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Roger Koppl
Roger Koppl | |||||
économiste | |||||
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Tendance | école autrichienne | ||||
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Roger Koppl est directeur à l'Institute for Forensic Science Administration, installé à Madison dans le New Jersey. Il est diplômé d'économie mathématique en 1980 (BA) à l'université d'Etat de Cleveland. En 1983, il reçoit son diplôme à l'université de New York (MA en économie). Et il décroche facilement son doctorat d'économie en 1988 à l'université d'Auburn. Il enseigne depuis 1998 à l'université de Fairleigh Dickinson.
En compagnie d'autres auteurs de l'école autrichienne comme Don Lavoie, Ludwig Lachmann ou Richard Ebeling, il a permis de positionner l'herméneutique comme méthodologie adaptée à la science économique.
- 1991,
- a. Animal Spirits, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5 (3), summer, pp203-210
- b. avec Richard Langlois, Fritz Machlup and Marginalism: A Reevaluation, Methodus, 3 (2), december, pp86–102
- c. “In Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann”, Austrian Economics Newsletter, Winter/Spring, pp8-9
- 1992,
- a. Price Theory as Physics: The Cartesian Influence on Walras, Methodus, December, 4(2)
- Repris en 2001, In: Donald Walker, Dir., The Legacy of Léon Walras (2 volumes), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- b. Invisible-Hand Explanations and Neoclassical Economics: Toward a Post Marginalist Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, June, 148(2): 292-313
- Repris en 2002, In: Sandye Gloria-Palermo, dir., Modern Austrian Economics (3 volumes), London: Pickering & Chatto
- c. avec Leland Yeager, Big Players and Herding in Asset Markets: The Case of the Russian Ruble, Explorations in Economic History, vol 38, pp367-383
- d. “What is the Public Interest?”, In: Robert W. McGee, dir., Business Ethics and Common Sense, Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books
- a. Price Theory as Physics: The Cartesian Influence on Walras, Methodus, December, 4(2)
- 1993,
- a. avec William Butos, Hayekian Expectations: Theory and Empirical Applications, Constitutional Political Economy, Fall, 4(3): 303-29
- b. Some Possibly Postmodern Thoughts on Authority or How to Make the Good Society without Really Trying, In: Wendy Oxman et Mark Weinstein, dir., Critical Thinking as an Educational Ideal, Montclair, New Jersey: Institute for Critical Thinking
- 1994,
- a. avec Richard Langlois, When Do Ideas Matter? A Study in the Natural Selection of Social Games, Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 1, pp81-104
- b. "Lachmann on Schutz and Shackle", Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 1, pp289-301
- c. "Ideal Types", In: Peter Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- d. “Invisible-Hand Explanations”, In: Peter Boettke, dir., The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- e. Commentaire du livre d'Israel Kirzner, "The Meaning of Market Process", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 24(2), pp245-248
- 1995,
- a. avec Gary Mongiovi, dir., "Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann", London: Routledge
- b. avec Gary Mongiovi, "Introduction", In Roger Koppl et Gary Mongiovi, dir., "Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann", London: Routledge, pp1-11
- 1996,
- a. avec Leland Yeager, “Big Players and Herding in Asset Markets: The Case of the Russian Ruble.” Explorations in Economic History, 33(3): 367-383
- b. It is High Time we take our Ignorance more Seriously, International Review of Financial Analysis, 1996, 5(3): 259-72
- c. Man has Fallen and He Can't Get Up, In: Mary Cross, dir., Advertising and Culture: Theoretical Perspectives, Westport, CT and London: Praeger
- 1997,
- a. Mises and Schutz on Ideal Types, Cultural Dynamics, 9(1): 67-76
- b. avec William Butos, The Varieties of Subjectivism: Keynes and Hayek on Expectations, History of Political Economy, 29(2): 327-359
- c. avec Ahmed Ehsan, J. Barkley Rosser et Mark V. White, Complex Bubble Persistence in Closed-End Country Funds, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 32(1): 19-37
