Esprit d'entreprise et entrepreneuriat (bibliographie)
Voici une liste non exhaustive de parutions sur le thème de l'esprit d'entreprise et de l'entrepreneuriat
De 1949 à 1979
- 1949,
- K. W. Deutsch, "A note on the history of entrepreneurship, innovation and decision-making’, Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Vol 1, pp8–12
- 1954,
- Hermann Kellenbenz, "German Aristocratic Entrepreneurship: Economic Activities of the Holstein Nobility in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries”, Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Vol 6, pp104-114
- William N. Parker, "Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Response in the German Economy", Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Vol 7, pp26-36
- 1956, Frederick Harbinson, "Entrepreneurial organisation as a factor in economic development", Quarterly Journal of economics, Vol. LXX, n°3, Aug-pp364-368
- 1958, J. E. Sawyer, "Entrepreneurial studies: Perspectives and directions 1948-1958", Business History Review, 32(4), pp434-443
- 1959, Meenakshi Tyagarajan, "The develment of the theory of entrepreneurship", Indian Economic Review, Vol 4, n°4, August, pp135-150
- 1962, Frank Brandenburg, "A Contribution to the Theory of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: The Case of Mexico", Inter-American Economic Affairs, Vol 16, pp3-24
- 1966,
- O. F. Collins, D. G. Moore, D. S. Unwalla, "The enterprising man", East Lansing Michigan State University Press
- W. P. Glade, "Approaches to a theory of entrepreneurial formation", Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Vol 4, n°3, pp245-259
- 1967,
- A. P. Alexander, "The supply of industrial entrepreneurship", Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, 4 (2), pp136-149
- S. M. Lipset, "Values, Education, and Entrepreneurship", In: S. M. Lipset, A. Solari, dir. "Elites in Latin America", New York: Oxford
- 1968, H. H. Schloss, "The concept of entrepreneurship in economic development", Journal of Economic Issues, juin, pp228-232
- 1971, P. Kilby, "Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", In: P. Kilby, dir., ""Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", New York, Free Press
- 1975,
- L. Secrest, "Texas entrepreneurship", In: J. W. Schrier, J. Susbauer, dir., "Entrepreneurship and enterprise development: a worldwide perspective: proceedings of Project ISEED", summer 1975. Milwaukee : Center for Venture Management
- A. Shapero, "Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", Wisconsin: Project ISEED, LTD.
- 1978,
- Jonathan R. T. Hughes, "Entrepreneurship and the American Economy: A Sketch", In: Paul Uselding, dir., "Research in Economic History", Vol 3, Greenwich, CN: JAI Press
- R. L. Owens, "The anthropological study of entrepreneurship", The Eastern Anthropologist, 31 (1), pp65-80
- N. H. Leff, "Industrial organization and entrepreneurship in the developing countries : the economic groups", Economie Development and Cultural Change, vol 26, n°4, pp661-675
- 1979,
- R. E. Kihlstrom, J. J. Laffont, "A general equilibrium entrepreneurial theory of firm formation based on risk aversion", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 87, pp719–748
- N. H. Leff, "Entrepreneurship and economic development: the problem revisited", Journal of Economie Literature, vol 17, n°1-2, pp46-64
- J. M. Toulouse, "L'entrepreneurship au Québec", Montréal : Les Presses HEC et Fides
- Paul H. Wilken, "Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study", Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980,
- Jonathan R. T. Hughes, "Entrepreneurship", In: "Encyclopedia of Economic History", New York: Scribener's
- M. Kourilsky, "Predictors of entrepreneurship in a simulated economy", The Journal of Creative Behavior, 14 (3), pp175-198
- 1981,
- N. D. Fast, S. E. Pratt, "Individual entrepreneurship and the large corporation", In: K. H. Vesper, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research", Wellesley, MA: Babson College
- S. M. Greenfield, A. Strickon, "A new paradigm for the study of entrepreneurship and social change", Economic Development and Cultural Change, 29 (3), pp467-499
- W. Sounder, "Encouraging entrepreneurship in large corporations”, Research Management, 14(3), pp18-22
- 1982,
