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George Stigler (bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de George Stigler, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1935 à 1939

  • 1938, Social Welfare and Differential Prices, Journal of Political Economy, August,
  • 1939,
    • a. Production and Distribution in the Short Run, Journal of Political Economy, juin, Vol 47, pp731-42
    • b. The Limitations of statistical Demand Curves, Journal of American Statistical Association, 34, 207, September, pp469-481
    • c. Commentaire du livre de H. S. Block, La Theorie des Besoins de Carl Menger, American Economic Review, juin
    • d. Commentaire du livre de A. M. McIsaac et de J. G. Smith, Introduction to Economic Analyses, Journal of Political Economy, juin
    • e. Commentaire du livre de A. L. Meyers, Elements of Modern Economics, Journal of Political Economy, juin

De 1940 à 1949

  • 1940,
    • a. Notes on the Theory of Duopoly, Journal of Political Economy, August
    • b. Commentaire du livre de S. Carlson, A Study in the Pure Theory of Production, American Economic Review, juin, pp364-365
    • c. Commentaire du livre de L. G. Reynolds, The Control of Competition in Canada, Journal of Farm Economics, novembre
    • d. Discussion of Cost Functions. American Economic Review, Proceedings, mars
    • e. “A Note on Discontinuous Cost Curves.” American Economic Review, décembre
  • 1941,
    • a. Production and Distribution Theories: The formative period, New York: Macmillan
    • b. Commentaire du livre de A. G. Hart, Anticipations, Uncertainty and Dynamic Planning, American Economic Review, juin
    • c. Commentaire du 10 T.N.E.C. monographs. American Economic Review, septembre
    • d. Commentaire du livre de Kenneth E. Boulding, "Economic Analysis", Journal of Political Economy, décembre
  • 1942,
    • a. The Theory of Competitive Price. New York: Macmillan
    • b. The Extent and Bases of Monopoly, American Economic Review, vol. 32 supplement (juin), p14
    • c. “A Note on Price Discrimination in Steel.” American Economic Review, juin
  • 1943,
    • a. The New Welfare Economics, American Economic Review, juin; pp355-359
    • b. Commentaire du livre de W. L. Crum et al, Fiscal Planning for Total War, Journal of Political Economy, 51, February, pp77-78
    • c. Commentaire du livre de S. Kuznets, National Income and Its Composition 1919-1938, Journal of Farm Economics, mai, pp528-533
    • d. Commentaire du livre de G. J. Cady, Entrepreneural Costs and Price, Journal of Political Economy, juin
    • e. Commentaire du livre de H. Barger, Outlay and Income in the U.S., Journal of Farm Economics, August
    • f. Commentaire du livre de J. Mayer, Social Science Principles in the Light of Scientific Method, American Economic Review, septembre
  • 1944
    • a. Commentaire du livre de C. Clive Saxton, The Economics of Price Determination, Journal of Political Economy, 52, March, pp81-82
    • b. Commentaire du livre de J. Dunlop, Wage Determination under Trade Unions, Journal of Political Economy, décembre
  • 1945,
    • a. The Cost of Subsistence, Journal of Farm Economics, mai
    • b. Commentaire du livre de A. Lerner, Economics of Control, Political Science Quarterly, mars


  • a. "The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation", American Economic Rewiew, Vol 36, June, pp358—365
  • b. "The Theory of Price", New York: Macmillan
    • édition révisée en 1952, Macmillan
    • 3ème édition en 1966, Macmillan
  • d. Commentaire du livre de Kenneth E. Boulding, "The Economics of Peace", Journal of Political Economy, August
  • e. Commentaire du livre de A. C. Pigou, "Lapses from Full Employment", American Economic Review, décembre
  • f. “Labor Productivity and Size of Farm: A Statistical Pitfall", Journal of Political Economy, August.


