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Max Weber (Littérature secondaire)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres qui ont un lien secondaire avec Max Weber, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1920 à 1959
- 1920, Joseph Schumpeter, "Max Webers Werk", Der osterreichische Volkswirt, 12, pp831-834
- 1926, Honigsheim, "Der Max-Weber-Kreis in Heidelberg" ("Le Cercle Max Weber à Heidelberg"), Kolner Vierteljahrshefte fur Sozioloqie, 5, pp270-287
- 1946,
- R. F. Beerling, "Protestantisme en Kapitalisme: Max Weber in de Kritiek", Batavia: Groningen
- H. H. Gerth et C. Wright Mills, dir., From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, New York: Oxford University Press
- 1947, Talcott Parsons, "Weber's 'Economic Sociology'", In: Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. New York: Oxford University Press, pp30-55
- 1949, Edward Shils et H. L. Finch, dir., Max Weber on the Methodology of the Social Sciences, Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press
- 1952, C. J. Friedrich, « Some Observations on Weber’s Analysis of Bureaucracy », In: Robert K. Merton, dir., "Reader in Bureaucracy", Glencoe, IIl., pp27-33
- 1958, H. H. Gerth, C. Wright Mills, dir., "From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology", New York: Oxford University Press
- 1959,
- F. Tenbruck, « Die Genesis der Methodologie Max Webers », Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 11, pp573-630
- S. H. Udy, « Bureaucracy and Rationality in Weber’s Organization Theory », American Sociological Review, 24, pp791-795
de 1960 à 1965
- 1960, Reinhart Bendix, "Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait", New York: Doubleday & Company
- 1964,
- Niles M. Hansen, "Weber and Veblen on Economic Development", Kyklos, 17(3), pp447-468
- Repris en 1993, In: J. C. Woods, dir., "Thorstein Veblen: Critical Assessments", vol. 3, London-New York, Routledge, pp134-153
- Niklas Luhmann, « Zweck – Herrschaft – System : Grundbegriffe und Prämissen Max Webers » (But - Puissance - Système : concepts et principes de base de Max Weber), Der Staat, Vol 3, pp129-158
- Johannes Winckelmann, "Max Webers historische und soziologische Verwaltungsforschung", ("Les recherches administratives historiques et sociologiques de Max Weber"), Fondazione Italiana per la Storia Amministrativa, Vol 1, pp27-67
- Niles M. Hansen, "Weber and Veblen on Economic Development", Kyklos, 17(3), pp447-468
- 1965,
- Reinhart Bendix, "Max Weber et la sociologie contemporaine", Revue internationale des sciences sociales, Volume XVII, n°1, pp9-22
- F. Ferrarotti, "Max Weber e il destino della ragione", Laterza, Bari
- Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Anthony R. Oberschall, "Max Weber and Empirical Social Research", American Sociological Review, Vol 30, pp185-199
- Renate Mayntz, "Max Webers Idealtypus der Bürokratie und die Organisationssoziologie", Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 17, pp493-502
- Repris en 1971, In: Renate Mayntz, dir., Bürokratische Organisation, Köln / Berlin : Kiepenheuer & Witsch, pp27-35
- Traduit en français par Patrice Duran en 2010, L’idéaltype wébérien de la bureaucratie et la sociologie des organisations, Trivium
- Wolfgang Mommsen, La sociologie politique de Max Weber et sa philosophie de l'histoire universelle, Revue internationale des sciences sociales, Volume XVII, n°1, pp23-48
- Talcott Parsons, "Évaluation et objectivité dans le domaine des sciences sociales : une interprétation des travaux de Max Weber, Revue internationale des sciences sociales, Volume XVII, n°1, pp49-69
de 1966 à 1969
- 1966,
- a. Julien Freund, Sociologie de Max Weber, PUF
- b. N. M. Hansen, Schumpeter and Max Weber: Comment, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80(3), pp488-491