- John R. Freeman, "State Entrepreneurship and Dependent Development", American Journal of Political Science, Vol 26, n°1, pp90-112
- C. A. Kent, D. L. Sexton, K. H. Vesper, dir., "Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship", Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall
- G. G. Meredith, P. A. Neck, R. E. Nelson, "The Practice of Entrepreneurship", Genève : Bureau international du travail
- H. Schollhammer, "Internal corporate entrepreneurship", In: C. A. Kent, D. L. Sexton, K. H. Vesper, dir., "Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp209-223
- A. Shapero, L. Sokol, "The Social Dimensions of Entrepreneurship", In: C. Kent, D.L. Sexton, K. H. Vesper, dir., "Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship", Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall
- D. Storey, "Entrepreneurship and the New Firm", London: Croom Helm
- 1983,
- Arcadius Kahan, "Notes on Jewish Entrepreneurship in Tsarist Russia", In: Gregory Guroff and Fred V. Carstensen, dir., "Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union", Princeton: Princeton University Press
- W. Long, "The meaning of entrepreneurship", American Journal of Small Business, 8(2), pp47-59
- K. H. Vesper, "Entrepreneurship and national policy", Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie-Mellon University
- Yuan-li Wu, "Chinese Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia", American Economic Review, May
- 1984,
- P. B. Duffy, H. H. Stevenson, "Entrepreneurship and self-employment: Understanding distinctions". In: J. Hornaday, E. Tarpley, J. Timmons, K Vesper, dir., "Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 1984", Wellesley, MA: Babson College
- E. Gatewood, F. Hoy, C. Spindler, "Functionalist vs. conflict theories: Entrepreneurship disrupts the power structure in a small southern community", In: J. A. Hornaday, E. B. Shils, J. A. Timmons, K. H. Vesper, dir., "Frontiers of Entrepreneur Research", Wellesley, MA: Babson College Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, pp265-279
- George Gilder, "The Spirit of Enterprise", New York: Simon & Schuster
- Traduit en français en 1985, "L'esprit d'entreprise", Edition Fayard, Paris
- J. R. Lee, "Inmate Entrepreneurship as an Ideal in Penal Institutions", Proceedings of the 29th Annual Southern Conference on Corrections, pp180-193,
- R. C. Ronstadt, "Entrepreneurship", Dover, MA: Lord Publishing Co.
- 1985,
- D. E. Gumpert, H. H. Stevenson, "The heart of entrepreneurship", Harvard Business Review, mars-avril, Vol 85, n°2, pp85-93
- Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, "The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship”, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec, pp160-167
- Sven Rydenfelt, "The Ecology of Entrepreneurship", The Freeman, juin, Vol 35, n°6
- A. L. Carsrud, K. W. Olm, G. G. Eddy, "Entrepreneurship: Research in quest of a paradigm", In: D. L. Sexton, R. W Smilor, dir., "The art and science of entrepreneurship", Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing, pp153-168
- N. C. Churchill, V. L. Lewis, "Entrepreneurship research : directions and methods", In: D. L. Sexton, R. W. Smilor, dir., "The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship", Cambridge, Ballinger, pp333-365
- Thomas DeLay, "Entrepreneurship and the Political Process", In: Stuart M. Butler, William J. Dennis, dir., "Entrepreneurship: The Key to Economic Growth", Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.) et National Federation of Independent Business, pp31-36
- P. R. Dickson, J. J. Giglierano, "Missing the boat and sinking the boat: a conceptual model of entrepreneurial risk", Journal of Marketing, Vol 50, pp43-51
- S. M. Greenfield, A. Strickon, "Entrepreneurship and social change", Lanham, MD: University Press of America
- Albert N. Link, F. H. Robert, "In Search of the Meaning of Entrepreneurship", Small Business Economics, Vol 1, n°1, pp39-49
- D. L. Sexton, R. W. Smilor, dir., "The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship", Cambridge, Mass., Ballinger
- T. Begley, D. Boyd, "A comparison of entrepreneurs and managers of small business firms", Journal of Management, Vol 13, pp99-108
- Amitai Etzioni, "Entrepreneurship, adaptation and legitimation", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 8, pp175–189
