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Geoffrey Hodgson (bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Geoffrey Hodgson, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1985 à 1989

  • 1985,
    • a. "Persuasion, Anticipations and the Limits to Keynes", In: T. Lawson, H. Pesaran, dir., "Keynes’s Economics: Methodological Issues", Croom Helm, Londres, pp10-45
    • b. "The Rationalist Conception of Action", Journal of Economic Issues, décembre
  • 1988, Economics and Institutions. A Manifesto for a Modern Institutional Economics, Oxford : Polity Press
  • 1989, avec Derek C. Jones, "Codetermination: A partial review of theory and Evidence", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, September, Vol 60, n°3, pp329-340

De 1990 à 1999

  • 1991,
    • a. avec Ernesto Screpanti, dir., Rethinking economics: Markets, technology and economic evolution, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, UK
    • b. Hayek’s theory of cultural evolution: an evaluation in the light of Vanberg’s critique, Economics and Philosophy, 7: 67–82
      • Repris en 2004, In: John Wood, dir., Friedrich A. Hayek. Critical Assessments, Londres, Routledge, ch 7, pp118-134
  • 1992,
    • a. Carl Menger’s Theory of the Evolution of Money: Some Problems, Review of Political Economy, 4 (4): 396-412
      • Repris en 1993, Carl Menger and the Evolution of Money, In: Geoffrey Hodgson, Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back into Economics, Cambridge: Polity Press and University of Michigan Press, pp109-120
    • b. "Thorstein Veblen and post-Darwinian Economics", Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol 16, pp285-301
  • 1993,
    • a. "Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back into Economics", Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
    • b. 'The Mecca of Alfred Marshall', Economic Journal, 103 (2) March, pp406-415
    • c. Institutional Economics : Surveying the "Old" and The New", Metroeconomica, Vol 44, pp1-28
    • d. dir., « The Economies of Institutions », Aldershot, Edward Elgar
  • 1994,
    • a. Hayek, Evolution, and Spontaneous Order, In: Philip Mirowski, Dir., Natural images in economic thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp408-447
    • b. Optimization and evolution: Winter's critique of Friedman revisited, Cambridge Journal of Economics 18: 413-430
    • c. The Return of Institutional Economics, In: N. J. Srelser et R. Swedberg, dir., The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Princeton University Press, Russel Sage Foundation
    • d. avec M. Tool, W. J. Samuels, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics", Edward Elgar Publishing
    • e. "Precursors of modern evolutionary economics", In: R. W. England, dir., "Evolutionary Concepts in Contemporary Economics", Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, pp9-35
  • 1995,
    • a. "The Evolution of Evolutionary Economics: Review Article", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol 42, n°4, pp469-488
    • b. dir., "Economics and Biology", Aldershot, U.K., Edward Elgar
  • 1996,
    • a. "The Challenge of Evolutionary Economics", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, décembre, Vol 152, n°4, pp697-706
    • b. "The Viability of Institutional Economics", Journal of Economic Literature
  • 1997,
    • a. "The Ubiquity of Habbits and Rules", Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol 21, n°6, novembre, pp663-684
    • b. "Economics and the Return to Mecca: The Recognition of Novelty and Emergence", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol 8, pp399-412
  • 1998,
    • a. "The Approach of Institutional Economics", Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 36, pp166-192
    • b. "Emergence", In: J. B. Davi, D. Wade Hands, U. Mäki, dir., "The Handbook of Economic Methodology", Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp156-160
    • c. "Competence and Contract in the Theory of the Firm", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 35, pp179-201
  • 1999,
    • a. "Economics and Utopia: Why the Learning Economy is not the End of History", London and New York: Routledge
    • b. "Evolution and Institutions. On Evolutionary Economics and the Evolution of Economics", Cheltenham, Edward Elgar