- 1967, Raymond Aron, Les étapes de la pensée sociologiques, Gallimard. Le chapitre sur Weber a veilli, mais demeure une référence historique
- 1968,
- Shmuel N. Eisenstadt, dir., Max Weber on charisma and institution building: selected papers, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- Efraim Shmueli, "The "Pariah-People" and Its "Charismatic Leadership": A Revaluation of Max Weber's "Ancient Judaism"", Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Vol 36, pp167-247
- J. Winckelmann, dir., "Max weber: Die 'Objektivitat sozialwissenschaftlicher und sozialpolitischer Erkenntnis.'" Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Wissenschaftslehre, Tubingen
de 1970 à 1979
- 1970, A. Schweitzer, commentaire de l'édition anglaise du livre de Max Weber, 'Economy and Society', Journal of Economic Literature, 8, pp1203-1209
- 1971,
- a. Ludwig Lachmann, The Legacy of Max Weber, Berkeley: The Glendessary Press
- b. R. Bendix et G. Roth, Scholoarship and Partisanship: Essays on Max Weber. Berkeley: University of California Press,
- 1973, H. M. Robertson, "Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism: A Criticism of Max Weber and His School", Clifton: A. M. Kelly
- 1974,
- David Beetham, "Max Weber and the Theory of Modern Politics", London
- Bryan S. Turner, "Weber and Islam: A Critical Study", London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
- Bryan S. Turner, "The Structuralist Critique of Weber's Sociology", British Journal of Sociology, 28, pp1-16
- 1975,
- Jere Cohen, Lawrence E. Hazelrigg, Whitney Pape, "De-Parsonizing Weber: A Critique of Parsons’ Interpretation of Weber’s Sociology", American Sociological Review, April
- Marianne Weber, "Max Weber: A Biography", New York: John Wiley & Sons
- 1976, Thomas Buerger, "Max Weber's Theory of Concept Formation: History, Laws and Ideal Types, Durham, N. C. Duke Universitv Press
- 1977, T. K. Jain, "Utility of Max Weber's Concept of Ideal-Type Bureaucracy in Public Administration", Prashasnika, Vol 6, n°4, Oct-Dec, p128
- 1978,
- R. Bendix, "Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait", University of California Press, California
- Richard Herbert Howe, "Max Weber's Elective Affinities: Sociology Within the Bounds of Pure Reason", The American Journal of Sociology, Vol 84, n°2, Sep., pp366-385
- Kenneth McNeil, "Understanding Organizational Power: Building on the Weberian Legacy", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 23, n°1, Mar., pp65-90
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980,
- Randall Collins, “Weber’s Last Theory of Capitalism”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 45, No. 6
- Stephen Kalberg, Max Weber’s Types of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rational Processes in History, American Journal of Sociologie, 85, 3, pp1145-1179
- 1981,
- Anna Elisabetta Galeotti, Tipi del potere e forme del sapere in Max Weber, Quaderni della Fondazione Feltrinelli, 13
- Anna Elisabetta Galeotti, Ordine e ordinarietà: norma giuridica e regole dell’azione sociale in Max Weber”, Sociologia del Diritto, VIII, 1
- Jeffrey Prager, "Moral integration and political inclusion: a comparison of Durkheim’s and Weber’s theories of democracy", Social Forces, Vol 59, n°4, pp918–950
- W. Schluchter, The Rise of Western Rationalism: Max Weber's Developmental History, Berkeley: University of California Press
- 1982, Simon Clarke, "Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology: From Adam Smith to Max Weber, London: Macmillan
- 1983,
- Karen Miyahara, "Charisma: from Weber to contemporary sociology", Sociological Inquiry, 5314, pp368-388
- Richard M. Weiss, "Weber on Bureaucracy Management Consultant or Political Theorist?", Academy of Management Review, April, pp242-248
