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Anthony de Jasay
Anthony de Jasay | |||||
Économiste | |||||
Dates | 1925 - 2019 | ||||
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Tendance | Libéral classique | ||||
Nationalité | ![]() ![]() | ||||
Articles internes | Autres articles sur Anthony de Jasay | ||||
Citation | |||||
Interwikis sur Anthony de Jasay | |||||
Anthony de Jasay, né à Aba (Hongrie) le 15 octobre 1925 et mort le 23 janvier 2019, est un économiste anglo-hongrois ayant vécu en France. C'est un représentant contemporain de l'école autrichienne et de l'École du Public Choice.
Biographie d'Anthony de Jasay
Né en Hongrie dans une famille de la noblesse terrienne, il étudie à Budapest et devient journaliste indépendant à l'issue de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La montée en puissance du totalitarisme communiste en Hongrie à partir de 1946 le force à fuir le pays en 1948 pour rejoindre le monde libre. Il vit en Autriche puis rejoint l'Australie en 1950. Il y étudie l'économie avec des cours du soir tout en travaillant en journée. Il rejoint Oxford en 1955, où il devient research fellow au Nuffield College. Ses années universitaires sont marquées par des publications dans des revues de premier plan, mais, devant la doxa très interventionniste de l'intelligentsia universitaire britannique, il choisit de couper court à une carrière universitaire aux perspectives limitées par l'idéologie[1].
En 1962, il rejoint la France et mène une carrière brillante dans la finance et la banque d'investissement. Il prend une retraite précoce en 1979 pour se concentrer à ses écrits philosophiques et économiques, dont The State (L’État), son ouvrage le plus connu, publié en 1985. L'ouvrage rencontre un succès immédiat, et James M. Buchanan, futur Prix Nobel d'économie, est l'un des premiers à le faire connaître largement[1].
Il vit jusqu'à sa mort, en 2019, sur la côte normande à Paluel (Seine-Maritime).
Sa Pensée
Bien que de formation initiale en économie, ses écrits s'intéressent également à la philosophie politique. En s'appuyant sur ces deux axes il est un des plus grands philosophes libéraux.
Le thème essentiel de son livre L'État, The State porte sur la manière dont l'État et la société interagissent. Il questionne la nature intrinsèque du pouvoir politique et les différentes visions instrumentales de l'État. Il évoque notamment l'obéissance politique provoquée par l'État à travers le recours à la vieille trinité de la répression, de la légitimité et du consentement d'une infime fraction de la société, laquelle finit par réprimer le reste de la société. Profondément conscient du risque toujours présent que la démocratie constitutionnelle devienne illimitée, il attaqua avec constance et ardeur le contractualisme et tout fondement tendant à accorder une légitimité démocratique à l'Etat.
