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Lew Rockwell (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Lew Rockwell, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1985 à 1989
- 1985,
- a. dir., The Gold Standard, Lexington: Mass
- Nouvelle édition en 1992, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. Introduction, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Gold Standard, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, ppi-vii
- c. Confidence and Money, The Free Market, Juillet, p2
- Repris en 1988, "Confidence and Money", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp75-76
- d. Turgot and Iacocca, The Free Market, Avril, p1,2,5
- Repris en 1988, "Turgot and Iacocca", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp128-131
- e. "Ludwig von Mises: Hero", The Free Market, Novembre, pp2,3,5
- Repris en 1988, "Ludwig von Mises: Hero", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp170-177
- a. dir., The Gold Standard, Lexington: Mass
- 1987,
- a. "The Fraud of GNP", The Free market, juillet, p2
- Repris en 1988, The Fraud of GNP, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp39-40
- b. "Looking Beneath the Surface", The Free Market, Mai, p2
- Repris en 1988, "Looking Beneath the Surface", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp37-39
- c. "Three National Treasures: Hazlitt, Hutt, and Rothbard", The Free Market, août, p1,2,4-5
- Repris en 1988, "Three National Treasures: Hazlitt, Hutt, and Rothbard", In: Walter Block, Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "Man, Economy, and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, Ch 11, pp139-150
- Repris en 1988, "Hazlitt, Hutt, and Rothbard: Three Economists Who Are National Treasures", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp184-194
- d. Sound Money: Gold or Denationalized?, The Free Market, Mars, p2
- Repris en 1988, Sound Money: Gold or Denationalized?, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp100-102
- e. Another Federal Crime Against Consumers, The Free Market, June, p2
- Repris en 1988, Another Federal Crime Against Consumers, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp144-145
- f. Rotation in Office, The Free Market, septembre, p2
- Repris en 1988, Rotation in Office, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp295-296
- a. "The Fraud of GNP", The Free market, juillet, p2
- 1988,
- a. avec Walter Block, dir., "Man, Economy and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn, AL: Auburn University, Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. avec Walter Block, Introduction, In: Walter Block et Llewellyn H. Rockwell, dir., "Man, Economy and Liberty: Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard", Auburn, AL: Auburn University, Ludwig von Mises Institute, ppix-xviii
- Repris en 1988, "Murray N. Rothbard: Giant of Liberty", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp195-199
- c. dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- d. Introduction: Tax Payers and Tax Eaters, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp13-18
- e. "Monetary Crises", The Free Market, Février, p2
- Repris en 1988, "Monetary Crises", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty", Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp114-115
- f. The Real Secrets of the Temple, The Free Market, Avril, p1,2, 8
- Repris en 1988, The Real Secrets of the Temple, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp116-122
- g. Massachusetts and the Mussolinization of America, The Free Market, Septembre, Vol 6, n°9, pp2,3
- Repris en 1988, Massachusetts and the Mussolinization of America, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp250-253
- h. Cancel the Postal Monopoly, The Free Market, Juin, p1, 2, 4,5
- Repris en 1988, Cancel the Postal Monopoly, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp276-280
- i. The Conservative Sanctification of Big Government, The Free Market, Juillet, p2
- Repris en 1988, The Conservative Sanctification of Big Government, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp284-286
- j. Send Out the Clowns, The Free Market, Janvier, p2
- Repris en 1988, Send Out the Clowns, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp304-305
- k. A Plague From Both Their Houses: The Economic Advisors to Bush and Dukakis, The Free Market, août, Vol 6, n°8, p1-6
- Repris en 1988, A Plague From Both Their Houses: The Economic Advisors to Bush and Dukakis, In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., The Free Market Reader: Essays in the Economics of Liberty, Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp323-335
- a. "Eastern Airlines and the Scourge of Unionism", The Free Market, Vol 7, n°5, May
- Repris en 1990, "Scourge of Unionism", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp21-26
De 1990 à 1999
- a. "The Case for Paleolibertarianism", Liberty, (Port Townsend, Liberty Publishing), Vol 3, n°3, January
- Repris en 2021, "The Case for Paleolibertarianism", StoriaLibera, Vol VII, n°13, pp135-154
- Traduction en italien en 2002, “Il manifesto del paleolibertarismo”, Enclave : Rivista Libertaria, Treviglio: Leonardo Facco Editore, n°17
- Repris en 2021, “Il manifesto del paleolibertarismo”, StoriaLibera, Vol VII, n°13, pp115-135
- b. dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0
- c. "Introduction", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp13-16
