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Ulrich Witt (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Ulrich Witt, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1982 à 1989
- 1980, "Marktprozesse - neoklassische vs. evolutorische Theorie der Preis- und Mengendynamik" (Market Processes – neoclassical vs. evolutionary theories of price and quantity dynamics), ("Processus de marché - Théorie néoclassique ou évolutionniste de la dynamique des prix et des quantités"), Koenigstein: Athenaeum
- 1982, avec J. Perske, "SMS - A Program Package for Simulation and Gaming of Stochastic Market Processes and Learning Behavior", Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol 202, Berlin: Springer
- 1985,
- a. "Coordination of Individual Economic Activities as an Evolving Process of Self-Organization", Economie Appliquée, Vol XXXVII, n°3/4, pp569-595
- Repris en 2003, In: Ulrich Witt, dir., "The Evolving Economy – Essays on the Evolutionary Approach to Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp62-88
- b. "Economic behavior and biological evolution: Some remarks on the sociobiology debate", Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Vol 141, pp365—389
- a. "Coordination of Individual Economic Activities as an Evolving Process of Self-Organization", Economie Appliquée, Vol XXXVII, n°3/4, pp569-595
- 1986,
- a. "Evolution and Stability of Cooperation Without Enforceable Contracts", Kyklos, Vol 38, pp245-265
- b. Firm's market behavior under imperfect information and economic natural selection. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 7: 265—290
- c. How can complex economic behavior be investigated? The example of the ignorant monopolist revisited. Behavioral Science 31: 173—188
- 1987,
- a. "Individualistische Grundlagen der evolutorischen Ökonomik", Tübingen (Mohr)
- b. How Transaction Rights Are Shaped to Channel Innovativeness, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 143.
- 1988, Eine individualistische Theorie der Entwicklung ökonomischer Institutionen [Une théorie individualiste de l'évolution des institutions économiques], Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie, 9, Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen
- 1989,
- a. Wissen, Präferenzen und Kommunikation – eine ökonomische Theorie, in: Analyse und Kritik 11, pp94-109
- b. Subjectivism in Economics: A Suggested Reorientation, In: K. Grunert et F. Ölander, Dir., Understanding Economic Behavior, Dordrecht (Kluwer), pp409-431
- Traduit en français en 1990, Le subjectivisme en Sciences économiques. Proposition de réorientation, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 1, n°2, pp41-60
- c. The Evolution of Economic Institutions as a Propagation Process, Public Choice, Vol 62, pp155-172
- Repris In: Geoffrey Hodgson, The Economics of Institutions.
- d. Commentaire du livre de Richard N. Langlois, dir., Economics as a Process. Essays in the New Institutional Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 145, pp741–745
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990, "L'évolution de l'ordre et le rôle de l'individu", Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 1, n°1, Hiver, pp186-189
- 1991,
- a. "Reflections on the present state of evolutionary economic theory", In: Geoffrey Hodgson, Ernesto Screpanti, dir., "Rethinking economics: Markets, technology and economic evolution", Edward Elgar, Aldershot, UK, pp183—102
- b. "Economics, sociobiology, and behavioral psychology on preferences", Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol 12, pp557—573
- Repris en 1995, In: Geoffrey Hodgson, Economics and Biology, Aldershot, U.K., Edward Elgar
- 1992,
- a. dir., "Explaining Process and Change: Approaches to Evolutionary Economics", The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- b. "Turning Austrian Economics into an Evolutionary Theory", In: Bruce Caldwell, Stephan Boehm, dir., "Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions", Boston: Kluwer, ch 8, pp215—236
- Repris en 1995, "Schumpeter vs. Hayek: Two approaches to Evolutionary Economics, In: Gerrit Meijer, dir., "New Perspectives on Austrian Economics", London and New York, Routledge, pp81—101
- c. "Evolutionary concepts in economics", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol 18, n°4, Fall, pp405—419
- Repris en 2003, In: Ulrich Witt, dir., "The Evolving Economy – Essays on the Evolutionary Approach to Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp3-36
