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David Emanuel Andersson
David Emanuel Andersson est depuis 2008, professeur assistant à l'Institute of Public Affairs Management, à l'université Nationale de Sun Yat-sen à Kaohsiung à Taïwan. Il est diplômé, en 1991, (B.Soc.Sc., en statistique) de l'université de Gothenburg, en Suède. Il a également un doctorat en 1997 de planification régionale au Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), à Stockholm, en Suède.
Dans son livre, Property Rights, Consumption, and the Market Process, David Emanuel Andersson entreprend la tâche difficile de concilier les théories institutionnelles des droits de propriété, les coûts de transaction de Ronald Coase et l'école autrichienne. Il reformule la théorie des droits de propriété comme une théorie de l'évolution du processus de marché. Il combine plusieurs analyses, celle de Yoram Barzel sur la théorie des droits de propriété, celle de Ludwig Lachmann sur la théorie du capital, celle de la théorie du management par les ressources, celle de l'esprit d'entreprise (Frank Knight, Joseph Schumpeter et Israel Kirzner), celle de la théorie de la dispersion de la connaissance de Friedrich Hayek et un modèle du choix du consommateur qui associe des caractéristiques lexicographiques et les processus d'apprentissage.
- 1997,
- a. Hedonic Prices and Center Accessibility: Conceptual Foundations and an Empirical Hedonic Study of the Market for Condominium Housing in Singapore, Stockholm: KTH Hogskoletryckeriet
- b. Regions and the collectivity: the case of Stockholm, In: A.E. Andersson, B. Harsman et J.M. Quigley, dir., Government for the Future: Unification, Fragmentation, and Regionalism, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp245-285
- 2000,
- a. Hypothesis testing in hedonic price estimation: on the selection of independent variables, Annals of Regional Science, 34: 293-304
- b. avec Åke E. Andersson, dir., "Gateways to the Global Economy", Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- c. avec T.R. Lakshmanan, L. Chatterjee et K. Sasaki, Three global cities: New York, London and Tokyo, In: A.E. Andersson et D.E. Andersson, dir., Gateways to the Global Economy, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp49-80
- d. Institutions and networks: the case of Taiwan’s export-oriented production zones, In: A.E. Andersson et D.E. Andersson, dir., Gateways to the Global Economy, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp269-280
- e. The role of institutions and self-organizing networks in the economic history of regions, In: A.E. Andersson et D.E. Andersson, dir., Gateways to the Global Economy, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp365-380
- 2001,
- a. avec Åke E. Andersson, "The five stages of globalization", Plan – The Swedish Journal of Planning, 1: 47-50
- b. avec J.P.H. Poon, dir., Asia-Pacific Transitions, Basingstoke: Palgrave
- c. avec J.P.H. Poon, Overview, In: D.E. Andersson et J.P.H. Poon, dir., Asia-Pacific Transitions, pp1-11
- d. Land-use controls and economic freedom: the diverging histories of Singapore and Taipei, In: D.E. Andersson et J.P.H. Poon, dir., Asia-Pacific Transitions, pp100-112
- e. Emerging knowledge networks in eastern Asia, In: David E. Andersson et J.P.H. Poon, dir., Asia-Pacific Transitions, pp269-276
- 2002, Land rights and economic opportunities: an exploratory comparison of Singapore and Taiwan, In: I. Douglas et S.-L. Huang, dir., Urbanization, East Asia, and Habitat II, Taipei: CIER Press
- 2003, "Economic development and health patterns", In: Åke E. Andersson, B. Johansson et W.P. Anderson, dir., The Economics of Disappearing Distance, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp190-207
- 2004, Accessibility and site rents in the C-economy, In: D.-H. Lee, dir., Urban and Regional Transportation Modeling: Essays in Honor of David Boyce, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp380-389
- 2005,
- a. "The spatial nature of entrepreneurship", Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol 8, n°2, pp21-34
- b. avec Åke E. Andersson, "Globalisation in stages", In: P. Gangopadhyay et M. Chatterji, dir., "Economics of Globalisation", Aldershot: Ashgate, pp77-93
- 2006, avec Åke E. Andersson, "The Economics of Experiences, the Arts, and Entertainment", Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- 2008,