- 1986,
- Mark Blaug, "Weber, Max (1864-1920)", In: Who's Who in Economics. Cambridge: The MIT Press, pp269-271
- Randall Collins, "Weberian sociological theory", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- 1987,
- John W. Cooper, Capitalism and the protestant ethic: Max Weber`s enduring thesis, Brethren life and Thought, Vol 32, pp33-40
- W. Hennnis, "A Science of Man: Max Weber and the Political Economy of the German Historical School", In: W. J. Mommsen and J. Osterhammel, dir., "Max Weber and His Contemporaries", London
- J. Osterhammel, "Varieties of Social Economics: Joseph A. Schumpeter and Max Weber", In: W. J. Mommsen et J. Osterhammel, dir., "Max Weber and His Contemporaries", London
- M. Schon, "Gustav Schmoller and Max Weber", In: W. J. Mommsen and J. Osterhammel, dir., "Max Weber and His Contemporaries", London
- 1988,
- W. Hennis, Max Weber. Essays in Reconstruction. London: Allen & Unwin
- D. Kasler, "Max Weber: An Introduction to His Life and Work", Cambridge: Polity Press
- M. Zängle, "Max Webers Staatstheorie im Kontext seines Werks", Berlin, Duncker & Humblot
- 1989,
- R. J. Holton, B. S. Turner, "Max Weber on Economy and Society", London/New York, Routledge
- L. Scaff, Fleeing the Iron Cage: Culture, Politics, and Modernity in the Thought of Max Weber, Berkeley: University of California Press
- K. Tribe, dir., "Reading Weber", London: Routledge
- S. Vanagunas, "Max Weber's Authority Models and the Theory of X-Inefficiency", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 48, pp393-400
de 1990 à 1992
- 1990,
- K. Brandt, "Max Weber und die Nationalokonomie", In: T. Dams, dir., Beitrage zur Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftspolitik, Berlin
- Albrow Martin, "Max Weber's construction of social theory", London, MacMillan
- Catherine Colliot-Thélène, Max Weber et l'histoire, PUF. Une lecture philosophique de Weber. Un ouvrage remarquable
- P. Kivisto et W. H. Swatos Jr., Weber and Interpretive Sociology in America, The Sociological Quarterly, 31(1): 149–164
- 1991,
- K. Brandt, "Max Weber und die Nationalokonomie", Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, 47, pp74-80
- S. Breuer, « Rational Domination. A Category of Max Weber », Law and State, n°44, pp92-125
- H. H. Gerth et C. Wright Mills, dir., From Max Weber. Essays in Sociology, London: Routledge
- Hamilton, dir., "Max Weber: Critical Assessments", London
- W. Hennis, The pitiless ‘sobriety of judgment’: Max Weber between Carl Menger and Gustav von Schmoller -the academic politics of value freedom, History of the Human Sciences, 4/1, pp27-59
- Y. Shionoya, Schumpeter on Schmoller and Weber: a methodology of economic sociology, History of Political Economy, 23(2)
- 1992,
- R. Collins, "Weber’s last theory of Capitalism: A Systematization", In: Mark Granovetter, Richard Swedberg, dir., "The sociology of economic life", Boulder/Oxford, Westview Press, pp85-110
- K. H. Kaufhold, dir., "Max Weber und seine "Protestantische Ethik"", Dusseldorf
- Y. Shionoya, Getting Back Max Weber from Sociology to Economics, In: K. H. Kaufhold, dir., "Max Weber und seine "Protestantische Ethik"", Dusseldorf, pp93-119
- Traduction en anglais, en 1996, "Getting Back Max Weber from Sociology to Economics", In: H. Rieter, dir., "Wege und Ziele der Forschung", Berlin
de 1993 à 1996
- 1993,
- Jay A. Conger, "Max Weber’s Conceptualization of Charismatic Authority: Its Influence on Organizational Research", Leadership Quarterly, Vol 4, pp277-288
- G. Eisermann, "Max Weber und die Nationalökonomie", (Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Ökonomie 4), Marburg, Metropolis Verlag
- Stephen Kalberg, Salomon's interpretation of Max Weber, International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Volume 6, n°4, juin
