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Sanford Ikeda (bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Sanford Ikeda, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1990 à 1999

  • 1990, "Market Process Theory and 'Dynamic' Theories of the Market", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 57, n°1, July, pp75-92
    • Repris en 1999, In: Peter J. Boettke, Andrew Farrant, Greg Ransom, Gilberto O. Salgado, dir., "The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek", Vol 3, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp182-199
  • 1992, The Dynamics of Government Intervention: Theory and Implications, In: John W. Robbins et Mark Spangler, dir., A Man of Principle: Essays in Honor of Hans F. Sennholz, Grove City, PA: Grove City College Press
  • 1994, ‘Market processes’ in The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics ed. Peter Boettke (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing)
  • 1995, The Use of Knowledge in Government and Market, Advances in Austrian Economics, 2 (B)
  • 1997, "Dynamics of the Mixed Economy: Toward a Theory of Interventionism", New York, Routledge (e-books payants disponibles ici)
  • 1998, "Interventionism and the Progressive Discoordination of the Mixed Economy", In: Sanford Ikeda , Peter Boettke, dir., Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 5, pp37-50

De 2000 à 2009

  • 2001, Market‐Process Theory and ‘Dynamic’ Theories of the Market, Southern Economic Journal, 57, pp75‐92
  • 2005, "The Dynamics of Interventionism", In: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, dir., "The Dynamics of Intervention: Regulation and Redistribution in the Mixed Economy", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 8, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp21-57
  • 2009, "A Triple Whammy for Austrian Economics", The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 59, n°7

De 2010 à 2019

  • 2011,
    • a. Commentaire du livre de Steven G. Medema, "The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-Interest in the History of Economic Ideas", The Freeman, March, Vol 61, n°2
    • b. avec Peter Gordon, "Does Density Matter?", In: David E. Andersson, Åke E. Andersson et Charlotta Mellander, dir., "Handbook of Creative Cities", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

De 2020 à 2029

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