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Nicolai Foss (bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Nicolai Foss, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1989 à 1994

  • 1989, “Subjektivisme, Hermeneutik og Institutioner - et Neo-Østrigsk Perspektiv”, ("Subjectivisme, herméneutique et institutions - une perspective néo-autrichienne"), In: Christian Knudsen, dir., "Institutionalismen i samfundsvidenskaberne", (« L'institutionnalisme en sciences sociales »), Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur
  • 1993,
    • a. "The Theory of the Firm: Contractual and Competence Perspectives", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 3, June, pp127-144
    • b. More on Knight and the Theory of the Firm, Managerial and Decision Economics, 14, (July), pp269-276
    • c. The Two Coasian Traditions, Review of Political Economy, 4, December, pp508-32

De 1995 à 1999

  • 1996,
    • a. “The “Alternative” Theories of Knight and Coase, and the Modern Theory of the Firm”. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 18, no.1, pp76-95
    • b. “Post-Marshallian and Austrian Economics: Towards a Fruitful Liaison? Advances in Austrian Economics 3: 213-221
    • c. “Spontaneous Social Order: Economics and Schützian Sociology”. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 55(1), January, pp73-86
    • d. “Harold Malmgren's Analysis of the Firm: Lessons for Modern Theorists?” Review of Political Economy 8: 349-366
    • e. "Whither the Competence Perspective?", In: Nicolai Foss, Christian Knudsen, dir., "Towards a Competence Theory of the Firm", London: Routledge
    • f. "More Critical Comments on Knowledge-Based Theories of the Firm", Organization Science, Vol 7, n°5, Sep.- Oct., pp519-523
    • g. Capabilities and the theory of the firm, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Vol 77, n°77 pp7-28
    • h. ‘Knowledge-based approaches to the theory of the firm: some critical comments’, Organization Science, 7, pp470–476
    • i. “Research in strategy, economics, and Michael Porter”, Journal of Management Studies, January, Vol 33, n°1, pp1-24
    • j. "On the Relations Between Evolutionary and Contractual Theories of the Firm", Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, Copenhagen Business School
    • k. "Firms, Incomplete Contracts, and Organizational Learning", Human Systems Management, Vol 15, pp17-26
  • 1997,
    • a. "Economics, Institutions and Ludwig Von Mises", Cultural Dynamics, Vol 9, pp77-96
    • b. "Evolutionary Economics and the Theory of the Firm: Assessments and Proposal for Research", In; J. Reijnders, dir., "Economics and Evolution", Chelthenam: Edward Elgar
    • c. "Austrian Economics and Game Theory: An Evaluation and a Stocktaking", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 13, pp41-58
    • d. "Ethics, Discovery, and Strategy", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 16, pp1131-1142
    • e. "Resources, Firms and Strategy: A Reader in the Resource-Based Perspective", Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • f. "Austrian insights and the theory of the firm", In, Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 4, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp175-198
    • g. "On the Rationales of Corporate Headquarters", Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 6, pp313-339
    • h. "On Austrian Economics and Neo-Institutionalist Economics", In: Bert Tieben, Willem Keizer, Rudy van Zijp, dir., "Austrian Economics in Debate", New York, NY: Routledge, pp243-263
    • i. avec M. Iversen, Promoting synergies in multiproduct firms: Toward a resource-based view, Working Papers from Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, Copenhagen Business School n°97-12
    • j. The classical theory of production and the capabilities view of the firm, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol 24, n°5, pp307-323
  • 1998,
    • a. Firms and the Coordination of Knowledge: Some Austrian Insights, DRUID Working Paper n° 98-19, Septembre 1998, 32 pages
    • b. Edith Penrose and the Penrosians - or, why there is still so much to learn from The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, Working Paper Series, Department of Industrial Economics & Strategy, Copenhagen Business School, No 98-1
    • c. The Competence-Based Approach: Veblenian Ideas in the Contemporary Theory of the Firm, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 22, n°4
    • d. Equilibrium versus Evolution in the Resource-Based Perspective: Demsetz vs Penrose, In: Nicolai J Foss et Paul L. Robertson, Resources, Technology and Strategy
    • e. Incomplete Contracts and Economic Organization: Brian Loasby and the Theory of the Firm, In: Peter Earl et Sheila Dow, Dir., Economic Knowledge and Economic Coordination: Essays in Honour of Brian Loasby, Aldershot: Edward Elgar
    • f. avec Brian Loasby, "Introduction: Capabilities and Coordination", In: Nicolaï J. Foss, Brian Loasby, dir., "Economic Organization, Capabilities, and Coordination: Essays in Honour of George B. Richardson", London: Routledge, pp1-13
    • g. The New Growth Theory: Some Intellectual Growth Accounting, Journal of Economic Methodology 5: 223-246
    • h. “The Resource-Based Perspective: An Assessment and Diagnosis of Problems”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol 14, n°3, pp133-149
    • i. "Austrian and Post-Marshallian Economics: The Bridging Work of George B. Richardson", In: Nicolai J. Foss, Brian Loasby, dir., "Economic Organization, Capabilities, and Coordination: Essays in Honour of George B. Richardson", London: Routledge, pp138-162

