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Edwin West (bibliographie)
Révision datée du 13 avril 2024 à 16:19 par Ludovic Sesim (discussion | contributions) (→De 1995 à 1999)
Cet article présente la liste des œuvres d'Edwin West, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1964 à 1969
- 1964,
- a. Adam Smith’s two views on the division of labor, Economica, 31, pp23-32
- b. Private vs. Public Education: A Classical Economic Dispute, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 72, October, pp465—75
- c. "Parents’ Choice in Education", In: "The Rebirth of Britain", Institute of Economic Affairs
- 1965,
- a. Education and the State: a study in political economy, Institute of Economic Affairs
- Seconde édition en 1970, London: I.E.A.
- Troisième édition en 1994, Liberty Fund: Indianapolis
- Traduction du chapître 8 en espagnol, en 1994, "Los economistas clásicos y la educación" ("Les économistes classiques et l'éducation"), Laissez-Faire, septembre, n°1, pp43-52
- b. "Liberty and Education: John Stuart Mill's Dilemma", Philosophy, the Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, April
- Repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp60-81
- a. Education and the State: a study in political economy, Institute of Economic Affairs
- 1967,
- a. "The Political Economy of American Public School Legislation", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 10, pp101–128
- b. "Tom Paine's Voucher Scheme for Public Education", Southern Economic Journal, 3(3), January
- Repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp139-149
- 1968, "Economics, Education and the Politician", Hobart Paper, n°42, London
- 1969, Adam Smith: The Man and His Works, New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House
- Nouvelle édition en 1976, Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Press/Liberty Classics
De 1970 à 1979
- 1970,
- a. "Resources Allocation and Growth in Early Nineteenth-Century British Education", Economic History Review, Vol 23, April, pp68—95
- b. "Forster and After: 100 Years of State Education", Economic Age, Vol 2, n°5, July/August
- 1972, Towards a Comprehensive Economic Theory of Minimum Wage Laws, In: John F. Chant et A.L. Keith Acheson, dir., Canadian Perspectives in Economics, Toronto: Collier MacMillan
- 1973,
- a. The Bilateral Monopoly Theory of Public Goods: A Critique, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 81, No. 5, September-October, pp1226–1235
- b. ‘Pure’ versus ‘Operational’ Economics in Regional Policy, In: Graham Hallett, dir., Regional Policy for Ever? Essays on the History, Theory and Political Economy of Forty Years of ‘Regionalism’, London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp105–140
- 1974,
- a. Vote Earning versus Vote Losing Properties for Minimum Wage Laws, Public Choice, Vol 19, Fall, pp133–137
- b. Differential versus Equal Student Subsidies in Post-Secondary Education: A Current Canadian Dispute, Higher Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, February, pp25–42
- c. "The Economics of Compulsory Education", In: William F. Rickenbacker,, dir., The Twelve-Year Sentence: Radical Views on Compulsory Education, Fox and Wilkes
- Repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp82-109
- 1975,
- a. "Education and the Industrial Revolution", London: Batsford
- Nouvelle édition en 2001, Liberty Fund
- b. Public Debt Burden and Cost Theory, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 13, No. 2, June, pp179–190
- c. "Educational Slowdown and Public Intervention in 19th century England: A study in the Economics of Bureaucracy", Explorations in Economic History, n°12, pp61–87
- d. "Nonpublic School Aid", Lexington Books
- a. "Education and the Industrial Revolution", London: Batsford
- 1976,
- a. dir., "Nonpublic School Aid", Lexington, Ky.: D. C. Heath and Company
- b. "An Economic Analysis of the Law and Politics of Non-Public School ‘Aid’", Journal of Law and Economics, Vol 19, n°1, April, pp79–101
- c. "Adam Smith", Indianapolis: Liberty Press
- d. "The Radical Economics of Public School Breakdown; A Critique", Review of Social Economy, vol XXXIV, n°2, October
- e. "An Economic Analysis of the Law and Politics of Nonpublic School Aid", Journal of Law and Economics, Spring
- 1977,
- a. avec Michael McKee, "Imperfect Capital Markets as Barriers to Education", Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol 5, n°2, July, pp32–42
- b. "The Perils of Public Education", The Freeman, November, Vol 27, n°11, pp681-699 [lire en ligne] (L'auteur effectue une étude des problèmes liés à l'enseignement obligatoire et propose une solution.)