- d. "Evolution as the theme of a new heterodoxy in economics", In Ulrich Witt, "Explaining Process and Change: Approaches to Evolutionary Economics", The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, pp3—20
- e. "Individualistic Foundations of Evolutionary Economics", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- f. "The Endogenous Public Choice Theorist", Public Choice, Vol 73, pp117–129
- 1993,
- a. dir., "Evolutionary Economics", Edward Elgar, Aldershot
- b. "Emergence and Dissemination of Innovations: Some Principles of Evolutionary Economics", In: Richard H. Day, Ping Chen, dir., "Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolutionary Economics", Oxford (Oxford University Press), Ch 7, pp91-100
- c. dir., "Evolution in Markets and Institutions", Würzburg: Physica
- d. "Path-Dependence in Institutional Change", In: Paul David C. Antonelli, "Path-Dependence and Its Implications for Economic Policy", New York, Basil Blackwell
- 1994,
- a. "Evolutionary Economics", In: Peter Boettke, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics", Aldershoot, Edward Elgar, pp540-548
- b. "Endogenous change: Causes and contingencies", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 1, pp105—117
- c. "Theory of social evolution: Hayek's unfinished legacy", In: Jack Birner, Rudy Van Zijp, dir., "Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution; His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas", London & New York, N.Y.: Routledge, pp178-189
- 1995,
- a. "Coordination of individual economic activities as an evolving process of self-organization", Economie Appliquée, vol 38, pp569—595
- Repris In: Peter Boettke et David L. Prychitko, Dir., Market Process Theories
- c. "Schumpeter vs. Hayek: Two Approaches to Evolutionary Economics", In: Gerrit Meijer, dir., New Perspectives on Austrian Economics. London New York: Routledge
- a. "Coordination of individual economic activities as an evolving process of self-organization", Economie Appliquée, vol 38, pp569—595
- 1996,
- a. A 'Darwinian Revolution' in Economics? Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol 152, n°2, pp707-715
- b. Bounded rationality, social learning, and viable moral conduct in a Prisoners' Dilemma. In Perlman/Helmstädter, Behavioral Norms, Technological Progress and Economic Dynamics, 33—49
- c. Moral norms and rationality within populations: An evolutionary theory. In Pardo/Schneider, Current Issues in Public Choice, 237—256
- d. "Innovations, Externalities and the Problem of Economic Progress", Public Choice, 89, pp113-130
- e. The Political Economy of Mass Media Societies, Papers on Economics and Evolution #9601, Max Planck Institute Jena
- 1997,
- a. "The Hayekian puzzle: spontaneous order and the business cycle", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol 44, pp44-58
- Repris en 2000, In: Boudewijn Bouckaert et Annette Godart-van der Kroon, dir., "Hayek Revisited", Cheltenham, UK et Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp72-86
- b. "Imagination and leadership – The neglected dimension of an evolutionary theory of the firm", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 35, n°2, pp161-177
- c. “Lock-in” vs. “critical masses”, Industrial change under network externalities, International Journal of Industrial Organisation, vol 15, pp753-773
- d. Self-organization and economics: What is new? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 8: 489—507
- a. "The Hayekian puzzle: spontaneous order and the business cycle", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol 44, pp44-58
- 1998,
- a. Cognition, Entrepreneurial Conceptions, and the Nature of the Firm Reconsidered, International Society for New Institutional Economics Conference, Paris, September
- b. Do entrepreneurs need firms? A contribution to a missing chapter in Austrian Economics. Review of Austrian Economics 11: 99—109
- c. "Between Entrepreneurial Leadership and Managerial Governance – the Contingent Ontogeny of the Firm Organization". Paper prepared for the DRUID Summer Conference on Competencies, Governance and Entrepreneurship, Bornholm, June 9–11
- 1999,
- a. Do Entrepreneurs Need Firms? A Contribution to a Missing Chapter in Austrian Economics, Review of Austrian Economics, 11: 99-109
- b. Bioeconomics as economics from a Darwinian perspective. Journal of Bioeconomics 1: 19—34
- c. Evolutionary economics and evolutionary biology, In: Koslowsky, Sociobiology and Bioeconomics, 279—298.