de 2000 à 2004

  • 2000,
    • a. “The Costs of Internal Hybrids: The Rise and Decline of the Oticon Spaghetti Organization,” LINK Working Paper 2000-18
    • b. Whither Economic Organization?, LINK Working Paper, Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, Copenhagen Business School
    • c. "Austrian Economics and Game Theory: An Evaluation and a Stocktaking", Review of Austrian Economics 13: 41-58
    • d. "Equilibrium versus Evolution: The Conflicting Legacies of Demsetz and Penrose", In: Nicolai J. Foss, Paul L. Robertson, dir., "Resources, Technology, and Strategy: Explorations in the Resource-based View", London: Routledge
    • e. avec Kirsten Foss, ”Theoretical Isolation in Contract Economics, Journal of Economic Methodology 7: 313-339
    • f. avec Kirsten Foss, ”Learning in Firms: Knowledge-Based and Property Rights Perspectives,” European Journal of Social and Economic Systems 14: 119-142
    • g. The Dangers and Attractions of Theoretical Eclecticism, Journal of Macromarketing, 20, no. 1: 65–67
    • h. The Theory of the Firm: an Introduction to Themes and Contributions, In: Nicolai J. Foss, The Theory of the Firm: Critical Perspectives in Economic Organization, London: Routledge
    • i. avec H. Lando et S. Thomsen, The Theory of the Firm, In: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Boudewijn Bouckaert et Gerrit De Geest, Dir., vol. Volume III - The Regulation of Contracts, pp631– 658. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
    • j. Equilibrium and Evolution: The Conflicting Legacies of Demsetz and Penrose, In: Nicolai J Foss et Paul L. Robertson, dir., Resources, Technology, and Strategy. London: Routledge
    • k. avec Volker Mahnke, Strategy and the market process perspective, In: Jackie Krafft, dir., The Process of Competition, Aldershot: Edward Elgar
    • l. "The Dangers and Attractions of Theoretical Eclecticism", Journal of Macromarketing, June, Vol 20, pp65-67
  • 2001,
    • a. avec Jens Frøslev Christensen, A Market-Process Approach to Corporate Coherence, Managerial and Decision Economics 22 (4/5, Strategy and the Market Process): 213-226
    • b. Misesian Ownership and Coasian Authority in Hayekian Settings: The Case of the Knowledge Economy, Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 4, pp3-24
    • c. Economic Organization in the Knowledge Economy: Some Austrian Insights, DRUID Working Paper No 01-07, May
    • d. avec Kirsten Foss, “Assets, Attributes, and Ownership", International Journal of the Economics of Business, Vol 8, pp19-37
    • e. Les compétences et entraves cognitives dans la négociation entre firmes, In: A. PLUNKET, B. BELLON, C. VOISIN, S. EDOUARD, dir., La coopération industrielle, Economica, Paris
    • f. Commentaire du livre de Boudewijn Bouckaert et Annette Godart-van der Kroon, dir., "Hayek Revisited", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol 23, n°4, décembre, pp535-536
    • g. "Leadership, Beliefs and Coordination: An Explorative Discussion", Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 10, pp357-388
    • h. "Organizing technological interdependencies: A coordination perspective on the firm", Industrial and Corporate Change, 10(1), pp151–178
  • 2002,
    • a. avec Kirsten Foss, "Organizing Economic Experiments : Property Rights and Firm Organization", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 15, n°4, pp297-312
    • b. avec Kirsten Foss, “Economic Organization and Productive and Destructive Entrepreneurship”, In: Nicolai J. Foss et Peter G. Klein, Dir., Entrepreneurship and The Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization, Aldershott, U.K.: Edward Elgar
    • c. "Coase vs. Hayek: Economic Organization in the Knowledge Economy", International Journal of the Economics of Busines, vol 9, pp9-36
      • Repris en 2004, In: John Cunningham Wood et Robert D. Wood, dir., "Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments of Leading Economists" (vol. 4), Londres: Routledge, pp393-426
    • d. avec Kirsten Foss, Peter G. Klein et Sandra K. Klein, "Heterogeneous Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Organization", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 12, n°1, mars, pp79–96
    • e. avec Peter G. Klein, dir., Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization. Aldershott, U.K.: Edward Elgar
    • f. avec Peter G. Klein, Introduction, In: Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization, Nicolaï J. Foss et Peter G. Klein, Dir., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
    • g. Whither Economic Organization?, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftsforschung: 57-67
    • h. avec Torben Pedersen, Sources of Subsidiary Knowledge and Organizational Means of Knowledge Transfer, Journal of International Management 8: 49-67
    • i. avec Keld Laursen, New HRM Practices, Complementarities, and the Impact on Innovation Performance, Cambridge Journal of Economics
    • j. Economic organization and the tradeoffs between productive and destructive entrepreneurship, In: Nicolai J. Foss et Peter G. Klein, dir., Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization, Aldershot: Edward Elgar
  • 2003,
    • a. The Strategic Management and Transaction Cost Nexus: Past Debates, Central Questions, and Future Research Possibilities, Strategic Organization, May 1, 1(2): 139 - 169
    • b. Selective Intervention and Internal Hybrids: Interpreting and Learning from the Rise and Decline of the Oticon Spaghetti Organization, Strategic Organization 14(3): 331-349
    • c. Bounded rationality and tacit knowledge in the organizational capabilities approach: an assessment and a reevaluation, Industrial and Corporate Change 12: 185-201
    • d. Bounded rationality in the economics of organization: ‘‘Much cited and little used’’, Journal of Economic Psychology, 24, pp245–264
    • e. avec V. Mahnke, ‘Knowledge Management: What can Organizational Economics Contribute?’, In: M. Easterby-Smith et Lyles, dir., Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Blackwell: Oxford, UK, pp78–103
    • f. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, “The Resource-Based Tangle: Towards a Sustainable Explanation of Competitive Advantage”, Managerial and Decision Economics, June, Vol 24, n°4, pp291-307

