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Michael Bordo (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Michael Bordo, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1981 à 1989
- 1981,
- a. avec Anna Schwartz, "Money and Prices in the Eighteenth Century: Was Thomas Tooke right?", Explorations in Economic History, Vol 18, pp97-127
- b. "The Classical Gold Standard—Some Lessons for Today", Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Vol 63, n°5, May, pp2-17
- 1983, avec Anna Schwartz, "The Importance of Stable Money: Theory and Evidence", Cato Journal
- 1984, avec Anna Schwartz, dir., "A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931", Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- 1986, "Financial Crises, Banking Crises, Stock Market Crashes, and the Money Supply: Some International Evidence, 1870-1933", In: Forrest Capie, Geoffrey E. Wood, dir., "Financial Crises and the World Banking System"
- 1987,
- a. avec Angela Redish, "Why did the bank of Canada emerge in 1935?", Journal of Economic History, Vol 47, pp405–417
- b. avec Anna Schwartz, E. U. Choudhri, "The Behavior of Money Stock under Interest Rate Control: Evidence for Canada", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 19, n°3, May, pp181-197
- c. avec Anna Schwartz, "The importance of stable money: Theory and Evidence", In: James A. Dorn, Anna J. Schwartz, dir., "The Search for Stable Money: Essays on Monetary Reform", Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp53-72
- 1988,
- a. avec Anna Schwartz, "Transmission of Real and Monetary Disturbances under Fixed and Floating Rates", Cato Journal, Vol 8, n°2, Fall, pp451-472
- b. avec Angela Redish, "Was the establishment of a Canadian central bank in 1935 necessary?", In: C. England, T. F. Huertas, dir., "The Financial Services Revolution", Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp69–81
- 1989,
- a. dir., "Money, History, and International Finance: Essays in Honor of Anna J. Schwartz", University of Chicago Press
- b. "Introduction", In: Michael Bordo, dir., "Money, History, and International Finance: Essays in Honor of Anna J. Schwartz", University of Chicago Press, pp1-11
De 1990 à 1999
- 1991, avec Anna Schwartz, P. Rappoport, "Money versus credit rationing: Evidence for the national banking era, 1880-1914", n°w3689, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research
- 1993, avec Barry Eichengreen, "A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform", University of Chicago Press
- 1995, avec Anna Schwartz, "The Performance and Stability of Banking Systems under "Self-Regulation": Theory and Evidence", Cato Journal
- 1996, avec Angela Redish, Hugh Rockoff, "A comparison of the stability and efficiency of the Canadian and American banking systems, 1870–1925", Financial History Review, Vol 3, pp29–48
De 2000 à 2009
- 2002, avec Harold James, "The Adam Klug Memorial Lecture: Haberler versus Nurkse. The Case for Floating Exchange Rates as an Alternate to Bretton Woods", In: Arie Arnon, Warren L. Young, dir., "The Open Economy MacroModel: Past, Present, and Future", Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp161-182
- 2003,
- a. “Gold as a Commitment Mechanism: Past, Present and Future", In: Moonjong Tcha, dir., "Gold and the Modern World Economy", London Routledge Publishers, pp19-63
- b. “Monetary Standards”, In: 'Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History'
- c. avec Pierre Cyrille Hautcoeur, "Autour d’un vieux débat Keynesien; La stabilisation Monetaire en France et en Grande–Bretagne après la première guerre mondiale", Economies et Sociétés, Histoire Economique Quantitative AF, Vol 30, n°10, pp1697–1724
- 2005,
- a. dir., "The Gold Standard and Related Regimes: Collected Essays", Cambridge University Press
- b. avec Ronald MacDonald, "Interest Rate Interactions in the Classical Gold Standard; 1880 – 1914: Was There Monetary Independence?", Journal of Monetary Economics, March
- 2007,
- a. avec William Gavin, "Gold, Fiat Money and Price Stability", Berkeley Electronic Journal of Macroeconomics: Topics in Macroeconomics, June
- b. avec Pierre Cyrille Hautcoeur, "Why Didn’t France Follow the British Stabilization after World War I?", European Review of Economic History, Vol 11, n°1, April; pp3-37
- c. avec Harold James, Thomas Helbling, "Swiss Exchange Rate Policy in the 1930’s. Was the Delay in Devaluation too High a Price to Pay for Conservatism?", Open Economies Review, May
- d. avec Claudia Goldin, Eugene N. White, "The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and the American Economy in the Twentieth Century", University of Chicago Press
- 2009, avec Christopher Meissner, Marc Weidenmier, "Identifying the Effects of an Exchange Rate Depreciation on Country Risk: Evidence from a Natural Experiment", Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol 28, October, pp1022-1044
De 2010 à 2019
- 2012, avec Ronald MacDonald, "Credibility and the International Monetary Regime", Cambridge University Press
- 2013,
- a. avec Hugh Rockoff, "Not Just the Great Contraction: Friedman and Schwartz’s A Monetary History of the United States, 1867 to 1960", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May, pp61-65
- b. avec William Roberds, "The Origins, History, and Future of the Federal Reserve: A Return to Jekyll Island", Cambridge University Press
- c. avec Hugh Rockoff, "The Influence of Irving Fisher on Milton Friedman’s Monetary Economics", ournal of the History of Economic Thought, vol 35, n°2, June, pp153-177
- 2015,
- a. avec Angela Redish, "Putting the ‘System’ in the International Monetary System", In: David Fox, dir., "Money in the Western Legal Tradition", Oxford University Press
- b. avec [[Hugh Rockoff], Angela Redish, "Why Didn’t Canada Have a Banking Crisis in 2008 (or in 1930, or 1907, or …)?", The Economic History Review, Vol 68, n°1, February, pp218-243
- 2016, avec Guillaume Bazot, Eric Monnet, "International Shocks and the Balance Sheet of the Banque de France under the classical Gold Standard", Explorations in Economic History, October
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