- R. B. Reich, "Entrepreneurship reconsidered: The team as hero", Harvard Business Review, May/June
- Roberto E. Villarreal, "The politics of entrepreneurship: Mexican American leadership in a border setting", Journal of Borderlands Studies, Vol 2, n°2, September, pp75-84
- M. S. Wortman, "Entrepreneurship : An Integrating Typology and Evaluation of the Empirical Research in the Field", Journal of Management, Vol 13, n°2, pp259-279
- K. Ainslie, R. Peterson, dir., "Understanding Entrepreneurship", Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall / Hunt
- B. Bird, "Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: the case for intention", Academy of Management Review, Vol 13, pp442–453
- W. Boeker, G. Carroll, "Organizational origins: entrepreneurial and environmental imprinting at the time of founding. Ecological Models of Organizations", Ballinger, Cambridge, MA
- Alan L. Carsrud, "Social Science Disciplines and Entrepreneurship Research", In: R. Peterson, K. Ainslie, dir., "Understanding Entrepreneurship", London, ON, Canada: National Centre for Management Research and Development
- E. Chell, J. M. Haworth, "Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management: The need for a paradigm", Graduate Management Research, 4(1), pp16–33
- J. Corman, B. Perles, P. Vancini, "Motivational Factors Influencing High-Technology Entrepreneurship", Journal of Small Business Management, 26(1), pp36-
- B. L. Low, I.C. MacMillan, "Entrepreneurship : Past Research and Future Challenges", Journal of Management, Vol 14, n°2, pp139-161
- B. J. Bird, "Entrepreneurship Behavior", Glenview, IL, Scott, Foresman, & Co.
- D. S. Evans, B. Jovanovic, "An estimated model of entrepreneurial choice under liquidity constraints", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 97, pp808–827
- D. S. Evans, L. S. Leighton, "Some empirical aspects of entrepreneurship", American Economic Review, 79(3), pp519-535
- D. Ghosh, "Development of Entrepreneurship in a Subsistence Economy", In: N. S. Bisht, R. C. Misra, A. K. Srivastava, dir., "Entrepreneurship: Reflections and Investigations", Allahabad: Chugh Publications, pp35–45
- Calvin A. Kent, "The Treatment of Entrepreneurship in Principles of Economics Textbooks", Journal of Economic Education, Vol 20, n°2, pp153–164
- J. A. Schmitz, "Imitation, entrepreneurship and long-run growth", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 97, pp 721–739
De 1990 à 1999
- P. A. Abetti, R. W. Stuart, "Impact of entrepreneurial and management experience on early performance”, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 5, n°3, pp151-162
- R. J. Cornwall, B. Perlman, "Organizational Entrepreneurship", Irwin, Boston, MA.
- W. D. Guth, A. Ginsberg, "Guest editor’s introduction. Corporate entrepreneurship”, Strategic Management Journal, Special Issue, pp5-16
- T. J. Holmes, J. A. Schmitz, "A theory of entrepreneurship and its application to the study of business transfers", J Polit Econ, Vol 98, pp265–294
- J. C. Jarillo, H. H. Stevenson, "A Paradigm of Entrepreneurship : Entrepreneurial Management", Strategic Management Journal, vol 11, pp17-27
- B. Johnson, "Towards a multidimensional model of entrepreneurship: the case of achievement motivation and the entrepreneur", Entrepreneurship Theory and practice, Vol 14, n°3, pp39-54
- F. Amesse, C. Desranleau, H. Etemad, Y. Fortier, L. Séguin-Dulude, "The Individual Inventor and the Role of Entrepreneurship: A Survey of the Canadian Evidence", Research Policy, Vol 20, n°1, pp13-27
- S. A. Brearley, E. Chell, J. M. Haworth, "The entrepreneurial personality: concepts, cases and categories", Londres : Routledge
- J. G. Covin, D. P. Slevin, "A conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 16, n°1, pp7-25
- J. B. Cunningham, J. Lischeron, "Defining entrepreneurship", Journal of small business management, 29(1), pp45-61
- L. J. Filion, "Vision and Relations: Elements for an Entrepreneurial Metamodel", International Small Business Journal, vol 9, n°2, pp26-40
- L. Herron, H. J. Sapienza, D. Smith-Cook, "Entrepreneurship theory from an interdisciplinary perspective : volume I", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 16, nº2, pp7-12
- J. C. Huefner, H. K. Hunt, P. B. Robinson, D. V. Stimpson, "An attitude approach to the prediction of entrepreneurship", Entrep. Theory Pract., Vol 15, pp13–32