  • a. Domestic Servants in the United States. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research
  • b. Trends in Output and Employment. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research
  • c. Professor Lester and the marginalists, American Economic Review, mars, 37, pp154-157
  • d. "Notes on the History of the Giffen Paradox", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 55, n°2, avril, pp152-156
    • Repris en 1965, In: George J. Stigler, dir., "Essays in the History of Economics", Ch 14, U. of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.
  • e. Stuart Wood and the Marginal Productivity Theory, Quarterly Journal of Economics, August
  • f. The Kinky Oligopoly Demand Curve and Rigid Prices, Journal of Political Economy, octobre, LX: pp342-349
  • g. An Academic Episode, Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors, Winter
  • h. Commentaire du livre de J. Steindl, Large and Small Business, Journal of Political Economy, février


    • a. Commentaire du livre de E. V. Rostow, A National Policy for the Oil Industy, Yale Law Journal, juin
    • b. Commentaire du livre de P. S. Florence, Investment, Location, and Size of Plant, Journal of Political Economy, décembre
    • c. Commentaire du livre de J. S. Bain, Pricing, Distribution and Employment - Economics of an Enterprise System. American Economic Review 38, December, 915-916
    • d. Commentaire du livre de Paul A. Samuelson, The Foundations of Economic Analysis, Journal of American Statistical Association, décembre
  • 1949,
    • a. Five Lectures on Economic Problems. New York Longmans, Green Co.
    • b. A Survey of Contemporary Economics, Journal of Political Economy, LVII.2, April, pp93-105
    • c. A Theory of Delivered Price Systems, American Economic Review, décembre
    • d. Commentaire du livre de W. H. Nicholls, Labor Productivity Functions in Meat Packing, Journal of Farm Economics, février

