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°3, March
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp417-422
- b. "Introduction to 'NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH', The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°4, April
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp433-440
- c. "To Whom It May Concern", – by Ayn Rand, The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°5, May
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp449-456
- d. "The Presidential Candidates, 1968", The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°6, June
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp465-470
- e. "A Statement of Policy", The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°6, June
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp471-475
- f. "Basic Principles of Literature", The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°7, July
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp481-487
- g. "A Statement of Policy" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°7, July
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp494-496
- h. "Basic Principles of Literature" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°8, August
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp497-503
- i. "Of Living Death" Part I, The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°9, September
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp513-518
- Repris en 1990, In: Leonard Peikoff, dir., "The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought", New York: Meridian, pp46–63
- j. "Of Living Death (Part II)", The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°10, October
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp529-533
- Repris en 1990, In: Leonard Peikoff, dir., "The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought", New York: Meridian, pp46–63
- k. "Of Living Death" (Part III), The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°11, November
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp545-548
- Repris en 1990, In: Leonard Peikoff, dir., "The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought", New York: Meridian, pp46–63
- l. "An Answer to Readers (About a Woman President)", The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°12, December
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp561-562
- m. "Night of January 16th""
- Nouvelle édition en 1971, New York: Plume
- a. "Introduction to THE FOUNTAINHEAD", by , The Objectivist, Vol 7, n°3, March
- 1969,
- a. "The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature", New York: New American Library
- Nouvelle édition révisée en 1975, New York: New American Library
- b. "The "Inexplicable Personal Alchemy", The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°1, January
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp579-584
- c. "Brief Comments", The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°2, February
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp593-596
- d. "Brief Comments", The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°3, March
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, p609
- e. "What Is Romanticism?" (Part I), The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°5, May
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp641-648
- f. "What Is Romanticism?" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°6, June
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp657-661
- g. "What Is Romanticism?" (Part III), The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°8, July
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp673-675
- h. "Introduction to THE ROMANTIC MANIFESTO", The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°8, August
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp689-690
- i. Commentaire du livre de Shirley Scheibla, "Poverty is where the money is", The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°8, August
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp697-704
- j. "Apollo 11", The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°9, September
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp705-720
- k. "Apollo and Dionysus" (Part I), The Objectivist, Vol 8, n°12, December
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp753-780
- a. "The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature", New York: New American Library
- 1970,
- a. "Apollo and Dionysus" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°1, January
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp769-776
- b. "The Left: Old and New", The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°2, February
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp785-793
- c. "Kant Versus Sullivan", The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°3, March
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp801-810
- d. "Brief Comments", The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°5, May
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp833-834
- e. "The Chickens' Homecoming", The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°6, June
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp849-855
- f. "Causality Versus Duty", The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°7, July
- g. "The Comprachicos" (Part I), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°8, August
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp881-890
- h. "The Comprachicos" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°9, September
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp897-902
- i. "The Comprachicos" (Part III), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°10, October
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp913-919
- j. "The Comprachicos" (Part IV), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°11, November
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp929-935
- k. "The Comprachicos" (Part V), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°12, December