Notes et références
- ↑ 1,0 et 1,1 Anthony de Jasay: A Remembrance, Econlib
De 1985 à 1989
- 1987,
- a. The Ethics and Mechanics of Social Democracy or Having it Both Ways, Economic Affairs 7, Institute of Economic Affairs, pp34-37
- b. Pour une Tyrannie Paresseuse, Commentaire, 10, pp317-325
- c. "The Quality of Life in Capitalist and Socialist Economies", Paper for the PWPA Colloquium on "The Common Heritage and Future of Europe" in Dubrovnik, 1er au 5 octobre
- 1989,
- a. Social Contract, Free Ride: A Study of the Public Goods Problem, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- Nouvelle édition en 2008, Liberty Fund, Indianapolis
- b. "Is Limited Government Possible?", Critical Review, Volume 3, Number 2,
- Repris en 1989, In: Gerard Radnitzky et Hardy Bouillon, Dir., Government: Servant or Master?, Editions Rodopi,
- Repris en 1997, "Is Limited Government Possible?", In: Anthony de Jasay, dir., "Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order", Routledge, London, pp38-63
- c. "Public Goods: an Appetite that Feeds Itself", Economic Affairs, August-September
- a. Social Contract, Free Ride: A Study of the Public Goods Problem, Oxford: Clarendon Press
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. "A Stocktaking of Perversities", Critical Review, Vol 4, n°4
- Repris In: Justice and its Surroundings
- b. "Market Socialism: A Scrutiny — ‘This Square Circle’", Occasional Paper, n°84, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- a. "A Stocktaking of Perversities", Critical Review, Vol 4, n°4
- 1991,
- a. Choice, Contract, Consent: A Restatement of Liberalism, Institute of Economic Affairs, London
- b. The Twistable is not Testable: Reflexions on the Political Thought of Karl Popper, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, vol 2, n°4, décembre
- Repris en 1997, "The Twistable is not Testable: Reflexions on the Political Thought of Karl Popper", In: Anthony de Jasay, dir., "Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order", Routledge, London, pp64-105
- c. Public Goods: Contribution and Benefit, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol IX
- d. After socialism, what ?, National Review, May 27, pp25-29
- 1992,
- a. "Rational Choice in Conflict", In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Universal Economics: Assessing the Achievements of the Economic Approach, Paragon House Publishers, pp327-338
- b. "Indivisibility, Probability and Game Theory", Humane Studies Review, Vol 7, n°1
- 1993,
- a. Taxpayers, Suckers, and Free Riders, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol 5, n°1
- Repris In: Justice and its Surroundings
- b. Ownership, Agency, Socialism, In: Gerard Radnitzky et Hardy Bouillon, dir., Government: Servant or Master?, Amsterddam, Editions Rodopi
- Repris In: Justice and its Surroundings
- c. Is Limited Government Possible?, In: Gerard Radnitzky et Hardy Bouillon, dir., Government: Servant or Master?, Editions Rodopi,
- a. Taxpayers, Suckers, and Free Riders, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol 5, n°1
- 1994,
- a. L'État - La Logique du Pouvoir Politique,
- b. Comment on Brian Barry, 'Justice, Freedom and Basic Income':Slicing the Cake Nobody Baked, In: Horst Siebert, dir., The Ethical Foundations of the Market Economy, J.C.B. Mohr
- Repris comme "Slicing the Cake Nobody Baked", In: Justice and its Surroundings
- c. Public Goods Theory, In: The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics, Peter J. Boettke, dir., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp276-284
- d. The Glass is Half-full, Constitutional Political Economy, vol. 5, no.3
- Repris en 1997, In: Against Politics
- e. The Cart before the Horse. On Emergent and Constructed Orders, and their Wherewithal, In: Christoph Frei et Robert Nef, dir., Contending with Hayek. On Liberalism, Spontaneous Order and the Post-Communist Societies in Transition, Bern: Peter Lang, pp29-44
- f. The Rule Of Forces, The Force Of Rules, Cato Journal, Vol 14, n°1
- Repris en 1997, In: Against Politics
- 1995,
- a. Right, Wrong and Economics, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 6, n°4, décembre
- b. "Disjunction, Conjunction", In: Nirls Karlson, dir., Can the Present Problems of Mature Welfare States such as Sweden be Solved?, Stockholm: City University Press
- Repris en 2002, Justice and its Surroundings,