De 1950 à 1959

  • 1950,
    • a. Employment and Compensation in Education. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research
    • b. Five Lectures on Economic Problems, New York: The Macmillan Company
    • c. Two statements on monopoly, In: Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Study of Monopoly Power, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, April 17-May 11
    • d. Monopoly and Oligopoly by Merger, American Economic Review, Association Papers and Proceedings XL.2, May: 23-34
    • e. "The Development of Utility Theory", part 1, Journal of Political Economy, August, Vol LVIII
    • f. "The Development of Utility Theory", part 2, Journal of Political Economy, octobre, Vol LVIII
    • g. Commentaire du livre de W. Fellner, Competition among the Few, American Economic Review, septembre
  • 1951,
    • a. "The Division of Labor is Limited by the Extent of the Market", Journal of Political Economy, juin, Vol 59, n°3, pp185–193
    • b. Commentaire du livre de H. Moulton, "The Dynamic Economy", Journal of Political Economy, février
    • c. Commentaire du livre de R. Tennant, The American Cigarette Industry, Yale Law Journal, mai
    • d. Commentaire du livre de F.T.C., Divergence between Plant and Company Concentration, Journal of American Statistical Association, septembre
    • e. Discussion: Economic Theory, Statistics and Economic Practice. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings May: 126-8
  • 1952,
    • a. avec Kenneth E. Boulding, dir., Readings in Price Theory, American Economic Association, Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin
    • b. Specialism: A Dissenting Opinion.” Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors, Winter
    • c. "The Ricardian Theory of Value and Distribution", Journal of Political Economy, Vol LX, June
    • d. Commentaire du livre de Friedrich Lutz et de Vera Lutz, The Theory of Investment of the Firm, American Economic Review, mars
    • e. Commentaire du livre de K. Smith, The Malthusian Controversy, Journal of American Statistical Association, juin
    • f. Commentaire du livre de P. Sraffa, The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Econometrica, juillet
    • g. Commentaire du livre d'Edith Penrose, The Economics of the International Patent System, Journal of Political Economy, August
    • h. The Case Against Big Business, Fortune, mai.
  • 1953,
    • a. Sraffa’s Ricardo, American Economic Review, septembre
    • b. Commentaire du livre de H. W. Spiegel, The Development of Economic Thought, Kyklos 6, no. 87
  • 1954,
    • a. The Early History of Empirical Studies of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Political Economy, avril, LXII.2: 95-113
    • b. The Economist Plays with Blocs, American Economic Review, Proceedings, May, pp7-14
    • c. Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis, Journal of Political Economy, August
    • d. Commentaire du livre de D. Riesman, "Thorstein Veblen: A Critical Interpretation", The Freeman, février, n°8
  • 1955,
    • a. The Nature and Role of Originality in Scientific Progress, Economica, novembre, pp293-302
    • b. Mergers and Preventive Anti-Trust Policy, Pennsylvania Law Review, novembre
    • c. Commentaire du livre de P. S. Florence, The Logic of British and American Industry, Journal of Political Economy, février
    • d. Mathematics in Economics: Further Comments, Review of Economics and Statistics, 37, August, pp299-300
    • e. Introduction, In: Business Concentration and Pricing Policy, Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press (NBER)
  • 1956,
    • a. Trends in Employment in the Service Industries. National Bureau of Economic Research. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press
    • b. The Statistics of Monopoly and Merger, Journal of Political Economy, février, 7, 2, pp33-40
    • c. Industrial Organization and Economic Progress, In: The State of the Social Sciences, L. D. White, dir., Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • d. Commentaire du livre de R. Lanzilotti, The Hard-Surface Floor-Covering Industry, Journal of Political Economy, octobre
    • e. Commentaire du livre de Philip H. Wicksteed, The Alphabet of Economic Science, Econometrica, octobre
    • f. Discussion of antitrust policy, American Economic Review, Proceedings, mai.
  • 1957,
    • a. avec David M. Blank, "The Demand and Supply of Scientific Personnel", New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, n°62, NJ.: Princeton University Press
    • b. Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 65, n°1, février, pp1-17
      • Repris en 1965, In: George Stigler, Essays in the History of Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp234-67
      • Repris en 1986, In: Kurt R. Leube et T. G. Moore, Dir., The Essence of Stigler, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, pp265-288
    • c. Dir., Selections from “The Wealth of Nations” New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts
    • d. "The Tenable Range of Functions of Local Government", In: Joint Economic Committee, dir., "Federal Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability", Washington DC: Joint Economic Committee, pp213–219
    • e. Commentaire du livre de L. Rogin, The Meaning and Validity of Economic Theory, American Economic Review, mars, pp159-164
    • f. Commentaire du livre de John R. Hicks, A Revision of Demand Theory, Journal of Political Economy, avril
  • 1958,
    • a. Ricardo and the 93% Labor Theory of Value, American Economic Review, juin
    • b. The Goals of Economic Policy, Journal of Business, juillet
    • c. « The Economies of Scale », Journal of Law and Economics 1 (octobre) : pp. 54-71 [lire en ligne]
    • d. Commentaire du livre de J. D. Brown et de F. Harbison, High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry, Southern Economic Journal, juillet
  • 1959,
    • a. The Politics of Political Economists, Quarterly Journal of Economics (novembre), 73, pp522-532
      • Repris en 1965, In: Essays in the History of Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp52-53
    • b. Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, and the Theory of Fabian Socialism, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, juin
    • c. The Politics of Political Economists, Quarterly Journal of Economics, novembre
    • d. Commentaire du livre de M. Blaug, Ricardian Economics, Journal of Political Economy, décembre
    • e. Avant-propos au livre de R. L. Nelson, Merger Movements in American Industry, 1895-1965, National Bureau of Economic Research. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press