- 1994, W. Nippel, "Max Weber: 'Nationalokonom und Politiker'", Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 20: pp274-298
- 1995,
- W. Schluchter, "Max Webers Beitrag zum 'Grundriss der Sozialokonomik'", Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 50, pp327-343
- K. Tribe, "Historical Economics, the Methodenstreit, and the Economics of Max Weber." Pp. 66-94 in Strategies of Economic Order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 1996,
- A. Anter, "Max Webers Theorie des modernen Staates. Herkunft, Struktur und Bedeutung", (Beiträge zur Politischen Wissenschaft 82), Berlin, Duncker & Humblot
- H. Bruhns, "Max Weber, l'economie et l'histoire", Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 51, pp1259-1287
- J-P. Grossein, dir., "Max Weber: Sociologie des religions"(choix de textes et traduction par ), Gallimard
- D. Y. Kim, "Max Weber und die Grenznutzenschule um Carl Menger", Sociologia Internationalis (Zur Bedeutung der theoretischen Nationalökonomie für die Soziologieentwicklung), vol 34, n°1, pp41-66
- W. W. Powell, Weber and Schumpeter: turbulent lives, ideas never at rest, Industrial and Corporate Change, 5(3), pp917–924
- A. Suchanek, "Max Weber und die okonomische Gesellschaftstheorie", Sociologia Internationalis, 34, pp67-90
de 1997 à 1999
- 1997,
- Peter J. Boettke, Rational Choice and Human Agency in Economics and Sociology : Exploring the Weber-Austrian Connection
- Christiane Diehl-Taylor, "Charles Perrow and Business History: A Neo-Weberian Approach to Business Bureaucratization", Business and Economic History, Vol 26, n°1, fall
- H. H. Nau, "Eine "Wissenschaft vom Menschen", Max Weber und die Begründung der Sozialökonomik in der deutschsprachigen Ökonomie 1871 bis 1914, (Sozialwissenschaftliche Schriften 35), Berlin, Duncker & Humblot
- Fritz Ringer, "Max Weber's Methodology. The Unification of the Cultural and Social Sciences Annales", Harvard-Cambridge: Harvard University press
- John Sheldrake, "Max Weber and bureaucracy", In: John Sheldrake, dir., Management theory : from Taylorism to Japanization, Boston : International Thomson Business Press, Ch 6, pp59-66
- 1998,
- H. Bruhns, "Lectures economiques de Max Weber", La Pensee, 31, pp39-55
- Lásló Csontos, "Subjectivism and ideal types : Lachmann and the methodological legacy of Max Weber", In: Roger Koppl et Gary Mangiovi, dir. "Subjectivism in economic analysis: essays in memory of Ludwig Lachmann", London: Routledge, pp80-103
- Andrew Eisenberg, Weberian patrimonialism and imperial Chinese history, Theory and Society, Volume 27, n°1, février, pp83-102
- Richard Langlois, "Personal Capitalism as Charismatic Authority: the Organizational Economics of a Weberian Concept", Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol 7, n°1, pp195-214
- David Norman Smith, "Faith, Reason, and Charisma: Rudolf Sohm, Max Weber, and the Theology of Grace", Sociology Inquiry, Vol 68, n°1, January, pp32–60
- Richard Swedberg, "Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology", Princeton: Princeton University Press
- 1999,
- David Ciepley, Democracy Despite Voter Ignorance: A Weberian Reply to Somin and Friedman, Critical Review, 13(1–2), pp191–227
- J. E. Mote, commentaire du livre de Richard Swedberg, "Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology", Journal of Economic Issues, 33, pp1040-1042
- Helge Peukert, "Max Weber (1864–1920)", In: Jürgen G. Backhaus, dir., The Elgar Companion To Law and Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Richard Swedberg, "Max Weber as an Economist and as a Sociologist: Towards a Fuller Understanding of Weber's View of Economics - Critical Essay", The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Oct, vol 58, n°4, pp561-582