- 1978,
- a. avec Roger L. Miller, Economics Today: the micro way, Harper and Row
- b. avec Roger L. Miller, Economics Today: the macro way, Harper and Row
- c. Scotland’s Resurgent Economist: A Survey of the New Literature on Adam Smith, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 45, n°2, October, pp343–369
- d. "J.S. Mill’s Redistribution Policy: New Political Economy or Old?", Economic Inquiry, Vol. 16, n°4, October, pp570–586
- e. The Burdens of Monopoly: Classical versus Neoclassical, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 45, n°4, April, pp829–845
- f. "Literacy and the Industrial Revolution", Economic History Review, Vol 31, n°3, August
- g. avec R. W. Hafer, "J.S. Mill, Unions and Wages Fund Recantation: A Reinterpretation", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 92, n°4, November, pp603-619
- h. "A Prince Replies to Machiavelli: Philip of England on the Erosion of Freedom", The Freeman, Février, Vol 28, n°2
- 1979,
- a. avec Robert J. Staaf, The Distributional Implications of Public Goods Revisited, Econometrica, Vol. 47, n°4, July, pp1031–1037
- b. "The Case for Abolishing “Free” Education", In: Richard Wagner, dir., "Government Aid to Private Schools: Is it a Trojan Horse?", Centre for Independent Education
De 1980 à 1989
- 1980,
- a. "Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith: A Reappraisal", Carleton University Emrmnics Working Paper, n°8&12, Août
- Repris en 1985, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol. 3, pp27-50
- b. avec Michael McKee, Minimum Wages,: the new issues in theory, evidence, policy and politics, Economic Council of Canada
- c. avec Michael McKee, Monopsony and ‘Shock’ Arguments for Minimum Wages, Southern Economic Journal, Vol 46, n°3, January, pp883–891
- d. avec Robert J. Staaf, Limits on the Public Provision of Private Goods, American Economic Review, Vol. 70, n°3, June, pp461–465
- e. avec Stanley L. Winer, The Individual, Political Tension, and Canada’s Quest for a New Constitution, Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter, pp3–15
- f. avec Stanley L. Winer, Optimal Fiscal Illusion and the Size of Government, Public Choice, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp607–622
- g. "Education and Crime: A Political Economy of Interdependence", US monthly journal Character, Vol 8, n°4, Juin
- Repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp110-121
- h. "Public Education: A Dickens of a Mess!", Competition, Vol 1, n°5, Avril
- a. "Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith: A Reappraisal", Carleton University Emrmnics Working Paper, n°8&12, Août
- 1981,
- a. avec Michael McKee, "The Theory of Second Best: A Solution in Search of a Problem?", Economic Inquiry, Vol 19, n°3, July, pp436–448
- b. "The Economics of Education Tax Credits", The Heritage Foundation, Washington
- c. "The Education Tax Credit Proposal", Cato Institute Policy Proposal, Vol III, n°9, September
- d. "Choice or Monopoly in Education", Policy Review, Vol 15, Winter, pp103-117
- 1982,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Ellen Frankel Paul, Moral Revolution and Economic Science: The Demise of Laissez-Faire in Nineteenth-Century British Political Economy, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 20, n°1, Mar., pp87-89
- b. "The Public Monopoly and the Seeds of Self-Destruction", In: Michael E. Manley-Casimir, dir., "Family Choice in Schooling", Lexington, MA: Lexington Books
- c. "Education Vouchers: Evolution or Revolution?", Economic Affairs, October
- 1983,
- a. Marx’s Hypotheses on the Length of the Working Day, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 91, n°2, April, pp266–281
- b. avec Michael McKee, De Gustibus Est Disputandum: The Phenomenon of ‘Merit Wants’ Revisited, American Economic Review, Vol 73, n°5, December, pp1110–1121
- c. "Nineteenth century education history: The Kiesling critique", The Economic History Review, 36, pp426-434
- 1985,