- c. "Liberties, Rights, and the Standing of Groups", In: Pal Foss, dir., Economic Approaches to Organizations ans Institutions, Aldershot
- Repris en 2002, Justice and its Surroundings,
- d. Conventions: Some Thoughts on the Economics of Ordered Anarchy, Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Dir., Lectiones Jenenses, Volume 3,
- Repris en 1997, In: Against Politics
- Repris en 2006, In: Edward P. Stringham, Dir., Anarchy and the Law. The Political Economy of Choice, Ch 20, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar
- e. "Values and the Social Order", In: Gerard Radnitzky et Hardy Bouillon, dir., Values and the Social Order vol. 1, Ashgate
- Repris en 2002, Justice and its Surroundings,
- f. "On Redistribution", Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 2,
- Repris en 2002, Justice and its Surroundings,
- g. "Frogs' Legs, Shared Ends and the Rationality of Politics", Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol 11, n°2, Summer [reprinted in Against Politics]
- h. "Right, Wrong, and Economics", Journal des Economists et des Etudes Humaines, Vol. 6, No. 4, décembre conférence délivré au Liberty Fund Colloquium sur le travail de George Stigler de Chicago en May 1995
- Repris en 2002, Justice and its Surroundings
- i. "The Bitter Medicine of Freedom", In: Roger Michener, dir., The Balance of Freedom, Paragon House
- 1996,
- a. "Before Resorting to Politics ", The Shaftesbury Papers, Vol 5, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing
- b. "Hayek: Some Missing Pieces", Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 9, n°1
- Repris en 1997, "Hayek: Some Missing Pieces", In: Anthony de Jasay, dir., "Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order", Routledge, London
- c. "Self-contradictory Contractarianism", In: J.T. Sanders et Jan Narveson, dir., For and Against the State, Rowman & Littlefield
- Repris en 1997, "Self-contradictory Contractarianism", In: Anthony de Jasay, dir., "Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order", Routledge, London, pp11-36
- d. avec Hartmut Kliemt, The Paretian Liberal, his Liberties and his Contracts, Analyse & Kritik, n°1
- repris, In: "Justice and its Surroundings"
- e. "Justice As Something Else", Cato Journal, Vol 16, n°2, Fall
- Repris In: Justice and its Surroundings
- 1997,
- a. "Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order", Routledge, London
- b. Who Gave Us Order? On Exclusion, Enforcement, and Its Wherewithal, In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Values and the Social Order, vol. 3, Ashgate
- Repris en 2002, In: Justice and its Surroundings
- 1998,
- a. The Bitter Medicine of Freedom, In: Libertarians and Liberalism, Essays in Honour of Gerard Radnitzky, Hardy Bouillon, dir., Suffolk, Gran Bretaña: Ipswich Book Company, pp148-169
- b. Justice, In: The New Palgrave Dictionary on Economics and the Law, Vol. 2, pp400-409
- Repris en 2002, In: Justice and its Surroundings
- c. Prisoners’ Dilemma and the Theory of the State, In: The New Palgrave Dictionary on Economics and the Law, Vol. 3, pp95-103
- Repris en 2002, In: Justice and its Surroundings
- d. Is National Rational ?, The Independent Review, Vol 3, n°1, Summer
- Repris en 2002, In: Justice and its Surroundings
- e. "Public goods theory", In: Peter Boettke, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics", Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham (Regno Unito), pp276-284
- 1999,
- a. Taking Criticism in the Grand Manner", Contribution to James M. Buchanan online Festschrift
- b. "Gerechtigkeit", Analyse & Kritik, n°2
- c. "On Treating Like Cases Alike (Review Essay)", The Independent Review, Vol 4, n°1, Summer
- Repris en 2002, In: "Justice and its Surroundings", Liberty Fund, Indianapolis
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001,
- a. "The concept of rule–bound collective choice and the idea of constitutional safeguards", In: Hardy Bouillon, dir., "Do Ideas Matter? Essays in Honour of Gerard Radnitzky", Brussels: The Centre for the New Europe, pp55-80
- b."Freedoms, Rights and Rights", Il Politico, Vol 66, p3
- c. "Violence: The Disease and the Vaccine", Economic Affairs, Institute of Economic Affairs, Volume 21, no. 1, pp35-36
- 2002,
- a. "Justice and its Surroundings", Liberty Fund, Indianapolis
