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Michael E. Debow

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Michael E. DeBow est né à Tupelo, dans l'État du Mississippi (USA) en 1956. Il est professeur assistant à l'École de Droit Cumberland, à l'université Samford. Les matières enseignées comprennent le droit administratif, le droit antitrust, la règlementation de l'entreprise, le Droit et la propriété. De 1984 à 1985, il fut avocat-conseil auprès du président de la Commission Federale du Commerce, et de 1985 à 1986, il était assistant du procureur général adjoint de la Division antitrust, auprès du ministère de la Justice des USA.


  • 1987, "Judicial Regulation of Industry: An Analysis of Antitrust Consent Decrees", University of Chicago Legal Forum, pp353-368
  • 1988,
    • a. avec Dwight R. Lee, Understanding (and Misunderstanding) Public Choice: A Response to Farber and Frickey, Texas Law Review, 66, pp993-1012
    • b. What’s Wrong with Price-Fixing: Responding to the New Critics of Antitrust, Regulation, No. 2, pp44-50
      • Repris en 1991, In: Annual Editions: Microeconomics 91/92, Don Cole, dir., pp159-165
  • 1990, Do Not Use U.S. Antitrust Enforcement to Promote U.S. Exports, Regulation, Fall, pp16-18
  • 1991,
    • a. "Markets, Government Intervention, and the Role of Information: An ‘Austrian School’ Perspective with an Application to Merger Regulation", George Mason University Law Review, Vol 14, Fall, pp31-98
    • b. The Social Costs of Populist Antitrust: A Public Choice Perspective, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 14, pp205-223
  • 1992, The Ethics of Rent-Seeking?: A New Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility, Journal of Law & Commerce, 12, pp1-21
  • 1993,
    • a. avec Dwight R. Lee, Shareholders, Nonshareholders, and Corporate Law: Communitarianism and Resource Allocation, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 18, pp393-424
    • b. ‘Oppression’ of Minority Shareholders: Contract, Not Tort, Alabama Lawyer, March, pp128-131
  • 1994,
    • a. The Politics of Good Intentions, Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, 14, pp471-488
    • b. Unjust Compensation: The Continuing Need for Reform, In: Regulatory Takings: Restoring Private Property Rights, Roger Clegg, dir., pp55-68
    • c. avec Harold Elder, Alabama’s tort law disgrace, Mobile Register, November 6, p1C
    • d. avec Roger Clegg, Pre-Law Prerequisites: A Guide to the Post-Socialist World, Policy Review, Winter, pp74-80
  • 1995,
    • a. Codifying the Dormant Commerce Clause, Public Interest Law Review, pp69-86
    • b. Unjust Compensation: The Continuing Need for Reform, South Carolina Law Review, 46, pp579-593
    • c. Justice and money, Mobile Register, December 10, p1C
    • d. In defense of partisan judicial elections, Birmingham News, October 29, p1C
    • e. avec Dwight R. Lee, Politics, Money, and the Constitution, In: Roger Clegg, dir., Is It Time for a Second Constitutional Convention?, pp187-199
    • f. avec Lawrence Iannotti, State absentee voting law is clear; court’s ruling is not, Birmingham News, March 22, p9A.
    • g. "Reforming Politics in the Age of Leviathan: A Skeptical View", The Freeman, October, Vol 45, n°10, pp628-631 (L'auteur signale que temettre en question les idées reçues sur le financement des campagnes et le lobbying peut être une erreur.)
      • Repris en 1996, In: Charles Cozic, dir., "Politicians and Ethics", Greenhaven Press, pp176-180
  • 1996,
    • a. avec Roger Clegg, Conservative and Libertarian Legal Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography, Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy, Inc.
    • b. The Eclipse of the Lawyer-Statesman Ideal: Costs and Benefits, Cumberland Law Review, 26, pp859-870
    • c. U.S. Supreme Court again puts Alabama on notice, Birmingham News, October 27, p4C
    • d. Lessons from failure, Mobile Register, February 11, p1C
  • 1997,
    • a. Report of the Task Force on Tobacco Litigation, Cumberland Law Review, 27, pp575-652
    • b. Antitrust in the Courts: 1996-97, Competitive Enterprise Institute
    • c. Comment on Shughart, In: Rethinking Antitrust Regulation: Reform, Repeal, or Retreat?, Competitive Enterprise Institute
    • d. The States vs. The Tobacco Industry: Smoke and Assorted Mirrors, Heartland Policy Study n°83, The Heartland Institute, June
  • 2017, "Austrian economics and tort law", In: Peter J. Boettke, Todd Zywicki, dir., "Research Handbook on Austrian Law and Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp261-277 (en)

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