Analyse économique du droit

La notion d'analyse économique du droit (en anglais, Law and economics) est utilisée pour désigner l'étude du droit et de la légalité par incorporation des méthodes et les idées issues de l'analyse économique et de la pensée économique.

Courant peu représenté dans le monde francophone, la discipline a été initiée aux États-Unis par l'école de Chicago : Richard P. Adelstein. Armen Alchian, Gary Becker, Guido Calabresi, Ronald Coase, Harold Demsetz, Aaron Director, Richard Posner... Parmi les auteurs qui ont une sensibilité prononcée vis à vis de l'école autrichienne, on compte : Joseph Becker, Walter Block, Gregory Scott Crespi, Pierre Garello, Gerald O'Driscoll, Mario Rizzo et Linda A. Schwartzstein.

Philippe Simonnot, Ejan Mackaay, Jean-Yves Chérot, Elisabeth Krecké, Samuel Ferey et Bruno Deffains sont les rares auteurs francophones à y consacrer leur intérêt.


  • 1973, Gustavo R. Velasco, "Labor Legislation from an economic Point of View", Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund
  • 1980, Roy Cordato, The austrian theory of efficiency and the role of government, The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Fall, pp. 393-403
  • 1983,
    • Edmund W. Kitch, "The Fire of Truth: A Remembrance of Law and Economics at Chicago, 1932-1970", Journal of Law and Economics, 26, pp163-234
    • Christopher T. Wonnell, "Economic Due Process and the Preservation of Competition", Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, 11
  • 1985,
    • Steve Hanke, Rules versus cost-benefit analysis in the common law: a comment. Cato Journal, 4 (3) pp893-896
    • Lewis Kornhauser, “L’analyse économique du droit”, Revue de Synthèse, série III, n°118-119, pp313-329
  • 1986, Christopher T. Wonnell, "Contract Law and the Austrian School of Economics", Fordham Law Review, Vol 54, pp507-543
  • 1989, Roy Cordato, “Subjective Value, Time Passage, and the Economics of Harmful Effects.” Hamline Law Review 12(2): 229–44
  • 1990,
    • Gregory B. Christainsen, Law as a discovery procedure. Cato Journal, 9 (3), pp497-530
    • Pierre Coulange, Analyse Économique de la Production de Droit. Essai de synthèse (The Production of Legal Rules), Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 1, n°3, pp277-302
    • Pierre Coulange, Analyse économique de la production de droit Aix-en-Provence : Thèse pour le doctorat des sciences économiques. Université d'Aix Marseille III, Faculté d'Economie Appliquée
  • 1991, Michael E. Debow, Markets, Government Intervention, and the Role of Information: An ‘Austrian School’ Perspective avec an Application to Merger Regulation, George Mason University Law Review, Vol 14, pp31-98
    • 1992, Linda A. Schwartzstein, Austrian Economics and the Current Debate between Critical Legal Studies and Law and Economics, 20 Hofstra Law Review, 1105 ff.
  • 1993,
    • Dieter Schmidtchen, Time, Uncertainty, and Subjectivism: Giving More Body to Law and Economics, International Review of Law and Economics, Vol 13, n°1, March
    • Gregory Scott Crespi, Microeconomics Made (Too) Easy: A Casebook Approach to Teaching Law and Economics, Commentaier du livre de David W. Barnes et de Lynn A. Stout, Cases and Materials on Law and Economics, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 91, No. 6, mai, pp1560-1577
    • Michael W. Spicer, 1993, "On Friedrich Hayek & Public Administration -- An Argument for Discretion avecin Rules," Administration & Society, mai
  • 1994,
    • Thomas C. Arthur, The Costly Quest for Perfect Competition: Kodak and Nonstructural Market Power," New York University Law Review (vol. 69, avril
    • Gregory Scott Crespi, Teaching the New Law and Economics. University of Toledo Law Review 25, no. 3
    • Linda A. Schwartzstein, ‘An Austrian Economic View of Legal Process’, 55 Ohio State Law Journal, 55, 1049
  • 1995,
    • Joseph Becker, Procrustean Jurisprudence: An Austrian School Economic Critique of the Separation and Regulation of Liberties in the Twentieth Century United States, Northern Illinois University Law Review 15, pp671–718
    • Rudi W. Holzhauer et Rob Teijl, The Impact of the Austrian School on Law & Economics, In: Boudewijn Bouckaert et Gerrit De Geest, dir., "Essays in Law and Economics", Vol II, Antwerpen: Maklu Uitgevers