- B. Johannisson, "University training for entrepreneurship: a Swedish approach”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, vol 3, n°1, pp67-82
- B. A. Kirchhoff, "Entrepreneurship's Contribution to Economics", Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, Vol 16, n°2, pp93-112
- L. W. Lee, “Entrepreneurship and Regulation: Dynamics and Political Economy”, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 1, pp219-235
- I. C. MacMillan, "Delineating a Forum for Entrepreneurship Scholars", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 6, pp83-87
- P. Reynolds, "Sociology and Entrepreneurship : Concepts and Contributions", Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, Vol 16, n°2, pp47-70
- A. Stewart, "A Prospectus of on the Anthropology of Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, Vol 16, n°2, pp71-92
- John Conant, "Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth, and Regulatory Policy", Cultural Dynamics, Vol 5, n°3, November, pp319-340
- Leo Paul Dana, "Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change in Developing Countries", Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change, 1 (2), June, pp231-242
- L. Herron, H. J. Sapienza, D. Smith-Cook, "Entrepreneurship theory from an interdisciplinary perspective : volume II", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 16, nº3, pp5-11
- D. H. Holt, "Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice hall
- B. Johannisson, "Entrepreneurship – The Management of Ambiguity in Responsibility and Accounting", In: Thomas Polesie, Inga-Lill, dir., "The Organizational Regulation of Boundary Conditions", Lund: Studentlitteratur, pp155-179
- A. D. Karayiannis, "Entrepreneurship in Classical Greek Literature", South African Journal of Economics, Vol 60, pp67–93
- J. D. Kasarda, D. L. Sexton, dir., "The State of the Art of Entrepreneurship", Boston, PWS-Kent Publishing
- J. A. Katz, I. C. MacMillan, "Idiosyncratic milieus of entrepreneurial research : the need for comprehensive theories", Journal of Business Venturing, vol 7, nº1, pp1-8
- W. A. Sahlman, H. H. Stevenson, "The Entrepreneurial Venture", Boston: Harvard Business School Publication
- W. R. Sandberg, "Strategic management’s potential contributions to a theory of entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16(3), pp73-90
- R. Amit, L. Glosten et al., "Challenges to theory development in entrepreneurship research", Journal of Management Studies, vol 30, n°5, pp815-834
- I. Bull, G. E. Willard, "Towards a theory of entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Venturing, vol 8, n°3, pp183-196
- F. Fry, "Entrepreneurship: A Planning Approach", Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs NJ.
- R. W. Y. Kao, "Defining entrepreneurship: Past, present and? Creativity and Innovation Management", Vol 2, pp69–70
- J. L. Naman, D. P. Slevin, "Entrepreneurship and the concept of fit: a model and empirical tests", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 14, pp137–154
- M. P. Bhave, "A Process Model of Entrepreneurial Venture Creation", Journal of Business Venturing, 9 (3), pp223–242
- Brian Crowley, "Liberty and Entrepreneurship", The Freeman, Vol 44, Décembre
- Leo Paul Dana, "The Doi-Moi Model: An Ethnographic Account of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change in Former French Indo-China", Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change, 3 (1), March, pp61-84
- Leo Paul Dana, "The Impact of Culture on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change in the Balkans: The Yugopluralist Model", Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change, 3 (2), June, pp177-190
- Louis Jacques Filion, "Ten steps to entrepreneurial teaching", Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol 11, n°3, pp68-78
- D. D. Holtz-Eakin, D. Joulfaian, H.S. Rosen, "Sticking It Out: Entrepreneurial Survival and Liquidity Constraints", Journal of Political Economy, 102 (1), pp53-75
- B. A. Kirchhoff, "Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capitalism", Westfort, Conn., Praeger
- Frederic William Swierczek, Somkid Jatusripatak, "Exploring Entrepreneurship Cultures in Southeast Asia", Journal of Enterprising Culture, 2 (2), July, pp687-708