- a. avec O.F. Shyr, The impact of high-speed rail on accessibility and land-price variability: the case of two Taiwanese regions, In: B. Andreosso-O’Callaghan et B. Zolin, dir., Current Issues in Economic Integration: Can Asia Inspire the “West”? Aldershot: Ashgate
- b. avec O.F. Shyr et J. Fu, Does high-speed rail accessibility influence residential property prices? Hedonic estimates from southern Taiwan, Journal of Transport Geography
- c. Hotel attributes and hedonic prices: an analysis of internet-based transactions in Singapore’s market for hotel rooms, Annals of Regional Science
- d. "The double-edged nature of the Hayekian knowledge problem: systemic tendencies in markets and science", Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 1, pp51-72
- e. avec Åke E. Andersson, "Infrastructural change and secular economic development", Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 75: 799-816
- f. Requirements for the region’s economic development, National Atlas of Sweden: The Stockholm-Malaren Region, Gavle: Kartforlaget, pp98-131
- g. Population trends and the housing market, National Atlas of Sweden: The Stockholm-Malaren Region, Gavle: Kartforlaget, pp148-153
- h. Property Rights, Consumption, and the Market Process, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- i. avec Åke E. Andersson, "Spatial clustering of culture", In: C. Karlsson, dir., Handbook of Research on Clusters: Theories, Policies and Case Studies, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- 2010, Cosmos and Taxis in Religious Life: Pattern Regularities and New Challenges, Studies in Emergent Order, VOL 3, pp172-194
- 2011,
- a. avec Åke E. Andersson et Charlotta Mellander, dir., "Handbook of Creative Cities", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- b. avec Charlotta Mellander, "Analysing Creative Cities", In: David E. Andersson, Åke E. Andersson et Charlotta Mellander, dir., "Handbook of Creative Cities", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- c. "Creative cities need less government", In: David E. Andersson, Åke E. Andersson et Charlotta Mellander, dir., "Handbook of Creative Cities", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp327-342
- 2012,
- a. “Polycentric Democracy and Its Enemies”, Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 5, pp45-63
- b. avec O.F. Shyr et A. Lee, "The successes and failures of a key transportation link: accessibility effects of Taiwan’s high-speed rail", Annals of Regional Science, Vol 48, pp203-223
- 2013,
- a. avec Åke E. Andersson, "The Economic Value of Experience Goods", In: Jon Sundbo et Flemming Sørensen, dir., "Handbook On The Experience Economy", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- b. "Introduction", Cosmos + Taxis, vol 1, n°1, pp1-2
- 2014,
- a. "The Dire State of Urban Sociology and Geography", Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 7, pp344-357
- b. avec Stefano Moroni, dir., "Cities And Private Planning. Property Rights, Entrepreneurship and Transaction Costs", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- c. avec Stefano Moroni, "Private Enterprise and the Future of Urban Planning", In: David E. Andersson et Stefano Moroni, dir., "Cities And Private Planning. Property Rights, Entrepreneurship and Transaction Costs", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- d. "Cities and Planning: The Role of System Constraints", In: David E. Andersson et Stefano Moroni, dir., "Cities And Private Planning. Property Rights, Entrepreneurship and Transaction Costs", Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
- 2018,"How Ferlito’s hermeneutical treatment of capital can inform theorizing about entrepreneurship", ("L'incertitude des anticipations là où l'herméneutique ne suffit pas"), StoriaLibera, n°7, Vol IV, pp185-190
- 2022, avec D. Bögenhold, M. Hudik, "Entrepreneurship in superdiverse societies and the end of one-size-fits-all policy prescriptions", Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Vol 11, n°1, pp40-52
Littérature secondaire
- 2015, Alex Salter, commentaire du livre de David Emanuel Andersson et Stefano Moroni, dir., "Cities and Private Planning: Property Rights, Entrepreneurship, and Transaction Costs", Public Choice, 162(3), pp467-469
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