de 1960 à 1969

  • 1960,
    • a. The Influence of Events and Policies on Economic Theory, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Vol 50, n°2, mai, pp36-45
      • Repris en 1865, In: George Stigler, dir., Essays in the History of Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. Prometheus Incorporated: Conformity or Coercion ?, In: Social Control in a Free Society, R. Spiller, Dir., Benjamin Franklin Lectures. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • 1961,
    • a. The Price Statistics of the Federal Government. A report to the Office of Statistical Standards, Bureau of the Budget. General Series, no. 73. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    • b. The Economics of Information, Journal of Political Economy, juin, Vol 69, n°3, pp213-225
    • c. Private Vice and Public Virtue, Journal of Law and Economics, octobre
    • d. Economic Problems in Measuring Changes in Productivity, In: Output, Input, and Productiviy Measurement. Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 25. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press
    • e. Commentaire du livre de W. D. Grampp, The Manchester School of Economics, Economica, August, pp329-330
    • f. Commentaire du livre de O. H. Taylor, A History of Economic Thought, American Economic Review, juin
    • g. The Economic Role of the State, Alumni Association Newsletter, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, Winter
    • h. avec Aaron Director, Milton Friedman, "The Mont Pelerin Society", National Review, Vol 11, 2 décembre 1961, p390
  • 1962,
    • a. The Intellectual and the Marketplace. Selected Papers, no. 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
    • b. The Tenable Range of Functions of Local Government, In: Private Wants and Public Needs: Issues Surrounding the Size and Scope of Government Expenditure, ed. by Edmund S. Phelps. New York: W. W. Norton
    • c. avec Claire Friedland, "What can Regulators Regulate? The Case of Electricity", Journal of Law and Economics, octobre, Vol 5, pp1-16
    • d. Administered Prices and Oligopolistic Inflation, Journal of Business, janvier, 35.1: 1-13
    • e. Henry L. Moore and Statistical Economics, Econometrica, janvier, 30.1: 1-21
    • f. Marshall’s Principles after Guillebaud, Journal of Political Economy, juin
    • g. Information in the Labor Market, Journal of Political Economy, Supplement, octobre, 70.1: 94-105
    • h. Comment on the Chicago School, Journal of Political Economy 70, February, pp70-71


  • a. Capital and rates of return in manufacturing industries. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
  • b. avec Paul Samuelson, A Dialogue on the Proper Economic Role of the State. Selected Papers, n°7. Chicago: University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
  • c. An Invitation to Controversy. Printed privately
  • d. Capital and Rates of Return in Manufacturing Industries. National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
  • e. The Intellectual and the Market Place and Other Essays. Glencoe, III.: Free Press
  • g. Elementary Economic Education, American Economic Review, Proceedings, May
  • h. United States v. Loew’s Inc.: A Note on Block-Booking, Supreme Court Review. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • i. Commentaire du livre de J. Robinson, Economic Philosophy, Journal of Political Economy, avril
  • j. Commentaire du livre d'A. M. McBriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics, 1884-1918, In: The Story of Fabian Socialism, M. Cole, dir., Victorian Studies, juin
  • k. Archibald versus Chicago, Review of Economics and Statistics, 30, octobre, pp63-64
  • l. Policies for Growth, In: Proceedings of a Symposium on Economic Growth. Washington: American Bankers Association
  • m. Policies for Economic Growth, American Bankers’ Association Symposium. Washington, D.C.


  • a. The Tactics of Economic Reform. Selected Papers, no. 13. Chicago: University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
  • b. The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • Nouvelle édition en 1975
  • c. A Theory of Oligopoly, Journal of Political Economy, février, Vol 72, pp41-61
  • d. "Public Regulation of the Securities Markets", Journal of Business, Vol 2, avril, pp117-142
  • e. Commentaire sur le livre de I. Friend et de E. S. Hermanon, The S.E.C. through a Glass Darkly, Journal of Business, octobre


  • a. Essays in the History of Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • b. The Economist and the State, American Economic Review, 55, March: 1-18
  • c. Textual Exegesis as a Scientific Problem, Economica, novembre
  • d. The Dominant Firm and the Inverted Umbrella, Journal of Law and Economics, octobre
  • e. The Formation of Economic Policy, In: Current Problems in Political Economy, Paul L. Morrison Lectures in Political Economy. Depauw University: Greencastle, Indiana
  • f. Statistical Studies in the History of Economic Thought, In: Essays in the History of Economics, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • g. Commentaire du livre de James J. Barnes, Free Trade in Books: A Study of the London Book Trade since 1800, Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Winter
  • h. Commentaire du livre d'Earl F. Cheit, dir., "The Business Establishment", et celui de John Davenport, "The U.S. Economy", New York Herald Tribune Book Week, janvier 31
  • i. Commentaire du livre de Walter H. Nelson, The Great Discount Delusion, Chicago Tribune, juillet 11
  • j. Commentaire du livre de Warren R. James, "John Rae: Political Economist", Journal of Political Economy, décembre
  • k. The Problem of the Negro, New Guard December: 11-12