De 2005 à 2009


  • c. avec Kirsten Foss, Xosé Henrique Vázquez Vicente, "'Tying the manager's hands': constraining opportunistic managerial intervention", Cambridge journal of economics, n°5, pp797-818
  • d. avec Kirsten Foss, "Simon on problem solving: Implications for new organizational forms", International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol 3, n°4, pp339–356


  • 2008,
    • a. avec Peter Abell et Teppo Felin, Building Microfoundations for the Routines, Capabilities and Performance Link, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol 29, pp489-502
    • b. avec Peter G. Klein, Yasemin Y. Kor et Joseph T. Mahoney, Entrepreneurship, subjectivism, and the resource-based view: Towards a new synthesis, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2, pp13–94
    • c. avec Christian Bjørnskov, "Economic Freedom and Entrepreneurial Activity: Some Cross-Country Evidence", Public Choice, Vol 134, n°3-4, pp307–328
    • d. avec Kirsten Foss, "Understanding Opportunity Discovery and Sustainable Advantage: the Role of Transaction Costs and Property Rights", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 2, pp191–207
  • 2009,
    • a. avec Rajshree Agarwal, Jay B. Barney et Peter G. Klein, Heterogeneous resources and the financial crisis: Implications of strategic management theory, Strategic Organization, 7, pp467–484
    • b. avec Snejina Michailova, dir., "Knowledge governance : processes and perspectives", Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press
    • c. avec Snejina Michailova, "Knowledge governance : themes and questions", In: Nicolai J. Foss et Snejina Michailova, dir., "Knowledge governance : processes and perspectives", Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press
    • d. avec Nicolai Foss, "Managerial Authority When Knowledge is Distributed : A Knowledge Governance Perspective", In: Nicolai J. Foss, Snejina Michailova, dir., "Knowledge Governance: Processes and Perspectives", Oxford : Oxford University Press, pp108-137
    • e. avec Snejina Michailova, "Knowledge governance : what have we learned? and where are we heading?", In: Nicolai J. Foss, Snejina Michailova, dir., "Knowledge governance : processes and perspectives", Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press
    • f. avec Kirsten Foss, "Assets, attributes and ownership", In: Nicolai J. Foss, dir., "Knowledge, Economic Organization and Property Rights: Selected papers", Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, pp265-228
    • g. dir., "Knowledge, Economic Organization and Property Rights: Selected papers", Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated
    • h. avec Peter G. Klein, Kirsten Foss, "Original and derived judgment : An entrepreneurial theory of economic organization", In: Nicolai J. Foss, dir., "Knowledge, economic organization and property rights: Selected papers", Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, pp297-316
    • i. avec M. Lorenzen, "Towards an Understanding of Cognitive Coordination: Theoretical Development and Empirical Illustrations", Organization Studies, Vol 30, n°11, pp1201–1226

