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Tom Palmer (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Tom Palmer, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1977 à 1989
- 1977,
- a. Commentary: Gradualism and Taxes, réponse à Robert W. Poole sur la critique formulée par Tom Palmer de son livre "Cut Local Taxes", Libertarian Review, Vol VI, n°3, July, p3,p30
- b. avec Tom Avery, "The 1977 Libertarian Party National Convention", Libertarian review, Octobre, Vol 6, n°6, pp30-33
- 1978, "Mutual biography", commentaire du livre d'Owen Hatteras, "Pistols for Two,", Libertarian Review, June, Vol 7, n°5, pp43-44
- 1981, "The elitist as egalitarian", commentaire du livre de Philip Green, "The Pursuit of Inequality", Libertarian review, September, pp34-36
- 1983, "Chipping Away at Free Trade", Inquiry, November
- 1987, "Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and Social Theory", Critical Review, Vol 1, n°3, Summer, pp91–108
- 1988, avec Leonard P. Liggio, Freedom and the Law: A Comment on Professor Aranson's Article, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol 11, n°3, Summer, pp713-
- 1989, "Intellectual Property: A non-Posnerian Law and Economics Approach", Hamline Law Review, Volume 12(2), Spring, pp261-304
- Repris en 1998, In: Adam Moore, dir., Intellectual Property: Moral, Legal, and International Dilemmas, New York: Rowman and Littlefield
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. Are Patents and Copyrights morally justified?: The Philosophy of Property Rights and Ideal Objects, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Volume 13, Number 3
- b. Commentaire du livre de Friedrich Hayek, "The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism", Ethics, Vol 101, n°1, Octobre, pp192-193
- c. "Why Socialism Collapsed in Eastern Europe", Cato Policy Report, September-October
- Repris en 2002, "Why Socialism Collapsed in Eastern Europe", In: David Boaz, dir., "Toward Liberty: The Idea That Is Changing the World: 25 Years of Public Policy from the Cato Institute", Washington, DC: Cato Institute, pp214-221
- 1991, "The Gadamerian View of Freedom", In: Don Lavoie, dir., "Economics and Hermeneutics", London: Routledge
- 1996, "Myths of Individualism", Cato Policy Report, September/October
- Repris en 2002, "Myths of Individualism", In: David Boaz, dir., "Toward Liberty: The Idea That Is Changing the World: 25 Years of Public Policy from the Cato Institute", Washington, DC: Cato Institute, pp411-418
- 1997,
- a. The Literature of Liberty, In: The Libertarian Reader, David Boaz, Dir., New York: The Free Press
- b. Préface au livre de Václav Klaus, Renaissance: The Rebirth of Liberty in the Heart of Europe, Washington, D.C.: Cato Institute
- 1998,
- a. What’s Not Wrong with Libertarianism, Critical Review, Summer
- b. G. A. Cohen on Self-Ownership, Property, and Equality, Critical Review, 12/3, Summer, pp225–251
- 1999,
- a. F. A. Hayek: Prophet of the Modern World, The Washington Times, 8 Mai
- b. Commentaire du livre de Stephen Holmes et Cass R. Sunstein, "The Cost of Rights: Why Liberty Depends on Taxes", Cato Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, Fall
- c. "The Great Bequest", The Freeman, March, Vol 49, n°3, pp29-34
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001, avec John Samples et Patrick Basham, Lessons of Election 2000, Cato Institute Briefing Paper n°59, 2 janvier
- 2002, "Classical liberalism and civil society: definitions, history, and relations", In: N. L. Rosenblum, R. C. Post, dir., "Civil Society and Government", Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp48-78
- Repris en 2009, In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice", Washington, DC: Cato Institute
- 2004, "Globalisation and Culture: Homogeneity, Diversity, Identity, Liberty", Occasional Paper 2, Postdam: Liberal Institute of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation
- 2008,
- a. No Exit: Framing the Problem of Justice, In: Hartmut Kliemt et Hardy Bouillon, dir., Ordered Anarchy: Jasay and His Surroundings, London: Ashgate
- b. Democracy and the Contest for Liberty, Northwestern University Law Review, Vol 102, n°1
- c. Freedom Properly Understood, Occasional Paper 48, Liberal Institute of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Potsdam
- d. "CICERO (106–43 B.C.)", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, p63
- e. "COSMOPOLITANISM", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp107-109
- 2009,
- a. "Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice", Cato Institute, [prés. en ligne]
- b. "G. A. Cohen on Self-Ownership, Property, and Equality", In: Tom Palmer, "Realizing Freedom", Washington DC: Cato Institute, pp129–154
- c. "What is Not Wrong with Libertarianism", In: Tom Palmer, "Realizing Freedom", Washington DC: Cato Institute, pp183–203
- d. Limited Government and the Rule of Law, In: David Boaz, dir., Cato Handbook for Policymakers, 7th Edition, Cato Institute, Ch 2
De 2010 à 2019
- 2011,
- a. dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc.