  • a. "The Economic Effects of the Antitrust Laws", The Journal of Law and Economics, octobre, Vol 9, n°1, pp225-258
  • b. Commentaire du livre de John Stuart Mill, "Principles of Political Economy", Journal of Political Economy, février
    • c. Commentaire du livre d'Andrew Shonfield, Modern Capitalism: The Changing Balance of Public and Private Power, New York Herald Tribune Book Week, avril 10
    • d. Commentaire du livre de J. E. Meade, The Stationary Economy, Economica, novembre, p479
    • e. Commentaire du livre de Walter Heller, New Dimensions of Political Economy, New York Review of Books, décembre 29
    • f. Report. In: Shultz and Aliber eds
    • g. Private Enterprise and Public Intelligence, American Bankers’ Association Symposium, Washington, D.C.
    • h. The Unjoined Debate, Chicago Today, Winter
  • 1967,
    • a. Imperfections in the Capital Market, The Journal of Political Economy 75 no. 3
    • b. The Changing Problem of Oligopoly, II Politico, juin, 32: 355-61
    • c. Imperfections in the Capital Market, Journal of Political Economy, juin
    • d. The Foundations and Economics, In: U.S. Philanthropic Foundations, Warren Weaver, Dir., New York: Harper and Row
    • e. Commentaire du livre de J. K. Galbraith, Ambassador to the Industrial State, Reith Lectures. New York Times, janvier, 28
    • f. Commentaire du livre de Patricia James, The Travel Diaries of T. R. Malthus, Journal of Political Economy, février, 75
    • g. Commentaire du livre de J. K. Galbraith, The New Industrial State, Wall Street Journal, juin 26
    • h. Commentaire du livre de Rashi Fein, The Doctor Shortage, Science, décembre 29
    • i. Alice in Fundland, Barron's February, 27, pp8-9, 12
    • j. Galbraith's New Book: A Few Problems, Wall Street Journal 26 June
    • k. The Economics of Conflict of Interest, Journal of Political Economy, février
    • l. Commentaire du livre de M. O. Finkelstein, R. M. Friedberg, "The Application of an Entropy Theory of Concentration to the Clayton Act", Yale Law Journal, mars
  • 1968,
    • a. The Organization of Industry. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin
    • b. Price and Non Price Competition, Journal of Political Economy, janvier/février
    • c. Commentaire du livre de John Stuart Mill, Essays on Economics and Society, University of Toronto Quarterly, octobre
    • d. Competition, In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. 3, David L. Sills, Dir., New York: Macmillian
    • e. Henry L. Moore, In: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol. 3, David L. Sills, Dir., New York: Macmillian
    • f. Commentaire du livre de F. Lundberg, The Rich and the Super Rich, New York Times, juillet 28
    • g. Commentaire du livre de L. Baker, The Guaranteed Society, Washington Post Book World, septembre 8
  • 1969,
    • a. Task Force Report on Productivity and Competition, In: Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Small Business and the Robinson-Patman Act. Select Committee on Small Business, Washington, D.C., Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report No. 413: Washington, octobre 7-9
    • b. Does Economics Have a Useful Past?, History of Political Economy, Fall, pp217-230
    • c. Commentaire du livre de Robert V. Eagly, Events, Ideology, and Economic Theory, Journal of Economic History, juin
    • d. Commentaire du livre de William Rodgers, Think: A Biography of the Watsons and IBM, Science, décembre 12
    • e. Alfred Marshall’s Lectures on Progress and Poverty, Journal of Law and Economics, avril

