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John Baden

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John Baden

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Nationalité États-Unis États-Unis
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John Baden est un économiste américain. Il est l'un des représentants du free-market environmentalism qui défendent l'efficacité des mécanismes du marché pour la protection de l'environnement. Baden souligne par exemple l'importance des droits de propriété pour responsabiliser les individus sur l'utilisation raisonnable des ressources naturelles.


  • 1973, avec Richard L. Stroup, "Externality, Property Rights, and the Management of Our National Forests", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 16, n°2, October, pp303–312
  • 1977,
    • a. Neospartan Hedonists, Adult Toy Aficionados, and the Rationing of Public Lands, In: Managing the Commons, Garrett Hardin et John Baden, dir., San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, pp241-51
    • b. avec K. Bullock, Communes and the Logic of the Commons Managing the Commons, In: Managing the Commons, Garrett Hardin et John Baden, dir., San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co.
  • 1978, avec Richard L. Stroup, ‘The Environmental Costs of Government Action,” Policy Review, 4 (Spring), pp23-36
  • 1979,
    • a. avec Richard L. Stroup, ‘Property Rights and Natural Resource Management,” Literature of Liberty 2 (septembre-décembre): 5-44
    • b. Subsidized Destruction of Alternative Energy, mimeo, Center for Political Economy and Natural Resources, octobre
  • 1980,
    • a. avec Richard L. Stroup et Walter Thurman, "Good Intentions and Self-interest: Lessons from the American Indian," in Earth Day Reconsidered, ed. John Baden (Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation), pp. 7-9
    • b. avec Randy Simmons et Rodney D. Fort, “Environmentalists and Self-Interest: How Pure Are Those Who Desire the Pristine?” in Earth Day Reconsidered, ed. John Baden (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 1980), pp13-29
  • 1981,
    • a. avec Richard L. Stroup, Saving the Wilderness: A Radical Proposal, Reason, 13(juillet), pp28–36
    • b. avec Richard L. Stroup, dir., "Bureaucracy vs Environnient", The Environmentnl Costs of Bureaucratic Governance, Ann Aibor University of Michigan Press
  • 1982,
    • a. The Environmental Impacts of Government Policies, In: John Baden et Richard L. Stroup, Dir., Myths and Management of Natural Resources (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co.
    • b. avec Richard L. Stroup, Endowment Areas: A Clearing in the Policy Wilderness?, Cato Journal, Vol 2, n°3, Winter, pp691–708
  • 1983, avec Richard L. Stroup, Natural Resources: Bureaucratic Myths and Environmental Management, Ballinger Publishing Co.
  • 1984, dir., The Vanishing Farmland Crisis: Critical Views of the Movement to Preserve Agricultural Land, Lawrence, Ks.: University Press of Kansas
  • 1986, "Destroying the Environment", National Center for Policy Analysis
  • 1993, avec Tim O'Brien, Toward A True ESA: An Ecological Stewardship Act, In: Wendy Hudson, dir., Building Economic Incentives into the Endangered Species Act: A Special Report from Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, DC: Defenders of Wildlife, pp95-100
  • 1996, avec Pete Geddes, "Resource Politics Miss the Forest for the Trees", Wall Street Journal, May 22, A22
  • 1998, avec Douglas S. Noonan, "The Federal Treasury as a Common-Pool Resource: The Predatory Bureaucracy as a Management Tool", In: John A. Baden et Douglas S. Noonan, dir., "Managing the Commons" (2nd ed.), Indiana University Press, pp204–209
  • 2000, avec Pete Geddes, dir., "Saving a Place: Endangered Species in the 21st Century", Ashgate

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