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Vernon Smith (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Vernon Smith, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1961 à 1979
- 1961, "Investment and Production. A Study in the Theory of the Capital-Using Enterprise", Harvard Economic Studies n°117, Harvard University Press
- 1962, "An Experimental Study of Competitive Market Behavior", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 70, n°2
- 1969, “Measuring Nonmonetary Utilities in Uncertain Choices: The Ellsberg Urn”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 83, pp324-329
- 1975, "The Primitive Hunter Culture", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 83, August, pp727-756
- 1976, "Experimental Economics: Induced Value Theory", American Economic Review, vol 66, n°2, pp274–279
- 1977, "Water Deeds: A Proposed Solution to the Water Valuation Problem", Arizona Review, Vol 26, January, pp7-10
- 1978, avec George Katona, “Discussion”, American Economic Review, Vol 68, n°2, May, pp75-77
- 1979, "Research in experimental economics", Greenwich: JAI Press
De 1980 à 1989
- 1981, "Theory, Experiment, and Antitrust Policy", In: Steven C. Salop, dir., "Strategy, Predation, and Antitrust Analysis", Washington, DC: Federal Trade Commission, pp579-606
- 1982,
- a. “Markets as Economizers of Information: Experimental Examination of the Hayek Hypothesis", Economic Inquiry, Avril, Vol 20, n°2, pp165-179
- Repris en 1991, In: "Papers in Experimental Economics", New York: Cambridge University Press, pp221-235
- b. "Microeconomic systems as an experimental science", American Economic Review, Vol 72, n°5, décembre, pp923–955
- a. “Markets as Economizers of Information: Experimental Examination of the Hayek Hypothesis", Economic Inquiry, Avril, Vol 20, n°2, pp165-179
- 1985, avec R. Mark Issac, "In Search of Predatory Pricing", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 93, April, p342
- 1988, avec G. Suchanek, A. Williams, "Bubbles, Crashes and Endogeneous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets", Econometrica, Vol 56, pp1119-1131
De 1990 à 1999
- 1991,
- a. "Rational Choice: The Contrast between Economics and Psychology", Journal of Political Economy, Vol 99, n°4, August, pp877-897
- b. "Papers in Experimental Economics", New York: Cambridge University Press
- 1992, Game theory and experimental economics: Beginnings and early influences, In: E. Roy Weintraub, dir., Toward a History of Game Theory, Annual Supplement to Volume 24, History of Political Economy, Durham, Duke University Press, pp241-282
- 1993,
- a. "Humankind in Prehistory: Economy, Ecology, and Institutions", In: Terry L. Anderson, Randy Simmons, dir., "The Political Economy of Customs and Culture: Informal Solutions to the Commons Problem", Landham, Maryland: Rowan & Littlefield
- b. avec R. R. King, A. W. Williams, M. Van Boening, "The Robustness of Bubbles and Crashes in Experimental Stock Markets", In: R. Day, P. Chen, dir., "Evolutionary Dynamics and Nonlinear Economics — A Transdisciplinary Dialogue", New York: Oxford Univ. Press, pp183-200
- 1994, avec Elizabeth Hoffman, Kevin McCabe, Keith Shachat, "Preferences, Property Rights and Anonymity in Bargaining Games", Games and Economic Behavior, Vol 7, n°3, November, pp346–380
- 1996,
- a. avec K. A. McCabe, S. J. Rassenti, "Game theory and reciprocity in some extensive form experimental games", Proceedings of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol 93, pp13421-13428
- b. avec E. Hoffman, K. A. McCabe, "Social Distance and Other-Regarding Behavior in Dictator Games", American Economic Review, Vol 86, pp653–660
- 1997, avec Arlington W. Williams, "Experimental Price Bubbles", In: David Glasner, Thomas F. Cooley, dir., "Business Cycles and Depressions: An Encyclopedia", New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., pp207-209
- 1998,
- a. avec Y. Durham et J. Hirshleifer, "Do the rich get richer and the poor poorer? Experimental tests of a model of power", American Economic Review, 88, pp970–983
- b. "The two faces of Adam Smith", Southern Economic Journal, Vol 65, n°1, juillet, pp1–19
- c. "Property Rights as a Natural Order: Reciprocity, Evolutionary and Experimental Considerations", In: Peter Hill, Roger Meiners, dir., "Who Owns the Environment?", Lanhan, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, pp55-86
- 1999,
- a. "Reflections on Human Action 50 years later”, Cato Journal, vol 19, pp195–214
- b. avec E. Hoffman, K. A., McCabe, "Social Distance and Other-Regarding Behavior in Dictator Games: Reply", American Economic Review, Vol 89, pp340–341
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000, "Bargaining and Market Behavior", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
- 2003,
- a. "Constructivist and Ecological Rationality in Economics", American Economic Review, Vol 93, n°3, June, pp465-508