- a. "The Demise of ‘Free’ Education", Challenge, The magazine of Economic Affairs, January-February, pp31—32
- b. "The Real Cost of Tuition Tax Credits", Public Choice, Vol 46, n°1, pp61-70
- c. "Literacy and the Industrial Revolution", In: Joel Mokyr, dir., "The Economics of the Industrial Revolution", Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Allanheld, pp227-240
- 1986,
- a. "Education Reform: Administrative Objections Over-ruled", Economic Affairs, April-May
- b. "An Economic Rationale for Public Schools: The Search Continues", Teacher College Record, Vol 88, n°2, Winter
- c. "Canada's Competition Act in the Light of U.S. Experience: A Cautionary Tale", In: Walter Block, dir., "Reaction: The New Combines Investigation Act", Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute, pp187-201
- 1988,
- a. "Higher Education in Canada: an analysis", Fraser Institute, Vancouver: Canada
- b. avec Halldor P. Palsson, Parental Choice of School Characteristics: Estimation Using State-Wide Data, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 26, No. 4, October, pp725–740
- c. avec F. Martinello, "The Optimal Size of the Tuition Tax Credit", Public Finance Quarterly, n°16, pp425-38
- 1989,
- a. avec Robert W. Dimand, "Destutt de Tracy : A French Precursor of the Virginia School of Public Finance", History of Economics Society Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 2, pp210-215
- b. "Open Enrollment: A Vehicle for Market Competition in Schooling?", Cato Journal, Vol 9, n°1, Spring/Summer
- c. "The Education Monopoly Problem", Centre for Independent Studies, Occasional Paper n°26
- d. "Market failure, government failure, and the economics of higher education", In: Roger Meiners, Ryan C. Amacher, dir., "Federal Support of Higher Education: The Growing Challenge to Intellectual Freedom", New York: Professors World Peace Academy, pp239-262
De 1990 à 1994
- 1990,
- a. Adam Smith and Modern Economics: from market behaviour to public choice, Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar
- b. Public Education via Exclusive Territories, Public Finance Review, Vol. 18, N°4, October, pp371–394
- c. "Adam Smith's Revolution, Past and Present", In: Nicholas Elliott, dir., "Adam Smith's Legacy. His thought in our time", Londres: Adam Smith Institute, ISBN 1870109848, pp17-28
- d. "The Theory of Moral Sentiments", In: Nicholas Elliott, dir., "Adam Smith's Legacy. His thought in our time", Londres: Adam Smith Institute, ISBN 1870109848, pp49-70
- e. "Restoring Family Autonomy in Education", Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, October
- 1991,
- a. “Public Schools and Excess Burdens”, Economics of Education Review, 10(2), July
- b. Secular Cost Changes and the Size of Government: Towards a Generalized Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Vol 45, n°3, August, pp363–381
- c. "School Autonomy and Parental Choice", Education Monitor, Winter
- d. "The Rise of the State in Education", Policy: A Journal of Public Policy and Ideas, The Centre for Independent Studies, Autumn, Part One: The Intellectual Background
- e. "The Rise of the State in Education", Policy: A Journal of Public Policy and Ideas, The Centre for Independent Studies, Winter, Part Two: The Abolition of Parental Fees
- 1992, “The Benthamites as Educational Engineers”, History of Political Economy, Vol 24, n°3, Fall, pp595-621
- 1993,
- a. avec Caryn Duncan, Jonathan Kesselman et Stephen Easton, Ending the Squeeze on Universities, Institute for Research on Public Policy
- b. "Why Adam Smith Burned His Clothes", The Freeman, Octobre, Vol 43, n°10
- c. "The Opting Out Revolution", Economic Affairs, April
- 1994,
- a. avec Philip J. Grossman, Federalism and the Growth of Government Revisited, Public Choice, Vol. 79, No. 1/2, April, pp19–32
- b. "Education without the State", Economic Affairs, October
- repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp182-191
De 1995 à 1999
- 1995,
