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Stephen D. Parsons

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Stephen D. Parsons est professeur d'économie et de philosophie à l'université de Montfort. ses sujets d'étude portent sur l'école autrichienne d'économie, son épistémologie et sa méthodologie dont l'apriorisme et la rationalité des agents.


  • 1990, "The Philosophical Roots of Modern Austrian Economics: Past Problems and Future Prospects", History of Political Economy, Vol 22, n°2, pp295-319
  • 1997, "Mises, the a priori, and the foundations of economics: a qualified defense", Economics and Philosophy, Vol 13, pp175-196
  • 1998, Mises and Lachmann on human action, In: Roger Koppl et Gary Mongiovi, dir., Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig Lachmann, ch3, London and New York: Routledge, pp31-60
  • 2003,
    • a. Money, Time, and Rationality in Max Weber: Austrian Connections, London: Routledge
    • b. "Austrian School of Economics", In: J. E. King, dir., "The Elgar companion to post Keynesian economics", Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., pp5-10
  • 2005, Fair-Play Obligations : A Critical Note on Free Riding, Political Studies, Vol. 53, n° 4, décembre
  • 2006, "Max Weber and Economic Sociology: A Response to Peukert", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 65, pp1111-1124

Littérature secondaire

  • 2004, Anthony M. Endres, commentaire du livre de Stephen D. Parsons, Money, Time, and Rationality in Max Weber: Austrian Connections, History of Political Economy, vol 36, n°4, pp765-767

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