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp945-949
- l. “What Is Capitalism?”, In: Ayn Rand, "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", New York: New American Library, pp11-34
- m. "The Nature of Government", In: Ayn Rand, "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", New York: New American Library, pp329-337
- a. "Apollo and Dionysus" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 9, n°1, January
- 1971,
- a. "The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature", New York: New American Library
- Nouvelle édition en 1975, A Signet Book
- b. dir., The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, New York: New American Library
- c. dir., "The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism", New York: New American Library
- d. "The Anti-Industrial Revolution" (Part I), The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°1, January
- e. "The Anti-Industrial Revolution" (Part II), The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°2, February
- f. "The Psychology of 'Psychologizing'", The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°3, March
- Repris en 1990, In: "The Objectivist (1966-1971)", Publisher: Second Renaissance Press, pp993-1000
- g. "Art and Cognition" (I), The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°4, April
- h. "Art and Cognition (II)", The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°5, May
- i. "Art and Cognition (III)", The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°6, June
- j. "The Age of Envy", The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°7, July
- k. "The Age of Envy (II)", The Objectivist, Vol 10, n°8, August
- l. “Brief Summary”, The Objectivist, September, Vol 10, n°9, pp1-4
- a. "The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature", New York: New American Library
De 1972 à 1982
- 1973,
- a. The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made, Partie I, Ayn Rand Letter, 2.12, pp177–180
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., Philosophy: Who Needs It. New York: New American Library, pp23–34
- b. The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made, Partie II, Ayn Rand Letter, 2.13, pp181–185
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., Philosophy: Who Needs It. New York: New American Library, pp23–34
- c. "The missing link", Part II, The Ayn Rand Letter, Vol 2, n°17, May 21
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Philosophy: Who Needs It", New York: New American Library, pp35–45
- a. The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made, Partie I, Ayn Rand Letter, 2.12, pp177–180
- 1974,
- a. Moral Inflation, Partie I, Ayn Rand Letter, 3.12, pp301–304
- Repris en 1979, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Ayn Rand Letter (original pub. 1971–1976)", Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- b. Moral Inflation, Partie II, Ayn Rand Letter, 3.13, pp305–308
- Repris en 1979, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Ayn Rand Letter (original pub. 1971–1976)", Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- c. Moral Inflation, Partie III, Ayn Rand Letter, 3.14, pp309–314
- Repris en 1979, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "The Ayn Rand Letter (original pub. 1971–1976)", Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- d. Philosophy: Who needs it
- Repris en 1982, In: Ayn Rand, dir., "Philosophy: Who Needs It", New York: New American Library, pp35–45
- a. Moral Inflation, Partie I, Ayn Rand Letter, 3.12, pp301–304
- 1979, The Ayn Rand Letter (original pub. 1971–1976), Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- 1980,
- a. "To the Reader", The objectivist forum, Vol 1, February, pp1-2 (Ayn Rand's introduction of The Objectivist Forum)
- b. avec Jerry Schwartz, "Interview with Ayn Rand (I)", The objectivist forum, Vol 1, June, pp1-6 (Une interview sur des sujets culturels et politiques)
- c. avec Jerry Schwartz, "Interview with Ayn Rand (II)", The objectivist forum, Vol 1, August, pp1-3 (Une interview sur des sujets culturels et politiques)
- 1981, "The Age of Mediocrity", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 2, n°3, June, pp1-11 (Discours du Ford Hall Forum). (L'auteure déclare que l’administration Reagan et la droite religieuse sont des désastres intellectuels)
- Repris en 1993, In: Harry Binswanger, dir., "The Objectivist Forum (original pub. 1980–1987)", New York: TOF Publications, 2.3, pp1–11
- 1982,
- a. dir., Philosophy: Who Needs It. New York: New American Library & New York: Bobbs-Merrill
- b. Faith and Force: Destroyers of the Modern World, In: Ayn Rand, dir., Philosophy: Who Needs It. New York: New American Library, pp70–92
- c. Causality Versus Duty, In: Ayn Rand, dir., Philosophy: Who Needs It. New York: New American Library, pp95–101
- d. Selfishness Without a Self, In: Ayn Rand, dir., Philosophy: Who Needs It. New York: New American Library, pp46–51
- e. dir., The Objectivist Newsletter (original pub. 1962–1966), Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- f. dir., The Objectivist (original pub. 1966–1971), Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Book Service
- g. "The Sanction of the Victims", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 3, April, pp1-9 (Dernier discours d'Ayn Rand : un appel aux hommes d'affaires à cesser de financer les intellectuels collectivistes, discours du Ford Hall Forum, avec remarques préliminaires de Leonard Peikoff).
- h. "To the Readers of The Fountainhead", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 3, n°3, June, pp4-7 (Préface de l'auteur à l'une des premières éditions de The Fountainhead.)
Depuis 1983
- 1983,
- a. "Objectivism in Brief", 2 audio interviews. The Raymond Newman Journal. Oceanside, California: Second Renaissance Books
- b. "The Money-Making Personality", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 4, February, pp1-9 (Le faiseur de monnaie contre celui qui s'approprie la monnaie, article réimprimé du magazine Cosmopolitan).