- a. Reforming the Universities: the coming upheaval in higher education in Nova Scotia and elsewhere, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
- b. "The Economics of Higher Education", In: John W. Sommer, dir., "The Academy In Crisis. The Political Economy of Higher Education", The Independent Institute, pp135-169
- c. Education with and without the State, World Bank, HCO Working Paper 61
- 1996,
- a. Adam Smith into the Twenty-First Century, The Shaftesbury Papers, 7, The Locke Institute (Cheltenham and Brookfield: Edward Elgar)
- b. "Classical Libertarian Compromises on State Education", The Freeman, October, Vol 46, n°10
- c. Adam Smith on the Cultural Effects of Specialization: Splenetics versus Economics, History of Political Economy, Vol. 28, No. 1, Spring, pp83–105
- d. Education Vouchers in Practice and Principle: a world survey, World Bank, HCO Working Paper 64
- e. "The spread of Education before compulsion: Britain and America in the nineteenth century", The Freeman, July, Vol 46, n°7, pp488-493
- Repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp34-45
- f. avec S. Ferris, "Cost Disease versus Leviathan Explanations of Government Growth", Public Choice, Vol 89, pp35-52
- 1997,
- a. "Education Vouchers in Principle and Practice: a Survey", The World Bank Research Observer, vol 12, n°1, February, pp83–103
- repris en 2003, In: James Tooley et James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp150-181
- b. "Adam Smith’s Support for Money and Banking Regulation: A Case of Inconsistency", Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol 29, February, pp127–134
- a. "Education Vouchers in Principle and Practice: a Survey", The World Bank Research Observer, vol 12, n°1, February, pp83–103
- 1998,
- a. "Supplying and Financing Education: Options and Trends under Growing Fiscal Restraints", In: Herbert Giersch, dir. "Merits and Limits of Markets", Springer
- b. "Una entrevista con Adam Smith", Laissez-Faire, n°8, mars, pp56-67
- Repris en 2023, "Una entrevista con Adam Smith", Laissez-Faire, n°60, octobre, pp18-29
- 1999, "Adam Smith and the wealth of nations", In: Richard M. Ebeling, Lissa Roche, dir., "The Age of Economists: From Adam Smith to Milton Friedman", Hillsdale, MI: Hillsdale College Press, pp7-20
De 2000 à 2004
- 2000,
- a. avec Zhiqi Chen, Selective versus Universal Vouchers: Modeling Median Voter Preferences in Education, American Economic Review, Vol 90, n°5, December, pp1520–1534
- b. "Public Education and Imperfect Democracy", In: Tibor Machan, dir., "Education in a Free Society", Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, pp27-56 [lire en ligne]
- repris en 2003, In: James Tooley, James Stanfield, dir., "Government Failure: E.G. West on Education", Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp122-138
- c. "Unilateral Free Trade Versus Reciprocity in The Wealth of Nations", Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol 22, n°1, pp29-42
- 2002,
- a. avec Stephen J. Ferris, "Education Vouchers, Dropouts and the Peer Group Problem", Southern Economic Journal, n°69
- b. "First Encounters with James Buchanan’s Scholarship: A Personal Reminiscence", In: Geoffrey Brennan, Hartmut Kliemt, Robert D. Tollison, dir. "Method and Morals in Constitutional Economics. Essays in Honor of James M. Buchanan", Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp555-558
- 2003,
- a. avec J. Stephen Ferris, Private versus Collectivized Charity: Further Explorations of the Crowding Out Debate, Public Choice, Vol 116, N°3/4, September, pp399–417
- b. "Property Rights in the History of Economic Thought: From Locke to J.S. Mill", In: Terry L. Anderson, Fred McChesney, dir., "Property Rights: Cooperation, Conflict and Law", Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp20–42
- c. Public Education: A Dickens of a mess!, In: James Tooley, James Stanfield, dir., Government Failure: E.G. West on Education, Profile Books, London et London: Institute of Economic Affairs, pp46-59