- 1998,
- a. Lachmann on the Subjectivism of Active Minds, In: Roger Koppl et G. Mongiovi, Dir., Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig Lachmann. London and New York: Routledge
- b. Apriorism and Dualism, Advances in Austrian Economics, volume 5, pp159-179
- c. Introduction, In: Roger Koppl et G. Mongiovi, Dir., Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig Lachmann. London and New York: Routledge
- 1999,
- a. avec Maria Minniti, The Unintended Consequences of Entrepreneurship, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 1999, 9(4):567-586
- Repris en 2002, In: Alta Gerencia Septiembre/Octubre, pp24-40
- b. avec John Broussard, Big Players and the Russian Ruble: Explaining Volatility Dynamics, Managerial Finance, 25(1): 49-63
- c. avec William Butos, Hayek and Kirzner at the Keynesian Beauty Contest, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 9(2/3): 257-275
- a. avec Maria Minniti, The Unintended Consequences of Entrepreneurship, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 1999, 9(4):567-586
- 2000,
- a. Machlup and Behavioralism, Industrial and Corporate Change, 9(4): 595-622
- b. roundtable discussion [en hommage au professeur Ludwig M. Lachmann (1906-1990): Scholar, Teacher, and Austrian School Critic of Late Classical Formalism], pp390-394, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2000, 59(3): 367-417
- c. Teaching Complexity: An Austrian Approach, In: David Colander, dir., The Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics, Edward Elgar
- d. The Policy Implications of Complexity: An Austrian Perspective, In: David Colander, dir., The Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics, Edward Elgar
- 2001,
- a. avec Richard Langlois, Organization and Language Games, Journal of Management and Governance, 5(3-4): 287-305
- b. avec Carlo Nardone, The Angular Distribution of Asset Returns in Delay Space, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 6: 101-120
- c. Alfred Schütz and George Shackle: Two Views of Choice, The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 14, n°2-3, pp181–191
- d. avec Ivo A. Sarjanovic, Big Players en la ‘Nueva Economía, Libertas, 35(1)
- e. avec Peter Boettke, Introduction [au numéro spécial consacré au centenaire d'Alfred Schütz], Review of Austrian Economics, 14, (2/3): 111-117
- f. avec William Butos, Confidence in Keynes and Hayek: reply to Burczak, Review of Political Economy, 13(1): 81-86
- 2002,
- a. avec J. Barkley Rosser, “All That I Have to Say Has Already Crossed Your Mind,” Metroeconomica, 53(4): 339-360
- b. Custom and Rules, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 61(2): 531-537
- c. What is Alertness?, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, 12(1): 3-13
- d. Big Players and the Economic Theory of Expectations, Palgrave MacMillan: New York
- 2003,
- a. Dir., ["http://www.libertarianismo.org/livros/rkaeaes.pdf Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies"], Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 6, Amsterdam: JAI, Elsevier Science
- b. Gains from trade between Austrian economics and entrepreneurial studies, In: Roger Koppl, dir., "Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies", Advances in Austrian Economics, vol 6, Amsterdam: JAI, Elsevier Science, pp1-7
- c. avec Dusan Mramor, Big Players in Slovenia, Review of Austrian Economics, 16(2/3): 253-269
- d. avec Ivo Sarjanovic, Big Players in the ‘New Economy’, Jack Birner, dir., Austrian Perspectives on the New Economy, Routledge
- e. avec Maria Minniti, "Market Processes and Entrepreneurial Studies", In: Zoltan Acs et D. B. Audretsch, dir., Handbook of Entrepreneurial Research, Kluwer
- f. avec William Butos, Science as a Spontaneous Order: An Essay in the Economics of Science, In: H. S. Jensen, M. Vendeloe et L. Richter, dir., The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge, Edward Elgar
- g. commentaire du livre de Gerd Gigerenzer et Reinhard Selten, dir., "Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizaiton, 53(3), pp431-434
- 2004,