- J. A. Timmons, "New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century" Irwin, Chicago, IL. (4ème edition)
- A. I. Ageev, M. V. Gratchev, R. D. Hisrich, "Entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union and post-socialist Russia", Small Business Economics, Vol 7, n°5, pp365-376
- R. Amit, E. Mueller, "Push and pull Entrepreneurship", Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, vol 12, n°4, pp64-80
- L. Bull, H. Thomas, G. Willard, dir., "Entrepreneurship. Perspectives on Theory Building", Oxford, Pergamon Press
- S. Chesteen, R. Mitchell, "Enhancing entrepreneurial expertise: Experiential pedagogy and the new venture expert script", Simulation & Gaming, 26(3), pp288-306
- Leo Paul Dana, "Entrepreneurship in a Remote Sub-Arctic Community: Nome, Alaska", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 20 (1), Fall, pp57-72
- P. Davidsson, "Culture, structure and regional levels of entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Vol 7, pp41–62
- M. Jelinek, J. Litterer, "Toward entrepreneurial organizations: Meeting ambiguity with engagement", Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice, 19(3), pp137-168
- R. W. Y. Kao, "Entrepreneurship : A Wealth Creation and Value Adding Process", Singapore: Prentice Hall
- D. Deakins, "Entrepreneurship and Small Firms", New York, McGraw-Hill
- David A. Harper, "Entrepreneurship and the Market Process", London: Routledge
- P. A. Julien, Michel Marchesnay, "L'entrepreneuriat", Paris, Economica
- R. K. Mitchell, "Oral history and expert scripts: demystifying the entrepreneurial experience”, Journal of Management History, Vol 2, n°3, pp50-67
- N. M. Scarborough, T. W. Zimmerer, "Entrepreneurship and New Venture Formation", Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
- J. Birkinshaw, "Entrepreneurship in multinational corporations: the characteristics of subsidiary initiatives", Strategic Management Journal, Vol 18, pp207–229
- Louis Jacques Filion, "Le champ de l'entrepreneuriat : historique, évolution, tendances", Revue internationale P.M.E., Vol 10, n°2, pp129–172
- K. Hindle, J. Legge, "Entrepreneurship: How Innovators Create the Future", Macmillan Publishers, Melbourne.
- R. W. Smilor, "Entrepreneurship : Reflections on a Subversive Activity", Journal of Business Venturing, 12(5), pp341-346
- Emiel F. M. Wubben, "Entrepreneurship, Interdependency and Institutions: The comparative advantages of the Austrian and post-Keynesian styles of thought", In: Bert Tieben, Willem Keizer et Rudy van Zijp, dir., "Austrian Economics in Debate", New York, NY: Routledge, pp192-219
- B. J. Bird, G. Page West III, "Time and Entrepreneurship”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 22(2), pp5–9
- M. Blaug, "Entrepreneurship in the History of Economic Thought", In: "Advances in Austrian Economics", Vol 5, pp217-239
- L. P. Dana, "Models for Entrepreneurship: Towards Cultural Sensitivity", In: R. N. Kanungo, dir., "Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Models for Development", New Delhi: SAGE, pp64–77
- T. K. Das, B.-S. Teng, "Time and Entrepreneurial Risk Behavior", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 22(2), pp69–88
- K. Hyrsky, "Entrepreneurship: metaphors and related concepts", Journal of Enterprising Culture, 6(04), pp391–412
- P. A. Wickham, "Strategic Entrepreneurship", Pitman Publishing
- S. Boutillier, D. Uzunidis, "La légende de l'entrepreneur. Le capital social, ou comment vient l'esprit d'entreprise", Editions La Découverte et Syros, Paris
- D. V. Brazeal, T. T. Herbert, "The Genesis of Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 23(3), pp29-45
- B. Carlsson, "Small business, entrepreneurship, and industrial dynamics", In: Zoltan Acs, "Are Small Firms Important? Their Role and Impact", Berlin: Springer, pp99–110
- G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, J. E. McGee, "Linking corporate entrepreneurship to strategic, structure and process: suggested research directions”, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 23(3), pp11-28
- R. N. Kanungo, dir., "Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Models for Development", Sage Publications, London
- Calvin A. Kent, Francis W. Rushing, "Coverage of Entrepreneurship in Principles of Economics Textbooks: An Update", Journal of Economic Education, Vol 30, n°2, pp184–188
