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Gary North (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Gary North, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1965 à 1969
- 1965, "Inflation: the Economics of Addiction", San Carlos, Cal.: The Pamphleteers
- 1967, "Domestic Inflation Versus International Solvency", The Freeman, Février, Vol 17, n°2, pp67-72
- 1968,
- a. "Marx's Religion of Revolution", Nutley, N.J.: Craig Press
- Réimpression en 1988 avec des extensions, Institute for Christian Economics, Tyler, Texas
- b. "Lew Alcindor and the gold crisis", The Freeman, April, Vol 18, n°4, pp237-246
- a. "Marx's Religion of Revolution", Nutley, N.J.: Craig Press
- 1969,
- a. "Marx's View of the Division of labor. An analysis of Marxian errors that have been politically implemented into major disasters in our time", The Freeman, January, Vol 19, n°1, pp28-35
- b. "Repressed Depression", The Freeman, April, Vol 19, n°4, pp224-233 [lire en ligne] (Gary North nous avertit au sujet du processus par lequel les politiques monétaires et de crédit qui entraînent l'inflation finissent par conduire à la dépression. Il met en garde contre les conséquences néfastes de certaines politiques économiques, en particulier celles liées à la création excessive de monnaie et de crédit. L'inflation, résultant souvent de telles politiques, peut initialement sembler stimuler l'économie, mais selon North, elle peut ultimement conduire à des problèmes graves, notamment la dépression économique. Gary North souligne que les politiques monétaires et de crédit qui augmentent la masse monétaire sans correspondre à une augmentation réelle de la production peuvent créer des déséquilibres économiques. Ces déséquilibres, combinés à d'autres facteurs, peuvent finalement contribuer à une période de dépression économique. En mettant en garde contre ce processus, North souligne l'importance de politiques économiques prudentes et durables pour éviter les conséquences négatives qui peuvent découler de l'inflation non maîtrisée.)
- c. "Urban Renewal and the Doctrine of Sunk Costs", The Freeman, May, Vol 19, n°5, pp263-269 (Gary North fait référence à la nécessité de reconnaître quand une politique, une stratégie ou un effort économique ne porte pas ses fruits et de décider de l'abandonner pour minimiser les pertes.)
- d. "The Fallacy of 'Intrinsic Value", The Freeman, June, Vol 19, n°6
- d. "Tariff War, Libertarian Style", The Freeman, August, Vol 19
- e. "Price-Wage Controls: Effects and Counter-Effects", Commercial and Financial Chronicle; 21 août
De 1970 à 1976
- 1970,
- a. "Statist Bureaucracy in the Modern Economy", The Freeman, January, Vol 21, n°1, pp16-27 (L'auteur indique que la différence essentielle entre la planification étatique et les organisations privées réside dans la liberté d’échouer individuellement et non dans la certitude d’un échec collectif.)
- b. "The Theology of the Exponential Curve", The Freeman, May, Vol 20, n°5
- 1971,
- a. "Reason, Neutrality and the Free Market", Modern Age, Vol 15, n°2
- b. "The Feminine Mistake. The Economics of Women's Liberation. To price themselves out of the market is scarcely an appropriate step toward women's liberation", The Freeman, January, Vol 21, n°1, pp3-14
- c. "Subsidizing a Crisis: The Teacher Glut, 1971. A case history of interfering with the market in education to create a surplus of teachers", The Freeman, March, Vol 21, n°3, pp154-167 [lire en ligne]
- d. "Downward Price Flexibility and Economic Growth", The Freeman, May, Vol 21, n°5, pp302-316 (L'auteur indique que ceux qui ne se tournent pas vers le marché pour l'argent et les prix sont voués au désastre.)
- e. "Ownership, Responsibility, and the Child. Concerning parental practice of the principles of freedom in the home", The Freeman, September, Vol 21, n°9, pp515-520
- 1972, commentaire du livre de Henry W. Spiegel, "The Growth of Economic Thought" et du livre de W. E. Kuhn, "The Evolution of Economic Thought", The Freeman, December, Vol 22, n°12
- 1973,
- a. Christian Economics, Nutley, N.J.: The Craig Press
- b. Edmund Burke on Inflation and Despotism, The Freeman, Février, Vol 23, n°2
- Repris en 1994, Edmund Burke on Inflation and Despotism, In: Hans Sennholz, dir., Inflation is Theft, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, pp74-83
- a. ""Free Parking"- Space Not Ava.ilable", The Freeman, Vol 24, n¨1, January, pp50-52
- b. "How Not to Cure an Energy Crisis", The Freeman, Vol 24, n¨2, February, pp67-73 [lire en ligne]
- c. "Public Goods and Fear of Foreigners", The Freeman, Vol 24, n°3, March, pp131-137 [lire en ligne] (L'auteur donné un avis tranché selon lequel les services subventionnés attirent plus de "clients" que les contribuables ne veulent servir.)