- a. avec Douglas Glen Whitman, Rational-Choice Hermeneutics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 55(3), november, pp295-317
- b. avec Sorin Tuluca, Random Walk Hypothesis Testing and the Compass Rose, Finance Letters, 2 (1): 14-17
- c. avec William Butos, Carabelli and De Vecchi on Keynes and Hayek, Review of Political Economy, 2004, 16(2): 239-247
- d. Dir., Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory: Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 7. Oxford: Elsevier
- e. Economics Evolving: An Introduction to the Volume, In: Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 7
- 2005,
- a. Epistemic Systems, Episteme: Journal of Social Epistemology, 2(2): 91-106
- b. How to Improve Forensic Science,” European Journal of Law and Economics, 20(3): 255-286
- c. avec Catherine Gilanshah, Big Players and Money Demand, In: Jürgen Backhaus, dir., Modern Applications of Austrian Thought
- 2006,
- a. Austrian Economics at the Cutting Edge, Review of Austrian Economics, 19(4):231–241
- b. Entrepreneurial Behavior as a Human Universal, In: Maria Minniti, dir., Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Growth, vol 1, People, Westport, CT and London: Praeger
- c. A Zeal for Truth, In: Roger Koppl, dir., Money and the Market Process: Essays in Honor of Leland Yeager, New York: Routledge
- d. Commentaire du livre de Bruce Caldwell, "Hayek’s Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 59(2), pp287-291
- 2007,
- a. Diversity and Forensics: Diversity in Hiring is Not Enough, Medicine, Science and the Law, 47(2), pp117-124
- b. avec William Butos, Does The Sensory Order Have a Useful Economic Future? (Est-ce que l'ordre sensoriel a un avenir économique utile ?), In: Elisabeth Krecké, Carine Krecké et Roger G. Koppl, dir., Cognition and Economics, Oxford: Elsevier, JAI Press, collection “Advances in Austrian Economics” (vol.9), pp19-50
- 2008, avec Dan Krane, “Sequential Unmasking: A means of Minimizing Observer Effects in Forensic DNA Interpretation”, The Journal of Forensic Sciences, July
- 2009, “Complexity and Austrian Economics”, In: J. Barkley Rosser Jr, dir., Handbook on Complexity Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- 2010,
- a. The Preaching Must Never Stop: Remembering Larry Moss, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 69, n°1, January, pp58–63
- b. "Romancing Forensics: Legal Failure in Forensic Science Administration", In: Edward J. López, dir., The Pursuit of Justice: Law and Economics of Legal Institutions, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-0-230-10245-3
Book Chapters
“Romancing Forensics: Legal Failure in Forensic Science Administration,” in Lopez, Edward, edited, Government Failure in the Legal System: A Public Choice Review of the Law, Independent Institute, forthcoming.
“Entrepreneurship and Human Action” With M. Minniti. In Non-Market Entrepreneurship, P. Frank, G. Shockley and R. Stough, eds. Edgar Elgar, forthcoming.
Other Scholarly Publications
“Thinking Impossible Things: A Review Essay on Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizaiton, forthcoming.
“Democratic Epistemics: An Experiment on How to Improve Forensic Science," Papers on Economics and Evolution, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Evolutionary Economics Group, working paper #0609, 2006.
“Review of John Sutton’s Marshall’s Tendencies: What Can Economists Know?” Southern Economic Journal, 2002, 68(3):734-738.
“Review of Jon Elster’s Alchemies of the Mind, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizaiton, 2001, 45(3): 332-335.
“Review” of Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology ed. by Make, Gustafsson and Knudsen, Advances in Austrian Economics, 1997, 4: 241-245.
“Review of Lawrence A. Boland's Principles of Economics: Some Lies My Teachers Told Me,” Review of Political Economy, 1996, 8(3): 334-38.
“Reply to Ozawa, Moggridge, and Visser,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1992, 6(3): 211-12.
Littérature secondaire
- 2002, Theodore Burczak, "Response to Butos and Koppl: Expectations, Exogeneity, and Evolution", Review of Political Economy, 13:1, January, pp87-90
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