- Richard Swedberg, dir., "Max Weber: Essays in Economic Sociology", Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
de 2000 à 2003
- 2000,
- K. Borchardt, "Max Weber's Borsenschriften: Ratsel um ein ubersehenes Werk", Munich
- E. Borsenwesetz, K. Borchardt, dir., "Max Weber Gesamtausgabe", 2 vols, Tubingen
- 2001,
- Harold B. Jones, "Magic, Meaning and Leadership: Weber's Model and the Empirical Literature", Human Relations, Vol 54, n°6, pp753-771
- Z. Norkus, "Max Weber und Rational Choice", Marburg
- Milan Zafirovski, "Max Weber's Analysis of Marginal Utility Theory and Psychology Revisited: Latent Propositions in Economic Sociology and the Sociology of Economics", History of Political Economy, Vol 33, n°3, Fall 2001, pp437-458
- 2002,
- Maria T. Brouwer, "Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 12, n°1-2, mars, pp83-105
- Repris en 2003, "Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development", In: Stanley Metcalfe, Uwe Cantner, dir., "Change, Transformation and Development", New York: Physica/Springer, pp145-167
- Hinnerk Bruhns, commentaire du livre de Fritz Ringer, "Max Weber's Methodology. The Unification of the Cultural and Social Sciences Annales", Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Vol 57, n°1, pp216-217
- Milan Zafirovski, "Paths of the Weberian-Austrian connection", The Review Of Austrian Economics, 15(1), pp35–59
- Maria T. Brouwer, "Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 12, n°1-2, mars, pp83-105
- 2003,
- P. S. Gorski, commentaire du livre de Max Weber, "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism", traduit par S. Kalberg, P. Baehr, G. C. Wells, . Social Forces, 82(2), pp833-839
- Samuel Gregg, End of a Myth: Max Weber, Capitalism, and the Medieval Order, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 13, n°2-3, Juin
- Geoffrey Ingham, "Schumpeter and Weber on the Institutions of Capitalism: Solving Swedberg’s ‘Puzzle’", Journal of Classical Sociology, Vol 3, pp297-309
- Stephen D. Parsons, Money, Time, and Rationality in Max Weber: Austrian Connections, London: Routledge
- Reihan Salam, Habermas vs. Weber on Democracy, Critical Review, 15(1–2), pp59–86
- Fiona Maclachlan, Max Weber and the State Theory of Money
de 2004 à 2006
- 2004,
- K. Allen, "Max Weber: A critical introduction", London: Pluto Press
- François-André Isambert, "L'Éthique des grandes religions et l'Esprit de Max Weber", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°127, "Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social", Jul. - Sep., pp9-32
- Stephen Kalberg, The Past and Present Influence of World Views. Max Weber on a Neglected Sociological Concept, Journal of Classical Sociology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 139-163
- Erkki Kilpinen, "How to Fight the ‘Methodenstreit’? Veblen and Weber on Economics, Psychology and Action", International Review of Sociology/Revue Internationale De Sociologie, 14(3), pp413-432
- Michael Löwy, "Le Concept d'affinité élective chez Max Weber", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°127, Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social, Jul. - Sep., pp93-103
- Michael Löwy et Heinz Wismann, "Max Weber, la religion et la construction du social", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°127, Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social, Jul. - Sep., pp5-7
- Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz, "Divergences et convergences entre Max Weber et Ernst Troeltsch dans l'approche du protestantisme", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°127, Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social, Jul. - Sep., pp57-77