- b. avec David Porter, Stephen Rassenti, Anil Roopnarine, "Combinatorial Auction Design", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 100, n°19, pp11153–11157
- 2004, "Human Nature: An Economic Perspective", Daedalus, Vol 133, n°4, Fall, pp67-76
- 2005,
- a. "Hayek and Experimental Economics", The Review of Austrian Economics, vol 18, n°2, pp135–144
- b. "The Contrast between Economics and Psychology", In: Vernon L. Smith, dir., "Bargaining and Market Behavior: Essays in Experimental Economics", New York: Cambridge University Press
- 2006, "Forword", In: Peter Cramton, Yoav Shoham, Richard Steinberg, dir., 'Combinatorial Auctions', Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, ppxi–xv
- 2008,
- a. "Rationality in Economics: Constructivist and Ecological Forms", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- b. avec Bart Wilson, "Economics, Experimental"], In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp137-138
- c. "Experimental economics", In: Steven N. Durlauf, Lawrence E. Blume, dir., "The New Palgrave. Dictionary of Economics", London: Palgrave Macmillan, seconde édition
- d. avec E. Kimbrough, Bart Wilson, "Historical property rights, sociality, and the emergence of impersonal exchange in long-distance trade", American Economic Review, 98(3), pp1009–1039
- 2009,
- a. avec Sean Crockett, Bart Wilson, "Exchange and Specialisation as a Discovery Process", Economic Journal, Vol 119, July, pp1162-1188
- b. avec Steven Gjerstad, "Monetary Policy, Credit Extension, and Housing Bubbles: 2008 and 1929", Critical Review, Vol 21, n°2–3, pp269–300
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- a. avec Steven Gjerstad, "Monetary Policy, Credit Extension, and Housing Bubbles, 2008 and 1929", In: Jeffrey Friedman, dir., "What Caused the Financial Crisis", University of Pennsylvania Press
- b. avec Erik O. Kimbrough, Bart Wilson, "Exchange, Theft, and the Social Formation of Property", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 74(3), June, pp206-229
- c. avec Taylor Jaworski, Bart Wilson, "Discovering Economics in the Classroom with Experimental Economics and the Scottish Enlightenment", International Review of Economics Education, 9(2), November, pp10-33
- d. "Theory and Experiment: What Are the Questions?", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 73, n°1, pp3–15
- 2011,
- a. "Human Betterment through Globalization", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp107-113
- Traduit en français en 2012 par Emmanuel Martin, "L’amélioration humaine à travers la mondialisation", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralité du capitalisme Ce que vos professeurs ne vous diront pas", Students For Liberty et Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Lituanie: Petro Ofsetas, ISBN 978-609-420-265-0, pp118-124
- Traduit en espagnol en 2013, "El desarrollo del ser humano a través de la globalización", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralidad del capitalismo. Lo que no le contarán sus profesores", Chili, Santiago: Fundación para el Progreso, pp179-189
- b. avec David Porter, Thomas W. Hazlett, "Radio Spectrum and the Disruptive Clarity of Ronald Coase", The Journal of Law and Economics, November, Vol 54, pp125–165
- a. "Human Betterment through Globalization", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp107-113
- 2012, avec Hillard Kaplan, Eric Schniter, Bart Wilson, "Risk and the Evolution of Human Exchange", Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 270(1740), 7 August, pp2930-2935
- 2013, "Avant-propos", In: Roger Frantz, Robert Leeson, dir., "Hayek and Behavioural Economics", Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics, vol 4, Palgrave Macmillan, ppviii-x
- 2014, avec Bart Wilson, "Fair and impartial spectators in experimental economic behavior", Review of Behavioral Economics, 1(1-2), pp1-26
- 2015, "Discovery Processes, Science, and ‘Knowledge-how’: Competi�tion as a Discovery Procedure in the Laboratory", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 28, n°3, pp237–245
- 2016, "Adam Smith’s Fair and Impartial Spectator: Fairness was about Fair-Play Rules for Society, a Pre-Condition for Wealth Creation", Journal of Business & Management, Vol 22, n°2, pp115-124
- 2017, avec Bart Wilson, "Sentiments, Conduct, and Trust in the Laboratory", Social Philosophy and Policy, 34(1), July, pp25-55
- 2018,
- a. avec Hillard S. Kaplan, Eric Schniter, Bart Wilson, “Experimental Tests of the Tolerated Theft and Risk-Reduction Theories of Resource Exchange", Nature Human Behaviour, 2(6), June, pp383-388
- b. avec Bart Wilson, "Equilibrium Play in Voluntary Ultimatum Games: Beneficence Cannot Be Exhorted", Games and Economic Behavior, Vol 109, May, pp452-464
- 2019, avec Bart Wilson, "Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the Twenty-First Century", Cambridge University Press
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