- d. "The Puritan Experiment in Common Ownership", The Freeman, April, Vol 24, n°4, pp209-220 [lire en ligne]
- Repris en 1994, "The Puritan Experiment in Common Ownership", In: Burton Folsom, dir., "The Spirit of Freedom: Essays in American History", Irvington-on Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, pp14-26
- e. "The Puritan Experiment with Price Controls", The Freeman, May, Vol 24, n°5, pp270-285 (L'auteur explique que la recherche précoce d'un juste prix en Nouvelle-Angleterre reflète les valeurs morales et religieuses profondément enracinées qui ont façonné les pratiques économiques de la région pendant ses premières années.)
- f. "The Puritan Experiment with Sumptuary Legislation", The Freeman, June, Vol 24, n°6, pp341-355 [lire en ligne]
- g. "Price Competition and Expanding Alternatives", The Freeman, August, Vol 24, n°8, pp467-476
- h. "An introduction to christian economics", The Craig Press, Nutley, New Jersey
- a. "Editor's Introduction", The Journal of Christian Reconstruction, Vol 2, pp1-6
- b. "Step to the Rear, Please", The Freeman, Mars
- c. "The Yoke of Co-operative Service", Chalcedon Report, n°123, November
- a. dir., "Foundations of Christian Scholarship", Vallecito, Calif.: Ross House Books
- b. "Economics", In Gary North, dir., "Foundations of Christian Scholarship: Essays in the Van Til Perspective", Ross House Books, Vallecito, CA, pp74-101
- c. "Educational Vouchers: The Double Tax", The Freeman, May, Vol 26, n°5, pp259-275 (L'auteur déclare que ceux qui veulent des écoles indépendantes doivent s’opposer par principe au système des chèques d'éducation)
De 1977 à 1981
- 1978,
- a. How You Can Profit From the Coming Price Controls, Durham, N.C.: American Bureau of Economic Research
- b. "Confessions of a Washington Reject", Journal of Christian Reconstruction, Vol 5, n°1, Summer, pp73-86
- c. "Jeremiah's Job", The Freeman, Vol 28, n°3, March, pp144-147
- Repris en 1997, "Jeremiah's Job", In: Mary Sennholz, dir., "Faith of Our Fathers", Irving-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp113-119
- d. "The Hidden Costs of Free Lunches. Free lunches, if legislated, are devastatingly expensive to the recipients", The Freeman, Vol 28, n°4, April, pp200-203
- e. "Walking into a Trap. How business and professional groups are baited to become victims of regulations and control", The Freeman, Vol 28, n°5, May, pp265-275
- f. "A Christian View Of Labor Unions. Why a compulsory monopoly has to have victims on the outside", The Freeman, July, Vol 28, n°7, pp394-398
- Repris en 1994, In: Hans Sennholz, dir., American Unionism: Fallacies and Follies, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, pp73-77
- g. "Keep Off the Grass", The Freeman, août, Vol 28, n°8
- 1979, "Who's the Boss?", The Freeman, February, Vol 29, n°2, pp75-80 (L'auteur explique que les consommateurs supportent les coûts de possession et font du marché une véritable institution sociale.)
- 1980,
- a. "Editor's Introduction", Journal of Christian Reconstruction, Vol VIII, n°1, Summer, pp1-9
- b. "Isaiah's Critique of Inflation", Journal of Christian Reconstruction, Vol VIII, n°1, Summer, pp10-30
- 1981,
- a. "Successful Investing in an Age of Envy", Sheridan, Indiana: Steadman Press
- b. "Supply-Side Amateurs", Remnant Review, 8 août, pp4-8
De 1982 à 1989
- a. The Dominion Covenant: Genesis. Vol. 1: An Economic Commen-tary on the Bible, Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- Seconde édition en 1987
- b. "Exploitation and Knowledge. Concerning the importance of accurate information and awareness of opportunities", The Freeman, January, Vol 32, n°1, pp3-11
- c. "The Moral Issue of "Honest Money". The case for a money redeemable in gold", The Freeman, February, Vol 32, n°2, pp76-87
- Repris en 1994, The moral issue of modest money, In: Hans Sennholz, dir., Inflation is Theft, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, pp19-31
- d. "Scalping and Envy", The Freeman, Avril, Vol 32, n°4
- Repris en 1995, "Scalping and Envy", In: Hans Sennholz, dir., "Free to Try", Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, pp106-117
- e. "Trickle-Down Economics. The wealth of nations depends not so much on the few rich but on what those of the middle class do with their money", The Freeman, May, Vol 32, n°5, pp268-281
- f. "Cut-Throat Opportunities. How consumers bear the burden when new opportunities are prohibited by law", The Freeman, June, Vol 32, n°6, pp347-364
- g. "An Economic commentary on the bible", The Geneva papers, June, n°6, pp
- a. "Government by Emergency", Ft. Worth, Tx: American Bureau of Economic Research
- b. "Unconditional Surrender: God’s Program For Victory", Tyler, Texas: Geneva Divinity School Press, 2nde Edition