- H. H. Nau, "Recht – Ökonomie – Politik: Max Weber und die ökonomische Theorie der Verfügungsrechte 1880-1920", In: J.-F. Kervégan, H. Mohnhaupt, dir., "Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftstheorien in Rechtsgeschichte und Philosophie", (Ius Commune, Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 176), Frankfurt/ Main, Klostermann Verlag, pp249-270
- Jean Martin Ouédraogo, "Georg Jellinek, Max Weber, le politique et la tâche de la sociologie des religions", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°127, Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social, Jul. - Sep., pp105-137
- Helge Peukert, "Max Weber: precursor of economic sociology and heterodox economics ?", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 63, n°5, pp987-1020
- Mauro Piras, "Les Fondements sociaux de l'agir normatif chez Durkheim et Weber: le rôle du sacré", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°27, Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social, Jul. - Sep., pp139-166
- Fritz Ringer, "Max Weber: An Intellectual Biography", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- Eliana Santanatoglia, Evolucionismo, razón y modernidad: una lectura de la ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo, Revista Libertas, Vol 40, mai
- Wolfgang Schluchter, "The Approach of Max Weber's Sociology of Religion as Exemplified in His Study of Ancient Judaism", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°127, Max Weber, La Religion et la Construction du Social, Jul. - Sep., pp33-56
- Rick Tilman, "Karl Mannheim, Max Weber and the Problem of Social Rationality in Thorstein Veblen", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 38
- G. Bastin, "Weber dépasse Weber. À propos d’une nouvelle traduction de L’Éthique protestante et l’esprit du capitalisme", Sociologie du travail, Vol 47, n°1, pp115-124
- Jonathan Eastwood, "The Role of Ideas in Max Weber’s Theory of Interests", Critical Review, 17(1–2), pp89–100
- Jeffrey Friedman, "Popper, Weber, and Hayek: The Epistemology and Politics of Ignorance", Critical Review, Vol 17, n°1–2, ppi–lviii
- N. Gane, "Max Weber and postmodern theory: Rationalization versus re-enchantment", New York: Palgrave MacMillan
- Patrick Mardellat, « Science compréhensive versus science psychophysique du travail. Le point de vue de Weber », Cahiers lillois d’économie et de sociologie, n° 46, pp101-123
- Heino Heinrich Nau, "Institutional, evolutionary and cultural aspects in Max Weber’s social economics", Cahiers d'économie Politique, Vol 49, n°2
- Heino Heinrich Nau, "Max Weber als Ökonom", Frankfurt/Main
- Kiichiro Yagi, "Karl Knies, Austrians, and Max Weber: a Heidelberg connection?", Journal of Economic Studies, Volume: 32 Issue: 4, pp314 - 330
- Stephen D. Parsons, "Max Weber and Economic Sociology: A Response to Peukert", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 65, pp1111-1124
- K. Tribe, "Max Weber’s ‘Conceptual Preface’ to General Economic History. Introduction and Translation”, Max Weber Studies Special Issue, pp11-38
de 2007 à 2009
- 2007,
- Gene Callahan, Reconciling Weber and Mises on Understanding Human Action, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 66, n°5, pp889-899
- Kiichiro Yagi, Evolutionary Reading of Max Weber's Economic Sociology—A Reappraisal of ‘Marx-Weber Problem’, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, Vol. 3, pp189-208
- 2008, Paul du Gay, "Max Weber and the Moral Economy of Office", Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol 1, n°2, pp129-144
- 2009,
- Harro Maas, “Disciplining Boundaries: Lionel Robbins, Max Weber, and the Borderlands between Economics, History, and Psychology", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 31, pp500-517
- Patrick Mardellat, "Max Weber’s Critical Response to Economic Theory", The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 16:4, Dec.