De 2000 à 2004

  • 2000,
    • a. "Shackle and Institutional Economics: Some Bridges and Barriers", In: P. E. Earl et S. F. Frowen, Dir., Economics as an Art of Thought: Essays in Memory of G. L. S. Shackle, Routledge, London, pp51-75
    • b. What is the Essence of Institutional Economics?, Journal of Economic Issues, XXXIV(2), pp317-329
    • c. "The Marketing of Wisdom: Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of Macromarketing, June, Vol 20, pp68-72
    • d. "From Micro to Macro: The Concept of Emergence and the Role of Institutions", In: L. Burlamaqui, A. Castro et H.-J. Chang, dir., "Institutions and the Role of the State", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • 2001,
    • a. "How Economics Forgot History: The Problem of Historical Specificity in Social Science", London and New York: Routledge
    • b. "Is Social Evolution Lamarckian or Darwinian?", In: John Laurent, John Nightingale, dir., "Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp87-118
    • c. "Darwin, Veblen and the problem of causality in economics", History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Vol 23, pp383–422
  • 2002,
    • a. dir., "A Modern Reader in Institutional and Evolutionary Economics: Key Concept", Aldershot and Lyme, NH: Edward Elgar
    • b. "Darwinism in Economics: from analogy to ontology", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12(2): 259–281
    • c. "The Evolution of Institutions: An Agenda for Future Theoretical Research", Constitutional Political Economy, 13, pp111-127
    • d. "The Legal Nature of the Firm and the Myth of the Firm-Market Hybrid", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 9(1), February, pp37–60
    • e. Commentaire du livre de Pierre Garrouste et Stavros Ioannides, dir., "Evolution and Path Dependence in Economic Ideas: Past and Present", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 24, n°4, pp508-509
  • 2003,
    • a. Darwinism and Institutional Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, 37: 85-97
    • b. Hayekian Evolution Reconsidered, Cambridge Journal of Economics
    • c. John R. Commons and the Foundations of Institutional Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, XXXVII(3), pp547-576
    • d. "The Mystery of Routine: The Darwinian Destiny of An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change", Revue Économique, vol. 54, pp355-384
    • e. avec T. Knudsen, The Complex Evolution of a Simple Traffic Convention: The Functions and Implications of Habit, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
    • f. Institutions as repositories of knowledge : some milestones in the evolution of an idea, Economie appliquée, n°3
    • g. "The hidden persuaders: Institutions and individuals in economic theory", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27(2) March
    • h. "Institutional economics", In: Jeff Biddle, John Davis, Warren Samuels, dir., "Companion to the History of Economic Thought", Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers, pp462-470
  • 2004,
    • a. On the problem of formalism in economics, Post-Autistic Economics Review, no 28, pp3-11
    • b. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, "The firm as an interactor: firms as vehicles for habits and routines", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 14(3), pp281-.
    • c. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, “The Complex Evolution of a Simple Traffic Convention: The Functions and Implications of Habit”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 54, n°1, pp19-47
    • d. "Darwinism, causality and the social sciences", Journal of Economic Methodology, Vol 11, n°2, June, pp175–194
    • e. "The Evolution of Institutional Economics: Agency, Structure and Darwinism in American Institutionalism", London and New York: Routledge
    • f. "Hayekian evolution reconsidered: A reply to Caldwell", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28(2) March
    • g. "Veblen in Chicago: The winds of creativity", Research in the history of economic thought and methodology, 22B,
    • h. "Austrian Economics, Evolutionary Psychology and Individual Actions", Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 7