- b. "Contribuenti, “gonzi” e free-riders" ("Contributeurs, "gonzi" et free-riders"), In: Alberto Mingardi, Enrico Colombatto, dir., "Il coraggio della libertà, saggi in onore di Sergio Ricossa", Soveria, Rubbettino, pp205-216
- c. "Between Colbert and Adam Smith", Cato Journal, Vol 21, n°3, Winter
- d "How Not to Combat Corporate Corruption", Ideas on Liberty, octobre
- e. "Thirty-five Hours", The Library of Economics and Liberty, July 15
"Efficiency, Opportunism and Pious Lies", Etica & Politica, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2003
"Permission, Prohibition, Presumption: Three Ps in Political Philosophy", The Salisbury Review, Vol.22 No.2, Winter 2003
"The Sins of the Fathers and the Sins of the Sons: Economic Consequences of a United States of Europe", The Library of Economics and Liberty, March 3, 2003
"Turkey Knocking on Europe's Door", The Library of Economics and Liberty, April 7, 2003
"What Price Pride? On the Hidden Costs of Economic Illiteracy", The Library of Economics and Liberty, April 7, 2003
"Float or Sink? The Millstone of the "Social Market" in Germany", The Library of Economics and Liberty, May 15, 2003
"Capitalism and Virtue: Politicians Do Not Understand the Economy, But Do Managers?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, June 2, 2003
"Property and its Enemies, Part I:"Design Faults" in Locke's Theory of Property Taint Ownership with Guilt", The Library of Economics and Liberty, August 4, 2003
"Property and its Enemies, Part II: Is Ownership a Myth?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, August 4, 2003
"Property and its Enemies, Part III: How to Get a Free Lunch? Just Apply for It.", The Library of Economics and Liberty, September 1, 2003
"Free-Riding on the Euro", The Library of Economics and Liberty, September 17, 2003
"Shall We Borrow from the Children?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, November 3, 2003
"Liberalism, Loose or Strict", Centre for the New Europe, décembre 2003
"A Tadpole Constitution, Part I: How Confederacy Could Turn into a Federal Superstate", The Library of Economics and Liberty, December 3, 2003
"A Tadpole Constitution, Part II: Majority Rule by Any Other Name", The Library of Economics and Liberty, January 7, 2004
"The Things Labour Unions Are Up To (Promoting general prosperity is not one of them)", The Library of Economics and Liberty, February 12, 2004
"Some Democratic Economics. If We Pay the Piper, Whose Tune Will He Play?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, March 01, 2004
"Third Time Lucky in Russia. Can Putin Build a Real Economy from Oil and Rigour?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, April 05, 2004
"Economic Theories of Social Justice. Risk, Value, and Externality", The Library of Economics and Liberty, May 03, 2004
"Economic Theories and Social Justice Part II. Who Minds the Gap?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, June 07, 2004
""Bread and Circuses" in the Modern Welfare State: Is the Worm Finally Turning?", The Library of Economics and Liberty, August 2, 2004
"Anthony de Jasay, Werner Guth, Hartmut Kliemt and Axel Ockenfels - Take or Leave? Distributional Conflict in an Ongoing Game.", Kyklos (Forthcoming 2004)
- 2005,
- a. "Liberalism, Loose or Strict", The Independent Review, Vol 9, n°3, winter, pp427-432
- b. "Freedom from a Mainly Logical Perspective", Philosophy, Vol 80, n°314, October, pp565–584
- 2006, "Belt and Braces in the Labor Market", The Freeman, Vol 56, n°5, June, pp8-9
- 2007,
- a. The Struggle to Subdue Luck, The Freeman, April, Vol 57, n°3
- b. "Social Justice Examined (With a Little Help from Adam Smith)", In: Peter Gonda, Pavel Chalupnicek, dir., "In Defense of the Free Market", Bratislava: Conservative Institute (Conférence à Prague, le 23 juin 2005)
- 2008,
- a. "LIBERTY, PRESUMPTION OF", In: Ronald Hamowy, dir., "The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism", Cato Institute - Sage Publications, pp299-300
- b. "On the Monopoly of Rule Enforcement", Journal of Private Enterprise, 23 (2), pp135-148
- c. "Down and Up. Reflections on European History 2008 - 2068", In: Kurt R. Leube, Prince Michael de Liechtenstein, dir., "Twentysixtyeight: 2068", Liechtenstein: Industrie Und Finanzkontor
- 2010,
- a. "Political economy, concisely", Liberty Fund, Indianapolis
- b. "Political philosophy, clearly: Essays on Freedom and Fairness, Property and Equalities", Liberty Fund, Indianapolis.