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- Jeffery D. Houghton, "Does Max Weber's notion of authority still hold in the twenty-first century?", Journal of Management History, Vol 16, n°4, pp449-453
- Jun Kobayashi, "Discoursing Freedom: Weber’s Project", In: Harald Hagemann, Tamotsu Nishizawa et Yukihiro Ikeda, dir., "Austrian Economics in Transition. From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek", Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 9780230222267, pp41-61
- Andrea Maurer, dir., "Wirtschaftssoziologie nach Max Weber" (La sociologie économique selon Max Weber), Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag
- Gertraude Mikl-Horke, "Der Markt bei Weber und in der neuen Wirtschaftssoziologie" (Le marché à Weber et dans la nouvelle sociologie économique), In: Andrea Maurer, dir., "Wirtschaftssoziologie nach Max Weber" ("La sociologie économique selon Max Weber"), Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp97-117
- R. H. Nelson, "Max Weber revisited", In: I. Pyysiäinen, dir., "Religion, Economy and Cooperation", Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
- Keith Tribe, "Max Weber and the ‘New Economics’", In: Harald Hagemann, Tamotsu Nishizawa et Yukihiro Ikeda, dir., "Austrian Economics in Transition. From Carl Menger to Friedrich Hayek", Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 9780230222267, pp62-88
- Milan Zafirovski, "Weber's Sociological Elements in Mises' Economics of Human Action", Social Epistemology, Vol 24, n°2, April, pp75-98
- 2011,
- John Breuilly, "Max Weber, charisma and nationalist leadership", Nations and nationalism, Vol 17, n°3, July, pp477–499
- Albertina Oliverio, "Menger, Weber e Mises ovvero il ricorso ai modelli (idealtipici)" ("Carl Menger, Max Weber et Ludwig von Mises ou l'utilisation de modèles (idéaltypiques)"), Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine (numéro spécial : Liberalismo e Anarcocapitalismo. La Scuola Austriaca di Economia), janvier-Juin, Anno XXIX, n°1-2, pp195-210
- Alejandro Jenkins Villalobos, "Max Weber y la “Economía Austriaca", Laissez-Faire (Guatemala: Université Francisco Marroquin)”, n°35, Septembre
- 2012,
- Mohamed Cherkaoui, "Max Weber", In: Mathieu Laine, dir., "Dictionnaire du libéralisme", Paris: Larousse, pp619-620
- J. Derman, "Max Weber in politics and social thought: From charisma to canonization", Cambridge University Press
- A. Maurer, "‘Social embeddedness’ viewed from an institutional perspective. Revision of a core principle of new economic sociology with special regard to Max Weber", Polish Sociological Review, Vol 180, n°4, pp475–496
- 2014,
- Gilles Bastin, "(L')entrepreneur chez Max Weber", In: Pierre-Marie Chauvin, Michel Grossetti, Pierre-Paul Zalio, dir., "Dictionnaire sociologique de l’entrepreneuriat", Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, pp165-177
- J. Glaeser, "Der Werturteilsstreit in der deutschen Nationalökonomie: Max Weber, Werner Sombart und die Ideale der Sozialpolitik", (éLe conflit sur les jugements de valeur dans l’économie allemande : Max Weber, Werner Sombart et les idéaux de la politique socialeé), Metropolis
- 2016, Solomon Stein, Virgil H. Storr, "The Nature of the Market in Mises and Weber", In: Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall, Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, dir., "Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era" (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology=, Vol 34A, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp73-91
- 2017, José Colen, Scott B. Nelson, “Art de gouverner et éthique. Aron, Max Weber et la vocation du politique", In: José Colen and Elisabeth Dutartre-Michaut, dir., "La pensée de Raymond Aron. Essais et interpretations", Paris/Vienna: Presses Universitaires à Vienne
- 2018, Stefan Kolev, "Early Economic Sociology and Contextual Economics: The Weber-Wieser Connection", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 138, n°1, pp1–30
- 2019, Dustin Garlitz, "Weber, Max", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp2158-2164
Depuis 2020
- 2020,
- Peter Boettke, "Max Weber, the Austrians, and Me", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp123–128
- Nils Goldschmidt, Stefan Kolev, Matthias Störring, "Max Weber, Contextual Economics, and Schmollers Jahrbuch", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp111–122
- Hauke Janssen, "Max Weber as a Political Economist", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp143–176
- Marek Louzek, "Max Weber as an Economist: Revisiting Max Weber’s Legacy 100 Years after His Passing", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp205–222
- Peter Mentzel, "An Early Expression of Max Weber’s Thoughts on Germany’s “War Guilt”, Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp129–133
- Hans Nutzinger, "Max Weber and “Practical Political Economy”", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp223–228
- Isabel Oakes, "Max Weber and Ordoliberalism: How Weber’s Kulturkritik Contributed to the Foundation of Ordoliberal Socio-Economic Thought", Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol 140, n°2, pp177–204
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