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Bruce Yandle (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Bruce Yandle, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1974 à 1989
- 1974, avec Andy H. Barnett, "Henry George, Property Rights and Environmental Quality: Classical Answers to 'New' Problems", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol 33, n°4, Oct., pp393-400
- 1977, avec Hugh Macaulay, "Environmental Use and the Market", Lexington. Mass.: Lexington Books
- 1978, "The Emerging Market for Air Pollution Righta", Regulation, July/August, pp21-29
- 1980, "Fuel Economy by Government Mandate: A Cost-Benefit Analysis", Policy Analysis
- 1982, "A Property Rights Paradox: George and Rothbard on the Conservation of Environmental Resources", American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Apr.), pp183-195
- 1983,
- a. "Bootleggers and Baptists: The Education of a Regulatory Economist", Regulation, Vol 7, n°3, pp12-16 (Les bootleggers (trafiquants et vendeurs à la sauvette) soutenaient les lois de fermeture dominicale qui obligeaient la fermeture de tous les bars et magasins d’alcool locaux. Les baptistes défendaient les mêmes lois et faisaient vigoureusement pression en leur faveur.)
- b. avec M. T. Maloney, "Building markets for tradable pollution rights", In: Terry L. Anderson, dir., "Water rights: Scarce resource allocation, bureaucracy, and the environment", San Francisco: Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research, pp283-320
- 1984, avec M. T. Maloney, "Estimation of Cost of Air Pollution Control Regulation", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 11(3), pp244–263
- 1987,
- a. avec Robert J. Mackay, James C. Miller III, dir., "Public Choice and Regulation: A View from Inside the Federal Trade Commission", Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press
- b. "Chairman Choice and Output Effects: The FTC Experience, In: Robert J. Mackay, James C. Miller III, Bruce Yandle, dir., "Public Choice and Regulation: A View from Inside the Federal Trade Commission", Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, pp283-294
- c. "The Political Limits of Environmental Quality Regulation", Westport, Conn.: Quorum
- 1989,
- a. avec Roger Meiners, dir., "Regulation and the Reagan Years: Politics, Bureaucracy and the Public Interest", New York: Holmes and Meier for The Independent Institute
- b. avec Roger Meiners, "Regulatory Lessons from the Reagan Era: Introduction", In: Roger Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "Regulation and the Reagan Years: Politics, Bureaucracy and the Public Interest", New York: Holmes and Meier for The Independent Institute, pp3-15
De 1990 à 1999
- 1991,
- a. "A Primer on Marketable Permits", Journal of Regulation and Social Costs, Vol 1, pp25–41
- b. avec Roger E. Meiners, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books
- c. avec Roger E. Meiners, "Addressing the “Liability Crisis”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp1-10
- d. avec Robert J. Staaf, "Common Law, Statute Law, and Liability Rules”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp11-28
- e. avec Robert J. Staaf, "An Incentive to Avoid or Create Risks: Market Share Liability”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp81-100
- f. "Rules of Liability and the Demise of Superfund”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp143-158
- g. avec Gordon Shuford, "Consumer Protection, Government Liability, and the Flammability Rule”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp159-190
- h. avec Roger E. Meiners, "Deposit Insurance, Liability, and the S&L Mess”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp191-210
- 1992, "Escaping Environmental Feudalism", Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol 15, pp601-623
- 1993,
- a. avec Roger E. Meiners, dir., "Taking the Environment Seriously", New York: Rowman & Littlefield
- b. avec Roger E. Meiners, "Preface. Taking the Environment Seriously: What do we mean?", In: Roger Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "Taking the Environment Seriously", New York: Rowman & Littlefield, ppvii-Xiv
- c. avec Roger E. Meiners, "Clean Water Legislation: Reauthorize or Repeal?", In: Roger Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "Taking the Environment Seriously", New York: Rowman & Littlefield, pp73-102
- d. "Community Markets to Control Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution", In: Roger Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "Taking the Environment Seriously", New York: Rowman & Littlefield, pp185-208
- e. "Sir Edward Coke and the struggle for a new constituional order", Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 4, n°2, pp263-s
- 1994, avec Roger E. Meiners, "Reforming the Clean Water Act", Washington, DC: Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation
- 1995,
- a. dir., "Land Rights: The 1990s’ Property Rights Rebellion", Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield
- b. "Human Health and Costly Risk Reduction. Federal regulations waste resources, reduce incomes, and endanger health.", The Freeman, March, Vol 45, n°3, pp174-176
- 1996, avec Brett Dalton et David Riggs, "The Political Production of Superfund: Some Financial Market Results", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol 22, n°1, p75
- 1997,
