Scott Beaulier
Scott Beaulier | |||||
Économiste | |||||
Dates | 1977 - | ||||
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Tendance | École autrichienne | ||||
Nationalité | ![]() | ||||
Articles internes | Autres articles sur Scott Beaulier | ||||
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Interwikis sur Scott Beaulier | |||||
Scott A. Beaulier, né le 16 août 1977, est un économiste américain.
Il est professeur assistant d'économie à la Mercer University. Auparavant, il était professeur adjoint d'économie et directeur du département d'économie à l'université Stetson Mercer of Business and Economics. C'est un spécialiste de la microéconomie appliquée, de l'économie politique et de l'économie du développement, particulièrement celle du Botswana.
Il a obtenu son Ph.D en économie à la George Mason University en 2004, après une formation en économie et en histoire à la Northern Michigan University.
Il collabore à l'Independent Institute, dans son Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation. Il est également membre du réseau de la faculté FEE (Foundation for Economic Education).
- 2000, avec Peter J. Boettke, Of Norms, Rules and Markets: A Comment on Samuels, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 10, n°4, décembre
- 2003, "Explaining Botswana's Success: The Critical Role of Post-colonial Policy", Cato Journal, Vol 23, n°2, fall, pp227-240
- 2004,
- a. avec Peter J. Boettke, "The Really Real in Economics", In: Paul A. Lewis, dir., Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical Realist Project in Economics, London and New York: Routledge
- b. "Is Discourse Relevant for Economic Development?", The Independent Review, Vol VIII, n°3, pp343-361
- 2005 avec Peter J. Boettke et Christopher J. Coyne, "Knowledge, Economics and Coordination: Understanding Hayek's Legal Theory", NYU Journal of Law and Liberty, Vol 1 , n°0, pp209-224
- 2006,
- a. avec Robert Subrick, "Political Foundations of Development: The case of Botswana", Constitutional Political Economy, (2), pp103-115
- b. avec Robert Subrick, “Poverty Traps and the Robust Political Economy of Development Assistance”, The Review of Austrian Economics, 19(2/3), pp217-226
- c. avec David Prychitko, "Disagreement over the Emergence of Private Property Rights: Alternative Meanings, Alternative Explanations", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 19, n°1, pp47-68
- 2007,
- a. Making Poor Nations Rich (en collaboration)
- b. avec Robert Subrick, "Limited Government and Economic Growth in Botswana", Journal of Private Enterprise, Fall, [lire en ligne]
- c. "Look Botswana: No Hands! Why Botswana's Government Should Let the Economy Steer Itself", In: Jim Powell, dir., Making Poor Nations Rich: Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development, Independent Institute/Stanford University Press, pp497-537
- d. avec Robert Subrick, "Mining institutional quality: how Botswana escaped the natural resource curse", Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Sept,
- 2008, avec June Arunga, "Nakumatt: A Kenyan Supermarket", In: Álvaro Vargas Llosa, dir., Lessons from the Poor. Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit', The Independent Institute
- 2009,
- a. avec Joshua C. Hall, [=Spring2009%2010.pdf "The Production and Proliferation of Economists: The Austrian and the Virginia School as Academic Enterprises"], The Journal of Private Enterprise, 24(2), pp137-156
- b. avec Joshua C. Hall et Ben VanMetre, "The Articles of Confederation show the need for direct taxation? It just ain't so!", Economic Affairs, Vol 29, n°3, Septembre
- c. avec Wm. Stewart Mounts, Jr., "Asymmetric Information about Perfect Competition: The Treatment - Perfect Information in Introductory Economics Textbook", In: Franklin G. Mixon, Jr. et Richard J. Cebula, dir., "Expanding Teaching and Learning Horizons in Economic Education", New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp207-213
- 2010,
- a. "Assume Anarchy: The Educational Philosophy of Peter Boettke", Journal of Private Enterprise, Fall, Vol 26, n°1
- b. avec Mark Adams, "Increasing Taxes During a Recession: The Wrong Mediane for Georgia", Policy Paper, n°1, The Laffer Center for Global Economic Growth, Atlanta
- c. "Without private property, there can be no rational economic calculation", In: Peter Boettke, dir., "Handbook on Contemporary Austrian Economics", Edward Elgar, pp77-86
- d. "Botswana: A Diamond in the Rough", The Freeman, April, Vol 60, n°3, pp24-26
- e. avec David L. Prychitko, "The Traders’ Cross: Identifying Traders’ Surpluses in the Traditional Edgeworth Exchange Diagram", The Journal of Economic Education, 41(1), pp54-62
- 2011, avec Joshua C. Hall, "Emergent versus Directed Property Rights: Evidence from Transition Economies", Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol 12(2), pp80-89
- 2012,
- a. avec Daniel Smith, Daniel Sutter, “Technology and the Architecture of Emergent Orders”, Studies in Emergent Order, Vol 5, pp157-176
- b. avec Darrick C. Luke, Daniel Smith, "Tough on Immigration Is Tough on Economic Growth", The Freeman, Vol 62, n°1, January-February, pp6-8
- 2013, avec Robert Subrick, "Understanding Academic Journal Market Failure: The Case of Austrian Economics", Eastern Economic Journal, 39(4), pp444–463
- 2014, avec Franklin G. Mixon, Richard J. Cebula, "Can't see the tacking for the trees? Try a Coasian solution", In: Franklin G. Mixon, Richard J. Cebula, dir., "New Developments in Economic Education", Edward Elgar, pp126-132
- 2015, avec Daniel Smith, "On Your Mark, Get Set, Develop!: Leadership and Economic Development”, In: Peter Boettke, Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp713-728
Liens externes
- (en)Page personnelle de Scott Beaulier
- (en)"Un conte de deux pays: le Botswana et le Zimbabwe", conférence de Scott Beaulier, en 2009, au Metropolitan State College de Denver School of Business
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