- d. "The Regulatory Attack on the Market", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp47-50
- e. "Michael R. Milken: Political Prisoner?", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., dir., "The Economics of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute: Auburn, Alabama, ISBN 0-945466-08-0, pp70-73
- a. avec Jeffrey Tucker, "The Cultural Thought of Ludwig von Mises", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 10, n°1, Fall, pp23-52
- Repris en 1993, "The Cultural Thought of Ludwig von Mises", In: Jeffrey Herbener, dir., "The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises: contributions in economics, sociology, epistemology, and political philosophy", Studies in Austrian Economics Series, Auburn, AL: Praxeology Press of the Ludwig von Mises Institute & Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Press, pp284-320
- a. "Nader Aim at Banks—Unsafe at Any Rate?", The Washington Times, août 24, p. F2
- b. "Fact", Forbes, 27 Septembre, p86
- a. “To Repair the Culture, Free the Market”, The Freeman, mars, p. 114
- Traduction en italien en 2003, “Rigenerare i valori culturali, liberare il mercato”, élite, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino n. 3
- b. How Government Makes Natural Disasters Worse, The Freeman, June, Vol 44, n°6
- c. "Mashing Microsoft", The Washington Times, vendredi 22 juillet
- d. "Civil rights laws increase freedom", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp27-29
- e. "But we already tried cutting the budget", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp107-109
- f. "Mankind was born for cooperation, not competition", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp149-151
- g. "Temporary workers are bad for the economy", In: Mark Spangler, dir., "Clichés of Politics", Irvington-on-Hudson: Foundation for Economic Education, pp189-190
- a. “To Repair the Culture, Free the Market”, The Freeman, mars, p. 114
- 1995,
- a. dir., Murray N. Rothbard: In Memoriam Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- b. "Murray N. Rothbard, 1926-1995: A Tribute", Rothbard-Rockwell Report, March, pp20-22
- c. "Buckley defames Rothbard", Rothbard-Rockwell Report, March, pp22-24
- d. "Henry Hazlitt: Journalist of the Century", The Freeman, May, Vol 45, n°5, pp276-281
- e. Commentaire du livre de Steven Yates, "Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action", The Freeman, June, Vol 45, n°6, pp406-407
- f. "Free Market Economists: 400 Years Ago", The Freeman, September, Vol 45, n°9, pp544-547 (L'auteur part à la découverte des vrais fondateurs de la science économique)
- g. "Foreign Trade Follies", The Free Market, Vol 13, n°4, April
- 1996,
- a. "Insurance: True and False. The false promise of government security", The Freeman, Vol 46, n°4, avril, pp196-199
- b. "Civil Rights Socialism", The Freeman, Mai, Vol 46, n°5, pp290-294
- 1997, Slouching Towards Statism, The Free Market, janvier, 15, no. 1, p5
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- a. dir., "The Irrepressible Rothbard", Burlingame, Calif.: Center for Libertarian Studies
- b. "Introduction", In: Llewellyn H. Rockwell, dir., "The irrepressible Rothbard. The Rothbard-Rockwell Report. Essays of Murray N. Rothbard", Burlingame, Calif.: Center for Libertarian Studies, ppxiii-xx
- 2001,
- a. The Wisdom of LeFevre, The Free Market, July, Vol 19, n°7
- b. "Guerra y comercio: Bastiat tenía razón" ("Guerre et commerce : Bastiat avait raison"), La Ilustración Liberal, nº9, septembre
- 2003, "Speaking of Liberty", Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama
- 2006,
- a. « The French Employment Fiasco », Mises Daily, 11 avril
- Traduction en français le 5 septembre 2012, « Le Fiasco Français de l’Emploi », 24hGold
- b. « What Economics Is Not », LewRockwell.com, 11 février
- Traduction en français le 23 décembre 2011 par Jacques Peter, « Ce que la science économique n’est pas », Institut Coppet
- c. "Austrian school of economics", In: Bruce Frohen, Jeremy Beer, Jeffrey O. Nelson, dir., "American conservatism: an encyclopedia", Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, pp48-52
- d. "Envy", In: Bruce Frohen, Jeremy Beer, Jeffrey O. Nelson, dir., "American conservatism: an encyclopedia", Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, pp276-277
- a. « The French Employment Fiasco », Mises Daily, 11 avril
- 2008, The Left, The Right, and the State, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute
- 2009, "A Life of Ideas", In: Jörg Guido Hülsmann et Stephan Kinsella, dir., Property, Freedom and Society. Essays in Honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, ISBN 978-1-933550-52-7, pp3-6
De 2010 à 2019
- 2011,
- « The Evil 1% », LewRockwell.com, 21 octobre
- Traduction en français le 2 novembre par Jacques Peter, « Le Malfaisant 1% », Institut Coppet
- « The Tragedy of Immigration Enforcement », LewRockwell.com, 31 mai
- « The Evil 1% », LewRockwell.com, 21 octobre
- 2012, « Ron Paul and the Future », LewRockwell.com, 27 août
- Traduction en français le 30 août par Baptiste Favrot et Nikita Pottier, « Ron Paul et l’avenir », Institut Coppet
- 2013, "The Mises Institute and the Future of Higher Education", The free market, Vol 31, n°12, december, pp1-2
- 2015, Préface, In: Per Bylund et David Howden, dir., "The Next Generation of Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Joseph T. Salerno", Auburn: Mises Institute, ISBN 978-1-61016-593-8 eISBN 978-1-61016-636-2, pp7-8
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