De 2005 à 2009

  • 2005,
    • a. "Decomposition and Growth: biological metaphors in The Evolutionary Foundation of Economics", In: Kurt Dopfer, dir., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp105-150
    • b. Knowledge at work: Some neoliberal anachronisms, Review of Social Economy, Vol 63, n°4, December, pp547-565
    • c. "How Economics Forgot History: The Problem of Historical Specificity in Social Science", London: Routledge
  • 2006,
    • a. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, "The nature and units of social selection", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol. 16(5), décembre, pp477-489
    • b. "Instinct and Habit Before Reason: Comparing the Views of John Dewey, Friedrich Hayek and Thorstein Veblen", In: Elisabeth Krecké, Carine Krecké et Roger G. Koppl, dir., Cognition and Economics, collection “Advances in Austrian Economics”, Vol 9, London, Routledge, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp109-143
      • Nouvelle édition en 2007, Oxford: Elsevier, JAI Press, collection “Advances in Austrian Economics” (vol.9), pp109-143
    • c. "What are Institutions?", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 40, n°1, pp1-25
    • d. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, "Why we need a generalized Darwinism, and why generalized Darwinism is not enough", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol 61, n°1, pp1-19
    • e. "Schmoller's Impact on the Anglophone Literature in Economics", Schmollers Jahrbuch–Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, Vol 126, n°2, pp163–176
  • 2007,
    • a. "Meanings of Methodological Individualism", Journal of Economic Methodology, 14(2), juin, pp211-26
    • b. avec S. Jiang, "The economics of Corruption and the Corruption of economics: An institutional Perspective”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 41, n°4, pp1043–1061
    • c. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, "Firm-Specific Learning and the Nature of the Firm: Why Transaction Costs May Provide an Incomplete Explanation", Revue Économique, Vol 58, pp331-350
    • d. "Institutions and Individuals: Interaction and Evolution", Organization Studies, vol 28, pp95-116
    • e. dir., "The Evolution of Economic Institutions. A Critical Reader", Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA
    • f. "Introduction", In: Geoffrey M. Hodgson, dir., "The Evolution of Economic Institutions. A Critical Reader", Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA, pp1-18
    • g. "The Revival of Veblenian Institutional Economics", Journal of Economic Issues, Vol 41, n°2, June, pp325-340
    • h. "Taxonomizing the Relationship Between Biology and Economics: A Very Long Engagement", Journal of Bioeconomics, 9(2), August, pp169-185
    • i. "Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream?", Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, Vol 4, n°1, September, pp7-25
  • 2008,
    • a. "The Concept of a Routine", In: M. Becker, dir., "Handbook of Organizational Routines", Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
    • b. avec Howard Aldrich, D. Hull, T. Knudsen, J. Mokyr, Viktor Vanberg, "In defence of generalized Darwinism", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18(5), pp577–596
    • c. "Editorial introduction to “Capital” by Frank A. Fetter", Journal of Institutional Economics, 4(1), pp127–137
  • 2009, "On the Institutional Foundations of Law: The Insufficiency of Custom and Private Ordering", Journal of Economic Issues, 43(1), March, pp143-166

De 2010 à 2019

  • 2010,
    • a. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, "Darwin's Conjecture: The Search for General Principles of Social and Economic Evolution", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • b. “Albert Schäffle’s critique of socialism", In: J. Vint et al., dir., "Economic Theory and Economic Thought", Florence, Ky.: Routledge, pp296–315
    • c. "Limits of transaction cost analysis", In: Peter G. Klein, Michael E. Sykuta, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics", Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp297-306
  • 2011,
    • a. avec Charles Camic, dir., "Essential Writings of Thorstein Veblen", London and New York: Routledge
    • b. "Organizational Evolution versus the Cult of Change", Corporate Finance Review, January-February, 16(1), pp5-10
    • c. avec Kainan Huang, "Evolutionary Game Theory and Evolutionary Economics: Are they Different Species?", Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
  • 2012,
    • a. "Veblen, Commons and the Theory of the Firm", In: Michael Dietrich, Jackie Krafft, dir., "Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm", Edward Elgar Publishing
    • b. avec Thorbjørn Knudsen, "Agreeing on generalised Darwinism: A response to Pavel Pelikan", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol 22, n°1, pp9–18
    • c. "Evolutionary Economics", In: Mukul Majumdar, Ian Wills, Pasquale Michael Sgro, John M. Gowdy, dir., "Fundamental Economics. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)", Paris: UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers
    • d. "From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities: An Evolutionary Economics without Economic Man", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • 2013, "Editorial Introduction to the Elinor Ostrom Memorial Issue", Journal of Institutional Economics, vol 9, n°4, pp381-385
  • 2017,
    • a. "1688 and all that: Property rights, the Glorious Revolution and the rise of British capitalism", Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol 13, n°1, pp79–107
    • b. "Crossing Paths: On Hayek’s Darwinian Evolutionism", In: Robert Leeson, dir., "Hayek: A Collaborative Biography. Part X: Eugenics, Cultural Evolution, and The Fatal Conceit", Palgrave Macmillan, pp455-474 (en)
  • 2018, "Taxonomic Definitions in Social Science, with Firms, Markets, and Institutions as Case Studies", Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol 15, n°2, pp207–233
  • 2019,
    • a. "Prospects for Institutional Research", RAUSP Management Journal, Vol 54, n°1, pp112–120
    • b. "Property Rights: Limits and Enhancements", In: Alain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello, dir., "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", New York: Springer, pp1683-1691

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