- c. "From Ayn Rand's Unpublished Writings: Philosophic Journal", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 4, August, pp1-8 (Notes prises par Ayn Rand en 1934 sur la religion, le libre arbitre, l'égoïsme et d'autres sujets.)
- d. "From Ayn Rand's Unpublished Writings: Notes for Atlas Shrugged", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 4, December, pp1-9 (Notes prises par Ayn Rand en 1946 sur Dagny, Galt et les « créateurs réels qui travaillent pour leur propre destruction », également des commentaires sur l'architecte préféré d'Ayn Rand, Frank Lloyd Wright et du physicien J. Robert Oppenheimer).
- 1984,
- a. "From Ayn Rand's Unpublished Writings: Notes for Atlas Shrugged", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 5, April, pp1-8 (Notes prises par Ayn Rand en 1947 sur la dichotomie âme-corps, la raison et l'émotion, et « la progression du développement mental (et psychologique) de l'Homme ».).
- b. "From Ayn Rand's Unpublished Writings: Philosophic Notes", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 5, August, pp1-11 (Notes prises par Ayn Rand de 1949-1958 sur le sexe, la moralité, le compromis et plusieurs sujets d'épistémologie.)
- c. "From Ayn Rand's Unpublished Writings: Notes for The Fountainhead", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 5, December, pp1-6 (Notes prises par Ayn Rand de 1938 à 1941 sur le thème et les personnages principaux, The Fountainhead, y compris une ébauche de la première scène du livre.)
- 1985,
- a. "From Ayn Rand's Seminar on Epistemology", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 6, August, pp1-11 (Extraits d'une série d'ateliers au cours desquels Ayn Rand a rencontré un groupe de professeurs de philosophie pour répondre à des questions sur l'introduction à l'épistémologie objectiviste.)
- b. "From Ayn Rand's Unpublished Writings: A Speech to Architects", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 6, December, pp10-14 Pourquoi les architectes devraient défendre la liberté, l'individualisme et l'égoïsme (Conférence livrée à un groupe d'architectes peu de temps après la publication du roman d'Ayn Rand, "The Fountainhead").
- 1987,
- a. "From Ayn Rand's Seminar on Epistemology", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 8, February, pp1-10 (Extraits d'une série d'ateliers au cours desquels Ayn Rand a rencontré un groupe de professeurs de philosophie pour répondre à des questions sur l'introduction à l'épistémologie objectiviste.)
- b. "Ayn Rand, HUAC Testimony", The Objectivist Forum, Vol 8, August, pp1-11 (La transcription complète du témoignage d'Ayn Rand en 1947 lors des audiences du "House Un-American Activities Committee" sur la propagande communiste dans l'industrie cinématographique.)
- 1989, The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought. New York: New American Library
- 1990, On a Woman President, In: Leonard Peikoff, dir., "The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought", New York: Meridian, pp267–270
- 1995, Anthem, A Signet Book
- 1998, Return of the Primitive - The Anti-Industrial Revolution, A Meridian Book
- 1999,
- a. "The Money-Making Personality", In: Richard E. Ralston, dir., "Why Businessmen Need Philosophy", Ayn Rand Institute Press
- b. "An Answer for Businessmen", In: Richard E. Ralston, dir., "Why Businessmen Need Philosophy", Ayn Rand Institute Press
- 2018, "Further Commentary By Ayn Rand: Excerpts From “Objectivist Workshop on Ethics and Politics”", In: Jonathan Hoenig, dir., "A New Textbook of Americanism: The Politics of Ayn Rand", Chicago: Capitalistpig, pp105-124
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- ↑ L'auteur l'adapta en scénario pour le cinéma : Le Rebelle, réalisé par King Vidor
- ↑ Papier présenté par Ayn Rand au colloque de l'Université du Wisconsin sur «L'éthique dans notre temps », à Madison, dans le Wisconsin, le 9 Février 1961