- H. Landström, "The roots of entrepreneurship research. The intellectual development of a research field", New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 1(2), pp9–20
- V. Quadrini, "The importance of entrepreneurship for wealth concentration and mobility", Review of Income and Wealth, 45(1), pp1-19
- P. H. Thorton, "The sociology of entrepreneurship", Annual Review of Sociology, Vol 25, pp19–46
- A. R. M. Wennekers, A. R. Thurik, "Linking entrepreneurship and economic growth", Small Business Economics, Vol 13, pp27–55
- Juliet E. K. Walker, "Free Black Entrepreneurs", In: Juliet E. K. Walker, dir., "Encyclopedia of African American Business History", Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp248-252
De 2000 à 2009
- J. P. Boissin, J. C. Castagnos, G. Guieu, "PME et entrepreneuriat dans la littérature francophone stratégique", Revue internationale PME, Vol 13, n°1
- M. Brouwer, "Entrepreneurship and uncertainty: innovation and competition among the many", Small Business Economics, Vol 15, pp149–160
- L. Cohen, G. Musson, "Entrepreneurial identities: reflections from two case studies", Organization, 7(1), pp31–48
- W. M. Gentry, R. G. Hubbard, "Tax policy and entrepreneurial entry", American Economic Review, Vol 90, n°2, pp283–287
- G. A. Knight, "Entrepreneurship and marketing strategy: The SME under globalization", Journal of International Marketing, 8 (2), pp12-32
- I. C. MacMillan, R. G. McGrath, "The entrepreneurial mindset", Boston: Harvard Business School Press
- P. McDougall, B. Oviatt, "International entrepreneurship: the intersection of two research paths", Academy of Management Journal, 43(5), pp902–906
- J. O. Ogbor, "Mythicizing and Reification in Entrepreneurial Discourse: Ideology-Critique of Entrepreneurial Studies", Journal of Management Studies, Vol 37, n°5, pp605–635
- C. Outcalt, "The Notion of Entrepreneurship: Historical and Emerging Issues", Kaufman Center for Entrepreneural Leadership Clearinghouse on Entrepreneurship Education: Kansas City
- C. Bruyat, P. A. Julien, "Defining the Field of Research in Entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Venturing, vol 16, n°2, pp165-180
- P. Burns, "Entrepreneurship and Small Business", Hampshire: Palgrave
- M. Coulter, "Entrepreneurship in Action", Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
- M. B. Low, "The adolescence of entrepreneurship research : specification of purpose", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 25, nº4, pp17-25
- M. W. Peng, S. V. Shekshnia, "How entrepreneurs create wealth in transitional economies", Academy of Management Executive, Vol 15, n°1, pp95-110
- Deniz Ucbasaran, P. Westhead, M. Wright, "The focus of entrepreneurship research : contextual and process issues", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol 25, nº4, pp57-80
- E. Altinay, A. Basu, "The interaction between culture and entrepreneurship in London’s immigrant businesses", International Small Business Journal, 20(4), pp371–393
- A. R. Anderson, S. L. Jack, "The effects of embeddedness on the entrepreneurial process", Journal of Business Venturing, 17(5), pp467–487
- D. Bartlett, P. Dibben, "Public sector innovation and entrepreneurship: case studies from local government", Local Government Studies, 28(4), pp107–121
- S. Black, P. Strahan, "Entrepreneurship and Bank Credit Availability", Journal of Finance, 57 (6), pp2807–2033
- M. Cerruti, "Empresariado y empresas en el norte de México, Monterrey: de una economía de frontera a las alianzas estratégicas (1850-2000)", Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Administración, Cátedra Corona
- P. A. Fortin, "L’entrepreneuriat : un antidote à la pauvreté", Éditions transcontinentales, Les éditions de la fondation de l’entrepreneurship
- G. George, S.A. Zahra, "Culture and Its Consequences for Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 26, n°4, pp5-7
- G. George, J. Hayton, A. S. Zahra, "National culture and entrepreneruship: A review of behavioral research", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 26, n°4, pp33–49
- R. D. Hisrich, M. P. Peters, "Entrepreneurship", New York: McGrawHill/Irwin, 5ème édition
- C. Keuschnigg, S. B. Nielsen, "Tax policy, venture capital, and entrepreneurship", Journal of Public Economics, Vol 87, pp175–203