"Emperical Evidence" [reprinted in Justice and its Surroundings]
Articles de journaux
- "The Vicious Circle of Social Kindness", Financial Times, April 29, 1994
- "Freedom to Strike, Or Right to Strike?", Wall Street Journal Europe, November 5, 1997
- "How to stifle employment by social protection", Wall Street Journal Europe, March 21, 1998
- "'Hostile' Takeovers: Mannesmann's Courtesy Could Prove Rare", Wall Street Journal Europe, 10 février 2000
- "The Hobbling of Private France", Wall Street Journal Europe, April 4, 2000
- "Europe's Social-Democratic 'Government'", Wall Street Journal Europe, April, 5 décembre, 2000
Littérature secondaire
- 1994, Andreas K. Winterberger, 'Gesellschaftsvertrag, Trittbrettfahrertum'. Anthony de Jasays brillante Einsichten in das dornige Problem öffentlicher Güter" , Reflexion, n°32, April
- 1996, Enrique Garcia Viñuela, Una nota sobre la Teoría del Estado de Anthony de Jasay (A Note on Anthony de Jasay’s Theory of the State), Hacienda Pública Española, vol 136
- 1998, Charles Richardson, commentaire du livre d'Anthony de Jasay, Against Politics, Policy, Winter, Vol 14, n°2
- 1999,
- Gerard Radnitzky, commentaire du livre d'Anthony de Jasay, 'Against Politics: On Government, Anarchy, and Order', Cato Journal, Vol 19, n°2, Fall
- Andreas K. Winterberger, "Anthony de Jasays Plädoyer gegen die Politik und für die geordnete Anarchie", Schweizer Monatshefte, n°41, April
- 2004, Gerard Radnitzky, "Anthony de Jasay. A Life in the Service of Liberty", The Independent Review, 9 (1), pp99–103
- 2007, Hardy Bouillon et Hartmut Kliemt, dir., Ordered Anarchy: Jasay and his surroundings, Aldershot, England and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate
- 2009, Aschwin de Wolf, commentaire du livre de Hardy Bouillon et Hartmut Kliemt, dir., Ordered Anarchy: Jasay and his surroundings, Aldershot, England and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, Libertarian Papers, Vol 1, n°13
- 2012, Doug Bandow, commentaire du livre d' Anthony de Jasay, "Political Philosophy, Clearly: Essays on Freedom and Fairness, Property and Equalities", The Freeman, avril, vol 62, n°3, pp45-46
Liens externes
- (fr)Anthony de Jasay et son univers, résumé de la vie et de l'oeuvre d'Anthony de Jasay par Hartmut Kliemt pour le Journal des libertés
- (en)Anthony de Jasay: A Remembrance, éloge funèbre de Michael Munger et résumé de la pensée de Jasay
- (fr)Textes sur Catallaxia
- (fr)Antony de Jasay, L’Etat. Introduction
- (en)dejasay.org
- (en)"Your Dog Owns your House", The Library of Economics and Liberty, texte d'Anthony de Jasay publié le 22 avril 2002
[audio]The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Anthony de Jasay, Interview d'Anthony de Jasay par Hartmut Kliemt, en 2000, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, partie de "The Intellectual Portrait Series: Conversations with Leading Classical Liberal Figures of Our Time"
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