De 1970 à 1974

  • 1970,
    • a. avec James K. Kindahl, The Behavior of Industrial Prices. National Bureau of Economic Research, New York: Columbia University Press
    • b. "Director’s law of public income distribution", Journal of Law and Economics, avril, Vol 13, n°1, pp1-10
    • c. The optimum enforcement of law, Journal of Political Economy, 78, (mai, juin): 526-536
    • d. The Case, if Any, for Economic Literacy, Journal of Economic Education, Spring,
    • e. Commentaire du livre de Lionel Robbins, "The Evolution of Modern Economic Theory", Economica, novembre, pp425-426
    • f. Préface au livre de Frank H. Knight, Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • 1971,
    • a. Modern Man and his Corporation. Selected Papers, no. 39. Chicago: University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
    • b. avec Manuel F. Cohen, Can Regulatory Agencies Protect the Consumer? Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute
    • c. "The Theory of Economic Regulation", Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Vol 2, printemps, pp3-21
      • Repris en 1975, In : The Citizen and the State' (Chicago : University of Chicago Press
    • d. Smith's Travels on the Ship of State, History of Political Economy, vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall), pp265-277
    • e. avec Claire Friedland, Profits of Defense Contractors, American Economic Review, septembre
  • 1972,
    • a. "The Law and Economics of Public Policy: A Plea to the Scholars", Journal of Legal Studies, janvier, Vol VI, pp1-12
    • b. The Process of Economic Regulation, Antitrust Bulletin, Spring
    • c. "Economic Competition and Political Competition", Public Choice, Fall, pp91-106
    • d. The Adoption of the Marginal Utility Theory, History of Political Economy, Fall
    • e. Discussion on the Report of the Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation, The Journal of Finance, mai
    • f. avec Milton Friedman, "Roofs or Ceilings, in Verdict on Rent Control", London: Institute of Economic Affairs
  • 1973,
    • a. In Memoriam: Frank Knight as Teacher, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 81, May/June, pp518-520
    • b. In Memoriam: F. H. Knight, American Economic Review, décembre
    • c. General Economic Conditions and National Elections, American Economic Review, Proceedings, Vol 63, n°2, mai, pp160-167
    • d. avec James K. Kindahl, Industrial Prices, as Administered by Dr. Means, American Economic Review, septembre
    • e. Regulation: The Confusion of Means and Ends, In: Regulating New Drugs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • f. A Sketch of the History of Truth in Teaching, Journal of Political Economy, mars/avril
    • g. Thought Control on the Campus, Commencement address Carnegie Mellon Chronicle of Higher Education, August 13
    • h. avec J. K. Kindahl, "Industrial Prices, as Administered by Dr. Means", American Economic Review, 63.4, September, pp717-721
    • i. Professors Suppressing Freedom?, Compact December, pp15-17
  • 1974,
    • a. avec Gary Becker, Law enforcement, malfeasance, and compensation of enforcers, Journal of Legal Studies, janvier, 3(1), pp1–18
      • Repris en 1988, In: Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist. NY: Basic Books, pp593–611
    • b. The Optimum Enforcement of Laws, In: Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment, Gary Becker et William Landes, Dir., New York: National Bureau of Economic Research
    • c. "Free Riders and Collective Action: An Appendix to Theories of Economic Regulation", Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Autumn, Vol 5, pp359-365
    • d. Price System, In: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed.
    • e. Henry Calvert Simons, Journal of Law and Economics, 17, avril