- a. avec David Riggs, "Environmental Quality, Biological Envelopes, and River Basin Markets for Water Quality", In: Terry L. Anderson, Peter J. Hill, dir., "Water Marketing—The Next Generation", Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp147–166
- b. "Common Sense and Common Law for the Environment: Creating Wealth in Hummingbird Economies", Rowman and Littlefield
- c. avec Karol Ceplo, "Western States and Environmental Federalism: An Examination of Institutional Viability", In: Terry L. Anderson, Peter J. Hill, dir., "Environmental Federalism", Denver: Rowman and Littlefield, pp225-258
- 1998,
- a. "Kyoto, Bootleggers and Baptists", PERC Policy Series, Political Economy Research Center, novembre
- b. "Coase, Pigou, and Environmental Rights", In: Peter Hill, Roger Meiners, dir., "Who Owns the Environment?", Lanhan, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, pp120–152
- c. Bootleggers, Baptists, and Global Warming, PERC Policy Series, PS-14, Bozeman, MT: PERC, novembre
- d. Antitrust and the Commons: Cooperation or Collusion?, The Independent Review, Vol 3, n°1, Summer
- e. Common Sense and Common Law for the Environment, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
- 1999,
- a. "After Kyoto: A Global Scramble for Advantage", The Independent Review, Summer, Vol 4, n°1, summer, pp19–40
- Repris en 2005, In: Carl P. Close et Robert Higgs, dir., Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy, Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute, Ch 5
- b. "The Commons: Tragedy or Triumph?", The Freeman, avril, pp30–34
- c. "Bootleggers and Baptists in Retrospect", Regulation, Vol 22, n°3, pp5–7
- d. "Bootleggers, Baptists, and Global Warming", Bozeman, Mont.: Property and Environment Research Center
- a. "After Kyoto: A Global Scramble for Advantage", The Independent Review, Summer, Vol 4, n°1, summer, pp19–40
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- a. "Public Choice and the Environment: From the Frying Pan to the Fire", In: Terry L. Anderson, dir., "Political Environmentalism", Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, pp31–59
- b. "Superfund and Risky Risk Reduction", In: Roger Meiners, Richard Stroup, dir., "Cutting Green Tape: Toxic Pollutants, Environmental Regulation, and the Law", New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, pp27-58
- 2001, "Public Choice and the Environment", In: William F. Shughart II et Laura Razzolini, Dir., "The Elgar Companion to Public Choice. Cheltenham", Ch 27, UK: Edward Elgar, pp590-610
- 2002,
- a. avec Stuart Buck, Bootleggers, Baptists, and the Global Warming Battle, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 26, pp177–229
- b. avec Andrew P. Morriss et Lea-Rachel Kosnik, Regulating Air Quality Through Litigation, Bozeman, Mont.: PERC
- 2003,
- a. avec Sean Blacklocke, Regulating Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Internalization or Cartelization?, In: Roger E. Meiners et Bruce Yandle, dir., Agricultural Policy and the Environment, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield
- b. "Property rights or externalities?", In: Terry L. Anderson, Fred McChesney, dir., "Property Rights in the Firm", Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp259-281
- 2004, avec Andrew P. Morriss, Regulation by Litigation: Diesel Engine Emission Control, Winter, The Independent Review, Vol VIII, n°3, Winter, pp401–418
- Repris en 2005, In: Carl P. Close et Robert Higgs, dir., Re-Thinking Green: Alternatives to Environmental Bureaucracy, Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute, Ch 17
- 2007, avec Joseph A. Rotondi, Andrew P. Morriss et Andrew Dorchak, "Bootleggers, Baptists, and Televangelists: Regulating Tobacco by Litigation', University of Illinois Law Review, 82, pp1225–1284
- 2008, avec Jody Lipford, Louisiana’s Performance in the New Knowledge Economy, Local Knowledge, Summer, n°1
- 2009,
- a. "Bootleggers, Baptists, and Bailed-Out Bankers", The Freeman, Mars, Vol 59, n°2
- b. "The Myth of Unregulated Tobacco", The Freeman, Septembre, Vol 59, n°7
- c. America’s New Fuel Economy Cartel: Trading Freedom for Barrels of Oil, Working Papers, Mercatus, 23 juin
- d. "Cash for Clunkers Was a Loser", The Freeman, Décembre, Vol 59, n°10
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- a. "We Want to be Regulated", The Freeman, January/February, Vol 60, n°1, pp37-38
- b. "Obama and the Bankers: "Doin' What Comes Natur'lly"", The Freeman, May, Vol 60, n°4, pp38-40
- c. “Producing Jobs: Thoughts on Obama’s Plan for Small Businesses”, The Freeman, June, Vol 60, n°5, pp23-24
- c. "Lost trust: The real cause of the financial meltdown", The Independent Review, 14(3), pp341–361
- 2011, Commentaire du livre de Derek Bok, "The Politics of Happiness: What Government Can Learn from New Research on Well-Being", The Freeman, June, Vol 61, n°5
- 2013,
- a. commentaire du livre d'Allan Meltzer, "Why capitalism", The Freeman, janvier-février, vol 63, n°1, pp35-36
- b. "The Tilting Point: “Robbing Peter to Pay Paul”", The Freeman, March, Vol 63, n°2, pp23-24
- c. "Looking for Waldo. Can you find the disappearing labor force?", The Freeman, October, vol 63, n°8, pp10-12
Depuis 2020
- 2022, "George J. Stigler’s theory of economic regulation, bootleggers, baptists and the rebirth of the public interest imperative", Public Choice, Vol 193, n°1-2, pp23-34
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