- S. Kodithuwakku, P. Rosa, "The entrepreneurial process and economic success in a constrained environment", Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 6, n°17, pp431–465
- Norris Krueger, dir., "Entrepreneurship. Critical perspectives on business and management", United Kingdom: Routledge
- L. D. Marino, "Culture and Its Consequences for Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 26, n°4, pp71-89
- R. K. Mitchell, "Culture and Its Consequences for Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 26, n°4, pp9-28
- J. Tan, "Culture and Its Consequences for Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 26, n°4, pp95-107
- A. Roy Thurik, S. Wennekers, L. M. Uhlaner, "Entrepreneurship and economic performance: a macro perspective", International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 1(2), pp157–179
- S. Carter, M. Ram, "Reassessing portfolio entrepreneurship", Small Business Economics, 21(4), pp371–380
- Per Davidsson, "The domain of entrepreneurship research: some suggestions", In: Jerome A. Katz, Dean A. Shepherd, dir., "Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth" (vol 6: Cognitive Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research), pp315-372
- A. DeNoble, G. Singh, "Early retirees as the next generation of entrepreneurs", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 27(3), pp207-226
- P. Dimitratos, E. Plakoyiannaki, "Theoretical foundations of an international entrepreneurial Culture", Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol 1, pp187–215
- M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland, D. G. Sirmon, "A model of strategic entrepreneurship: the construct and its dimensions”, Journal of Management Development, 29(6), pp963-989
- J. Kaplan, "Patterns of entrepreneurship”, John W iley & Sons
- A. D. Karayiannis, "Entrepreneurial functions and characteristics in a proto-capitalist economy the xenophonian entrepreneur", Wirtschaftspolitische Blatter, Vol 50, pp553–563
- D. A. Kirby, "Entrepreneurship", Berkshire: McGraw Hill Education
- M. Kontos, "Considering the concept of entrepreneurial resources in ethnic business Motivation as a biographical resource7”, International Review of Sociology, 13(1), pp183-204
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Depuis 2020
- Ekaterina S. Bjønåli, Daniel Leunbach, Truls Erikson, "A Subjectivist Approach to Team Entrepreneurship", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 23, n°3/4, Fall/Winter, pp542–567
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- Didier Hermida, Fernando Salazar, "Empresarialidad. El proceso empresarial entre la competencia y la acción gubernamental", ("Entrepreneuriat. Le processus entrepreneurial entre concurrence et action gouvernementale"), Eutheleria, Vol XVI, n°63, hiver (21 décembre - 20 mars) [lire en ligne]
- D. António, M. Franco, H. Haase, "Influence of failure factors on entrepreneurial resilience in Angolan micro, small and medium-sized enterprises", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol 29, n°1, pp240-259
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- Patricia Champy-Remoussenard, "Éducation et formation à l’esprit d’entreprendre, pour quelles perspectives ?", Savoirs, Vol 3, n°57, pp19-60
- Keith Jakee, Stephen M. Jones-Young, "Entrepreneurship as Complex, Bundled Decisions: An Inframarginal Analysis", In: Diana Thomas, Arielle John, dir., "Entrepreneurship and the Market Process", Mercatus Studies in Political and Social Economy, Palgrave Macmillan, pp27-66
- N. Karlson, C. Sandstrom, K. Wennberg, "Bureaucrats or markets in innovation policy? A critique of the entrepreneurial state", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 34, pp81–95
- Sarah Mass, "Where was entrepreneurship in post-war Britain? Freedom, family and choice in modern British shopping cultures", In: Aled Davies, Ben Jackson, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, dir., "The Neoliberal Age?: Britain since the 1970s", UCL Press, pp176-196
- Ryan Safner, "'Public Good' or 'Good for the Public?' Political Entrepreneurship and the Public Funding of Scientific Research", The Journal of Private Enterprise, 36(1), Spring, pp17-44
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