De 1975 à 1979

  • 1975,
    • a. The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. avec Claire Friedland, "The Citation Practices of Doctorates in Economics", Journal of Political Economy, juin, Vol 83, n°3, pp477-507
    • c. "The Intellectual and His Society", In: Richard Selden, dir., "Capitalism and Freedom: Problems and Prospects", Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, pp311-321
    • d. “Buyer’s Prices, Seller’s Prices, and Price Flexibility: Reply”, American Economic Review, juin
    • e. Commentaire du livre d'O. Ashenfelter et S. Kelley, “Determinants of Participation in Presidential Elections“, Journal of Law and Economics, décembre
    • f. Commentaire du livre d'Allan Meltzer et M. Vellrath, “The Effects of Economic Policies on Votes for the Presidency: Some Evidence from Recent Elections”, Journal of Law and Economics, décembre
    • g. "‘Smith’s Travels on the Ship of State’", In: A. S. Skinner et T. Wilson, dir., "Essays on Adam Smith", Oxford, Clarendon Press
  • 1976,
    • a. The Xistence of X-Efficiency, American Economic Review, mars, Vol 66, pp213-216
    • b. "Do Economists Matter?", Southern Economic Journal, janvier, 42.3, January, pp347-354
    • c. "The Size of Legislatures", Journal of Legal Studies, janvier, 5, pp17-34
    • d. "The Successes and Failures of Professor Smith", Journal of Political Economy, décembre
    • e. The Scientific Uses of Scientific Biography, with Special Reference to J. S. Mill, In: James and John Stuart Mill: Papers of the Centenary Conference, J. M. Robson et M. Laine, Dir., Toronto: University of Toronto Press
  • 1977,
    • a. avec Gary Becker, De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum, American Economic Review, mars
    • b. Commentaire de la nouvelle édition du livre d'Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Journal of Political Economy, février
    • c. Commentaire du livre de J. K. Whitaker, The Early Economic Writings of Alfred Marshall, 1867-1890, Journal of Economic Literature, mars
    • d. Commentaire du livre de J. K. Galbraith et de série télévise à la BBC, The Age of Uncertainty, National Review, mai 27
    • e. “The Conference Handbook”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 85, n°2, avril, pp441-443
  • 1978,
    • a. "The Literature of Economics: The Case of the Kinked Oligopoly Demand Curve", Economic Inquiry, avril, Vol 16, n°2, pp185-204
    • b. "Wealth and Possibly Liberty", Journal of Legal Studies, juin, Vol 7, pp213-217
    • c. Commentaire du livre de Terence W. Hutchison, "On Revolutions and Progress in Economic Knowledge", Minerva, Winter
  • 1979,
    • a. avec Claire Friedland, "The Pattern of Citation Practices in Economics", History of Political Economy, Spring, Vol 11, n°1, pp1-20
    • b. “Babbage on Monopoly Price”, History of Economics Society Bulletin, Winter
    • c. “Why Have the Socialists Been Winning?, ORDO 30.

De 1980 à 1989

  • 1980,
    • a. An Introduction to Privacy in Economics and Politics, Journal of Legal Studies, décembre
    • b. "Merton on Multiples, Denied and Affirmed", In: Thomas F. Gieryn, dir., "Science and Social Structure: A Festschrift for Robert K. Merton", Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, series 2, vol 39. New York: New York Academy of Sciences
    • c. Commentaire du livre de James Q. Wilson, The Politics of Regulation, Wall Street Journal, août 1
    • d. “Malthus on Gluts”, History of Economics Society Bulletin, Winter
    • e. “Occupational Licensure for Economists?”, In: S. Rottenberg, dir., "Occupational Licensure and Regulation", Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute
  • 1982,
    • a. "The Economist as Preacher", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. Economists and the Problem of Monopoly, American Economic Review, 72 (I), pp1-11
    • c. The Scientific Uses of Scientific Biography, With Special Reference to J.S. Mill, In: The Economist as Preacher, and Other Essays, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp86-97
    • d. Commentaire du livre de Reid, "The Kinked Demand Curve Analysis of Oligopoly", Economic Journal, March, Vol 92, n°365, pp203-204
  • 1983,
    • a. "Nobel Lecture: The Process and Progress of Economics", The Journal of Political Economy, vol 91, n°4, pp529-545
      • Repris en 1986, In: Kurt R. Leube et T. G. Moore, Dir., The Essence of Stigler, Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, pp134-149
    • b. "The Literature of Economics: The Case of Berle and Means", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol XXVI, June, pp237-268
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    • a. Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist, New York, Basic Books
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  • 1987,
    • a. "Competition", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: The Macmillan Press, pp531–535
      • Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf, Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave. Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave Macmillan, seconde édition
    • b. "Knight, Frank Hyneman (1885–1962)", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: The Macmillan Press
      • Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf, Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave. Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave Macmillan, seconde édition
    • c. "Wood, Stuart (1853–1914)", In: John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, dir., "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics", London: The Macmillan Press
      • Repris en 2008, In: Steven N. Durlauf, Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave. Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave Macmillan, seconde édition
    • d. "Are we hissing the wrong guys?", Forbes, 13 July, pp52-56
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    • a. "Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist", New York: Basic Books
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    • c. "The Effect of Government on Economic Efficiency", Business Economics, January, pp7-13
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De 1990 à 1993

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