    • Richard E. Levy, "Escaping Lochner's Shadow: Toward a Coherent Jurisprudence of Economic Rights", North Carolina Law Review, 73, pp329-415
  • 1997, Paul Mahoney, The Exchange as Regulator, Virginia Law Review, 83, pp1453–1500
  • 1999, Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman et Bertrand Lemennicier, Marriage Contracts and the Law-and-Economics of Marriage: An Austrian Perspective, Journal of Socio-Economics, 28: 665-690
  • 2000, Ludwig van den Hauwe, `The Case for Supply-Side Economics Revisited: The Effect of Time Preference´, European Journal of Law and Economics, 10: 139-60
  • 2001,
    • Gregory B. Christainsen et Brian C. Gothberg, The Potential of High Technology for Establishing Tradable Rights to Whales, In: The Technology of Property Rights, Terry L. Anderson et Peter J. Hill, Dir., Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield
    • Paul Mahoney, The common law and economic growth: Hayek might be right. Journal of Legal Studies, 30(2), 503Β25
  • 2002,
    • Laurent Carnis, Economic Approach of Crime: Mainstream Economics vs. Rothbard, Paper delivered in the honor of the 40th Anniversary of Murray Rothbard’s Man, Economy and State, mars, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama
    • Bruno Defains, dir., "L’analyse économique du droit dans les pays de droit civil", Éditions Cujas, Paris
    • Henk Folmer, Wim J. M. Heijman et Auke R. Leen, Product Liability: A Neo-Austrian Based Perspective, Revue European Journal of Law and Economics, Volume 13, Number 1, janvier, pp73-84
  • 2003, Sophie Harnay et Alain Marciano, "Posner. L’analyse économique du droit", Michalon, Le bien commun, Paris
  • 2004,
    • Laurent Carnis, Pitfalls of the Classical School of Crime, The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Winter, 7(4), pp7-18
    • Dina Kallay, The Law and Economics of Antitrust and Intellectual Property. An Austrian Approach, Cheltenham, Elgar
    • Edward P. Stringham et Mark D. White, Economic Analysis of Tort Law: Austrian and Kantian Perspectives, In: Law and Economics: Alternative Economic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues, Margaret Oppenheimer et Nicholas Mercuro, Dir., Ch 15, pp374-392
  • 2005,
    • Guy Canivet, “La pertinence de l’analyse économique du droit : le point de vue du juge”, Les Petites Affiches, 19 mai, n°99, pp23-28
    • Ludwig van den Hauwe, `Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)´, In: The Elgar Companion to Law and Economics, Ch 41, Seconde édition, Jürgen Backhaus, dir. pp545-558
  • 2007, Bruno Deffains, S. Ferey, "Analyse économique et théorie du droit", Droits, n°45, pp223-254
  • 2008,
    • Marc Deschamps et Frédéric Marty, "L'analyse économique du Droit est-elle une théorie scientifique du Droit", Revue de la recherche juridique. Droit prospectif, Vol 5, n° spécial, pp2541-2565
    • Ejan Mackaay et Stéphane Rousseau, Analyse économique du droit, Paris/Montréal, Dalloz-Sirey/Éditions Thémis, (2e éd.) ISBN 978-2247071456
    • Andrew P. Morriss, "LAW AND ECONOMICS", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp284-286
    • Todd J. Zywicki & Anthony B. Sanders, Posner, Hayek & the Economic Analysis of Law, Iowa Law Review, Vol. 93, No. 2, pp. 559-603, February 2008
  • 2010, Michael Litschka et Kristoffel Grechenig, "Law by human intent or evolution? Some remarks on the Austrian school of economics' role in the development of law and economics", European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 29, n°1, February, pp57-79
  • 2012,
    • Bruno Deffains, Samuel Ferey, "L'économie du droit entre révolution cognitive et tournant réaliste", Revue française d'économie, 2012/4, Vol XXVII), pp45-80
    • Jean-Philippe Feldman, "Analyse économique du droit", In: Mathieu Laine, dir., "Dictionnaire du libéralisme", Paris: Larousse, pp56-57
  • 2019,
    • Pablo Salvador Coderch, Antoni Terra Ibáñez, "Law and Economics", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp1243-1248
    • Martin Gelter, Kristoffel Grechenig, "Law and Economics, History of", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp1248-1254

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