De 2010 à 2019

  • 2010,
    • a. “Austrian economics and the theory of the firm”, In: Peter G. Klein et Michael E. Sykuta, dir., The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar
    • b. avec Joseph T. Mahoney et Patricia Ordonez de Pablos, “Knowledge Governance: Contributions and Unresolved Issues”, International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 2 (4), pp263-268
    • c. avec Joseph T. Mahoney, "Exploring Knowledge Governance", International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 2 (2), pp93–101
    • d. avec Peter G. Klein, "Alertness, Action, and the Antecedents of Entrepreneurship", Journal of Private Enterprise, Vol 25, n°2, Spring, pp145-164
    • e. avec Peter G. Klein, "Entrepreneurial Alertness and Opportunity Discovery: Origins, Attributes, Critique", In: Hans Landström, Franz Lohrke, dir. "The Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research", Aldershot, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp91–120
    • f. "Property rights economics", In: Peter G. Klein, Michael E. Sykuta, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics", Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp92-106
    • g. "Bounded rationality and organizational economics", In: Peter G. Klein, Michael E. Sykuta, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics", Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp133-139
    • h. avec Peter G. Klein, "Critiques of transaction cost economics: an overview", In: Peter G. Klein, Michael E. Sykuta, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics", Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp263-272
    • i. avec Peter G. Klein, "Austrian economics and the theory of the firm", In: Peter G. Klein, Michael E. Sykuta, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics", Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp281-296
    • j. avec Rajshree Agarwal, Jay B. Barney, Peter G. Klein, "Heterogeneous Resources and the Financial Crisis: Implications of Strategic Management Theory", Strategic Organization, Vol 7, pp467–484
  • 2011,
    • a. "Human Capital and Transaction Cost Economics", In: Alan Burton-Jones, JC Spender et Gary Becker, dir., The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital, Ch 6, Oxford University Press
    • b. Eclecticism and the Evolution of Strategy Research, In: Robert Huggins et Hiro Izushi, dir., Competition, Competitive Advantage, and Clusters. The Ideas of Michael Porter, Oxford University Press
    • c. avec Nicolai Foss, "Hayekian Knowledge Problems in Organizational theory", Economia Industrial,
  • 2013,
    • a. avec Christian Bjørnskov, "How strategic entrepreneurship and the institutional context drive economic growth", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 7, pp50–69
    • b. avec Peter Klein, Jay Barney, "Strategic entrepreneurship", In: E. Kessler, dir., "Encyclopedia of management theory", New York: Sage, pp778–782
  • 2014, avec J. Lyngsie, "The strategic organization of the entrepreneurial established firm", Strategic Organization, 12(3), pp208–215
  • 2016,
    • a. avec Peter G. Klein, "Entrepreneurial Discovery or Creation? In Search of the Middle Ground", Academy of Management Review,
    • b. avec Kirsten Foss, Peter G. Klein, "Managerial Authority in the Coasean Firm : An Entrepreneurial Perspective", In: Claude Ménard, Elodie Bertrand, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase", Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, pp160-171
    • c. avec Peter G. Klein, "Reflections on the 2016 Nobel Memorial Prize for contract theory (Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström)", Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Vol 9, n°2, dec., pp167-180
    • d. avec Christian Bjørnskov, "Institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: What do we know and what do we still need to know?", Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol 30, pp292–315
  • 2017,
    • a. avec Peter Klein, "Entrepreneurial discovery or creation? In search of the middle ground". Academy of Management Review, Vol 42, pp735–737
    • b. "Judgement, the theory of the firm, and the economics of institutions: my contributions to the entrepreneurship field", In: David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann, dir., "The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Modern Entrepreneurship", New York: Routledge, pp101-115
    • c. avec Ekaterina S. Bjornali, Mirjam Knockaert, Daniel Leunbach, Truls Erikson, "Unraveling the Black Box of New Venture Team Processes", In: Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Bailey Klinger, Tessa Karcisky, dir., "The Wiley Handbook of Entrepreneurship", Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, pp313–348

Depuis 2020

  • 2020, avec Christian Bjørnskov, "Wellbeing and Entrepreneurship: Using Establishment Size to Identify Treatment Effects and Transmission Mechanisms", PLOS One, Vol 15
  • 2022, avec R. Michael Holmes, Peter G. Klein, Siri Terjesen, Justin Pepe, "Capitalism, Cronyism, and Management Scholarship: A Call for Clarity", Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol 36, n°1, pp6–29

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