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000, Changing Cognitive Frames – Changing Organizational Forms: An Entrepreneurial Theory of Organizational Development, Industrial and Corporate Change, 9(4), pp733–755
- 2001,
- a. "Evolutionary economics: An interpretative survey", In: Kurt Dopfer, "Evolutionary Economics", Ch 2, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publ., pp45-88
- b. "Path-dependence in Institutional Change", In: Kurt Dopfer, Evolutionary Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- c. "Learning to Consume: A theory of wants and demand growth", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 11, pp23-36
- d. avec Klaus Rathe, "The Nature of the Firm – Static versus Developmental Interpretations", Journal of Management and Governance, 5, pp331-351
- e. "Between Appeasement and Belligerent Moralism - The Evolution of Moral Conduct in International Politics", Public Choice, Vol 106, pp365-388
- 2002,
- a. How Evolutionary is Schumpeter’s Theory of Economic Development?, Industry and Innovation, 9(1/2), pp7-22
- b. [Germany’s “Social Market Economy” Between Social Ethos and Rent Seeking http://www.mpiew-jena.mpg.de/files/2004/staff/witt_GermanysSocialMarketEconomy.pdf], The Independent Review, vol VI, n°3, Winter, pp365–375
- 2003,
- a. "The Evolving Economy – Essays on the Evolutionary Approach to Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- b. "Evolutionary Economics and the Extension of Evolution to the Economy", In: Ulrich Witt, dir., "The Evolving Economy", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp3–34
- c. "Economic Policy Making in Evolutionary Perspective", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13(2), pp77-94
- d. avec Thomas Brenner, "Melioration learning in games with constant and frequency-dependent pay-offs", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 50, pp429–448
- 2004, On the Proper Interpretation of “Evolution", In Economics and its Implications for Production Theory. Journal of Economic Methodology, 11:125-146
- 2007,
- a. Firms as Realizations of Entrepreneurial Visions, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 44, n°7, November, pp1125-1140
- b. avec Christian Cordes, "Selection, Learning, and Schumpeterian Dynamics: A Conceptual Debate", In: H. Hanusch et A. Pyka, dir., The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp316-328
- c. avec Christian Zellner, Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship: The Organizational Side of Technology Commercialization, In: F. Malerba et S. Brusoni, dir., Perspectives on Innovation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp352-371
- d. avec T. Broekel et T. Brenner, “Knowledge and its Economic Characteristics – A Conceptual Clarification”, Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers, # 2007- 013.
- 2008,
- a. "Observational learning, group selection, and societal evolution", Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol 4, n°1, pp1–24
- b. avec Christian Schubert, "Constitutional interests in the face of innovations: how much do we need to know about risk preferences?", Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 19, pp203-225
- c. What is specific about evolutionary economics?, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18:5, pp547-575
- d. avec Thomas Brenner, "Output Dynamics, Flow Equilibria and Structural Change – A Prolegomenon to Evolutionary Macroeconomics", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 18 (2), pp249-260
- e. "Heuristic Twists and Ontological Creeds – A Road Map for Evolutionary Economics", In: H. Hanappi et W. Elsner, dir., Advances in Evolutionary Institutional Economics: Evolutionary Mechanisms, Non-Knowledge and Strategy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp9-34
- f. Evolutionary Economics, In: Steven N. Durlauf et Lawrence E. Blume, dir., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Second Edition, Palgrave Macmillan
- g. Evolutionary Economics and Psychology, In: A. Lewis, dir., The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour, Ch 20, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp493-511
- 2009,
- a. avec Christian Zellner, "How Firm Organizations Adapt to Secure a Sustained Knowledge Transfer," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 18 (7), pp647-661
- b. "Propositions about novelty", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 70, pp311–320
De 2010 à 2019
- 2013, "Competition as an Ambiguous Discovery Procedure: A Reappraisal of Hayek’s Epistemic Market Liberalism", Economics and Philosophy, Vol 29, n°1, Mars, pp121-138
- 2015, avec Naomi Beck, "Austrian Economics and the Evolutionary Paradigm", In: Peter Boettke, Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp576-593
- 2016, "Rethinking Economic Evolution – Essays on Economic Change and its Theory", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- 2019,
- a. avec Andreas Chai, dir., "Understanding Economic Change - Advances in Evolutionary Economics", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- b. avec Andreas Chai, "Evolutionary Economics: Taking Stock of Its Progress and Emerging Challenges", In: Andreas Chai, Ulrich Witt, dir., "Understanding Economic Change - Advances in Evolutionary Economics", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp3-40
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