- Traduit en français en 2012, par Emmanuel Martin, "La moralité du capitalisme Ce que vos professeurs ne vous diront pas", Students For Liberty et Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Lituanie: Petro Ofsetas, ISBN 978-609-420-265-0
- Traduit en espagnol en 2013, "La moralidad del capitalismo. Lo que no le contarán sus profesores", Chili, Santiago: Fundación para el Progreso
- b. "Introduction: The Morality of Capitalism", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp1-14
- Traduit en français en 2012 par Emmanuel Martin, "La moralité du capitalisme", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralité du capitalisme Ce que vos professeurs ne vous diront pas", Students For Liberty et Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Lituanie: Petro Ofsetas, ISBN 978-609-420-265-0, pp1-16
- Traduit en espagnol en 2013, Introducción: La moralidad del capitalismo, In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralidad del capitalismo. Lo que no le contarán sus profesores", Chili, Santiago: Fundación para el Progreso, pp17-39
- c. "Interview with an Entrepreneur (de John Mackey par Tom G. Palmer)", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp15-26
- Traduit en français en 2012 par Emmanuel Martin, "Entretien avec un entrepreneur : John Mackey", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralité du capitalisme Ce que vos professeurs ne vous diront pas", Students For Liberty et Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Lituanie: Petro Ofsetas, ISBN 978-609-420-265-0, pp19-31
- Traduit en espagnol en 2013, Entrevista con un emprendedor (John Mackey)", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralidad del capitalismo. Lo que no le contarán sus profesores", Chili, Santiago: Fundación para el Progreso, pp43-60
- d. "For-Profit Medicine and the Compassion Motive", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp37-42
- Traduit en français en 2012 par Emmanuel Martin, "Médecine à but lucratif et incitation à la compassion", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralité du capitalisme Ce que vos professeurs ne vous diront pas", Students For Liberty et Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Lituanie: Petro Ofsetas, ISBN 978-609-420-265-0, pp44-47
- Traduit en espagnol en 2013, "La medicina con fi nes de lucro y el motor de la compasión", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralidad del capitalismo. Lo que no le contarán sus profesores", Chili, Santiago: Fundación para el Progreso, pp77-81
- e. "Adam Smith and the Myth of Greed", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp63-68
- Traduit en français en 2012 par Emmanuel Martin, "Adam Smith et le mythe de la cupidité", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralité du capitalisme Ce que vos professeurs ne vous diront pas", Students For Liberty et Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Lituanie: Petro Ofsetas, ISBN 978-609-420-265-0, pp72-77
- Traduit en espagnol en 2013, "Adam Smith y el mito de la codicia", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "La moralidad del capitalismo. Lo que no le contarán sus profesores", Chili, Santiago: Fundación para el Progreso, pp115-124
- a. dir., "The Morality of Capitalism. What Your Professors Won’t Tell You", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc.
- 2013,
- a. dir., "Why Liberty", Ottawa: Jameson Books Inc.
- b. Preface, In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "Why Liberty", Ottawa: Jameson Books Inc., pp1-2
- c. "Why be a libertarian", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "Why Liberty", Ottawa: Jameson Books Inc., pp3-12
- d. "The History and Structure of Libertarian Thought", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "Why Liberty", Ottawa: Jameson Books Inc., pp23-38
- e. "The Origins of State and Government", In: Tom G. Palmer, dir., "Why Liberty", Ottawa: Jameson Books Inc., pp111-116
- 2014, "Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice", Washington: Cato Institute
- 2015, "Foreword", In: Nima Sanandaji, "Scandinavian unexceptionalism. Culture, Markets and the Failure of Third-Way Socialism", London: Institute of Economic Affairs, ppix-xii
- 2016,
- a. dir., "Self-control or state control?: you decide", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc.
- b. "The great choice", In: Tom Palmer, dir., "Self-control or state control?: you decide", Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, Inc., pp3-15
De 2020 à 2022
- 2021, avec William A. Galston, "Truth and Governance: Religious and Secular Views", Washington: Brookings Institution Press
- 2022, avec Matt Warner, "Development with Dignity. Self-determination, Localization, and the End to Poverty", Routledge
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