- c. "The Last Train Out", Fort Worth, Texas: American Bureau of Economic Education
- 1984, "Backward, Christian soldiers? : an action manual for Christian reconstruction", Publisher Tyler, TX : Institute for Christian Economics
- 1985,
- a. Moses and Pharaoh: Dominion Religion Versus Power Religion. Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- b. Should American Business Give Up Smoking, The Freeman, November, Vol 35, n°11
- 1986,
- a. The Sinai Strategy: Economics and the Ten Commandments, Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- b. Honest Money. Ft. Worth, Texas: Dominion Press
- c. "Pollution Control and Biblical Justice", The Freeman, septembre, Vol 36, n°9
- 1987,
- a. "Inherit the Earth: Biblical Principles for Economics", Ft. Worth: Dominion Press
- b. "Jeremiah's Job", In: Beth Hoffman, dir., "Ideas on Liberty: Essays in Honor of Paul L. Poirot", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp51-54
- 1988, "Why Murray Rothbard Will Never Win the Nobel Prize", In: Walter Block, Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "Man, Economy, and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, Ch 8, pp89-109
De 1990 à 1994
- 1990,
- a. avec James Jordan, dir., The Covenant Enforced: Sermons on Deu-teronomy 27 and 28 by John Calvin, Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- b. Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus, Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- c. Victim’s Rights: The Biblical View of Civil Justice, Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics
- 1991,
- a. dir., Theonomy: An Informed Response, Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- b. avec Gary DeMar, "Christian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn't", Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- 1992,
- a. The Coase Theorem: A Study in Epistemology. Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- b. The Beacon Factor, In: John W. Robbins et Mark Spangler, dir., A Man of Principle: Essays in Honor of Hans F. Sennholz, Grove City, PA: Grove City College Press
- c. The Marx Nobody Knows, In: Yuri N. Maltsev, dir., Requiem for Marx, Auburn, Ala. : Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp75-124
- d. "Two Kinds of Slums. Some Venezuelan families live in terrible slums, but without government subsidies, they have incentives to get out", The Freeman, Octobre
- 1993,
- a. “Education Vouchers: The Double Tax”, The Freeman, Vol 43, n°6, Juin, pp72–81
- b. "Friedman and North on Vouchers. North says educational vouchers will reduce the supply of sellers who will supply sectarian education, The Freeman, Juillet, Vol 43, n°7
- c. "The Politics of the Fair Share", The Freeman, novembre, Vol 43, n°11 (L'auteur explique l'augmentation exacerbée des dépenses publiques dans les démocraties occidentales, les politiques redistributives et les fondements moraux de l'État providence.)
- Traduction en espagnol en 2010 par Josefina García, "La Política de las Cuotas Justas", Orden Espontáneo, n°10, pp11-15
- 1994, "No one advocates censorship, but what*s wrong with government control of the economy?", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp42-44
De 1995 à 1999
- 1995,
- a. "Murray N. Rothbard, 1926-1995: A Tribute", Rothbard-Rockwell Report, March, p19
- b. "Murray Rothbard (1926-1995)", In: Lew Rockwell, Dir., "Murray N. Rothbard: In Memoriam", Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- c. "Should Star Trek Be Regulated as a Monopoly? The marketing of Star Trek from an economic point of view", The Freeman, Fébruary, Vol 45, n°2, pp68-72
- d. "Vouchers: Politically Correct Money", The Freeman, June, Vol 45, n°6, pp346-355
- e. "Is There a Right to Work?", The Freeman, September, Vol 45, n°9, pp575-576 (L'auteur considère qu'il existe un droit au travail seulement si cela signifie le droit de faire une offre aux consommateurs.)
- 1996, “The Moral Dimension of FEE”, The Freeman, May, Vol 46, n°5, pp362-370
- 1997,
- a. Money and the Division of Labor, Biblical Economics Today, Vol. XVIII, n°3, avril/mai
- b. Sanctions and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Numbers, Tyler, Tex.: Institute for Christian Economics
- 1998, “The Sanctuary Society and Its Enemies”, Journal of Libertarian Studies, 13 (2)
De 2000 à 2022
- 2002, Undermining Property Rights: Coase and Becker, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 16, no 4, fall, pp75-100
- 2006, Ed Opitz, RIP, Lewrockwell.com, 22 février
- 2012, "The Regression Theory as Conjectural History", In: Jörg Guido Hülsmann, dir., "The Theory of Money and Fiduciary Media", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp167–175